Thursday, April 03, 2014

Bill, the Bitter Loser

HUGE post - set aside some time for this one.

If you haven't gotten this in the mail yet, you will shortly. Aside from the fact that this is poorly written, full of half-truths and lies and mostly incoherent, it's an article written by someone who is supposed to be dealing with FOP business and communicating it to the membership via a newsletter paid for by all of us, active and retired members. The newsletter isn't a soapbox for Bill's whining, but that's what this is. We're going to have to spank him:
  • Second City Cop - A Cancer to Our Membership
Well thanks for the plug Bill. We don't recall seeing the blog on a list of cancer-causing materials put out by the CDC, but we assume you have inside info on that, just like you had inside info on the letter that never got sent, right? Oh wait, you didn't know said that a number of times.
  • Second City Cop has been in existence for a while now, and even though many officers don't like to admit that they read it, we know that many of our members do. In fact, I think many of you would be shocked to learn that FOP receives several phone calls per day from our members asking if something they saw on the blog is true. I doubt many of you would believe that is a good use of our resources, but that’s probably another topic for another day.
Nine years Bill. Almost as long as you were in office. We don't think anyone would be shocked at the number of calls FOP received, but keeping the members informed to the point that they don't have to call seems to have been a failing of your last few years. As for another day, your day has passed by a vote of 5021 - 4548.
  • Who runs this site? It could be anyone. A patrolmen, supervisor, exempt rank or a civilian? We don't know. We also don’t know who comments on the posts. Hundreds of anonymous comments are put up every day. Yet, it could be the same five people posting, or hundreds of different people. We have no idea.
We're cops Bill. We've said as much. The rest is by design. You know exactly what would happen if we were widely known, along with our commentators. It's isn't five people Bill. It's thousands who read it, hundreds who comment.
  • Comments are only posted after approval. Yet, there isn't a day that goes by without comments being posted that have no factual basis to them. Whoever runs this blog has the power to decide what they want our members to believe is popular opinion on a particular topic, just by deciding what posts they will put up. Part of this article is certainly personal for me. I have been lied about on the blog over and over again. I understand that comes with the territory as an elected official. But in the past few months lies have been posted about my wife and children, and there is nothing I can do about it. Comments trying to refute those lies don’t get posted.
Oh Bill, we could say the same thing about your website. Comments aren't even permitted there, are they? It's great being able to control the message when dissent isn't even allowed to be spoken, isn't it? And as we've stated numerous times, 95-to-97% of comments go through as long as they follow the rules in the right hand column - even yours. As for the lies, you have a computer. Refute them. You have a website. Confront them. Don't just sit there and whine about how it's part of the "territory as an elected official." No shit Sherlock. But as a leader, you are supposed to confront it, address it, rise above it. You don't ignore it and hope it will go away. You're representing 10,000 people - act like it.

We notice that even in this screed against us, you don't address a single "untruth" about anything. You've had months to address allegations that you've found/created/"clouted" relatives into jobs with organizations affiliated with the FOP, and you say nothing at all about it? What's up with that? You haven't e-mailed us except for that one incident about the military vet running for your old spot...and that turned out to be 100% true.
  • That said, my concerns about the blog are much bigger than the lies that have been told about me and my family. The blog gets 16,858 hits per day on average. It is not just the police reading the blog. I have worked at FOP for the past twelve years. I have sat in countless meetings with the City at the negotiating table. I have met with members of the press numerous times. They all read the blog.

    “Who cares,” you might be thinking, which brings me to my point. You should. Like it or not, public perception of the Police, and Unions in general, has not been good lately. The press has not been kind to us, and neither has this Mayor. Our pensions are under fire constantly, and the average citizen in Chicago could care less if we get the money we were promised.
But Phil Cline banned us from Department computers. Jody Weis said we were insignificant. McCarthy has ignored us, laughed at us, dismissed us out of hand. Now suddenly, we're next to the seat of power? In your dreams...or nightmares.

And we're to blame for the bad press? We didn't set hiring standards that let people like Abbate slip through. We aren't running investigations of the former mayor's nephew. We're not out there getting drunk, raping women, picking up suicidal headcases, sticking up dope dealers,etc etc etc. Rahm is our fault? We spoke up for Chico - Shields gave Rahm cufflinks. And we're sounding the alarm on pensions every time we get a handle on something - you were endorsing politicians who voted to fuck us, gave them our PAC money, supported Machine candidates over cops. And you're going to blame the blog?
  • What does the blog have to do with this? Well, I certainly don’t like the blog targeting me and my family. How do you think the Superintendent feels about being called “McStreetlight, McBarstool, McDummy, McFartNoise, McBudweiser, McStupid, McWrong-Choice, and McLookAtMe?” The Chicago Police Department is a paramilitary organization.

    We should be better than that. Like him or not, the Superintendent is our boss, and our most direct link to City Hall. Do you think he is going to be inclined to fight for wage increases for us when we are constantly posting anonymous insults about him on a blog that thousands of people read every day? I doubt it
First up, we are NOT a para-military organization. Stop with that bullshit. We are a QUASI-military organization that has a delineated rank structure. Para-military organizations would put the CPD to shame.

And....hold actually think that McCarthy is "our most direct link to City Hall"? Are you claiming that the FOP had anything to do with the selection of the Superintendent of Police? The FOP held interviews? The FOP reviewed applications? Rahm asked for the FOP input?

You think that McCarthy is going to go to bat for a raise for us????

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh lord, are you fucking delusional. Here's a clue Billy - McCarthy is Rahm's Creation. Rahm calls him at 2 AM and McCarthy answers on the first ring. Rahm orders out for cream cheese blintzes and McCarthy has them delivered fresh from a New York deli. Rahm farts and McCarthy's nose twitches.

..."fight for wage increases for us..." Are you kidding?? No Bill, that was your fucking job and Shields and everyone else down at Washington Street. And your crew blew it and now you're paying the price at the ballot box.
  • Do you think the press is going to be inclined to be fair to the police, when our blog is constantly referring to people on the South and West side as “savages,” among other unprintable things (in this non-anonymous newsletter)? Once again, I doubt it. Again, you might be wondering why we should care what the press writes about us? Well, if public perception doesn’t start to turn around, it is going to become nearly impossible to protect our pensions. Why would our legislature fight to protect us if the voters don’t like the police? And the average voter does not like stories about the police abusing “savages,” per their own blog
Whoa whoa whoa. Now it's "...our blog..."? You're taking possession of what you've been denying your whole article? An article written on our dime by the way.We've stated here time and time again, "savage" refers to the behavior of individuals engaged in criminal activities. Any "racist dog whistles" you're hearing are of your own making. Don't pin that crap on us. You're more than welcome to start a blog and run it the way you want. We'd welcome someone of your immense talent to contribute to informing the readers.

As for the press, once again, pardon our laughter - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You think they're going to print anything that Rahm doesn't tell them to? You think they printed anything Daley wanted kept quiet? We remember some of your compatriots complaining long and loud after General Meetings about how they call the press, set up press conferences, beg for a reporter, any reporter to come out and cover something the FOP wants covered, yet somehow they can't even spare a cub reporter, a free-lance writer or a pool cameraman to swing by most days. The press is bought and paid for Bill, and the FOP wasn't anywhere near the bidding when it happened. You probably should have been getting Joravsky to sit in on things.
  • The blog is a cancer to our membership and to the police in general. The lying and the character assassination have got to stop.
And again with the "cancer"? Geez dude, we had this website up and running long before you guys had anything up on the internet. We were interactive while your site is still propaganda press releases. We were promoting CPD events long before your site and we started notifying people about court appearances for murdered officers long before you stole it from us. We don't mind - you should have been doing it anyway as the official voice of the rank-and-file, but you can't even keep up on death notices nowadays.

When we posted pictures of leaking sewage in locker rooms, we got results long before your safety grievances. When a commander threatened Officers' careers over his son's gun arrest, we got him removed. We've done far more good than you give us credit for and done a better job of keeping everyone in the loop on stuff. We didn't campaign against you, but we told everyone exactly why we weren't going to waste a vote on anyone who was listed on the inside cover of the FOP Book. That's our Right as an FOP member. And just because we're better at a hobby entertaining 16,000 people a day for free than you were at what used to be your job, we're the bad ones? Go fuck yourself.

Welcome back to Patrol Bill. Let us know if you need to learn your way around a PDT - we'll put in for FTO pay.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best post ever !!! SCC ftw

4/03/2014 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bwahaaaaaaaaaaa. Ba-bye Billy. Karma is truly an unrepenting Bitch.

4/03/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't use the "C" word because it's against the rules and I wouldn't get posted.

But Bill, you're being a huge pussy. Man up.

4/03/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC.
Dougherty 's rant just goes to show why he is no longer in office at the FOP . (Always blaming someone else for his failures)
Good riddance Bill.

4/03/2014 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Obama blaming Fox news for all the problems of his administration, Bill is doing the same blaming SCC. Don't like SCC's editorial policy, take it's suggestion and start your own blog for rebuttal, but don't cry.
A most succinct and to the point article SCC, well done.

