Imagine our surprise when checked our e-mail and found this waiting for us:
A tactical arms class being offered to interested parties at a suburban Woodstock gun range. Humorous that this would show up in Chicago area mailboxes as the killing fields of the south and west sides run red with blood.
The good news is that there are still two days to get this deal!

The good news is that there are still two days to get this deal!
Labels: good news
You've obviously never Grouponed, SCC! Two days or until they reach a predetermined number sold, whichever comes first.
Yeah and business is BOOMING!
Did you notice the "OVER 420 Sold" so far part?
Can't Quinn and Springfield get it through their thick skulls? CONCEALED CARRY NOW! Why is Illinois the only holdout among the 50 states?
OT: I know there are some that have an App for their I-phone that inputs the CPD day off groups....Is there anyone aware of such an app for droid phones.?
Grab it now. Google refuses to have anything to do with firearms or firearms-related advertising.
We'll see how long Groupon
a) allows firearms-related offers and
b) stays afloat
People working at Groupon can't get out the door fast enough we're hearing. Expect mass layoffs within a few months. If they're lucky they can hold off until after the elections but only time will tell.
Bought it. Sending wife and sister-in-law to the class
Thanks SCC!
Yes, shitcago is a bloodbath, but only in places where they love that life style. The normal people of the city never venture into thoes areas.
Not true I got mine. They were ready for pick up at 0900. And thanks for the 3 grand Mcfunds.
First thing I thought when I saw it was that Tactical Barbie was running it--what ever happened to her anyway?
Why is it humorous? Normal people understand guns are a tool like a hammer or drill. Its maniacs that name them or "urban savages" that cant follow the law or behave. Society shouldnt have to adjust to the assholes, they should conform to society..
This looks like the NRA's Basic Pistol class. The price includes "1 hour of range time". I suggest shopping around and maybe paying more to get more time shooting.
Anonymous said...
Yes, shitcago is a bloodbath, but only in places where they love that life style. The normal people of the city never venture into thoes areas.
8/23/2012 01:49:00 AM
Do you mean normal people don't venture into the Loop, Mag Mile, Lincoln Park, or Wrigleyville? Because you have flash mobs, mentals stabbing people in the neck, women being attacked, going in those neighborhoods where normal people live. Just cause there isn't a body doesn't mean there aren't victims. Open you fucking eyes man!
They (Groupon) should have sold to Google when they had the chance. How stupid of them was it to take on Google and Microsoft, among others, as competitors.
People working at Groupon can't get out the door fast enough we're hearing. Expect mass layoffs within a few months. If they're lucky they can hold off until after the elections but only time will tell.
8/23/2012 12:36:00 AM
Brought to you by the same troll who weekly proclaims "Expect big changes on friday"
One of our own has ventured out and runs the old Blackwater site in Mt. Carol. provides all kids of training from basic to advanced weaponry, tactics, shooting, moving, running and gunning.
If you're interested in honing your skills, give Pete a call and get out to The Hollow training Center. You won't be disappointed
What is the District manager of the academy conducting job interviews for potential intructors?
What does she know about training?
"Living Social" Runs excusions over to Michigan that include shooting and beer and wine tastings (in that order). Fifty rounds of 9mm using a Glock and for an extra fee you can shoot a semi-auto AK-47 (Oh the horror) or a real Thompson sub-machine gun.
This was my Xmas gift from my kids and I went with my younger daughter and we had a ball. It was great to see all the younger adults there and especially the women. Everyone really seemed to have a great time and there were no mass murders but a lot of minds were changed about guns.
Got 2, one for the wife and one for the girlfriend
And how about posting the Iphone app too?
Somehow I put a link on my Iphone that lets me log into my police email, but can't remember how I did it now.
Anyone else catch the article about former McLean County (Bloomington-Normal) State's Attorney, Retired Circuit Court Judge and, once again, interim State's Attorney Ron Dozier's stance on UUW charges? Gotta love the guy for giving Quinn and the rest of the idiots who would deny Illinois citizens the right to carry. Dozier has gone on record stating that our laws are unconstitutional and he will not enforce/prosecute them. Granted, he will review the cases on an individual basis but the bottom line in McLean County is that if you happen to be driving through and get caught with a gun under the front seat or in your waistband and that's ALL that is going on, you may be arrested but you won't be prosecuted by his office. Ditto with the widow who has no FOID card but still has her late hubby's rifle or pistol. She also gets a pass unless she's doing something stupid.
The article that I read indicated that other downstate state's attorneys are going to be asked their stance regarding Dozier's idea. Wanna bet more than a few of the downstaters tell Quinn, et al to stick their ideology where the sun don't shine?
We can hope!
Anonymous said...
OT: I know there are some that have an App for their I-phone that inputs the CPD day off groups....Is there anyone aware of such an app for droid phones.?
8/23/2012 12:24:00 AM
Ask "Five Frank"
Went to buy and:
This deal sold out at:
11:58AM CDT
The retired Marine owes you a free session -- not that I'm saying you need it. :-)
First thing I thought when I saw it was that Tactical Barbie was running it--what ever happened to her anyway?
8/23/2012 05:23:00 AM
She's working for Motorola selling radio equip to the county and guess who is authorizing the purchases? None other than her former Policy Group bosses MM and his lackey Lt RH. Can you say kickback?
Anonymous said...
They (Groupon) should have sold to Google when they had the chance. How stupid of them was it to take on Google and Microsoft, among others, as competitors.
I thought the same thing... Did they think they were going to become the next Facebook with a business model that can be copied and is???? Yep, they blow a BIG deal!
She's working for Motorola selling radio equip to the county and guess who is authorizing the purchases? None other than her former Policy Group bosses MM and his lackey Lt RH. Can you say kickback?
8/23/2012 03:45:00 PM
Doesn't that violate her leave of absence? Isn't rayray's leave up? How come the unclouted only get a year and those with a phone call get as long as they want? Mr Ferguson?
Rahmbooooo. Furious. About to do a chicken little fillet
Tactical Barbie: These nicknames are priceless.
Anonymous said...
She's working for Motorola selling radio equip to the county and guess who is authorizing the purchases? None other than her former Policy Group bosses MM and his lackey Lt RH. Can you say kickback?
8/23/2012 03:45:00 PM
Doesn't that violate her leave of absence? Isn't rayray's leave up? How come the unclouted only get a year and those with a phone call get as long as they want? Mr Ferguson?
8/23/2012 07:30:00 PM
Hmmmm....Sounds like Motorola is using tacticle barbie to get the in with the gov. contracts. Very shaddy and chicago like. Did they do the ethics training? Maybe the FED's could look into their past realtionships in J-Fed's policy group. Check it out media? Tax payer monies?
Anonymous said...
Can't Quinn and Springfield get it through their thick skulls? CONCEALED CARRY NOW! Why is Illinois the only holdout among the 50 states?
8/23/2012 12:19:00 AM
Because the libtards are running, er ruining, the state.
There are better training courses but for the price how can you refuse. Get some for your friends and family!
Finally! Jeez, somebody better teach those cross-eyed fucks how to hit a target.
There is also a thing called a calendar that you can hang right on your wall at home or work and look at any time you'd like.
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