911 Efficiency?
What's this?
- SCC you have to put this info out there, every fri/sat/sun night supervisor from 911 calls 311 to have police officers log in as 911 call takers/dispatchers with no formal training.
this makes the wait time for 911 calls go down and make it look like we don't have to hire.
the bad part about all of this is that we are not trained call takers and are held responsible for every call that we take. I never saw this on our job description..... I Many calls to FOP were made but alot of questions unanswered.
When are they going to stop robbing Peter to pay Mary and Paul??
So shouldn't this be some sort of contract violation? Not of the FOP Contract, but the Dispatchers? Aren't they associated with the IBEW or someone? The FOP violations might come into play if the Officers are actually held liable for incidents that fall outside the scope of their training.
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Put in a out-of-grade slip. and document all the calls.
And then file a grievance.
Fill out an out of grade slip. P.O. 's working on the operations floor at OEMC get d2 pay.
Writing reports and getting RD numbers is in our job description. However, performing duties of dispatcher/calltakers is out of a patrolman's pay grade. If the union continues to dodge this issue the city will cite past practice. Then you can kiss any out of grade bye bye and look forward to more duties assigned to you. As far as IBEW goes they are in the city's pocket. The dispatchers are lumped in with the crosding guards and AFSCME who greatly out number the dispatchers and calltakers. The dispatchers get sold out by their whore union and the crossing guards/AFSCME rejects every time a grievance or contractual issue comes up. That is a fact.
Not to worry...the call takers at OEC are apparently untrained, as well. At least these guys are police officers and should be able to tell the difference between absolute bullshit and real calls for help.
Does anyone even know if there is a contract any more? The words that we read and the words the politicians read are interpreted two separate ways.
How is residency defined?
Is the penalty process for not having health insurance under Obamacare a fine, a fee or a tax? Supreme court says its a tax and yet it's been called a fine and a fee.
The list goes on and on.
What's the definition of sex and "is"? Well that all depends on the amount of money you have to challenge the laws with. You'll get different meanings depending on your budget just look around at all the banker CEO frauds that are not even charged.
And then you have situations like mayors in other states declaring special emergency powers that voids everything including union contracts that are allegedly protected by the states constitution.
Get real, contracts? What contracts?
What is the impact of missing that notification date in the contract? A lot of speculation right but no real official answers?
Police dispatchers are D2 pay, start filling out out of grade slips. Don't ask the union they are useless.
Hey scc, can you start a "it happens at bud billiken 2012" thread so we can submit our experiences?
Ibew is much worse than fop. For $41 a paycheck you get a news letter that tells you republicans=bad. Democrats=good. Yet the city, county, state and federal government are all democratic and we all get shit.
You also get lumped in with one bargaining unit containing animal control, meter maids, detention aids, crossing guards and airport police. Reading the contract takes a while to make sense of any of it.
Screw you ibew and JERRY rankins. You're both worthless.
Your Sgt, Lt or who ever is in charge is a pussy. Who takes orders from some civilian supervisor at 911. What a bitch.
when I was inunit 376 we occasionally handled 911 calls I wonder if I should have asked for out of grade pay Too late, Im retired But you should
OT very bad weekend for us and the booze. details to follow in the media no doubt. right in time for contract talks way to go a**holes. Does a Sgt getting locked up help eff us at contract time ????? Dont matter much when the public sees it. Some people will never figure it out. 3 drunks really did us in this time. If your a drunk SEEK HELP PEOPLE!!
supposedly , there is a small pay increase when acting as a 911 operator at 311 ( with no form of training , whatsoever ), but no one ask for it because your made to jump through hoops to get it, and your chastised if you do .
While they are at it why not have us log in as bus drivers, garbage truck drivers and Streets & San roar crews, fixing potholes or something.
Or maybe Rahm can give up some of the many bodyguards spread out to every two bit good for shit politician in the city. Ed Burke, Stephanie Neely and Richard M Daley come to mind. Imagine how many lives might be saved if the dozens of cops guarding those worthless assholes could answer jobs in Englewood.
Anonymous said...
OT very bad weekend for us and the booze. details to follow in the media no doubt. right in time for contract talks way to go a**holes. Does a Sgt getting locked up help eff us at contract time ????? Dont matter much when the public sees it. Some people will never figure it out. 3 drunks really did us in this time. If your a drunk SEEK HELP PEOPLE!!
7/23/2012 02:33:00 AM
Contract time? You must be dreaming if you think we will get any sort of improved contract this time around. The very best we can do this time is to simply get an extension of our current contract with no give backs.
To think anything else could result is a pipe dream. The city is on the verge of going belly up. No one will get a raise, not one, not the teachers, not the police and not the firefighters.