4/03/2014 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill is really a sore loser and it's SAD. MarkyMark the puppet master says the gravy train has ended!!
Now at least give Dean the chance to do what he said he would do!! And if he fails, OuT in the next election.
Second City , I read you everyday at 0001 and love your truthfulness.
Billy. Welcome back to the real world.

4/03/2014 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Bill. The blog isn't the problem. You and the old regime were. Yes men to the city.

Thank You SCC.

First rule of war, cut communication lines.

Thanks for being a sounding board, SCC.

Edward Nigma

4/03/2014 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wishing there was a like button.

4/03/2014 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...


4/03/2014 12:43:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Jesus Christ, Dougherty!

I would've bet everything I own that you were too old to still be getting your period.

Enjoy that beat car in 022... AND your 75K+ pay cut.


4/03/2014 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that! I'm not even a cop and I read this blog every single day as soon as I wake up and just after midnight when new topics are posted.I have been for years. It is the BEST news source in the city and about the city. THIS site is the reason why I stopped buying the Slum Times years ago. Long Live SCC! I am a forever astute and loyal reader of this glorious site.

4/03/2014 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know bill. Very well in fact. I got in trouble years ago. Called. Emailed 10 page explanation to entire FOP board including "my friend Bill". He NEVER responded. I fought the City without his help and WON (well part of it.. the part he said " I could do nothing about"). Imagine the guy who DOESN'T know him?

Dean may not be perfect but Bill was, and will always be, in it for Bill alone.

Good Luck to the current crew.

4/03/2014 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My old girlfriend is a merit hack boss and the fop allows this practice. Look at the poorly qualified command staff we have black and white and lapa folks.where does it end?look at the poorly trained officers.its amazing more of us aren't hurt or killed based on poorly trained cops.who wants to work with merit hacks or untrained officers.have u dealt with a stupid merit detective on a shooting? Their stupidity could put u in prison.take a look at the incompetent merit detectives in area central and area south.what got them promoted their looks or sleeping with pols and bosses etc.this job is a joke.look at clearance low rates.a criminals best friend is a merit detective.go to court and listen to their testimony.

4/03/2014 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are many things posted on the blog I have not liked. There have been comments that were personally distasteful.

That being said, this blog has done many good things. Also, everyone who leaves a comment on this blog has an absolute right to their opinion.

What I find unbelievably upsetting is that there are such weak individuals who feel threatened by the opinions and comments made here. If I see something I don't like or don't agree with, then I simply don't continue reading the comment. It is called filtering.

If people believe that MOST EVERYTHING on this blog is true or factual or descriptive of police officers in general, then they are very naive and/or ignorant.

Keep up the good work SCC. Change only comes when someone is forced to make it. I would say that you've been a catalyst for much change.

P.S. Bill, unless you are ready to retire and move on to the next stage of your life, you sure would look silly if you quit the job simply to avoid working in patrol. That would not be saying much about you, or maybe it would be?

4/03/2014 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a civilian and can say this without repercussion: if this guy is getting butthurt over words on the internet, then I'm worried that he won't be able to handle the stress while on a shift. Seriously.

4/03/2014 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hardest hit, Jim Bailey. Still on a beat car

4/03/2014 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! Serious BITCH slapping. Embrace the savages Billy, they may be all you have left!

4/03/2014 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sour grapes. A whole leakin truckload of em.

4/03/2014 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want this guy negotiating a contract for you?
If he's trashing SCC, why doesn't he take the time to go on a rant about the Sun Times or Tribune? 2 rags who are intellectually dishonest toward the police in order to push the political agenda of the crooked chicago machine. They are the real cancer to our membership. They'll twist the story around and leave out certain facts about the story to make the police look bad. So why nothing about those papers Bill? Why didn't you use your position and voice to educate the public of whats really going on?

I'd like to know what the 4500+ who voted for this guy are smoking. Must be some good shit.

4/03/2014 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/03/2014 01:21:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Hey Billdo...

If SCC is a cancer, you'd better let your soon-to-be-retired stool pigeon patsy Aguilar know he's at Stage IV Terminal.

You fucking hypocrites.

4/03/2014 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill D, remember 2 parkers, 2 contact cards and an ANOV a day keeps the watch commander away.

4/03/2014 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol! "You just got schooled son!"

4/03/2014 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone cite an instance where Bill's family was "attacked" on the blog? Either on main page or in a comment?


4/03/2014 01:52:00 AM  
Blogger TWENTY and OUT said...

Voting on the FOP Pres runoff was about as great as the upcoming election for Governor is gonna be. It's like choosing between syphilis and herpes. I really don't get it. Did the people who voted really think people, like Donahue and Hauser, were doing good jobs? (from the FOP website... DONAHUE...In 1996 he was elected to the position of Financial Secretary for Lodge 7 and was elected as a Trustee in 1999. In 2002 Mark was elected to his first term as President of Chicago Lodge 7 and served in that capacity for the maximum three terms until 2011.), and Hauser from the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems
website.... (Kenneth Hauser, trustee and chairman of the board of the Chicago Police Pension Fund, is a retired Chicago police detective of 37 years. He retired from the major accident investigation section. He is a trustee of the Fraternal Order of Police and has been elected to numerous terms as trustee of the state and city lodges. Hauser was also on the team that negotiated the first four contracts for Chicago police officers in the 1980s. He is an elected trustee on the board of the Chicago Patrolman’s Federal Credit Union and president of the Chicago Police Pension Fund, having been first elected as a trustee in 1993. He was also elected president of the Retired Chicago Police Association and is a member of numerous other police organizations, including being a former member of the advisory board of the Dow Jones Indexes. Hauser is a member of the NCPERS executive board, where he chairs the investment committee and is a member of the healthcare and marketing and membership committees.)...c'mon, this guy is our own Madigan for crying out loud! This isn't about voting for "nice guys" this is about taking care of our contract and the upcoming pension battles. Has ANYONE ever heard of Hauser addressing the pension issues with officers? Maybe he has and I missed it. It's no wonder we are screwed.

4/03/2014 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's petty to even worry about it but "savage" is how many of these little gangbangers on the south side. It took me 30 seconds looking at one of their twitter feeds to find an example. If you kill without remorse, fuck anything that moves and live day to day on the dime of others you are in fact a "savage".

4/03/2014 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to say and Im sure I will get persecuted for this but I didnt vote for bill but I do agree with him 100 percent about this blog.. mostly just on the fact that EVERYBODY reads this.. media, public, coppers, family etc.. I dont like that. I have civilian friends who read it and ask me all the time what is up with coppers. Why are we so grouchy, arrogant and pretty much a**holes. I have to explain to them that its NOT how all cops are.. if they can see yes many read it but most topics only have 50-100 comments on them and most of them are the same people posting on each topic every night.. most of them being miserable people. In my opinion, the blog is detrimental to us and our image in the public and it should be kept in house and among us as it always has been, until the internet came around. No more bathroom stall, roll call rants or guys at the restaurant on midnights holding court about the crap the city pulls.. nope, now its just anonymous stuff on the internet

4/03/2014 02:08:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Nothing more than a fluff piece written by a pathetic, desperate man.

A man that knew his cushy gig was just about over.

A man that had an epiphany of sorts, but wasn't man enough to go down swinging for the home team. He instead chose to give one last stroke and tongue kiss to the big Ol' city of Chicago cock as it prepares to fuck the CPD rank and file a bit deeper.

Bill, knowing his demise was eminent, could've gone out on a high note; something along the lines of a media blitz demanding TIF fund amounts be disclosed and a portion applied to shoring-up our pensions might've sent a strong message.

Maybe a graph or pie chart showing all the millions earmarked for pet projects while our pensions are further ignored might've helped sway public opinion, if even a bit.

But no. Bill instead chose to curl up and allow the city to beat us up some more. Instead of sticking up for the membership and himself at a most critical time, Billyboy decided to take a parting shot at an "insignificant" blog. And by doing so, he sent a message to our collective administrative enemies which paints us a group that should be dismissed even further for exercising a Constitutionally protected right.

What Bill did is undermine the intelligence of anyone affiliated with the production of, reading of or contribution to SCC. And by equating SCC and it's visitors to cancer is akin to throwing us all under the proverbial bus as a final farewell.

Fuck you, Bill. May the rest of your days be filled with denied CU requests, late arrests and supervisors dogging you for staying down on reports too long.

4/03/2014 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat” is an old saying but one Bill Daugherty must not have heard of. If Billy is not happy with SCC he only has to look to his personal attack dog Rich Aguliar who posted negative stuff almost daily about Shields to start with and then he moved his sights on to Dean.

Yesterday’s biggest loser was not Billy but the 26 people who ran with Bill. Not one was at Bill’s side when it was announced that Dean had won. I hope that Bill learned something yesterday about loyalty. As special call out goes to Aguliar, Davis and Del Rivero who were in the 3rd floor offices but were too big of cowards to come down to support Billy when the vote count was announced. Dean had 30 or so sworn supporters yesterday or so we were told.

And where was the puppet master Mark Donahue? Holding Ted Street’s hand? Or did Graham and Bourret beat you to it Mark?

