Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Once Again, Missing the Point

A number of people have accused us of defending the cop who told Henny Penny he hadn't written a mover in 7 years.  If they could just point that out to us, we'd appreciate it.  We doubt you'll find it as we didn't write it.

In the meantime, we have made no secret of disdaining quotas.  Quotas lead to bad police work.

We have no problem doing police work, but police work isn't a numbers game.  Unfortunately, that's exactly how it's being treated by too many bosses and politicians.  Today, it's contact cards.  A few years back, it was event numbers and missions.  Before that it was Search Warrants.  A few years before that, it was guns (the old SOS/Gun Teams/PSN teams/etc.)  And going back to when we started, it was "index numbers."  It's a joke.

Morons who have never ever produced a quota number attempting to tell police officers to fulfill some unwritten quota system so they can look good at meetings with other number crunchers is insane.  Especially one who hasn't been promoted legit once in her career, though she was demoted legitimately.  We won't even get into her disastrous personal baggage which would fill a post all by itself.

Anyone who thinks we "owe" the citizens movers, parkers and contact cards is drinking way too much kool-aid.  They get fleeced by Rahm daily, and before Rahm, by Daley.  We owe the citizenry prompt service, thorough investigations, common courtesy and proper enforcement when appropriate.  Unfortunately, in these less than stellar times, prompt service is out the window due to manpower considerations and the lack of detectives mean investigations are rare.  The breakdown of these first two elements leads to less courtesy and proper enforcement becomes nearly impossible after everything else breaks down, including a broken court system, vindictive prosecution of officer mistakes, financial endangerment of officer assets, deal making instead of prosecuting and a ravenous mayor who craves $$$ for more programs over everything else.  

Some of it may be coppers being "dogs," but way more of it is officers in survival mode.  You're going to risk it all on a spin of the Cook County Wheel of Justice?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't clear about half the homicide cases but man-oh-man lookie here the contact cards are done and now I'm somebody!

Like finding your own name in a new phone book for some, ya know?

9/26/2012 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first started in 007 in the late 90's the big push was Hazardous movers, remember that? Went to the tact team and the big push was for part 1 offenses. Now it's contact cards (basically wanting you to stop people with no PC and no reasonable suspicion) to fill out a stupid 3"x5" card to appease the media and public that we are proactive. Sorry, not me. Unless I have PC or reasonable suspicion that a crime has just been committed or is about to be committed I'm not doing one. It's kinda scary wondering what the next push is going to be. Remember, the bosses on this job do not have your back and when you are in federal court explaining your actions, I guarantee you will not see any of those bosses who got promoted off your back. Be smart boys and girls, it's your life not theirs

9/26/2012 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad reality is this; You can get in less trouble doing NOTHING than you can doing SOMETHING.

Until that goes away, don't expect big changes.


9/26/2012 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit, SCC. The fact that you have to explain yourself shows just how many kool-aid drinking softballs we have on this joke of a department. In my younger days I was given search warrant quotas, and my extra efforts came to bite me in the ass. I cared so much about my "spot" and the boss cared so much about numbers. Quotas lead to frantic POs desperate to generate activity. The end result is always negative. Those of you bitching need to get some fucking perspective......and some time on the job.

9/26/2012 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely stated.

9/26/2012 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SCC, it couldn't have been said any better. This is exactly the state of the department and its members today.

9/26/2012 12:46:00 AM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Very well said, SCC. I couldn't agree more.

And I also second the request of a poster in the previous "Henny Penny" thread when I ask for a rerun of the Pissbums Pod Pictures. Please run those pictures again and I promise to scan them and send the Canine Killer full color copies via police mail.

Classic shit there, man.

9/26/2012 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the citizens and bosses want parkers and movers. wait until a class comes out of the academy . you can't keep those books in stock when a class graduates. You want it, you're gonna get it. We enforce city stickers, I have yet to get a letter from jesse white congratulating me for checking seat belt use

9/26/2012 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We have no problem doing police work, but police work isn't a numbers game. Unfortunately, that's exactly how it's being treated by too many bosses and politicians. Today, it's contact cards."

At CPD it's been a numbers game since I came on.

The bosses are autistic. Count, count, count.

Years ago they wanted contact cards, too. They had some kind of fancy mission name, "OPERATION (some damn thing or another)."

I had a friend make me a rubber stamp with the operation name on it & stamped the first line of all my contact cards with it...until the commander told me to knock it off, something about civil rights violations, IIRC.

It never changes. It will always be about numbers here. Always. For the same reason that the idiot bosses demand all that paperwork, when it's all accessible via computer; they only "understand" something that they can touch.

9/26/2012 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

you nailed this one SCC

9/26/2012 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contact cards. Bullshit. Ask someone for their personal information for a corrupt city government? No thanks. I'm an American.

9/26/2012 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe before people comment they should get details, just because someone doesn't write movers maybe he/she are making arrests and going to a lot of court.
Don't be so quick to judge. Get all the facts before you start name calling.
You're not a hero because you go to traffic court

9/26/2012 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disdain and hate lazy people, whether they are cops or not. I cannot stand them and I see no difference between someone who is lazy at work and someone who is abusing the entitlement system.

However, setting quotas is not the answer. A condescending boss, or clout heavy boss who hides behind their rank, or a boss who never worked as the police one day in their career yet chooses to belittle an officer does not change things for the better, either.

The bosses, from the Mayor on down to the supervisor so proud of his/her stripes, need to learn how to positively motivate people and to build morale. However the last 10 years of this job has seen good, decent and fair bosses go out the window. I don't blame coppers for not bringing in the activity.

I overhear how the white shirts talk about what piss ants and problems the blue shirts are. That attitude will not lend itself to getting the goals accomplished that bosses hope to see. If the bosses want to fuck with the blue shirts, all the blue shirts are going to do is fuck with the white shirts.

Treat people with respect and it will be returned in kind.

9/26/2012 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spot on, SCC, SPOT ON!!!!!

9/26/2012 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Mike Da Rookie said...

Amen SCC. Even half the retards that posted on the previous thread regarding the cop as a dog, that should write tickets to make Henny Penny look good, might even understand your logic. How about this: The dam started bursting long ago, and collapsed entirely, after the midget declared Chicago a sanctuary city. Now, there are so many illegal immigrants driving around with no licenses that it is impossible to do anything about it no matter how many tvb's you do. If City Hall, technically our bosses, don't give a fuck then why should we? Some of the earlier threads comments just goes to prove what I tell my family and civilian friends that ask me about the people I work with. Some are the greatest people you would ever meet, and some are the biggest losers that got picked on in high school that would go out and bring in numbers even if they were ordered to wear only a Derby hat and a pink polka dot thong along with their duty belt. No wonder the city is going to eat us alive during the next contract negotiation. Yeah, its all the guy's fault that doesnt bring in any movers. Stupid fucks.

9/26/2012 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with SCC. Big numbers doesn't mean a good cop. If a beat cop does the job without numbers and there is low crime on the beat, is that not good police work?

9/26/2012 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC, I would take an old dog who can actually catch the guy who just stole the shit out of my garage than a cop turning in 15 contact cards a day flooding the contact card system and all but making the investigative tool it was designed to be useless!

9/26/2012 03:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dogs will always be dogs, and they will find the proverbial boatload of excuses to be one, or remain one. You'd think some officers would have some sense of shame that would keep them from coming in with goose eggs night after night...

9/26/2012 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot are missing the point, commander Moy and a few LT'S in 20 are asshole that really think they are GOD in there white shirts and look down on p.o.'s .Commander goes to comstat and comes back yelling she needs activity, now you thing im gonna go get activity to make her look good next month.

9/26/2012 04:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understood it yesterday, and I understand it again, today SCC. Well put!

9/26/2012 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the morons who didn't understand it are the morons who didn't pass the Sgt's test! Lol

9/26/2012 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

Amen SCC, I could not have said it any better. The post was to show how asinine penny is and how a Sgt was trying to bully the watch into a contact card bs mission. And did anyone think that the cop might have been just kidding when he said the, no mover in years thing? Maybe it was just an attempt to piss of penny cause she was belittling them in front of coworkers?

But all the super cops and hairgels have to come out and start talking shit. This is why we can't stick together. And to all the asses that are sticking up for penny, you my friend have never had the displeasure of working for one of the worst bosses on this job.

