Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The New Fall Guys

Not the politicians that won't hire people. Not the judges that won't convict.

Not the States Attorney that won't prosecute. Not the appointed hacks that parole everyone within a pulse.

Not even the exempts that have miraculously risen through the ranks without once laying hands on people, filling out an Officer Battery Report, or appearing in court.

Nope.  McJackass has a new target to take the fall:
  • The real story is how McCarthy told the exempt staff that they're not following up on "the Plan," and that it's all the fault of the field sergeants.

    Admit it, Numnuts - you're a failure. You have no idea what Chicago crime is about and you have no idea how to run a police department.

    I can only imagine the phone call from the mayor yesterday morning.

    And he blames the sergeants?
Blaming the field sergeants?  In most cases, they're the only ones backing the boys and girls on the front lines.  We know there are notable exceptions to this, but for the most part, the field sergeant just wants to get through the day without having to do extra paperwork.

The chain of command has already been blurred beyond recognition with captains being phased out and lieutenants pretty much a joke at this point.  Destroying the sergeants would complete the wholesale dismantling of the supervisory capacity of this Department - which at this point seems to be the unspoken plan.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is the plan?

12/05/2012 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, I have a question off topic. We are in the process of getting the new ford interceptors and ford explorer SUVs. The SUVs are just starting to roll out and be put into the fleet. Well, wouldnt you know where the first ones went too??? They went to the airports.. YEP, the airport. So, to the guys in the districts still pushing that 2001 ford crown vic with 135,000 miles on it dont worry, the airports are getting the cars first.... Not you, you dont need it. I first thought maybe it was because of some special federal funding etc but it turns out thats not the case at all. Some brain child just decided it would be "nice" to get the new trucks out at the airports first. What a joke. stay safe in those rolling coffins in patrol, the new cars are at the airport.

12/05/2012 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still dont know what the hell the station supervisor is or what he/she does. Is it the lt, capt, a blue shirt, a sgt or what... is it the old watch commanders spot or the old desk sgts spot.. what the fuck is a station supervisor???????? Why the fuck do we have it????? suck!

12/05/2012 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word for today is:

ro·guish /ˈrōgiSH/


Characteristic of a dishonest or unprincipled person: "he led a roguish existence"

12/05/2012 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Respect my Sergeants,I wouldnt want that job,and then there is Bananas.

12/05/2012 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When this prick interviewed for the top spot in the past he claimed favoritism. Now he finally has the job and he sucks so now he blames the Sgt 's. Bottom line is if the troops in the trenches don't believe in the shit your selling they're not gonna work for you.

12/05/2012 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You couldn't make this stuff up. How much worse can this possibly get?

12/05/2012 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened in the new 019 tonight? A whole team of good guys dumped? Do tell...

12/05/2012 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a joke! Nothing short of bullying everyone from bosses on down. The sgts. do it all; field operations and job of st. Lt. ,Dss job of captain, and job of sgt. Wtf, get rid of capts. and Lt and just double my salary, you already tripled my job!!!And now threats on top of this, do this or else.?

12/05/2012 02:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is simply furthering their divide and conquer philosophy.
Right now the only buffer left between officers and the crazy management of this department are the Sgt.'s( most of them anyways).
If they chip away at that buffer then they can better own and control us. McNutty and Rahm are pure evil.

12/05/2012 03:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job.
Coppers will whine and cry about the clouted always being taken care. preach how this job is bullshit so why should I do anything? But I don't see any of them giving back their nice checks.
Is the beat copper and field sgt a couple of the most under appreciated jobs in the CPD? Absolutely! But this is a job go out there and do what your paid to do.
There will be a bunch of replies that say GFU, but I guarantee there are more po's that would appreciate a Sgt who does their job than will ever stand up and admit it.
Answer your calls and come clear in a timely fashion, back each other up without being asked to do so, write a violation if you observe it, shit at least stop the car that breaks the law right in front of you! To many coppers just let people do what they want and then have the nerve to bitch about how people don't show them respect. Just because our "upper Managemnt" has whored themselves out doesn't mean we can't have a little pride in our job performance.

12/05/2012 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief Tom Byrne probably the biggest sneak on the CPD.

12/05/2012 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote no confidence already!

12/05/2012 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to say but our Sgts. in my district don't back anything but themselves.

12/05/2012 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about you fill the sgt. spots with non merit hacks and give them a little power to supervise instead of making them the scapegoat.

12/05/2012 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Already heard it in my dist tonight "the Sgt has to step it up." Only works if the Lt backs up the Sgts 100% and not play the favorite cards. Is that going to happen? Methinks not.

12/05/2012 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Management accountability? Not in the CPD. Our supervisory ranks are a joke.

Perhaps we should have our supervisory ranks go through supervisory training with the Army.

The Army brings out real leadership in ordinary men/women.

12/05/2012 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to accountability of top management? Isn't McNutty responsible for the failure to stem the violence? What about that call-in the gang leaders program? (Frank Furillo did that on Hill Street Blues) How's that working out? We need a No Confidence vote & demand for McNutty's resignation.

12/05/2012 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPD answer is move the deck chairs around but don't buy anymore to fill the void.This sounds like a Sat night live skit. McNoclue sits there and says yeah that's it I'll move the commanders around that's it. That's my new strategy,they'll buy that.

12/05/2012 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I still dont know what the hell the station supervisor is or what he/she does. Is it the lt, capt, a blue shirt, a sgt or what... is it the old watch commanders spot or the old desk sgts spot.. what the fuck is a station supervisor???????? Why the fuck do we have it????? suck!

12/05/2012 12:09:00 AM

Clearly if you have to ask then you are not the police ... Jagbag attorney

12/05/2012 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is "The Plan" somewhat like "The Secret?"

12/05/2012 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
how about you fill the sgt. spots with non merit hacks and give them a little power to supervise instead of making them the scapegoat.

12/05/2012 04:19:00 AM

Uh in 008 on third watch the merit guys are the better Sgts. NK a good Sgt. hahahahaha .. Dispatcher tried getting her on the air for a chase and she was afraid to come up on the air.

12/05/2012 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" the explorers went to the airport and not the district" whaaa whaaa whaa ...... Today's police. Always wanting what other people have. Always bitching. Typical spoiled little bitches. Mommy and daddy really fucked up by giving you everything and never saying no. You people played a big part in turning the once great CPD into the mess it is today. Fucking whiners.
Oh, and by the way, the vehicles ride nice. I love that new car smell. HAH !

12/05/2012 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is this mofo on channel 7 this morning still telling people crime is down. Discussing his command shakeup this dudes gotta go.

12/05/2012 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the fuck is a station supervisor

Station superisor is an anagram for watch commander, but without the Captains pay.

12/05/2012 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fish ROTS from the head, down.
Starting at City Hall, thru 35th Street to the outlying Districts.
Whose next in the blame game?
Crossing Guards?