Yes Dougherty lost yesterday but there a whole lot of other people who are LOSERS!

4/03/2014 02:29:00 AM  
Blogger BronxBullschitzHere said...

Who gets to change his diaper?

4/03/2014 02:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, this is one of the best, brightest and well-written rebuttals I`ve seen lately. Nice reporting, gentlemen.

4/03/2014 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear a certain magazine is going to slam Mcstreetlight and his stats

4/03/2014 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous A 022 DIST COP said...

WOW! Really Billy? You stoop this low? You are fucking pathetic. You really are. "Bill, the Bitter Loser" doesn't even come close.

You seriously need to just fucking quit. Leave. Go away. At this point Shields looks better than you. At least Mike pointed the finger at people outside the Department. You, you fucking hack, point the finger and cry at fellow cops.

See, Billy, for MONTHS, you had no problems with your sycophants and minions posting your drivel and bullshit right here on SCC, in your attempt to get re-elected. Readers endured months of lies from your side of the fence. Now that WE, the MAJORITY have spoken, and have seen thru your bullshit, and sent your skinny ass packin'... you get all BITCH on SCC and its readers.

That fact alone shows what kind of (alleged) man you are. You are a sad, pathetic little cry-baby.

Take a long hard look in the mirror. Hopefully you see yourself like the rest of us do... A LOOSER.

4/03/2014 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Similar to The IRA, Bill, we R a paramilitary organization. B a classy dude & accept defeat. It's life, Bill. U win some/lose some. The glass was Full for 12 years of U'r CPD career.
Were a semi military organization. Have a question. Does that Jessica at FOP keep her gig? She should B tossed too. The balls on some of these coppers. One person stuck in hell while others R treated like royalty.
The Double Duece gets to hear U'r war stories now. For that I truly apologize to 022.
Later Tater

4/03/2014 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said SCC...

I used to be extremely involved in FOP business and loved to beat myself in the head at meetings just so I could go back to my unit and tell everyone what the FOP was doing in our names. I constantly urged members to attend, even if they had to sign in to our tiny meeting hall (designed to fail?) and then stand outside in order to wait their turn to be heard. I finally reached my breaking point, and whether good, bad or indifferent, I stopped going to meetings...

Why? Because of people like Nolan, Donahoe, Billy, etc. THEY ARE THE REAL CANCER and should never have been allowed into those stewardship positions.

To anyone just elected to FOP...remember why you are there! You are there to fight for all of us, not just the ones who you deem worthy enough to help. If one person calls, help that one person, don't act like Aguilar who stated to me that "your unit only has a few guys so we don't do much for them." You are not there to be popular or rich, you are there to help out the members, even the ones who chose not to vote.

4/03/2014 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This web site is one of the best things that ever happened to this city.

It's a CPD blog but cops are citizens too. In this city they HAVE to be.

The best part of this site, I think, is that it demonstrates that with the pen/keyboard, people can make a real difference.

Oh how some in the Machine must wish the author/s of this blog could be required to be registered/permitted.

As a citizen, I get information here about my community that I don't see anywhere else. As far as accuracy, like a cop who best assume everyone is armed until proven otherwise, anything I read here or anywhere else that raises a significant concern, I investigate -- verify before I believe it wholeheartedly. And, I follow my instinct sharpened by having been thru a few of the Rodeos in life.

What the guy complaining about this blog is saying is, "There will be no questioning of the great Oz."

As for the condesention of nicknames and supposed attacts on family members, oh're a Chicago cop??? Somebidy call that guy a whaaaambulance.
I've written it before and I want to say it again: What the author/s of SCC have done here is in the true American spirit.

After what is a more stressful and dangerous occupation then most, the author/s come home; sit down, perhaps in their underwear, beer or hot milk at their side and possibly forefinger out strings of words that move thousands and thousands of people, most of whom are anything but sheepish dolts willing to believe anything they are told.

You can go back in the archives and see where they did it when nobody was listening fron the looks of the minimal or non-existent replys/posts.

Bit-by-bit, an audience grew till it has become what it is now.

That didn't just happen. It happened because, overall, the media has abdicated its responsibilites. In light of that, thank g-d there is this web site which is a conduit for informing readers and expressing the concerns of the men and women of the CPD, primarily, and the citizens.

Thanks again SCC.

Keep on taking names and kicking ass.

4/03/2014 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill needs to keep in mind there are many inside people that read contribute to this blog. Both at CPD and at City hall. We see all the shady things he is doing. Stop complaining Bill and be a good person, do the right thing and you have nothing to worry about. Also, Bill your wife SHOULD read this blog so she can know about the shady things going on too.

4/03/2014 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, just wow, completely out of touch. Good call on your membership not voting for this guy. I say your, because I am one of those who reads this blog all the time, but lives no where near Chicago, or Illinois for that matter, I'm not even Police, but grew up in a cop household. As a kid I also traveled around with my father, an FOP negotiator, to many small police departments in a nearby state.
I read this blog because honestly, truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. I read the comments, and what I read is honesty. Honesty from the cops on the front line. And that is what it is, a front line. The democratic machine has royal screwed Chicago, and Illinois, for years, and pretty soon the proverbial shit is going to hit the fan. They will cut your pensions, but spend millions and millions on the lazy, and the criminal. They'll cut pensions, but god forbid you ask someone to get a freaking job, or to get off the street corner slinging junk. The ones who are going to come out smelling the worst are the ones who put their life on the line everyday, and are going to bear the brunt of policies that are unsustainable. Stay safe out there guys and gals. You all truly deserve better than what you have. A better superintendent, a better working condition, with the right amount of staffing to do your job properly, and the security to know that at the end of your career you will be able to support yourself. But it's all your fault SCC, your the problem, you are the cancer. Don't you see that? What kind of chemo would help that, and the big question, is it covered under Obamacare?

4/03/2014 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Bill, how do you feel now? You sabotaged that naive kid Shields, you tossed him out of office by illegal means which is going to cost Ted Street his job ( don't feel sorry for Ted, he has already received his partial payment of 30 pieces of silver by his wife recently being given a job in the office of the daughter of our chief antagonist against our pensions and that same daughter of Mike Madigan will reward Ted for his illegal moves via that idiot Keven Graham by giving him a new job in the Police training and standards board as soon as he is out as State FOP President) unfortunately the lawsuit filed by Shields will have to be paid for by the FOP for actions of Dougherty,Donahue,Graham and Co. And it is going to be a he'll of a lot bigger than the $250k paid out in the Julie Deemed case. Your contrived issue of the retro pay which you could have stopped but chose to let it happen so you could use it as a campaign issue which your people now say," don't worry,your going to get your retro pay ( Rich Aguilar). If that's the case why did you depose a president , weaken this Union, do irreparable harm to this Union by doing so, put our retro pay for 10,000 coppers in jeopardy , just so you could bump your salary up by 20k? What the FUCK Bill! You and only you Bill brought all of this on yourself. You listened to the wrong people Bill, you put us all at risk and you got exactly what you deserved. I hope you noticed today the lack of all those spineless bastards like Saul, Donahue,Goorman, Aguilar, DiMaria including Sid who spent about four minutes standing with you during the ballot count today and Jim the taper Moriarity who arrived after the election. You surrounded yourself with traitors and they acted as such today. I hope your thinking about how you could have been reelected as 1st CO, and how your greed ruined your life and caused more damage to this Union than all of the people you have railed against and tossed out of this Union combined.

4/03/2014 04:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, you had a lot of time to confront all of these issues prior to the election. This is why I call for all officers running for the union president spot should have a live and recorded debate. Lets see is Dean puts this in the bylaws.

4/03/2014 04:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/03/2014 04:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, that couldn't have been written any better.

To Crybaby got voted out. If you don't know why, then you're dumber than a box of rocks. The last three years have been embarrassing, to say the least. SCC didn't make me vote against you. You and your co-office holders did. It's not a coincidence that the Citywide team was overwhelmingly defeated. A lot of people I know and work with felt the same way I did. You're little rant in the FOP newsletter is your last embarrassing act. At least you're consistent.

4/03/2014 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can the new regime please be about the business of refuting/debunking/challenging SOME of the constant spew of anti-Police bullshit from City Hall?

The best punch for a bully is when you catch him with his mouth open confidently talking shit and punching his jaw through the back of his head...

Get on it FOP!

Stop slap fighting with these twinks at City Hall and land some hard shots!

4/03/2014 04:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill if you can learn one thing about this is
it's call fop hall not city hall you time is up you are the weakest link bye bye .
as the song goes you waisted all those years and came up short handed good riddance .
A Man's Word Is HIs Bond i guess you forgot that.

Dean congratulations on your win
!. No more secrets
2.Keep your promises

we pray that you are a true man on your words
let's not fail as the past has done .

To :Bill take it like a man your mistakes can't be erased .

4/03/2014 04:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you do a better job at keeping us informed compared to that of anyone on Washington Street. Thank you.

4/03/2014 04:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm who paid the postage to send that personal bitch rant out anyway ????

4/03/2014 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blog all of the time. I find decent insight in it. remember me in 3 years.

Sir Donkey, Esq.

