Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Whut Guys? Deez Guys?

  • Mayor Rahm Emanuel brushed aside allegations Tuesday that the owner of a company awarded a $99 million O’Hare Airport janitorial contract was the longtime business partner of a man with ties to organized crime.

    “We had a competitive process. This company won and they’re now offering jobs to the other [union] workers to also work for them at the airport doing the janitorial services,” the mayor said.

    “I would note that that same company has a number of contracts with high-rises downtown in the city of Chicago with SEIU [Service Employees International Union]. So, there’s a fuller story, a more complete story. There’s more than just one side to this story.”
Business as usual.  Unions, politicians, the Outfit.  Who would've guessed?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm dosen't like being "scrootend"

Gee that's just to fucking bad. He's starting to put Daley to shame. It took Daley 20 years to hit his stride taking advantage of the citizens of Chicago. Ol' Rahmmie hit the ground running and hasn't looked back.

12/05/2012 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So, there’s a fuller story, a more complete story."

Yeah, the rot is even worse than it first appeared.

This one not only keeps a straigt face, he acts all huffy and offended that anyone's bothering him about it at all.


How's that Gabe Klein/Alison Cohen deal for the millions in Canadian-made disappear-a-bikes going?

Anyone find out what CeaseFire did with all that money yet? Hint -- Ameena Matthews telling Diane Sawyer that Diane was not wanted up in here doesn't count.

...and how much did ABC pay to be insulted?

12/05/2012 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous SGT. EDDIE HICKS said...

This is the kind of corruption that made me go south!!

12/05/2012 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to be a common theme lately:

Oh that was a long time ago and things are different now...(i.e. the code of silence, this Ohare service contract, convicted felon Mel whats-his-name again that is running for JJJ's replacement.

Crime is the fast track to very-high places in Sanctuary city politics.

Think about it. Then you got the million dollar Cease Fire Street Friar ex-cons.

In private business if one has so much of a city park ordinance violation on their record they want nothing to do with you.

However spend some time in the county and it's ohhhh that was a long time ago...forgive and forget..YEAH, they are just trying to "TURN THEIR LIVES AROUND" in government. I mean really.

Blago will be running for office again soon, so will JJJ, watch and see.

12/05/2012 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and let us not forget.

We have to pass the electronic billboard bill before we can find out what and who is in it / behind it.

275 pages of bullshit and I'll bet not a single aldermen can tell you what's in their in detail.

But they'll pass it nonetheless!

Parking Meters Version Two Point Oh. Next up the outsourcing of the speed camera management and maintenance. Not just the hardware but the entire process of bill collecting and courts process.

12/05/2012 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's for the children?

Day musta ran down somebody's leg!

Not the unemployed PHD'S or the no taxes sanctuary new drivers licences people that are not going to pay my pension,ss,Medicare,Medicaid or affordable housing or healthcare!


Good jobs for Americans mean good taxes for the old hungry sick and jails for the rest!

12/05/2012 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm owes his job to Daley. He will do whatever Daley tells him to do. Take the 55 million Maggie Daley park, for instance.....

12/05/2012 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Emanuel's billboard plan advances - Aldermen give digital network the nod despite questions, possible legal challenge

"The 20-year contract guarantees the city at least $155 million plus a share of advertising revenue, including $15 million to balance next year's budget. In return, Interstate-JCDecaux LLC will install 34 billboards up to 100 feet tall on city property next to the expressways.

"James Daly, an attorney for an unspecified group of billboard companies that did not get to bid for the pact, noted the deal will give Interstate-JCDecaux the exclusive right to circumvent a city statute prohibiting most large digital billboards within 500 feet of expressways...",0,2168199.story

Every aspect of the law openly for sale in this town -- jury decisions, you name it.

12/05/2012 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you expect anything less in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois?

12/05/2012 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen up hair gels. This is why you shouldn't be out writing parkers: Now this officer's career and his bank account could be ruined for good!

12/05/2012 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard Daley school of public speaking...

12/05/2012 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To read an outstanding profile of Ricky Simon one must go to

In latter life he lived next store to Daley and would provide him with Cuban cigars.

12/05/2012 04:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT. FOP books should be in the mail soon.

12/05/2012 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Emanuel's billboard plan advances - Aldermen give digital network the nod despite questions, possible legal challenge

"The 20-year contract guarantees the city at least $155 million plus a share of advertising revenue, including $15 million to balance next year's budget. In return, Interstate-JCDecaux LLC will install 34 billboards up to 100 feet tall on city property next to the expressways.

"James Daly, an attorney for an unspecified group of billboard companies that did not get to bid for the pact, noted the deal will give Interstate-JCDecaux the exclusive right to circumvent a city statute prohibiting most large digital billboards within 500 feet of expressways...",0,2168199.story

Every aspect of the law openly for sale in this town -- jury decisions, you name it.

