Monday, December 03, 2012

This is Funny?

Since it's bad news for police, the headline writers must be rolling on the floor:
Gee, that's hilarious.  And the story is even funnier:
  • A federal jury with a sense of humor found in favor of a Chicago man who alleged that two police officers wrongfully arrested him while he was filling his car tires with air, topping off his $50,000 verdict award with an extra 75 cents — the cost of his interrupted use of the gas station air pump.

    Before reaching their verdict last week, jurors sent a note to the judge asking if they could order the two Chicago officers to do 100 hours of community service, the victim's lawyer said. The judge denied the request.

  • After a four-day trial, the jury deliberated for about an hour late Thursday afternoon before awarding Ratliff $30,000 in compensatory damages against the city and an additional $20,000 in punitive damages against the two officers. They tacked the 75 cents onto the punitive damages, according to court records. 
Not sure if it's $20,000 each of $20,000 per officer.  The lawyer claims his bill will be around $300,000.

The story itself is a wreck, too, and the coppers don't end up looking blameless.  We're thinking an appeal is likely.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well see the .75 cents might blow the case for the plaintiff, showing an emotional bias the jury made towards the verdict.

Also, these juries are racking up the punitive damages in many cases going to trial.

12/03/2012 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As with 99 percent of punitive damages against officers... Including myself twice they won't pay a dime

12/03/2012 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fear that many coppers are going to dismiss this as bullshit, typical of a police-hating cook county jury. However, the article states that neither copper showed up to court and criminal charges were dropped. There is a lesson here boys and girls. If you're going to put your hands on someone and then put pen to paper you better show-up to court. If you don't want to testify in a court of law justifying your actions then swallow your pride, write the contact card and move on.

12/03/2012 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous CSI Shell Gas Station said...

Forgive me SCC, but I have sinned.

I do find the 75 cents bit, pardon the pun, amusing.

I'd want to know more about the case before I comment further. The Tribune doesn't get very specific on the story.

Since it was a gas station I'm guessing surveillance video was available too. I might be wrong.

12/03/2012 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll repeat it again. "TAKE IT EASY" Fuck this job!

12/03/2012 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys are out $20,000 just to make a stupid fuckin pinch

12/03/2012 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you thick-skulled goofs still out there humping for numbers and revenue get it yet?

Not only are you targets for the assholes on the street, you're targets of the very citizens you think you're protecting. Asking for community service on top of punitive damages? For doing your jobs? Fuck that noise. Then they throw in the big "fuck you officers" with the 75 cents bullshit. Yeah, that was cute.

Factor stories like this into the equation where the powers that be are doing everything in their power to diminish your pension and nickel and dime your existence of living in this city while stripping your health care benefits and I have to ask:


Unless it involves me, my family, my friends or my neighbors that I like, this city gets absolutely nothing proactive from me. NOTHING. Gee, you just got robbed? Here's your report. You came home and you discovered your house burlagized? Here's your report. You can't sleep because they're selling dope in your alley? 19P.

The police are 2nd.....soon to be 3rd class citizens. And you mindless fools are allowing it to happen by bending over for the very administration and their collective constituency that's burying it in your ass.

The day I pay punitive damages for doing my job in good faith is the day you'll read about me in a bell tower taking care of business.

12/03/2012 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Jury verdict of: As to defendant Carroll,
on Claims 1,2 and 3, jury verdict in favor of the Plaintiff Pares Ratliff and against Defendant
Carroll. As to defendant Murphy, jury verdict in favor of defendant Murphy on Claims 1 and
2 and against defendant Murphy on Claim 3. The jury awards compensatory damages in the
amount of $30,000. The jury awards punitive damages against defendant Carroll in the amount
of $15,000.75 and against defendant Murphy in the amount of $5,000. Judgment entered on
the jury verdict.

12/03/2012 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deliberated for 1 hour on a 4 day trial, sounds like bullshit to me.

12/03/2012 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sure it wasn't funny to the coppers who got sued. More like a slap in the face.

12/03/2012 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you go to see the A.C.C. at 30. n lasalle. grill them and ask everything you can think of. They represent the City! and they know more than you. they know more than you in case u missed the last part. Look at the files they bring in. Get a private attorney if you feel that something isn't right. i did and cost me a few grand but in the end, didn't pay shit to no animal. keep getting those bogus arrests too.

12/03/2012 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the 219 dearbourn is no joke time to wake up boys and girls

12/03/2012 03:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nowadays , dont laugh but .75 cents is alot to alot of people. these days penny pinching is where we're at or headed

12/03/2012 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do anything?? More proof that everyone hates the police.

