Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Drunk and Disorderly

Let's see if Anita takes appropriate action against her own:

Amazingly good job by the cops involved.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yuck. Her parents must be so proud.

9/25/2012 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will she assign a special prosecutor like she does for every cop that is arrested ??

9/25/2012 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like "Double Secret Probation Time" again, right Anita?

9/25/2012 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

idiotic yuppie.talk about carrer suicide...she is a laughingstock now.

9/25/2012 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/25/2012 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No disciplinary action will happen to the fine ASA. She'll be quietly moved and the incident swept under the rug. Enjoy traffic court for the rest of your career pumpkin. At least you won't be a POW and lose the job daddy got you.

9/25/2012 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She has been identified in the video as Sarah Naughton. The bettergov.org database reveals her to be an ASA making $58,213 in salary.

9/25/2012 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon Anita... She bit an employee at his place of employment, bump it up to a felony agg batt!!! Good job to C.R., R.M. and A.W.

9/25/2012 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there an actual news story about this?? Just ran a google search and found nothing. Unbelievable. But this just in... a Chicago Cop just sneezed and did not cover his mouth. Chuck Goudie investigates if he purposely wanted to spread his cold to perpetrate medical abuse. More at 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 6:00, 10:00, and pretty much continuously while contract negotiations are happening.

9/25/2012 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for her. Talk about a bad moment after achieving so much (at least a law degree and law license) in life.

She seem crazed, out of her mind. Doubt very much that she is ordinarily like that.

You know she must regret this and is extremely embarrassed.

9/25/2012 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes - failed to mention: outstanding work by the CPD.

Very dignified and very professional.

Job very well done, Officers!

9/25/2012 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol!!!! Nice job officers- this act of professionalism by the officers won't make the news because it was handled so well- but enjoy the lawsuit which for what ever reason will be filed.

9/25/2012 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that my x-wife!

Those lemon drop shots are murder.

May be they will send detectives to the bar that she was drinking at and pull the video.

then they can interview all the bartenders.

then they can count the drinks in in the video and determine how drunk she is with science!

They did that to an off duty!

9/25/2012 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that the loser drunk states atty scott cassidy?

9/25/2012 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hell Yeah...

we want to see the same type of 8AM news conference with the same cast of characters stumbling, farting and walking on the backs of each other's shoes to deliver a sound-bite for bright TV lights condemning this A.S.A to a very public hanging in the same manner they condemn Policemen who "step in it."

We want to see Rahm al Ghoul, McIfuckeditup, Anita Alvarez, a gaggle of alderfools, some store front clergy and community activists standing on stage head-nodding and speaking in outraged tongues about how "the people" have been so outrageously aggrieved the misconduct by a sworn public official...

Or is it only the peculiar fate of Policemen to be shown no mercy?


It'll be a nice change to see somebody other than a Copper dangling by their neck from Chicago's sour apple tree of public opinion.

Kinda like the pithy saying about how it does the troops some good to see a few dead generals laying in the shit, mud, rot, and horror of the field of battle...

Heh... The hard, bitter laughter of the cynics always makes people uneasy because it points to inconvenient and very uncomfortable truths they had a hand in putting into place...

9/25/2012 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fk no, Anita will not. Remember Scott Cassidy? Supervisor of Special Pros. Remember he was drunk and arrested in Joliet at the casino? The only thing that happened to him was he got a smaller office on a different floor at 26th.

9/25/2012 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How lady like - NOT!

9/25/2012 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was worse than that. that video has her in a calm state.

9/25/2012 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Veteran ASA said...

Very embarrassing. Good job officers, sorry you had to deal with this nonsense. I'm told it was her birthday. Happy birthday Sarah, you're fired.

9/25/2012 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder what in the hell is she thinking. You stepped into a great big pile of shit, shut your mouth!

9/25/2012 04:31:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

Because if this was a cop drunk, in handcuffs and biting people, Anita would be all over it with felony charges and the media would do her (and Rahm's) dirty work.

But it isn't, so the powers-that-be will attempt to sweep it under the rug. That isn't acceptable.

9/25/2012 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Special Prosecutor event # please said...

01:07 AM has it correct.
NOTHING of consequence will happen to her.

9/25/2012 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:00 AM
Yes it should be put out there, if it were a PO it would be everywhere...

9/25/2012 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old girl needs some rehab. Happens to the best of us.

9/25/2012 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BGA? Is that Andy Shaw laying next to her barfing?

9/25/2012 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously a future Mayor of the City of Chicago.

9/25/2012 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was saying all the right things , she couldn't breath and couldn't feel her hands. Asked for her inhaler more then once.

So here comes the CR the lawsuit for not providing medical care!!

Should of called an ambulance not the wagon

9/25/2012 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised all cops and ASA's aren't problem drinkers. These aren't pretty jobs. But c'mon, seriously? Although I think I would have made a show of loosening the cuffs because you know this idiot is going to sue and claim disability or something. Wonder who the b-friend was? Maybe they can share bunks in rehab.

9/25/2012 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
idiotic yuppie.talk about carrer suicide...she is a laughingstock now.

9/25/2012 12:37:00 AM

Wow, I couldn't understand anything except "I can't feel my hands!"

9/25/2012 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$150,000.00 worth of tuition down the drain.

9/25/2012 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a Pig! Just remember the ASA'S office is not your friend!!! They will smile to your face and be your best friend!!! But, all along they think you are garbage;) and would love nothing more then to railroad you.

9/25/2012 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't her boyfriend get a DUI a few years back while she was a passenger in the car? She got mouthy when her boyfriend was getting arrested, announced that she was a SA and her supervisor sat in the back of the court room for every one of her appearances?

9/25/2012 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They start drinking regularly in high school, binge drinking all through college and grad school and by the time they realize their goals they have an active addiction and something like this happens.

She gets fired, she could be a DUI defense attorney. She'll fit right in.

9/25/2012 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the problem with the world today. People want to be in positions of respect and honor without having any shred of either in the own personal character.

9/25/2012 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder how many other times she bragged to her friends about how blasted she got over the weekend.

9/25/2012 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She knows the law. She is a trained professional who thinks she can bend the rules? When an ordinary citizen would have no get out of jail free card? Resisting arrest!? She knows that law, she has to...SHE'S A LAWYER! Any common citizen that crosses her will feel the wrath of the power of her office. She shouldn't be on the streets.

Sound familiar?
She should know better.

9/25/2012 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous JAFO said...

come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:00 AM
I'll tell you why- this is a DISGRACE to the Cook County Judicial System.