12/05/2012 01:13:00 AM

Those signs are distracting.
How many accidents will they cause?

12/05/2012 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Listen up hair gels. This is why you shouldn't be out writing parkers: Now this officer's career and his bank account could be ruined for good!

12/05/2012 02:36:00 AM

I saw the story on Fox News Chicago last night at 9 P.M. They interviewed the dog owner who said "my dog was not a threat" and they interviewed a citizen who said that dog was not a threat to the officer. So if you are a police officer and think just because you work in 019, 024, 018, 001, 016, etc... and the citizens automatically love us think again. If a dog is not on a leash and the dog is coming at me I suppose I should just let the dog bite me.

12/05/2012 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cop shoots man's seven month old dog.

Will Rahm look to erase that event too?

Oh that's old history. Let's just close the chapter on that book. After all the horse is already left the barn. It's like the pension money left the bank. It's like the Daley nephew case. So trying to do anything about it now is like trying to lock the barn door. Just erase it. Re-write history.

12/05/2012 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Old Grey Guy said...

Like the Mama's and the Papa's said in the 60's "and the beat goes on and on and on". Ask any true "old timer" about Ricky Simon and you'll get a better picture about this issue. His only regret in life was the same as Boss Hog Bill Beavers. All each them wanted was another hand so they could steal with 3 hands. Rahm is no different than Shortshanks. I hear the city is scoping out locations for Rahm's wife's park. She wants to be remembered the same as Evita Peron [AKA Maggie Daley].

12/05/2012 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of, relating to, or characterized by competition.
Having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others: "she had a competitive streak".
assuming it's fair & level playing field
but as time and time again we've seen the how "insiders" do these things
these was set-up long ago and then when we were thought not be looking
"rahmmed" down our throats
as i stated before they did favors for TinyDancer and now he paying them back
as so many times stated here
the first is Follow The Money
the second is Who Stands To Benefit
and one will see
remember what Frank told Tony in ScarFace
"Never Under Estimate The Other Guy's Greed"

12/05/2012 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shaddup, already!
It be a shame if your leg's get broken all of a sudden, by accident, yose know what I mean?
Hey, nice family you got there.
Now, any mystery why its called Crookgago?

12/05/2012 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to say this but Rahm is much more dangerous than Daley. The White House is run exactly like this now too. They don't even give a shit if you call them out and see what's going on.

12/05/2012 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I have to do a ridiculous ethics statement while they rob us blind. Can't they just cross check the list of people doing business with the city against the list of people employed by the city? Seems simple enough in th age of computers.

12/05/2012 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone want to see a interesting soap opera where everyday is completely up for grabs to 003. This i

12/05/2012 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Joe Shmoe said...

Interstate-JCDecaux LLC is the same company that holds the contract for advertising on and around CTA stations and bus stops.

Inside track or donations kept them atop the bid process.

12/05/2012 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news keeps talking about all the command changes. Nobody gets demoted. They just get moved. What a political joke this job be.

12/05/2012 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great header, SCC!

12/05/2012 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We don't want nobody that nobody sent."

12/05/2012 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen up hair gels. This is why you shouldn't be out writing parkers: Now this officer's career and his bank account could be ruined for good!

You listen-up, jackass:
parking enforcement is part of your job you lazy do-nothing piece of shit. If that dog was a large dog capable of seriously injuring the Officer than there is nothing no worry about. If we are to believe the news media's report that the dog was just a playful, hyperactive puppy incapable of inflicting great bodily harm on the officer then that officer deserves to be sued!

12/05/2012 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey runt, you are not a very convincing Liar, you suck at it.

How do you know when runt manulito is telling another lie ????

His lips are moving.

fuck you mayor runt, do you have any tomatoes left over ?????

12/05/2012 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen up hair gels. This is why you shouldn't be out writing parkers: Now this officer's career and his bank account could be ruined for good!
has nothing to do with writing parkers. It appears to be an idiot discharging his weapon for no good reason.

and then sending his buddies back to cite the dog owner? no wonder cops are almost universally distrusted these days.

cops have become their own worst enemy. instead of being an adult and apologizing for it and making it right as best he can, he sends his buddies back to hassle the dog owner. what class that shows.

what is it with cops shooting dogs the last few years anyway?

not a cop

12/05/2012 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Rahm take his ethics training seriously!

12/05/2012 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"16-year-old boy already under indictment for a fatal carjacking in Dolton has been charged in the fatal shooting of a Canadian trucker who was visiting his brother in the Englewood neighborhood, authorities said.

Bail was denied today for Kevin Eason, who has a criminal record stretching back to when he was 12, according to court documents.

Eason was already under indictment for a fatal carjacking and four armed robberies, according to Assistant State's Attorney Jamie Santini and court records."

Cook county judicial system responsible for yet another murder.

12/05/2012 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Listen up hair gels. This is why you shouldn't be out writing parkers: Now this officer's career and his bank account could be ruined for good!