12/03/2012 05:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A wise policeman told me "you can't get into trouble writing expired license plate stickers". You can call me a dog, wimp etc.. However let me counter with this. Do you really want your financial well being decided by a Cook County jury? Oh and the .75 cents what a slap in the face to the police officers.

12/03/2012 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

20k and the jury wanted more against the coppers? Think about I boys and girls the anti-police sentiment has run wild, I make few arrests and only on signed complaints, the word "proactive" is only used by me when I use acne cream! If your still runnin and gunnin your out of your mind!

12/03/2012 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they got off very lightly. they ought to be spending a few years in prison.

still on the job?

12/03/2012 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears the city is allowing more of these cases to go to trial knowing they are going to lose just to let the system punish the officers for their decision by hitting them in their pocketbook.

If this is not a clear indication what is happening you need to wake up.

12/03/2012 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but we have some really stupid police officers on the CPD.

12/03/2012 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he have a warrant?? Article never said

12/03/2012 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHERE IS MR. SOUTHSIDE?? Come on, see what proactive policing does in the "real world". OFFICERS take note, ONLY be proactive if your attacked, its your neighborhood "hopefully you dont live in lincoln park", or your family or friends are in danger. Citizens now have guns in there homes, let them start using them. Eventually the storm will calm.

12/03/2012 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- What is this story all about?

12/03/2012 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then people wonder why Police Don't give a shit on locking up the bad guys anymore!

12/03/2012 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the coppers don't show up in court and the case is dismissed (likely SOL). The story also mentions the coppers changed their story to one of suspected drug activity. If this is true, it seems like a no-brainer for the jury to find against the police. Any large deviation from original facts, combined with the fact that coppers didn't aggressively pursue charges (no documented attempt to reinstate) against someone who threatened to "kill" them appears as a cover-up to justify bad actions.

I suspect Carroll and Murphy stopped Ratliff for a legitimate field interview and he became a little mouthy. Was he really buying diapers or was he looking for dope - then diapers for the kid??? We"ll never know the truth. The problem lies with the attitude of "I'm the fucking police and if I don't like your smart-ass response, I'll put a case on your ass." The result: a punitive damage award.

If you conduct a street stop and you cannot develop REAL PC, then let it go. We can be the police and do our jobs, but like it or not, we have to follow the rules. If you lie, it just might come back to steal your wallet one day. Use your brains and let it go, smart ass or not. If there's no crime, don't invent one.

12/03/2012 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I fear that many coppers are going to dismiss this as bullshit, typical of a police-hating cook county jury. However, the article states that neither copper showed up to court and criminal charges were dropped. There is a lesson here boys and girls. If you're going to put your hands on someone and then put pen to paper you better show-up to court. If you don't want to testify in a court of law justifying your actions then swallow your pride, write the contact card and move on.

Believe it or Not, there are cops out there that are afraid of testifying in court!

12/03/2012 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Do you thick-skulled goofs still out there humping for numbers and revenue get it yet?

Not only are you targets for the assholes on the street, you're targets of the very citizens you think you're protecting. Asking for community service on top of punitive damages? For doing your jobs? Fuck that noise. Then they throw in the big "fuck you officers" with the 75 cents bullshit. Yeah, that was cute.

Factor stories like this into the equation where the powers that be are doing everything in their power to diminish your pension and nickel and dime your existence of living in this city while stripping your health care benefits and I have to ask:


Unless it involves me, my family, my friends or my neighbors that I like, this city gets absolutely nothing proactive from me. NOTHING. Gee, you just got robbed? Here's your report. You came home and you discovered your house burlagized? Here's your report. You can't sleep because they're selling dope in your alley? 19P.

The police are 2nd.....soon to be 3rd class citizens. And you mindless fools are allowing it to happen by bending over for the very administration and their collective constituency that's burying it in your ass.

The day I pay punitive damages for doing my job in good faith is the day you'll read about me in a bell tower taking care of business.

Well said!! However, this just didn't happen overnight. This is what happens when you vote DEMOCRATIC!! This is also what happens when you don't vote and let DEMOCRATS get in!! I don't understand why only about 25% of Chicago police officers are registered to vote!! That is absurd! We were very lucky that that pension referendum didn't pass. We are our own worst enemy.

12/03/2012 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been sued in federal court, and everyday I prayed that I could keep my house... This is a job and nothing we do short of blow up the south side is going to stop crime.
So all you so called bosses..... Put that in your pipe in smoke it!!!

12/03/2012 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their attorney was brilliant when it came to jury selection. They were doomed before the trial ever started.

