Wait....Rahm Lied Again?
How could this be? We were promised savings. We were promised money. The only thing we weren't promised was, "If you like your power company, you can keep your power company."
- Electric bills could jump about 14 percent for most Chicagoans this May, but city officials say the increase would be even worse if ComEd were still the city’s electric supplier.
Under new electricity rates announced Sunday by Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration, average utility customers will still save about $34 a year when compared with what they would pay to ComEd, according to city officials.
That’s a far cry from the $135 to $165 savings for the first 15 months that the administration initially touted before the city started doing business with Chicago-based electricity supplier Integrys Energy Services at the beginning of 2013.
Well, we guess Rahm did go to the same schools of political thought and learning as the president.
Labels: city politics
AHHH!! This is going to suck come summer time. My apartment literally becames a sauna when it reaches 75 degrees and up out. The AC's are never turned off for more then an hour or two for literally 4 months. Now I understand why west and south siders are out half the night (well I know thats just PART of the reason...).
I still get a bill from Comed. Who the hell is integrys energy service? Must be some Obama energy company that everyone was forced to switch to.
Yea and where is the POT HOLE MURDER MAYOR,,,, his ass left for Texas, to get some more campaign money, this jag spends more time traveling then he does in this city.
Same bathhouse too, from what I hear.
its everywhere you turn. the corruption in this town is so blatant. its not even amusing anymore.
There's a surprise..!
SCC said, "Well, we guess Rahm did go to the same schools of political thought and learning as the president"
Nah; remember Rahm's infamous 'never let a crisis go to waste'. The parking meter fiasco taught him EXACTLY what to do and how to do it. I wonder where the real money is in this great deal for Chicgoans?
Rising electric bills lay on Obama's doorstep. He admitted that his energy policies would cause an increase in electricity costs. With new EPA regulations on electric production, they are going to raise much higher. It's all necessary for fighting climate change, you see.
Retirees who do not get a COLA (those born after 1955) continue to fall behind as prices rise.
Just once I'd like to hear Rahm say " What had happened was...."
Just got my Water bill, it went up again to $320....wtf! This city is slowly killing me like cancer. I wonder which will kill me first.
on a somewhat economically related note remember this...
Governor Quinn Announces Illinois Coal Exports Set Record in 2012, Fuel Economic Growth
New Report Forecasts More Gains for Illinois Coal as Global Demand Rises
'[...[..Illinois coal is in high demand overseas and we have the resources and infrastructure to take advantage of this opportunity for economic growth,” Governor Quinn said. “Our rail lines and river ports, which we continue to improve under the Illinois Jobs Now! capital construction program, give us a unique export advantage over other states in the region.”
so guess what...
fearing social unrest china has declared war on pollution.
public enemy number one are the coal fired power plants.
'[...].. The government will shut down 50,000 small coal-fired furnaces in 2014, and overhaul power plants in high intensity industries. China will also reduce steel production by 27 million tonnes in 2014 – equivalent to the total output of Italy. Also, the government will look at reforming energy pricing in an effort to pave the way to greater use of renewable energy and nuclear power. The government also hopes to remove six million high-emissions vehicles from the nation’s roads..'
we're wondering how many of the recently touted open truck driving positions in illinois touted by the ides involve driving coal to a river barge
also reducing steel production one would think will have an impact on all those city college students [a.k.a. 'the children'] that rahm told to take up welding classes because there's 'a shortage'
our 'brothers keepers' cut food stamp benefits for close to 50 million americans. then kicked a few million more off extended unemployment while claiming that the poor economic performance is all due to the cold weather.
yep, all the 'as the economy continues to improve' with the bullshit job reports and all that other jazz i give you this..
