Sunday, December 15, 2013

Al Gore Wrong Again

Every-so-often, we like to throw these posts up because we like the popping noise liberals heads make when they read 'em:
  • Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
That was five years ago yesterday. Our Canadian Correspondent Nanook reports that Santa is safe and expected to begin his annual trek in about a week-and-a-half.

Also yesterday, 2,000 weather records were broken across the United States for cold and/or snow.

And it snowed for the first time in 112 years in Egypt.

Heads to begin exploding in 3....2....1....



    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Al Gore aside, SCC, doesn't it seem like, well, there's something WRONG with the weather?

    12/15/2013 12:05:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey hey hey...quit picking on Al...he invented the internet!!!!

    12/15/2013 12:08:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The earth has gone through heating and cooling cycles since time began, anybody who has taken Geology 101 and an Earth Science course knows that.

    Al Gore (and Barry O) both need to return their Nobel Prizes

    12/15/2013 12:20:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Gore is a first class Asshole but he got rich off of hood winking the public. Maybe hes a got some smarts that way.

    12/15/2013 12:31:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Liberal facts.
    1. Global warming is real.
    2. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it. (And save $2500).

    12/15/2013 12:34:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Algore's prediction was on the status of the polar ice cap. Is it gone or not, or almost gone. You never answered that question. Algore also warned us that unusual cold and snowy periods were a sign that global warming had passed the tipping point. This recent early and record cold spell seems to be world wide. They even had snow in Australia, and it's summer down there. It is possible for runaway, out of control global warming to start a new ice age. You must believe.

    12/15/2013 12:54:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ok, im not gore fan. Im not a conspiracy theorist etc. However, i am a right leaning conservative. I do read many of the right leaning sites and articles. Many of them love to post articles about how cold this week has been. Or how its the coldest day on record, or that the bearing sea had a record amount of winter ice this winter etc. Yes, that is correct. But there is one thing we need to know about climate change. There is 110 percent climate change happening. 110 percent that there is global warming due to greenhouse gasses. The problem is that yes we are having harsh winters but we are also having harsh springs, falls and summers. thats what climate change is. The problem is that in the north/south poles the Pack ice, glaciers and permafrost which would survive in tact all four seasons is melting away. That is the big problem. The problem is that yes some of the winters in the north and south pole are very cold, lots of "winter ice" (i.e. temporary seasonal ice that melts) are showing up but the winters are shorter, the summers are longer, the summers are warmer. the warmer weather in the north pole this year stuck around for 16 days longer than any other year in record keeping history. 16 days in the north police is an eternity when it comes to heating a glacier. the glaciers cannot sustain this and are melting not just in summer spring and fall but there is still run off water coming to the surface from the internal temps of the glacier holding heat from the summer. This is the big concern and it is a problem. major hurricanes which dont normally see hurricanes i.e. new york/new jersey, major super typhoones, excessive dry spells causing forest fires and harsh tornado seasons... the past 10 years have been the worst on record for tornadoes and its due to jet stream alterations from the warming of the ocean currents. I didnt read this from al gore, some liberal left leaning program or some wanna be scientist in the pocket of the dems.. I have studied meteorology for over 22 years and these are scary times. weather is a very strong force and we are making it worse everyday. when looking at the trends we need to look at the bigger picture, not just that the winter was colder.. why was it colder? how long was it? why did we get more snow? etc.. the only problem is much of canada, alaska and the northern exposure are seeing warm weather 2 weeks early and winter is coming 2 weeks late.. Alot of what al gore says is unscientific fluff from guys who are in his and the democrats pocket stating false science. We need to know the real science behind it. its not as simple as he says, but it does exist.

    12/15/2013 01:20:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The reason Al Gore won all those accolades was that the whole concept was basically ANTI-AMERICAN.

    If you publish anything, make a movie, a political thesis, or an annoying song, if it says America BAD, Socialism GOOD it will be backed by BHO, the Hollywood elite and the Nobel Prize Committee.

    If you make anything Pro-American and you will be branded a Tea-Party Extremist who should be spied upon and forbidden to own firearms.

