Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Reading the actual article, these firings are over the past four months, so the headline is a bit misleading:
  • Police board fires seven officers
And the cases stretch back to 2004 (the SOS one).

Conspiracy theory time! So if the media (Frank Main) waits four more months to publish the next set of firings, that puts us squarely in the midst of G-8/NATO conferences and an expiring contract less than a month away.

Hey, it could happen.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of those being fired is Bill Whelehan. He was fired after a very flawed investigation and a kangaroo court by the new police board. There is a benefit for him 26 Jan 6-10 pm at John Barleycorn on Clark street in Wrigleyville. Tickets are $30.00 and raffle tickets are $10.00. Please show up and show your support.

1/24/2012 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That officer should get a CAPS award for all the citizens she made happy by failing to process their tickets over those four years.

1/24/2012 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot of the firings are connected to having a weapon while drinking off-duty.

Remember guys now they have you blow for any off-duty use your weapon.

If I'm off-duty, I'm off-duty. I will not get involved in any police action while off-duty. Especially while indulging in alcohol. Stay safe.

1/24/2012 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go to the police board website you will see a link to all the cases decided and you will see that the bopard has been more than fair in their decisions. These 7 were all fired but others were not and it explains the reasoning.

1/24/2012 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as i hate the media, I hate these morons more for masquerading as police officers.

Being drunk, stupid and lazy are all pretty good reasons to be fired.

On the bright side I don't think you can top these cases. So anybody going in front of the board with anything less has to stand a better chance.

1/24/2012 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised. That one of the pos fired for pointing his gun at a citizen, refusing to drop his gun. When order to do and using racial slurs is from 3.

1/24/2012 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of those persons is lucky he's not dead because he refused to drop his weapon when responding officers were screaming at him to drop it, but luckly an officer tackled him before someone else lit him up.

1/24/2012 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lot of the firings are connected to having a weapon while drinking off-duty.

Remember guys now they have you blow for any off-duty use your weapon.

If I'm off-duty, I'm off-duty. I will not get involved in any police action while off-duty. Especially while indulging in alcohol. Stay safe.

1/24/2012 12:17:00 AM

I don't drink, much safer than getting drunk and trying to maintain discipline about not carrying a gun and DUI.

1/24/2012 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
One of those being fired is Bill Whelehan. He was fired after a very flawed investigation and a kangaroo court by the new police board. There is a benefit for him 26 Jan 6-10 pm at John Barleycorn on Clark street in Wrigleyville. Tickets are $30.00 and raffle tickets are $10.00. Please show up and show your support.

1/24/2012 12:07:00 AM

Is this guy related to the retired inspector or ET M.W.?

1/24/2012 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of those being fired is Bill Whelehan. He was fired after a very flawed investigation and a kangaroo court by the new police board. There is a benefit for him 26 Jan 6-10 pm at John Barleycorn on Clark street in Wrigleyville. Tickets are $30.00 and raffle tickets are $10.00. Please show up and show your support.

Read these cases on the police board site. HE was on video! Don't give this guy your money.

1/24/2012 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Star and Bar said...

Anonymous said...
One of those being fired is Bill Whelehan. He was fired after a very flawed investigation and a kangaroo court by the new police board. There is a benefit for him 26 Jan 6-10 pm at John Barleycorn on Clark street in Wrigleyville. Tickets are $30.00 and raffle tickets are $10.00. Please show up and show your support.

1/24/2012 12:07:00 AM

Ummm. NO, no thank you.

You go ahead and sell your little tickets for your buddy - I'll keep my cash in my pocket until something or someone a little bit more deserving of charity has an event.

Maybe if you make some money on your pity party for young Bill you can send him to an anger management class and a job fair.

1/24/2012 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Conspiracy theory time!"

No, the Scum Times said it will no longer endorse political candidates and that it will present fair & unbiased reporting on these matters in order to appeal to a wider base (read: "We're going down the tubes! We need as many people to buy the paper as possible!").

I'm sure this stance will trickle down to the rest of the paper and their reportage.

(sarcasm: off)

1/24/2012 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lot of the firings are connected to having a weapon while drinking off-duty."

That's why I do all my drinking on duty!!!

1/24/2012 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Being drunk, stupid and lazy are all pretty good reasons to be fired."

“Fat, drunk & stupid is no way to go through life son!”

- Dean Vernon Wormer

1/24/2012 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That one of the pos fired for pointing his gun at a citizen, refusing to drop his gun."

