Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nonbinding Waste of Money

  • Gov. Pat Quinn today signed into law a measure to put a non-binding referendum on the fall ballot asking voters whether millionaires should be taxed at a higher rate — a move aimed at helping drive up Democratic turnout.

    The measure represents a Plan B for Quinn, who had supported efforts initiated by Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan to have a binding constitutional amendment placed on the ballot to require millionaire incomes to pay an additional 3 percentage points above the current individual income tax rate. That plan went nowhere in the General Assembly.

    The ballot proposal signed by Quinn at a Berwyn elementary school asks voters if they think the constitution should be amended to give schools, based on their student population, money from a 3 percent tax on millionaire incomes. The state Revenue Department said such a tax would generate about $1 billion. It would not have the force of law, however.
These tools put this on the ballot so as not to have to face an actual resolution for something feasible, like term limits. You ask people, especially low-information voters, if they'd like to take millionaires' dollars by force via the government, what do you think they're going to answer? And when that happens, who do you think can actually afford to move out of state? Or declare residence in another lower tax location? Has anyone noticed the factories and assembly lines being built across Illinois? There aren't any. And there won't be any millionaires here shortly if this continues.

Did you notice the second paragraph? The plan went nowhere in the General Assembly, so this is a waste of time. The General Assembly is made up of....more than a few millionaires, and they aren't about to cut their own throats.

We were certainly amused to see this poll released Tuesday:
  • Gov. Pat Quinn on Tuesday dismissed a recent poll giving his Republican opponent Bruce Rauner a 14-point lead as “phony-baloney” and suggested it’s a bit early to write his political obituary.
Potato-head is in trouble.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn's been claiming this is his 'last campaign'. Is he looking for a sympathy vote?

7/30/2014 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bread and Circuses.

Never mind the spectre behind the curtain.

7/30/2014 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.”

R. A. Heinlein

7/30/2014 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Move out of state or close down. A ride through any of the northwest suburbs around O'hare and you will see building after building of closed industrial businesses, small, medium and large. The income tax and property tax have made miles of industrial corridors ghost towns. How can this fucked up state possibly survive? It can't!

7/30/2014 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"YOU COPPERS are what's wrong with CPD... Once we fix you guys, everything else will fall in place."

"We have to shut that blog down because it reflects poorly on the department and does nothing to advance the mission of the department."

Do you gold star and gold star aspiring humps even know what the mission is?

That's MISSION you itchy-minds!

Pay them no mind SCC...

They're just pissed because they can't move with the secrecy and impunity they used to have.

In light of the bullshit coming from New Yuck, every first responder in every large democratic urban center should be forewarned and to conduct themselves accordingly.

If the administrations in these large democratic urban centers were upright, there would be no need to use condition of employment as a hammer to try and curtail those same first responders from exposing the misdeeds and fuckery of these same administrations.

Openly warring against their first responders is an all too common trait in large democratic urban centers.

"We're going to come after you guys for stepping outside of established rules and procedures and exposing the department to discredit and ridicule by posting all this negative stuff to the media and on blogs."

No more so than the discredit and ridicule an incompetent mayor, superintendent and command staff exposes the department to?

Resolute ass-clownery...

Clean up your acts and lead by example!

Oh shit...
You incompetents are falling over each other yelling, "INSUBORDINATION!"

No... It is NOT insubordination to demand being led by competent leadership in a profession where lives can be saved and lost in the blink of an eye.

Heh... Jumping out of black executive sedans and demanding every swing dick in sight be arrested/have their pockets "Gotten Into" is one thing.

Leading from the front and being first to slap cuffs on a swing dick/get all up in Dude's pocket and risking THEIR precious careers, freedom and savings is quite another.

Gold Stars ain't got time fo' nunna dat!

But YOUR big dumb blue ass does...

Funny... It's burning these bad bosses up that Policemen are so risk adverse that the bad boss can't bully, brow-beat, split partners, deny time off, refuse to approve overtime and all manner of other illegal/silly shit to induce Policemen to risk their precious selves to make a boss look good.

Starve them to fucking death...

Police like you have no friends and you'll survive to get a pension.

Public Safety in general and arguable, Polcing in particular (especially in Chicago) have gotten really strange and goofy over the years.

This is what the yellow-pinky liberal, loony left democratic progressives wet dreamed about for years.

7/30/2014 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are communist tactics to divide the American people. It's a disgrace what's happened to our country.

7/30/2014 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phony baloney. Who talks like that? Quinn is so weird. He is a national embarrassment. Rauner has got to be better than this whacko and his purple shirts and ties. I also can't stand when Quinn does that phony heart tapping to show his love for the people. Has to be the worst Governor in America.