12/05/2012 02:36:00 AM

Easy gramps. Put ur dentures in your mouth before you start talking smack. We kill dogs everyday in the ghetto. One yuppie dog gets shot and he's a victim? FU doggy style.

12/05/2012 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: What about the puppy that was shot while writing a parker?

12/05/2012 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

illegal immigrants should pay $1,000 for a driver license , be fingerprinted and submit a dna sample .

12/05/2012 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think that the new Maggie Daley Park is going to come in at 55 Million you're crazy. In the end it will end up around 100 Million,YET our PENSION remains underfunded. Sickening.

12/05/2012 10:59:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Stick your head into the sand.
Just pretend that all is grand.

12/05/2012 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Listen up hair gels. This is why you shouldn't be out writing parkers: Now this officer's career and his bank account could be ruined for good!

Hmmm, beating a bartender is one thing, but when there is an animal involved everyone will jump on the bandwagon.

12/05/2012 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete Townsend said it best: "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"

12/05/2012 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but has anyone else seen the G.W.C lawfirms ad on channel 9, looking for people who have been hurt in anyway by Police Officers??????

12/05/2012 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Duff Involved?

12/05/2012 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


very interesting background of Simon

12/05/2012 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I give this country 1.5-2yrs.and we will look like Egypt.Only Americans, when riled up are prone to extreme violence against those who they believe have screwed them.There will be no place to hide for many of these so called progressives {dems}A lot of the ones who are in high places will sneak out of country before the SHTF.the rest will have to deal w/the wrath of the American People.

12/05/2012 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


interesting background on Simon..

William Daddano Jr. was retired Commander of Intelligence's partner in a security business in Orlando.

12/05/2012 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the fuck? Four people shot at a hip hop party on the 2100 N. Milwaukee block. More and more nightclubs on the north side are catering to shit heads from the west and south sides. And that is what you get! They are thirsty for business so on Tuesday to Thursday nights many of them are having "urban nights". When you have hard core thugs come to your neighborhood then they don't act like decent people.

12/05/2012 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was watching Fox News Chicago this morning. They had Supt Mccarthy on. The reporter asked him "it looks like Chicago will finish with over 500 murders and be the murder capital of the U.S. What specific strategies are you employing to curb the violence?".

The Supt. said "well I don't know what that means. I really don't. But we have made many command changes and this will lead to a decrease in the levels of violence".

Too fucking funny.

12/05/2012 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic: Hey sarge why does this Dog on the wagon get to leave early Every week when it's his Friday?? I don't get it, every week on his Friday he gets to leave early while we all stay the whole tour. And I can't believe he has the balls to ask every week, he's a do nothing dog, I mean does nothing at all, Be safe everyone we have to back each other up till end of tour.

12/05/2012 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""In return, Interstate-JCDecaux LLC will install 34 billboards up to 100 feet tall on city property next to the expressways.""

It will be interesting to see what is advertised on these JCDecaux billboards. Take a look at the JCDecaux bus shelters. I'll bet at least 1/2 of them(on the north side at least) are filled with taxpayer funded ads. These are a few that I can think of off hand:

"Make the right call...dead bird 311, dead shitbird 911"

"We're there when you need us CFD"

"Make sure your kid's in school - CPS"

"Get your block together for rain barrels and conserve water"

"Dump your unwanted kid in the police station, not the garbage can"

One big circle jerk of $$$ from the taxpayer to the government, to the connected company, back to the government. Only person left out of the loop on the reach around is the taxpayer.

12/05/2012 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sure Obama and Eric Holder will get right on it

12/05/2012 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank your Rep.

IL state house shot down Commie Quinn's attempt at a statewide assault weapon ban

12/05/2012 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I give this country 1.5-2yrs.and we will look like Egypt.Only Americans, when riled up are prone to extreme violence against those who they believe have screwed them.There will be no place to hide for many of these so called progressives {dems}A lot of the ones who are in high places will sneak out of country before the SHTF.the rest will have to deal w/the wrath of the American People.

12/05/2012 12:25:00 PM

you do know how to tickle my fancy, i'll give you that.

now, tell me i'm pretty and close the deal.


12/05/2012 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SpankDaddy said...

Stick your head into the sand.
Just pretend that all is grand.

12/05/2012 11:13:00 AM

yeah, like we're gonna fall for that, again.

12/05/2012 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: What about the puppy that was shot while writing a parker?

12/05/2012 10:39:00 AM

he met his quota.

12/05/2012 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is it with cops shooting dogs the last few years anyway?

not a cop

12/05/2012 09:41:00 AM

maybe the puppy reminded him of his ex.

12/05/2012 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a State senator the laws don't apply to me. Now you erase that UUW charge right now. How dare you! The mayor has an eraser.


12/05/2012 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy:500 what?....A duh.....nothing to see here.....keep moving.