Oh go ahead and get a contact card, no my friend show up on time answer your calls and back each other up. When you guys with 8 years or less don't get a pension and keep getting screwed you will finally wake up you idiots.

9/26/2012 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you SCC for spelling it out for these idiots. And yes, the actual "dogs" should be under the microscope like the one supervisor said, to nitpick them. The problem with that is, we don't have any real supervisors left on this job who know the difference between the two.

9/26/2012 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're out there actively looking for movers and Parker's your a whore for Rahm period. I refuse to give the city money that the corrupt people in charge will waste. Movers and Parker's don't make a difference, if you want to be the police actually lock someone up for a legit crime. Work on leads in burglaries, robberies, etc. Generating cash for the city to blow on shit like ceasefire? You're a whore, period

9/26/2012 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The less money we bring in for the city the more assholes they hire at the DOR. I'm not saying to hammer the crap out of the citizens but when you see a violation maybe you should write it. BTW the new order on compliance violations takes away your discretion.

9/26/2012 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyone doing anything out there? The only thing being a good officer and doing your job gets anyone in this department are CR# and lawsuits. I say God bless the officer who hasn't written a ticket in seven years. After twenty four years on this job I have seen numerous officers get promoted who didn't do a damn thing while P/Os. I know a couple of P/Os who are now Lts who never brought in any numbers. I also know a half dozen Sgts and some gold stars who were the biggest dogs out who didn't do a damn thing as P/Os either. So F it!

And remember, when you are sitting in federal court with everything you worked for your whole life on the line your boss, the one you were trying to please, will not be there sweating bullets with you.

9/26/2012 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear ya......You hit the nail on the head.

9/26/2012 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Cook County Wheel of Justice" is just a smaller version of the new American Wheel of Justice. Drug cartels launder billions of dollars through the country's biggest banks. Doctors and hospitals cheat the government out of billions and Wall Street and government vendors do the same. When they get caught, what's the same result; no one goes to jail.

OK Mr. Dillinger, we caught you coming out of the bank, so give us back the money, less a couple hundred for your troubles. Oh by the way, here's your hat. You dropped it on the way out. What a world.

9/26/2012 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you wrote SCC, but you don't have to explain anything to anyone. It's your blog and if readers don't like it f*ck 'em. Although I do enjoy your retorts. :)

You must have a threshold for idiocy that once passed, well, you idiot bar keeps dropping.

9/26/2012 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I will agree with most of your points and that quotas are complete bullshit, c'mon. Any copper who hasn't written a mover in seven years and then throws it in a supervisors face is an imbecile and deserves whatever he/she gets. Penny just might be the dullest knife in the drawer, but even she is bright enough to know that she had to do something when challenged.

Its unlikely that he didn't see any violations over that time period. If he has the fears that you describe, perhaps he should seek another line of employment. After all I depend on other officers to have my back and if they fear legal or administrative ramifications for what they do and base their decisions on those fears then they are worthless. Just saying.

9/26/2012 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officers who are giving SCC shit for defending the PO who hasn't written a mover in 7 years, will just love ME. I haven't done one since 94! Had a couple of W/C's get at me about it over the years. But simply put, I fuckin hate traffic court! Always have. Now that I have over 20 years on, there isn't much anyone can do to force to write movers. I've done my time. Made hundreds of arrests. Homicides, dope, uuw, all that other bullshit too. Did all that runnin & gunnin shit earlier in the career. So I say now, as I said back then, FUCK MOVERS!

9/26/2012 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's starting at 009 ... put out at roll call that if your assigned a special sector and don't come in with contact cards or other shite, the Boss wants a to-from

9/26/2012 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sit outside the alderman's office and get a contact card on everyone entering and leaving. See how long they want cards after that.

9/26/2012 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual, well said SCC!

9/26/2012 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I donno, Somke of us are just too busy answering calls to do that. Somebody has to do the calls while others are on stops and numbers.

9/26/2012 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bosses can whine about numbers [another form of quotas] all they want!

My question is: are the bosses and City gonna back us up in the civil rights lawsuits that get filed against Police Officers in Federal Court? I think not!

Henny Penny can go pound sand!

Da Pelon

9/26/2012 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with all you said SCC but seven years without writing a mover? C'mon, I could write seven movers on my way to work. That guy is a dog and needs to be referred to as such.

9/26/2012 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with SCC. Big numbers doesn't mean a good cop. If a beat cop does the job without numbers and there is low crime on the beat, is that not good police work?

9/26/2012 02:49:00 AM's all about the numbers.

Years ago told to get the prostitutes out of the District. Did just that. Then the following year we're told that we are down on these arrests.

If they are not there, how can you arrest them.

9/26/2012 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

next time a carload of gangbangers takes a field trip to your neighborhood, blasting their stereo, trying to holler at your daughter, thank the well paid copper that takes pride in checking off with zeros. i don't do police work for the bosses, i do it for myself, my freinds, and my family.

9/26/2012 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I ripped people who supported Mr I don't write movers. I did not rip you. SCC did not support what this officer did. SCC reported some interesting police news. Nothing more nothing less.

I agree with your thread. The majority of coppers going through the motions are doing so out of being scared. I have been sued multiple times in my career. I haven't paid a penny out of my pocket (thank GOD!). That doesn't mean it won't happen. That being said Police Officers should still try to be proactive. A good police officer can be proactive yet cautious at the same time. Remember don't cut corners and don't be reckless to make some imaginary number. A veteran officer told me about ten years ago to do it right. When an officer does it right the boss can't say shit to you.

PS I know bosses say shit to working officers all the time about doing things the right way isn't the fastest way to keep the bosses numbers up. Tell the boss to find somebody else to do it if they don't want it done the right way.

9/26/2012 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget edge missions and those dam sbez.

9/26/2012 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go SCC. I find it sad that we the Blue Shirts can no longer seem to stick together. What ever happened to the BLUE CODE?????? We should all be united.

9/26/2012 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue is not whether Officer A and B should write x amount of tickets. The issue is Coppers who are just plain lazy and brag about it.
If you aren't writing tickets then you haven't made an arrest off a traffic stop. If you aren't making traffic stops, I think one could gather a person isn't doing street stops either.
SO what are you doing then? Are you making all your arrests from assigned jobs?
Oh yeah, why is it that whenever someone calls out another on what appears to be BS, someone says "Get some time on the job"? Stop assuming it's the FNG calling people out.
SCC, I agree we need more Coppers. But that's not an excuse for mailing it in everyday. I see Officers doing great work out here. But I also see Officers blatantly doing nothing. Even going so far as to state they aren't doing anything. I never hear anyone say, I can't be proactive, aggressive, etc., because of manpower issues.

9/26/2012 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a nutshell...we lack leadership...the mayor is a bully not a leader he has no intention of engaging with the citizens about how the city should be run...McCarthy he is a bully not a leader...and he fuels the factions within the department..he has no moral compass..just like the mayor and aldercreatures and all the other government goofs that we elected to office...

9/26/2012 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put SCC! Fvck the suck hole bosses crying about blue shirts not playing their numbers games. I want to see Penny's life time movers, parkers, arrest and Search Warrants!! To me this was two dogs calling each other out. Only difference is one has a white shirt.

9/26/2012 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't judge a dog JUST because he's a dog. Some got punished for doing work! I still laugh my ass off about all you ex MSF and TRU! I'm sorry they did you like that but it's just too funny! Hope you're enjoying your ride from 016 to 003, 004, 005! And I hope you got smart now.

"A working man is a sucker!"

9/26/2012 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC, you forgot to mention the push for school absentee's and curfew's in the early and mid 90's.
Your post was right on target.

My thoughts and my thoughts only. While working I listen to whatever zone I happen to be in. I can't believe how quickly some districts come out of roll call and within 2 hours or so the district goes into a back log. Then it stays that way until the next shift comes on.

I know there is a shortage of police on the street that causes most of these problems. I still wonder how cars don't become available when a Sgt. is given a job. I know some Sgts. deserve what they get and SOMEBODY will always have something to say bad about ANYONE. I remember how we would get railed in roll call by our Sgt or Lt if they were ever called for a job. It just never happened. Today it is such a common occurrence that it starts to fade in my memory.