12/05/2012 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

liken to the army
i always thought Sargents ran the job
by taking up the slack and the little
things that pop out left field all the time
also act as the buffer between office and field personal
but with what i read here with the way the streetlightmarksman and TinyDancer running the dept this might not be the case
O/T can't the membership and personal call for a "vote of confidence " on this guy?

12/05/2012 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job.
Coppers will whine and cry about the clouted always being taken care. preach how this job is bullshit so why should I do anything? But I don't see any of them giving back their nice checks.
Is the beat copper and field sgt a couple of the most under appreciated jobs in the CPD? Absolutely! But this is a job go out there and do what your paid to do.
There will be a bunch of replies that say GFU, but I guarantee there are more po's that would appreciate a Sgt who does their job than will ever stand up and admit it.
Answer your calls and come clear in a timely fashion, back each other up without being asked to do so, write a violation if you observe it, shit at least stop the car that breaks the law right in front of you! To many coppers just let people do what they want and then have the nerve to bitch about how people don't show them respect. Just because our "upper Managemnt" has whored themselves out doesn't mean we can't have a little pride in our job performance.

Exactly why I have absolutely no desire to be a sergeant on this department. Absolute thankless job.

It's hard to spend your whole tour hopping around on one foot because the other ones's always stuck up someone's ass.

12/05/2012 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to say but our Sgts. in my district don't back anything but themselves.

12/05/2012 04:19:00 AM

That's because most of you clowns are retarded.

If I'm the sergeant how do I back up the Barney Fife that shot Spud McKenzie on the north side?

If you are not equipped to do this job, if the slightest of occasions forces you to shoot a twenty pound dog then you are a danger to others around you.

Go do something else.

12/05/2012 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He did not blame the Sgt's. Get your facts straight.

12/05/2012 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Chief Tom Byrne probably the biggest sneak on the CPD.

Didn't make it to the "D" unit huh tough guy? Maybe if you weren't a dogass. Chief Byrne is the best guy out there, so you really don't know what you are talking about.

12/05/2012 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try broken beyond repair you clueless suckhole bosses!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/05/2012 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary was on WGN morning news... we are doomed!

12/05/2012 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you don't know what your talking about they don' make them any better than chief byrne. being jealous is not good for you

12/05/2012 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy crying about the airport getting all of "our" new Ford SUVs.

The Dept of Aviation has their own budget and their own fleet. They bought their own batch of new Explorers and they've been in service for a few weeks. They have nothing to do with the rest of our new SUVs that are now being delivered to 51st Street. The delivery of the first 35 trucks has been made and those vehicles will be implemented into the patrol division as replacements for the districts. New Ford sedans are also on the way. The city contracted with a suburban police equipment installer for the lights, cages, PDTs & graphics and are brought to 51st Street as they're finished. Apparently, there is no one left at MMD to prep our own new cars anymore. They've been laid off.

12/05/2012 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media keeps reporting that so many commanders have been replaced since BigGar came along. How come they dont ask what happened to the ones that were replaced. All BigGar is doing is reshuffling the deck, per cityhall. The clouted on this job run it, and all the working cops are suckers to them. This town makes me sick.

12/05/2012 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not the sergeants that are the problem. It's the department's "Everybody should feel good-Hands off policing" policies. They tell you to go out there and treat everyone like animals,and within the same breath "act like cameras are on you at all times" so that if and when a few animals complain (or a video leaks out), they say YOU knew you were supposed to treat them better. When the shit hits the fan, none of them will be at thirty-north, it will be you. Cant you see, it is "Divide and Conquer"- they are pushing the "Fault" on the blue shirts. Their "proven and effective" strategies arent working, and it is only because of you not doing what you are supposed to. Until these laws and lawyers and juries change (politicians and judges are mostly lawyers) then everyone is headed for disaster. They make it more difficult for you to catch the criminals, and easier for the criminals to get away.

12/05/2012 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Sgt keeps denying my time-due! Yeh he must be the problem. These bossholes are clueless.

12/05/2012 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous SCC Fan said...

12/05/2012 03:26:00 AM

I agree with you for the most part, but what happens when a Sergeant does his job and insures the PO does their job? That Sgt's name ends up on here being smeared and slammed like he is some outrageous dictator. For telling someone to put a beat tag on. Or telling them to wear the uniform properly and shave the goatee, they have their name dragged through the mud on here, publicly.

I've been out of patrol for a while, but I recall Sgt's in one of my old Districts having their personal vehicles keyed, tires flattened and even heard of a garage being burned down allegedly by the troops that felt wronged by someone who was just doing the job legit. The old dog shit under the door handle was a familiar favorite too.

So while I agree 100% that the Sgts need to do their job, there is and should be a real fear of retribution from the 1-3% of treacherous, sociopathic dogs who would rather slash their sgt's tire than show up on time, in the proper uniform.

There is no Leadership at the top. No balls to dump the assclowns who were merit promoted their whole career, given a chance to be exempt and failed miserably. Those people are all now XO's instead of being busted back to Lt's...most don't deserve that rank either. Instead, continue to blame the Patrol Sgt's. Continue to make their lives miserable.

Great "plan".

12/05/2012 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The district sergeants are probably the only supervisors who had to do well on a promotional exam to get their jobs. Every other boss, except a few lts., were "meritoriously" promoted. The political class has run this department for ages, and look at all the problems the organization is dealing with as a result of their rule! Blow me Gary, you are clueless.

12/05/2012 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will someone, actually more than just one boss with a set show bigMac how to win friends and influence others.
Gov'mint sponsored bullyism ain't cutting it.
No time due & a spar. I recall that was Leroy Martins mantra.

(OT reply to 12:08 - all new vehicles & old ones too, at the airports were bought and owned by Chgo Dep of Aviation not CPD)

12/05/2012 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care if it's a cpt, a Lt or even a Sgt, but SOMEBODY has to be the watch commander. McCarthy, you really screwed the pooch with that boneheaded move.

12/05/2012 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it's so much a plan to wipe out the command ranks as it's simply the Mayor's way of managing seeping downward and corroding everything it touches.

The Mayor is fond of blaming those below him. And he's incapable of backing up city workers because he holds us all in contempt. And he's sent straight from heaven, so if there are problems, it must be those morons below.

And his department heads quickly take up the same attitude. Couldn't be a leadership problem, we're fantastic leaders! The problem is obviously those morons we lead.

And that's what you get.

12/05/2012 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
ok, I have a question off topic. We are in the process of getting the new ford interceptors and ford explorer SUVs. The SUVs are just starting to roll out and be put into the fleet. Well, wouldnt you know where the first ones went too??? They went to the airports.. YEP, the airport. So, to the guys in the districts still pushing that 2001 ford crown vic with 135,000 miles on it dont worry, the airports are getting the cars first.... Not you, you dont need it. I first thought maybe it was because of some special federal funding etc but it turns out thats not the case at all. Some brain child just decided it would be "nice" to get the new trucks out at the airports first. What a joke. stay safe in those rolling coffins in patrol, the new cars are at the airport.