7/30/2014 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Open Your Eyes said...

I knew Pat Quinn when he used to help people with arguing their property taxes. He was an OK guy.

WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? Now he is a pandering "look-at-me-I-am-here-in-the-ghetto" (for your vote) do-nothing Governor.

I cannot in good faith vote for him because I don't think he has MY family's best interest at heart.

In fact, I don't think he has ANY interest of ours at heart.

Is this other guy really a Billionaire or just a multi-millionaire? It doesn't matter because it sounds like he's got enough money, he is not going to be stealing money in office.

You know he's not going to have his hand out for $500,000. One man's payoff for a position, is another man's lunch money.

Nice try trying to paint the guy (Rauner) bad in the TV commercials but the BIG issue this election is CHANGE. I can't see giving Quinn another term.

If Rauner turns out bad - I'll vote for his opponent next time.

7/30/2014 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget party - You don't reward incompetence.

That's what you've been doing the last 30 years! BUT I am sure all the "merit" people will be voting Quinn - they understand the concept of rewarding incompetence.

7/30/2014 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how they have recently raised the talking point about whether or not the state income tax rate should be allowed to expire too.

All election rhetoric designed to instill hopes that if you just give them a lil' more time -- because they have much more to do -- the tax hike will be cut. LMFAO.

The state income tax rate hike expiration talk is BULLSHIT.

How they gonna do it. They can't balance the budget now. The Illinois workforce is decreasing. Wages are stagnant, Corporations are either leaving or extorting the politicians using the threats of job cuts if they don't get more tax break or sweet deal. Where's the state, city revenue going to come from,,eh?

Yet they float this bullshit out there as a carrot that will vanish right after the ballots are counted.

Wake up and don't fall for the false promises. Remember "YES WE CAN" hhahaaha. It's now obviously NOPE WE CAN'T as almost everything that was promised was a lie.

7/30/2014 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Hometown police officer fired for shooting dog.

I wonder if anyone has any info on a Hometown Police officer who was recently fired for shooting a dog. Anyone out there know the details about that? My friends told me about what the chief said on the news which was that the officer didn't break any rules. Does anyone know?

7/30/2014 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quin is going to lose because average voters like myself and my family are sick and tired of Illinois wasting tax dollars coddling illegal immigrants and rif raff.

We want Illinois to be competitive and be the destination for the jobs trickling back from China that are going to low cost- low tax states.
Quinn has no business sense. Illinois could be a wealthy state but ill sighted politicians like Quinn dont know what they are doing.

At least give Bruce Rauner a chance. If he doesn't fix things, send him packing too in 4 years.

7/30/2014 04:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These guys are like turds in a toilet that won't flush down! Da Pelon

7/30/2014 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Quinn time to get the state back on track !

7/30/2014 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RhamBo a Multi Millionaire $$$$$

7/30/2014 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IL is a dead man walking. Has everyone been preparing for the inevitable - or just 'hoping' that its career pols will magically 'change' and grow brains and develop scruples?

7/30/2014 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gov. Pat Quinn on Tuesday dismissed a recent poll giving his Republican opponent Bruce Rauner a 14-point lead as “phony-baloney” and suggested it’s a bit early to write his political obituary.

I think NOT. The poll that I took also asked "How likely would you be to vote for someone that backs Madigan" I would like to see that result as well.

If you can keep the dead people from voting he will loose.

7/30/2014 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Achilles heel of a democracy is when the populace realizes they can vote money out of the public treasury

7/30/2014 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Quinn's way of notifying his millionaire donors to contact the moving vans and sell their property in Illinois. This is so they can get out before the property values tank. That sucking sound you are hearing is the sound created by the vacuum of people with money leaving the state.

7/30/2014 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people want lower taxes and no illegals. If obama dumped 8000 illegals in Indiana this year how many were dumped in Illinos and its not 2000

7/30/2014 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't the lottery supposed to benefit education? They won't stop the taxation with millionaires. Quinn raised everybody's taxes when he was elected. Taxes keep on getting raised with none of the money going where it belongs. They will use this as a way to try and get more votes from low income and welfare voters. They'll give the money to politically connected special interest groups. Vote the Democrats out of office.

7/30/2014 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxing th rich then watching them move out of Illinois is it. Silly silly silly silly.

Ex mayor Daley

7/30/2014 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we vote on term limits and reducing the (50) aldermen? Okay the (49) aldermen, won't count the DUI guy.