Refusing to drop his gun?

Fired? Why is he still alive?

1/24/2012 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1207 PM - NEVER put the location (ESPECIALLY when it's a drinking establishment) of a police gathering - especially under the circumstances surrounding it - on a public forum. Have people interested in purchasing tickets contact you directly AT YOUR UNIT OF ASSIGNMENT, preferably via Pax. If you don't understand the logic behind this, ask anyone without gel in their hair for an explanation.

1217 PM - Remember your words when it's your family getting victimized. So you "won't get involved" when you're off duty, huh? A few drinks in you or not, if you can justify your actions you should land on your feet. That is of course, unless you decided to shoot out street lights while drunk like a certain Super. I will protect what's mine under any circumstances and worry about any consequences to my actions secondary. Second guessing while being victimized spells disaster.

These were two more examples of just how far this job has fallen into the crapper.

1/24/2012 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my 30 year career I've never seen anyone fired for doing absolutely nothing. What's that tell you.

1/24/2012 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember too that if you blow for administrative reasons ... the Ill App Court said they can use that in a criminal trial ... I think we all probably know this by now

1/24/2012 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Gerry C.(Dirty Gerry)still on the job??Only the stupid AND unclouted get fired.

1/24/2012 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would caution anyone from believing that what the police board puts on paper is the truth. Citizens lie. It's a fact.

1/24/2012 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Bill Whelehan the son or related to the retired LT, Inspector, with the same name? He was also a lt in 10 back in the day.

1/24/2012 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised. That one of the pos fired for pointing his gun at a citizen, refusing to drop his gun. When order to do and using racial slurs is from 3.

1/24/2012 01:21:00 AM

The funny thing is that this officer's incident was six years ago. In the meantime, he went to law school and received tuition reimbursement by the Department.

Looks like he made out pretty good.

1/24/2012 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised. That one of the pos fired for pointing his gun at a citizen, refusing to drop his gun. When order to do and using racial slurs is from 01:21:00 AM

You need to focus on learning to write and proper punctuation.

1/24/2012 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading the people mentioned in the article...

They all deserved the firings.

Regarding Bill: You pull your weapon when on or off duty you need cause. If you can't prove cause during the investigation, you will get screwed.

1/24/2012 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Current Board Case Load:

Case Number: Description of Alleged Misconduct--Hearing Date

No. 11 PB 2736: Positive drug test--TBD

No. 11 PB 2745: False stmts & failure to cooperate w/invest.--Feb 6*

No. 11 PB 2751: DUI off duty & caused fatal crash--TBD

No. 11 PB 2754: Neglect of duty and false reports--Feb 14 & 15

No. 11 PB 2755: Shoplifting (off duty)--TUA

No. 11 PB 2756: Positive drug test--March 7* & 8*

No. 11 PB 2760: Failed to report theft & made false statements--Jan 30

No. 11 PB 2761: Improperly detained person & seized weapons--Jan 24 & 25

No. 11 PB 2762: Improperly detained person & seized weapons--Jan 24 & 25

No. 11 PB 2763: DUI off duty--TUA

No. 11 PB 2764: DUI off duty & involved in fatal crash--Jan 27*

No. 11 PB 2765: Cannabis & unregistered weapons in residence--Feb 9 & 28

No. 11 PB 2766: Secondary employment while on medical roll--March 21 & 22

No. 11 PB 2767: Issued false parking tickets--March 23 & 26

No. 11 PB 2768: Issued false parking tickets--March 23 & 26

No. 11 PB 2769: Issued false parking tickets--March 23 & 26

No. 11 PB 2770: Issued false parking tickets--TBD

No. 11 PB 2771: Secondary employment while on limited duty--Jan 26 & 31

No. 11 PB 2772: Positive drug test--TBD

No. 11 PB 2773: Positive drug test--TBD

No. 11 PB 2774: Excessive force (Supt recommends 45-day susp)--TBD

No. 11 PB 2775: Domestic altercation--April 3 & 4

No. 11 PB 2776: Excessive force--Feb 23 & 24

No. 11 PB 2777: Issued improper parking tickets--TBD

No. 11 PB 2778: Excessive force--April 16-18

No. 11 PB 2779: Excessive force--April 16-18

No. 11 PB 2780: Excessive force--April 16-18

No. 11 PB 2781: Discharged weapon w/o justification--TBD

No. 11 PB 2782: Failed to report misconduct--TBD

No. 11 PB 2783: Unnecessary physical contact--TBD

1/24/2012 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of those being fired is Bill Whelehan. He was fired after a very flawed investigation and a kangaroo court by the new police board. There is a benefit for him 26 Jan 6-10 pm at John Barleycorn on Clark street in Wrigleyville. Tickets are $30.00 and raffle tickets are $10.00. Please show up and show your support.
What was he fired for? If its anything alcohol related, there shouldn't be a benefit.