12/05/2012 12:08:00 AM
Your partially correct the airport k-9 handlers are getting them not the airport beat coppers! The k9 cars are old and these cars they drive are old like most of the fleet.

12/05/2012 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/05/2012 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mayor runt eventually wants to replace sgts. with andy frain supervisory personnel, they work on the cheap and do as they are told without question.

12/05/2012 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much worse can this possibly get?
you're joking, right? it has just started. until the feds are convinced that the culture of the CPD has turned around, it will continue, and accelerate.

given that the rot starts with the city, it is not clear to me how you can fix the police dept without first fixing the city.

12/05/2012 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, new cars typically go to areas that the probability of them not getting totalled within the first 10,000 miles has always been common practice. The city wants shiny new cars in the airport and 001/018 to give a positive image to the tourists and those with money.

As far as blaming the Sgts, the judges, politicians, media and liberals are the ones to blame. The city was a much safer place 5 years ago before the media began its assault on us. Short of getting in the car every hour of every day with the dogs and pointing out lawbreakers and ordering them to take action, what more can they do? We don't have a quota system and when we have had unofficial quota systems of activity to make teams some guys have gotten themselves jammed up worrying about numbers.

12/05/2012 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The question is: How many Gangster Disciples have received Section 8 vouchers and are moving into formerly violence free neighborhoods?

12/05/2012 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job.

GFY, wannabe inspector

12/05/2012 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The drain of command.

12/05/2012 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a great idea. Instead of moving an incompetent commander around, how about demoting him/her if they cannot do the job. It ewould happen in the private sector.

12/05/2012 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever. the Blue Shirts are always at fault

12/05/2012 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer your calls and come clear in a timely fashion, back each other up without being asked to do so, write a violation if you observe it, shit at least stop the car that breaks the law right in front of you!

OK "Boss" what ever you say "Boss"

12/05/2012 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is McDropTheNBomb talking about the sgts that made rank by studying the answers they got from their clout? THOSE sgts??

12/05/2012 11:04:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

They always say that sergeants are the backbone of the police department. In actuality, they're treated like the hole a few inches lower.

12/05/2012 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job.
Coppers will whine and cry about the clouted always being taken care. preach how this job is bullshit so why should I do anything? But I don't see any of them giving back their nice checks.
Is the beat copper and field sgt a couple of the most under appreciated jobs in the CPD? Absolutely! But this is a job go out there and do what your paid to do.
There will be a bunch of replies that say GFU, but I guarantee there are more po's that would appreciate a Sgt who does their job than will ever stand up and admit it.
Answer your calls and come clear in a timely fashion, back each other up without being asked to do so, write a violation if you observe it, shit at least stop the car that breaks the law right in front of you! To many coppers just let people do what they want and then have the nerve to bitch about how people don't show them respect. Just because our "upper Managemnt" has whored themselves out doesn't mean we can't have a little pride in our job performance.


Yes that is the biggest failure of sergeants right now. Not going after the dogs. But really, who becomes the asshole when the sgt does this? The dog or the sgt? There is usually little to no support from other POs when a sgt goes after the dogs. Even though the dog pushes his work onto others by not doing their job it is usually the sgt who becomes the bad guy for doing their job. Then the childish BS starts with the cowardly writings on the walls. Here is an idea, if you are a dog, and you know who you are because everyone else you work with does, have at least a little bit of a spine and accept responsibility for your lack or work ethic. Stop blaming the sgt, the dept, the unfairness, the clout system, etc, for your failures and your laziness. Just do your job. If you don't want to, then stop asking for things and stop expecting things. If you choose to be a dog then expect to be treated like one. Where did this ridiculous sense of entitlement come from, where dog asses think the deserve something for just showing up. Be thankful you don't work a minimum wage job because you would have been fired long ago.

12/05/2012 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In most cases, they're the only ones backing the boys and girls on the front lines"

I am sure this is why they are being targeted!

12/05/2012 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Majority of bosses in 011 are a joke....fall guys? Fall from what? A few nice sgts... but a few whack jobs that have no business wearing stripes...011 is the new dumping ground of the northside...oh ya, but dont forget to write some contact cards...fuck your contact will get nothing and like it! Wonder how long the Commander has left on his second visit? Clueless as all hell....if you want to be hands off as a commander then you better surround yourself with bosses that know the game....if not, then you get what you get...which is what we have in 011...a friggin joke of a district....McPuppet put the handle of Jack on the bar and bring in some new blood, it is time.


Jo Mama

12/05/2012 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stop promoting cops that never worked the street in or made arrests..

12/05/2012 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the problem is no backing by the power that are, the constant change on a daily basic and the hacks trying to steal our pension so bust ur ass for these thieving politicians.

12/05/2012 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make the sgts write tickets and contact cards! $100,000 and what do they do?

12/05/2012 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to say but our Sgts. in my district don't back anything but themselves.

--- i bet you most po's in districts would say this. Which is part of the reason po's dont go out of there way to be proactive.

12/05/2012 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Son of CPD said...

SCC said:
Admit it, Numnuts - you're a failure. You have no idea what Chicago crime is about and you have no idea how to run a police department.

What I wonder is why did he leave NYPD if he is so good. Maybe in NY, but he has no clue or field experience for what goes on here. Because it is criminal activity, it does not mean that NY tactics are going to work in Chicago. See ya numbnuts!

12/05/2012 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in Mass Transit and other than Sgt. B.M we have some of the best bosses around. They constantly stand up for the us and do what they can to help us when we need it.

12/05/2012 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so scared. I just don't know what to do.

12/05/2012 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love my Sgt!

12/05/2012 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost all of our exempt members were at one time a Sergeant on this job. Each and every one knows that we have the worst job on the CPD. Not because we face more danger then the average P.O., we don't, but because we catch grief from those subordinate, and those superior. No answer is ever fast enough or good enough. We take blame from all above and below, if we say no we are a jagoff, and if we say yes we are a jagoff. We are responsible for the behavior, appearance, and performance of grown adults. We are given the dirty work by those superior, who prefer we be the bad guy so they don't have to. I challenge those exempt members to back their Sergeants but expect they will not. I challenge the Superintendent to fuck with us, and see how that works out for his "plan".
You came in during a time when crime and murder were hitting historic lows, and with belligerent arrogance, removed the mechanisms that made that possible. The processes were working, and your new processes have seen us to the highest murder rate we have seen in a long time. Do you really think anyone believes that crime is at an all-time low, with the exception of murder? Or are there statistical manipulations being orchestrated by a trained and vetted facilitator of a statistical model that has been proven in all the cities it is used as fraudulent. You are a fraud, and because your fraudulent results are politically beneficial, they are accepted by your benefactor. Fuck you, Jagoff!!!