7/30/2014 08:14:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Like you stated SCC the referendum
is no-binding so why waste the time
of any intelligent voter, the key
word being intelligent, who will
scrutinize the ballot issues and
candidates and make informed decisions based on knowlege, not
who they are instructed to vote for
as are the south and westside voters. My dear, departed mother
used to tell me, "son, don't let
anyone pi** in your face and try
to convince you it's rain" and this is what the state, county, and city politicians are attempting to do to us voters.

7/30/2014 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat Quinn is the "phoney baloney". He's been passing himself off as governor of this state for years. When I see him on TV he reminds of a bumbling idiot, dottering baffoon. Worst governor in America.

7/30/2014 08:38:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Please let me be the first to assist the Governor in composing his political obit.

7/30/2014 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares ?. Don't you guys know anything ?. To be a politician in illinois there are two prerequisites .

1. You're rich
2. You have to be an idiot/asshole

No matter who's in office we are screwed royally .

7/30/2014 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody likes Rauner, but Quinn is so awful that the unknown may prove to be a winner.

7/30/2014 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT: Hometown police officer fired for shooting dog.

I wonder if anyone has any info on a Hometown Police officer who was recently fired for shooting a dog. Anyone out there know the details about that? My friends told me about what the chief said on the news which was that the officer didn't break any rules. Does anyone know?

7/30/2014 03:35:00 AM

Does your computer not have a search engine available on its internet service?

7/30/2014 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Working men and women: Remember, if you have a job, then you are a "millionaire" in Quinn's book.

Vote Democrat this fall and more of your paycheck will be kept by the government next year.

7/30/2014 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is spud head also sneaking in one about limiting semi auto firearms ? You know, the ones we defend ourselves with ?

7/30/2014 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Hometown police officer fired for shooting dog.

I wonder if anyone has any info on a Hometown Police officer who was recently fired for shooting a dog. Anyone out there know the details about that? My friends told me about what the chief said on the news which was that the officer didn't break any rules. Does anyone know?

Had 15 years on the job. Chief said he didn't violate any law or policy, but fired him. Think its a case of small town politics.

7/30/2014 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the ex- IL state rep that drives around in a white Jaguar with a single letter plate get taxed more too? Seems he did quite well for himself. Maybe he needs to give more back............

7/30/2014 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW no wonder these fools vote democray.

The War on Work

CATO institute

7/30/2014 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are more than just 2 parties people! They want you to think those are your only options! Democrats & repubs are the same people, fight in front of camera go golfing after. INDEPENDENT for INDEPENDENCE!

7/30/2014 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was Lt Govenor......geeeze if Blago was still here, Quinn wouldn't be....

7/30/2014 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Remember the dog and pony show to allow us to "pick" our electricity provider? We could choose ComEd or Integrys. Well they are all the same again.

ComEd bought Integrys.

How much money did Rahm blow on that one in the mistaken attempt to convince us he was doing something for the taxpayers?

And remember all the bullshit about deregulating the electricity utility? We would benefit from "competition" we were told.


Now Excelon owns all ends of that deal. They own the generating plants and the distribution and brokerages, they own it all. Again, just one company. Except now the CEO makes millions in salary and stock options each year. Before the rates were tightly regulated and the salary of the top officers of ComEd was very comfortable but not completely obscene like now, in the many millions each year. Each.

We keep getting butt fucked and told we should thank them for allowing us to pay for the lubricant.

And the airlines, they were deregulated too. Like those cheap fares? Remember, your pilot is making less than a rookie police officer and probably sleeps in the pilot's lounge. And maintenance is done on the cheap. Oh yeah, deregulation is great.

7/30/2014 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter how bad it gets, the American taxpayer and federal government will step in to save the state.

7/30/2014 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OT: Hometown police officer fired for shooting dog.

I wonder if anyone has any info on a Hometown Police officer who was recently fired for shooting a dog. Anyone out there know the details about that? My friends told me about what the chief said on the news which was that the officer didn't break any rules. Does anyone know?

7/30/2014 03:35:00 AM

Do you know how to find Google?

7/30/2014 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Open Your Eyes said...
I knew Pat Quinn when he used to help people with arguing their property taxes. He was an OK guy.

WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? Now he is a pandering "look-at-me-I-am-here-in-the-ghetto" (for your vote) do-nothing Governor.

I cannot in good faith vote for him because I don't think he has MY family's best interest at heart.

In fact, I don't think he has ANY interest of ours at heart.

Is this other guy really a Billionaire or just a multi-millionaire? It doesn't matter because it sounds like he's got enough money, he is not going to be stealing money in office.

You know he's not going to have his hand out for $500,000. One man's payoff for a position, is another man's lunch money.

Nice try trying to paint the guy (Rauner) bad in the TV commercials but the BIG issue this election is CHANGE. I can't see giving Quinn another term.