4/03/2014 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>I have worked at FOP for the past twelve years. I have sat in countless meetings with the City at the negotiating table. I have met with members of the press numerous times. They all read the blog.

Pretty much says it all. Good work SCC.

4/03/2014 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Angelo will be good either, but Billy should only be blaming himself for losing. People were tired of that crew and didn't trust them. They may cost us a lot of $$$$$. They try to blame Shields, but it wasn't a dictatorship. Hell, we have 3 Vice Presidents and other silly positions. They could have done something and didn't. It was so simple. Good bye Jerks!

4/03/2014 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bill D, remember 2 parkers, 2 contact cards and an ANOV a day keeps the watch commander away.

4/03/2014 01:31:00 AM

No, he'll get a special spot like KG gets in 019 his whole time. Foot post forever.

4/03/2014 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the ONLY place we can get the truth!
White shirts constantly lying to us,
Mcidiot and 9.5 constantly lying
Media lying
And even our own FOP (letter)
Fuck you, you crybaby send the dam letter!!!!

Long live SCC!!


4/03/2014 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call EAP soon before you go on another drunken bender Billy.

4/03/2014 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you have given us more information than FOP ever could or did ~ thank you for that!

4/03/2014 05:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, it sounds like poor, old (really old) bald Billy got tears all over his little pink dress as he typed his cute little whiny newsletter.

4/03/2014 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the article was submitted before the election. It would have been the same had bill won. And I agree with bill. We are a disgrace, to ourselves.

4/03/2014 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, it proves that you are doing something right as the empty chairs are now running scared. Especially the ones who now have to work for a living.
God Bless SCC

A civilian daily reader

4/03/2014 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Blogs including this one, are the indepedent voice of the people! The Newsmedia comments are censored and deleted! The truth hurts those that should have been taking care of business rather than sleeping with the enemy! Money is on Bill getting a hiding spot until he retires! That won't happen for the average person!

4/03/2014 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda vindicates Shields. Dont care what you say about him, he really knows his pension stuff and went toe to toe with these politicians for us. This letter from Dougherty really shows how much they were in bed with the city in my opinion. Now let's regroup and come out strong. Would rather lose my entire pension fighting than sit back like a pussy and let them walk all over us.

4/03/2014 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" How do you think the Superintendent feels about being called “McStreetlight, McBarstool, McDummy, McFartNoise, McBudweiser, McStupid, McWrong-Choice, and McLookAtMe?”"

He left out McDrunky. But I am sure McDrunky appreciated Bill including that list in the newsletter.

But Bill seems jealous of the names, so in his honor, I would like to add Bill "Doufharty" to the list.

4/03/2014 06:45:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

I'll be back in a while. I need a few cups of coffee to load up for this maroon.

4/03/2014 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Police a paramilitary organization? LMAO. All we are is a cheapened down version of corporate America. Ive never witnessed the amount of as kissing in all my life. Ive held real jobs before becoming the police. I would say more than half the exempts have no business having the positions they do. This is how a corrupt and inept democratic machine keeps us divided. All I can say is this. Good riddance Bill. And I hope our newley ellected FOP President cleans house. By Frank. As for KMA, but I do hope the fop does fight the goof fight for the sake of the young men and women on this job. Please FOP, stand up to the city for once. I have never witnessed it in my 20 plus years. It would be a very nice parting gift. God Bless Dean, I wish you much success. Goodbye to the useless staff of the past. Please get rid of Mark.

4/03/2014 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, now it's U'r turn to call The FOP 7 and hear answers to issues of U'r own.
Old saying, brother, He who laughs gets laughed at last.
I wish I could see the look on U'r face when U get blown off or have an issue that's important to U get placed on the back burner.
U'r too old 2 know the band Radiohead, but U just locked up by the "Karma Police!"
Can some1 confirm if Bill's buffer Jessica gets bounced too?
What a piece of work she is? She made U feel like U were putting her out for anything U simply were inquiring about. BTW, Bill, I asked 2 speak w/U when I called, but had to deal w/that lovely woman. She had that all important air kickin all the X too.
Jessica, if U'r reading this read a book by Mike Royko called "Don't make no waves. Don't back no losers"
MayB next X(if there is one)U 2 will B attacked by empathy.
U might learn something from the waves U made and most certainly the loser U backed.
Bill, pull one of those Charlie Sheen deals where U tape U'r self smoking a square and sounding strange "back and forth thru U'r mind behind a cigarette"
C ya in "Greecewood." I heard Lt. Ryan isn't a bad guy.

4/03/2014 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F him. Bought and paid baby

4/03/2014 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sore loser. Don't blame a blog for your demise.

4/03/2014 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill's going to be a ...
PO Crossing Guard Supervisor

4/03/2014 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes all tru

4/03/2014 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, remember this....99 when by 1 man unit and T-4 when U have a partner.....
Ha Ha Ha

4/03/2014 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check please

4/03/2014 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel bad for BILLY.

But life goes on he must decide if kissing Gmac ass get him a spot that he will feel safe.

His vest cover looked like a recruits when he was profiling it at a FOP meeting.

SCC you are a media outlet. Info travel fast and if people are not up on the game then they will be trampled.

Now is the era of D ANgelo. all that college.
He will learn the ropes and if he does not he will go to his petty disability salary again.

ANd don't forget to keep an eye on kid D angelo he creeps me out.

4/03/2014 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a political hack,did rahm put him up to this?

4/03/2014 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't Bill in charge when we got that paltry 2% raise last time? Thanks jerk

4/03/2014 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, someone just got spanked.
Thanks for what you do ssc.
I read the blog every morning.
Way more informative than the flop site.
Bill, go away gracefully, oh late....just go away.
Thanks for the retro....oh wait, you didnt help any there either.

4/03/2014 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill you are a coward and a punk. You are the reason thus dept. Sucks. You are a like a $20.00 whore you have sold us out for years. Cooter said

4/03/2014 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, SCC

While it's true that many times you can read a post here, shake your head and wonder "WTF? No way! You guys have really gone off the reservation on this one!" That's only because those "rumors" and "lies" are merely the voices from the street cops crying out with what's TRULY going on.

When referring friends (from around the country, I might add) who express an interest in Chicago to this blog, I warn them:

"Read what you see with an open mind, then keep your eye on the blog AND the "regular" media for the followup. You'll find that most times the only strange thing is that SCC is days, weeks or maybe a month ahead of everyone else."

Keep it up, SCC, keep it up!

4/03/2014 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Mt Greenwood Hillbilly said...

What a way to start my day.

Cheers SCC.

4/03/2014 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice how in Dean's "pledge to retirees" letter that he in no way informs the reader that he intends to continue fighting against pension legislation by way of We Are One Illinois?

Oh he say's he'll continue the Korshack lawsuit..... nowhere did I hear that he intends to continue supporting we are one with their lawsuit against the state.

What happens there Dean? You intend to pull the funding help from the largest coalition we have to fend off the destruction of our pensions?

Let's here it buddy.......

4/03/2014 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For many years Billy D enjoyed the honor of triumph, a tumultuous parade. In the procession came the clouted, the relatives and strange political animals, together with carts laden with excuses and complaints about "The Blog." Bill and his followers rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed PO's walking, disgusted and pensionless, before him. Sometimes his children robed in white stood with him in the chariot or rode the trace horses. A toady stood behind BIll holding a golden crown and whispering in his ear a warning: "THAT ALL GLORY IS FLEETING."

4/03/2014 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a non-cop resident of Chicago who reads this blog first thing each and every A.M. all I can say is, when free speech is thought to be the problem, its time to storm the mother effing Bastille!

You know Bill, even old Abe Lincoln b/4 he was elected President used to write letters to Springfield, IL newspapers (which got published b/c the newsies had balls back then) under a nom de plume criticizing and lambasting the powers that be in his day and age. So if SCC wants to pick up that same baton and run with it, he's got my support.

4/03/2014 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sore loser....

4/03/2014 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To tell you the truth I have bigger problems than this nonsense. When water gets into my cruiser I've noticed that it sits on the floor without draining. Normally this wouldn't bother me but I've been wearing a new pair of loafers to work and don't want to see them ruined. I managed all winter to keep them clean and salt free by coding my jobs out from me mobile crime center. Is there a known recall or solution for this problem? I want to give a shout out to my wife who gave me two wheat pennies to replace my Lincoln pennies for my loafers. Thanks Honey they look great. The guys on the blog and at work love them.

4/03/2014 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the CPD hockey team will be looking for three new members as Bill " I'm in the crease trying to score on his own net Doooohhhhh erty", Rich "agi-liar " "I'll throw more puck's on the ice to fool them and I'l tell everbody that I didnt and that I told others not to "Agi-liar again " and Little Jimmy " I'll carry your sweaty ball stank hockey gear bag for an inside union job" "Bail me out of a beat car " Bailsme are all out of office contention. ..,..hopefully they will get a lot of ice time. As for Del riviera, who had an office spot even though he lost his election.....and why did that happen anyway........he will be sporting a full team uniform on picture day even after being cut (just like when he lost his election) why because he wanted to and Sad Saul gets what he wants thanks to political support and plenty of non union laborers. When people supply support and free labor they get what they want.
Now lets see what team Angelo is gonna do. Maybe make his son a field Rep in the office for more pay????????? Toss our legal team out for kickbacks from his buddy's practice??????? Lets give him a chance......hopefully it doesn't get abused, if you know what I mean ...........
Dylan Hata...