This woman got a cush job - probably through some clout she had and she is Drunk and Disorderly as well guilty of some other charges, if the statements on the video are true (her and her boyfriend were assaulting some store manager)

If this video was a blueshirt copper or a fireman they would be running this OVER and OVER and OVER on all the news channels EVERYDAY for a week straight.

How can she prosecute people on DUI charges when she herself is definitely no role model.

I also would love to follow this case to see what she winds up with as far as punishment. If the assault charges are true- will there be jail time? There would be if you or I did it.

What is she going to get? Supervision?

Good job to the officers who had to babysit this yuppie.

The video shows patience and professionalism on the officers' part - nothing the Chicago media would want to spotlight.


9/25/2012 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
She was worse than that. that video has her in a calm state.

9/25/2012 02:43:00 AM

Who did she bite?

9/25/2012 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Anita needs a copy of "The Hangover" mailed to her so she can see "how crazy things can get". Then maybe this video won't look so bad and she'll have mercy on this young Enhanced woman.

9/25/2012 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita says assault charges will be filed against the officer on the curb who is obviously using excessive force on this poor child. The victim can be plainly heard crying that she cannot feel her hands yet the sadistic and out of control officer continues to apply pressure. The victim may never regain the use of her hand to hold a shot glass again.
The officer standing on the sidewalk does his best to block the camera angle as his partner tortures the victim. Heads will roll for this gross abuse of power.
Chuck Gowdie will tell the victim's story at 5 and 10pm from the offices of Lovie and Lovie

9/25/2012 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two main officers were so good at their job they were less noticed in the video than the narrator. Hate the chatty police. Always sounds stupid on video. You never sound as smart as you think you are. Captive audience thing.

9/25/2012 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Perry F'ing Mason said...

Did the Cook County State's Attorney know she wasn't qualified?

I have this under good authority that she didn't pass the Bar.

She went in and drank it all.

9/25/2012 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:00 AM

I see SCC already answered your stupid question pretty much the same why I would have. How many videos of police are out there? They are STILL showing that damned Abbate clip every chance they can in the media.

9/25/2012 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous The Ghost of Policemen Past said...

F**K the so called State's Attorney. As said....they are not your friend! Aggravated Battery Charges! On the publuc way/in the business. If an off duty PO were on the curb, he/she would be sitting in the county. Just look a t Sgt. E. Howard. Anita had no problem with felony charges there. This fool should be sitting in County intake until bond can be posted! F**K the State's Attorneys. Thanks SCC for Posting. This needs to be on the front page!!

9/25/2012 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cruel treatment charges stem from a dead miniature horse named Tiny and a dead Himalayan cat both found at the facility at 5555 W. 175th St. The neglect charges relate to eight puppies recovered from the facility the same day.

Prosecutors presented photos and video during the trial depicting a dog pen where they said the puppies were discovered inside a detached, unheated and cluttered garage. A photo of the pen shows the floor was covered in feces and insulation that had been ripped out of the garage walls by the puppies.

“You saw how the puppies were being kept,” assistant state’s attorney Sarah Naughton said to the jury during closing statements. “That wasn’t humane.”

(This is all fine and dandy protecting poor defenseless animals, but it's pretty much a slam dunk case in any court room in this country. But the point is, how many times have we done great things that will be met with a shrug when you step in SHIT. No one but your dog will love you.)

9/25/2012 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, good work officers. And not her finest moment. But why is this posted, and yet nothing about the ASA that was brutally attacked last week? I understand the disdain for ASAs, but that seems to be newsworthy too.

9/25/2012 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:00 AM

Because she's probably one that talks shit about how dumb the cops are who don't know the law and she would throw one under the bus in a fucking second, that's why. They relish screwing cops over there when they get half a chance, so no mercy when the shoe is on the other foot.

They like to call themselves law enforcement. They should know better, right? Isn't that what they always tell us?

9/25/2012 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She looks like the typical "my shit dont stink" asa...ha ha...u look like a real fool now..too bad you cant hold your liquor..jello shots are for college..now you can act like a big girlie!!!

9/25/2012 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

Hey asshole, watch the video. Some citizen posted this on YouTube from his cellphone. Can't you hear him talking about what happened. It happens to cop's actions everyday. Just look at the number of videos out there documenting what cops do. Those are OK but posting this one isn't? Fuck-off.

9/25/2012 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not fair when the media does it to us.
It's not fair when we do it to an ASA. Nice job by the police, but their is no need for this site to pile on.

9/25/2012 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure those officers were thrilled to get that assignment, but they handled it extremely well under pressure. Don't forget what we've learned from Anita. We MUST get a breathalyzer done IMMEDIATELY! No delay, no matter who calls the station.

9/25/2012 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Anita should be so proud of the way her States Attorney handles her self in public!!! She should be looking for a new job as of now but knowing Anita it was just a lapse in Judgement. Yeah thats who I want to prosecute my cases.................

9/25/2012 08:37:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Do they serve Kesslers at those Near North joints?

9/25/2012 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/25/2012 08:39:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

By the way, nice job Police.

9/25/2012 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. This should be shown at all AA meetings forever and ever.
2. This should be shown at all CPD training forever and ever. Good job, officers!
3. Drinking causes many changes in a person's life. Hopefully this woman will learn, and not make the mistake of blaming anyone or anything else. Say goodnight, Sarah.

9/25/2012 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:00 AM

Come on, who actually put THEIR business on the streets. Literally.
Watch what you say about Sarah, she may be the future U.S. Attorney. (E.g. Kennedys, Chappaquiddick incident.)

As long as she can continue driving like Lindsey Lohan, I'm sure she can go on to bigger and better events. She already sounds like a celebrity the way she whines.

9/25/2012 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was this at?

Signed, an incompetent Chicago reporter.

9/25/2012 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the shoplifter/felony theft city employee who stole a shit load of groceries at the Whole Foods at Peterson and Cicero. I believe she was with the Attorney General's office. They threw that case out. Not a Fucking thing happened to her. Same shit will occur here.

9/25/2012 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



This would've been kept quiet without you. Thanks!!

9/25/2012 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to whoever took this video. Probably an Occupy type. Jk.

9/25/2012 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

OT- but ASA bullshit. Isn't it funny that the other week a guy who is an ASA gets attacked by some lowlife gangbanger at Diversy and the lakefront. Now I thought they would never find the gangbanger. Well not only did they find him but the Tribune seems to be reporting they are charging the guy with attempted murder!!! WTF? Ok the ASA got his ass kicked, sometimes you need a good asskicking, and he did get hit over the head with a bottle. But attempted murder?

How many cops on the job have been shot at and all they charge them with is Agg Assault? It has happened to me. Attempted murder for getting hit with a bottle and getting a asskicking? I can see Agg Batt, but attempted murder, get the hell out of here. Maybe the ASA has some juice?