12/05/2012 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there going to be any promotional tests in our not so near future?


From a Good Source:

1. Sgt test WILL happen. Looks like next year November sometime.

2. Detective test they want to do away with. Doesn't look promising.

3. SWAT - yeah right.

4. Marine Unit- (#1 clout unit) talked about but does not look good for CPD clout hacks. Talk of CFD taking over. Looking to downsize.

5. Canine/ET - ET test talked about and will happen. Looks like end of 2012. Canine will take from existing list.

12/05/2012 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Just because our "upper Managemnt" has whored themselves out doesn't mean we can't have a little pride in our job performance.

12/05/2012 03:26:00 AM

Well said and true.

12/05/2012 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extremely lucky in 007 to have awesome sgts. They always have our backs. They are sgts that you don't mind doing work for because they treat you so well. Feel terrible for the officers in other districts with poor supervisors. Sure that makes working a lot harder.

12/05/2012 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Field sgt's are the people keeping this joke of a CPD together while we wait for the drunk to get launched!

12/05/2012 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
I still dont know what the hell the station supervisor is or what he/she does. Is it the lt, capt, a blue shirt, a sgt or what... is it the old watch commanders spot or the old desk sgts spot.. what the fuck is a station supervisor???????? Why the fuck do we have it????? suck!

12/05/2012 12:09:00 AM<<<

If anyone calls our station and asks to speak to the Station Supervisor we tell 'em he's out mopping the floors, do you Habla espanol? or do you want to speak to the Watch Commander (a Lt.)

Channel 9 News this afternoon all but called McNumbnuts a lying hack pointing out all the "bad year" shooting stats while he claimed "over all" (unreported and downgraded) crime was down. They also stated there were 500 retirements with less than 250 hires in the past year.

12/05/2012 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo-oo! Scary! Tough talk from Rahm -- undermanned police to drop hammer on huge gang funerals rolling across city and suburbs

"Where were you born? Take it to the alley!"

There! Now "that has been addressed"...and it's only Wednesday!

12/05/2012 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sergeants - get onboard the ComStat train!

12/05/2012 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --

"City of neighborhoods" department --

Google Street View has movies of trails in the Canadian Arctic now.

Did they ever finish the south and west sides here?


12/05/2012 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 3:26 am........hey XO MR........go to bed already......

12/05/2012 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, I have a question off topic. We are in the process of getting the new ford interceptors and ford explorer SUVs. The SUVs are just starting to roll out and be put into the fleet. Well, wouldnt you know where the first ones went too??? They went to the airports.. YEP, the airport.

Of course, they have to show the (non existant) tourists that they are putting that $5.00 fare to/from the airport on the CTA to good use.

12/05/2012 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is not the Sergeants. Pick any of the following:
(1) "I told you it's that damn muslim movie"
(2) It's Bush's fault.
(3) It is the white man's fault
(4) It's Racist
(5) Not enough federal money, raise taxes.
(6) It's them damn republicans
(7) It's the rich peoples fault
(8) It's the Jews fault.
(9) It's the poeleese's fault.
It's the guns fault.

BUT it is never the folks's fault. Libs fault, media's fault, breakdown of the families, drug addicts,no discipline or teaching from parents. ETC ETC.

12/05/2012 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job""

Sgt's aren't the only problem. Don't the Lt's see no star and not shaven at roll calls? Don't they have a radio in their office (I mean out at the desk), too?

I agree mostly about the Sgts, but there's plenty of blame to go around.

12/05/2012 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there more than 1 Tom Byrne?

12/05/2012 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit travels down hill. Next up, the P.O. There's a whole list of reasons for our homicide rate.
First and foremost: our democrat machine that embraces, fosters and encourages a moral less society.

12/05/2012 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All my sgt is worried about is getting of to go out drinking!

12/05/2012 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the one retard who posted at 3:26 am:

Congratulations! You have got to be one of the biggest losers that has ever posted on this blog. How in the fuck does an officer that is not clean shaven, or god forbid, not have a glorious beat tag, hurt another officer?! please tell me!!! Im clean shaven, have a beat tag, and guess what? I could give two shits if someone else isnt. The fact that your posting this shit at 3am tells me that you must be friendless, hopeless, and a total no balls employee. Merry Christmas fuck wad.

12/05/2012 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
ok, I have a question off topic. We are in the process of getting the new ford interceptors and ford explorer SUVs. The SUVs are just starting to roll out and be put into the fleet. Well, wouldnt you know where the first ones went too??? They went to the airports.. YEP, the airport. So, to the guys in the districts still pushing that 2001 ford crown vic with 135,000 miles on it dont worry, the airports are getting the cars first.... Not you, you dont need it. I first thought maybe it was because of some special federal funding etc but it turns out thats not the case at all. Some brain child just decided it would be "nice" to get the new trucks out at the airports first. What a joke. stay safe in those rolling coffins in patrol, the new cars are at the airport.

Check out your facts. The Airport Units vehicles, radio's, etc come from Department of Aviation funds. And before that we were driving the same death traps you were talking about. I'm sorry anyone has to drive crap vehicles but to bitch when someone gets one before you is childish. So before you start on bashing me next, I had 28 years on when I won a bid to the Airport after working in 014, 015, 010 & 011.

12/05/2012 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic while ol' snake eyes tries to find that damn number to central casting.

12/05/2012 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with this guy. I would say 1 out of every 10 Sgt's will hold people accountable for the BS that goes on.

If you,by some act of God,get a Sgt that that doesn't like the BS and calls people out on it, he or she is a Jag, Tool, etc.

How many other profession's can you name where the employee is a waste of space and nothing happens to them? Other than City jobs, probably none.

"Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job. "

12/05/2012 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job.
Coppers will whine and cry about the clouted always being taken care. preach how this job is bullshit so why should I do anything? But I don't see any of them giving back their nice checks.
Is the beat copper and field sgt a couple of the most under appreciated jobs in the CPD? Absolutely! But this is a job go out there and do what your paid to do.
There will be a bunch of replies that say GFU, but I guarantee there are more po's that would appreciate a Sgt who does their job than will ever stand up and admit it.
Answer your calls and come clear in a timely fashion, back each other up without being asked to do so, write a violation if you observe it, shit at least stop the car that breaks the law right in front of you! To many coppers just let people do what they want and then have the nerve to bitch about how people don't show them respect. Just because our "upper Managemnt" has whored themselves out doesn't mean we can't have a little pride in our job performance.

12/05/2012 03:26:00 AM

I feel your pain. In the 025th district there is one Sgt. who is proactive and fucks with the dogs. And guess what? He is the most reviled Sgt. in 025. But he doesn't care. He keeps plugging along. Good for you Sgt. I am a worker and I appreciate the fact that you let the dogs know that they are on a short leash.

