Preckwinkle Shoots Her Mouth
- Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle today publicly blasted
Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s crime-fighting strategy and the quality of the
public schools he controls, then quickly walked back the remarks.
The Democratic leader said her criticism was targeted at society as a whole and not the mayor personally, much as she did last summer when she harshly criticized former President Ronald Reagan for his role in the war on drugs.
The comments about Emanuel came during a question-and-answer session during a luncheon at the Union League Club. Preckwinkle was asked how to address Chicago violence.
“Clearly, this mayor and this police chief have decided the way in which they are going to deal with the terrible violence that faces our community is just arrest everybody,” Preckwinkle said. “I don’t think in the long term that’s going to be successful.
“We’re going to have to figure out how to have interventions that are more comprehensive than just police interventions in the communities where we have the highest rates of crime. And they’re almost all in African-American and Latino communities.”
Seems like a call to pull out of minority neighborhoods - and completely the opposite of Rahm's current strategy of abandoning the taxpaying areas to service those who leech off of society.
So far, Preckwinkle is having trouble finding some place that delivers rainbows and unicorns.
Labels: silly people
"Seems like a call to pull out of minority neighborhoods"
Police are pretty much an army of occupation in most of these neighborhoods anyway, so why not?
So many citizens beef about the police and no one comes out to defend us, so why not fence 'em off, pick up our toys and move on to places where we can actually do some good?
Crime is out of control because of the court system, not unemployment, not the police. They don't do 100% of a jail sentence! And punishment is not harsher, period!!!!,
Latino communities are NO WHERE near the African "communities"! Stop trying to pull us into your mess!
"to many black and brown men in prison"
i rest my case,she is an idiot.
"We’re going to have to figure out how to have interventions that are more comprehensive than just police interventions..."
So how much is "Extreme Makeover" going to run per 911 call of "my boy be clownin?"
How many van loads of Clipboard Ladies will be dispatched?
There is no limit in these people's imaginations.
Listen, once you get past your bias (and mine; I hate Preckwinkle), she has a point. We can lock up every last one of these assholes, but nothing will change. There is a deep, fundamental issue in these neighborhoods that will be tough to crack. To believe we as the police can do it alone is ubsurd. How can you change an entire community by locking them up and giving them I-Bonds?
I have NO idea what the answer is, but I can tell you where to start. End handouts and welfare programs. Get rid of Illinois LINK. I saw a guy today in Walgreens with an iPhone, Bluetooth, buying food with a LINK. WTF?
As for crime, fight for concealed carry. When law abiding citizens start defending themselves, you'll see a massive decine in crimes against persons such as robbery, theft, battery, etc...
Where you go from there, it's anybody's guess. Right now the south and west sides are completely up for grabs. You can't lock up 80 square miles of dense populous...
How come no one ever gives a stern tongue lashing to the shitless parents of the savages who raise their little darlings to be gun-toting hip hopping shit rapping disrespecting gang banging murdering sons of bitches?
Just wondering. It is always someone else's fault.
Isn't Preckwinkle's son part of the problem? I seem to remember he was recently arrested for a pretty vicious assault. Maybe she should clean her house first before running her mouth.
She looks like the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
she looks like arthur--- if her family was the victim of a crime and the police locked up the offender would that just be considered locking up everybody--- you can't have your cake and eat it to baby....
Preckwinkle fully expects to be elected mayor when Rahm moves on. She's trying real hard to sound and appear 'mayoral'.
They voted for this loser. She really needs to be on public aid. She's worthless. It's always whiteys fault. Hey Pricklwinkle, we don't have any impact on the brown and black neighborhoods. We're just observers at the festivities. Try to find another boogeyman to demonize.
Fuck Toni she is tool playing it backwards for her own glory. All she cares about is getting that magic number down in her Budget and guess what 2 places are kicking her ass ? Thats right the hospital where they save all her savages and the California Vacation spot the end in . She can tell ya how much per and if she can keep'em outta there thats all she cars about. After that she is another Pandering Democrat.
Sounds like she is campaigning for Emanuel's job. She might have a good shot at it as Emanuel has been complete ineffective in handling problems. Good . Send him an his supt packing .
Wgen your dream is being mayor, sometimes your mouth goes off like a 16 year old boy being touched for the first time.
