Sunday, June 08, 2014

Up and Running

We think - think - we alleviated the spam-bot issue, and we waded through two days or so worth of comments. We won't have to put up the "letter verification" thing yet. It's annoying as hell and we get as many complaints about it as anything else.

If anything got lost in the shuffle, apologies. We had an entire page of comments disappear one day a few years back, and reappear without explanation nearly eleven months after the fact. Hopefully, not this time.

Carry on. Open post in the meantime.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did ya'll ever consider unhappy ghosts in the system?

6/08/2014 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize the new regime needs some time to get settled, but has there been any word on the contract? Are they hoping that they can find common ground with the city on some of the issues, or are they preparing to send this thing to the arbiter in the near future?

6/08/2014 07:24:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Maybe it's one of Rahm's people trying to shut you down.

They can be so devious.

No Keeses for them.

6/08/2014 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm Emanuel who hates this blog is probably responsible for the spam bots. This is one media outlet he does not control. He hates hearing the truth.

6/08/2014 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe people have the nerve to complain about anything when you guys put so much effort into this blog that is so 'insignificant.'

BTW, where's my fiancee Chalkie?

6/08/2014 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you are the victim of a giant conspiracy.....C-O-N-SPIRACY.

6/08/2014 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was kinda liking the read-only format.

6/08/2014 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: tribune headline: Governor signs bill making Illinois first state to ban microbeads

Thank God they fixed that. One day they'll spend time creating a pension bill?!?! If the gov had balls he would put this stuff aside, and all pork barrel spending until the pension bill gets done.

6/08/2014 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize the new regime needs some time to get settled, but has there been any word on the contract? Are they hoping that they can find common ground with the city on some of the issues, or are they preparing to send this thing to the arbiter in the near future?

6/08/2014 07:24:00 AM

They always find common ground on most of the contract. Its always those 10 or 15 issues they can't agree on, so it then goes to the arbitrator. Won't be in the near future because it takes months for both parties to agree they are deadlocked and after that they start the process of picking an arbitrator, then eliminates arbitrators til one is left. After that the arbitrator sets dates for hearings which are months away. Only then does the arbitration begin.
Retired guy here who has been through quite a few of these arbitrations and thats the process and it takes a long time.

6/09/2014 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I realize the new regime needs some time to get settled, but has there been any word on the contract? Are they hoping that they can find common ground with the city on some of the issues, or are they preparing to send this thing to the arbiter in the near future?

6/08/2014 07:24:00 AM

They always find common ground on most of the contract. Its always those 10 or 15 issues they can't agree on, so it then goes to the arbitrator. Won't be in the near future because it takes months for both parties to agree they are deadlocked and after that they start the process of picking an arbitrator, then eliminates arbitrators til one is left. After that the arbitrator sets dates for hearings which are months away. Only then does the arbitration begin.
Retired guy here who has been through quite a few of these arbitrations and thats the process and it takes a long time.

6/09/2014 09:29:00 AM

Sounds good to me. By the time they get it all ready rahm will be out of Chicago and in the White House as hillary's bitch! I could only hope!!!!

6/10/2014 08:02:00 AM  

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