Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Police Limit

Sounds vaguely.....familiar:

And just a suggestion, the Police Limit collection (available in the right hand column) would make a nice Christmas present for someone with a dark sense of humor.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

But crime in Chicago IS DOWN. Near genius leadership from the very top has almost single handedly reduced crime in Chicago. There are figures and stats to prove it. Happy days are here again. This is what happens when ya work for the best.

10/01/2013 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will never control nature until you learn to obey it.

You are making waves swimming against tides older than this nation, when if you swam with the current...waters would clear.

The actual solution is indeed the cartoon. Our people [Americans] always put the most important matters in cartoons.

The Laws you seek to uphold are the products of more than 2000 years of Euro LAWS. Until less than a century ago if you appeared before the magistrate...you were probably dead. If not certainly less marriagable. Your evil blood died with you.

This is why Europeans are more law abiding, they've had over 2000 years of weeding out the bad apples.*

What you are being ordered to do is impossible.

It also doesn't help that your superiors are on both sides of the conflict, a disturbing and probably ultimately unwise practice of America's elites over the last century.

Perhaps you should begin to question the imperative?

*Some rice culture Asians as well, it's a matter of order above all. Any disorder disrupts the delicate food supply and leads to chaos.

10/01/2013 05:28:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

I like it!

10/01/2013 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The citizens of 019 want McCarthy to show up at 019 Wednesday night at the beat meeting and explain the manpower shortage after the merger of 019 and 023. This is starting to get media and roll. 019 leads the city in robberies and frankly people are just fed up. Go over to crimes in boystown blog and you will see McCarthy flat out lied when this merger happened and continues to lie. The only difference here with the shootings on the south and westsides is 019 has some high profile people and have Rahms ear. McCarthy is in trouble on this one.

10/01/2013 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This "Crime is Down" bullshit is getting cops hurt, our needs ignored and threatens our families.

If a citizens want to report a crime report it and carefully document the elements of the offence so it will be hard to downgrade.

Don't hide crime.

Let the crime go through the roof and let McDumbass explain how he has decimated the CPD on orders from Rahm.

10/01/2013 01:32:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the unpublished early morning reading challenged moron -

Read Rule #1 on the right hand side of the blog. It's pretty clear and has been up for a couple of years now. We're sorry you're obviously retarded and can't communicate except by screaming.

Oh, and that word you use so freely? That hasn't been published here since we started the blog. Try to keep up Short Bus.

10/01/2013 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime is down, and the morgue is full. When will Prickwrinkle open the doors and do a year end audit of all the stacked up decedents...before they incinerate the unclaimed "death investigations".

10/01/2013 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>The citizens of 019 want McCarthy to show up at 019 Wednesday night at the beat meeting and explain the manpower shortage after the merger of 019 and 023. This is starting to get media and roll. 019 leads the city in robberies and frankly people are just fed up. Go over to crimes in boystown blog and you will see McCarthy flat out lied when this merger happened and continues to lie. The only difference here with the shootings on the south and westsides is 019 has some high profile people and have Rahms ear. McCarthy is in trouble on this one.

10/01/2013 12:09:00 PM<<<

Do you want to get rid of McDufass...

Publish his appearance schedule and I warn him right here and now ....


Be prepared to answer this question as the highest paid City of Chicago employee $260,004...

"How many sworn Chicago Police Officers were employed by the CPD when you started in June of 2011 and how many are there today?"

If they want to know who you are point the camera at them and ask them are you aware of the city's prohibition of First Amendment investigations and do you want to discuss this with my lawyer.

Bring your video cameras, ask him or who ever he sends in his place like Weisenger or any Commander, that question make him sweat and run like Rostenkowski did.

McDufass and Rahm are getting cops hurt and endangering our families.

10/01/2013 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you want to get rid of McDufass...

Publish his appearance schedule and I warn him right here and now ....


Be prepared to answer this question as the highest paid City of Chicago employee $260,004...

"How many sworn Chicago Police Officers were employed by the CPD when you started in June of 2011 and how many are there today?"

If they want to know who you are point the camera at them and ask them are you aware of the city's prohibition of First Amendment investigations and do you want to discuss this with my lawyer.

Bring your video cameras, ask him or who ever he sends in his place like Weisenger or any Commander, that question make him sweat and run like Rostenkowski did.

McDufass and Rahm are getting cops hurt and endangering our families.

You dont know what you are talking about. He has given the number of police on numerous occassions and also said the CPD is at full strength. Maybe that was because the mayor wrote out the 1,400 or so vacancies in the 2013 city budget, so yes there are less police in 2013 than in 2011, but its not hidden

10/01/2013 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...McDufass and Rahm are getting cops hurt and endangering our families.

You dont know what you are talking about. He has given the number of police on numerous occassions and also said the CPD is at full strength. Maybe that was because the mayor wrote out the 1,400 or so vacancies in the 2013 city budget, so yes there are less police in 2013 than in 2011, but its not hidden

10/01/2013 11:16:00 PM"

We know what we are talking about because we live and may die with it every day. 1,400 "vacancies", out of 13,000 really means that the CPD has been decimated.

We know very well what we are talking about. We have got to expose the scam that Ram and McDumbass is pulling on the people that says everything is OK, "Crime is down", scew them!

If you say that< "He has given the numbers of police on numerous occasions ..." I don't recall him ever doing that I never say it on the news. What did he say?

We need to keep the heat on both of them it is a matter of survival.

10/02/2013 10:18:00 AM  

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