This is just a stepping stone for Madam Preckwinkle. Rest assure she is running for Mayor when Rham leaves and Mike Master will be in a position to control the Police Dept again and get revenge for being FIRED by Terry Hillard.
She reminds me of Aunt Esther on Sanford and Son.
She is an idiot! I love this statement she made a while back,
This time, the first-term Democrat retreated after saying the mayor and his hand-picked police superintendent, Garry McCarthy, were too focused on arrests as a solution to rising violence and not enough on improving a "miserable" public school system and beefing up youth programs."
Since when is it the job of the Chicago Police to "improve a miserable public school system and beef up youth programs." I though our job was to maintain the peace and make arrests when necessary!
This is why I still make arrests, it pisses the politicians off!
There is a total obsession at the Cook County juvenile court with not locking delinquents up. We are seeing bad kids pick up arrest after arrest with no real consequences.They're put on probation , violate from the word go , pick up new arrests, and just given court date after court date. The only concern seems to be to constantly lower the detention center population. A facility that in the psat had as many as 800 in custody today hovers in the 200's.Doesn't anyone see the correlation with the rise of crime, especially violent gang related crime and these policies. Doesn't anyone realize that taking another 500-600 delinquents off the street will slow some of this down. Doesn't anyone figure in the cost of 30 to 40 gunshot victims weekly as opposed to the cost of locking people up. Doesn't anyone else figure in the loss of business and tourism. I would guarantee that if there was a strong crackdown by the States Attorneys office and the courts , you would see a remarkable change within a year. If you're going to spend money , spend money in a way that helps the citizens and taxpayers.
Think about. Too many black and brown people in jail. So what does that tell you about them? How did they get there?
Masters Masters Masters and Ray Hamilton and KB all on the Country Pay Roll
Why? They arent trained in Anti Terrorism and Whats the threat to Crook County? Hello Media
Crime out of control but we can afford high taxes for this crap
Just say 'Mayor Emaneul can Burn in Hell with Ronald Reagan...'
That Frearless Leader in North Korea said that they have found a unicorn. Toni could go there and see it, then copy their system for dealing with problems-concentration camps.
I will volunteer to be the first copper to pull out of the hood. I agree ,instead of locking everyone up ,just let them kill each other. I will record these tragic events on a case report and go about my business. Toni you got my vote for mayor.
I still think her performance in Charleton Heston's 1977 thriller, "The Omega Man" wasighly underrated.
Typical shit, blame everyone else.
Don't blame the families, specifically the parents (if they're not gone or incarcerated) of these kids, or have them accept responsibility to get off welfare. Fuck Preckwinkle.
well she is right in a sense
as you see Tiny & streetlightmarksman
have lost ""it"
i read these posts everyday
and quite few are from people that have been dealing with this for years if not generations
street cops see the everyday day in day out
Tiny , mcNuts,s perriwinkle see it in the paper or the news
i agree with a lot of you
starts with the parents
i used to notice the neighborhoods
some black neighborhoods they kept like you almost eat off the sidewalk, others made the Gaza strip look good it basically boils down to this if they don;'t care in the first place how are you the street cop suppose to make change?
Anyone watching A Football Life with Barry Sanders? Now if there were only more black daddys like that in the hood.
Welfare is a big problem with it. Some of the folks on LINK drive better cars than I do, and I've worked since I was 16. No matter how jobs are available, some people want to keep that welfare lifestyle.
Listen, once you get past your bias (and mine; I hate Preckwinkle), she has a point. We can lock up every last one of these assholes, but nothing will change. There is a deep, fundamental issue in these neighborhoods that will be tough to crack. To believe we as the police can do it alone is ubsurd. How can you change an entire community by locking them up and giving them I-Bonds?
I have NO idea what the answer is, but I can tell you where to start. End handouts and welfare programs. Get rid of Illinois LINK. I saw a guy today in Walgreens with an iPhone, Bluetooth, buying food with a LINK. WTF?
As for crime, fight for concealed carry. When law abiding citizens start defending themselves, you'll see a massive decine in crimes against persons such as robbery, theft, battery, etc...
Where you go from there, it's anybody's guess. Right now the south and west sides are completely up for grabs. You can't lock up 80 square miles of dense populous...