1/24/2012 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh the good old police board. There's a Spanish cobra who lives in 016 that is believed to possibly have provided the weapon that was used to kill officer Lewis .....this same guy was the key prosecution witness in a police board case in which three officers were fired for an altercation that this guy instigated. He actually showed on while on probation for PCS and bragged in the hearing that the Spanish cobras are a neighborhood organization. He also went on to testify that he was very knowledgable with weapons because his friends has access to them. Our very own Corp.counsel brought this guy in as the victim and told the board he was to be believed as opposed to the officers. Yea the officers fucked up, no way did they deserve what they got. 016 hit his house last week he was wanted on 2 warrants. He also is known to be a shooter for the cobras. In fact when asked if he was sueing the dept. He said no because no attorney would take his case. At the time of this incident he had 28 arrests, 6 of them were felonies, and this was 6 yrs ago. Listen up people, the police board are all hooked up with the citynand it's politicians. The executive director is also the executive director of Chicago Board of Elections. Beware they are out to fire coppers and will use anyone even a known gang anger with a history of suing the police.
Fired for some off duty shit.

1/24/2012 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
One of those being fired is Bill Whelehan. He was fired after a very flawed investigation and a kangaroo court by the new police board. There is a benefit for him 26 Jan 6-10 pm at John Barleycorn on Clark street in Wrigleyville. Tickets are $30.00 and raffle tickets are $10.00. Please show up and show your support.

1/24/2012 12:07:00 AM

Oh fucking please. The dumb fuck lied to the investigators. This guy had cameras all over the outside of his house. Whelehan lied his ass off about what happened and the video proves it stop telling people he got railroaded and stop asking me for money to pay for his lying ass.

Never wish anyone wrong but at least tell me the truth when you are begging me for money for his benefit.

1/24/2012 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you serious? A fund raiser for whelehan after video, 4 witnesses and and IPRA investigator viewing the video from the surveillance camera all say the same thing is a "flawed investigation"? Sorry I did read the board decision and find it hard for 5 people to all be out for this copper, considering he never announced his office they did not know he was the police.

1/24/2012 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fired for being drunk with your gun? Wow. Whos the front line sup going after a guy whos been drinking while carrying?

1/24/2012 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fire all medical roll abusers.

1/24/2012 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lasandra Harrell allegedly failed to process thousands of traffic and parking citations between 2004 and 2008. She stuffed the citations in her desk, the board found, adding, “she attempted to hide the fact that she was not doing her job.”


Why wouldn't you just turn them in?

1/24/2012 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


In addition to the inspectors, the media are out in U/C vehicles looking for people sleeping/reading in 018 and 001. Watch yourselves out there. I know a news producer who mentioned it.

Don't be the next headline. Who knows what kind of technology these mopes have?

1/24/2012 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/24/2012 02:19:00 PM

I'm glad you saw the video. Because the police board didn't. Neither did the responding sgt that night. The only person to allegedly have seen it was an IPRA investigator.

And the video would have exonerated him.

So go back to your basement, you cowardly fuck. Blog some more about people you don't have the first clue about.

1/24/2012 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't you just turn them in?

1/24/2012 04:19:00 PM

That's what gets me.

Doing Parkers isn't hard or even time consuming. Nor is the paperwork. Its a damn Piece of Paper...First Ticket #/Last Ticket/Date of shift/beat location/signature/badge #.

1/24/2012 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be surprised to soon see a G.O. soon, that if U are packing off duty, and drinking, ANY incident related to the alcohol, and, or the gun,will get U fired. Not worth it troops. Goin drinkin? Leave the hardware at home. You have less rights than ANYONE else in the entire USA at this time. Please remember and consider this.

1/24/2012 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we all know, you cannot get the real story from reading the decision online. Regarding B.W. the video doesn't show anything and the witnesses actually back up what B.W. said. If he was so in the wrong, why did he call 911 and insist of documenting it? Please everyone, before you start flinging crap on people, have all th facts. We are all guilty of jumping to conclusions, but in the case of B.W. he got shafted. And John Barlycorn is a restaurant that has very good food.