12/05/2012 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...when there is an animal involved everyone will jump on the bandwagon."

12/05/2012 11:21:00 AM

As these people said, they are real police lovers.

I have NEVER seen someone's two besuited mouthpieces appear waving a laser-printed lawsuit so fast in my life. "Get this out in time for the 4:00 PM news."

I could have sworn that was the "EMERGENCY" entrance at a large hospital-for-humans behind them on TV, too. Nice pick for a backdrop. Did you think that would be missed?

PEOPLE are KILLED every day for NO GOOD REASON with much less fuss about it than this.

12/05/2012 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be hatin,what else you gonna do after convicted of a crime and sent to jail,drive a tow truck,run for office,I don't need to trust you to tow my car or run the government, that why we have the FBI! Shoot its a circle of life kinda,we néed crime and bad guys for business to be up and the G needs Goverment officials to mess up for their existence. What a mess!

12/05/2012 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

off topic: Hey sarge why does this Dog on the wagon get to leave early Every week when it's his Friday?? I don't get it, every week on his Friday he gets to leave early while we all stay the whole tour. And I can't believe he has the balls to ask every week, he's a do nothing dog, I mean does nothing at all, Be safe everyone we have to back each other up till end of tour.

12/05/2012 01:34:00 PM
Yep Every week and us late cars are left hanging and covering for these dogs. I guess if you do nothing here at all, and complain you get taken care of. Be safe my fellow officers.

12/05/2012 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois State Senators working midnight security jobs on the side??

Wait. I probably have that backwards. The side job is working in the State Senate right? How on earth do they find the time to work for the people.

Of course on the national level being a Senator isn't any more demanding of one's time either. I mean after all JJJ didn't show up for work for how many months?!! Yeah..

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"...TSA agents discovered an unloaded .25 caliber pistol and a clip loaded with live rounds packed inside Trotter’s garment bag about 8 a.m.. Trotter told investigators that he worked the late shift for security for Allpoints Security and Detective Inc. the night before and didn’t realize the weapon and bullets were in his bag when he packed for his trip, sources said..."

It's a felony so you know he's going places in Sanctuary City politics

12/05/2012 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad truth is; "this is the way it is, and it is going to get a whole lot worse". We lost, and they won. Until the money runs out, and it will. run out, you had better just sit there and smile. When the money does run out, and the shit hit's the fan, they are going to blame us for causing it.

12/05/2012 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Listen up hair gels. This is why you shouldn't be out writing parkers: Now this officer's career and his bank account could be ruined for good!

12/05/2012 02:36:00 AM

Easy gramps. Put ur dentures in your mouth before you start talking smack. We kill dogs everyday in the ghetto. One yuppie dog gets shot and he's a victim? FU doggy style.

12/05/2012 10:30:00 AM

Yet you wonder why citizens have such a distrust of the police. Fortunately the little puppy is going to be alright. BTW, a SECOND eyewitness has stepped forward and said that the puppy wasn't a threat to the officer at all. He came out after his owner, was sniffing around and wagging his tail.

Two more news segments included the family lawyer saying how the cops are trying to get the family to bury the shooting but the family is being very public about it. Good. I hope it's a massive lawsuit. This story is out nationally. You can't hide this garbage.

12/05/2012 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous W.G.A.S. (who gives a shit) said...

Like the Mama's and the Papa's said in the 60's "and the beat goes on and on and on". Ask any true "old timer" about Ricky Simon and you'll get a better picture about this issue. His only regret in life was the same as Boss Hog Bill Beavers. All each them wanted was another hand so they could steal with 3 hands. Rahm is no different than

Newsflash ! That was Sonny and Cher !!!!

12/05/2012 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the old grey guy at 0640 it was Sonny & Cher not the Mamas and the Papas

12/05/2012 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous CCSPD Sergeant said...


You might think about putting a page out there that addresses the Pension Bill. It appears to effect the State only. However, as you know, all it will take is to add 1-2 lines to have it effect the City and the County.

We need to be aware of this and be ready for dialogue when appropriate.

Below is Elaine Nekritz's summary of the bill. The actual bill is rather large and will take me a night to look over.

For your info.

CCSPD Sergeant

House Bill 6258: A Comprehensive Solution for Illinois’ Pension Problem
Overview: House Bill 6258 aims to end the long, bitter impasse over pension reform at the state Capitol by combining what has been proposed by business, labor, legislators and civic groups with some new ideas. The bill makes necessary changes to some benefits to preserve the health of the systems going forward but also provides new protections, including a historic guarantee that the state will never again shirk its funding obligations.