12/05/2012 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because our "upper Managemnt" has whored themselves out doesn't mean we can't have a little pride in our job performance.

12/05/2012 03:26:00 AM

yep, it's always a good thing when you have the utmost respect for your pimp.

12/05/2012 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone please explain. I keep hearing Sgt., LT., etc., doesn't have our backs. It's not like it used to be , blah blah blah.

Does that mean you expect them to lie or cover for you when you beat the dog s*** out of someone?
Does that mean you expect them to turn a blind eye to your lack of adherence to GO's and Rules?
Does that mean you want them to lie for you on paper?

What exactly is it?

I have a problem with Sgt's who don't put some people in line when they need to. But I also don't expect them to risk getting fired or thrown in jail for some of the stupid shit coppers do.

12/05/2012 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

A fish ROTS from the head, down.
Starting at City Hall, thru 35th Street to the outlying Districts.
Whose next in the blame game?
Crossing Guards?

12/05/2012 07:40:00 AM

Maybe. Half of the Crossing Guards don't show up for work in 011th district.

12/05/2012 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part one of sgt test is gonna be March 2013. Prior to formal announcement R&D is going to be told to get all the directives fixed. New xo to patrol is gonna be responsible to oversee this task.

12/05/2012 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:12:00 pm: Well said. I'm a po but I agree with you and wouldn't want the job.

12/05/2012 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the one retard who posted at 3:26 am:

Congratulations! You have got to be one of the biggest losers that has ever posted on this blog. How in the fuck does an officer that is not clean shaven, or god forbid, not have a glorious beat tag, hurt another officer?! please tell me!!! Im clean shaven, have a beat tag, and guess what? I could give two shits if someone else isnt. The fact that your posting this shit at 3am tells me that you must be friendless, hopeless, and a total no balls employee. Merry Christmas fuck wad.

12/05/2012 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are all idiots for not attending at least one FOP meeting, Emmanuel will privatize the white shirts and blue shirts to not balance the budget but produce a surplus and ask to be re-elected!

12/05/2012 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That explains the BOP that came out today which says every Sergeant in Patrol must undergo leadership training with their District Commanders. Sheesh. Hope they get some OT for that... yeah, that will never happen.

12/05/2012 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First it's the Pilgrims fault now its the Sgts!!

I'm telling you,this guy is pure genius!

12/05/2012 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Hear out of city hall Obama is coming to town to make a plea to stop the blood shed on the west and southsides. I dont think the mayor can take much more of the bloodshed and will have to let Mccarthy go if Obamas plea does not work. The target is a 4 month plan after Obamas plea.

12/05/2012 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look at the cool copper at gang funeral , shirt sleeves rolled up
he looks cool man , merit sgt material for sure
no supervision on cpd
wagon man ducks early every week
i guess xo can't get the dogs to swipe in and out

12/05/2012 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you for the most part, but what happens when a Sergeant does his job and insures the PO does their job? That Sgt's name ends up on here being smeared and slammed like he is some outrageous dictator. For telling someone to put a beat tag on. Or telling them to wear the uniform properly and shave the goatee, they have their name dragged through the mud on here, publicly.

That is the problem with some Sergeants. We don't care about whether or not our fellow PO's are clean shaven!!! When we say do your job, we mean the guys who do absolutely everything in their power to do nothing. Those are the guys you should be doing something about. Not the best worker on the watch who forgot to shave because he has been in court all week.

12/05/2012 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous NOT your mother said...

Make the sgts write tickets and contact cards! $100,000 and what do they do?

12/05/2012 11:35:00 AM


I’ll tell you what I do you
blue-shirt punk ass bitch.

I handle the NEVER ENDING stupid CR numbers that you are constantly piling up.

Each one takes at least 5 hours to handle with all the paperwork involved.

I’ll do your movers and contact cards that your pussy ass complains about..
and YOU handle my pile of shit you hairgel bitch.

By the way..
come in at 25 minutes after the hour for checkoff.

12/05/2012 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you McCarthy!!!
You have no clue what a real supervisor is. Save your bullshit and get ready to put the home up for sale, because if there was any real plan to curtail the crime rate , you'll be unemployed soon.
You're a joke and an embarassment and I pray for your demise.
Retired Sgt.

12/05/2012 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I work in Mass Transit and other than Sgt. B.M we have some of the best bosses around. They constantly stand up for the us and do what they can to help us when we need it.

12/05/2012 12:00:00 PM

C'mon back to Patrol.
I have been in Mass Transit and chose to leave. A lot of do-nothing going on.

12/05/2012 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea thats it blame the Sgt......Let's see in 019 there are 15 beat cars, 3 wagons, foot posts, mayors detail, and numerous quality of life cars, and 2 sgts on the streets, that's at least 15 cars to "supervise" for the Sgt. but it's the Sgt.s fault for homicides.......I love this new department.....

12/05/2012 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea thats it blame the Sgt......Let's see in 019 there are 15 beat cars, 3 wagons, foot posts, mayors detail, and numerous quality of life cars, and 2 sgts on the streets, that's at least 15 cars to "supervise" for the Sgt. but it's the Sgt.s fault for homicides.......I love this new department.....

12/05/2012 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a first in 011. Sgt GM actually denied princess RC her lunch today after informing her at roll call that lunches will be finished 1 1/2 hrs before end of tour. LMFAO

Its about damn time that a Sgt had the balls to put you in your place.

When you get to 1st watch next year you can take all the personals you want as the dispatcher tries to give you a job.

You going to to 1st watch is priceless!

Enjoy 1st watch princess!

bye bye

12/05/2012 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make the sgts write tickets and contact cards! $100,000 and what do they do?

We keep your ass out of trouble and handle jobs while your lazy ass is spending time on a simple
B.S. report or staying down on a job.

12/05/2012 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job.
Coppers will whine and cry about the clouted always being taken care. preach how this job is bullshit so why should I do anything? But I don't see any of them giving back their nice checks.
Is the beat copper and field sgt a couple of the most under appreciated jobs in the CPD? Absolutely! But this is a job go out there and do what your paid to do.
There will be a bunch of replies that say GFU, but I guarantee there are more po's that would appreciate a Sgt who does their job than will ever stand up and admit it.
Answer your calls and come clear in a timely fashion, back each other up without being asked to do so, write a violation if you observe it, shit at least stop the car that breaks the law right in front of you! To many coppers just let people do what they want and then have the nerve to bitch about how people don't show them respect. Just because our "upper Managemnt" has whored themselves out doesn't mean we can't have a little pride in our job performance.

12/05/2012 03:26:00 AM

I feel your pain. In the 025th district there is one Sgt. who is proactive and fucks with the dogs. And guess what? He is the most reviled Sgt. in 025. But he doesn't care. He keeps plugging along. Good for you Sgt. I am a worker and I appreciate the fact that you let the dogs know that they are on a short leash.