Chinese Exports Collapse Leading To 2nd Largest Trade Deficit On Record
Plenty of excuses out there for this evening's collosal miss in Chinese exports (-18.1% YoY vs an expectation of a 7.5% rise) mainly based on timing issues over the Lunar New Year (but didn't the 45 economists who forecast this data know the dates before they forecast?) This is a 6-sigma miss and plunges China's trade balance to its biggest miss on record and 2nd largest deficit on record. Combining Jan and Feb data (i.e. smoothing over the holiday), exports are still down 1.6% YoY - not good for the much-heralded global recovery. Exports to the rest of the BRICs were all down over 20% but no there is no contagion from an emerging market crisis
the billions of dollars that our brothers keepers have taken out of the economy is now hitting the fan.
the industrial age is o.v.e.r.
i suspect as the economic hardships dig in for the summer as rahm and quinn throw gasoline on the fire with more taxes, fines and fees we are entering the new 'point and click' economy.
no, not talking about the internet. more like the kind of point and click that involves extended magazines if you catch my drift.
when's that half-billion dollars debt payment for illinois coming due again.
2015 ain't it.
ha...enjoy the money rahm spent on maggie daley tribute parks...clouted corporate real estate dev. river walks and bike paths. money well spent eh.
rahms at a fundraiser in texas being put on by the people that bring you chicago's lalapaloosa we're hearing.
ain't that nice.
in your face chicago.
party on.
My water bill is just shy of $500.00!! I say Wed, when the snow hits, we all turn on the faucets and leave them run till all the pot holes are gone.
I still get a bill from Comed. Who the hell is integrys energy service? Must be some Obama energy company that everyone was forced to switch to.
Comed still delivers your power so you will keep getting your electric bill from them. Look at the first line of the bill. It will say ELECTRIC SUPPLY SERVICES. There it will show the name of whoever your are getting your power from.
"Same bathhouse too, from what I hear."
He is constantly traveling outside of Chicago and his wife must be in the Witness Protection Program. She is invisible. Did she make one appearance during the 2011 mayoral campaign? Almost nothing since.
Tom Edison said...
I still get a bill from Comed. Who the hell is integrys energy service? Must be some Obama energy company that everyone was forced to switch to.
3/11/2014 12:20:00 AM
Look closely at your ComEd bill, there might just be a line item electricity charge from Integrys. I opted out for no other reason than Rahm wanted me to go with Integrys. Originally, Rahm wanted the savings to go to the City, we paid the old rate, any savings were to go to the City. Too many howls about that, in effect a new City tax on electricity so it was rescinded.
Fuck that, I opted to stay with ComEd because Rahm didn't want me to. Anything Rahm wants, I don't want. Rahm is more evil than Daley, but without all the unibrow brothers.
Natural gas prices went up 45% after a summer of hearing how the US produces so much of it we don't even have the capacity to store it. Democrat bullshit at it's finest. My water bill has gone up $100 just this last year, which is about 25%. My pay has gone up jack squat. Keep writing those tickets bottom feeders
Rates are going up 14 % but I'm going to save money????
Notice they announce it on a Sunday when nobody is watching the news. This goes back to his days in the Clinton White House when they would "dump" news on Friday afternoons. Rahm is a piece of Sh%#.
Someone's gotta cover all the utility bill writoffs that occur in the cradle to grave neighborhoods.
Integrys is the parent of Peoples
Gas or Peoples Energy but Edison
still owns the generating facilities
and the distribution system so they
are not out of the picture and the
mayor, with this newest "wet dream"
has only complicated matters further. There was no discussions
either publicly or with the ICC.
And this feces is going to blow-up
in the faces of the gas and electric rate-payers, US.
How can you tell when Rahm's lying??
His lips move!
Poster No 1: 3/11/2014 12:14:00 AM -- "This is going to suck come summer time. My apartment literally becomes a sauna when it reaches 75 degrees and up out. The AC's are never turned off for more then an hour or two for literally 4 months."
Cooling an apartment is 'generally' an exercise in futility. Unless a building is designed with Central Air getting an apartment cool is a tough go.