As stated before, I know some Sgts get what they deserve and it COULD be the reason the officers don't work for them. It sounded like this for the 020 Dist copper. if the shit is rolling downhill, a good Sgt stops it at themselve.

The saying holds true; Respect is EARNED, not given to!
Some, if not most of the bosses on the job need to be constantly reminded of this fact. Especially those that have not EARNED their position.

Guys like Commander Kup, Capt Carroll, Capt Farrell, and many Lt., Sgt., and patrolmen earned and deserved MY respect. That list seems to be quickly evaporating these days.

SCC, why can't the Police go back to being the Police, and not just the police.

9/26/2012 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

young coppers tattle on the sgt & lt , bosses today don't have a clue
are afraid to discipline the hairgels because hairgels might tell mommy that the man in white shirt yelled at him

9/26/2012 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaders are supposed to lead right? Can some one tell me why that Lt on 1st watch in 020 RWOC's all the prisoners? Does he have to go somewhere or something??

9/26/2012 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many P.O.'s don't write movers because they don't want to go to traffic court. Driving to traffic court isn't practical due to prohibitively expensive parking. Taking the train with your arrestees is not the greatest of ideas. The judges in traffic court routinely throw out tickets, making your effort pointless. Sgt Lenihan of the traffic court section is a world class asshole who writes up P.O.'s for any minor infraction, but doesn't have the balls to tell them.

9/26/2012 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lot are missing the point, commander Moy and a few LT'S in 20 are asshole that really think they are GOD in there white shirts and look down on p.o.'s .Commander goes to comstat and comes back yelling she needs activity, now you thing im gonna go get activity to make her look good next month.

9/26/2012 04:59:00 AM

You are spot on. The morale in 020 is hinged on the unhinged. Moy. Screaming and yelling at grown men and women. For what? Anything.

9/26/2012 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Barrington or South Barrington or the Barrington Hills PO that pulled my mother over Sunday-Thank you! Professional courtesy still exists. She was so nervous and said you treated her well.


9/26/2012 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if these white shirts want cards and movers, how about THEY DO IT THEMSELVES! A sgt make $100,000 base. What the fuck are you kool aid drinking mfers doing to earn that?

9/26/2012 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

The entire concept of policing is changing in Chicago. Changing for the worse.

This whole idea of "targeting" people and "stopping crime before it happens" is completely against the Constitution. Do not get caught up in this ridiculous bullshit.

Police enforce laws and solve crime. They do not stop crime. Stopping crime before it happens is the Chinese and Russian way, not the American way.

The real problem is that the Cook County State's Attorney does not have the resources or the will to enforce the laws we already have. McCarthy wants to get around that by having his officers violate the rights of every ghetto mope to bring down crime stats. Today, the media and ghetto fools applaud this effort. In two years, they will be demanding reparations and the media will be demanding they get it FROM YOU.

Don't be a fool. All of McCarthy's tactics are illegal. Follow him and suffer the consequences.

9/26/2012 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, this is for you-- the Crime Commission says Chicago needs to hire more cops- over a thousand more:

9/26/2012 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when an employee is treated like a dog, so the boss will shine, forget ot. the arrogance of the upper echelon doesnt help efficient policing. taking orders from a boss that cant appreciate what a po does is a problem. politics created this situation. incompetent, politically connected, promoted over their ability, they are not able to inspire pos.

9/26/2012 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my position at work I can picture the group you mention in derby hats and poka dot thongs.They bring in the most waste of time,nothing ever accomplished, I bond prisoners. Of course the thong is worn over the blue jeans.

9/26/2012 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC

9/26/2012 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are unfortunate enough to be trapped in a ghetto District you should be thanking those who are using the only weapon we have.

9/26/2012 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keeping notes on citizens with contact cards is crap. This isnt North Korea. As far as government authority figures keep your mouth shut and keep your gun loaded at home. This is America.

9/26/2012 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out Fox news
The Chgo Crime Commission basically is saying the only way to stop the shootings and murders in Chicago is to hire 1,400 police officers and to have an immediate response team of 500 officers to respond to hot spots......

Since when does the Chgo Crime Commission come out and take such a stance against the Mayor and Supt.

To me it sounds like the Mayor is setting up McCarthy to take a fall. The Crime Commission stance is 180 degrees different from the Supt.

I see Rahm using this report to go in a different direction and get rid of McCarthy.

But don't kid yourself that Rahm will hire 1,400 new police - he'll just hang his hat on this report to justify firing McCarthy!

9/26/2012 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despot Kim Jong-un keeps contact cards on everyone who is prisoner to their fate in his disgusting tyrannical country. Some of the most contacted are now in Yodok.

9/26/2012 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot are missing the point, commander Moy and a few LT'S in 20 are assholes...

Live a few minutes from 020. One day,about a year ago, I stopped in to see if a transfer order had come out. The PO at the desk walked down a few feet to look for the order for me. Some F-2 Lt shows up and asks what he's looking for? He tells her he's looking for the order for me (this PO). She asks me who I am? I tell her I'm a PO. She then begins berating the poor desk PO, right there, in front of me. Yelling at him for seemingly no reason at all. She then asked me where do I work? I said "That's ok, Lu", and walked out. Who's that bitch of an Lt? I think it was 3rd watch.

9/26/2012 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked with an Academy PO last summer who contact carded a lady having chest pains!

9/26/2012 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot are missing the point, commander Moy and a few LT'S in 20 are asshole that really think they are GOD in there white shirts and look down on p.o.'s .Commander goes to comstat and comes back yelling she needs activity, now you thing im gonna go get activity to make her look good next month.

With the poor spelling and grammar written in your post, one would have to assume that any contact cards you would complete would be a total embarrassment to the Dept. Do us all a favor and continue to document nothing in your own handwriting.

9/26/2012 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You couldn't be more correct...Quota's do lead to bad and DANGEROUS police work. And by the way, I doubt Henny Penny even knows what "reasonable suspicion" means. Quota's/pressure cause coppers to make dangerous errors possibly placing them at call back wishing they didn't fall to the brasses pressure.

Speaking of contact cards. I remember when they first came out they were designed as an investigative tool to make note of an individual that didn't fit, was suspicious or just unfamilure to a beat cop, but all with-in "the reasonable suspicion" rule. It was used to enhance a coppers awareness to whats going on around his district and make a note of the individual. Now however, it's become the opposite and only a stat for the brass to look at on a stat sheet. They want to track what didtrict is stopping the most people and that's just not the way it was supposed to be. Sad

9/26/2012 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
When I first started in 007 in the late 90's the big push was Hazardous movers, remember that? Went to the tact team and the big push was for part 1 offenses. Now it's contact cards (basically wanting you to stop people with no PC and no reasonable suspicion) to fill out a stupid 3"x5" card to appease the media and public that we are proactive. Sorry, not me. Unless I have PC or reasonable suspicion that a crime has just been committed or is about to be committed I'm not doing one. It's kinda scary wondering what the next push is going to be. Remember, the bosses on this job do not have your back and when you are in federal court explaining your actions, I guarantee you will not see any of those bosses who got promoted off your back. Be smart boys and girls, it's your life not theirs

9/26/2012 12:28:00 AM

Part I offenses for tact teams? Wow that had to be back in the 1970's because that won't fly now. They don't want tact wasting time looking for part I's because the numbers would be way too low passing up on all the petty arrests. Part I arrests take far too much time for the brass.

9/26/2012 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Maybe before people comment they should get details, just because someone doesn't write movers maybe he/she are making arrests and going to a lot of court.
Don't be so quick to judge. Get all the facts before you start name calling.
You're not a hero because you go to traffic court

9/26/2012 01:27:00 AM

Speak for yourself, BIATCH!

I'd ignore a nun being raped on the steps of a church call in front of ABC7 news cameras to write a illegal right on red ticket. If there's a seat belt violation and a broken taillight I might just get a two day erection.

I got the mirrored glasses, the hair gel, and the correct attitude. If it hadn't been for the psychological test and my lack of clout with the State Police I'd be over there now.

Alas, my daddy's clout only extended to the CPD. Thanks dad!