Cook County at its finest.

9/25/2012 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

are you kidding? when cops fart the wrong way its national news.
these are also the same people that shoot down ALL your felonies, including battery to po. give them a break? who gives us a break?

9/25/2012 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya scc whats the point of this and I to am not a fan of most lawyers asa included

9/25/2012 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Set Jamie lannister said...

Women and alcohol don't mix. Some men also, but when females get drunk, it looks ugly, and that doesn't even cover the men taking advantage of drunk females. Old fashioned but it's the truth.

9/25/2012 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, trust me, I am sure Anita is watching this video to try to fault the officers in some way. That is how they will get around this, by making the cops the bad guys.

9/25/2012 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant get attempt murder to po charges approved unless someone actually shoots at you...asa gets his ass kicked by the lake front and it results in attempt murder charges? Really? That entire fucking office is nothing but double standard

9/25/2012 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe anita should require legitimacy training!!!

9/25/2012 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was biting people. Federal charges?

9/25/2012 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha I love how the male officer is standing there thinking "this is fucking ridiculous, when the hell are they gonna get here!?"

9/25/2012 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really dont think someone should be fired from their job because they get intoxicated and act the fool. And, that includes the police and prosecutors. It seems that she might have been on a little more then alcohol. When she asked for her inhaler they shouldhave taken her to the ER first.Not sure if they did. Can be serious and gets worse under stress.

9/25/2012 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she won't get disbarred. at worst, a 30 day suspension of her law license.

but in listening to the video, she was ejected from a store for being drunk? Where was this filmed?

she sounds like a mess. Another reason to vote for Lori Yokoyama for Crook County State's Attorney!

9/25/2012 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Son of CPD said...

I saw the shit on the street and that girl was way worse. She was filmed during a calmer moment, but that little chick was going off.

Great job by CPD!

9/25/2012 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on those coppers for not giving her asma pump and uncuffing her because she can't fell her arm,the department no doubt will take severe action against these rogue coppers.

9/25/2012 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naughton and Bradley Gould, 31, were in Taboo Tabou at 854 W. Belmont at 7:25 p.m. Saturday, police said. Witnesses said they appeared intoxicated and were causing a disturbance, police said.

What has the world come to when our right to live free and get your freak on has been impeded by a police state?

9/25/2012 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were asked to leave and were on the sidewalk outside the store when Gould allegedly shoved the manager of the next-door store, the Blue Havana cigar lounge. Then, Naughton allegedly bit the Blue Havana manager in the leg, breaking the skin.

Mark Thomas, owner of both stores, said his employees told him Naughton pulled out a badge while she was in Taboo Tabou and said, “You can’t do this to me. Do you know who I am?”

Oops, she said the magic words!
By the way, Sarah, if I may call you Sarah because you are off duty...Just because you have a badge doesn't mean you can go around BITING people willy nilly. For God's sakes, you're not McGruff the Crime Dog.

9/25/2012 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, there was a P/O who was a total jagoff to Oak Lawn Pd. I think he's still on the job. So, give the drunken bitch a break.

9/25/2012 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naughton and Bradley Gould, 31, were in Taboo Tabou at 854 W. Belmont at 7:25 p.m. Saturday, police said. Witnesses said they appeared intoxicated and were causing a disturbance. Then, Naughton allegedly bit the Blue Havana manager in the leg, breaking the skin.

Normally that costs extra.

9/25/2012 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the store security camera video.
You know, the video the state's attorney always insists on having or they won't approve charges...

Or any other of Sarah's videos.

9/25/2012 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for her. Talk about a bad moment after achieving so much (at least a law degree and law license) in life.

She seem crazed, out of her mind. Doubt very much that she is ordinarily like that.

You know she must regret this and is extremely embarrassed.

Wrong. Fuck her.

9/25/2012 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody please send this in to CBS. They wont sweep it under a rug.. At least its better than the CTA operator texting investigation they had last night..

9/25/2012 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
She has been identified in the video as Sarah Naughton. The bettergov.org database reveals her to be an ASA making $58,213 in salary.

9/25/2012 01:13:00 AM


Apparently she spends too much $$ on Booze & ????
Anita, she needs a promotion !!!

9/25/2012 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She can yell pretty well for not being able to breathe.

9/25/2012 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the asshole local media will stake-out her place of residence and do the ambush interview they like to do on Policemen when Rahm or Anita need a distraction to whip the public up into more hatred than usual against all things pertaining to the Police and their concerns.

*Just fucking glad to make it to the relative peace and safety of your abode -deep exhale- Here come some motherless fucks jumping out of your fucking bushes with cameras and sticking a microphone in your face. "The public wants to know..."*

*Slams the door in an ignorant media motherfucker's face. "Eeek! How unprofessional! We're here at the Officer's home on West Blue Collar Ave and he REFUSES TO TALK TO US! Back to you Brent and Muffy*

The Police are fighting a SPLENDID rear guard action and retreat to nowhere in the Great Chicago War of Public Opinion and Attrition.

Too many monied interests at work trying to destroy and re-boot Policing in Chicago into something unrecognizeable and intentionally unresponsive to the concerns of the remains of the middle class who pay the freight.

It seems the only real middle class left is the captive, condemned to indentured servitude component... Municipal employees.

The Police have been chosen to be among the losers in the propaganda & class warfare of Chicago.

The dirty, non-contributing, no impulse control having criminal dogs who are responsible for this city burning? (Including the stuttering prick, aldergumps and you too Tutu...)

THEY have been annointed the winners by virtue of their ever increasing numbers and usefulness to the demo-commiecrat political-criminal-media money making cabal of Chicago as a firewall against a proper course of correction at the hands of the people who pay the freight.

We've been yelling in the wilderness for years about this.

We want to see this A.S.A given the same amount of consideration and tender mercy a Policeman is given... Which is none...

Is she still in pay status?
Has she been "stripped"?

Are news cameras staked out at her home and "accidentally intentionally" displaying her address for all to see?

No expectation of decency or privacy because "the taxpayers pay her salary so they have the right to know?"

No relentless news coverage for her?

If she were a COP, every stinking tongue would wag until bitten due to such strenuous activity.

The usual fuckery stained wind-up dentures of outrage would madly clack themselves into rapturous spontaneous disassembly... If this were a COP.

To insure that the system is pure?
Hang her from the same tree so many Policemen dangled from.

Whether they dangled deservedly or not is never the question in the eyes of many. Right?

People can always say, "Yeah, they got a COP."

Yeah. "They got" an a.s.a.

Maybe "they can get" media members, politicians and maybe some of the people hiding in the shadows who picked who the winners and losers will be "gotten" too.