Stabilizing the System: Reforms for Tier 1 Members (public employees hired before 2011)
• Cost-of-living adjustments apply only to the first $25,000 of the employees’ pension
o That limit is reduced to the first $20,000 for employees eligible for Social Security
• COLAs are delayed until the employee turns 67 or five years after retirement, whichever comes first
o This applies to all employees and retirees who are currently receiving COLAs
• Retirement age is increased by:
o No increase for employees age 46 and older
o One year for employees age 40 to 45
o Three years for employees age 35 to 39
o Five years for employees age 34 and younger
• Employees would be required to contribute more toward their pensions by:
o One percent during the first year the legislation is in effect (not before Fiscal Year 2014)
o Two percent thereafter
• Pensionable salary – the amount of salary that counts toward a pension – is limited to the higher of the Social Security wage base or the participant’s salary when the legislation becomes law

Predictability, Fairness, and Local Control: Reforms for Tier 2 Members (public employees hired since 2011)
• All new employees in the Teachers Retirement System and State University Retirement System are placed in a cash balance plan
o Employees are guaranteed a minimum defined benefit but employers have predictable costs and are protected from investment risk -- this combines the best features of defined contribution (or 401(k)) plans and defined benefit plans
o Local school districts can negotiate the generosity and cost of the benefit with employees
• TRS and SURS employees hired before the effective date can choose to remain in Tier 2 or join the cash balance plan
• COLAs for General Assembly Retirement System members will match those of Tier 2 members in the other pension systems

Ensuring the Benefit Will Be There: Employer Contributions and Funding Guarantees
• Schools and colleges/universities will assume employer costs at a rate of 0.5 percent of payroll per year, with the state still responsible for all previously incurred costs
• Employer contributions will be on a 30-year level-funding plan to achieve 100 percent funding
• Employer contributions will be enforced through court action or intercept of other state funds
• Revenue currently being used to repay pension obligation bonds will be used to pay down our unfunded liability once the pension obligation bonds are paid off
o This amounts to $693.5 million per year beginning in Fiscal Year 2016, plus an additional $900 million per year beginning in FY 2020, plus $1.1 billion per year beginning in FY 2034

12/05/2012 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"has nothing to do with writing parkers. It appears to be an idiot discharging his weapon for no good reason.

and then sending his buddies back to cite the dog owner? no wonder cops are almost universally distrusted these days.

cops have become their own worst enemy. instead of being an adult and apologizing for it and making it right as best he can, he sends his buddies back to hassle the dog owner. what class that shows.

what is it with cops shooting dogs the last few years anyway?

not a cop

12/05/2012 09:41:00 AM

Not a cop and it shows.

Your comments are as ignorant as you are cowardly. Were you there? If not, STFU. You have no idea of the circumstances because you choose to read a blog, paper or Internet article. Unless you have all of the facts, keep your ignorant, self-serving, asshat comments to yourself...bitch!

12/05/2012 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic: Is it true Gio finally got dumped? Lol What will we do now

12/05/2012 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anti gun sen donny trotter arrested for concealed weapon at the airport it's ok he works security bwahahahaha
handgun in chicago was it registered

12/05/2012 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We don't want nobody that nobody sent."

Title of an interesting book by Milton Rakove. He didn't include a chapter on his daughter, Roberta's summer job with the city.

Everything is fixed and everybody who was there was sent, even 45 years ago.

12/05/2012 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow McCarthy not judging just using common sense

“We don’t have an obligation to get bit, we don’t have an obligation to get shot before we take action to protect ourselves,” he said. “It’s all about what’s in the mind of that officer at the time.

“At the end of the day, if the dog was on a leash and under control, it wouldn’t have happened.”

12/05/2012 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rahm owes his job to Daley. He will do whatever Daley tells him to do. Take the 55 million Maggie Daley park, for instance.....

12/05/2012 01:00:00 AM

Guys, the 'new' park is just an excuse to make desperately-needed repairs to the existing, disintegrating, eleven year old garage roof and landscaping.

12/05/2012 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the fuck? Four people shot at a hip hop party on the 2100 N. Milwaukee block. More and more nightclubs on the north side are catering to shit heads from the west and south sides. And that is what you get! They are thirsty for business so on Tuesday to Thursday nights many of them are having "urban nights". When you have hard core thugs come to your neighborhood then they don't act like decent people.

12/05/2012 01:03:00 PM

That whole stretch near the Congress Theater is trash. 014 can't control it and they don't bother trying to.

12/05/2012 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave Tiny Dancer Alone. Either his TuTu or his dancing slippers are a little too tight. You go ramballina. Looks so cute fluttering thru the air-Racoon eyed bitch!

12/05/2012 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"16-year-old boy already under indictment for a fatal carjacking in Dolton has been charged in the fatal shooting of a Canadian trucker who was visiting his brother in the Englewood neighborhood, authorities said.

Bail was denied today for Kevin Eason, who has a criminal record stretching back to when he was 12, according to court documents.

Eason was already under indictment for a fatal carjacking and four armed robberies, according to Assistant State's Attorney Jamie Santini and court records."