Sorry, the alderman will get their usual and customary 6% raise. And the other politicians, they will get their raises but they are different.
And the entire Berrios Family, they will get raises and full employment because the ethics ordinances do not apply to the Berrios Family.
Want to ask Mike Madigan about his raises due or his part time job as property tax attorney with the prestigious law firm of Madigan & Getzendanner?
Contact him at his law firm at
Madigan & Getzendanner
30 N. LaSalle St.
Suite 3906
Chicago, IL 60602
ph. 312–346–4321
fax. 312–346–5619
e. info@madigetz.com
He'd probably be glad to hear from a possible client/constituent.
From his firm's web site:
Founded in 1972, Madigan & Getzendanner specializes in ad valorem real estate taxation. It is one of the premier firms in this practice, providing legal representation at every stage of the tax assessment appeal process to a wide spectrum of significant properties situated in the Greater Chicagoland area.
And check out their client list:
So police etc. have to be glad to catch a few table scraps and hope we can keep the same contract while the royalty of Chicago and Illinois politics gorge themselves on filet mingon.
You who need training to answer a ringing telephone are a danger to yourselves and others.
You should be happy to help rahmjerk save money by doing a little multi-tasking.
McJerk & raamjerk say crime is down, they want to use you where needed. Be happy to help !!!
sarcasm off.
Put in an out of grade slip.
Read the thread for " It Happened at Bud Billiken" and second the notion. Documenting the reality for the general masses could be eye opening.
The cops assigned to the 911 duties should answer the phones like that lazy Police Chief Wiggum of Springfield: "No, you got the wrong number. This is 912"
I'm one of those calltakers affected by this. I contacted FOP. I was advised that it wasn't a contract violation so a grievance couldn't be filed, but I was advised a safety complaint was filed. They also told me letters were sent to the Commander of Management and Labor. Should any liability fall on me or my co-workers, the notifications would show that the department was put on notice,but failed to take action.
"What is the impact of missing the contract notification date?" "A lot of speculation, but no real answers" Are you a moron ? This blog posted the letter from the City. HOW MUCH MORE REAL DOES THE ANSWER HAVE TO BE ? They are NOT going to negotiate with FOP for 2011. The FOP and the City have not met on the contract even once. Do you have it now ?
Even if it is an FOP contract violation, this new weak FOP representation is allowing the City to violate the contract left and right.....
Mcdivorce has been on vacation all week trying to finish up his divorce ask him how that's going for him if any blue shirt had a domestic like his and slapped their wife around in view of other exempts would ours be swept under the rug like his was absolutely not we would be at call back. Sneed look into this and u will see it's true
Anonymous said...
OT very bad weekend for us and the booze... If your a drunk SEEK HELP PEOPLE!!
Or simply stay your ass home, like I do.
Anonymous said...
While they are at it why not have us log in as bus drivers, garbage truck drivers and Streets & San roar crews, fixing potholes or something.
Or maybe Rahm can give up some of the many bodyguards spread out to every two bit good for shit politician in the city. Ed Burke, Stephanie Neely and Richard M Daley come to mind. Imagine how many lives might be saved if the dozens of cops guarding those worthless assholes could answer jobs in Englewood.
7/23/2012 02:58:00
True! ed burke has a retired guy making 1/3 what the others make1 Why does neely still have the d-3 paid political hacks WHY? No 1 knows who she is, she went after Mike Shields when he was at the pension board after he exposed her taking campaign contributions,was this ms neely a "pay to play" scenario?
Anonymous said...
OT very bad weekend for us and the booze. details to follow in the media no doubt. right in time for contract talks way to go a**holes. Does a Sgt getting locked up help eff us at contract time ????? Dont matter much when the public sees it. Some people will never figure it out. 3 drunks really did us in this time. If your a drunk SEEK HELP PEOPLE!!
7/23/2012 02:33:00 AM
Where at, do tell us then get back to Mom's basement quick!
Anonymous said...
Not to worry...the call takers at OEC are apparently untrained, as well. At least these guys are police officers and should be able to tell the difference between absolute bullshit and real calls for help.
7/23/2012 12:35:00 AM
Call takers are trained, and when you get the bullshit disturbance tickets, that's because they are following their training of sending the police when a caller is demandind them. It has nothing to do with lack of training or not knowing the difference between crimes and civil issues. It has everything to do with liability.