12/07/2012 12:55:00 AM
I can tell you what the answer is and you're going to kick yourself when you hear how simple it is. When the police lock somebody up, instead of letting them go, we should be giving them the maximum time in jail and prison that the law allows. When you have people running around the streets that have been arrested 50, 100, 200, and yes, even 450 times, how can anyone expect to fix the crime problem? When you have people serving 8 years for murder and being released back out on the street, it's not hard to understand why another murder has occurred. I know it cost money to house these shit bags but it costs even more to let them roam the streets. It would cost a lot less to imprison these assholes if we reformed our jail and prison systems too. This entire country is headed for disaster and nothing can stop it at this point. This nation WILL collapse. It's not a matter of if but a matter of when. Hopefully when the dust settles, we can rebuild it and do it right the second time around.
violent crime offenders are usually black , that is reason news media doesn't have to describe them . Most are from a single parent home , vote democratic , receiving some type of welfare and do not register or purchase handguns legally .
Gun control is to keep law abiding citizens from protecting themselve.
It is time to pull out of certain districts.
All is lost.
“To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe, in the face of evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past,” he said, casting doubt in the minds of millions of Americans on official versions of the war. Cronkite’s viewers were certain that he would never lie to them, and the White House and the Defense Department did not command that level of credibility.
President Lyndon B. Johnson was widely quoted as having told aides, “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.”
"If I have lost Preckwinkle, I've lost Chicago."
Rahm Emanuel
"to many black and brown men in prison"? When you have five black people shot standing on the street on 79th St in the ghetto and they all say that the shooter is a male black where should the Police go Preckwinkle to find and arrest the offender, Chinatown for Asians?. Garfield Ridge for Polish guys or Mt Greenwood for Irish guys. No, you go to where the black man is. That ,teacher, is why there are more blacks and browns in prison than white guys because they commit the crime.
Another racist zinger from a police hater
How many white people live in 003,005,006,007,011?
My daughter, who lives in Tulsa, complained to me just last week of being in line at WalMart behind a rather large woman with fancy fingernail treatments, an iPhone, a Louis Vuitton purse, and a cart full of "foodstuffs," (none of it what you would call "health food"). When it came time to check out, said woman dug in her wallet, moving a couple of hundred dollars worth of $20 bills out of the way looking for her food stamp card and WIC voucher. Then, the woman proceeded to tell the cashier to wait while she went out to her car to get the documentation she needed. What upset my daughter the most was when the woman said, "I ain't gonna spend my own money on this!"
Dontcha love the welfare state?
She wrote a column in the newspaper S/T the other day and it seems like ALL the other people who wrote these columns donated the money they got to a charity. BUT NOT TONI !!!!!
Does she need a few bucks that bad in order to keep her job ???????
She is a fucking idiot. I thought Toddy was dumb. She is tied with his ignorance. These politicians are like the grime under your nails after a hard days work.
Peckerwink is more worried about the phone rates for prisoners.
How come no one ever gives a stern tongue lashing to the shitless parents of the savages who raise their little darlings to be gun-toting hip hopping shit rapping disrespecting gang banging murdering sons of bitches?
Just wondering. It is always someone else's fault.
12/07/2012 01:11:00 AM
Cause the shitbirds wld get a cr right after a stern talking plus lecturing does not do anything. They are kinda shocked when you tell them that they are full of shit and its their fault. I did couple times on different occasions, not domestics.
I didn't know Mary Mitchell had a sister...this shit spewed from her mouth is almost verbatim. Everything is the white police's fault, or their "uncle tom black" counterparts in law enforcement. after school Programs, ceasefire, the reverends, and stronger education are needed to correct everything. Whoops...none of these gang banging shitbird thugs in the black neighborhoods want to get an education or better themselves. Why would you when u can collect welfare and deal drugs? They still clog up our schools and bring down good kids that actually want to learn. Then these asshole politicians blame teachers and cops. Never the asshole absentee parents. Fuck off you racist militant bitch! Don't badmouth anyone, unless you can provide some viable solutions.
12:55 a.m. said:
"I have NO idea what the answer is, but I can tell you where to start. End handouts and welfare programs. Get rid of Illinois LINK. I saw a guy today in Walgreens with an iPhone, Bluetooth, buying food with a LINK. WTF?"