Cook county judicial system responsible for yet another murder.

12/05/2012 10:27:00 AM

Preckwinkle wants to eliminate incarceration for juveniles. Direct your irritation to her.

12/05/2012 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did Rahm take his ethics training seriously!

12/05/2012 10:10:00 AM

Um, NO.

12/05/2012 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those signs are distracting.
How many accidents will they cause?

12/05/2012 05:36:00 AM

Those signs are BLINDING. The one near Damen (somewhere around there), north of the Kennedy, is so bright and flashing-flashing-flashing, you have to look away from that side of the highway while driving.

Buy stock in auto body shops, because they're gonna make a fortune.

12/05/2012 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


baddabing baddaboom

12/05/2012 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

f you think that the new Maggie Daley Park is going to come in at 55 Million you're crazy. In the end it will end up around 100 Million,YET our PENSION remains underfunded. Sickening.


12/05/2012 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Whut Guys?"

Joey Bagadonuts an' tell 'em Johnny Ratatat an' doze udder guys sent ya!

12/05/2012 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Rahm is doing the political two step.... imitating Ralph Cramden "hummina, hummina, hummina"!!

12/05/2012 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 3rd district being a soap opera, are you talking about the people who live there or work there? Maybe it's both because I can't tell the difference between either group of people.

12/05/2012 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trotter also leads the charge for the anti gunners. Another politician who IS A FUCKING HYPOCRITE, I hope he likes the bullpen at Br 50

12/05/2012 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The sad truth is; "this is the way it is, and it is going to get a whole lot worse". We lost, and they won. Until the money runs out, and it will. run out, you had better just sit there and smile. When the money does run out, and the shit hit's the fan, they are going to blame us for causing it.

12/05/2012 04:42:00 PM

If you're an American,what kind of talk is that?

12/05/2012 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the fact that I control the commander. I am am one of those supercops that basically controls the crime in the district I work. I get all the gun and drug arrests on my watch. I know all the players. I can basically shut down any gang shooting up the district.

I can turn it on and save a commander's ass or I can shut it down and burn his ass.

To all the new commanders, you better reward your producers. I'm watching.

12/05/2012 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We replaced one Outfit Runt for another

12/05/2012 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't look at the homicides and shootings!

Oh no-no-no, look at the number of cars we towed last night for the snow ban violations!!

We're tough baby!

Sending that "Broken Windows" message that shows we mean business.

And don't look at this janitorial contract over here. No-no-no, look over there. See dat, We're suspending these guys over here..hahaha..


By John Byrne Tribune reporter

7:48 p.m. CST, December 5, 2012

As questions mounted about alleged mob ties at a company that won a new custodial services deal at O’Hare International Airport, Mayor Rahm Emanuel sought to change the subject by suspending three companies unrelated to the janitor pact.

In recent days, officials at Service Employees International Union Local 1 have called for investigations into alleged mob ties at United Maintenance Inc., which got a $99 million airport contract.

Paul Fosco, a vice president at United Maintenance’s parent company, went to prison following 1987 charges of racketeering conspiracy related to a scheme to swindle the Laborers Union through manipulation of lucrative benefit plans. Alleged former Chicago outfit boss Anthony “Big Tuna” Accardo was charged in the same case as Fosco, but acquitted.,0,1525799.story


YOU LEAVE THOSE "lucrative benefit plans" ALONE!! DO YOU HEAR ME!

If anyone is going to swindle and manipulate those benefit plans it's gonna be the city and State politicians!

We're gonna do it and call it pension "REFORM" and no-one is gonna be the wiser. Push the retirement age up, play games with the cost of living adjustments, demonize the paid for benefits as though they are welfare by labeling them as dirty , greedy entitlements, etc... it's all theft nonetheless.

Use the Fiscal Cliff crisis. Fear is a powerful motivator. Tell everyone how you are trying to save them after you've stolen the money, using it to pay for the no-bid contracts.

It's not pension REFORM. It's PENSION THEFT!

12/05/2012 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Outfit is alive and well, happily residing within the Cook County Democrat Party. You know, the same organizartion that Obama belongs to.

12/05/2012 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was watching Fox News Chicago this morning. They had Supt Mccarthy on. The reporter asked him "it looks like Chicago will finish with over 500 murders and be the murder capital of the U.S. What specific strategies are you employing to curb the violence?".

The Supt. said "well I don't know what that means. I really don't. But we have made many command changes and this will lead to a decrease in the levels of violence".

12/05/2012 01:12:00 PM
Well that explains it all. McGoofy just doesn't know what a murder is. It appears additional training is in order. On behalf of those that've bet the over, thank you Stuperintendent. Now go get your shine box.

12/05/2012 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any south side bids coming?

12/05/2012 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"16-year-old boy already under indictment for a fatal carjacking in Dolton has been charged in the fatal shooting of a Canadian trucker who was visiting his brother in the Englewood neighborhood, authorities said."