If Rauner turns out bad - I'll vote for his opponent next time.

7/30/2014 02:22:00 AM

I seem to recall that coppers said the exact same thing about Richard M Daley in 1989. How did that work out?

Remember early on, Daley did away with primary elections for mayor in Chicago. That guaranteed he was mayor for life.

7/30/2014 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(video) Bloomberg Anti Gun Ad BACKFIRES

Demonstrating a fine job of when seconds count...police are minutes away ( or in parts of Chicago could be hours away)

What an idiot!

7/30/2014 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bye Bye Quinn you applesauce head you are worthless as a politician Mayor Washington was right on with his assessment of you.

7/30/2014 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sheeple of Shitcago, have you checked your electric bill and seen where Integrys is adding $20.00 plus to the monthly bills a direct result of the back door deal of the democratic politicians we have. Get smart and vote against every single one of them.

7/30/2014 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So many leaks in the dam and not enough fingers to plug them,

DAVENPORT, Iowa (AP) — The mayor of Rock Island, Illinois, says an insurance company plans to move its headquarter to nearby Davenport, Iowa.

Mayor Dennis Pauley told the Quad-City Times ( that he learned Wednesday Bituminous Insurance intends to leave its longtime headquarters in downtown Rock Island and build new headquarters across the Mississippi River in Davenport.

Pauley says the company's decision would mean the move of about 150 jobs to Davenport.

Just take the tax revenue shortfalls out of the pensions by putting the pensions up as collateral for loans, loans used to hire political cronies and TIF tax breaks

7/30/2014 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People can't even afford mac and cheese anymore apparently..

Kraft 2Q profit falls 42 percent

NORTHFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Kraft Foods Group Inc. on Wednesday reported net income that declined by 42 percent in its second quarter, and missed analysts' expectations.

The Northfield, Illinois-based company said earnings fell to $482 million, or 80 cents per share, from $829 million, or $1.38 per share, in the same quarter a year ago. The average per-share estimate of analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 83 cents

Income decreased by $384 million dollars? How much does Illinois lose? What's the tax loses, 10% for example? $38 mil. loss in tax rev's.

Just take it out of the pensions that's all.

Or close a few more schools.

And when you close the schools make sure that you get the cameras out for pictures of the doe-eyed unaccompanied illegal immigrants to conjure up tear jerking images for the tax increases as the children are used as tools.

Follow the money

7/30/2014 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What image does the average person conjure up when one mentions the phrase healthcare or ObamaCare?


Sorry folks, the ivy league lawyers of the apparatchik changed the meaning of the word like changing the meaning of what "is", is or having sex with that women means.


Illinois Medicaid restricts use of hepatitis drug

CHICAGO — Facing ballooning costs for a $1,000 pill to treat hepatitis C, Illinois' Medicaid program is putting tight restrictions in place, including requiring patients to meet 25 criteria and get prior approval before the government program will pay for the new drug.

After spending an estimated $16 million this fiscal year on Sovaldi, which holds promise for a cure for the liver-damaging disease, the state agency headed by Julie Hamos approved the restrictions July 10.

Read more here:

Watch for these change in our pensions and healthcare.

Oh sure you have healthcare hahahaha. Oh wait. this...this and that isn't covered or requires a larger co-pay.

Just the tip! Chip away a lil' at a time.

Now give me your gun and go stand over there in the free speech zone, at the back of the illegal immigrants line, and wait for the BRObama death panel nurse to call you.

7/30/2014 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sheeple of Shitcago, have you checked your electric bill and seen where Integrys is adding $20.00 plus to the monthly bills a direct result of the back door deal of the democratic politicians we have.


No haven't noticed that yet but there will be about a $20 fee increase per year for 911 charges on our phone bills.

It's like a RICO money laundering thing.

These fees, these tax increases are slipped in with the utility bills to obfuscate the tax increase process.

So blame will be assigned to the utility companies for taking our money instead of the politicians

7/30/2014 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you got it right - if IL jacks up the taxes, the Millionaires will just declare residency somewhere else...

I know a number of people who do this now - they don't mind the summers in IL, but they hate the winters. So they spend 6 mo + 1 day in Florida... Then come back in the summer...

They're Florida residents, subject to Florida taxes.

The only thing irritating them right now are property taxes and crime. And it's about enough to push them to live in another State for the summer - like Indiana...

Illinois is killing itself, by allowing the Dumocrats to rip us all off.

Too bad we don't still have tarring and feathering...

7/30/2014 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sheeple of Shitcago, have you checked your electric bill and seen where Integrys is adding $20.00 plus to the monthly bills a direct result of the back door deal of the democratic politicians we have. Get smart and vote against every single one of them.