Heh... Everybody that claims to be a somebody should be in equal jeopardy of being marched to the Chicago sour apple tree of public opinion for for hanging...

Then we can say, in a left handed way that the system is self correcting, able to purge itself from the taint of institutional fuckery.


What you think is gonna happen in Chicago?

Viva... Viva Hate.

9/25/2012 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck Goudie investigates if he purposely wanted to spread his cold to perpetrate medical abuse. More at 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 6:00, 10:00, and pretty much continuously while contract negotiations are happening.

9/25/2012 01:34:00 AM


Chuck Goudie, you were born an ASSHOLE. You've been abusing your self again, haven't you !!!!

9/25/2012 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/25/2012 01:37:00 AM

Sorry? For what? Fuck her. Do you beleive that she would feel sorry for you office If you were in her shoes? Nope, stepping stone in her career. Fuck that and fuck her. She should have known better.

9/25/2012 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can't feel my hands." Don't worry honey, they're right behind you in these handcuffs.

9/25/2012 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:
They're not our friends, they would post it of a cop in a heartbeat. They would also hang you out to dry so fast your head will spin. It's okay for police to get fucked and bashed everywhere including this blog, but this Asa is above it? Don't be a jerk.

9/25/2012 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What courthouse is she from?

9/25/2012 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent!! SCC I am glad this is out..fuck the poster above whining about “do you have to put this out there“? FUCKIN A RIGHT !!! We would be out on every news channel in North America!! Great job by the officers involved... EXTREMELY professional... What a fool this A(ss) A made of herself...GOOF.

9/25/2012 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's scary to know that this person is supposed to prosecute bad guys and put a good case on working with the arresting officers. Who the fuck hired her is what I want to know? What an embarrassment!

9/25/2012 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She bit a guy in the leg?



9/25/2012 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well as for the statement made:
"come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?"
in response if was a police officer
or any politician it would be splattered all over the news and papers
also remeber she has problately "crucified" regular working people for haveing a drink or two ruin thier careers and thier families all over a couple of drinks
we had this issue with a judge in lake county il ( Judge Dan Hall)
arresting officer died while investingation was going on
peope said evidence was mishandled
they dragged it out for over a year
if they say the "law is the law"
then she should be crucified" just like any one of us would be
if people don't "bitch"
then it silent acceptance of two sets of rules Those That Have,... Those That Have Not
she is ASA so like a police officer
they (unrealisticly) held to a "Higher Standard"
it's should be Justice With Compassion" but in reality it's often not people forgot that like every other joe/joan/blow slob we are all human and do make "mistakes"
it might be a fine and hardship license and of course "treatment"
( I love that one, just another way for the State to get Thier hand in Your pocket) :)

9/25/2012 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Come on I'm no fan of the ASA 's in general but why do you have to put this out there?
9/25/2012 12:46:00AM

Why? because Anita and the ASA 's have no problem going for the heart of coppers for minor shit and airing it out to the public through the media. Hold the states to the same higher standing. If you fuck up and act an ass then let the public be aware!!!

9/25/2012 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forward to the ARDC. Anita won't do shit but perhaps the ARDC will suspend her license

9/25/2012 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You're a fucking whore! You're a fucking bitch whore!" Good job officers! We all know who the real"bitch whore" is in this instance.

9/25/2012 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R.J. Vanecko -- the former Mayor's nephew, remember him? -- didn't only hit the bars, he apparently killed someone. Updates?

>sound of crickets<

Did anyone find the million dollars Dr. Gary Slutkin took from the city?

>vacuum of deep space<

But "...this just in... a Chicago Cop just sneezed and did not cover his mouth. Chuck Goudie investigates if he purposely wanted to spread his cold to perpetrate medical abuse. More at 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 6:00, 10:00..."

--9/25/2012 01:34:00 AM

>switch channel< Andy Shaw and the BGA investigate a "police web log" where someone might have said a bad word.

>switch channel< WBBM radio's Rich Krauser reports that "a Chicago police officer was wearing a joke T-shirt about NATO."

Oh. Here. I knew I couldn't be the only one who's been annoyed for the past 25 years or so...


9/25/2012 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've all been their in our young and stupid days.

9/25/2012 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I feel sorry for her. Talk about a bad moment after achieving so much (at least a law degree and law license) in life."

--9/25/2012 01:37:00 AM

Oh, now there's an infallible indicator of uprightness, rectitude, and decency. A law license.


"You know she must regret this and is extremely embarrassed."

So let her hire a public relations firm -- as is done up in Highland Park, say.

Thanks, but I have real people to worry about, people who actually need something.


9/25/2012 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On my mind...someone was posting here on SCC about the differentiation between "strong-arm robbery" and "robbery by snatching."

* Interesting. I would remind all that what can apparently be shrugged off as a harmless "robbery by snatching" has led to people's deaths. In fleeing with a "snatched" Iphone, one offender caused an elderly woman to fall headlong down a flight of stairs at the Fullerton "L" stop, killing her. Arrest? Charges?

Remember the 19-year old self-identified "college student," Conrad Something, who punched a 12-year-old girl in the stomach -- in front of the girl's mother -- at "Lollapalooza," in an attempt to take her beach ball? Misdemeanors, nothing more ever heard about it.

...and people cry about an Assistant State's Attorney caught wrong.

9/25/2012 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:00 AM

Easy, because the ASA's office would toss you under the bus in a fuckking second it that was you on youtube!

Two words:

I hope this drunk bitch gets shitcanned for her stupidity!

9/25/2012 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like a typical evening along 111th st in Mt Greenwood on a fri/sat evening...

9/25/2012 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Law and Order said...

I don't think this will be swept anywhere. She'll be charged accordingly, and fired in short order. If she indeed bit people--agg. batt. Sarah, enjoy private practice.

9/25/2012 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just sad. I really can't imagine being that wasted.

9/25/2012 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous the old 19 said...

Good job offc AW. Always thought you were a great po.

9/25/2012 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sarha it's hard to be a star in this town, good luck with the jello shots next time.

9/25/2012 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The video went viral... it and the story along with the ASA's name all over AOL ... no hiding it anymore Anita.

9/25/2012 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She had no problem calling the female copper a whore. I wonder if that whore has the courage to stop by and apologize to the PO

9/25/2012 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Maximo said...

I'll have what she's having.....

9/25/2012 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree if it was a cop he would be fucked but I still don't agree with the comments. She fucked up big deal in my 19 yrs on the Asa in general were good to me . I don't want to see a worker get fucked cause her boss is a political hack, just like I wouldn't want a blue shirt to get screwed becaus McCarthy is a political hack.