The line is recorded, so no amount of creative writing is going to explain your actions. If some asshole ambulance chaser hears the tape, and hears his client asking for the police, how can that be defended on the stand? Uhhhhh....I thought is was bullshit your honor.... Yeah, I'm going to take that risk, especially when the program has always been to send the police on everything. I know this is hard to believe, but people calling 911 lie to get the police to come...shocking, I know. If a call taker tells a caller that they are not getting the police, all the caller does is call back until they get someone else, or they ask for a supervisor which says send the police anyway. Call takers do it, and dispatchers acting as call takers do it. Everyone is guilty of sending bullshit calls. It's called CYA.
Since McJerseyShore thinks oemc sets dispatch policy, he should change that...oh wait, the police department sets the policy....nevermind.
If you don't want to go on the call just 19P it from miles away, it's not like that doesn't happen now. Ask your Sgt to code it out, they can do that but don't because they are covering their ass. If your beloved dispatcher gets a bullshit ticket and is trying to take care of you (while motherfucking you behind the radio) he or she should file the ticket, but they are covering their fat asses too so they blame the call taker, because dispatchers talk to the police on the radio, so they think they are the police too...but that's another story.
You want change in policy, then start at the top, not blame the people on the bottom
a. they are not dispatchers.
b. they are call takers.
c. I agree, hire more 911 personnel
d. more cops while you are at it.
When do we receive are retro checks? Hair gel guy!
How is filling out an out of grade slip jumping through hoops? Grow a set of balls and do it.
I'd rather have PO's taking calls than what are supposed to be "trained" 911 dispatchers.
Anonymous said...
Your Sgt, Lt or who ever is in charge is a pussy. Who takes orders from some civilian supervisor at 911. What a bitch.
7/23/2012 01:36:00 AM
Some boss with no intestinal fortitude whatsoever gets a call from someone above him and blindly obeys the order. He/she can then say "I was following orders" to make you 376 officers eat shit so go ahead and chow down.
Don't like it? Get back to a district or else retire ASAP. Or else go see a counselor, once on the medical, of course, for the stress the department is puting you through. Taking emergency calls without training! What do they think you folks are, trained emergency workers or something?
Make a supervisor order you to do it. Get name and time. Then give a disclaimer right when you answer the phone like you do before writing a to/from. Say you are not a trained call taker and you are only doing this under duress by order of (-----) because you are in fear of losing your job.
Also I know most 311 call takers are probably pissed they are at 311 so maybe sometimes they give shitty service or wrong info when calling about other city services. It would be nice if when other POs call we could get platinum level service.
For clarification purposes..Crossing Guards, Parking Enforcement, Detention Aides, Animal Control and so forth are part of SEIU 73..Not AFSME. Enjoy the deal you just signed or do something to prevent it..like vote it down.
Dodge and Cox Income Fund was not removed from deferred comp. It's just a computer error that they are correcting.
Is that why Police Officers sitting at the Desk, in the Lock-up, Roll-Call Room, W.C.s Office, Tactical Office and even the John pick up a phone and find themselves talking to an irate citizen and when they get the advice, "Please hang up and cal 9-1-1.", get the response, "I did call 9-1-1 and got connected to YOU!"???
I'd give them the Alderman's number.
Doing more with less sucks.
We should call our Aldermen, any Aldermen we get a chance to talk to a give them a verbal broadside for the way they have allowed things to get so bad with the department.
If they say they didn't know or can't do anything tell 'em BULLSHIT! What is he going to do bounce your D.C. who just nods his head at Compshit meetings and goes along with McAsshat?
This Friday 100 Dets go in the academy off the list. They will get one week of training and will be assigned to an Area.
The CPD was notified today that the US Dept of Justice is reviewing homicide files for 2010 and 2011. The letter noted that Chicago has the lowest clearance rate in the nation for those two years. Expect that 100 Dets will be assigned to review homicides from those years.
The letter cites examples of evidence never submitted for testing, DNA and IBIS hits that were never followed up, and named offenders who were never arrested and warrants never obtained. This is going to be very embarrassing for the department when it's made public.
Fill out the out if grade, when you get it back denied then file the grievance. If the union want get involved force them with a grievance.
Tricky Dick daley skates away on the thin ice of a new day again with Rahm's help. Eludes the deposition and Rahm pays millions of our tax dollars to Burge's "victims". What a shithole this city is.
If you have a drinking problem, please go get yourself some help. Call EAP or go to AA.Org and call them. You just may save your own life and someone elses. God bless you all.
Now first of all why you all complaining, the majority of the officers that are at 311are there because they are light duty with some type of medical problem and the rest are stripped of their police duties. So why should somebody with this two issues get d2 pay. There are some in there that are as healthy as a horse but yet they are scamming the medical. And are hiding at 311, the rest who are stripped absolutely have no police powers so how can they get d2 pay.