12/05/2012 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Airport always had Aviation units needless to say they were better equiped w/bigger engines etc, they basically bought the state police interceptors,everything was heavy duty brakes engine etc. By the way fuck you 07:01

12/05/2012 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you want to see our new cars being outfitted, they are at PDS in Mokena, off 191st. and ALL sedans! have a good time fitting anyone taller than Shawn Johnson the gymnast in the back seat!..ohhhh and a whoooollllle lot of unmarked ones as well. Who would want a boss on this department to ride around in a crappy old 2011 CV with 20,000 mile on it anyhow..! the horror of it..!

12/05/2012 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking McNutty is starting to sweat and become desperate. If I were a betting man I'd bet the end is near for McFailure!
Rahm will not allow McFailure to cause him too much political damage before he launches him.

12/05/2012 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Destroying the sergeants would complete the wholesale dismantling of the supervisory capacity of this Department - which at this point seems to be the unspoken plan."

Hey, if you spent this much time and effort going after criminals, you could get somewhere.

...but the city you see is the city they want.

...and here come MORE vastly expensive problems!

Emanuel refused to say how much this would cost, except that "the money will come from the other side of the ledger."

12/05/2012 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Real Men Lead, others just Blame.

12/05/2012 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part one of sgt test is gonna be March 2013
not true. lol. thats less than 3 months . no time to even develop or study. 1st time tester huh dork

12/05/2012 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fellow officers, please stop debating the small stuff. We really make ourselves look like idiots when we complain about doing the things we knew we'd have to when we took this job. Guys, just cut your hair, get rid of the braids,shave, wear a proper uniform, and show up on time. Ladies please put the damn hair up, get rid of those ridiculous fake hair extentions, and long nails. Everybody, get rid of those earings. Don't wait to be told, have a little pride in yourself and do it on your own. Oh, and for crying out loud... don't be a dog ass. Consider this for a New Year's resolution. Just saying.

12/05/2012 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't think I could possibly do less on this job. Now I will find a way. What exactly does McManBimbo expect field sgts. to do? Worst job in the dept.

Let McBimbo move them around. They'll do even less. Great plan.

Can't stand the news soft-pedaling interviews with him anymore either. McBimbo tells them murders are down 19% since Nov. 25....Wow. What about compared to last year????

12/05/2012 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should anybody feel sorry for these sergeants. They get over $10,000.00 more a year for doing less work then the police officers. It's called earning your salary. It's like the old saying " be careful what you ask for."

12/05/2012 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can this sergeant who fucks with the dogs in the 25 th district come to the 3 rd district for 28 days. I would like to see these cry babies see what it's like to get their entitlements taken away.

12/05/2012 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The word for today is:

ro·guish /ˈrōgiSH/


Characteristic of a dishonest or unprincipled person: "he led a roguish existence"

12/05/2012 12:29:00 AM

That's insulting to rogues everywhere.

What's another word for evil?

12/05/2012 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame it on Bush... everyone else does!

12/05/2012 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is more than one tom byrne,the chief of detectives is the good one.

12/05/2012 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just got an email saying former Commander Ettore DiVito formerly of the 18th District among other places passed away yesterday. Rest in Peace Boss.

Nothing else at this time.

12/05/2012 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The media keeps reporting that so many commanders have been replaced since BigGar came along. How come they dont ask what happened to the ones that were replaced. All BigGar is doing is reshuffling the deck, per cityhall. The clouted on this job run it, and all the working cops are suckers to them. This town makes me sick.

12/05/2012 08:27:00 AM

McSputter said he has put the best and the brightest in the right spots.


How long has he been here now?

Remember when Weisworm moved all or most of the 25 commanders? I'd like to see a chart of who has been assigned where and back again or promoted.

Assignments seem to be made via a "Wheel of Fortune" type system.

It doesn't matter where you put people if they don't have direction from the top. And that's especially true for the dummies like Carrothers, et. al.!

Where'd that 14 year-old kid go who spent half a tour on patrol? He could probably do just as good of a job as half of the command staff.

12/05/2012 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day sgts in 20 are still a fucking joke see what they want and still raggin on the wrong p.o.'s.

12/05/2012 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the one retard who posted at 3:26 am:

Congratulations! You have got to be one of the biggest losers that has ever posted on this blog. How in the fuck does an officer that is not clean shaven, or god forbid, not have a glorious beat tag, hurt another officer?! please tell me!!! Im clean shaven, have a beat tag, and guess what? I could give two shits if someone else isnt. The fact that your posting this shit at 3am tells me that you must be friendless, hopeless, and a total no balls employee. Merry Christmas fuck wad.

Maybe it's because I work till 0200, and get home around 0300. It's not about being pimpy it's about holding ourselves and our peers accountable. You may say you don't care about all the little bullshit yet you follow the rules yourself.
A lot of posts on here about Sgts being called out and hated for calling out the dogs, guess what this isn't a popularity contest its a job. The people that matter to me have my back as I have theirs.
My rant is my opinion as your rant is yours but the fact that you chose to attack me like a little school girl proves
Your weak and insecure.
To quote some good ole country music, "you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything".
Merry Christams, happy hannakuh, happy kwanza and happy New Years to all.

12/05/2012 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sgts allow the dog asses the ability to thrive. No beat tags, no star, not shaven, staying down on jobs, etc... All this does is hurt the copper who is actually trying to do his job.
Coppers will whine and cry about the clouted always being taken care. preach how this job is bullshit so why should I do anything? But I don't see any of them giving back their nice checks.
Is the beat copper and field sgt a couple of the most under appreciated jobs in the CPD? Absolutely! But this is a job go out there and do what your paid to do.
There will be a bunch of replies that say GFU, but I guarantee there are more po's that would appreciate a Sgt who does their job than will ever stand up and admit it.
Answer your calls and come clear in a timely fashion, back each other up without being asked to do so, write a violation if you observe it, shit at least stop the car that breaks the law right in front of you! To many coppers just let people do what they want and then have the nerve to bitch about how people don't show them respect. Just because our "upper Managemnt" has whored themselves out doesn't mean we can't have a little pride in our job performance.

12/05/2012 03:26:00 AM

I feel your pain. In the 025th district there is one Sgt. who is proactive and fucks with the dogs. And guess what? He is the most reviled Sgt. in 025. But he doesn't care. He keeps plugging along. Good for you Sgt. I am a worker and I appreciate the fact that you let the dogs know that they are on a short leash.

12/05/2012 04:06:00 PM

boy he sounds like a really scary Sgt. I bet everyone is just quaking in their boots over there.

12/05/2012 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt's in D unit pressuring us to clear more patterns, make more arrests, do more line-ups all of a sudden, bring people in, reclassify reports. Burglaries are all of a sudden thefts from building. Unbelievable.

I would be happy to perform the duties of detective if I could stop getting 20+ jobs per week.