9/26/2012 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a lot of coppers here are 'missing the point.'
No movers, no activity whatsoever documented, for years? If you worked in the private sector, you'd be
fired, and it would have happened long ago.
No, there's no quota on activity. Even obtaining
one mover, parker or field contact card per month
is SOMETHING. It will be a lot harder justifying why
you've failed to have any activity than to go out
there and justify your existence, even if it's with
just one each per period. And don't think you
can't eventually take a day for lack of any activity
whatsoever, I've seen it happen in other districts.
The disciplinary action starts out small, and works
its way up to a day. Once that happens, everybody
starts doing what they should be doing, active

9/26/2012 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 years ago a fellow officer related to me that he was injured and put in a body cast when initiating a contact card encounter. At the bench trial the offender was acquitted. The judge told the officer, "an officer who does this (contact cards) has one foot in the penitentiary."

Yes, we had contact cards back then.

9/26/2012 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SCC! You ought to be our voice; please talk to the union prior to labor negotiations. Love you SCC!

9/26/2012 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, please do a post about the Pete's Fresh Market shakedown

This crap needs to finally come to light. I am sure Ald Burrnetts "people" had something to do with the activist since the city inspectors office should up and cited the construction crews after the shakedown attempt

I have already gone online an wrote an email to Pete's Fresh Markets owner applauding him for pulling the construction companies he hired from the site.

I suggest others do the same and the link is below. This whole scam has nothing to do with jobs and is all about bribe money.

9/26/2012 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friend of mine working in Gangs told me that they are telling them to get 10 heads a month or they will be counseled. I would really like to see that.

9/26/2012 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"[Chicagoans] get fleeced by Rahm daily, and before Rahm, by Daley." -- SCC

Not to mention getting shorn by RahmDaleyCo.

Asshole Andy Shaw getting ear time today on the radio, blowing that "the Emanuel administration is known for running a tight ship, and has reduced the projected deficit by $70 million."

It's a decrease in the don't have!

All the rest of the "news" is pathetic nonsense. "Home prices are reaching record highs, while, sales are still dropping off..." More Increase In The Decrease.

One piece "The recovery continues," the next piece, "Americans cut back on eating out and going to movies and buying clothes..."

Meanwhile, "community activists" in the alleged "food desert" on the West Side have successfuly halted construction of a new food market.

9/26/2012 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quotas cause officers to take chances that wouldn't normally take and the end result is indictments. Look at SOS!

9/26/2012 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Like finding your own name in a new phone book for some, ya know?"

--9/26/2012 12:27:00 AM

Spend a lot of time reading the phone book, do you?

9/26/2012 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i remember not too long ago, they came up with a new activity log for us to fill out at the end of our shift. funny thing is there was a line for just about everything, everything other than guns recovered. what the fuck! the first line was contact cards and second was curfews. lord this job and those who run it get me sick. then getting reemed a new A Hole for getting a gun arrest 2 blocks outside the box and then get bitched at like a child because we only had 4 contact cards for the tour.

9/26/2012 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired with 23 years on the job-I answered my calls, backed other officers, made arrestes, etc. without writing movers ~ fuck giving the city any revenue!!

9/26/2012 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so in theory then
it would be possilbe to go a whole shift and not write a ticket
as my brother in law paointed once
police are not police any more
they are turning into "Revenue Enchancement Agents"
cities and towns tell their officers to "find revenue"
supposley some have to right 3 tickets a day like almost 90 tickets a month
and as broke as some towns are i'm not surprised

9/26/2012 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No movers at all? How about one written for a traffic accident where a no DL, no insurance driver was involved and at fault? If no, why not? I find most of the people who are proud of doing nothing are also the ones that lay down on jobs, drive the wrong way on in progress jobs, don't come up for back up and don't respond to 10-1s. Guys like that make it harder for everyone else, GFY !!

9/26/2012 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i came on the job years ago when being a good cop meant go out take care of your beat, answer your calls and back up your fellow p.o's, there were no contact card then or needed you knew who was on your beat and who were the bad guys and who wasn't and you took care of business what ever it was you needed to be done, bosses didn't bother you about minor b.s like contact cards which is really meaning less in police work, but i came on when bosses had balls and didn't forget where they came from and treated blue shirts like they wanted to be treated. cpt. b god rest his soul use to give 3 hr time do when u came in with a gun or hot car which motivated you even more, but he was out there with us everyday getting his hands dirty fighting with us and if you got hurt he was in the hospital with you till your family came, well yrs later the department turned around 180 degrees, now you have bosses what to write you up if you dont turn in contact cards or have movers ect. but don't care if you kept you bt clean and did what you where suppose to do as a real bt cop, i leave this job soon with a heavy heart seeing how bad this department turned into and where it is going.

9/26/2012 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are invited to the Robert B. Wilcox Symposium on Criminal Justice. This event will be held Wednesday, October 10, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at First United Methodist Church at the Chicago Temple, 77 W. Washington St., in Chicago.

Hosted by Protestants for the Common Good, Serving our Communities: Alternatives
to Incarceration will feature discussion on models for diversion.

Participants will include:

Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Board President
Anita Alvarez, Cook County State's Attorney
L.E.A.D. Team: Seattle (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion)
Garry McCarthy, Chicago Police Superintendent
John Chisholm, Milwaukee County District Attorney
Wisconsin Community Justice Reinvestment
Adult Redeploy Illinois
Register today >>

9/26/2012 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed!! Reading thoes comments calling that police officer a dog made me sick. Fuck those coppers !! Every one polices in their own way. These fucken white shirts are back stabbing pieces of shit. Once that white shirt goes on they are company men now and most but not all forget where they came from. Me personally, when I hear in roll call a white shirt whining we need this or we need that because compstat is coming up I make sure I do none of what they ask!

9/26/2012 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC thanks

9/26/2012 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say thanks to SCC for calling it the way it has been since I bought my first revolver for this job.

Now I carry an semi auto and we are still counting numbers to prove we are the police.

It has always been a numbers game, in patrol in the Detective division and any other unit in this Department.

Henny Penny is just trying to show she is in Charge....

9/26/2012 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all you go getters on this young Department.

Over twenty years ago I received an Honorable Mention for just being in the right place while everyone else on the watch ran to the man with a gun call.

Sad to say no man with a gun was found but the the guys ripping off the gas station had toy guns.

Wisdom comes with time.

9/26/2012 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Demanding contact cards defeats the purpose of what they were designed for, of course the bosses today don't know what the're for.

9/26/2012 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many contact cards or arrests did the commanders of 14,15,20 etc,etc make? Lead by example? well following by example is exactly what the officers are doing, the same thing you did Commanders.....Now go and get you ass chewed out at compstat tomorrow.

9/26/2012 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me why the FBI, and Terrorism Task Force and Cook Co. Emergency Management Authority are so involved with missing NU student? Is there more to this? These heavy hitters aren't involved when 16 year old Lakeria Jones of 67/Marshfield goesmissing.

9/26/2012 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

next time a carload of gangbangers takes a field trip to your neighborhood, blasting their stereo, trying to holler at your daughter, thank the well paid copper that takes pride in checking off with zeros. i don't do police work for the bosses, i do it for myself, my freinds, and my family.

9/26/2012 07:59:00 AM

Well said.

9/26/2012 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SC^2, you said nothing either in support or derogatory towards that officer who hadn't done a mover in seven years. I think what an officer does pretty much depends on where he/she is assigned and if you aren't around 'movers' much, if at all, then it is pretty hard to do one.

Just my opinion. That and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee.

9/26/2012 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can't strike,the ONLY THING we can do to fight back is deny the only thing they want...REVENUE.

9/26/2012 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As of now, the only "perk" the bosses can give to their "workers" is a start time preference.

Big fucking deal....McFuckstick has the balls to tell exempts to "take care of their workers and punish those who aren't giving you what you want" and then tells them to fuck EVERYONE on time due...TIME DUE THAT WE FUCKING EARNED AND HAVE A NOW LAWFULL RIGHT TO TAKE.

Way to take care of the "workers" McFuckstick..."letting" them take their own time off work and "letting" them work an early car.

You can shove it so far up your fucking ass till it makes you cough you fucking shitheel...

9/26/2012 03:51:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the unpublished "blame administration or politics" poster:

You raise an interesting point and we'd enjoy debating it with you. But when you accuse us of not publishing comments to keep a "slanted" direction going, you're wrong. Our rules are few.

And when you challenge/dare/bet us not to post something, we can't resist a good challenge and your well thought out rebuttal goes right in the trash.