12/05/2012 10:27:00AM

Ah ha, good, they got an arrest on this.

Some years back, someone's poor family members were putting a personal ad in west sub. papers about a similar case, an out-of-town trucker murdered while in Chicago to make a dropoff. Hope something worked out for them.

12/06/2012 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Not a cop...

I'm sure the P.O. had nothing to do with the citation (ANOV) being issued two days later. A boss makes a decision like that and then doesn't deliver the citation himself but sends underlings to do so. Some bosses do it because they honestly believe the person involved should get a citation, but regardless all order its issue because it is department policy.

Had a minor accident at work, fault of the other driver. She was very apologetic, had insurance and a license. We did the traffic crash report and sent her on her merry way. My Sgt and I were later ordered to drive to her house and issue her an ANOV for damage to city property. Which doesn't make a lick of sense to me why you would have to pay a fine on top of your insurance deductible, BUT ITS JUST DEPT POLICY.

As far as the cop shooting the dog is concerned, I don't know how a 30lb animal is labeled miniature, it doesn't look like a pit bull, but I believe it was in the ballpark (bull terrier?). Some people are afraid of dogs, some people don't like dogs, some people think everyone should embrace their dogs. I'm not afraid of dogs and I like dogs, but I really like dogs on leashes with owners who are responsible. I'm not saying the cop was totally justified, but he wasn't totally unjustified either. He's not a villian, he's actually a nice guy. This isn't the end of the world. The dog is going to live and in the meantime we have almost 500 bodies piled up citywide this year. Don't buy into the media and their diversionary bullshit all the time.

12/06/2012 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wow McCarthy not judging just using common sense

“We don’t have an obligation to get bit, we don’t have an obligation to get shot before we take action to protect ourselves,” he said. “It’s all about what’s in the mind of that officer at the time.

“At the end of the day, if the dog was on a leash and under control, it wouldn’t have happened.”

12/05/2012 06:21:00 PM

I clocked a little dog on the head with my maglite years ago,however he did bite me. It didn't break the surface. The doctor did tell me though that a nerve in the area of the bite to my leg,if punctured would have caused severe damage to my leg. Just because the pooch is small does not mean you can't suffer a serious injury.

12/06/2012 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The asshole dog owne constantly walks his dog unleashed because he is entitled.......he always parked his car in the driveway apron and pulls his car up to the gate thereby blocking people from walking on the sidewalk and having to walk around the car and into the street. Then this asshole runs out to confront the copper for writing a ticket on his car with his unleashed dog following. the copper said repeatedly to the asshole owner to get his dog....the. the dog approached the copper and he fired. So the asshole is parked illegally, goes put to confront the police, his dog is unleashed, he failed to get control of the dog, but the coper is the bad guy. By the way some people are afraid of dogs, cats etc...... thats why we have fucking leash laws assholes........

12/06/2012 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Listen up hair gels. This is why you shouldn't be out writing parkers: Now this officer's career and his bank account could be ruined for good!

12/05/2012 02:36:00 AM

Easy gramps. Put ur dentures in your mouth before you start talking smack. We kill dogs everyday in the ghetto. One yuppie dog gets shot and he's a victim? FU doggy style.

12/05/2012 10:30:00 AM

Yet you wonder why citizens have such a distrust of the police. Fortunately the little puppy is going to be alright. BTW, a SECOND eyewitness has stepped forward and said that the puppy wasn't a threat to the officer at all. He came out after his owner, was sniffing around and wagging his tail.

Two more news segments included the family lawyer saying how the cops are trying to get the family to bury the shooting but the family is being very public about it. Good. I hope it's a massive lawsuit. This story is out nationally. You can't hide this garbage.


You're probably the same asshole on here that constantly bitches about being thrown under the bus and here you are doing the same. You weren't there stroke, don't judge so quickly. Now, G.F.Y.

12/06/2012 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has the body of Karen Lee Koppel ever been found? She was the blackmailing mistress of Simons mentor Ben Stein. Simon was a CPO back in 1980 when he was to meet and give her a $10,00.00 payoff to get out of Steins life. Well it worked: to this day she has never been seen or heard of again.

12/06/2012 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Piece on French TV now about Mafia control of the construction industry in Quebec. So bad the mayor of Montreal was forced to resign.

12/06/2012 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another police-loving bunch.

"Puppy shot by cop back in hospital - was shaking and bleeding!"

"Owner of shot puppy ticketed again by Chicago Police!"

"Campus Cop Brought Baby to 'Social Media Ruse' That Ended in Shooting"

..and the funniest...

"Civilians Protect Students From Armed Gang Targeting Teens"

WBBM Radio likes this site, has been giving the URL over the air.
Good. All you people get together and turn down your Historic Bungalow Grants in protest that the police do not pick up cigarette butts off your lawn.