4/03/2014 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change was needed,but Dean if you do same or do nothing I'm sure we will vote you out,so start with cutting your pay and make sure we know about it.

4/03/2014 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My cousin Hector works for a catering company. He told me that Mass Transit placed an order for 215 persons to be served September 15 at the unit, the usual family style. This makes me believe that the unit is disbanding and that date is set aside for a going-away party.

4/03/2014 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A classless act. Being the union prez is a PRIVLIGE, not a right.

4/03/2014 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you Bill Dougherty! You threw all of the Non-IOD people under the bus! Thanks for fighting for them you liberal POS!

4/03/2014 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't Bill there when Shields didn't sign that letter he was supposed to sign?? So Bill failed all of us.

4/03/2014 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, bad or indifferent, I think this particular post will set the record for comments.
"Hit it, sweetheart!"

4/03/2014 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC: Keep up the good work, your the best.

4/03/2014 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well played SCC!

4/03/2014 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scc, you have been "anti-Bill" in which I respect for your honesty. But please be fair and let out the other side, "Disabilty Dean" has loads of bad background and history that should be reported, if for no other reason, for fairness. I know both of these guys, both on the job and personally outside this job and I DIDNT VOTE FOR NEITHER the first time around. I wanted a good representative for the honest, hard working, dedicated working copper that we all are. Unfortunately we didn't get that.

4/03/2014 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your contrived issue of the retro pay which you could have stopped but chose to let it happen so you could use it as a campaign issue which your people now say," don't worry,your going to get your retro pay ( Rich Aguilar). If that's the case why did you depose a president , weaken this Union, do irreparable harm to this Union by doing so, put our retro pay for 10,000 coppers in jeopardy

Sounds like Bill did well for his REAL boss...Rahm....

4/03/2014 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really feel sorry for Bill. I know deep down he is a good guy who just got caught up in the lifestyle. Bill you are better than this, suck it up and stop embarrassing yourself.

4/03/2014 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To a point I agree with a few things in there. Public perception is very important. We have to realize the public are the ones voting these asshole liberals in office. The general public has a negative opinion of police as a whole and some of the comments on here make them appear to be right. I know were good people and most want the right things done for the right reasons, but were all jaded by this job and while that's ok in the locker room amongst each other, we have to be careful on here. The public, media, Etc can and do read this. They see our negativity and think were uneducated goons. We know that's not a fact but it's the perception. We have been doing this so long that we forgot what it's like to Live everyday in fantasy land like these people do. We see shit everyday and we know reality. Guys will say who gives a fuck what everyone thinks? Well when u have no one on your side you have lost the battle. The public doesn't care if we get a pension and the politicians know that. Treat people with respect and try to get people on our side. You don't need to write good working people a ticket for something Pimpy Everytime you stop them. Use discretion, we can't turn the very few that we have on our side against us. When you're in a restaurant wave to the little kids and be the bigger person. Who cares if mama doesn't like it, make that kid know were human. Say good morning to the liberal when you stop at Starbucks because nothing pisses off a police hater more than a cop that they hate saying good morning and being friendly. You can hate it but they will hate it more. I work a side job where a woman told me that she used to hate cops until she got to know me. It's a matter of being normal and showing people were human. Her only experience with police was getting yelled at for not following the direction of a traffic cop one day and it was a negative experience and for that she hated all cops. Stupid? Yes but again these are people we need on our side. Make them like you, even if they don't acknowledge your existence be the better fucking person. In our hearts we all know what we do and we all know we do it for the right reasons. It's better for all of us if we have the public behind us instead of behind the politicians when they come to fuck us

4/03/2014 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must have struck a nerve SCC, yep, must have struck a nerve.

4/03/2014 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone cite an instance where Bill's family was "attacked" on the blog? Either on main page or in a comment?


4/03/2014 01:52:00 AM,

I was thinking the same thing. I read the blog and comments daily.

4/03/2014 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks again SCC.

Keep on taking names and kicking ass.

4/03/2014 03:50:00 AM

Well said. I agree.

4/03/2014 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doc told me I have cancer a year and a half ago.
Must be your fault SCC.
O wait, I'm back on the streets. I guess my lawsuit will go no where now.

4/03/2014 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill has settled all his personal grudges against people he disliked or went against FOP over the years. He also did his fair share of posting shit on these blogs. He removed people off committees using Chairmen to do his crime and ruined reputations by spreading lies about FOP Trustees to have them removed as well. This I KNOW TO BE TRUE, BECAUSE IT WAS ME!!!

I say, KARMA IS A BITCH!! Billy and Markie are planning Dean's demise like they did Shields. Watch your back new FOP slate! Satan eyes are watching and planning to destroy!

4/03/2014 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angelo should give you a percentage of his salary....I think you won this election for him.

4/03/2014 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Silly Billy is pandering to Rahm and especially McDrunkard hoping that maybe he'll get a great Unit job. Frankly I don't know how he got to 022? was he able to bid for the spot? I thought he was assigned to 008 prior to his FOP election. Look for him to beg to be a desk jockey or look for him to run out of his house on 2nd watch. What will Mike Ryan do?

4/03/2014 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are we getting the test results?

4/03/2014 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I appreciate what you do and support your right to do it. I am a daily reader and often contribute and participate in the discussion. Having said that, over the years, I have read many posts that were very intelligent and well thought out. I have also read others that seemed to be the work of people who were barely literate and possibly deranged, all claiming to be coppers. (And I am sure that some of the crazier posts you delete) Yes, some people who post here don't put us in a good light. I realize that this site is a place to vent and rant, but some of us need to be more careful of what we say and post here.

4/03/2014 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous ISP Sgt said...

Congrats SCC on a well crafted piece. I am not from CPD and have been reading this site for a long time. Have been retired a number of years and enjoy the truths that you bring to our eyes.

Like one of the other posters I check the site at midnight and then in the morning to read the responses.

Thanks for what you are doing.

4/03/2014 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the politicians in our country today. Their "friendly" relationship with the media is outrageous. The media is suppose to be the publics watchdog. This is where SCC went wrong. You were suppose to carry the water for these make believe political/union heavy weights in the FOP. Didn't you know SCC you aren't suppose to print anything unfavorable to them? I for one am glad your here. Look at the nonsense pulled nationwide by the power brokers because the media is in bed with them. I know SCC does not like to be called the media, but again glad your here to shine the light on all these cockroaches, FOP included.

4/03/2014 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth always hurts!

4/03/2014 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC tell us what you really think!


4/03/2014 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD used to be a paramilitary organization now it's filled will college frat boys and girls and professors as commanders. Great job SCC you hit it out of the park!!!!!

4/03/2014 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blows my fucking mind. SCC was the first to call for the sweep of everyone printed on the inside cover of the FOP book. But did you know prior to the popularity of blogs and the internet that makes an misinformation so easy to pull off that Dean had his name on the inside cover of the 2002 FOP book with the Title "Chairman of the Trustees". And did you know that Dean and his entire slate of incumbents were swept from office without the assistance of a blog. Did you know that Dean was on the negotiating Team for our contract that made the decision for the membership that instead of paying a flat rate for insurance we should pay a percentage of our gross wages and every time we got a step increase or pay raise our insurance contribution would increase. Did you know that when Donahue and Dougherty took office during the following contract negotiations they were able to prove that the city was over charging us and the retirees for insurance that resulted in a 25 million dollar refund for all retirees the first year and they are still receiving refund checks for their healthcare to this day. The effect for the active members was no increase in health insurance for the next 3 years. Did you know the savings from in house attorneys resulted in the mortgage of our building being paid off in 2 1/2 years something the previous administration could not do in 6 years. Call all of this sour grapes because you choose to believe the more cosmopolitan popular choice of misinformation or as Yuri Bezmenov would say i could show it to you in reference material and you would still not believe me, because if it's on the internet it it has to be true, where did you hear that? On the internet!!

4/03/2014 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would just like to know why personal attacks about police officers, are allowed to be posted here? Whether true or not this does nothing but give all police officers a bad name for the world to see, because of this websites popularity. Blast the alderman, blast the Mayor, blast the elected state and national officials who are assaulting our pensions but allowing for personal attacks on our own plays right into the hands of union busters, the mayor, IPRA, OPS, ACLU, Loevy & Loevy, the shitheads and every other enemy of police officers. This practice allows for our enemies to divide and conquer us and we can't even see it. We truly are our own worst enemy.

4/03/2014 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous 19 Paul said...

This is great! I showed up yesterday to vote after holding on to my ballot at home too long to send it in because I was not sure who to vote for in the run off. I voted for D. Angelo in the 1st round, but questions came up that left me wondering. At the last minute I chose Angelo again. Guys and gals keep your eyes open for the oldest "PPOs" when Bill D shows up at your dist to push a bt car. Those who have seen Jim Bailey & Mike Shields know what I mean

4/03/2014 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats SCC. You hit the nail on the head. Suddenly the old regime guys at FOP got booted out and they, like the rest of society, are trying to blame someone else for their actions. They got booted out because of their own faults. Period.

