Monday, October 08, 2012

Get a Load of This

  • Chicago will trim more older trees, plant more new trees and bolster rodent-control services in response to a rat population surge, thanks to $3.2 million in new spending tied to Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s 2013 budget.

    By hiring the equivalent of 41 full-time employees, Emanuel hopes to respond to 20,000 additional tree-trimming requests, reducing a backlog that was 18 months long when he took office.

    “We are [still] behind. But, we have knocked that down dramatically ... We are less behind from what we inherited,” the mayor said.
That must be a "decrease in the increase" that McJerseyShore was talking about on the police side - nice to see Rahm is picking up the lingo. Or did Rahm pioneer it and McCopyCat is parroting the master?
  • Laborer’s Union Local 1001 won the citywide tree-trimming competition by bidding $1.4 million, nearly half the $2.7 million bid by the cheapest private sector company.
    Local 1001 won the right to keep its forestry jobs — and gain 41 members — with help from a series of work-rule changes ironed out in May.

    The deal allowed newly hired Streets and Sanitation employees to be paid at an hourly rate of $20 — $13 lower than the current rate of pay — and be cross-trained in other jobs so they can be moved freely among those jobs based on the city’s needs.

    Instead of six months, those new hires now have a four-year probationary period. And instead of pre-negotiated pay hikes, they get raises based on hours worked.
The union "bid" for its work?  That's interesting.  And at a rate nearly 30% under other Laborers.  And a four-year probationary period.  And pay raises based on hours worked.  

Looks like Rahm got a bunch of indentured servants that he can mess with via bean counting, micro managing and work rule changes.  Better hope this isn't catching.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What they aren't saying is that the new hires are 41 Asian long-horned beetles.

10/08/2012 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think crime doesn't pay?

These career decisions are hard...

Let's see we need $1.4 million dollars to hire 41 workers to trim trees. You got your wages, trucks, saws, tools, probation periods, union dues, work hour changes on a whim, etc..etc...


Faced with a surge in homicides, the city of Chicago has taken the unprecedented step of giving the anti-violence group CeaseFire a $1 million grant in hopes an organization staffed largely by ex-felons can help police curtail summer violence.


The city made a preliminary announcement of the deal at the end of May. Under a one-year pilot program laid out by city officials Tuesday, CeaseFire will hire 40 workers who will be assigned to two police districts, Ogden on the West Side and Grand Crossing on the South Side, that have experienced some of the worst of the increased street violence.

Hmmm $1 million to hire 40 ex felons and what tools and equipment comes out of that money? ZIP? No union dues either.

Which do you think is the better gig?

10/08/2012 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rip out the 20,000 trees that need to be trimmed and put in the baby ones. Then you can fire the people on probation after six months and stick the money wherever you see fit for the next 20 years or more. The taxpayers are already used to paying it and the city is certainly not going to give it back. sooo. $1.4 million for all my friends..

10/08/2012 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once we get these nasty trees out of the way the drive-by shooters will have a cleaner shot. So there's that.

10/08/2012 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, ok. This is how computer aided public service diverges from six sigma. How many of those 20,000 requests are really a disturbance with the same mental? When you plant trees, by competitive bid, show me the $$. Companies in holding of walk away property and mortgage forclosue property can secure private funds to do this, let them. If you are concerned about rats, all the sudden, why? They are in a situation where population numbers will go down real soon anayway. Plus, they are OG's and should get respect for inventing the subsides markets, along with the roaches. Give them food, the comcast man and some healthcare. This way, they will stay out of the alley and Rham can make it easy for Cure Violence to find the children, back where they belong

10/08/2012 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why just the other day I was sitting in the park trying to make a Wifi connection with my Iphone so I could post some pictures I took of the Rats. That's when I heard a noise and felt pain.

10/08/2012 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any mope can trim a tree, it takes five minutes of training but not anyone can be the police. But does the mayor care if the citizens get good service? Of course not, he only cares if they get the illusion of good service. Therefore no one should be overly confident that City Hall isn’t plotting something along these lines for the police.

The press is none stop painting the FOP as the biggest thing wrong with the police and planting the idea in the heads of the citizens that the FOP is the source of all evil and the only thing holding the city back from reform and fighting corruption.

Just watch, a few of those phony patrician police associations will link together as some half-assed union under the leadership of a crooked connected clown and they will negotiate a separate contract for their members and the FOP will be out as the sole bargaining unit. They’ll probably offer some incentive to leave the FOP such as lower dues with promises of the same services that they can’t possibly deliver too.

It will seem like a great deal to the young officers at first too – until it won’t and then it will be too late.

10/08/2012 01:52:00 AM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

While on the topic of frivoulous and unnecessary expenditures, check out these excerpts from a story in the weekend's Tribune.

