Friday, February 20, 2015

Move Away? Financial Picture Bright?

  • Chicago's world-famous skyline is lit up and looking good Thursday night. But an unidentified critic put Chicago right next to Detroit at the top of a list of "Cities You Should Move Away From."

    Most residents would say that being stuck in the middle of a winter that just won't quit is a good reason to take a break from Chicago. But moving out altogether? That's another thing entirely.

    After it ignited a fiery debate on social media, FOX 32 Political Editor Mike Flannery took a look at whether The Windy City deserves that ranking. cited "long commutes, foreclosures, a lagging housing market, high dropout rates, even higher gas prices, and a serious gun violence program" as reasons to relocate. List-makers said Chicago is a great place to visit, but maybe not the best place to live.

    The unidentified author of this strange list failed to explain why Chicago's ranked as worse-off than Milwaukee, St. Louis, or even the notoriously-troubled Camden, New Jersey. But ranking The City of Big Shoulders right next to Detroit rings false on a day when Standard and Poor's credit rating agency issued a new report comparing the financial health of Chicago and Detroit.

    The Wall Street experts concluded the two cities "respective credit characteristics...ultimately underscore Chicago's long-term viability against the backdrop of Detroit's bankruptcy and default. Our 'A+' rating on Chicago's...debt reflects our view of its overall solid credit quality, with support from a strong local economy."
So Chicago sucks for any number of reasons, including gun crime being out of control (Garry? You want to speak up here?). And to make Chicago look good, you have to compare it to the failure that is Detroit?

But then the argument goes, Chicago isn't Detroit and has "long-term viability" and a "strong local economy," even while Rahm continues to raise fees, fines and water rates while his hand-picked School Board raises taxes the limit year after year.

All this during an election week.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long commuted to good jobs, the rest of that shit is mostly ghetto related. City full of good jobs that's why people come here and have been for 150 years. I'm looking to get out. To fucking cold.

2/20/2015 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget that when Obama was first elected he proposed building a high speed rail line linking Chicago and Detroit.

So all of Detroit's problem people could scoot over here for a day of crime, violence and mayhem and be home in the crib by 0100.

2/20/2015 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be honest; Chicago is an amazing international city to live in, but it's expensive and its politics suck. We're stuck living withing the borders, but there are literally hundreds of different things that we can go do with our families on a daily basis that few other cities can offer. Anyone that has issues finding things of interest to do in the city needs some self-reflection more than anything.

As far as the issues regarding dropouts, violence and housing issues; if you have a middle class job, live in a middle class neighborhood, and parent your children, you're most likely not going to have any of those issues.
This city is far from perfect, but as far as big cities go, it's top notch. Unfortunately this city is like all the others in that they have little use for their police department other than as a doormat.

2/20/2015 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how they keep putting chicago and Detroit in the same stories lately. And how the keep talking about Detroit bankruptcy. Let's not forget the meeting a month or two ago between the city and the firm who orchestrated detroits pension overhaul and bankruptcy. We are getting set up for after the election people. Wake up and somebody endorse a canadite. I know scc never ventures to endorse anyone political but our dept and union won't so our vote will all be split. Scc, break your own rules and give a good endorsement. Some of the mopes on this dept need somebody to tell them what to do

2/20/2015 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago has a lot of potential. Unfortunately liberals coddle the illegals and Rif Raff with freebies.

2/20/2015 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of cities have long term viability and a great local economy, without having all of Chicago's minuses. No thanks, as soon as I can color me as far gone as I can get. Alabama looks real good.

2/20/2015 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why move?

The schools are great.
Crime is Low.
Your Pensions are fully funded.
The Police Force is fully staffed.

2/20/2015 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna bet that Tiny Dancer knows someone who knows someone who knows a guy that works at Standard and Poors and Moody's and they have the rating set at A-, until after the election.

Then they'll discover something if Rahm doesn't win to blow it down to a C-- +2... If he does win, then it stays as A-, but after a few years if he leaves or loses, it drops like a stone...

Chiraq is just that because of the high taxes, high fees, high crime, dumbasses running the show like a piggy bank, etc...

And Detroit looked like Chicago before it devolved into the 3rd world hell hole that it is now...

2/20/2015 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the credit rating is so great, then fully funding the pensions should be no problem.

2/20/2015 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Democrat Slogan: "At Least We Ain't Detroit"

2/20/2015 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago: Detroit has armed neighborhood guards on the entrance to every street; but we didn't even allow [law abiding citizens to possess/carry] guns until the Feds made us 2 years ago!

2/20/2015 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to retire and move out of Illinois! This place really sucks from all angles! Da Pelon

2/20/2015 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other words there are funds to pay middle class police officers their hard earned modest pensions.

2/20/2015 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired after 28+ years with CPD and had to be flexible when hiring one of the best-known moving companies to move out of state. They were booked, booked, booked, and I asked them what was going on. They said they have never, in their 30+ years of being in business, had so many people moving OUT of IL. I asked about people moving into IL, and they laughed. They said they've never experienced such an exodus. Absolutely NO customers moving in.

2/20/2015 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pension reform=resideny reform.

2/20/2015 06:32:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Detroit doesn't have Beatrice's either. That makes a huge difference in my world.

2/20/2015 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The State elected Rauner, the so called Scott Walker on steroids. Can Chicago elect someone that has the City's interest at heart and not his own.