You're working with existing conditions that limit you like: window size, inadequate / old wiring, if the windows even open, and last but not least -- Cost -- as to cool a place 'comfortably' you may need Three AC Units spread throughout various apartment windows: Front Room, Bedroom, and Kitchen at rear of unit. THAT ADDS UP fast! And that's on the tenant, so most say 'screw that' (Air Flow is also crucial so one big honkin' unit in one window won't do the job).
Maybe *invest* in a small 1/2 ton unit for your bedroom? Good luck.
Tom Edison said...
I still get a bill from Comed. Who the hell is integrys energy service? Must be some Obama energy company that everyone was forced to switch to.
3/11/2014 12:20:00 AM
Nobody was forced to switch companies. You had a choice. ComEd still delivers the electricity and sends bills to you.
Check this link out to better understand it.
Be assured that the mayor's pals and donors got their cut of the utility deal already. Just like the parking meters we will get stuck with the bill
Why is everyone dissing Obama?
+++++ 3/11/2014 12:20:00 AM --- Tom Edison said... I still get a bill from Comed. Who the hell is integrys energy service? Must be some Obama energy company that everyone was forced to switch to. +++++
Integrys Energy Services is the Electric (power) Co that now provides electricity for Chicago. ComEd owns all the equipment; wires, transformers, etc, aka: the 'infrastructure', and ComEd does the Billing for both companies.
The Cost solely for the electricity furnished by Integrys Energy Services is near the top of your bill about 3 1/2" from the top edge of the paper. Below that is ComEd's "Delivery Cost", and below that the taxes and "other" charges.
No offense but this should NOT be new news to you. This change to ComEd's service is really old news, maybe a year old, and the changeover happened months & months ago. Maybe longer -- time flies for me now.
As to Integrys Energy Services being an 'Obama Company', I can't say. But all cities, towns and villages in ComEd's 'service area' now has the right to request Bids from numerous companies to supply cheaper Electricity. Whether Rahm and his boys in City Hall did a good job at that is anyone's guess [likely not ;-)], but it wasn't done in secret, and it *should have been* reported by Chi's crack team of journalists since it affected millions in Chicago alone.
So you should have heard of this somehow, somewhere?? The switch to the new provider was Automatic for customers. You actually had to Opt Out via snail mail to stay with ComEd, so you should have gotten snail mail on this too?
Now I'm in DuPage and I get our weekly Village Newsletter and I almost got Too Much Info on this switch we were making (I was getting tired of reading about it) Anyway, my Village went with a consortium of other Towns & Villages in DuPage & Will and we went with First Energy Solutions -- and we're SAVING A TON OF MONEY! I no longer dread getting the ComEd Bill in 'AC Season' aka: Whenever I start to sweat, like April. ;-)
[also: A few years ago we installed a new Hi-Eff Furnace and AC Unit so even our Gas Bill is a great deal smaller now (Nicor Gas) and that new system ours paid for itself in about three years.]
oh rahmpoleon dear, do you have the 1 billion dollars ready for the pension funds--- 600 million to the police and firemen and 400 million to the teachers--- almost time for rahmibaba and his 50 thieves to pay up....
Anonymous said...
Just got my Water bill, it went up again to $320....wtf! This city is slowly killing me like cancer. I wonder which will kill me first.
3/11/2014 02:55:00 AM
I'll trade you. Mine is $426 single family home with one bath. Almost a $50 jump over last year. I'm retired and moving out of the city, or I would get a meter.
"Rising electric bills lay on Obama's doorstep. He admitted that his energy policies would cause an increase in electricity costs. With new EPA regulations on electric production, they are going to raise much higher. It's all necessary for fighting climate change, you see."
3/11/2014 01:41:00 AM
There are twice as many people just in this country as there were when I was born.
...and they are going to "fight climate change" by putting on faucet restrictors and making you use Chinese-made fire hazard squigglybulbs and raising your electric bill again when there are literally 18 people with about ten cars living in one 3 1/2 room apartment. Rice boiling constantly, huge bags of trash every day, can't get into the laundry room because they are going 24/7 in there.