Maybe I can make calls from my cell phone in the restroom while I'm on the pot, or balance a laptop on my head and type on two keyboards at once.

There is simply no time to do real detective work. I think McAsshat said burglary det's wouldn't get more than 250 cases per year, and robbery det's wouldn't get moe than 150 cases per year.

Over 400 since March. Slower districts not much further behind. Totally undermanned, and D unit commanders taking care of the prissies on days, putting more det's on days than afternoons. Makes sense, huh?

People assigned to do one thing do nothing of the sort. Some prima donna property crimes det's only get homicide/violent crimes. Some assigned to youth get whatever their clout says.

12/05/2012 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as we have sergeants that go out ,drink ,and fraternize with those whom they supervise, it will be hard to maintain discipline within the ranks. How can you write a subordinate(when called for) then shoot the shit with them later?

12/05/2012 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous tired of the lies said...

;After listening to our fearless leader once again quote that chicago has the highest number of officers per capita i decided to do a little research. Per the 2011 census, chicago has 2 ,707,120 citizens while new york has 8,244,910. New York has, in 2011, 34450 budgeted positions but due to hiring they really have 36600. They also have 4500 auxillary officers and 5000 school safety agents. Chicago has 11500 budgeted spots,supposedly, but in reality probably 8-9000 officers with zero auxillary or safety agents. New York then has a total of 46100 officers meaning they have 1 officer for every 179 citizens. Even if you only take their budgeted number, it's 1 for every 239 citizens. Chicago, on the other hand, would have 1 officer for every 235 citizens if we were at full strength, which we are not. We are actually in the range of 1 officer for every 300-338 citizens. Not exactly jiving with McCarthy's assertion.
And i was able to look up all this info on the internet and make calculations in about 2 minutes. Why cant our media take the 2 minutes and call him out?

12/05/2012 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What plan? Cause the gangs are his problem since McGoof has no idea of how patrolling chicago really is like and the hacks of Compstat instead of hiding behind a desk job, should be out n the streets!!!! McGoof is the reason the problem gets worse by the minute, idiot!!!! He should resign and go back to New York!! The sgts who are in the field with the rest of officers a lot of them are shaky but, at least are n patrol and not hiding behind a desk like McGoof and his posse. McGoof, we suck!? Come out and patrol with us and get the crs, get sued and get crappy leadership that you, yourself have provided, come out and start making arrests McGoof!!!

12/05/2012 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would want to be crossing anyone in 011? That's a homicide waiting to happen. I don't blame them for not going.

12/05/2012 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please the dogass coppur now a days is the issue. A majority of officers these days use every bullshit reason to lay down and do nothing. I am sick of the whoa is me crap from the sissy TRU and MSF guys. You guys got launched over 3 yrs ago Get over it already. You knew that going in. Get some time on the job and make a bid. Till then do your time as 5 yr wonders and EARN your spot. The next crybaby I hear crying about an early or late car, or the fact they got launched I am gonna lay out. SUCK IT UP. We all been screwed at some point or had to earn our time.

All you fools dogging on the Sgt's can please come to my district out south. The Sgt's are the only ones rolling on calls and giving back up to other officers while the Dogs hide out and claim beat integrity. They roll by our stops and most of the time there are more of them at a hot call than P.O.'s. We appreciate them all and its finally a great thing to have backup

12/05/2012 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in NYC where there is an abundance of cops on seemingly every corner in Mid-town. I walked up to a threesome this morning, said, "Hi, officers. I'm from Chicago and was wondering if you could do us a favor and take McCarthy back?" The two younger ones had quizical looks on their face, but the older officer gave a belly laugh and said, "Nooooo. He's all yours now."

Just a regular citizen

12/05/2012 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mess with our Sergeants you mess with us!

We are all a team!!!

12/05/2012 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


do all of you really deal with your sergeant?

The multiple sergeants that i deal with are regular JOES with family s working special with vest that are too small.

I bought my sergeant a bottle for Xmas even though he does no favors!

Merry Xmas everyone

12/05/2012 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer your calls and come clear in a timely fashion, back each other up without being asked to do so, write a violation if you observe it, shit at least stop the car that breaks the law right in front of you!

OK "Boss" what ever you say "Boss"

OK "Dog ass" what ever you say "Dog ass"

It is called doing the "minimum" requirements for your job. Not asking you to be the police, just the bare minimum. Try doing your job once. I am sure it will be a novel experience for you. You may even learn something.

12/06/2012 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You have got to be one of the biggest losers that has ever posted on this blog. How in the fuck does an officer that is not clean shaven, or god forbid, not have a glorious beat tag, hurt another officer?! please tell me!!! Im clean shaven, have a beat tag, and guess what? I could give two shits if someone else isnt. The fact that your posting this shit at 3am tells me that you must be friendless, hopeless, and a total no balls employee. Merry Christmas fuck wad.

Who is the loser here? It is part of your job you immature dog ass POS. I am sure you are a super star copper, telling all the little girlies what a hero you are while you spend your tour hiding in your hole. You are not listening to the message here, I think if you pulled you head out of your lazy ass you may better understand what that person was saying. As far a posting a 3:26, some working cops get home that late. And believe it or not the police work 24 hours a day. Yeah, and move out of your parent's basement. Bitch.

12/06/2012 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides beat tags and shaving, a lot of you guys are forgetting about exposed hand cuffs! They need to start putting coppers in callback immediately for that violation. Sgts should be allowed to use cattle prods to zap sloppy officers for such monstrous violations.

To the poster that responded to that vicious officer that called that other officer a fuck wad while wishing him a merry christmas, thank you. Your ilk is just exactly what this department needs to turn itself around. How about you get a crew together of some other similarly retarded officers like yourself....dress up as guardian angels and start following around cops while you are off duty and write them up for infractions? You guys can glue beat tags to your heads so that everyone knows what a bunch of tough no nonsense cops that you are.

My parents are done letting me use their computer now. I never worked midnights because of my chinaman. Try not biting your cabbage patch doll too hard after reading this dick wad.

12/06/2012 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have a great idea. Instead of moving an incompetent commander around, how about demoting him/her if they cannot do the job. It ewould happen in the private sector.

12/05/2012 10:38:00 AM

Excellent idea. Garry?????

12/06/2012 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 9 News this afternoon all but called McNumbnuts a lying hack pointing out all the "bad year" shooting stats while he claimed "over all" (unreported and downgraded) crime was down. They also stated there were 500 retirements with less than 250 hires in the past year.

12/05/2012 01:31:00 PM

Channel 5 sucked his butthole throughout his interview, but channel 9 did hold his feet to the fire--a bit.

12/06/2012 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
All my sgt is worried about is getting of to go out drinking!

12/05/2012 02:45:00 PM

Smart sgt.