Try making the point again without being condescending to us or the readers and we'll bet it gets published in short order.

9/26/2012 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Generating cash for the city to blow on shit like ceasefire? You're a whore, period

9/26/2012 06:17:00 AM

Fuckin A well told.

9/26/2012 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious a hand full of fuck tards are missing the point again. I for a fact know those two guys and know they are stand up fucking cops who dont take shit from no one. They do their job and they do it well. His statement about him not writing a mover in 7 years was completely sarcastic. You wouldn't know that if you wernt in roll call that day. Doesn't surprise me people would jump into conclusion without knowing the facts. It's a matter of respect. The sgt wanted to push his wieght around and fucked with the wrong guys who then called him out on his bluff. Open your fucking eyes and save your stupid comments when you don't know anything about what happened.

9/26/2012 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we please expose this.

Barbara West meets with Farrakhan

Iran's Ahmadinejad meets with Louis Farrahkan

Just fucking wow!

9/26/2012 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anybody really care? People are still getting shot and killed at a record pace. Is it my imagination or has McCarthy been absent from the media limelight the last two weeks? Think about it he went from being on the TV everyday to not at all. As many people predicted, its the end of the summer and Rahm is going to put all the blame on McCarthy and his strategies and ship him and his cronies back to the east coast.

9/26/2012 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you do NOTHING You do NOTHING Wrong!

9/26/2012 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous an officer's wife said...

Speaking of contact cards. I remember when they first came out they were designed as an investigative tool to make note of an individual that didn't fit, was suspicious or just unfamilure to a beat cop, but all with-in "the reasonable suspicion" rule. It was used to enhance a coppers awareness to whats going on around his district and make a note of the individual. Now however, it's become the opposite and only a stat for the brass to look at on a stat sheet.

It's unfortunate that this formerly useful tool has fallen victim to bureaucratic game playing. Several years ago, when I was the victim of an armed robbery, the robber was quickly apprehended because the beat car had done a contact card on that suspicious looking character less than an hour before he robbed me.

When I followed up with the detective, I was informed that mine was the last of a string of 15 armed robberies with the same MO and same description of the robber within a radius of a few miles over a 2 week period. I hate to imagine how many more people he might have victimized if that contact card hadn't helped the officers locate him so quickly.

9/26/2012 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police generate a lot of revenue. The politicians need to treat their employees well and pay into the pensions, give fair raises and work with us and not against us.
We are emplyees, workers, not servants.

9/26/2012 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone told me a long time ago that you earn your pay just by showing up in uniform, because from the instant you step outside the station, you are a human target.

Any one of us could pay the ultimate price at any time. For instance, by getting killed putting your gear in your getting killed trying to get a simple 'homeless' person off a getting killed processing a crime scene.

You don't have to produce numbers to be a policeman. And you don't have to run head-first into 'shots fired' calls to get killed. Being in danger engulfs us, and for those of us who don't hide behind desks, simply being 'out there' is DOING the job.

9/26/2012 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that you have to explain yourself shows just how many kool-aid drinking softballs we have on this joke of a department

These new cops havent a clue of what real police work even is. They think that since they write parkers and movers and a ton of contact cards that they are the shit. What a joke.

9/26/2012 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you're out there actively looking for movers and Parker's your a whore for Rahm period. I refuse to give the city money that the corrupt people in charge will waste. Movers and Parker's don't make a difference, if you want to be the police actually lock someone up for a legit crime. Work on leads in burglaries, robberies, etc. Generating cash for the city to blow on shit like ceasefire? You're a whore, period

9/26/2012 06:17:00 AM

I live in 016 and work in 011. Funny, the closer I get to work, the fewer red light cameras there are. In fact, I can work a whole tour and not pass a single one. Wonder why that is? I've never, ever, ever seen worse drivers than in 011.

So if the purpose of red light cameras is to enhance enforcement, why not put them in the ghettos? Oh, that's right--I forgot--because they're money makers, that's all.

Does anyone know if there's a map of the red light cameras? Because I don't think there are many, if any, west of, maybe Ashland, and south of Fullerton. Would love to see a pin-map.

9/26/2012 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
While I will agree with most of your points and that quotas are complete bullshit, c'mon. Any copper who hasn't written a mover in seven years and then throws it in a supervisors face is an imbecile and deserves whatever he/she gets. Penny just might be the dullest knife in the drawer, but even she is bright enough to know that she had to do something when challenged.

Its unlikely that he didn't see any violations over that time period. If he has the fears that you describe, perhaps he should seek another line of employment. After all I depend on other officers to have my back and if they fear legal or administrative ramifications for what they do and base their decisions on those fears then they are worthless. Just saying.

9/26/2012 06:50:00 AM

You're definitely in the lead for ASSHAT of the year...but I haven't gotten to the end of the comments yet, so that's subject to change. I think you're safe though. Good GAWD!!!!!

9/26/2012 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Anonymous said...
It's starting at 009 ... put out at roll call that if your assigned a special sector and don't come in with contact cards or other shite, the Boss wants a to-from

9/26/2012 07:07:00 AM

I will GLADLY drop a To-From explaining my lack of revenue generation at the end of my tour. And attached to that To-From will be a little yellow slip with the money box checked. That'd make me a winner twice in one day!

9/26/2012 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't make arrests on suspended DL gang members? You don't stop obvious gang members driving around in their hoopties with legitimate probable cause traffic infractions? If your answer to these 2 questions is "yes", then you truly are a waste of an officer.
More crime, less revenue, contributes to our pensions being eventually lost. Quit whining and arrest the real criminals. As a cop, you should know what they look like.

9/26/2012 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's starting at 009 ... put out at roll call that if your assigned a special sector and don't come in with contact cards or other shite, the Boss wants a to-from

9/26/2012 07:07:00 AM

And what are you supposed to write in the to-from? That could be a lot of fun!

Subject: No Contact Cards

1. I did not write any contact cards during my tour.

2. Like Ceasefire, I prevented crime from happening, therefore there was no need to write any contact cards.

3. I would be glad to quantify how many crimes I prevented but lack a mathematical model to provide meaningful data. Can you provide the formula Ceasefire uses so I can be accurate in reporting my crime prevention numbers?

Respectfully submitted,


9/26/2012 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's starting at 009 ... put out at roll call that if your assigned a special sector and don't come in with contact cards or other shite, the Boss wants a to-from

9/26/2012 07:07:00 AM

Bruce Springsteen wants a to-from?

9/26/2012 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
next time a carload of gangbangers takes a field trip to your neighborhood, blasting their stereo, trying to holler at your daughter, thank the well paid copper that takes pride in checking off with zeros. i don't do police work for the bosses, i do it for myself, my freinds, and my family.

9/26/2012 07:59:00 AM

Yawn. What a wagon-load of sanctimonious CRAP. Not to mention the flawed logic of your post.

9/26/2012 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

020 is a joke!! Certain cars in station all nite on 3 hr reports then they go on lunch..then gas..cough we know the station is on your beat but seriously..5 year wonders get station security gig and park car is nowhere to be found...smoke and mirrors folks!!

Don't work in 020 but have seen this posted several times. If you have a problem with PO then say something to their face. You look like a giant pussy talking shit on an anonymous blog not to mention you sound like a RAT...

9/26/2012 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the cop who told Henny Penny he hadn't written a mover in 7 years.


I wish I could have seen the look on henny's face as her blood boiled & blubber melted !!!!

9/26/2012 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Dogs will always be dogs, and they will find the proverbial boatload of excuses to be one, or remain one. You'd think some officers would have some sense of shame that would keep them from coming in with goose eggs night after night...

9/26/2012 04:28:00 AM

Welcome to Mass Transit

9/26/2012 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous 025 1st Watch said...

There are too many officers turning in bullshit contact cards. Case in point. In 025 1st watch, N.P. Just look at all of the contact cards he turns in. Most of them are bull shit. People like him never learn. Kid give it a rest, you ain't going to 3rd watch based on your activity. It's who you know and not what you know or what you do that counts. He's a nice guy but he drinks from the bosses kool aid too much.

9/26/2012 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Demanding contact cards defeats the purpose of what they were for, of course the bosses today don't know what the're for.

9/26/2012 02:30:00 PM

I can't remember the purpose. And although I'm in the det div, I find myself wondering what the hell they tell you when they tell you to come in with them.