12/03/2012 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgive me SCC, but I have sinned.

I do find the 75 cents bit, pardon the pun, amusing.

I'd want to know more about the case before I comment further. The Tribune doesn't get very specific on the story.

Since it was a gas station I'm guessing surveillance video was available too. I might be wrong.

Hey, Fuck-O. You won't find it "amusing" when some piece of shit gangbanger drags you into federal court for doing your job. Eat a dick.

12/03/2012 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"fuck this city"

"stop working"

"Take it easy"

That is all bullshit!

I'm the police and I can't just drive around and do nothing, my family and friends live in this shithole city. The real message here is not to stop working but work smarter! It doesn't end with the arrest. You can't lock someone up for threatening to kill you and then not show up to court, you’re the goddam victim in that case, they can't proceed without you! Charges dropped in a case like this is always going to lead to a lawsuit!

12/03/2012 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Losers Everywhere said...

To the drunken jagoff who wrote:

12/03/2012 12:38:00 AM

Now here is an example of why CPD has such a terrible reputation. Another unprofessional mope who will do absolutely nothing except put on his gravy-stained unwashed uniform, shuffle into the station every day for 30 years, do nothing for 8 hours and expect to get paid a nice fat check for the rest of his life. Knowing nothing about the facts of this case he uses it to justify his useless existence, relying on the mindless union mentality that perpetuates the growing decline growing of this city, state, and country. If you had any balls, you would quit and make room for someone with integrity and brains, but then, what would an assclown like you do? Even Mickey D's wouldn't hire a slug like you.

12/03/2012 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know nothing more then what I have just read in the papers. Yes, you can blame cop hating juries ir you want, but you do not know any more then I do. From what I read, neither officer bothered to appear in court to testify and then when called later to testify, changed their version of the events. Not good and if this is true, they hurt their credibility. One of the things roundly and universally talked about are the nature of police reports: they are just lousy and inaccurate. The malcontents will jump on this verdict to justify their prior ;position of doing nothing on this job. The appeal probably will knock some of this down

12/03/2012 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like piss poor police work at best.Really,in this day and age hooking someone up for numbers is stupid.I'm sure their enabling Sgt is backing them up all the way.....

12/03/2012 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no I.Q. test for jurors either . . .

12/03/2012 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure every malcontent on this job will latch onto this verdict as an excuse to do even less, if that is possible ! But, it sure looks like these officers did not think this thing through. A sloppy and poorly written report, failing to show up in court so charges are dropped and then changing your testimony and version of the events once you are in court. So, there goes their credibility. Appeals likely will reduce the judgement, but it looks like these officers have no one to blame but themselves.

12/03/2012 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I'll repeat it again. "TAKE IT EASY" Fuck this job!

12/03/2012 12:26:00 AM

I hope the department finally catches up with people like you and encourages you to find a different line of work.

12/03/2012 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those idiots who made this arrest and got sued just made a scum bag attorney rich. To the tune of $300,000.00. Nice going hope the numbers were worth the aggravation.

12/03/2012 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$300,000 for the lawyers bill? That is assinine.

12/03/2012 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's yet another bullshit reason for coppurs to lay down an give excuses on why we shouldn't do shit.

Wake up. I do know the details of this case and this is a prime example of letting your" Ii am the police and I will lock u up! "emotions an attitude get in the way. This guy got mouthy and the police walked right in. Shame on them for not showing in court. They were given multiple times to show up and refused. Tey have no one to blame but themselves. This is a prime example of what happens when you don't write quality paper and follow thru on your actions. If you are going to lock someone up take the time to write a detailed report,not some bs summary missing half the details , an follow thru on your actions.

While the verdict is not amusing the officers were not screwed over by a bs jury, they were screwed over by their piss poor work and lack of follow thru. THE END. The blame falls solely on them and tgeir own actions.

12/03/2012 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...

I'll repeat it again. "TAKE IT EASY" Fuck this job!

12/03/2012 12:26:00 AM

I hope the department finally catches up with people like you and encourages you to find a different line of work.

12/03/2012 02:25:00 PM

Fuck off hair gel. Lets see if you'll be singing this tune when you get sued for doing your job. People like you need to find this stuff out the hard way, and I hope you find out REAL hard. Asshat

12/03/2012 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punk ass courts and judges, must think it's funny.IT'S COMING.......

12/03/2012 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you fuckin do nothing DOG-ASSES look for ANY reason to not work. You make me fuckin sick! You're not fooling anyone. Your coworkers know that you've ALWAYS BEEN DOG-ASSES! And that your current dog-assness has not a goddam thing to do with you not wanting get sued. So just ShutTheFuckUp, trying to pretend you give a shit about the workin copper...Something you NEVER WERE!