    12/15/2013 01:42:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Al gore is smarten then Mikey Shields

    12/15/2013 03:03:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Don't you get it? It's because Al Gore gave us this dyer warning then used the internet he invented to spread the word that we were able to reverse the warming thus he saved the whole world, duh.... His Nobel Prize should be ready this year I would suspect

    12/15/2013 06:24:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Next to obamacare, global warming is the biggest scam pulled off by the dumbocrats. Billions wasted on a phenomenon that doesn't exist.

    12/15/2013 07:35:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    although al was wrong the fact that it is snowing in egypt is a sign that global warming is happening. Cold air is escaping from places further north and is being replaced by warmer air. this is a slow process and will take thousands of years to melt all the ice.

    12/15/2013 07:41:00 AM  
    Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

    LOL. Four days ago it was reported that a new world record was recorded in Antarctica. In August 2010 it hit -135.8 degrees Fahrenheit. And on July 31, 2013 it came close, -135.3 degrees F. So cold, it hurt to breathe.

    Anyway, Al BORE has never been right with any of his dire predictions. Not that it matters to him, he's only into the 'globular warming'(sic) scam for the money -- the huckster's made ten of millions on selling bullshit 'carbon credits'. But the REAL scam, and where the outrage should be, is the so-called science behind the *Proof* of it; The infamous 'Hockey Stick'. That thing is total, utter, and complete BULLSHIT! A concocted 'computer model' based on input that included measured years ONLY with Temps that had risen, and discarded very year, and decades, where temps had fallen, i.e.: BS in, BS out.

    To add insult to injury the phony 'science' didn't end there, not on your life -- and this is where I really fucking exploded when I found out -- these pseudo-climate scientists rigged it even MORE in their favor (gotta keep that Gubmint Grant Money flowing) by placing every, and I mean EVERY, Temperature Sensor (aka: thermometer) in the absolute worst fucking place(s) imaginable....
    --> In direct sunlight. Right next to Airports' asphalt runways (Blacktop). On building rooftops made of TAR, Black Tar-paper, or the new Rubber Roof material -- also BLACK -- and directly exposed to the Sun. Right next to Rooftop Mounted A/C units Exhaust/Condensing fans (both hot air). Next to building Exhaust Fans, and even Kitchen Exhaust System Fans (Really hot air). And last but not least, HVAC System Exhaust Louvers. Of COURSE the Sensors are going to read 'above normal' (think NASCAR in Summer when they mention Track Temp vs Air Temp, or Pre-season Football on Turf and Field vs Air Temp -- its hotter than a motherf--ker).<---

    Now if a first year Draftsman Trainee did this by mistake he'd be in really deep shit, costly mistake to correct. But if an Engineer did it..Holy F--k!..he better pack up his shit asap, 'cause he's friggen gone. And to boot he may never work in that city again -- the HVAC Industry is a small tight nit community and even in Chicago word gets around at light-speed (especially the major fuck-ups). But when these 'scientists' were outed and proved liars and phonies?...not a goddamn thing is/was done to them. Why?..because there's Billions and Billions to make off off all this phony science, Green Energy and Carbon Credits.

    Additionally, you all may recall those 'impressive Letters' signed by scores of 'scientists' that the MSM were reporting on with glee where they confirmed, concurred, that Global Warming was real, a 'fact of science', and as Obama now says, "The Science Is Settled". Well there's was a funny thing about those 'scientists'. Not ONE was a Mechanical Engineer, or an 'ME' who specialized in HVAC. As I recall there were a lot of 'Ecologists', Botanists, Geologists, some Theoretical Physicists, and even 'scientists' like Bill Ayers who has a PhD in Education (or some shit). None of whom I would trust replacing my Furnace Filter!...let alone telling me the Earth is warming and it's all the fault of humans and our carbon use.

    Lastly, If "the science is settled" on global warming, then how come no one, and I mean NO ONE, can repeat and get the exact same results as the original ten (iirc) scientists in England did (East Anglia Univ iirc)? Seriously, that's the only way 'science is ever settled', by using 'The Scientific Method'; Independent scientists using the same info/data/materials, following the same exact procedures, and obtaining the EXACT same results.