9/25/2012 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im in love!

9/25/2012 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My puffer, my puffer! Where's my puffer? From the movie "Hollywood Knights", circa 1979.

9/25/2012 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Scum Times ran a story earlier:

9/25/2012 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Naughton's arrest made the Slum-Times but is buried amid the Rahm rubbish.


9/25/2012 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really so sad. Leave her alone. We've all made mistakes. Sounds like her idiot boyfriend was the one who got physical with the store managers. She probably jumped to his aid and things got out of control from there. Yes, she was really intoxicated and yes, the police officers were really calm, professional. Just a sad situation.

9/25/2012 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job, officers.

9/25/2012 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many cops on the job have been shot at and all they charge them with is Agg Assault? It has happened to me. Attempted murder for getting hit with a bottle and getting a asskicking? I can see Agg Batt, but attempted murder, get the hell out of here. Maybe the ASA has some juice?

Cook County at its finest.

9/25/2012 08:53:00 AM

I hear what you're saying, but they did stab the guy a couple of times. Attempt Murder seems to fit the bill if you have the desire to push it. They don't often enough for us, but I'm not hating here.

9/25/2012 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a young woman who obviously has a problem and needs help with her drinking. If she was a bank teller we wouldn't be talking about her but because she is a low-level ASA she is worse than Hitler. Imagine if this was your daughter. You would want her to at least consider rehab or AA. Hey we all fuck up! Cut the kid a play and give her another chance. Years ago when I went thru the CPD Academy my Homeroom Instructor told us watch out for the 3 B's-one if not all will end your career-booze, bullets or broads. Run-ins with all 3 but made it over 30 yrs and happily retired. Give the kid a play-glad I got a second chance. Sure you would want one too for a night of fuck up!!!!!

9/25/2012 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you kidding? when cops fart the wrong way its national news.
these are also the same people that shoot down ALL your felonies, including battery to po. give them a break? who gives us a break?

9/25/2012 08:59:00 AM

I've always farted properly. In fact, I take great pride in my flatulence and ensure that the timing of it maximizes the effect for those around me. It usually serves as punctuation to ignorant comments. The olfactory element is a bonus.

9/25/2012 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And she should probably find a new boyfriend. This punk is ABSOLUTELY no good for her or any woman.

9/25/2012 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Perry F'ing Mason said...

According to the SunTimes article on Naughton biting the store manager on the leg :

"They were charged with misdemeanor battery and criminal trespassing, and released on recognizance bonds. "


Why weren't they also charged with Disorderly Conduct and Public Drunkeness as well??

Either somebody didn't add up all the charges against them - or someone else took a couple of them off.

I am sure she won't be dis-barred but she should be fired from her job. She brings down the already tarnished reputation of the ASAs.

If she somehow is retained on her job, she will be a laughing stock in front of any decent lawyer that crosses her path. (as well as she should be)

To me, she has lost all credibility.

The lawyers who hawk tickets in the halls of traffic court are Supreme Court Justices compared to her.

9/25/2012 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im glad it was on video, could u imagime a states att. filing a brutality beef???? 30 pending for the officer with this dept

9/25/2012 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an ASA. Nine years and proud.

My father was a cop (Retired in 2009). My grandfather was a cop (Retired in 1979). I am also proud of both of them.

I don't know this woman. I don't know what division she works out of..... What she did was wrong AND stupid. She deserves to be punished.

My point is that I don't understand the hate. I work with many fine ASA's who ALL respect the hard work put forward by CPD. On the few occassions where I have heard negative comments toward CPD I ended it.

It does not need to be adversarial.......

That is all.....

9/25/2012 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


A search of IARDC.org's website shows no "Sarah Naughton" in IL, despite the article's claim that she's been an asa for 8 years.

9/25/2012 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fyi she never even hit the lock up. She was taken care of and bonded out. Gee would a cpd officer be given the same for a battery let alone going drunken crazy. That drunken woman should be treated liked everyone else. I hope this professional courtesy doesn't bite anyone in the ass cuz you know Ms. Legal eagle is working on her defense, if the victims even show up to court. I hate lawyers...always looking for loop holes to shirk responsibility.

9/25/2012 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Perry F'ing Mason said...

I read through the comments on this blog and all I can ask is -WHERE are some of you people coming from?

"Don't pile it on"....."I am sure she is sorry".."I feel sorry for her"....Wahhh waahhhhh WWaahhhhhh

WAKE UP. She was put into a position of big power and authority as well as sworn in as an officer of the court.

I do NOT see much maturity in the video - nor in her actions within the store. She's 31 - NOT 21.

If she was just arrested for being publicly drunk, that would be one thing but to say that she bit some store manager and then flashed a badge and defiantly asked, "You know who I am?"

That is a total abuse of power and so typical of some clout-heavy "employee" in this County whose relative has "got them covered", it is sickening.

This is what makes Cook County and Chicago a cesspool.

This is why some question authority in this city. This is why Chicago has such a BAD national reputation in the last couple of years.

This is what we pay a PREMIUM for in bloated sales taxes and property taxes in the county? Who hired her?

Dump her ass and let her go work at some retail store so she can learn what she evidently didn't learn in all her education at school (where she probably partied as well).

Respect for the job and having some maturity in everyday life.

I am sure in her mind she is too high and mighty to come read the comments on this blog. Someone should make her aware of this thread and what her fellow workers in the court think of her.

We have to face the public in court EVERYDAY. We cannot have someone like her being the face of justice to them.

She is NOT representative, nor a role model, for being an officer of the court.

Next case.

9/25/2012 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really so sad. Leave her alone. We've all made mistakes. "Sounds like her idiot boyfriend was the one who got physical with the store managers. She probably jumped to his aid and things got out of control . . .Just a sad situation. "

Sarah, you've said enough. Be quiet and sleep it off...

9/25/2012 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

idiotic yuppie.talk about carrer suicide...she is a laughingstock now.

9/25/2012 12:37:00 AM

Wow, I couldn't understand anything except "I can't feel my hands!"
did you miss the part wher ethe drunk screamed "your a whore" at the policewoman numerous times?

9/25/2012 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

9/25/2012 08:39:00 AM


I hope they took the biting victim for a tetanus shot, lord only knows what she had in her mouth that day !

9/25/2012 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberal media beast is feeding. Take no joy in this because it won't take long until one of us is dinner.

Never talk to this media scum. The media accomplishes nothing outside of unfairly punishing an individual. The news is nothing more than entertainment for people with nothing going on in their life.

9/25/2012 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita Alvarez is on the bat phone with Rahm al Ghoul begging him to have the local ass-hoe media run another hit piece on The Police or even teachers to divert attention from this.