4/03/2014 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God this FOP election is over. Sick and tired of the whining candidates and all the bullshit they spew. Please make this the last post about the FOP for a long time.

4/03/2014 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy boy, you had 12 years to make a difference for us in FOP and you didn't do squat for us. Shields sucked but you were his enabler. He was an idiot for not getting us our retro pay but you could have sent that letter as well. It didn't have to be only him yet you blame it all at his feet. There is plenty of blame to go around and you are in the middle of it.

What boggles my mind is how the hell did you even get 4500 votes? It just goes to show you that no matter how bad you are, you still have people that will vote for you. Kind of like Daley, Gutierrez, Rush, Jackson, etc. You lost not please just go away. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

As for SCC, I am a habitual reader. Most info from this site is accurate and tells me more about what's going on in this department than the department itself. I rarely comment but when I do, it's because I have to speak up. Keep up the good work SCC. Bye Bye Bill!!

4/03/2014 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I am an outsider here. I am an American living in China posting via VPN. I have nothing to do with Chicago, the police force, nor am I a relative of a corrupt official. I don't understand half of what goes on here, the jargon gets pretty heavy and a lot of people already understand what's going on so a lot goes unsaid.

Having established my bonafides, I would like to say that this blog is awesome. The fact that you are pissing off the Powers That Be is proof that you are doing the right thing, and that you need to continue doing so.

I just don't get how people who are supposed to be on the side of the police can be such reprehensible scoundrels. This is the sort of crap I expect from amoral Chinese factory owners, not American low-level elected officials. It chills me to the bone to think of the retaliation that would surely ensue if the blog owner's name was ever revealed. Thank God for anonymous free speech, and hurrah for America!

4/03/2014 11:10:00 AM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

Maybe bill and shields can ride 10-4.between the two, i'd give them a ten percent chance of success, or is it suckass, because it seems to me thats all that was done to have their asses covered. Welcome to the real world sore loser.

4/03/2014 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic:

I told my wife, I'm going to teach my daughters how to change a flat tire and how to handle a gun, when they hit 21 and dad isn't always around to protect them - they will know the benefits of conceal carry.,0,5267074.story

4/03/2014 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will say this. That was one he'll of a voter turnout!

4/03/2014 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best website ever keep it up guy's

4/03/2014 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's truly amazing about all these guys that were with FOP is that they were willing to sacrifice our retro pay just to get rid of Shields. They never considered membership, just their own agenda. A$$hole$!

4/03/2014 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first time I ever rubbed one out at the computer without watching porn. It gave me great pleasure knowing how upset he is.

4/03/2014 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha great post. All of a sudden the truth hurts Bill because ,through the blog, word gets out quicker. Please dont put him in 022. He needs to be somewhere to learn the streets again. I still side with SCC. Just more evidence of Bill and his boys being overpaid.

4/03/2014 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW SCC. That was one of the best rebuttals I've ever read. You and this blog will remain a part of the CPD long after the trolls are gone.
Good Work.

4/03/2014 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why i read the blog everyday when i wake up and have breakfast. Keep up the great work SCC.

4/03/2014 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know scc I think what I gather from his comments about u have some merit. Our people do bash one another in an environment where police haters can gather ammo to use against us. Ie: lovey an lovey etc. just a thought. Bill did some good things while he was there and Dean will as well. Guys/Gals stay safe.

4/03/2014 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Bill lost and many people are happy about this. Bill and the Lodge have helped me on several occasions. And No...I don't drink with Bill or any other Lodge members. The personal attacks on Bill really doesn't help at all. Good Lord.

4/03/2014 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for the blog, I wouldn't be as informed about the department, the city and other related issues. Thank you SCC.

4/03/2014 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, you are out of office because most didn't believe you had no knowledge of the letter bullshit.
Hope whatever you got was worth it.

4/03/2014 12:05:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

This is a great blog. I can say that even though they censor a lot of my comments about the north side and north siders---if I was in their shoes I would censor me also.

4/03/2014 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill could have been gracious and congratulated Dean and then offered to assist him in the transition, but he choose to be the sore loser.

4/03/2014 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this blog because it's a great source of info I can't get anywhere else. I'm NAC (signed Not A Cop) but due to my work (which I won't describe), I deal with/am friends with a lot of CPD officers. I honestly don't know why anyone would want to be a cop in Chicago. It's a shit job and you all get it from both ends. If there is ANY cancer to the LEO's in Chicago, it's the bullshit corrupt politicians running the city on votes they bought with welfare checks. Libtard politicians forced to pander more and more to their constituency which consists mainly of the lowest common denominator in society.
This blog is honesty and the control-freak, corruption-junkies in Shitty Hall just hate that they can't control the narrative. My favorite part is knowing that somewhere, McStreetlight (yup, I said it) and Rhambo are squirming as they read it. Signed, NAC (Not A Cop) p.s. Some guy signs posts NAC and that ain't me.

4/03/2014 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


SCC This should be top priority right now! SB1922 was just introduced to the committee by Mudigan. Everyone needs to contact their representative ASAP!!! We can't let this bill pass because Rham will certainly use it against us too.

4/03/2014 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Billy, I read this blog everyday and if someone asks I'll be the first to admit it. I also know that a lot of bs gets posted. The truth is, however, I get more truths and good info from SSC than the FOP. FOP is usually late at the least. If anyone who reads a blog and can't figure out bull from truth your either a five year wonder or an idiot. You billy are BS.

4/03/2014 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Bill, "get bent", this blog contains more facts and truth about what all goes on in Chicago than anything else. Ever. As a civilian I 100% support the Police. More times than I can recall I have said to the officer on the street "Thank You Officer, I read Second City Cop Blog, just wanted to say Thank You for what you do".

4/03/2014 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just proves an officer on disability can work desk jobs! Been saying this for years, but they keep those spots for clout babies and favorites. Bring on the investigation, I will sing like a fucking canary and expose all the shit that's been going on since the Dineen, Nolan and Donahue, Doughtery administrations!

LET THERE BE AN INVESTIGATION on the Dineen, Nolan and Donahue administration for getting their favorite pets on duty disability when they had no bone fide job related injury. Let it ROLL, MR FEDS!!!!!

Open the books and see how much money those favorites got out of FOP for home improvements, Christmas presents and cash contributions. WTF!!!! That's the investigation!

4/03/2014 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone want to start a lotto that by this time next year we'll be running Disability Dean into the ground . Again numerous posts referenced the Dean tenure with Dollar Bill Nolan. Meet the new boss probably the same as the old one.All Dean did when he was in Gang's North was whine about everything and at best was a mediocre P.O.if that.If it didn't go his way it was a grievance and believe me the bosses there didn't ask for much but he was always there whining about it if they did ask for extra.So gentlemen we will have to see how this all goes.Save your typing skills and calm the blood pressure down with the Bill postings.He's gone so lets all concentrate on Disability Dean and see how he handle's FOP business and how fast he implements his promises,(ala politician's double talk). So sit back and grab some popcorn and watch the show.Also the rumor mongers enlightened us with the investigation on the P.O.s and remember Dean has been on disability for years teaching and also contributed to his injury and nine operations by playing softball and martial arts. So good luck Dean hope your thick skinned and can take the heat because it will be coming.

4/03/2014 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll reserve my comments until the FOP General membership meeting.

4/03/2014 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how the heck did bill get so many votes

4/03/2014 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this jeopardize the annual FOP picnic?

4/03/2014 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I enjoy the wit, the sarcasm, the intellect and the humor presented by your followers. SCC embraces diversity. A divergence of opinions, messages, viewpoints, resources, counter culture truisms, law enforcement specific information and a real world insight into the inner-circle workings of the bureaucracy known as C.P.D. titillate the cerebral processes of both the public and the members of this department. C.P.D. has a voice through SCC without retaliation creating awareness to obstacles which often hinder duties, responsibilities and service to the public which we serve. Often the insight of your posters acts as a counterweight to the scripted message and the accompanying agenda of the mainstream media and the department. SCC readers are informed and are able to keep the readers on the cutting edge. The CPD brass and Mr. Dougherty don’t like the day to day behind the scene workings exposed for all to see. This includes all the dirty laundry. The readers are intelligent enough to render a conclusion on the validity of the posts and filter out the absurd, the silliness and the proverbial ax grinding.