    If that isn't or cannot be done, then it isn't science, and it sure ain't settled.

    12/15/2013 08:23:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Global warming isn't happening.. but climate change is real. Climate change is irregular weather patterns which we all see is happening.

    12/15/2013 08:57:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Al Gore has been a rich, arrorant, communist hypocrite his entire life. He's a man-child who couldn't do Anything without his Daddy (Albert Gore Sr) making it happen for him. Gores Daddy was a rich, hypoceite Democrat Politician, who owned several Tobacco (you know the ones that grow the stuff they make evil cigarettes out of), and the Gore Family owned numerous Slaves who worked his tobacco plantations. The Communist U.S. Mainstream News Media hid theis fact from the American Voting Public during the Clinton-Gore Campaign, and stifled this while they held office. Gore is also, like Clinton, a sexual pervert. The Communist U.S. Mainstream News Media can simply not ever be trusted, and must be stopped, as they are the ones supplying our people with false information constantly, and communist propaganda, which is why we are now stuck with a Communist President and his Freedom-Grabbing Healthcare Plan. The Mainstream U.S. News Media is a perriah, a Leper, an abomination to Freedom. Harrass it, boycott it, renounce it, despise it, spit upon it, kill it off for the plague it is. Never trust it or supply it with ANY INFORMATION. Continue to call it out for the Communist Trojan Horse that it is, if you enjoy Freedom and want to live in a Free Society instead of the way the rest of the World is forced to now live, under the complete control of incompetent, overbearing ,lying, dictatorial Government totalitatianism. Remember, the Tool of the Athiest, Communist, Globalist powered New World Order IS the Mainstream U.S. News Media, which they fully own and control.

    12/15/2013 08:59:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When Al Gore made that statement I went out and bought a Toro. It has gotten plenty of use in the past five years.

    12/15/2013 09:08:00 AM  
    Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

    What a triple banger this would have been if Al Gore would have been President in between Clinton and Obama.

    We would have been passing around tin cups by now.

    12/15/2013 09:15:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The whole global warming bullshit is one big scam. They came up with it to impose carbon taxes to help implode economies worldwide. They want people to decrease the living standards so the Earth can survive. The yuppies do it all over the place and it's just pathetic. Now days water is a commodity and carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas. Really? Even FOX admits the ice in the north pole has increased by 60% - check it out here.

    12/15/2013 09:49:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    funny how "global warming" as it was known for years has now morphed into "climate change" when it was shown the temperatures were dropping.

    I'm all for clean air and water--but I'm not for being told what to do by dogooders because they fell for a line of bullshit propogated by a man (Gore) who has become a very rich man selling (extorting) "carbon credits" from large companies.

    You really want to see dirty air and water--go to China, India and other parts of Asia and you'll see some. Go after those assholes instead, but they will tell us to go fuck ourselves.

    12/15/2013 09:55:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If there's money to be made on Global Warming, then Daley Inc will be there. So far no investment money has left our pension fund.
    If it weren't for global warming it would have been really-really cold outside this past week.

    12/15/2013 10:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Commiecrats make up a crisis and grow big government.

    12/15/2013 10:49:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Algore's prediction was on the status of the polar ice cap. Is it gone or not, or almost gone. You never answered that question. Algore also warned us that unusual cold and snowy periods were a sign that global warming had passed the tipping point. This recent early and record cold spell seems to be world wide. They even had snow in Australia, and it's summer down there. It is possible for runaway, out of control global warming to start a new ice age. You must believe.

    Holy crap! I hope you are being sarcastic because if you are not you are a blathering idiot. Al Gore said the planet was warming, but while it is warming you will see things like rain and cold and hurricanes. Sometimes it will be crazy.
    So Al Gore predicted.... Weather as usual

    12/15/2013 11:17:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The mistake Gore and others did was to call it "Global warming". Its not...its "climate change" and it IS happening, No way you can deny it. As even YOU Egypt...cant hide the facts.

    12/15/2013 11:26:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END ! Max out the credit cards.