Watch these dirty motherless fucks CLOSELY...

9/25/2012 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?"

There is no fucking way that you're a copper if you have to ask such an ASSinine question.

9/25/2012 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't stand this self entitled Yuppie Scum ruining the city.

Love Tabou Taboo!

The Teacher

9/25/2012 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you guys so much, you say what is truth and if the truth hurts so much the better. I have 2 daughters and when women like this who should be role models act like white trash they should be outed. As an adult woman in a f#@$%$ up world I have little sympathy when she calls a PO a f---ing whore. As a civilian who has been pulled over for dumb stuff I did (constantly stopping in traffic in middle of street to talk to youth) I always apologize and know I'm wrong. Drink at home stupid, and to you saying this is so sad, oh boo hoo, NO ONE should be above the law, especially an ASA!! How you like me now..

9/25/2012 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were those police handcuffs she was wearing, or did they come from the, ahem, "lingerie shop?"

9/25/2012 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey SCC!

As of @ 1745hr, the scum-times FLUSHED this story IN IT'S ENTIRETY!

Multiple attempts to call it up via the archival search netted a big goose egg!

It looks like the phone call was already made... Watch for the predicted anit-Police hit piece to be played forward as predicted in the earlier post.

Fuck these ass-hoes... They're amusing when they try to fight back aren't they?

Fuck 'em again... abc7 & cbs2 seem to still have it up but they'll likely be pulling this story too...

Watch these motherless fucks CLOSELY!

9/25/2012 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave her alone? Needed her inhaler because she was "under stress" -? Are you fucking kidding me? She's a SA for God's sake - act like one! If she needs her inhaler when under stress, and apparently (?) can't function well with alcohol, maybe she needs rehab before whining about her inhaler.

Stupid Diva Bitch.

--No Cop Here

9/25/2012 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former ASA says:

ASAs did/do not want to hurt cops. She was drunk -
she was wrong, and now she will pay for it. Harden
not your hearts, and do not turn allies into enemies.
No ASA I ever knew wanted to hurt cops - we worked with cops all day for goodness' sake. Many ASAs wanted to be cops. BTW, many of these ASAs earn
a lot less than cops. All the salaries are posted on-line, check for yourselves.

9/25/2012 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really sad!!!??? Are you crazy? She's a states attorney, she had no business prosecuting people when she can't even control herself or her life, SHE NEEDS TO BE FIRED!

9/25/2012 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's one of Larry Draus's partners, he used to go after innocent people with phony animal crimes evidence, and charges, and Sarah Naughton along with Richard Stake would prosecute those people. They would go out of their way to cruxify innocent people, and if they couldn't win the case on the merits, she would resort to personal attacks on the defendant, it's really weird, the corrupt Larry Draus gets busted by ATF for extortion, and cigarette smuggling, and now his little lawyer friend gets busted for public intoxication, and biting a man. What the hell kind of people do we have working for Cook county, and the state?

9/25/2012 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this the former 1600's daughter? How's that JD working out for you, dummy?

9/25/2012 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is really so sad. Leave her alone. We've all made mistakes. Sounds like her idiot boyfriend was the one who got physical with the store managers. She probably jumped to his aid and things got out of control from there. Yes, she was really intoxicated and yes, the police officers were really calm, professional. Just a sad situation.

9/25/2012 02:14:00 PM

Sad? Really, you think so?

I think it is a sad situation how one of our sergeants gets convicted of a felony for smacking a young thug for spitting in his face and now faces the loss of everything, his career, his pension and his freedom.

Now THAT is sad.

But this goofy bitch? Nah, I don't find that sad, I find it amusing. As a police officer I got tired of pulling over drunk drivers and they can hardly talk and they pull out their States Attorney ID as their personal magic Get Out of Jail free card.

I don't feel sorry for drunks, no one told her to pour the booze down her throat. That is definitely not sad. That is stupid.

9/25/2012 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the money her parents spent on law school and she sits on the curb like the drunken whining bitch she is in AW's pair of $29.95 S&W handcuffs. I love it. In almost 30 years I have seen plenty of coppers pay dearly for alcohol related indiscretions. Bow let's see this goofy bitch pay for her sins.

9/25/2012 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fox chicago will be doing a segment on this tonight at 10

9/25/2012 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
She was saying all the right things , she couldn't breath and couldn't feel her hands. Asked for her inhaler more then once.

So here comes the CR the lawsuit for not providing medical care!!

Should of called an ambulance not the wagon

9/25/2012 06:05:00 AM

A. Cuffs are not supposed to tickle. Just because some drunken offender screams that they hurt doesn’t mean they come off. Perhaps if she struggled less they wouldn’t hurt as much.

B. Not every pre-existing medical problem requires an ambulance and an immediate transport to the hospital. Common sense from the video tells you she is in no respiratory distress if she can scream that much. Im sure if she was viewed as being in any distress on scene, or during processing that she would be sent to the hospital. And most likely she was sent completely unnecessarily to the er prior to entering a lock up.

Prisoners don’t control you.. you control your prisoners.

9/25/2012 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad's a Cubs fan. I guess that explains it.

Wonder what Gram thinks about all this.


9/25/2012 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sad that someone like her has had the chance to get a wonderful education, and never learned to be a lady. Even though my parents didn't have much money,my sister and I were brought up with manners, and to act like ladys.
Do I feel sorry for her? No. I do hope she saw the video and is embarrassed enough to change, but I doubt it.

9/25/2012 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
come on, I'm no fan of the ASA's in general but why do you have to put this out there?

9/25/2012 12:46:00 AM

Easy, because the ASA's office would toss you under the bus in a fuckking second it that was you on youtube!

Two words:

I hope this drunk bitch gets shitcanned for her stupidity!

9/25/2012 12:31:00 PM

Correction: It's Fuck'em. That is all. Also congrats to the female po for not giving her the slap in the back of the head she deserved for calling her a whore. Composure is a very important tool.

9/25/2012 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous P.O. Randy Stevens, Dist. 018 said...

SCC said... if this was a cop drunk, in handcuffs and biting people, Anita would be all over it with felony charges and the media would do her (and Rahm's) dirty work. But it isn't, so the powers-that-be will attempt to sweep it under the rug. That isn't acceptable.
9/25/2012 04:35:00 AM

EXACTLY! If this was a cop, he or she would have been charged with felony agg-batt, felony official misconduct, immediate no-pay status, 30-days-pending termination, and a felony conviction.

Anita Alvarez, the Chief ASA with ZERO integrity, how are you going to handle THIS?