Mr. Dougherty, I don’t recall visits to the membership during your tenure with the exception of the campaign season. Yes there are monthly meetings, but for the most part the agenda is controlled. When you as well as the other board members of the FOP have failed to adequately address or spin the membership, you often find some commentary on this blog. Communication through a column in the newsletter without a chance for rebuttal doesn’t cut it anymore. You have spent the most amount of your time hobnobbing and yakking it up with elected officials. I’m sure you were networking and setting into motion a likely personal future self-interest of a F.O.P. lobbying position or a state level position with the lodge. The elected officials are the same people who have wrecked the pension’s financial viability, cultivate a reliance on public entitlements bankrupting the whole system, routinely codify punitive and confiscatory tax rates and perpetuate public corruption on so many levels. And we beg them for their help after all this destruction! Yes, they have absolute power over the pension systems and you can argue your buddy-buddy relationship exists to advance our collective legislative interests. Mr. Dougherty, its time for you to hustle a beat car, accept your pay cut and the accompanying high life, accept your diminished stature, accept the loss of the accompanying power brokering, and accept you will no longer be of use in the political inner circles. WELCOME TO THE PATROL DIVISION!!!

4/03/2014 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow SCC, did you have a lot of coffee this morning!

As a Not-A-Cop, let me share a few thoughts, all contrary to Bill's assertions.

First, this blog has only served to enhance my respect and appreciation for the job done by the rank and file patrolman.

Second, McCarthy? Yep, he gets a lot of criticism here, most of it probably deserved. But at the end of the day, he is nothing but a puppet on a string for Rahm "lost his socks at Man Country" Emanuel. And if/when McCarthy is replaced, all you're gonna get it just another puppet on string.

Third, copper pensions? Yeah, some people might think they are overly generous. But those same people also do not have a job description that includes "risk of death" on a daily basis. More importantly, these are benefits that were bargained for and agreed to. Rank and file coppers held up their side of the deal, and can't be held responsible for the fact the Daley Family Criminal Cabal pissed the money away.

Finally, go review the history behind the First Amendment. In short, it is based on the concept that only by allowing the free and unfettered clash of ideas, that the best ideas will rise to the top. Ideas that are not so worthy will simply die of their own accord. A great concept that has been proven to work for several hundred years. Indeed, SCC serves that calling well. A lot of good ideas. Some bad ones. A few that are digusting and vulgar.

But the end of day, sunshine is the best disinfectant.

4/03/2014 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The post about the goof Hauser is totally correct. He is just a Pol looking out for his interests. Need a retired person in there who knows finance, has some nerve and does not get impressed with some 30something " advisor". Additionally, how about pension trustees and their trips that are paid for by advisors? Anyone ever look into that? Bet not.

4/03/2014 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be surprised if Dean Angelo does not make the grade either.

4/03/2014 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/02/2014 09:09:00 PM
SCC: keep up the good work, mates. SCC blog is a haven of free speech, a unique & safe outlet for Chicago's finest (as wellas fans & trolls).
We'd all agree that there might be some confused souls, a bit of dishonesty & a fair share of craziness ... but geeze, that's the beauty of the First Amendment.
I keep coming back because of the wide variety of opinions. Keeps things interesting & the truth usually sorts itself out. & I always get a laugh or two.

Forgot to add KNUCKLHEADS to the list of SCC's free speech proponents

4/03/2014 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - thank you for what you do. I'm not Police and I don't live in Chicago - but I live in Illinois and am as disgusted as the next (working) guy who views this cesspool some call politics. Keep it up. I'm spreading the word to as many people as I know to read SCC and learn...

4/03/2014 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC sorry this is off topic but this should be of interest to all who view this site. Over at the Drudge Report they have a map of the city which shows the decline of the middle class from Chicago. This was researched and created by a guy named Hertz. It's a map that shows how the middle class is gone from the city over the last 40 yrs. please take a look, very informative.

4/03/2014 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bill,

Why didn't you and FOP ever publish a running audit of CPD manpower. This doing more with less sucks.

But I guess Rahm didn't want you too.

4/03/2014 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Harold Brown's case to show the integrity of Dougherty, Donahue and their puppet Ted Street. They have a sale on retirement furnature at John M. Smith for you. God Bless America

4/03/2014 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill it showed what a low class hillbilly your married to when Dean Angelo Sr. reached out and shook your hand after his victory yesterday then went to shake your wife's hand and she said"I don't think so". I was shocked but will remember that when I go across the street to the CPFCU and see her sitting at the desk. Karma is a bitch Billy maybe setting up Shields was not the play after all. I know you will hit 022 then be detailed out by your buddy Dep. Bob Tracy who you have become very close to up to while upstairs. Anyway thanks SCC for keeping coppers informed and calling it like you see it! Bye Bye Paul Geiger, Clark Deveroux and Frankie D.

4/03/2014 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this blog because it exposed the theft Rahm Emanuel and Garry McCarthy are guilty of.

VRI is their plan to basically steal police resources from taxpaying areas (like mine) and give to the non-taxpaying ghetto areas. Im sick of the liberal media for not calling out this theft !!

Thanks SCC, keep up the good work !!

4/03/2014 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pass me the popcorn I'm loving the show.

4/03/2014 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Bill Dougherty, the command staff of C.P.D. and the politicians are constantly in the public eye subject to public scrutiny. You are identifiable representatives of your organization. Take the good with the bad. We are all human and we must own up to our shortcomings, actions and inactions. Bill, to criticize and to then scapegoat a widely accessed public forum keeping leaders of their respected organizations in check through information, is a disservice to the membership who truly have an interest and an expectation of excellence from the leadership. Remember there are two sides to a story. Bill you have a computer with a keyboard along with internet access. You had a responsibility to inform the membership, counter that which diminishes the goals of the F.O.P. and act in a manner which advances the mission of the F.O.P. Why not debunk the other guy’s stories and set the record straight by whatever means available? And this goes for the command staffs of C.P.D. who despise the SCC. C.P.D. command staffs should stop being manipulated puppets with the strings being pulled by the true puppet masters, the aldercreatures and the city hall’s 5th floor. The brass after being anointed with a gold badge somehow wander away from serving the citizens to servicing the politicians with blind obedience.

4/03/2014 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ted Street, it is just politics and being used a puppet. No integrity Billy boy, Markie and the puppet.

4/03/2014 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was working in the loop the other day and noticed more than a few recruits sporting a belly. Don't get me wrong I have almost 30 years on the job and got one myself. Grandkids love to jiggle it when I'm poolside with them. But it took me 30 years to get it. I didn't come on the job with it! Take a little more pride in your appearance and a few less cheeseburgers.

4/03/2014 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo SCC. Bravo.

You know you're doing something right when "they" get pissed off. Too bad for "them".

They're just upset that you get more site hits than they do and are relied upon as a source of unfiltered news and information.

I'm not a cop, and I visit this site just about everyday because I'm interested in what's going on in the City - what's REALLY going on, not the distilled and filtered bullshit that is put out by the Lame Stream Media.

I would dare to surmise that I've stayed safe and alive because I haven't gone into areas of the City that I previously considered "safe". Time was you didn't have to worry about wilding or out of control "Yutes" downtown on the Mag mile. I'm not saying you could be oblivious to your surroundings, but you didn't have to worry too much about that CRAP - pickpockets, sure, but none of the really out of control scumbag bullshit - because the CPD had it under control - the scumbags would get a tune up, and stay where they belonged.

Now with the de-balling of the CPD by the lunatics in City Hall, well, that's unfortunately not the case. I don't blame the cops, I blame the Superintendent and Mayor for foisting this situation on us.

So umm, Bill, I don't know who you are, but if someone calls out those rancid schmucks who have FUCKED the City, I say once again " B R A V O " - and thank you for telling the truth. Shame on the FOP for not having the balls to do it themselves. Grow a set - actually represent your members instead of lining your personal pockets...

4/03/2014 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: Did you see the new directive that was quietly released today entitled, removal process from d2, d2a, and d3 positions. Interesting.

4/03/2014 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: But a MUST read. Over at DRUDE, an article on the research done by Daniel Hertz, using data by the US Census Bureau, that shows the steady loss of the middle class in Chicago.
Don't expect to read or hear this from the Chicago PropagandaMinistry aka media.
The decline that SCC has pointed out for a long, long time.

4/03/2014 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to, residents have left the state at a rate of one person every 10 minutes for the last 15 years. Driven away largely by taxes, housing prices, and climate, Illinois lost on a net basis more than 806,000 people to out-migration between 1995 and 2009.

4/03/2014 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, don't go away mad,
Bill, just go away

4/03/2014 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This election was very close. But if Dean had Bomb and Arson behind his name instead of Disability there would have never been a run off. Even if Dean was L/D-IOD he would have won by more than a 1k more votes than he had yesterday.

But where were the six upstairs guys for the City-Wide team? Not one was in the hall when the vote total was announced! They would have made 500k over the next three years but were too busy to stand next to Billy? What a bunch of low lifes.

Just wonder how many computers got erased yesterday.

Just think if the shitty wide guys had acutally did the right things over the last three years. They would have all goten elected again and we would not be fighting in arbitration for a retro check.

And where were Frank DiMaria (Sgt. Schultz), Mark Donahue (the puppet master), Jim Moriarty (the tapper), or Mike Voight (el cheapo) at?

All AWOL !

Just like the last three years.

4/03/2014 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - City is gearing when cannabis use will be legal. Talk is that cannabis use will not be tested in random drug testing when this happens.
Wow, copper' will now be allowed to smoke bowl ! I guess the street seller' will be getting new clients.
Will they be allowed to shop for their bowl on duty ? White Castle will have to make a triple drive through serve.