I don't mean to correct you, but you just GAVE the answer.
Toni! It is very hard to get a good job when you don't go to school, behave,do your homework or study. When your Daddy is unknown and could be any of the thugs in the neighborhood, there is no male support. When your Mama is fifth generation of feeding off the welfare tit, there is no pride or support. When your politicians are going to jail in record numbers for stealing fed money, there is no support And the reverends? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
That leaves the police to intervene.
Barefoot homeless man immortalized in photo isn't actually homeless.
Doesn't it seem no one listens?
We could bitch and moan all we want, but nothing changes.
Read the news , be informed.
Toni, in your next speech, give details instead of just criticizing and not offering any workable solutions or realistic programs, and most importantly, how you will pay for your "community interventions".Cook Co. already has the highest sales tax in the nation; would you raise it even higher to pay for your programs? Will raising taxes help minorities find jobs and enrich their lives in Cook County? Which county departments should have their budgets cut to pay for your ideas? Why dont you bring your proposals out in the daylight so they can be debated by the Cook County Board and the taxpayers? You dont seem to like the Cook County Jail. Who should be let out? The man who beat up his wife for the third time this year and put her in the hospital? The drug dealer who was arrested for selling heroin outside a school? The gang banger who shot up his neighborhood and hit an innocent bystander on a playground? Enlighten us with your wisdom. I have a solution that wont cost anything: Each of us takes personal responsibility for the support,education and morals and values of our children,teaching the respect of the laws and of others and the property of others and respecting our communities. Then we wouldnt need the jails or your intervention programs.
I miss Toddler, he was amusing at least.
12:55:00 AM hit the nail....many of these programs were created as a SAFETY NET. Not a way of life for generations. There should be a finite amount of time these can be collected. Unless you cannot honestly do any type of work ,anyone collecting should have to be on a work detail cleaning up public places , streets etc. and YES you should have to piss test before you get anything. But this will never ever happen. It would be called racist or some other bullshit. Of course that would mean less voters for these fools that prey on these people to keep them in their corrupt little place.
"to many black and brown men in prison"
This is false and you can prove it. How many times did you get a letter from The Cook County State's Attorney reading "thanks for catching that felon with a gun! We only gave him probation..."?
That is proof that more people should be in jail.
Who cares what color of his skin is. We are talking about cops catching FELONS with GUNS and the prosecutors LET THEM GO!
Why bother with gun control??
Is this some kind of joke?
The son of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle is facing a misdemeanor battery charge for allegedly kicking a man and “punching him in the face several times,” court records show.
The board president was in a South Side courtroom Monday morning when her son Kyle Preckwinkle, in his early 30s, appeared before Judge Tommy Brewer in the municipal court’s Branch 34 at 51st and Wentworth, sources said.
Is this what PrickWinkle is talking about?
DECEMBER 6--So Rick Ross is being forced to cancel concerts in the face of threats by Gangster Disciples members who are upset that the rapper has invoked the name of a gang founder in one of his songs.
In YouTube videos, gang members warn Ross, 36, that he will end up in a hearse unless he pays tribute for using Larry Hoover’s name in “B.M.F. (Blowing Money Fast).” Hoover, serving life in federal prison, co-founded the Gangster Disciples in Chicago in the late-1960s.
When these ghetto fools start taking responsibility for themselves and their children then maybe you will see a change. But don't hold your breath- Barry is in office for another 4 years.
The answer is for the violent black and hispanic communities to take responsibility for their actions and their lives. As long as they and Prickwrinkle continue to blame others for all the ills that exist in their communities, then nothing will change. It is not our fault that you did not attend school and did not get an education. Look in 011, there are almost 40 schools there, plenty of opportunity. It is not our fault that you chose to join a gang and spend your days slinging dope on the corner. It is now our fault that you choose to settle differences with extreme violence. It is not our fault that you have so little respect for life that you kill so quickly and easily. It is not our fault that you have children that you cannot and will not care for. It is not our fault that your behavior is not fit for polite society. It is our fault that we keep voting in politicians who feel that it is our fault and that we are responsible for financially supporting these same people in every manner. As long as there is no incentive to change there never will be a change. If I can never get a job and the government will continue to give me a place to live, food to eat, schools to not go to, provide free medical care, and treat them like victims all the time, why would they change. Welfare reform is the answer. Yes the streets will run with blood when you first start to cut them off, but is it that much better now? No its getting worse, and the democratic way of throwing our money at them isn't working.