What are the guidelines? What is the hoped for end result?

I'd have a hard time stopping someone just for walking down the street. I don't care if it's near a narcotics spot or whatever. People are homeless out there. They wander the streets. Seems like a gathering of a bunch of useless info.

9/26/2012 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys like Commander Kup, Capt Carroll, Capt Farrell, and many Lt., Sgt., and patrolmen earned and deserved MY respect. That list seems to be quickly evaporating these days.

SCC, why can't the Police go back to being the Police, and not just the police.

9/26/2012 08:34:00 AM

add EK from 007 to the list. One of the last prince's remaining on this department. Bosses like him are few and far in between.

9/26/2012 08:10:00 PM  
Blogger kateykakes said...

Your post not only refers to PD's all over the U.S., but other businesses as well.

Trust me, it sucks. I'd like to tell my boss to take her quota system and ram it up her ass. Then again, you all have more at stake at your job than I do at mine.

It was an excellent post, SCC, and one that really gets the mind going.

You all be safe out there.


9/26/2012 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why people are judgmental about anyone on this job. I mean for the most part, most of the people who come on this job did so because they want to be the police. Now I'm one of those people who with more than 15 years is still making arrests but that is by personal choice. I will not judge others for not doing the same because I do not know what experiences they have had and how they have dealt with those experiences. I know that there are lazy people on this job like any other. But I can also tell you that we probably have more reasons to not want to go out there and be aggressive than any other job. So though some may say that it may be our job to go out there and lock people up, just don't be so hard on those who aren't because one day you might be one of those people who goes through a job related experience which makes you want to slow down. (Unity instead of division)

9/26/2012 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hosted by Protestants for the Common Good...Wisconsin Community Justice Reinvestment"

--9/26/2012 12:29:00 PM

Holy God. See what I mean about these NGOs?

How many people are taking home fat paychecks off the government grants they get for this s__t? They skim the cream off the top -- 95% seems to go for "administrative costs," i.e., their dinners out and fine sedans -- and the actual people who could use some kind of help are lucky to get a pamphlet and a "Have A Nice Day."

"Adult Redeploy Illinois."

What BS rev is living off this one? They are making them RHYME now!

"Register today."

I don't think so. I lost my mind some time back, thank you.

9/26/2012 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Years ago they wanted contact cards, too. They had some kind of fancy mission name, "OPERATION (some damn thing or another)."

"I had a friend make me a rubber stamp with the operation name on it & stamped the first line of all my contact cards with it...until the commander told me to knock it off..."

--9/26/2012 12:59:00 AM

You are a BORN TROUBLEMAKER, you know that?

"For the same reason that the idiot bosses demand all that paperwork, when it's all accessible via computer; they only "understand" something that they can touch."


They used to keep sailors polishing brass and polishing brass and polishing brass on ships; the salt water turned it green again in hours, so polish it again.

They could have just painted it once a year, but THAT WOULDN'T BE ANY FUN.

9/26/2012 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bosses do not know meaning of contact cards , 95% of exempts are triple merit promoted , many from units . 100 % xo/captains merit ,
over 30% of current lt and sgt are merit political hacks .
Don't know much about patrol division or Imprtance of completing a Field Contact card.
to them it's a number game.

9/26/2012 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"SCC, please do a post about the Pete's Fresh Market shakedown

"This crap needs to finally come to light. I am sure Ald Burrnetts "people" had something to do with the activist since the city inspectors office should up and cited the construction crews after the shakedown attempt"

--9/26/2012 11:12:00 AM

Pete's lawyer was on the phone to Channel 9 News today and they put him on the air, he minced no words and was mad as hell. "There's been damage to equipment, threats to people, firearms displayed, "We gonna f you up," you name it." The word "shakedown' was indeed used.

"I have already gone online an wrote an email to Pete's Fresh Markets owner applauding him for pulling the construction companies he hired from the site.

"I suggest others do the same and the link is below."

Yeah, Madison and Western you are buying yourself years of misery, shoplifting, breakins, theft from your delivery trucks, assaults and robberies of customers, more shakedowns and threats, etc. Don't feel bad, even the huge Jewel chain with its great resources has shut down stores that were under determined attack on a daily basis.

Don't take my word for it, Go in the CPD crime map web site and type in "Madison and Western" for ground zero and see hundreds of forcible felonies per month within 1 mile radius.

Malnati's Pizza can afford to run one money-losing West Side restaurant to salve their "social conscience" as they have thirty or so other profitable operations.

Take the hint. YOU ARE NOT WANTED IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. I would pull out, leave your "Coming Soon" billboard there for the mutts to paint gang signs all over, and let the "community activists" explain why there's a "food desert."

9/26/2012 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Frank Rizzo said...

I got chunks of broads like Henny in my stool!

9/26/2012 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT -- The Value Of Human Life

"In August driver Mohammed M. Ahmed, 41, of Chicago. turned left in the Lakeview neighborhood and ran over pedestrian Coral Kier, 86...the courts had routinely dismissed tickets against Ahmed, allowing him to keep his license.

"In April, Cook County Circuit Judge Michael Clancy found Ahmed guilty of traffic violations involved in the fatal crash. Prosecutors asked that Ahmed be given a formal conviction, but Clancy sentenced him to court supervision, with a $345 fine. With no conviction, the sentence ensured that Ahmed kept his driver's license and his license to drive a cab.",0,6382372.story

"An Elgin man who killed his roommate’s Chihuahua by hurling the dog against a wall was sentenced Wednesday to two years in prison...",0,1317914.story

9/26/2012 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news for once -- Thanks to True News USA!

"A Chicago police officer wounded in a gun battle on the city's south side last month left the hospital Wednesday after an extended stay that included 10 surgeries.

"Nyls Meredith came out of Advocate Christ Medical Center in a wheelchair, greeted by the cheers of fellow officers.

"We are his extended family. I know that's said over and over again with police officers, but it is completely true and you never see it more than in a situation like this," said fellow Officer Patrick Kinney.

"Nyls, a six-year veteran of the force and the father of three, was struck in the leg by a bullet while trying to stop three males in the 1300 block of West 112th Street on Aug. 29. Witnesses said they heard about 15 shots.

"The alleged shooter who struck Meredith is just 15 years old."

9/26/2012 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... seems like your really playing defense here SCC. I honestly dont have a place anywhere in my heart for a dog copper. A copper who is proud of not writing a mover, parker or doing anything is useless to me. The I answer my jobs and write paper means absolutely nothing at all. Your suppose to make arrests when people need to be arrested. Your suppose to enforce traffic laws by writing tickets. Your suppose to write parkers, get cta checks etc. Its in the job description and if you willingly dont do it then your a mutt. do your job. I do my job. I write my parkers, movers and make arrests every single day. I also manage to to answer all my jobs and write paper for people calling the police. If I can do it and have been doing it for the past 24 years so can everyone else. This is a good job, its what YOU make of it. Not downtown, not the cmdr, not the politicians and not the sgts... using those excuses is a cop out. Stop blaming everyone else for why "this job sucks". give me a break. those are all excuses for people to justify their laziness. And SCC, Obviously this is not an attack on you.. your message was received well.. this is directed at the overwhelming number of dog asses on this job. god bless the working police. stay safe.

9/26/2012 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all you go getters on this young Department.

Over twenty years ago I received an Honorable Mention for just being in the right place while everyone else on the watch ran to the man with a gun call.

Sad to say no man with a gun was found but the the guys ripping off the gas station had toy guns.

Wisdom comes with time.

ummmmmmmmmmmmm, ok. Whats your point? If there is a man with a gun call YOU GO. You dont hope for something else to happen so your in the right place at the right time. You go with the expectation that the sh*t is gonna hit the fan and that it will be bonified. You go to the call with the expectation that one of your friends will get to the job first and will need help or god forbid get into a gun battle. How often does this happen??? Well, look at all the police shootings so it happens enough times a year to be concerned with. You go for yourself and for your friends out there working. I dont care about being in the right place at the right time and getting the honorable for YOURSELF. I will make sure my fellow blue shirts have the help they need on a possible man with a gun call. You dont seem so wise my friend... but you just seem like a guy who dodged an inprogress call not backing up your fellow copper... nothing but class. Maybe its time to retire. Because I know when I started on the job in 84 EVERYONE back up everyone on an in progress job. nobody except the cowards, or the dogs would drive the other way or do nothing. Even the wagon man showed up to help out. Take your fun little story with your ONLY honorable mention you got in your pathetic career and shove it up your a**.... Next time keep your "wisdom" to yourself. I will continue to ride on that man with a gun call to make sure these kids on the job are safe and have back up... screw everything and everyone else. Blue first and then the public and your right place right time crap.