9/25/2012 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it is your right, why would you post the video. WE need the states attorney on our side. When one of us screw up it is going to go viral.. REMEMBER COZZI, ABATE,,,

9/25/2012 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why'd they pinch her? Its obvious she took to much asthma medicine and couldnt feel her hands.

19P. The Hole is waiting.

9/25/2012 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's her political sponsor?

She had to have one to get that job.

9/25/2012 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another future Defense Attorney in the making!

9/25/2012 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just glad there were no video cams around in the '70s. i would have been sooo fucked.

9/25/2012 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita will prosecute the cops for brutality and excessive force.

9/25/2012 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She'll be held to a higher standard like we would right? Right?
Who am I kidding this is Crook County and she'll be treated with kid gloves.

9/25/2012 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I gotta pay to get bitten by a young woman and this soon to be former ASA is biting for free.


I got to start working a Nside district.

9/25/2012 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Thank you to whoever took this video. Probably an Occupy type. Jk.

Yea he probably thought he was getting a copper in trouble by filming when instead fucked an ASA. Hahaha

9/25/2012 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is really so sad. Leave her alone...
9/25/2012 02:14:00 PM

First, if you don't like what SCC posts, GET OFF THE BLOG. Nobody but your preachy ego is forcing you to read or comment.

Second, this pillar of the community showed her true colors when she called a black female cop a whore. Now THAT is sad.

Third, most of us who make the conscious choice and effort to drink responsibly don't end up in the gutter like her. This woman is a practiced drunk, by all appearances. And you're blaming the boyfriend? Did he pour it down her throat?

God forbid this woman gets in a car in this condition, but what IS SAD is that drunks just like her DO. How much do you want to bet, she has done so in the past and will in the future?

She did everything right to be made an example of here on SCC. So how about she pay the taxpayers back for what she's costing them in cop time and court time?

9/25/2012 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job A.W.
making us look good on camera

9/25/2012 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way Chicago is so corrupt I doubt that the DA will even notice this story and that the ADA will even get in trouble.

It's good that the police stick together and give them a taste of their own medicine. I betcha they will think twice about screwing an officer over now.

If I was a betting man I would guess that this drunk lawyer is going to sue the City of Chicago and make some decent change doing so.

9/25/2012 09:30:00 PM  
Blogger Somewhere Nowhere said...

The boyfriend bit the store manager's leg? After the dude bit him did he say "Now, kees me you fool!!!!?"

Just asking......

9/25/2012 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry 9/25 @02:14pm, this troll can only use one word to describe this "mistake". That word is appalling. This woman has an important job in the administration of justice in this county which is a joke in and of itself aside from her conduct. There is no place for someone who cannot control themself. She is an attorney, she can earn a living in private practice chasing ambulances for the Clifford Law Office or some other mutts. But as a citizen, she does not have my trust.

9/25/2012 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous CppThis said...

Phenomenal. See, this is why I'm so vociferous about the benefits of having people filming the police. One, it lets the people see good cops being good and not just get the whiners' narrative when someone goes retarded. Two, when corrupt bureaucrats get involved--and you just know Cook County would love to make this one go away--the cat's already out of the bag and no amount of clout can stitch things up.

I don't really care if they fire her, let whatever rules are in the contract take effect...I'm more of a "let it be known" guy than "find something that sticks". She's lucky it wasn't my leg she bit or she'd probably have shared the ambulance with her boyfriend courtesy of the other leg...

9/25/2012 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really so sad. Leave her alone. We've all made mistakes. Sounds like her idiot boyfriend was the one who got physical with the store managers. She probably jumped to his aid and things got out of control from there. Yes, she was really intoxicated and yes, the police officers were really calm, professional. Just a sad situation.

You say "Leave her Alone" Fuck That!! If it were a Police Officer they want him or her in Jail! or at the very least loose his or her Job! If you can't handle your booze then don't pour so much down your throat! An ASA would charge us if we commited a crime placing our names in the papers if the shoe was on the other foot! Tough shit Take your medicine missy... Law school does not mean your above the law either

9/25/2012 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This retard made the top story on the channel 2 10:00 news. Way to go, drunko.

9/25/2012 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm more disturbed about all these tea drinking tough as nail officers who wish harm on the little drunk!

Once you guys figure this out the better your life will be.

nobody has your back!!!

Your partner will not bond you out.

Your significant other will remarry.

And your kids will visit you in prison less and less.

And if you dont think you can get jammed up ask that SGT who SLAPPED an asshole who spit on him!

9/25/2012 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! There is a waiting list of non-clouted attorneys trying hard to get into the State's Attorney's office. This woman should be ashamed! To the posters that say it's a f**k up and give her another chance....NO! She needs rehab. If she is truly a good attorney and has a good work ethic and cleans herself up...she will get another job somewhere else, or her dad will hook her up. I am a silly drunk, so I do NOT drink more than one or two drinks max! Simple as that. If you need to be drunk or buzzed to have fun...you're not a fun person then.

9/25/2012 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cut her a break?

Young and made a stupid mistake?

When we were her age we were already several years into being The Police.

The Police don't get any mercy, pity or compassion in this God forsaken town and you people crying in her defense KNOW IT and PILE ON when a Copper "steps in it" just like she did...

Don't cry and act surprised people...

You've gotten what you've wanted and now you act like you don't like it?

"WAH! Why are you guys so full of hate and anger? That's not how it's supposed to go!"

We earned the right to be this way. let's see how nice YOU ARE after 20 to 40 years of insult, injury and indignity?

What would be justice is everyone having a solid month of a Policeman's nightmares...

We await the sudden outpouring of understanding, mercy and compassion.


9/25/2012 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like a typical evening along 111th st in Mt Greenwood on a fri/sat evening...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lots of ASA's live in Homer Glen and also LaGrange. Many more were raised (much like Rahm) in Lake County. My D2A skills say the poster of the 111th comment (above) was such. Sour Grapes Much?

9/25/2012 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asa's should earn less than cops. They usually aren't the ones getting bitten, or punched or kicked or run over. Most asa's go on to private practice where they will earn their way up the food chain.

Asa's should earn less, they usually aren't the ones getting murdered. But I like them for the most part, they try to get the job done just like the rest of us. There are always a few in every bunch.....

9/25/2012 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy fuck, I watched the Youtube video the first time it had 12,000+ views. I finished watching and it had 7,000+ views.

The powers that be control even Youtube. How fucked up is this political matrix?

9/25/2012 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This woman is qualified to be a Public Defender.

Or quite possibly the Grand Marshall of the South Side Irish parade.

9/25/2012 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She should have stayed home and boozed it up while watching Honey Boo Boo and Intervention on TV.

9/26/2012 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was no mistake. People who act like this have acted like this before, and will do it again.