Why doesn't any of the political elite lay it the foot of the problems. It's the lack of parenting, of course that probably has nothing to do with the teen pregnancy problem. We can blame society but society has nothing to do with irresponsible behavior. When you reward bad life choices it will only keep repeating itself. The resident poverty pimp Jesse Jackson Sr. should be out preaching birth control. You aren't going to stop theses kids from having sex but you can teach them about being responsible. The whole "I gets my own check" mentality needs to be changed. End public aid to the parents once their minor child gets pregnant or causes a pregnancy. That will change some behaviors. Teach them how to fish, the handout thing isn't working.
Where is the blame for the "urban community? NONE? Shocking....
"to many black and brown men in prison"
i rest my case,she is an idiot.
12/07/2012 12:27:00 AM
There'd be fewer if they'd stop committing crimes...
Quit complaining about her. The citizens have spoken at the polling places, now live with her. The community wants her and all the other dem aldermen, so live with what you voted for
I agree with most of your post but because this is America and this is my right, the end part I disagree with. Not a cop, black man, born in the projects but it was a different time. Guns are available to 12 year old kids now. At that age we were into comic books and arcades. That is the problem. Illegal guns are readily available, combined, again, combined with bad parenting. My disagreement? I keep reading this site calling all black people animals, savages, thieves and leeches of society. So if a person does now own a home they do not deserve proper police protection? We pay rent, we pay taxes on goods and services. On cable and cell bills our tax dollars fund the 911 center for example. There are bad people all over. You really think that traders who work in the CME building dont do coke or meth? Think again. The kids that come in the city from the burbs come here looking for weed. John Cullerton's kid has what 6 DUI offenses but they were dropped. So stop labeling everyone with black skin some demon or beast. What Toni Preckwinkle is referring to is the different way justice is passed out. There are too many black kids in Cook County for simple weed offenses. White kids smoke weed also but they do not get arrested. They also drive drunk. Lets focus on that. The rest is another story.
I think she is trying her best to make a run of the mayor's seat in Chicago. So every once in a while she will say things that are outrageous against whitey to generate votes from black. This then leads to extensive media coverage.
She should worry about her own family, wasn't her soon just arrested recently for battery. I was pure thuggery
Toni Preckwinkle’s son faces battery charge
Updated: November 28, 2012 8:26AM
"The son of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle is facing a misdemeanor battery charge for allegedly kicking a man and “punching him in the face several times,”
"The board president was in a South Side courtroom...when her son Kyle Preckwinkle, in his early 30s, appeared before Judge Tommy Brewer in the municipal court’s Branch 34 at 51st and Wentworth, sources said.
"The charge stems from an incident about 4:30 p.m. on Aug. 31, when Chicago police were summoned to the 5100 block of South Cornell, where a man reportedly had been...surrounded by a group of black men and one “offender” was allegedly “punching and kicking” the man...
"The man alleges Kyle Preckwinkle “knowingly and intentionally caused bodily harm . . . by punching him in the face several times and kicked him about the head and body causing bruising[,] lacerations and swelling...”"
"Isn't Preckwinkle's son part of the problem? I seem to remember he was recently arrested for a pretty vicious assault. Maybe she should clean her house first before running her mouth."
12/07/2012 01:16:00 AM
Shaddup. Even if it occurs on the public way, this is a "private family matter!" Besides, Kyle is only in his early 30s, and has not had time to turn his life around.
"Victor P. Henderson, a lawyer whose downtown firm, Henderson Adam LLC, is representing Kyle Preckwinkle, scolded a reporter for writing about the case, explaining it had nothing to do with Toni Preckwinkle, and said the paper shouldn’t be taking aim at her son, a private citizen.
"“It’s a private family matter, it doesn’t involve the president, it doesn’t involve the president in her official duties — it is a private family matter.”
"Preckwinkle fully expects to be elected mayor when Rahm moves on. She's trying real hard to sound and appear 'mayoral'..."