12/06/2012 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts. aren't going to do anything without support from the chain of 017 3rd watch, the LT. lets a few inmates run the watch and I meant P.O.s not sgts...he doesn't back his sgts. at all and as a result, cars stay down on non paper, non arrest jobs for hours, blow jobs off, use the radio for their personal glorification, refuse jobs, etc....the few sgts that want to address these issues the legit way are told by the LT. to look the other way cuz he is afraid of his own shadow and doesn't want to be that can sgts. be expected to lead when their own LT. can't even lead from the front? Pathetic

12/06/2012 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who would want to be crossing anyone in 011? That's a homicide waiting to happen. I don't blame them for not going.

12/05/2012 10:44:00 PM

Probably 1 kid out of 1,000 in 011 cross at the crosswalks anyway. No loss.

12/06/2012 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beats tags? are you kidding me? we are missing beat tags and print out a beat number from the computer a tape to a different beat tag. then when it rains the beat tags fall apart. what a joke..... This is no longer profession, it's just a job..... the politicians got the department they want. I know plenty of good, hard working coppers who do the minimum now, cause they see where it got were, while connected assholes get promoted time after time cause of who they know..... I love the poster in all the station, "Earned not given" hahahaha...... yea right, how many bosses have had everything laid in place for them since the got hired and the never had to pass a test and some tool is gonna tell me the problem is beat tags, beards and long hair? you my fuckng friend have not been around that long............ so go at it, run from job to job then when your sitting before the police board as the are firing you you'll be asking yourself "how the fuck did I get here?".....remember coppers have been fired for just doing their job, and it happens with a lot more frequency these days, so go be a hero asshole.....

12/06/2012 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Fellow officers, please stop debating the small stuff. We really make ourselves look like idiots when we complain about doing the things we knew we'd have to when we took this job. Guys, just cut your hair, get rid of the braids,shave, wear a proper uniform, and show up on time. Ladies please put the damn hair up, get rid of those ridiculous fake hair extentions, and long nails. Everybody, get rid of those earings. Don't wait to be told, have a little pride in yourself and do it on your own. Oh, and for crying out loud... don't be a dog ass. Consider this for a New Year's resolution. Just saying.

12/05/2012 08:43:00 PM

Well said. Also, put away the cell phone. Pay attention to what's around. I've seen coppers talking on their phones while on a traffic stop.

12/06/2012 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beats tags? are you kidding me? we are missing beat tags and print out a beat number from the computer a tape to a different beat tag. then when it rains the beat tags fall apart. what a joke..... This is no longer profession, it's just a job..... the politicians got the department they want. I know plenty of good, hard working coppers who do the minimum now, cause they see where it got were, while connected assholes get promoted time after time cause of who they know..... I love the poster in all the station, "Earned not given" hahahaha...... yea right, how many bosses have had everything laid in place for them since the got hired and the never had to pass a test and some tool is gonna tell me the problem is beat tags, beards and long hair? you my fuckng friend have not been around that long............ so go at it, run from job to job then when your sitting before the police board as the are firing you you'll be asking yourself "how the fuck did I get here?".....remember coppers have been fired for just doing their job, and it happens with a lot more frequency these days, so go be a hero asshole.....

12/06/2012 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
That explains the BOP that came out today which says every Sergeant in Patrol must undergo leadership training with their District Commanders. Sheesh. Hope they get some OT for that... yeah, that will never happen.

12/05/2012 05:47:00 PM <<<

We had that sort of class years ago during the Weis era. We had a good fast district crew and a good class with a mix of whiteshirts from all over the department. What made our district good was stuff we were doing already. Things like being approachable, never yelling, a sense of humor, a forgiving attitude to anyone who works. A lot involved warning the troops what was coming down the pipe and protecting them from H.Q.

If your own D.C. has to sit in the same class it won't be the same. It will be how to protect the D.C., not how to protect the troops.

12/06/2012 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You have got to be one of the biggest losers that has ever posted on this blog. How in the fuck does an officer that is not clean shaven, or god forbid, not have a glorious beat tag, hurt another officer?! please tell me!!! Im clean shaven, have a beat tag, and guess what? I could give two shits if someone else isnt. The fact that your posting this shit at 3am tells me that you must be friendless, hopeless, and a total no balls employee. Merry Christmas fuck wad.

----------------------------------- So it doesn't bother you that the dogs who can't or won't follow rules or take the time to look professional get you lumped in the same light as them? If you are ok with this, then don't get offended when someone says "you cops are all alike." If you are taking the time to meet grooming standards and follow established procedures, you are demeaning yourself by accepting behavior by those who don't. You may not be able to change their behavior, but please, for your sake and others like you, don't condone it.

not a cop

12/06/2012 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOT your mother said...
Make the sgts write tickets and contact cards! $100,000 and what do they do?

12/05/2012 11:35:00 AM


I’ll tell you what I do you
blue-shirt punk ass bitch.

I handle the NEVER ENDING stupid CR numbers that you are constantly piling up.

Each one takes at least 5 hours to handle with all the paperwork involved.

I’ll do your movers and contact cards that your pussy ass complains about..
and YOU handle my pile of shit you hairgel bitch.

By the way..
come in at 25 minutes after the hour for checkoff.

12/05/2012 06:35:00 PM

Come in 25 minutes after the hour? Why, you won't be there. How about you staying the extra half hour that you are supposed to stay each day that you get paid for!!!

12/06/2012 01:36:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Can anyone tell me what a quality of life car is looking to do?

12/07/2012 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the uneducated poster crying about the airports having new cars.

You're a little whiny bitch. The cars are paid for by aviation, they are ordered by aviation. The money comes from the airlines and FAA. The salaries and overtime costs of po's assigned there are reimbursed by the airlines, as well as equipment costs. You want to cry more? The department rifles out there are equipped with EOTechs, magnifiers, and flashlights. Now go back to dogging your jobs and crying about how everything is unfair.

12/07/2012 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief Tom Byrne probably the biggest sneak on the CPD.

Didn't make it to the "D" unit huh tough guy? Maybe if you weren't a dogass. Chief Byrne is the best guy out there, so you really don't know what you are talking about.

How exactly do you "make it to the D"? You take a test and get promoted or promoted meritoriously you moron. You don't just transfer in. And you somehow know an anonymous poster is a dogass? Chief Byrne is a nice guy but that doesn't mean he's not a sneak. Maybe the original poster can clarify why he's a sneak.

12/07/2012 06:16:00 PM  
Blogger annoymos said...

So who is to blame? We took this job as it was one we wanted. Morale has destroyed many but do you remember you are your own person. At one time we had great bosses. We did all we could to make them look good. Our Sgts. We're ones we could turn to for advice or help. All has gone to crap! Us POs know our job and what need to be done better than our supervisors. There is no longer respect. All I'm saying is respect yourself stay safe return home each night safe We can no longer depend on others except for those few

12/09/2012 08:13:00 PM  

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