As a po, I do most of my drinking at home. When I go out and decide if I have that last drink that will put me over the edge, I GO HOME instead of having that drink. I have and will never lose such control that I call a fellow po a whore and whatever other names she was saying.

And you think cause you're an ASA you should get a play?? You're an ass. You were wrong and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

9/26/2012 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need my inhaler! i gots asthma! Hmmm this shit sounds familiar....like in da hood. Good luck girlfriend, now you'll know what it's like to be under the microscope

9/26/2012 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really so sad. Leave her alone. We've all made mistakes. Sounds like her idiot boyfriend was the one who got physical with the store managers. She probably jumped to his aid and things got out of control from there. Yes, she was really intoxicated and yes, the police officers were really calm, professional. Just a sad situation.
wrong. she was the aggressor, and way worse then the video. she should have been charged with resisting etc..just saying

9/26/2012 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am an ASA. Nine years and proud.

My father was a cop (Retired in 2009). My grandfather was a cop (Retired in 1979). I am also proud of both of them.

I don't know this woman. I don't know what division she works out of..... What she did was wrong AND stupid. She deserves to be punished.

My point is that I don't understand the hate. I work with many fine ASA's who ALL respect the hard work put forward by CPD. On the few occassions where I have heard negative comments toward CPD I ended it.

It does not need to be adversarial.......

That is all.....
i agree, its not. people are just venting. most ASAs are good & normal and pro police..

9/26/2012 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was reported on CBS 10 pm news.

9/26/2012 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next step for Sarah: 30 days rehab.

9/26/2012 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My puffer, my puffer! Where's my puffer? From the movie "Hollywood Knights", circa 1979.

9/25/2012 02:02:00 PM

You were close...it was 1980. Great movie too.

When princess was being processed in 019, she flipped off the midnight lieutenant and told the D/C to fuck off. She also was a total bitch while at the hospital. And yes, she did go to the hospital, where she also puked at least three times.

9/26/2012 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did she prosecute animal abuse cases? If she did, you can't put her down for that. Although it sounds like she was acting like a pit bull biting people. She made a huge mistake that will follow her for a long time.

9/26/2012 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/25/2012 04:07:00 PM

"My point is that I don't understand the hate..."

Nice rose tinted glasses you're wearing there...

No hate... Just want to see her get flung into the media, judicial and city hall/county hall grinder head first just like a Policeman would.

Oh wait... Since she's precious in somebody's eyes, she doesn't need to "suffer" the same kind of pain and indignity that Policemen do?

That's part of the problem here.

The Police haven't gotten pissed to the point of fighting back viciously like they really should.

Policemen can collectively stand this city still if they were as vindictive as the powers that be.

It makes everybody feel so good to see restraint and "fair play" from the police side of the table.

"You Cops knew it was like this when you signed up! Stop being so angry! You have no right to be this way!"

Did you ever wonder out loud about compassion when your agency was grinding up Policemen who "made a mistake?"



9/26/2012 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But this goofy bitch? Nah, I don't find that sad, I find it amusing. As a police officer I got tired of pulling over drunk drivers and they can hardly talk and they pull out their States Attorney ID as their personal magic Get Out of Jail free card.

9/25/2012 07:05:00 PM

Really? Happened all the time? OK. How many did you write? None? Thought so. Sounds like just a bit of an exaggeration.

When did we start being so bad to each other? Why have we gotten to the point where we love to wallow in other peoples misfortune, people that are on our side. Save it for the bad guys.

9/26/2012 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because you have a badge doesn't mean you can go around BITING people willy nilly. For God's sakes, you're not McGruff the Crime Dog.

McGruff the Crime Dog!!! LMFAO!!!!
Oh God, that's funny shit!!!

9/26/2012 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here ya go. Suspend her license for 1 year. Then she can work the streets of Uptown along Broadway giving the ASA daily special
" Bite Jobs."

9/26/2012 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barkeep, I'll have what the lady is having.

Hell, make it a double!

9/26/2012 05:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This woman is qualified to be a Public Defender.

Or quite possibly the Grand Marshall of the South Side Irish parade.

9/25/2012 11:45:00 PM

Nope. Public Defenders are smarter than that.

9/26/2012 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would she be subject to a administrative blood test like so many police officers are?

Just a non-police inquiry.

9/26/2012 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is very sad is that there were probably plenty of warning signs along the way that this young lady was developing an addiction before she ended up in a gutter on You Tube. It's also possible that her boyfriend has an active addiction himself and the two of them feed into each other.

Preventable and very sad. However, if cops are held to a higher standard, so should she be.

9/26/2012 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/26/2012 12:30:00 AM...

"...people just venting..."

Don't you just wish it were?


No it's not people just venting.

The people pleading mercy on the ASA's behalf are the ones who've been cheering for the last 20 years when coppers have gotten their lives turned upside down...

Ask Sgt. Howard how much mercy the ASA's gave him...

9/26/2012 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully Sheriff Tom DART will save her too. After his arrest in Joliet for Drunken Disorderly etc. in Joliet, former ASA Supervisor Scott Cassidy, was given a big Cook County Sheriff job paying $120,000 + & a car.

9/26/2012 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:18 Fair? What about all the Videos of Abbate Worldwide? You call all Police painted with the same brush fair? Fuck Fair! This tells the truth!

9/26/2012 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Wagon always takes a long time to get there in situations like this.

9/26/2012 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's help the poor kid out.

Many serial biters can be cured if they just have an alternative.

If enough people send Naughton the Nutball a handful of Milk Bones via the mail, I'm sure she would feel better in no time.

9/26/2012 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
This woman is qualified to be a Public Defender.

Or quite possibly the Grand Marshall of the South Side Irish parade.

9/25/2012 11:45:00 PM

Nope. Public Defenders are smarter than that.

9/26/2012 12:51:00 PM
apparently not

9/26/2012 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? Happened all the time? OK. How many did you write? None? Thought so. Sounds like just a bit of an exaggeration.

When did we start being so bad to each other? Why have we gotten to the point where we love to wallow in other peoples misfortune, people that are on our side. Save it for the bad guys.

9/26/2012 05:48:00 AM
okay Obama, why don't you concentrate on foreign policy since you're such a failure at it here?

9/26/2012 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like any other lawyer... All scumbags! They push you to "their" truth, but are the first to condem you when given the chance. Screw her and that political piece of crap office. I bet the ASA that got stabbed will get an award too! Bullshit! Our award when we get bashed is Agg Bat charges being denied.

9/26/2012 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, a little rehab and she's back on the ballot for judge. "Experienced Crime Fighter" "Endorsed by FOP"


9/27/2012 06:24:00 AM  

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