Is that new or has that always been there as part of the deal. Just asking

7/30/2014 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Nobody likes Rauner, but Quinn is so awful that the unknown may prove to be a winner.

7/30/2014 09:24:00 AM
Nobody likes Rauner? Really? And, you got that information where exactly? I think a lot of people like Rauner and I think he will win. He might not have much success against Madigan but he will not make back room deals and will expose the deal makers/crooks in Speingfield. And, I hope he helps to cut down on the 7000 units of taxing government in this state and the millions that go out each year in grants/pork for the connected. Attacking Rauner because he makes millions and pays a low tax is just a distraction. He make shis money honestly and pays the tax as mandated by law. Enough of the back room deals.

7/30/2014 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Sheeple of Shitcago, have you checked your electric bill and seen where Integrys is adding $20.00 plus to the monthly bills a direct result of the back door deal of the democratic politicians we have. Get smart and vote against every single one of them.

7/30/2014 02:43:00 PM

No, that can't be true; Rahm Emanuel himself said this was a 'great deal' for consumers!!!

7/30/2014 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this other guy really a Billionaire or just a multi-millionaire? It doesn't matter because it sounds like he's got enough money, he is not going to be stealing money in office.

You know he's not going to have his hand out for $500,000. One man's payoff for a position, is another man's lunch money.

Nice try trying to paint the guy (Rauner) bad in the TV commercials but the BIG issue this election is CHANGE. I can't see giving Quinn another term.

If Rauner turns out bad - I'll vote for his opponent next time.

7/30/2014 02:22:00 AM

Rauner is a billionaire, with a B.

7/30/2014 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha...and today Obama demonized the House for voting to sue him.

The president himself has dismissed it as a waste of time. "Everyone sees this as a political stunt," he said.

Calling the vote a waste of valuable taxpayer dollars, Obama said Republicans are also taking time away from important legislation they should be addressing.


Nevertheless, when his party loads up and election ballot in Illinois with BULLSHIT to prevent the people from voting on things that matter. Ohhhh that's not a stunt.. haha.

7/30/2014 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - another perspective

Why Chicago and Illinois are Failing - The Sheriff of Nottingham Mentality

7/30/2014 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OT: Hometown police officer fired for shooting dog.

I wonder if anyone has any info on a Hometown Police officer who was recently fired for shooting a dog. Anyone out there know the details about that? My friends told me about what the chief said on the news which was that the officer didn't break any rules. Does anyone know?

7/30/2014 03:35:00
Part-time police officer who is an "at will employee".
Means no union protection and can be fired for any reason at any time.

7/30/2014 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Open Your Eyes said...

Anonymous said
I seem to recall that coppers said the exact same thing about Richard M Daley in 1989. How did that work out?

Remember early on, Daley did away with primary elections for mayor in Chicago. That guaranteed he was mayor for life.

7/30/2014 11:39:00 AM
How does that relate to voting a new guy in and getting rid of incompetence? (If Rauner turns out bad - you vote him out in 4 years).

You DON'T reward incompetence.

So you are going to re-elect Quinn? That is crackpipe logic my friend.

7/30/2014 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about a 3% tax on public assistance benefits of families whose kids, and adults, commit crime? That would make more sense than taxing people who tend to create jobs.

7/30/2014 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


An analysis of IRS taxpayer data shows that Governor Pence’s tax reforms are absolutely essential in order to remain competitive. When Hoosiers leave the state, the top new destinations for their families (and their adjusted gross incomes) are Florida, Arizona, Texas and Tennessee. What do those states have in common? Zero personal income tax. And, just as telling, when Indiana gains new residents and new working wealth, both come predominantly from high-income-tax states (between 1992 and 2011, Indiana gained a whopping $2.12 billion from its tax-happy neighbor Illinois).

7/30/2014 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Communist Re-Distribution of Wealth, by the Illinois Communist (Democrat) Party.

7/30/2014 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn has proven himself to be incompetent and un-trustworthy. Time to give Rauner a shot and hope for tge best. Also time to Dump Dick Durbin, once and for all. Total Snake in the Grass.

7/30/2014 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In IL. there is not a two party system. There is only the IL. COMBINE. Demorats & Repubscum is one in the same. It is all about $$$$$$$$$$. We the working poor (Formerly known as the middle class) are taxed at the highest rates. The poor pay nothing, the wealthy pay nothing....

7/31/2014 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about these voter referendums

Term limits
Tort reform
Balanced budget every year
Defining English as official language
Securing our border...

7/31/2014 09:16:00 AM  

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