9/26/2012 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Heard from a relative who is friends with an alderman that all of the city pension funds are being called in on Monday to testify about their funding status and investment decisions. Police pension plan is up at 1 pm. Falls on my RDO, so may go watch them squirm.

9/26/2012 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell is this about?

Unions? Reverends? Gangs?

9/26/2012 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe if your traffic court was more accessable/parking etc. I'd write some tickets but it is such a pain in the ass to go to traffic court that its not worth my time or the trouble!

9/26/2012 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Emanuel won't hire too many more until he's done "reforming" the pension.


Crime Commission’s solution to reduce Chicago violence: Hire more cops

9/26/2012 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:30, I agree wholeheartedly with your statement. Just be the POLICE despite the political bullshit...

9/27/2012 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not suppose to do anything but be visible,answer my calls and back up my fellow officer.. Hey supercop 9/26/2012 10:30:00 PM.. Slowdown buddy. Stay safe and go home to your loved ones. 1ST AND 16TH!!!!!

9/27/2012 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contact cards are a gold mine to detectives. Especially when searching for a cop killer. You never know how valuable your seemingly useless contact card might become one day!

9/27/2012 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contact cards are a great way to keep tabs on offenders. If they put a quota on them, they push officers to start taking notes on everyone. That is un-American, police state bullshit.

How would you feel if some jagoff cop came up to your kids or spouses and demanded information to be put into a city of Chicago computer system? Are those records being purged as they're supposed to be every few years?

When you give the government power, they abuse it every time. Our shit head Chicago politicians want a camera on every corner, a speed and red light camera on every corner and a cop collecting information on you every time you walk down the street.

That's because they are socialist scum, and not Americans who love liberty, freedom and want privacy protected. Just look at the attitude toward Chic-Fil-A and you see that they want total control over what you believe and sayor they'll try to destroy you.

Now you go out and be a good little Rahmulan and get those contact cards. Just remember what you're doing and who you're doing it for, and how that will change where we all have to live.

9/27/2012 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... seems like your really playing defense here SCC. I honestly dont have a place anywhere in my heart for a dog copper. A copper who is proud of not writing a mover, parker or doing anything is useless to me. The I answer my jobs and write paper means absolutely nothing at all. Your suppose to make arrests when people need to be arrested. Your suppose to enforce traffic laws by writing tickets. Your suppose to write parkers, get cta checks etc.

------ get over yourself and wake up --- if you can say anything you do on this job is making any difference you are a moron. You are a tool of the system no matter how special you think you are. Your parkers, movers, arrests mean nothing to the powers that be.

9/27/2012 02:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummmmmmmmmmmmm, ok. Whats your point? If there is a man with a gun call YOU GO. You dont hope for something else to happen so your in the right place at the right time. You go with the expectation that the sh*t is gonna hit the fan and that it will be bonified. You go to the call with the expectation that one of your friends will get to the job first and will need help or god forbid get into a gun battle. How often does this happen??? Well, look at all the police shootings so it happens enough times a year to be concerned with. You go for yourself and for your friends out there working. I dont care about being in the right place at the right time and getting the honorable for YOURSELF. I will make sure my fellow blue shirts have the help they need on a possible man with a gun call. You dont seem so wise my friend... but you just seem like a guy who dodged an inprogress call not backing up your fellow copper... nothing but class. Maybe its time to retire. Because I know when I started on the job in 84 EVERYONE back up everyone on an in progress job. nobody except the cowards, or the dogs would drive the other way or do nothing. Even the wagon man showed up to help out. Take your fun little story with your ONLY honorable mention you got in your pathetic career and shove it up your a**.... Next time keep your "wisdom" to yourself. I will continue to ride on that man with a gun call to make sure these kids on the job are safe and have back up... screw everything and everyone else. Blue first and then the public and your right place right time crap.

Whats the point of having 50 coppers on a man with a gun call. There is none. If we all went it wouldn't take long for the shitheads to make these calls to get us to respond to bogus calls so that they'll be able to do things while we're distracted

9/27/2012 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. My Dad is a retired watch commander and he always hated the stat's. He would be pissed when saw that his desk guys who he said were some of the best and hardest working people, always looked worse because the weren't on the street writing tickets. Speaking of which, he always got a lot of heat because he would tell he men not to write tickets if you don't have too. It's bad PR. Like he tells me to this day, everyone likes a firemen because the don't write you tickets. Don't hassle the working man, they have enough on their plate.

9/27/2012 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"SCC, please do a post about the Pete's Fresh Market shakedown

"This crap needs to finally come to light. I am sure Ald Burrnetts "people" had something to do with the activist since the city inspectors office should up and cited the construction crews after the shakedown attempt"

--9/26/2012 11:12:00 AM

Pete's lawyer was on the phone to Channel 9 News today and they put him on the air, he minced no words and was mad as hell. "There's been damage to equipment, threats to people, firearms displayed, "We gonna f you up," you name it." The word "shakedown' was indeed used.

"I have already gone online an wrote an email to Pete's Fresh Markets owner applauding him for pulling the construction companies he hired from the site.

"I suggest others do the same and the link is below."

Yeah, Madison and Western you are buying yourself years of misery, shoplifting, breakins, theft from your delivery trucks, assaults and robberies of customers, more shakedowns and threats, etc. Don't feel bad, even the huge Jewel chain with its great resources has shut down stores that were under determined attack on a daily basis.

Don't take my word for it, Go in the CPD crime map web site and type in "Madison and Western" for ground zero and see hundreds of forcible felonies per month within 1 mile radius.

Malnati's Pizza can afford to run one money-losing West Side restaurant to salve their "social conscience" as they have thirty or so other profitable operations.

Take the hint. YOU ARE NOT WANTED IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. I would pull out, leave your "Coming Soon" billboard there for the mutts to paint gang signs all over, and let the "community activists" explain why there's a "food desert."

9/26/2012 09:31:00 PM

This aint new. I don't know the name of the group or their head honcho but I was in a community meeting about a year ago and one of the pastors in 015 was complaining about this same group. He had some time of interest in this development, some consultant or investment role, and he said they came to the site to intimidate specifically the white guys and try to extort the business by screwing with them until they pay them off to leave them alone. Another rev chimed in that they had been doing it for awhile and that they were thugs and not really trying to get jobs for black people. All that said to say their "community support" is limited to people who might get some $$$ if the extortion attempt succeeds. Everybody else knows its a bogus issue and they are not well liked.

9/27/2012 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... seems like your really playing defense here SCC. I honestly dont have a place anywhere in my heart for a dog copper. A copper who is proud of not writing a mover, parker or doing anything is useless to me. The I answer my jobs and write paper means absolutely nothing at all. Your suppose to make arrests when people need to be arrested. Your suppose to enforce traffic laws by writing tickets. Your suppose to write parkers, get cta checks etc.

Useless to you? If you are a police officer, then you have no business talking like you are a supervisor. But if you are a supervisor, then the smart officers are way ahead of you. Activity will get you nowhere. (Yes, it might get you a spot where you have to produce even more; no thank you.) This job rewards the workers by giving them more work. And at the same time, the job rewards the nonworkers and the incompetent by giving them promotions, breaks, and cush spots.

9/27/2012 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the issue with doing a TO FROM!

You get to down the car.

you then have to find a computer that works in the district.

you bang the keys with your two finger style typing while your partner drinks a 5 hour energy drink.

You then have to look for a printer that has paper.

And boom an hour later you turn in a report that relates you were on active patrol in your beat through alleys looking to clear up one of the hundreds of patterns.

2 man hours wasted just so a white shirt can toss the TO-FROM in the trash to look like a big shot.

And trust me the white shirts don't even file the paperwork they are just as burnt out as us!

9/27/2012 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys like Commander Kup, Capt Carroll, Capt Farrell, and many Lt., Sgt., and patrolmen earned and deserved MY respect. That list seems to be quickly evaporating these days.