    12/15/2013 11:37:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    110 percent that there is global warming due to greenhouse gasses
    weather is a very strong force and we are making it worse everyday

    Couple of quick questions professor:
    1. If humans and their greenhouse gasses are responsible for climate change, why is there GRASS under the permafrost in the arctic?
    2. How much greenhouse gas does a volcanic eruption produce and can we hook up a catalytic converter to it?

    The planet has been around for some time now. To think that humans, who don't even count for a *blink* in geological timeframes, can alter or even understand what the Earth wants to do on it's own is quite preposterous.

    12/15/2013 11:45:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The problem with climate change is that the climate has been changing since the earth began and it will still be changing a hundred million years from now. The right idea is for mankind to adapt to climate change. Trying to stop it is impossible. Politically climate change just means an excuse and opportunity to the political/ruling class to take over control of everything and everyone's life.

    12/15/2013 12:17:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    12/15/2013 01:01:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Of course, this won't prevent Obama from waging war on job creators by imposing excessive regulations on them....all in the name of "concern for the environment".

    12/15/2013 04:03:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    1234 am,,,,you had me for a millisecond until I re-read your comment,,,,,very true

    12/15/2013 04:09:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    1254am,,,you are full of shit,,,,,keep drinking the liberal koolaid that anything manmade causes weird weather.

    Weird weather cycles happen. When I was in high school in the mid 70s, climatologists were predicting an ice age 40 years hence.

    Greenland was called Greenland for a reason, Iceland for the same reason--at one time one was green and one was ice covered. I've been in both places, very little green in Greenland and not a lot of ice or snow in Iceland.

    I remember people freaking when Al made that speech 5 years ago. The latest figures from the NWS show Arctic and Antarctic ice coverage is the most since it started to be recorded.

    The Great Lakes and the mountains of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan were formed by glacial retreat thousands of years ago during a large and long warming cycle. No humans around then to cause it.

    I suggest you take a geology or earth science course from a local college or online and learn the real truth instead of taking as gospel truth everything that Big Al spouts. Al is nothing but a blowhard who has become filthy rich with scaring the shit out of people over global warming and extortion of large corparations with his bullshit of buying and selling carbon credits.

    12/15/2013 04:24:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    btw--120am,,,you are full of shit also,,,,,keep smoking the hopium, I don't buy you have conservative leanings

    12/15/2013 04:26:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    although al was wrong the fact that it is snowing in egypt is a sign that global warming is happening. Cold air is escaping from places further north and is being replaced by warmer air. this is a slow process and will take thousands of years to melt all the ice.

    You really have no clue as to how global climate functions, do you? "Cold air is escaping...?" You think the Earth is like your refrigerator? Idiot.

    12/15/2013 04:26:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Have you heard of Geo-Engineering? Where the military is screwing around with the weather and the planet's magnetic field.

    12/15/2013 04:33:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Someone above said Gore was a pervert like Clinton. Not so. They just saw what they wanted and took it, or tried to. They are arrogant, narcissistic know it all's that think they can do no wrong and that the whole world is lucky to have them.

    These types of men are dangerous. They are not motivated by the usual things that make men tick: power, money and women. They march to their own insane drummer. The world revolves around them and they can do anything they want.

    They are sociopaths. Sound like any other Democrats you know?

    12/15/2013 05:59:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    1.20pm,,,you are so full of shit,,,,if you are such a student of meteorology, you'd know that tornadoes, hurricanes and other severe weather isn't "way up" over the past ten years, its just the record keeping is much better over the past 50 years. Nasty weather patterns,ie hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, cold snaps, droughts are no more pronounced since the mid 90s than any other time, it is (once again-it bears repeating) just more accurate record keeping is taking place.

    Read your history,does The Dust Bowl of the early 30s ring a bell? That was the hottest, driest time in recorded US history.

    Powerful hurricanes have always taken place, better forecasting has keep loss of life down and better building codes have kept damage in check.

    Face it, man made global climate change is a fucking myth perpetuated by the left because they need to manufacture crises to make them look important

    Polar Bears on ice floes don't fool anybody anymore.

    12/15/2013 06:25:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If al gore believed his own bullshit, would he at least, even for just a year stop using the energy at all his homes and leaving the carbon footprint equivalent to that of a hundred normal people?