Simple!! Don't do it!! The way I read your information, you are the Police & the supervisor at 911 is a civilian. Fuck him!! He cannot order you to do shit! Your Sgt. or LT. can but he caN'T!! That's what wrong with this department, nobody has any BALLS!!!
"OT very bad weekend for us and the booze. details to follow in the media no doubt. right in time for contract talks way to go a**holes. Does a Sgt getting locked up help eff us at contract time ????? Dont matter much when the public sees it. Some people will never figure it out. 3 drunks really did us in this time. If your a drunk SEEK HELP PEOPLE!!"
You're an idiot. The media doesn't have to do any investigating when morons like you post these things. All they have to do is read our comments for their next story. I bet you even sent them a scoop about the incident to feel important. I truly hope that you are not on the job, and if you are, please leave.
"The number you have reached, NINE ONE ONE, in no longer in in service.
"Calls are being taken by our Services Dispatch Center in Mumbai India.
For English PRESS ONE
Para continuar en Espanol, marca numero dos.
If you have been Shot and are dieing or are about to be Shot, being Raped or Strangled, PRESS ONE,
If you are being Robbed at Gun or Knifepoint, PRESS TWO.
If you are..."
I called 311 the other day and listened to music and recordings on hold for the 40 minutes it took me to get home! WTF is going on? Get rid of half the Aldermen, and hire more call takers at 311, more dispatchers, and more police already!
This is the lessening of services in this creeping Socialist/Democrat Society that is being forced on us.
Less medical services thanks to Obamacare because we have to provide it for the vast non-working and non-citizens.
Less freedoms because of those who would abuse them and it would be politically incorrect to take action against those who do.
See what happens when you think your vote doesn't count.
Red Bull and Vodka is a recipe for disaster!
Stay sober!
Bud Billiken SCREAMS YouTube! Don't be dumb enough to jam yourself up, but it could provide hours of hilarity,shock and mostly disgust.
"OT very bad weekend for us and the booze....
You're an idiot. The media doesn't have to do any investigating when morons like you post these things. All they have to do is read our comments for their next story. I bet you even sent them a scoop about the incident to feel important. I truly hope that you are not on the job, and if you are, please leave.
7/23/2012 04:35:00 PM
I'll second that. I was trying to think of a way to phrase it, but you did it so well, I'll just second it.
It really sounds like someone starving for attention, and they keep reposting and reposting it in every thread because NO ONE was responding.
The CPD was notified today that the US Dept of Justice is reviewing homicide files for 2010 and 2011. The letter noted that Chicago has the lowest clearance rate in the nation for those two years. Expect that 100 Dets will be assigned to review homicides from those years.
The letter cites examples of evidence never submitted for testing, DNA and IBIS hits that were never followed up, and named offenders who were never arrested and warrants never obtained. This is going to be very embarrassing for the department when it's made public.
7/23/2012 01:17:00 PM
If true, what this means is WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH DETECTIVES.
And that is because WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH POLICE.
Mcdivorce has been on vacation all week trying to finish up his divorce ask him how that's going for him if any blue shirt had a domestic like his and slapped their wife around in view of other exempts would ours be swept under the rug like his was absolutely not we would be at call back. Sneed look into this and u will see it's true
7/23/2012 08:34:00 AM
Filed "back home"? Are their court proceedings online?
100 detectives on Friday no merit picks.......and butterflies coming out of their rear ends!
Anonymous said...
When do we receive are retro checks? Hair gel guy!
7/23/2012 11:14:00 AM
You will get them when you learn the difference between "our" and "are" dipshit.
I started a fundraiser for a victim of the violence in Chicago. Please pass the information on. Though I now live in Utah. I grew up in the Chicago area and I want to take a stand. Thanks! http://www.youcaring.com/fundraiser_details?url=babyclingingtolifeaftermothershotandkilled&fundraiser_id=6243
Every year all I see is how the dispatchers at OEMC make double their salaries with ot.
Boo hoo, tell your supervisor to go fly a kite.
If you have a drinking problem, please go get yourself some help. Call EAP or go to AA.Org and call them. You just may save your own life and someone elses. God bless you all.
7/23/2012 03:21:00 PM
I'm sorry....but as I recall EAP was discontinued before Daley Left office.
Conspicuous by its absence on SCC, there has been no thread about the diabolical mass murders in Aurora, Colorado.
Certainly, TV "talking heads" and the FBI's BAU profilers at Quantico are going to advance theories as to WHY.
I have some plausible theories but I will withhold posts on SCC unless there is a future thread devoted to the motives of James Eagan Holmes. Since he has lawyered up, perhaps we'll never know what prompted his pure evil.