12/07/2012 02:43:00 AM
..and it comes out like the shrill, lecturesome, unbearable kindergarten teacher she is.
The children are simply not playing well together, and we can't just go around "arresting everyone."
Want to be very smoothly and nassstily condescended to? 15 seconds with the so-sleek Toi Hutchinson and her poisonous smile.
"Republican males trying to take away my rights!" and the audience dutifully echoes, "Say it! Uh-huh! That's true!"
It's a type -- and for every one, there are 50 more looking for grant money.
Don't worry. You will be elected even if your constituents don't know where you are, even if you are a convicted sex offender, even if people are saying that the original TSA X-rays show a LOADED .25 in your luggage...
"So many citizens beef about the police and no one comes out to defend us, so why not fence 'em off, pick up our toys and move on to places where we can actually do some good?"
12/07/2012 12:13:00 AM
Absolutely -- and the perimeter of Denied Area A is going to be double-apron electrified wire encompassing North Lawndale and Oak Park, so that Gov. Quinn and the rich lawyers can interact more fully with the community they so affect to love.
After all, why should "the world's biggest drug problem" remain across the street?
"Preckwinkle Shoots Her Mouth?" The title here should be "Preckwinkle Shoots Self In Foot."
Fuck that beotch. This is who is running our county and city? Prekwinkle, Emma Mitts. Sandi Jackson, Tiny Dancer, Burke? And who used to be in charge? Shortshanks, wallace Davis, Dorfy Tillman, Beavers, kiss ass Rugai, the fuckin list goes on. Congress-Senate Blago, Mel the pedophile Reynolds Gus Savage Danny Davis Bobby Rush. Supts of Police-LEROY MARTIN?????????????? Gets worse as time goes on. Bye Bye Mt. Greenwood. Sellin to African American Family from west englewood who has EVERY RIGHT to live west of KEDZIE AVE with their children and grandchildren. Dont let one of those blue light camers scare you. Its there for a purpose.
OT --
Two minutes in Emanuel's Chicago --
Here is a hot one that the media here are virtually silent on. Chicago must become "the most welcoming city in the world!"
When asked how much his "New Americans" plan will cost, Emanuel would only say that the money "would come from the other side of the ledger."
What does that mean?
...and there is a new state "anti-hate resolution," too, to go along with Quinn's push for an "assault weapons" ban.
...and in case anyone blinked, there is a $1 billion wrangle going on to build three huge new high rises at Wolf Point! (Since the condo bust, they are just calling them "apartments" -- for now.)
Anonymous said...
Masters Masters Masters and Ray Hamilton and KB all on the Country Pay Roll
Why? They arent trained in Anti Terrorism and Whats the threat to Crook County? Hello Media
Crime out of control but we can afford high taxes for this crap
12/07/2012 06:38:00 AM
KB works for Motorola, not Cook County ...
"Get rid of Illinois LINK. I saw a guy today in Walgreens with an iPhone, Bluetooth, buying food with a LINK. WTF?"
12/07/2012 12:55:00 AM
Aim a little higher. One School Of Social Service Administration grad pulling down $75,000 per year "administering" some harmful program that runs on government grants = 31.25 LINK recipients @ $2400/year/each.
OT --
Smith and Wesson in the black -- stock rising.
WBBM's Sherman Kaplan was careful not to attribute increasing sales to "social unrest," but rather to "anxiety."
As our BCP described it, "the character with the filed teeth coming over your fence waving a skull on a stick" is merely a matter of "perception."
Barefoot homeless man immortalized in photo isn't actually homeless.
Doesn't it seem no one listens?
We could bitch and moan all we want, but nothing changes.
Read the news , be informed.
12/07/2012 10:02:00 AM
* The N.Y Daily News isn't "news." It is one long hysterical shriek. It caters to unhappy people looking for someone lower than themselves to dump on. They also just front-paged a photo of someone about to be killed by a train.
* Yes, the man is homeless. For whatever personal reasons. Maybe he cannot stand his family. One person's behavior cannot be generalized out to apply to everyone.
* It was very nice of the young police officer to give him a pair of shoes -- and we learned that the street is so hard that the poor guy hid them for fear someone would kill him for those shoes.
God bless them both -- and screw the jackals at the Daily News and the idiots who pay money to lap up their sick, vicious slop every day.