SCC, why can't the Police go back to being the Police, and not just the police.

9/26/2012 08:34:00 AM

add EK from 007 to the list. One of the last prince's remaining on this department. Bosses like him are few and far in between.

Are you smoking what you should be inventorying? To compare bubble with kupczyk is moronic. He is the biggest ego maniac, drunk, thief, on this job. No I don't work for him but have experienced his antics plenty.
And if that was you Eddie, stay off the blog and go back and hide behind Leo.

9/27/2012 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEy you hard chargers to out and lock it down, arrest 10 bad guys a day. Then go get 20 movers and 100 parkers and do this everyday buddy! Your time off due DENIED, NO RAISE, PENsion CUT and on and on Go


9/27/2012 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in 020. There is section 8 crsp walking around, hoopties on the streets. Not to mention the horrendous driving of foreign cab drivers.. Armed robberies on Clark.Etc etc
Can't anyone make a stop?
I never see a squad car nor anyone making any kind of stop! How about doing the minimum?

9/27/2012 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we on the tact team were #1 in dept for # of contact cards written in a period- our commander(lodding)gave us pens that yr for our accomplishment- hows that for ya hard chargers- now GFY-blow me with your activity bullshit!

9/27/2012 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We as police officers don't have the right to go on strike. We do have the option to write a parker or not to write.

Now I know that the Revenue Department has their people writing, the meter maids, everybody. Some will say it won't make a difference but remember bullshit walks and money talks.

What I'm wondering is approximately how much money is being brought into the city's pockets daily by police officers writing their parkers, don't even include movers. I would like to think that police officers can unite even briefly and pick one day and not write one single parker.

We united to walk around City Hall, we should try and unite however many times it takes and send this message to the fifth floor. Just a thought.

9/27/2012 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Guys like Commander Kup, Capt Carroll, Capt Farrell, and many Lt., Sgt., and patrolmen earned and deserved MY respect. That list seems to be quickly evaporating these days.

SCC, why can't the Police go back to being the Police, and not just the police.

9/26/2012 08:34:00 AM

add EK from 007 to the list. One of the last prince's remaining on this department. Bosses like him are few and far in between.

9/26/2012 08:10:00 PMT

To 9/26/2012 08:10:00 I am only assuming that you meant that as sarcasm?????

9/27/2012 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During my career, now thankfully almost over, Ive seen this entire numbers thing ruin this job.

Numbers are easy to manipulate. Ive seen artists make themselves look like they are actually doing something when in fact they aint doing shit. How many arrest reports a day start out "Off approached offender who threw a small clear plastic baggie, containing a green leafy substance to the ground".

Must be 1,000 idiots a day throwing baggies to the ground when the Police walk up. Clear Baggies are popping like popcorn in Chicago.

Then you got the real Police who actually make a few righteous pinches a month, the kind that count, end up looking like shit cause their pie chart isnt full.

They turned us into revenue collectors and they keep track of our collections thru numbers. And not just that, unless your heavy as a House, your now just a number to these IAD pricks and whatever they call that OPS shithouse now.

Bad headline? The mayor wants more "sustains" handed out.And God help you if your "number" is up.

9/27/2012 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During my career, now thankfully almost over, Ive seen this entire numbers thing ruin this job.

Numbers are easy to manipulate. Ive seen artists make themselves look like they are actually doing something when in fact they aint doing shit. How many arrest reports a day start out "Off approached offender who threw a small clear plastic baggie, containing a green leafy substance to the ground".

Must be 1,000 idiots a day throwing baggies to the ground when the Police walk up. Clear Baggies are popping like popcorn in Chicago.

Then you got the real Police who actually make a few righteous pinches a month, the kind that count, end up looking like shit cause their pie chart isnt full.

They turned us into revenue collectors and they keep track of our collections thru numbers. And not just that, unless your heavy as a House, your now just a number to these IAD pricks and whatever they call that OPS shithouse now.

Bad headline? The mayor wants more "sustains" handed out.And God help you if your "number" is up.

9/27/2012 12:08:00 PM

During your "illustrious" career you must not of approached many shitheads, because they drop dope and guns all the time. Could be you just never paid attention and are known by dude as a "goofy," street vernacular for a dumb fuck. You were better off being oblivious anyways. Much safer for your sugar ass. Now piss off you puke. Ive been retired for years and door knobs like you always existed on the job. You always thought you knew the score but you never got into the game to find out.

9/27/2012 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad headline? The mayor wants more "sustains" handed out.And God help you if your "number" is up.

9/27/2012 12:08:00 PM

If you want us to not think you are just another jag off, stop knocking your co-workers and calling them liars. By the way, you are a jag off.

9/27/2012 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. My Dad is a retired watch commander and he always hated the stat's. He would be pissed when saw that his desk guys who he said were some of the best and hardest working people, always looked worse because the weren't on the street writing tickets. Speaking of which, he always got a lot of heat because he would tell he men not to write tickets if you don't have too. It's bad PR. Like he tells me to this day, everyone likes a firemen because the don't write you tickets. Don't hassle the working man, they have enough on their plate.

9/27/2012 07:53:00 AM

Your dad was an idiot, or you are. Don't write tickets? Sure, they serve no useful purpose. That's why everyone drives like an asshole now. No consequences.

How about give the working guy a break but write the bangers and the really egregious violations. Maybe that;s what he said and you aren't bright enough to get it.

9/27/2012 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"add EK from 007 to the list. One of the last prince's remaining on this department. Bosses like him are few and far in between."

Itchy fingers Bubblehead,Prince of Thieves.

9/28/2012 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually my point was, dumb ass,was these chikenshit dime bad pinches are a joke.

It went far above you tho. Both dumb and making chickenshit pinches? You must have been Tac.

""""""During your "illustrious" career you must not of approached many shitheads, because they drop dope and guns all the time. Could be you just never paid attention and are known by dude as a "goofy," street vernacular for a dumb fuck. You were better off being oblivious anyways. Much safer for your sugar ass. Now piss off you puke. Ive been retired for years and door knobs like you always existed on the job. You always thought you knew the score but you never got into the game to find out. """"""""

9/28/2012 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you picking on the Greeks. I'll bet some of those Irish bosses are worse.

9/28/2012 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy with the illustrious career that's almost over. You are an idiot. If you ever worked on the west side you would know that these idiots drop shit, throw shit all the time. It's like a drug survreillance. There's only so much to the facts...dope dealer takes the money, relocates to get the dope from th chips bag, under the brick , then returns and hands it to the hype. It is what it is! drop cases happen all the rime...if you keep your eyes open and get your ass out of the car, you would see this too. I also haven't done a mover in about 10 years!!! I'm not paying for parking to go to traffic court! Fuck that!! Unless its attached to some sort of arrest. I'm not doing one!!! Guess what else all these drop dope cases, drop gun cases, and dope surveillance cases are brining 50 hours a period in court!!! We on the west side hardly ever have legitimate victims!!! We locked up a guy who shot another guy in the back... Guess what?... Released without charging!!! Victim didn't want to prosecute!!!
Sorry for going on a tangent!!! The point is, the numbers game is a joke and the only reason I do any activity is to benefit myself and my partner.. It's all about the OT.
Scc you're on the money!!!

9/28/2012 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna talk quotas. ... Lt A-------r(a great guy when he was in 011) wanted 2 heads per car per work day from tact and gang....It was stupid, but we did it. He was a great boss to us.
New LT now... Asked for contact cards, because we are short from last year per our commander. I have a stack of them but no one to enter them!!!! We enter them ourselves, but its soo busy there isn't enough time to do it and they stack up.
Quotas are BS !!!!

9/28/2012 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just think that a lot of people are very used to working for the city. You can do as much or as little as you want and keep your job, To hell with what the boss sets as work requirements. That is not how it is in the real world and I sure hope that someday someone changes things for government employment.

9/28/2012 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...add EK from 007 to the list..."

Don't add him to the list of people you trust with your money.

9/28/2012 06:07:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Well, hello KateyKakes! How have you been?

You are looking might lovely today.

9/29/2012 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Traffic Court is hard to get is not worth my time..."

I guess it is all about you. Don't forget to vote for Obama.

9/29/2012 07:02:00 AM  

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