Your rent for you alone -- say $700 a month. Their rent, maybe $75/month/per person.
So they live. So they multiply. Sheer force of numbers.
So many people, they run two refrigerators. It makes up for the old beer fridge Com Ed doesn't want you to have in the basement.
Here you are carefully bundling up newspapers and squinting at the nomenclature on the bottoms of plastic bottles "to separate them" while the place next door disgorges an ugly, stinking, rat-attracting mass of empty No. 10 food cans and empty five-gallon buckets of fabric softener (used up in a couple of months from the date on there) and countless car batteries, tires, bumpers, open pails of used motor oil, half-full jumbo aluminum catering trays of rotting entrees from the last get-together, smashed plastic toys, and 8,000 disposable diapers...
"The environment" is not the problem. Overpopulation is the problem.
Look up "Hart-Celler Immigration Act, 1965." Tore up quotas, opened borders, and here we are.
I'm at the point of quiting this job and heading to a town somewhere where I don't have to work so hard but have so little while living in the city. It's amazing what our gov. Gets away with. This is getting way out of hand with all the money we throw out. Many our sick and tired of this bullshit already! Pension or not it doesn't look promising anymore.
The pot hole mayor also lied about the water bills. The 1st full year I had the meter my bill was 35% higher. Year 2 last year was 24% higher. Why does anyone believe anything out of that midgets mouth.
The funny thing with all this bullshit companies is that they go of COMED'S power grid so if you look at your bill CLOSELY................ you see all the bullshit hidden fees and taxes even for wiping your ass. So tired of this taxes and bullshit companies who are ripping off the consumer. PATHETIC................
There's a decrease in the increase
just remember you liberal rats that your president said by HIM shutting down coal fired plants & nukes will cause YOUR rates to go up..thank god for green energy that went bankrupt..just like gasoline at four dollars a gallon for the time he has been in the whitehouse he must work for the oil companies
we are from the gov't and are here to help you .
Anonymous said...
Just got my Water bill, it went up again to $320....wtf! This city is slowly killing me like cancer. I wonder which will kill me first.
3/11/2014 02:55:00 AM
Get on the water meter, plug all the leaks and don't wash your cars in the alley anymore!
You'll save money!
Why does it shock anyone when a secular liberal progressive lies these days? They have declared many times they believe in no God save BHO and so not care about anything except their unattainable utopia for all except themselves. They will remain I. Their plush mansions with fossil fuel consuming jets eating 2500 calorie dinners while you and I get MichellO's healthy rations.
Anonymous said...
Retirees who do not get a COLA (those born after 1955) continue to fall behind as prices rise.
3/11/2014 02:00:00 AM
Police who do not get raises continue to fall behind.
Just rahmulan's water and sewer increases have put us behind the curve. Now add his genius electric provider plan, People's gas, property tax (board of Ed and park district), and we're screwed for the long term.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the deal "will put money back into the pockets of Chicago families and small businesses" announcing Integrys as a city endorsed utility provider. This is the “hook”, letting you keep more of your money, to get you to surrender your free market decisions to politicians who know best. Rahm, while working at investment banking Wasserstein Perella & Co, knows energy and has experience in the energy field when he enhanced his personal bottom line by 18.5 million dollars in a Wall Street Investment Banker " business as usual" scheme after slashing 3,350 jobs while personally brokering a merger deal to create Exelon Corporation. Rahm has good intentions and he is only working on behalf of the people.
Integrys Energy Group's board includes William Brodsky, head of the Chicago Board Options Exchange and a member of World Business Chicago, which Mayor Emanuel chairs. Follow the corporate money. Pay attention to the past, present and future recipients of this public utility's “generosity”. By definition “Crony Capitalism” is government forces picking the winners and losers. No ugly market competitive forces or free market pricing mechanisms to deal with here. “Price not profit was the determining factor when making their collective decisions”, the mayor’s office said.