Nestled neatly out of the way, overshadowed by news of the Chicago Marathon, Notre Dame game at Soldier Field and other useless filler, Mayor McFingerSlicer confirmed that he's got millions laying around after NATO. Surplus scoots to squander on shit that will only benefit the usual Connected Cloutractors and a limited amount of citizens. Millions that SHOULD instead be applied to city pension obligations.


"Funds left over from the NATO summit will drive a $7 million city investment in improving parks, building boathouses along the Chicago River and other recreational projects, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Saturday."

"Riis and four other parks (Jackie Robinson, Cornell Square, Pleasant Point and Bronzeville-Buckthorn) will get makeovers. That work will cost about $2.5 million and include new playground equipment, a new track at Riis and field improvements in other parks."

"Emanuel also pledged $2 million toward the construction of four boathouses along the banks of the Chicago River, complete with kayak rentals, storage and concessions."

"Another project in the works — a 2.65-mile park and trail through the Northwest Side — will get $2 million. Bloomingdale Trail will be constructed on an old elevated railroad spur and connect several neighborhoods, Emanuel said.

Finally, $500,000 will go toward expanding the Chicago Shakespeare in the Parks program, from 11 sites to 22 next year, Emanuel said."

If true Chicago-infrastructure-renovation-fuzzy-mathematics still apply, expect final costs to eclipse the original estimates by at least double. So what does this mean?

It means all you blue-shirted sheep need to get crackin' out there! You pawns have to generate even more revenue that'll never be applied to that diminished pension you may or may not get someday.

Is this shit startin' to sink in yet?

10/08/2012 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why else would they let the manpower dip so low in the face of deteriorating order.
Hello 2 teir police department ........ or is it 3 teir ?
Teir 1 : armed, mobile rapid response.
Teir 2 : unarmed report takers on bicycle.
Teir 3 : TMA
The future is not our friend.

10/08/2012 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reports on Nato money surplus going to beautify city projects reported by media, and not funding pensions.

10/08/2012 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the fuck does a brand new streets and San laborer make 33$ an hour!!!?? That's more than a starting CPD salary.

10/08/2012 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nestled neatly out of the way, overshadowed by news of the Chicago Marathon, Notre Dame game at Soldier Field and other useless filler, Mayor McFingerSlicer confirmed that he's got millions laying around after NATO. Surplus scoots to squander on shit that will only benefit the usual Connected Cloutractors and a limited amount of citizens. Millions that SHOULD instead be applied to city pension obligations.

It means all you blue-shirted sheep need to get crackin' out there! You pawns have to generate even more revenue that'll never be applied to that diminished pension you may or may not get someday.

Save your breath WESTSIDE. The gel heads are forever going to be brainwashed. They REALLY do think parking tickets, movers and petty ass weed arrests is what passes for quality police work. Plus don't forget that most of these pansy Momma's boys are Gen Y instant gratification hedonistic slackers that live for only for today. They have no concept of what's at stake here with our pension. They have no idea what the hell mortgage interest or origination points are. They are perfect Socialist Sheep that are unwittingly giving away out country more each day.

10/08/2012 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The previous guys were making $33 a hour for trimming trees. And you think $20 a hour makes you an indentured servant? Wow, I sure got in to the wrong industry, I only make $25 a hour working as a 3rd level IT engineer.

10/08/2012 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how so many members of the electorate can be persuaded by flower boxes, traffic medians, speed cameras for the children, expanding the river walk,etc... In the mean time the city's treasury continues to be looted.

10/08/2012 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. And you think OUR union is bad.

10/08/2012 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Less behind than what we inherited" - WTF?!? A few weeks ago, a friend in my neighborhood was talking to a forestry crew on his block (doing an emergency removal of a large fallen branch), asking if they had a dead ash tree down the block on their list for removal in the near future. One of the guys told him that they were doing only emergency work for the foreseeable future. He explained that they had a backlog of requests dating to 2010. I don't think that Rahm inherited all of that. There's been a lot less non-emergency tree work done in the last year and a half than in a typical year.

10/08/2012 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 year probation? about hiring some cops, rahm you idiot!!!!! and funding our pension you no good piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/08/2012 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Officer Limbo said...

Get a load of this...IPRA has a $9 million budget. $9 million? For what? Timely investigations? Unqualified libs passing judgement on us? Now that's a monumental waste of money.

10/08/2012 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$20/hr for using a saw and getting a tan. I' ll do it for half that rate and no benefits needed.

10/08/2012 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like thew rodent control part.What willbe classified as rodents??

10/08/2012 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the illusion of city workers being able to bid on their work is just that.

in the newly created dept of 2fm, the laborers, carpenters, electricians, and mtd's were just cut off from doing any overtime special events.

today's Columbus day parade is all farmed out to private contractors.

we can all thank mayor Rahm's hatchet man, commissioner david reynolds.