1/24/2012 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The firings will continue. . . till morale improves!

1/24/2012 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article also mentioned that in 2009, officers took 150,000 sick days, an average of 11.6 per officer.

If my math is correct, that means we had 12,000+ officers.

How many sworn do we have now?

1/24/2012 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised. That one of the pos fired for pointing his gun at a citizen, refusing to drop his gun. When order to do and using racial slurs is from 3.

First off, you're an idiot. Secondly, that P.O. never stepped foot in 003 despite being assigned there so you're theory is shit, just like your grammar.

1/24/2012 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PB fired Morrison for writing that letter that called IAD out on their BS. SCC you must get a copy and post it , it's a classic. A shame they fired him for it but he was a fool to write it and think they wouldn't shaft him for it.

1/24/2012 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is for "just a city worker." How do you know so much about this case? I guess you read the decision and bought it hook line and sinker. If you knew the facts of the case you would be singing a different tune. There are way too many guys on here with big internet muscles.

1/25/2012 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the case of Bill Whelehan I read the Police Board transcripts and surmised what happened but I wasn't there so I don't know anything for sure. It sounds to me like a a guy goes out to walk his dog and doesn't plan to get into an altercation in his own neighborhood, but does. Maybe it turned ugly fast, maybe he did and said some stupid things and then denied them when asked. Sounds like something every cop i've ever known has done while working the street. We all say and do lots of things that would make us look really bad on video. You all know it. It sounds like the trouble came from the cover up more than the act itself. One opinion I would like to share is that I know Bill, have worked with him, met his family, etc. I was stunned when I heard this. Not because I know him so well because I don't. But because he seems like a very mind mannered guy. He was always kind, quiet and polite when I spoke with him. There are so many other guys on this job that are hot headed, egotistical, loud mouth jerks. Bill never seemed like one of them. I'm surprised and sorry that this happened to him and feel like if he can get caught up in a situation like this anyone of us can.

1/25/2012 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do we learn from this? You have to make yourself a "tough target" the days of "having your back" by any of the poor excuses for a boss are over! Protect you family,assets,and each other otherwise write the paper go home safe!!

1/25/2012 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the members on the police board step-son was ticket for suspended license and car was impounded. The board member and his wife who is the chancellor to shitcago city colleges tried to take there car back. And on top of that a CPD brass asked for copies of the officers tickets. Oh and the license plate was expired!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!! And this guy is making decisions for us. Can his ASS!!!

1/25/2012 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to focus on learning to write and proper punctuation.

1/24/2012 12:07:00 PM
Ah! I see the grammer police are at it again ! Get a fucking life !!.

1/25/2012 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes life is not fair. After what seemed like and was a lifetime on the job, I saw people who were fired who did not deserve it and people who never should have been cops commit all types of negligent acts, total laziness and get to retire.

1/25/2012 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The article also mentioned that in 2009, officers took 150,000 sick days, an average of 11.6 per officer.

If my math is correct, that means we had 12,000+ officers.

How many sworn do we have now?

A couple hundred over 12,000. You are welcome.

1/25/2012 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of those being fired is Bill Whelehan. He was fired after a very flawed investigation and a kangaroo court by the new police board. There is a benefit for him 26 Jan 6-10 pm at John Barleycorn on Clark street in Wrigleyville. Tickets are $30.00 and raffle tickets are $10.00. Please show up and show your support.

Read these cases on the police board site. HE was on video! Don't give this guy your money.

1/24/2012 07:33:00 AM

you make me sick...bill is great copper and a true police brother.

1/25/2012 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? You need to focus on learning to write and punctuation. 1/24/2012 12:07:00 PM

Ah! I see the grammer police are at it again fucking life !!. 1/25/2012 02:15:00 PM Anonymous said...

I agree, you should learn how to spell and write properly.

1/25/2012 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I have seen on the job, those with clout can do nothing wrong while the working, no clout stiff gets jammed and canned.

This is why anyone with a brain does nothing today!

Two more years!

1/26/2012 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to 1/24/2012 11:52:00 AM, paying for him to go to law school was a waste of taxpaper money but if he's already passed the bar, he might not have a license long. He has to report work-related disciplinary matters. He probably lied on the character and fitness evaluation. I don't think his future is looking all that rosy.

1/27/2012 11:16:00 PM  

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