These are the ones who come here, "My pro-per-ty is demonstrably worth so-and-so on Zillow. I demand to know why there is crime!"

Oh. What is this "Tinley Park" info rag going on? Some trendy "discover" it? All these news stories all of a sudden.

12/06/2012 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
The sad truth is; "this is the way it is, and it is going to get a whole lot worse". We lost, and they won. Until the money runs out, and it will. run out, you had better just sit there and smile. When the money does run out, and the shit hit's the fan, they are going to blame us for causing it.

12/05/2012 04:42:00 PM

If you're an American,what kind of talk is that?

12/05/2012 09:20:00 PM

Sounds like honest and realistic talk. Not living in a rainbow-unicorn-pixie dust-care bear-bubble filled world.

12/06/2012 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real life -- don't worry about the dog, watch out for the owner. You spray his "puppy" and the motherf__er will charge you. "Good neighborhood," too.

Someone almost died that night and I'm sure that it's never entered his mind -- not once in all these years.

You're welcome.

12/06/2012 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Those signs are BLINDING. The one near Damen (somewhere around there), north of the Kennedy, is so bright and flashing-flashing-flashing, you have to look away from that side of the highway while driving.

"Buy stock in auto body shops, because they're gonna make a fortune."

12/05/2012 06:45:00 PM

The law about "not within 500 feet" was obviously written with public safety in mind -- but JC Decaux can buy itself a unique exemption to the law, as the city ignores its own ordinance and rents them space on city property.

12/06/2012 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Supt. said "well I don't know what that [over 500 murders] means. I really don't."

When they get a paycheck no matter what they do or don't do, they lose their fear of man.

12/06/2012 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm citizen here, who cares about some stupid dog? I carry a knife with me and when asked why, I responded because i will slit the throat of a dog if it charges me, if you keep your dog off the leash you suffer the consequences, yeah the big bad cop was out for some dog blood cus the dog gangs been shaking up the north side, just a case of racial dog profiling, THEY ARE DOGS STUPID, AND HE DIDNT EVEN DIE! But don't worry the outfit runs our town, shootings off the chain and police threatened out in the open, but lets all send poochie get well cards and refer poochie to some city lawyers. Get a life.

12/06/2012 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former Supt. Rodriguez resigned after being called out for hanging with outfit guys. Will anyone hold Mc Carthy accountable for all the time he has Solent with Rick Simon on his boat in Burnham Harbor?.

12/06/2012 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you expect, the city council officially honored Roti when he died, a fucking known made man and boss in the Chicago mob. Nothings changed.

12/06/2012 11:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Real life -- don't worry about the dog, watch out for the owner. You spray his "puppy" and the motherf__er will charge you. "Good neighborhood," too.

"Someone almost died that night and I'm sure that it's never entered his mind -- not once in all these years.

"You're welcome."

12/06/2012 02:47:00 PM

If that wasn't perfectly clear -- verbal warning and pepper-spray a loose dog, THE DOG'S OWNER ATTACKS YOU.

12/06/2012 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
The sad truth is; "this is the way it is, and it is going to get a whole lot worse". We lost, and they won. Until the money runs out, and it will. run out, you had better just sit there and smile. When the money does run out, and the shit hit's the fan, they are going to blame us for causing it.

12/05/2012 04:42:00 PM

If you're an American,what kind of talk is that?

12/05/2012 09:20:00 PM

Sounds like honest and realistic talk. Not living in a rainbow-unicorn-pixie dust-care bear-bubble filled world.

12/06/2012 02:42:00 PM

So, he should hope the democrats fail?

12/07/2012 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owner of the injured dog is an English sleazbag named Phillips who used to have an interest in the old Chicago Health Clubs. He use to run the Marina City Club and was about as arrogant as a person could be. Easy to dislike this guy. He always thought he was above the law.

12/07/2012 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Those signs are BLINDING. The one near Damen (somewhere around there), north of the Kennedy, is so bright and flashing-flashing-flashing, you have to look away from that side of the highway while driving.

"Buy stock in auto body shops, because they're gonna make a fortune."

12/05/2012 06:45:00 PM

The law about "not within 500 feet" was obviously written with public safety in mind -- but JC Decaux can buy itself a unique exemption to the law, as the city ignores its own ordinance and rents them space on city property.

12/06/2012 02:59:00 PM

JC Decaux is exempt from a lot of things. They park anywhere and everywhere when 'maintaining' bus shelters and signage. No matter if they're blocking traffic or the crosswalk. I guess Daley gave them some sort of divine exemmption, along with their contract.
And now, they'll bring competing Las Vegas style billboards to Chicago, with some outrageous twenty year lease.

12/07/2012 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, he should hope the democrats fail?

12/07/2012 09:34:00 AM

no, you should hope they fail.

because, after all, 'hope' is the hook that catches so many gullible fish these days.....

12/08/2012 02:43:00 PM  

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