10/08/2012 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

20 bucks an hour to live in this city--- better get used to working 3 jobs and eating a lot of macaroni and cheese if you have kids and want to live in a semi decent neighborhood....

10/08/2012 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

once again the city finds money! does this not sound like a broken record! wait till police and fire contracts start up then the city will be broke again and the people believe this bullshit. i hope FOP is making a list with all these projects and there cost when they sit down with at the table with the city and show them how broke the city is.

10/08/2012 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still paying below the national average. Another ploy by the man to keep the middle class down. Oh, but its "a job" and that's what counts by a Democrat. Keep lowering wages and hire back desparate underemployed and they can claim a jobless rate of 7.0% by Nov.
Good to hear Byrne & Williams found work, and another pension to tap, ain't it !

10/08/2012 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3.2 million new spending
250 million malcom x
42 million city colleges olive-harvey
55 million maggie daley park
1 million cease fire
?? million left from nato

add it up the city is broke! drink the kool-aid boys and girls!

10/08/2012 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brothers in blue, wake up. The police dept. Does not come before the voters! We the brothers on blue don't vote and Rahmobama knows it! We just don't vote. I was just talking to my neighbor who is a dick, and he could care less about voting! He hasn't voted in twenty years! We do not vote and Rahmobabma knows it! We are going to take a big hit in our pension and benefits!!!! The best we can do is negotiate getting rid of residency requirements, get rid of merit promotions, all test will be graded day of test and list will be up day of test!!!!!!

10/08/2012 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you noticed the forestry guys sold out any new employees and basically made that job illegal alien wages!

I remember a few years back when i just started using hair-gel a certain lodge extended probation by 18 months for new employees. The move gave the city the ability to move people to any watch, district, or details.

10/08/2012 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people that negotiated this for their workers call theirselves a union?? This very one sided deal must've given Rahm a woody!

10/08/2012 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 year probation?
what happened to the usual 90 days?
to me that sounds like they give you virtually no chance of ever getting a pension or vested when the ecomony turns "worse" they can lay them off
i wonder how many of the 41 are in the know with a aldercreature or have gotten a "leg up" with the mayor
this also means that the 41 have no right to a labor relations board
it is "at will"
seems a like Tiny Dancer has the start of a regular private army of vote getters and contripbutors
a CCC for the gifted and connected

10/08/2012 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$1.4 million
41 workers
1707 hours/worker
not accounting for any benefits
something just does not add up

not a cop

10/08/2012 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unarmed report takers
it is actually a good idea. very few crimes would require any assistance from an actual cop just to take a report.

no reason to involve a cop to get a report on a crime that will never be solved just to turn into the insurance company.

no reason to have a cop come out for most traffic accidents either.

my guess is most reports could be taken over the internet for free.

10/08/2012 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC, that's nothing (rats and tree trimming) just ask any constituent...How long have they been waiting for a black cart request.

I heard that some people have been waiting since May and not site to get one anytime soon.


That's the reason why he have some many rats.

People are dumping their garbage on the ground due to no cart replacement.

"Holes,broken or not lid cart etc."

10/08/2012 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh yes the pensions. What a scam.

See if we skip the pension payments we can award no-bid contracts to our friends with that money.

Additionally any money that does go into the pension fund we can use to bid up the stock prices of our friends companies.

It's a win-win for THEM.

The pension money bids up our friends company stock and the CEO sells leaving everyone with the money in the pension plan the bag holders.

When the people doing the managing of the pensions makes a bad investment they just shrug it off and play the victims.

When there's no more room so skim off a few percentage points for fees and services and the stock markets only traders are the high frequency trading computers manipulating the prices -- that's when the city will proudly announce a 401K alternative pension plan for you and promoted as: "giving you more control of your money"

Yep, you think that they would willingly give up control over that pension money if they could make money off of it? Hell naw! This game is rigged and it's time to get out. So when it all comes crashing down the politicians can play victim telling you that it's your fault. Why didn't you make better investment choices with your 401K pension, they gave you control of it.

It's the same illusions done with private companies when the proudly announce a stock option plan for their employees. Most of the time the options end up worthless but it plays on the workers hopes and dreams. Yeah there's a few exceptions that are highly publicized but it's not the rule. The clouted ones are NOT going to give you something for nothing. Remember that!

Something for nothing is worth nothing.

10/08/2012 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Emanuel also pledged $2 million toward the construction of four boathouses along the banks of the Chicago River, complete with kayak rentals, storage and concessions."

"Another project in the works — a 2.65-mile park and trail through the Northwest Side — will get $2 million. Bloomingdale Trail will be constructed on an old elevated railroad spur and connect several neighborhoods, Emanuel said.