"Masters Masters Masters and Ray Hamilton and KB all on the Country Pay Roll
Why? They arent trained in Anti Terrorism and Whats the threat to Crook County?"
It's Cook County. Being "qualified" never means a thing when it comes to getting a big political job.
What's the threat to Cook County?
The politicians.
hey, we voted for Obama! Where's the bacon?......Hey, Toni, we're pulling out; you figure out what to do.....and bring bacon!
"Fuck Toni she is tool playing it backwards for her own glory. All she cares about is getting that magic number down in her Budget and guess what 2 places are kicking her ass ? Thats right the hospital where they save all her savages and the California Vacation spot the end in . She can tell ya how much per and if she can keep'em outta there thats all she cars about. After that she is another Pandering Democrat."
You hit the nail right on the head!
"Illegal guns are readily available..."
12/07/2012 02:01:00 PM
...from sources like the ones from Englewood who busted into gun stores up by Des Plaines and brought back literally buckets of pistols into their neighborhood to sell for cash.
"I keep reading [INTO] this site calling all black people animals, savages, thieves and leeches of society."
Nothing anyone can do about that.
Anonymous said...
There is a total obsession at the Cook County juvenile court with not locking delinquents up. We are seeing bad kids pick up arrest after arrest with no real consequences.They're put on probation , violate from the word go , pick up new arrests, and just given court date after court date. The only concern seems to be to constantly lower the detention center population. A facility that in the psat had as many as 800 in custody today hovers in the 200's.Doesn't anyone see the correlation with the rise of crime, especially violent gang related crime and these policies. Doesn't anyone realize that taking another 500-600 delinquents off the street will slow some of this down. Doesn't anyone figure in the cost of 30 to 40 gunshot victims weekly as opposed to the cost of locking people up. Doesn't anyone else figure in the loss of business and tourism. I would guarantee that if there was a strong crackdown by the States Attorneys office and the courts , you would see a remarkable change within a year. If you're going to spend money , spend money in a way that helps the citizens and taxpayers.
12/07/2012 06:36:00 AM
I may also add that these "wayward youths"/shit bags are now coming in to the nice expensive neighborhoods and causing mayhem. Neighborhoods like Lincoln Park, River North, Gold Coast, etc.... GOOD. These are the policies supported by the politicians they elect and reelect again and again.
"Dont let one of those blue light camers scare you. Its there for a purpose."
12/07/2012 03:29:00 PM
Up there flashin like a plice car stuk in a tre.
B somthin f it wrked.
Illinois is the new Rhodesia.....
Get out if you have the means.
Anonymous said...
"Get rid of Illinois LINK. I saw a guy today in Walgreens with an iPhone, Bluetooth, buying food with a LINK. WTF?"
12/07/2012 12:55:00 AM
That right, dey 'posed to use the SNAP card to buy food, ain't dat right?
Is States Attorney Alvarez going to charge Kyle Preckwinkle with aggravated battery? or maybe she lost the file like with Daley's nephew Vanecko it's to bad that Sgt. Eddie Howard's family is not members of the Cook County Democratic Party. Did the arresting officers of Kyle call the Detective division for felony charges or did the "Blue wall of silence" rear it's ugly head?
"Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Update: Violent photos removed from Kyle Preckwinkle's Facebook page less than 16 hours after this post..."
(photos here)
Kyle Preckwinkle's Favorite Quotes:
"No compromise, no sellout." -Malcolm X
"fuck the American Govt".
Fuck that beotch. This is who is running our county and city? Prekwinkle, Emma Mitts. Sandi Jackson, Tiny Dancer, Burke? And who used to be in charge? Shortshanks, wallace Davis, Dorfy Tillman, Beavers, kiss ass Rugai, the fuckin list goes on. Congress-Senate Blago, Mel the pedophile Reynolds Gus Savage Danny Davis Bobby Rush. Supts of Police-LEROY MARTIN?????????????? Gets worse as time goes on. Bye Bye Mt. Greenwood. Sellin to African American Family from west englewood who has EVERY RIGHT to live west of KEDZIE AVE with their children and grandchildren. Dont let one of those blue light camers scare you. Its there for a purpose.
what list of rats..we put our lifes on the line so they can defend these killer criminals..
feds need to take over city/county hall..