"That's a giant step toward healthier air and clean, renewable energy that supports good paying jobs in the technologies of tomorrow," said Jack Darin, executive director of the Sierra Club's Illinois chapter and a member of the advisory committee that worked on the deal. Green non-profits helping the cause giving legitimacy to Rahmi Ba Ba and his council of 50 thieves and their intervention in the utility markets. Politicians are cutting deals, using government control and authority because consumers are viewed as being too stupid make decisions absent of government intervention. It’s all about the environment and creating "green" jobs of tomorrow. Not the money derived through higher utility costs. Looks like we were duped again and sold a bill of goods.
Well, you get what you vote in folks.
I saw through Obama a mile off but sadly 51 percent of the people didn't.. TWICE.
So America is getting what it deserves.
And so is Chicago.
Recipients of the generous entitlement program, Illinois Home Energy Assistance Program (IHEAP) need not worry about price increases. No need to worry about utility cost so continue to leave your lights on, open your window cause its too hot in your apartment in record sub-zero weather and leave that 65 inch flat screen on all night. Taxpayers and those utility paying consumers got you covered hometown. Their non-paying section-8 asses have their costs passed onto those who work everyday in the form of higher rates already factored in recovering those costs by the parasites in society. Another revenue generating gimmick is to pass the costs to those nine to fivers through all those add-on confusing sounding fees, assessments and taxes. How many non-paying wasteful energy unconscious utility users have chosen Integrys Energy as their provider? How much money will rahm's chosen firm receive from the public trough feel good energy assistance programs? More takers and fewer producers in this soup-line economy crafted by the party of the middle-class, can only lead to higher costs for those actually pay their own freight. This is not math-a-magic, its just generating more revenue from the haves to comp those who refuse to pay their own green-energy consumption bills. And let us not forget those IHEAP workers administering the program encouraging these parasites to let their bill lapse for three months making them eligible so they can get “paid” through democrat lead initiatives to keep the lights and stoves from getting cut off. Remember, firms receiving taxpayer provided money have a reciprocal agreement to provide "help" or financial relief to those elected officials during those long drawn out re-election campaigns.
Its actually an increase in the decrease.
I have a theory. Cost savings realized from obamacare and the Integrys Energy Services utility cost saving deals have put more money in the pockets of LINK, SSI and Section 8 recipients. More money means more grams for recreation. This may explain why the poorest among us can get to relax after a hard day of doing nothing blazing up all those fat sacks of choice weed while on a government subsidized existence.
Many surrounding communities qualify as "failed states."
Emanuel Has Plan To Recover Unpaid Water Bills From Suburbs
October 3, 2011 6:24 AM
"CHICAGO (CBS) — Mayor Rahm Emanuel has a plan to recover almost $15 million owed by some suburbs for unpaid water services provided by the City of Chicago.
"Harvey owes Chicago $6.2 million, Robbins owes $6.1 million, Dolton owes $1.7 million and Maywood owes $1.6 million."
"In addition to the $15 million the BGA found in unpaid bills, CBS 2 found another $19 million in water usage that was never billed. Last month, Emanuel said that is going to stop."
"Last month" -- in the year 2011.
How are we doin?
My water bill single family home 1-1/2 bath = $468 this time. Was about $280 something before Rham ..
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The pot hole mayor also lied about the water bills. The 1st full year I had the meter my bill was 35% higher. Year 2 last year was 24% higher. Why does anyone believe anything out of that midgets mouth.
3/11/2014 12:36:00 PM
I've avoided the meter monster so far, but my oh-so-green neighbor volunteered for one and was thrilled with the low-flow showerhead they gifted him with.
He's been crying ever since about how he can't understand why his water is costing him more and more...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tom Edison said...
I still get a bill from Comed. Who the hell is integrys energy service? Must be some Obama energy company that everyone was forced to switch to.
3/11/2014 12:20:00 AM
Look closely at your ComEd bill, there might just be a line item electricity charge from Integrys. I opted out for no other reason than Rahm wanted me to go with Integrys. Originally, Rahm wanted the savings to go to the City, we paid the old rate, any savings were to go to the City. Too many howls about that, in effect a new City tax on electricity so it was rescinded.