In the event that SCC has a thread devoted to this tragedy, I may expound.
Carry on.
Ask mammals buddie Gary schenkel
The CPD was notified today that the US Dept of Justice is reviewing homicide files for 2010 and 2011. The letter noted that Chicago has the lowest clearance rate in the nation for those two years. Expect that 100 Dets will be assigned to review homicides from those years.
The letter cites examples of evidence never submitted for testing, DNA and IBIS hits that were never followed up, and named offenders who were never arrested and warrants never obtained. This is going to be very embarrassing for the department when it's made public.
Don't forget the gun buyback where none of them weapons are tested for ballistics. No surprise.
Bud Billiken SCREAMS:
Bringing "family" fun since the time it begun...
Major dumping within the 704 tact unit! Time to start spreading all the overtime $ around. Show me the money!
Anonymous said...
When do we receive are retro checks? Hair gel guy!
7/23/2012 11:14:00 AM
you must be out of your rabbit ass mind. or u r drinking the kool aid
Anonymous said...
You who need training to answer a ringing telephone are a danger to yourselves and others
Spoken like the armchair warrior you are.
We're talking apples & oranges.
At 376/ 311 call takers have been instructed to get approval from their immediate supervisior before dispatching calls.
It's a whole other animal when your dispatching a hot call !
Thats why Some dispatchers are known and respected, and OTHERS are friggin nightmares,that ever time you hear their voice on the air your heart drops and you hope the rest of your tour doesnt turn in to the anticipated cluster fuk that you know it will.
Improperly dispatched calls can mean lives ! ( no pressure ,there in your mom's basement though Milo )
And this surprises you why? The real question is... How many city college over educated morons did it take to come up with this brain storm? Always a big baind aid and never a strategic move to make things better! Assholes!
Can we lay off some of the negative comments about OEMC and the dispatchers. Of course we know the city is pulling whatever garbage they can on us because Sheilds is the cowardly lion. Remember, when shit hits the fan the dispatchers are the ones that we are listening to.
They know when to get other units on scenes and always attempt to clarify what's going on at our jobs. Our safety is their concern, let's not forget that.
Yes there are a couple of morons out there calling jobs out but for the most part they are all by competent.
I am not with OEMC, but please folks, give them a break. Remember they HAVE to take these idiot bull shit calls and treat garbage like royalty.
Maybe today should be hug a dispatcher day.
Thanks OEMC, you guys do a great job.
put all the merit detectives on the murder cases , they are the best and brightest , just like cpd command staff bwahahas
The MSM said a tea party guy did it
Gary Schenkel no from Chicago not the police and didn't even vote for rahmboooo. So just because he is ommmaas boy what does he get to choke down a over 100k salary?.?.
Bye bye Gary you need to go you add no value or just waiting to ve the next SUPt of CPD
No one is dipatching calls at call back. They talk to people on the phone and then enter the information into the PCAD. A 911 dispatcher does the dispatching after that. If 911 blows up there are plans for call back to take over dispatching. If the POs are dispatching calls they will then get D2 pay.
Once in a while when 911 is upgrading or has problems they come to 376 and dispatch from there.
How many years training do you need before you feel qualified to enter a call into PCAD?
To those who might need it, the EAP office has not been eliminated. There are very good P/O's/Counselors still there. Please call if you or someone you know needs help.
"You who need training to answer a ringing telephone are a danger to yourselves and others."
Idiot. I also work at 376 and have been forced to answer 911 calls. It is not only on the weekends. For awhile it was almost every night. My main problem with this is that we are unable to do many things that dispatchers can, such as update a ticket. So when a "Robbery in Progress" or "Person with a Gun" (or other emergency when seconds count) we have to get all the info...how many offenders, descriptions, location, weapons, address, caller info, etc before we can send the ticket to 911. Depending on if the caller is calm or freaking out, this can take up to 5 minutes. At 911 when they get these calls, they can immediately dispatch a car or at least put it out there like "Robbery in progress @ ___ ...details to follow" and then keep adding to the job. Since we can't it is likely the offender will be gone or someone shot before 911 even gets the ticket.
I also contacted FOP and was originally told to drop an out of grade slip, which I did. It was returned to me refused with a sarcastic note. I again notified FOP and was told a grievence had been filed.
Not to mention many officers are not the fastest at typing. I cringe as I watch some hit one key at a time looking frustrated as they are trying to send out an emergency job. What may take me a few seconds to type can take them 5 minutes. I don't blame them...we are not required to be efficient typers to be the police. Some of these officers are older and not as use to computers as most of us younger guys.
It is a huge liability for the city.
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