    Seriously, even after watchdog groups exposed his mansions for never having converted over a single stupid lightbulb and showing his fully lit 30 room estate all night, every night when no one was home, he changed nothing...

    12/15/2013 06:54:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You really have no clue as to how global climate functions, do you? "Cold air is escaping...?" You think the Earth is like your refrigerator? Idiot.

    actually it is.. thats how the trade winds and jet streams are made. the balance and flows of cold and warm air. as more warm air occupies space where cold air use to be it throws the jet stream more north causing warming in more northern regions... so yes, even though you were trying to be funny and make that guy look stupid the earth does act like a refrigerator...

    12/15/2013 06:58:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    110 percent that there is global warming due to greenhouse gasses
    weather is a very strong force and we are making it worse everyday

    Couple of quick questions professor:
    1. If humans and their greenhouse gasses are responsible for climate change, why is there GRASS under the permafrost in the arctic?
    2. How much greenhouse gas does a volcanic eruption produce and can we hook up a catalytic converter to it?

    The planet has been around for some time now. To think that humans, who don't even count for a *blink* in geological timeframes, can alter or even understand what the Earth wants to do on it's own is quite preposterous


    smog is not caused by volcanic eruptions. green house gases do exist. its caused by everything else on this earth that is not natural. Are you reading too many one sided articles? Look at it from both sides. Global warming does exist. Global warming just doesnt mean that the earth is getting hotter everywhere on earth.. it means that weather and weather patterns are changing due to warming. im not saying we are doomed but "mr professor" what qualifies you exactly to be an "expert" on this. I have studied it for 22 years and worked for NOAA for 6 years. Science does not lie... AL Gore might, which he does no doubt about it but science does not.

    12/15/2013 07:04:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What difference does it make, there is a hugh meteror headed toward earth, that will destroy this plant. You better hope that shield they are building will stop it.

    12/15/2013 07:39:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    although al was wrong the fact that it is snowing in egypt is a sign that global warming is happening. Cold air is escaping from places further north and is being replaced by warmer air. this is a slow process and will take thousands of years to melt all the ice.

    12/15/2013 07:41:00 AM

    I am sorry to inform you, but cold air never escapes anywhere. It is molecular and impossible. That science is proven. Air flow moves from warmer to cooler. I learned and remembered that from 8th grade from a great teacher (great because I remember this fact to this day) warm air molecules move faster and need to escape to cooler air space. Warm air can escape, cold air can not. A draft in your house is different.

    I believe there is serious climate change happening, but I believe it is nature and this happens every 100 years or so. Reliable weather records probably cant date back much farther than late 1800's tops. Look up crazy shit, like snow in Mexico at the turn of the century and other fun facts. Bottom line, nature will find a way, whether humans are here or not, that is a different story.

    12/15/2013 09:18:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Without global warming the weather could have been much colder these past few days.

    12/15/2013 10:24:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The sky is falling! When I was young, it was the return of the ice age prophesied, if we weren't nuked first and survived the day after.

    12/15/2013 10:53:00 PM  
    Blogger SCC said...

    To the unpublished - Read Rule #2 in the right hand column. You challenged us not to publish it, we obliged. What's the problem? Or were you being sarcastic?


    12/15/2013 11:17:00 PM  
    Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

    Did Gore say 5 years? I think he meant to say 10 years. He may have misspoken.

    12/16/2013 06:59:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    These global warming scam artists have invested too much money to back down from their BS. Global warming believers have invested too much emotion to admit they have been duped. The power of brainwashing from an early age is strong. Even stronger is the ego boost that is given when you declare yourself an "environmentalist". It is almost as strong as having those that disagree with you declared "dumb" as this automatically makes you "smart".

    12/16/2013 07:22:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    704pm------"science doesn't lie" it's been proven that the numbers from scientists East Anglia University lied, so yeah--SCIENCE LIED.

    I bet you think Obama hasn't lied a bit

    12/16/2013 07:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What difference does it make, there is a hugh meteror headed toward earth, that will destroy this plant. You better hope that shield they are building will stop it.

    12/15/2013 07:39:00 PM

    You are not supposed to talk about it. I hope you didn't send this from your home computer.