12/03/2012 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous CSI Shell Gas Station said...

Anonymous said...

Forgive me SCC, but I have sinned.

I do find the 75 cents bit, pardon the pun, amusing.

I'd want to know more about the case before I comment further. The Tribune doesn't get very specific on the story.

Since it was a gas station I'm guessing surveillance video was available too. I might be wrong.

Hey, Fuck-O. You won't find it "amusing" when some piece of shit gangbanger drags you into federal court for doing your job. Eat a dick.

12/03/2012 10:02:00 AM

I'm sorry, I'm a little slow. I took the short bus to school when I was a youngster. I expect more merit promotions any day now.

Is or was the Jewel night manager who sued a gang member? That's not a typical profile for a gang member.

They tend to work for ceasefire or get elected to office. Hell, I can think of a few cops who were gang members or associates of some of the older more 'etnik' crime families.

Can you say Chief of Detectives Hanhardt? I knew you could!

I haven't read the transcripts and I don't even recall hearing about this case prior to this post, but the 75 cents 'bit' tells me the jury had a sense of humor.

The two cops involved in this case screwed up somewhere. Either they made a bad arrest in the first place or they didn't follow through with the paperwork or court appearances. Actually that's not an either/or proposition. It could be both.

I also wonder whether any video from the gas station was played for the jury.

That's just me though. I like to have some facts when I try to come to a conclusion on a particular incident.

The few facts I have here don't make these two officers look like the brightest stars in the sky.

12/03/2012 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious no one on this blog has all the facts!! All of you go fuck yourselves. I worked with JC. A standup guy!
He s not a numbers guy. He's gonna make Dick I. The next class. Before making your bullshit comments about these two guys. You re a bunch of lazy jagoffs!

12/03/2012 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why all the hating our two fellow brothers? I highly doubt they had "multiple opportunities" to go to court on this. P.O.s don't show up once because of furlo or conflicting court etc and it gets tossed. I can't believe everyone is assuming that the news clip is accurate after all the half-truths the media has told about us.

12/03/2012 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Forgive me SCC, but I have sinned.

I do find the 75 cents bit, pardon the pun, amusing.

I'd want to know more about the case before I comment further. The Tribune doesn't get very specific on the story.

Since it was a gas station I'm guessing surveillance video was available too. I might be wrong.

Hey, Fuck-O. You won't find it "amusing" when some piece of shit gangbanger drags you into federal court for doing your job. Eat a dick.

12/03/2012 10:02:00 AM

I'm sorry, I'm a little slow. I took the short bus to school when I was a youngster. I expect more merit promotions any day now.

Is or was the Jewel night manager who sued a gang member? That's not a typical profile for a gang member.

They tend to work for ceasefire or get elected to office. Hell, I can think of a few cops who were gang members or associates of some of the older more 'etnik' crime families.

Can you say Chief of Detectives Hanhardt? I knew you could!

I haven't read the transcripts and I don't even recall hearing about this case prior to this post, but the 75 cents 'bit' tells me the jury had a sense of humor.

The two cops involved in this case screwed up somewhere. Either they made a bad arrest in the first place or they didn't follow through with the paperwork or court appearances. Actually that's not an either/or proposition. It could be both.

I also wonder whether any video from the gas station was played for the jury.

That's just me though. I like to have some facts when I try to come to a conclusion on a particular incident.

The few facts I have here don't make these two officers look like the brightest stars in the sky.

Yes. You are slow. Your "facts" come almost exclusively from the Tribune. You shouldn't be so quick to Monday morning quarterback and make light of a very stressful situation you know little about. Again, eat a dick.

12/03/2012 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you guys are right. I work the homefront and from now on call of a suspicious person looking into houses 11 BOY.

12/04/2012 04:48:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

I'm right here. I am not going to let situations like this stop me from doing the job correctly.

I can't comment on why the jury chose not to believe the officers. I was just in federal court myself where the city refused to negotiate a settlement.

As soon as the plaintiff rested their case, myself and three P.O.s were dismissed. The fourth went to the jury. The jury believed the officer.

Do the job correctly and professinally. Don't let your emotions get the better of you.

12/04/2012 07:56:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

I forgot--please forgive me for not answering in a manner that fits your time table. I had work to do that I could not do from a booth at Starbucks.

12/04/2012 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" the the attitude you'll have when you get sued for doing your jog..."

Careful, you shadow is sneaking up behind you. Don't be scared.

12/04/2012 02:01:00 PM  

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