Fuck that, I opted to stay with ComEd because Rahm didn't want me to. Anything Rahm wants, I don't want. Rahm is more evil than Daley, but without all the unibrow brothers.
3/11/2014 07:11:00 AM
Well, maybe not unibrow, but his brothers are a piece of work, too.
Retirees who do not get a COLA (those born after 1955) continue to fall behind as prices rise.
3/11/2014 02:00:00 AM
Fabulous, another guy that thinks it's all about the retirees. Don't get me wrong, I want plan on retiring one day, so I want my, and all retired police officers to live a comfortable life like they deserve. The problem I have so when asshats like this botch and moan like the world centers around them. There is an entire city full of officers that haven't seen a raise in awhile, and probably won't see one for at least another year and a half. Not all of us work all of our days off at VRI, so getting a little bump every year or two might be nice. This attitude, and the fact that so many retirees were just voted into office kinda scares me. I want people that are equally concerned with working and retired officers, no preferential treatment one way or the other.
Don't forget its for the kids! Bullshit! My water bill just went to $500.00. I was pissed. The ward said since my lot was 6 feet wider than a normal lot, thats the reason. My sister who lives in the 23rd ward. Owns a nice size corner house pays $360.00. I have a two bedroomk home with a full bath and a little partial bath in the basement. Remember its for the kids.
We have the best government money can buy.
Don't forget its for the kids! Bullshit! My water bill just went to $500.00. I was pissed. The ward said since my lot was 6 feet wider than a normal lot, thats the reason. My sister who lives in the 23rd ward. Owns a nice size corner house pays $360.00. I have a two bedroomk home with a full bath and a little partial bath in the basement. Remember its for the kids.
3/12/2014 01:34:00 AM
Whats wrong with you? Why would you ask the ward? It is staffed with political flunkys who know nothing about the water bill. They are there to calm down the constituents when they complain.
If you want to know why your water bill is so high,call the water department.
Retirees who do not get a COLA (those born after 1955) continue to fall behind as prices rise.
3/11/2014 02:00:00 AM
Fabulous, another guy that thinks it's all about the retirees. Don't get me wrong, I want plan on retiring one day, so I want my, and all retired police officers to live a comfortable life like they deserve. The problem I have so when asshats like this botch and moan like the world centers around them. There is an entire city full of officers that haven't seen a raise in awhile, and probably won't see one for at least another year and a half. Not all of us work all of our days off at VRI, so getting a little bump every year or two might be nice. This attitude, and the fact that so many retirees were just voted into office kinda scares me. I want people that are equally concerned with working and retired officers, no preferential treatment one way or the other.
Just a quick comment about this. I am a retiree with a son on the job so I understand both sides. Retirees were promised such raises which might have altered their decision on when to retire counting on those COLA increases.
I think most retires bitch because their earnning ability has ended. Yours on the other hand, you can get court money or VRI money if you choose.
One thing you forget is that all us retirees went thru the same thing as you are going thru now when it comes to raises. I told my son, who didnt believe me you would not see your raise for at least two years. This is not the first time contracts have been stalled(happens every contract) and when I was active we had to do the same waiting. This is not new to the CPD.
You are still 6 months to a year away from the raise money. Arbitration takes time. Picking an arbitrator takes over a month, setting dates for FOP and city to argue their cases takes months. After that rebuttals take months. Then arbitrator gets at least 60 days for decision, then vote by FOP membership,if approved, wait for ratification by city council, then to figure out the amount of checks. Sit back and relax,we have been there before.
This isnt just about retirees, most still care about the active po's. Just because you retire, doesn't mean you forget the CPD
Anonymous said...
Retirees who do not get a COLA (those born after 1955) continue to fall behind as prices rise.
3/11/2014 02:00:00 AM
Police who do not get raises continue to fall behind.
Its not that you don't get raises. Its just that the contract hasnt been worked out.
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