    12/16/2013 08:09:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I still remember the killer bees coming from the southern hemisphere, which was before the new ice age IIRC. It's been decades though...

    12/16/2013 11:49:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    After pondering upon it, I agree the warm air produced by global warming is displacing all the cold air and moving it down causing the early snow, snow in places it never snows, and unusual cold weather many are experiencing. See Al Gore was right, the unseasonal cold is caused by global warming.

    12/16/2013 02:51:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ....I have studied meteorology for over 22 years....

    Favor please.
    Teach Skilling something about all this.
    He just can't get it right no matter how hard he tries.

    12/16/2013 03:06:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    smog is not caused by volcanic eruptions. green house gases do exist. its caused by everything else on this earth that is not natural. Are you reading too many one sided articles? Look at it from both sides. Global warming does exist. Global warming just doesnt mean that the earth is getting hotter everywhere on earth.. it means that weather and weather patterns are changing due to warming. im not saying we are doomed but "mr professor" what qualifies you exactly to be an "expert" on this. I have studied it for 22 years and worked for NOAA for 6 years. Science does not lie... AL Gore might, which he does no doubt about it but science does not.

    12/15/2013 07:04:00 PM

    Good response to what was a lame post.

    12/16/2013 06:28:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    704pm------"science doesn't lie" it's been proven that the numbers from scientists East Anglia University lied, so yeah--SCIENCE LIED.

    and thats why you are a narrow minded moron. Scientists lied, not science. Huge difference. But, when you have a one way thinking mind who refuses to believe only what they read on a far left or far right internet news site what do you expect. do some research for yourself, make your own determination and come to a conclusion that you have found out by using facts. DONT EVER RELY ON A NEWS ORGANIZATION TO PROVE OR DISPROVE SCIENCE!!! No matter what news outlet they have an adgenda no matter how small or big they will make it lean the way they want it. Science is based on facts. When scientists lie about science its because they manipulate facts because it doesnt support their theory. just like al gore and his merry band of idiot scientists. However, people from the far right do the same, they only report anything that supports their theory that there is no global warming. how about a real conclusion based on facts?? Yes, that is science. Not what everyone else bases science on which is politics these days. Open your mind and find the truth, it will surprise you how much bullshit is really out there. Fact, global warming does exist and it will be a huge problem. example china but thats a whole other story for another day. Base your argument on science please not a news article. Ive been doing this for a big chunk of my life so I know what im talking about. Ive travelled to Antartica and the north pole, greenland and many other countries in my career and "hobby" of studying meteorology. If you only knew the rate of depression on ice samples and glacial samples we have taken would you then open your eyes. The temperature of the planet is increasing. Al Gore is still a moron, he uses scare tactics which are exactly that... not based on science or fact. were not all going to die in the next 50 or 100 years because of global warming, but for some parts of the world it will get very rough. think for yourself and do research not related to the media my friend.

    12/16/2013 06:56:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    to 656pm,,, When scientists manipulate their figures as the ones from East Anglia did, then science lied.

    When scientists report on, present papers on and try and scare the world with numbers that they know were lies, then science lied.

    They played with the numbers, they manipulated the raw data, they skewed the results all to support their theory and came up with that inane "hockey stick" so they could sell the world on their version of climate change.

    So, yes, in that instance, a big one, I may add--science lied.

    I'm still waiting for the ice age that expert climatologists predicted back when Richard Nixon was President. They had facts and figures, charts and graphs and had Time Magazine on their side and they were wrong.

    12/16/2013 11:07:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yeah I noticed this.

    I'm looking to make fun of Al Gore and the global warming loons this January in Chicago.

    Anyone interested in dressing up like loon, Leftists , wearing Che T-Shirts, holding signs "Al Gore was Right", Fight global warming" and "give us more tax $" please e-mail me at:

    12/17/2013 10:38:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yeah I also noticed that the work shirking Leftists changed the name of "global warming" to "climate change" as it's been cold as hell of late.

    Here in Chicago who do get climate change.

    We get cold winters , raw Springs, hot Summers and Autumn is usually nice.

    Lot's of reason to get a real job indoors.