Where did this genderless clone of a dummy come from ???? I see her lips move when she speaks but the sound is eminating from her @$$
She doesn't have a clue !!!!
How in the world can this ass say that when HER SON is part of the violence? If I were her I'd sit my ass down and not say shit. It's happening w her kid although its none of the publics business. This is the stupidest shit I've heard in a long time. Hope she used a vacation day to take her 30yr old son to court, or did she do that on our dime as well?
Wtf is happening?
Anonymous said...
Masters Masters Masters and Ray Hamilton and KB all on the Country Pay Roll
Why? They arent trained in Anti Terrorism and Whats the threat to Crook County? Hello Media
Crime out of control but we can afford high taxes for this crap
12/07/2012 06:38:00 AM
KB works for Motorola, not Cook County
HAmilton is deployed USMC Lt in Afghanistan too
Looks like she is getting ready for a run for mayor. If she wins you will pray for the return of Rahm. Tony has already identified all police officers as racists and the entire court and jail system as racist. Yes, Tony, blacks and hispanics do not commit violent crime far out of proportion to their numbers, the police just like locking them up for fun.And, this conspiracy seems to be nationwide!! How about that?
Another example of an incredibly vile and stupid woman demonstrating how vile and stupid she is.
Is that true, Masters was fired by Terry Hillard? If so, why didn't the news media report that Masters was fired by Chicago Police before he was hired by Preckwinkle ?
What does Masters do at work being Director of Homeland Security for Cook County? He carries a Brief case filled with crackers,That Job was created for him with a phone call from RICHARD M DALEY...........
agree with most of your post but because this is America and this is my right, the end part I disagree with. Not a cop, black man, born in the projects but it was a different time. Guns are available to 12 year old kids now. At that age we were into comic books and arcades. That is the problem. Illegal guns are readily available, combined, again, combined with bad parenting. My disagreement? I keep reading this site calling all black people animals, savages, thieves and leeches of society. So if a person does now own a home they do not deserve proper police protection? We pay rent, we pay taxes on goods and services. On cable and cell bills our tax dollars fund the 911 center for example. There are bad people all over. You really think that traders who work in the CME building dont do coke or meth? Think again. The kids that come in the city from the burbs come here looking for weed. John Cullerton's kid has what 6 DUI offenses but they were dropped. So stop labeling everyone with black skin some demon or beast. What Toni Preckwinkle is referring to is the different way justice is passed out. There are too many black kids in Cook County for simple weed offenses. White kids smoke weed also but they do not get arrested. They also drive drunk. Lets focus on that. The rest is another story.
12/07/2012 02:01:00 PM
SCC didn't say white people don't commit crimes. You can't hide statistics and statistics say most crime happens in the minority neighborhoods. You may not like hearing that, but that's the truth. Not saying there's not good people in the ghetto but that's where all the violence is happening. It sure isn't happening where I live. Not saying there aren't any bad white people in my area but again, statistically when there's a violent crime in my area, it's usually a west side or south side animal coming there to commit the crime. It's not racist, it's the truth. Could it be the black kids are getting arrested for more than just weed? Probably. Could it be their attitude toward the police when the police stop them? Probably. Stop making excuses and call it for what it is. I'm a little tired of all the taxes I pay going to the minority neighborhoods and nothing changes. All I hear on the news is do more for us, give us more money, give us more resources. Jesus Christ, those areas get more resources and help and still can't get their problems figured out. Don't blame white people for that.
"Guns are available to 12 year old kids now."
My father gave me my first gun at age 12 and I would never have even THOUGHT about shooting another human being with it.
I didn't think about shooting humans until I came on the job, and I still haven't and hopefully never will have to do so.
But I'm ready if I do.
I say pull the police out of the shitholes, who cares if they kill each other. Let Prickwrinkle use her ilks to referee the bastards. See how electable she becomes after a few weeks.
this goofy liberal bitch lambasted Reagan for 'the war on drugs' saying there is a cold place in hell for Reagan.
Toni, Toni,Toni ... all the male blacks sitting in prison in Illinois are there as a result of state law, not federal law. Buffoon.
"...he feds need to take over city and county..."
Sure. More Obamaites. Brilliant.
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