I like the idea of mandatory elevated bike paths. That might eliminate incidents like the one in front of Payton H.S. this week and expand the Bike Unit who'll have to monitor it.

10/08/2012 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Agent BRET Arroz said...

YES, we must rid the city of rats...

10/08/2012 04:55:00 PM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Anonymous said...
The previous guys were making $33 a hour for trimming trees. And you think $20 a hour makes you an indentured servant? Wow, I sure got in to the wrong industry, I only make $25 a hour working as a 3rd level IT engineer.

10/08/2012 06:13:00 AM


Maybe you should've put down the Xbox and bong during those all-important formative years, Duuuuuuuude.

Maybe applied yourself a bit more when it counted and you wouldn't be lamenting your anemic salary on a police blog (look no further than your piss-poor grammar and punctuation as irrefutable proof).

And since I'm the type of person that believes in kicking a guy when he's down: I make $40/hour to drive a golf cart in a warehouse wanding security checkpoints every hour. The other 50 minutes of every hour is spent watching porn and Netflix on my iPad.

You see, Mr. Third Level IT "engineer", there's a reason your "skills" only demand $25/hour. I paid attention to life as it went on around me. Still do.

10/08/2012 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ypu Pay higher Taxes for Nonsense

You can keep the GFreens and the Wrought Iron

10/08/2012 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to hear some more........asshole rahm wants to spend 100 million to upgrade the riverwalk.......that goes well with the 90 million on bike add the fucking trees....yet the city cries broke. Really smart to spend money on luxuries during an economic crisis and Piss on the people who are the backbone of this shithole...aka teachers and first responders.....the people of this city should be in an uproar, unfortunately they are too busy not giving a shit.

10/08/2012 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q: When is a tax not a tax?

(via chicagoTribune)

Chicago opts for wellness competition over soda tax

Updated 12:32 p.m.

Pop machines in Chicago government buildings will carry calorie information and city workers will be able to win cash in a health competition paid for by Coca-Cola and other beverage giants under a..


A. When it's a contest.

Anyone wanna bet that the price of pop goes up to fund this "contest" and then of course the winnings of the contest will be taxed.

We can let people martyr themselves with sugary soft drinks while we sell tickets, collect parking fines and fees to draw the people into the city to watch the competition!

Suck 'em up we need the glasses!

In other news -- Dude WHERE'S MY MARATHON MEDAL!!?? about that Bank of America Chicago marathon?

Here we have got a bank who's job it is to count things. They have the best high speed computers in the world to help them do that.

Accountants -- auditors -- tellers, working with numbers all day....and yet they come up an estimated 1,300 marathon medals short.

How does that happen it's not like we are counting homicides here for Compstats?

Ahh the hell with it. We can probably save a few bucks by shortchanging the poor suckers that busted their asses for hours in the hopes of getting a picture taken with their medal at the finish line right?

Welp, ha-hah sad day for you -- no medals. Ha..yeah it's in the mail with the check right? Call us back if you don't get it in four to six weeks.

Bank of America got all their PR from the event. Shortchanging a thousand or so runners will save them money.

Hey if they don't complain about it we won't have to buy them a medal and there's a lot of people that will not have time to follow up hounding us for it so win-win..ha-hah

That's what we call "World-Class" here in the sanctuary city.

"Lady Killa"

Finally, Quinn to Emanuel on stadium choice:

'Stop assassinating her character'


Rahm the assassin picking on poor defenseless women. Did he not learn his lesson from the whole teachers thingy? ha. "The Lady Killa"

10/08/2012 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Privatize streets and san!

10/08/2012 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unarmed report takers
it is actually a good idea. very few crimes would require any assistance from an actual cop just to take a report.

no reason to involve a cop to get a report on a crime that will never be solved just to turn into the insurance company.

no reason to have a cop come out for most traffic accidents either.

my guess is most reports could be taken over the internet for free.

10/08/2012 11:09:00 AM

Not true. Perhaps you are a civilian who wants to eliminate police positions in favor of this deal. News: you need cops to conduct these investigations because, there could be evidence even if case is not cleared right away; people commit fraud; people drive drunk, without license, etc. We already have 311 for those calls where police aren't necessary so the bike deal is redundant and more costly.

10/09/2012 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about the rats in the 10th district. One was in the exercise room and got stuck in a machine. it must be oart of the 5 million dollar motivation by Rahm for City employees to lose weight. Wouldmn't be the first "rat" employed in Chicago.>

10/09/2012 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, last year Emanuel severely cut rat abatement and tree trimming services.
And, this year he announces a big, new intitiative to expand rat abatement and tree trimming.
And, the net gain is ZERO. But the media buys into it and hails him for his largesse. Bizarre.

10/10/2012 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess who brought the RATS to town? Right, it was rham and obama How about hiring a bunch of cats?.

10/10/2012 04:23:00 PM  

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