    12/17/2013 10:42:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    ok, im not gore fan. Im not a conspiracy theorist etc. However, i am a right leaning conservative. I do read many of the right leaning sites and articles. Many of them love to post articles about how cold this week has been. Or how its the coldest day on record, or that the bearing sea had a record amount of winter ice this winter etc. Yes, that is correct. But there is one thing we need to know about climate change. There is 110 percent climate change happening. 110 percent that there is global warming due to greenhouse gasses. The problem is that yes we are having harsh winters but we are also having harsh springs, falls and summers. thats what climate change is. The problem is that in the north/south poles the Pack ice, glaciers and permafrost which would survive in tact all four seasons is melting away. That is the big problem. The problem is that yes some of the winters in the north and south pole are very cold, lots of "winter ice" (i.e. temporary seasonal ice that melts) are showing up but the winters are shorter, the summers are longer, the summers are warmer. the warmer weather in the north pole this year stuck around for 16 days longer than any other year in record keeping history. 16 days in the north police is an eternity when it comes to heating a glacier. the glaciers cannot sustain this and are melting not just in summer spring and fall but there is still run off water coming to the surface from the internal temps of the glacier holding heat from the summer. This is the big concern and it is a problem. major hurricanes which dont normally see hurricanes i.e. new york/new jersey, major super typhoones, excessive dry spells causing forest fires and harsh tornado seasons... the past 10 years have been the worst on record for tornadoes and its due to jet stream alterations from the warming of the ocean currents. I didnt read this from al gore, some liberal left leaning program or some wanna be scientist in the pocket of the dems.. I have studied meteorology for over 22 years and these are scary times. weather is a very strong force and we are making it worse everyday. when looking at the trends we need to look at the bigger picture, not just that the winter was colder.. why was it colder? how long was it? why did we get more snow? etc.. the only problem is much of canada, alaska and the northern exposure are seeing warm weather 2 weeks early and winter is coming 2 weeks late.. Alot of what al gore says is unscientific fluff from guys who are in his and the democrats pocket stating false science. We need to know the real science behind it. its not as simple as he says, but it does exist.

    12/15/2013 01:20:00 AM

    LOL ! Buffoon...

    12/17/2013 12:05:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Global Warming/Climate Change is Bullshit, but I wish there was some today, I'm freezing my ass off.

    12/17/2013 12:13:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Hey hey hey...quit picking on Al...he invented the internet!!!!

    12/15/2013 12:08:00 AM

    Everybody knows Al invented many things, including:

    Head Lice Remover
    The Obama Chia-Pet
    the Hoola-Hoop
    Lawn Darts
    the Yugo
    Glow in the Dark Condoms
    Brain Surgery
    Dog Shit scented Air Freshener
    Chicken-Flavored Beef Vegetable Soup
    Cow Chip Nachos
    Liquid Plumber Bubble Bath
    Guide to "How to be a Successful Unibomber"
    The Stringless Parachute
    the Left-Handed Banjo
    Glow-in-the-Dark Night Light
    Silly String
    Corn Chip Flavored Bubble Gum
    the Edsel
    Hole-less Swiss Cheese
    Donkey Kong
    Inter-Galactic Time Travel
    Airplane Glue
    Bubblegum Flavored Pancake Mix
    the Motionless Windmill

    and numerous other brilliant Inventions too... Too bad he never became President.

    12/17/2013 12:28:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    ....I have studied meteorology for over 22 years....

    Favor please.
    Teach Skilling something about all this.
    He just can't get it right no matter how hard he tries.

    12/16/2013 03:06:00 PM

    The mistake the democrats and idiots like Gore have made is to latch on to a subject like global warming/climate change whatever and made it their own little pet project and do it up like gun control. Then most sane people see the problem as related to those liberal puke democrats and are repulsed by it.

    Distance the two, look at it from a scientific point of view and it is simply something to solve so that we don't spoil our nest, this precious earth.

    The various space exploration enterprises have not, as yet, found an alternate place for us all to live so we have to take care of this one, liberal or conservative, we need to make this place right.

    PS: Al Gore sucks big horsecock.

    12/20/2013 11:33:00 PM  

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