4/03/2014 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it any wonder Kim Jong-Un hates the internet and will execute anyone caught using it. Free speech and thought is a real danger to people like him. I'm sure Hitler and Stalin wouldn't have liked blogs neither...

4/03/2014 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone think that he will be going to 022?.......are they kidding?...would he know how to be the police, in any venue?....

4/03/2014 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where will billy end up? My guess detached services or airport midway? Any guesses? Over/under?

4/03/2014 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...all he did by putting his bitter diatribe on the FOP news letter is to make SCC the most significant website in Chicago.

4/03/2014 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, Let Chicago know who you are and run for mayor in next election. I think you could win and change things. Please don't flame me ..I'm serious, and would vote for you.

4/03/2014 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Where will billy end up? My guess detached services or airport midway? Any guesses? Over/under?

4/03/2014 04:51:00 PM

Retired with a good state or county job is my guess or maybe a lobbyist

4/03/2014 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Where will billy end up? My guess detached services or airport midway? Any guesses? Over/under?

4/03/2014 04:51:00 PM

Do they get the higher FOP pension or the CPD pension at their rank of either po or det. Heard conflicting stories about it.

4/03/2014 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reading Bill's article while on my speaker phone! ROTF

4/03/2014 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, SCC that was harsh. Maybe you could have taken Billy's Xbox away and made him go outside and play instead. By the way an elected FOP position is not a right, it's a privlidge. Maybe some time on the street doing traffic will remind Bill of this privlidge. Your time was up, let's move ahead.

4/03/2014 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: Did you see the new directive that was quietly released today entitled, removal process from d2, d2a, and d3 positions. Interesting.

4/03/2014 03:32:00 PM
Sounds like bs Whats the directive number?

4/03/2014 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/03/2014 10:21:00 AM

I remember a lot of this. It's one of the reasons I didn't vote this second time. I wasn't in a mind set of the "lesser of two evils". Neither choice was a right choice.
The time will tell if Angelo Sr. does what he's supposed to do. I don't think it will happen though, because of a person called Jr. He is the one who will help screw us in the long run.
Wait and see how he worms onto the contract negotiation team and does what his father did.

4/03/2014 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a doctor in Pittsburgh and I read this blog every day. When I first started reading I thought it was fiction. What I like best is the rebuttal provided to the "news media". A perfect example is the post of all the facebook pictures of the lil' thug with his gun. Nobody in the media could find them?? Another classic was the Latin King car sticker caper. Keep on exposing nepotism, favoritism,and incompetence! Maybe you can't change the practices, but maybe you can make them less smug about it.

4/03/2014 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said 9:04am-4/3/14.Very well put.Good advise for all.We are not gods Some one we are dealing with and giving crap to may be a member of a fallen Hero's family.You never know.Give what you get.I had a female partner yrs ago who thought every civilian was a a**hole no matter what.Pulled over a guy for rt.turn on red.I stood outside the car as she treated him like a punk and she wrote him.I asked who the guy was and she showed me his lic.He was the president of the 100 club. He never said it to her and took the ticket.I told her who it was and she says fuck him he ain't my family is he now.She used to get her ass handed to her a lot working 99.Putting on the star and gun don't make you Bill Hickok

4/03/2014 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we all just get along. SCC keep up the good work by keeping us informed. SCC exposes the truths and assorted revelations that the dept., the media, the players and evil doers don't want you to know.

4/03/2014 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done SCC who ever you are.

4/03/2014 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black man born in the city, raised in the now decimated projects in the kenwood oskland area, my dad was one of the first parmedics, we moved to the southwest sude and experienced white flight first hand. That being said, my experiences with police are a mixed bag, from meeting cops when my dad was on the job, when i got robbed as a kid and a white cop stopped me from chasing after the assholes, he even drove me home. To the black cops who were insensitive to young kids breaking into homes during the day in bronzeville and making jokes. SCC is a wealth of information and a must read for all of chicago. Period. Keep up the good work.

4/03/2014 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having trouble sending you an email. Off topic, but would you be so kind and re-post the Remember his ride; celebrating Brian benefit. We are less than two weeks away and would greatly appreciate the posting. Thank you

4/03/2014 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An internet blog that can change the outcome of important elections seems very significant to me.

4/03/2014 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where will billy end up? My guess detached services or airport midway? Any guesses? Over/under?

Answering the phones, licking stamps, and fetching the dry cleaning of Rep.Fran Hurley. Oh, thats right, he is doing that already.

4/03/2014 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Where will billy end up? My guess detached services or airport midway? Any guesses? Over/under?

4/03/2014 04:51:00 PM


4/03/2014 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
Hey Bill,

Why didn't you and FOP ever publish a running audit of CPD manpower. This doing more with less sucks.

But I guess Rahm didn't want you to.

4/03/2014 02:27:00 PM<<<

To FOP: Please conduct and publish such an audit as soon as possible the results.

We need reliable information.

Contunue to do this at least on a quarterly basis. As employees, taxpayers and as citizens we deserve this information.

4/03/2014 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait they wont give him FTO pay cause Bill and the flop didnt support the FTO's.

4/03/2014 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill's going to be a ...
PO Crossing Guard Supervisor
*No that would be too good for him

4/03/2014 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wow, copper' will now be allowed to smoke bowl ! I guess the street seller' will be getting new clients.
Will they be allowed to shop for their bowl on duty ?"

4/03/2014 04:37:00 PM

What' planet' are' you' posting' from'?'

4/03/2014 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....Stupid? Yes but again these are people we need on our side. Make them like you, even if they don't acknowledge your existence be the better fucking person. In our hearts we all know what we do and we all know we do it for the right reasons. It's better for all of us if we have the public behind us instead of behind the politicians when they come to fuck us"

No truer words ever spoken....

4/03/2014 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SSC, Ever thought about starting a union or brotherhood or what ever the fuck FOP is? Couldn't do any worse.Think about it. We need some one to fight for us 'cause they are trying to kill us.You could even have picnics and golf outings.

4/03/2014 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the bottom line folks:
D. Angleo is now the FOP President.
Everyone that was elected during this hard fought election had better step up and start to protect the membership. All of it!

4/03/2014 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT -
Admin Mgr. of Academy is starting her spring break/summer ritual of taking one day a week off.
Off one day last week, and again today.
I thought that the ft office was keeping tabs on her, I guess I was wrong!

4/03/2014 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bill could have been gracious and congratulated Dean and then offered to assist him in the transition, but he choose to be the sore loser.

4/03/2014 12:15:00 PM
If true It proves what many have said about Bill only being for himself.

4/03/2014 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


Hit it out the park...

Knocked the fucking cover off and
broke the muthafuckin' bat too!

>SCC at the plate holding what's left of a busted 36oz/34in bat - Admiring ball uraveling as it clears the score board by 20 feet - straight away dead center field...<

That sound... You old league-ballers know it... Hard and sharp... EVERYBODY who heard it let out that long, low whistle of respect and approval.

"Damn! Who was THAT at the plate?"

SCC jumped on and scalped the shit out of Dougherty's best pitch like that mad m/fer Magua from "Last of The Mohicans."

Keep on being that HOT fire under many an ass, SCC!

4/03/2014 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy and Mikey, I have zero pitty for you. I rarely read this but Billy's little cry fest is just pathetic. I'm relatively new to the job and I'm still scratching my balls trying to figure out how Mikey was elected in the first place. Either way, I look forward to running into you guys if I work VRI so I can bust your balls. You should both quit; you were shameless political hacks that fucked an entire organization for your own well-being.

4/03/2014 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you're probably a cancer in California. To the folks there, everything is a cancer...seriously!

4/03/2014 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I ever called that fucking FOP is my career, except for a few when I talked to ONE woman, these motherfuckers acted like i was interrupting their day.

I cant fucking stand the FOP anymore. Or this fucking job.

If so many of my co-workers werent good people, ones I enjoy seeing every day, I couldnt do one more day on this job.

"Treat each other well". Active and retired. Dont every let them take that away from us.

4/03/2014 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/03/2014 08:17:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

well hell, I didn't know reading SCC was like smoking a cigarette!!!!!! But you know it feels so damn good reading your blog ;)

4/03/2014 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy, Billy, Billy. This is what you and little Mikey Shields get for torpedoing numerous CPD officers in favor of Madigan selected candidates for public office.

And let me assure you, this was all by design as payback. You were playing checkers while we were playing chess.

Enjoy your forced retirement from the FOP!

- A Supervisor Who Knows

4/03/2014 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT Job SCC, you should be paid for running this blog !

4/03/2014 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tracy is a Chief.

4/03/2014 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, so insignificant that you now control FOP elections,LMAO!

No fan of either of these assclowns and I didn't vote, couldn't figure out which pill was more bitter. Bill you are a bigger pussy than I ever even imagined!

Thankfully retirement is almost here and I can escape this freaking dump.

4/03/2014 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donahue is the real control freak who finagled his way into a six figure salary doing NOTHING for the members while enriching his bank account.

Watch Donahue end up on Madigan's payroll!

4/03/2014 09:17:00 PM  

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