Rahm is a conniving little carpet bagger that will be like Rich Daley on steroids. Fioretti would be a change of pace. He will leave our pensions alone and wants to cut the City Counsel down from 50 to 16-35 aldermen. That's a start.

Chicago is a cesspool. It is time for some change. Rahm is more of the same.

2/20/2015 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the copper who is moving out of Chicago and moving to Clermont, Florida. Chicago's finances are a mess and the only way they can survive is to raise taxes. Raise taxes to higher and higher levels and guess what? People like me and others who actually earn a living will move out. Let me give you just one example. A family at my church owns a medium sized restaurant. They own the property out right. But their property taxes is $37,000. Plus they have to deal with other "licensing" fees and other taxes. They are an elderly couple and will close up shop at the end of this year. Honestly, this city and state is chasing the working class away.

2/20/2015 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago's finances are a fucking mess. That is why they need to increase fees every single year. Our water bill and city sticker fee will be going up at the rate of inflation. Thank God I have 2.5 years to go.

2/20/2015 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it in financial circles that Rahm plans to institute a city tax of about 2-3% after the election. We can't leave fast enough.

2/20/2015 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This same website listed New Orleans and Oakland as places to visit. Oakland and New Orleans are dumps. People complain about how taxes are going up when the same people expect to retire at 55yo with a full pension/medical package and don't want to pay any extra into the pension or help reform it. I understand guys and gals we are "entitled". Not knocking anybody but we have to make changes to keep this thing viable.

2/20/2015 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure that moving company is right when they say alot more people are moving out of IL.

But how would they know no one was moving in? If someone was moving from IL to CA they would hire an IL company. If someone was moving from CA to IL, they would hire a CA company.

2/20/2015 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is my vri deposit? Shouldn't it have been deposited after midnight?

2/20/2015 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not even a good place to visit. You go downtown and your chances of becoming a victim are at about 60%. I have seen all the out of city/state people who file crime reports for theft and robbery.

2/20/2015 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Chicago is being runned into the ground by its elected incompetance. Crime is up and the criminals are aware of the severely understaffed department. Raising fees and taxes is placing the financial burden on its citizens and chasing away big business. Rahm is making life miserable for the middle class and working poor. i am looking forward to relocating to another state. R.I.P Chicago!

2/20/2015 10:08:00 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

There are three things wrong with this city and reflect the problems with most big cities, government, media and family. Government cares nothing about the people only their pockets and their friends' pockets. Media does not care about you. They wont the worst common denominator on the front page/top story. Family, when so many youths do not have solid parents to raise them the cycle of violence will continue. Fix those and our city will be gold. But truthfully the above are a small part of our great world. There is more good out there but we don't see it.

2/20/2015 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many caucasians were shot in Chicago in 2014?

2/20/2015 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those Kids from Michigan that go to Big 10 schools move to Chicago,Because We have the Computer Marketing and Advertising Jobs.

2/20/2015 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any truth to the rumor that there are liens being quietly placed against city owned properties.

If so, by whom? And Why?

Did Rahm and Shortshanks mortgage them to benefit their pals?

Is this the prelude to a bankruptcy plan so Rahm can dump our pensions? God help us is he wins this election.

Anybody reading this...

Have you voted already?

2/20/2015 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
New Democrat Slogan: "At Least We Ain't Detroit"

2/20/2015 02:41:00 AM

If Rahm wins..,

The New Democrat Slogan:
"At Least We Ain't Detroit YET!"

2/20/2015 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Wilson would most likely make Chicago into.......Being the Cocopuffs-Hendon lackey..........

2/20/2015 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure all the born and bred Chicagoans will agree
this city is regressing back into a cow town, It seems to attract no finess slobs and the great unwashed. Only one way out of this financial mess is on the backs of the taxpayers. Our family will be moving after 6 generations.

2/20/2015 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"long commutes, foreclosures, a lagging housing market, high dropout rates, even higher gas prices, and a serious gun violence program"

don't forget: redlight & speed cameras, a need for "safe passage" routes, gang infested schools, corrupt politicians, pension crisis on city and state level.

2/20/2015 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the dismal weather conditions of the past three years is what is really killing this city and forcing residents to flee. Just look at the stats and one can see a direct correlation to climate and exodus. Chicago is becoming one of the coldest areas in this hemisphere due to the constant cooling of the Great Lakes. Sad, but true.

2/20/2015 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Chicago is so wonderful that come this July I'm FLEEING this shithole. I'm not moving or relocating, I'm FLEEING!

2/20/2015 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Born and raised in this city, work for the city, live in the city. When I retire I'm getting the hell out of this city. I wanna see trees and mountains and lakes and animals that walk on four legs. I don't want to have a neighbor within a mile of me. I'm gonna hunt, fish smoke weed and play golf. I might have to live in a tent and shit in a hole but dammit that's the goal.

2/20/2015 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be honest; Chicago is an amazing international city to live in, but it's expensive and its politics suck. We're stuck living withing the borders, but there are literally hundreds of different things that we can go do with our families on a daily basis that few other cities can offer. Anyone that has issues finding things of interest to do in the city needs some self-reflection more than anything.

As far as the issues regarding dropouts, violence and housing issues; if you have a middle class job, live in a middle class neighborhood, and parent your children, you're most likely not going to have any of those issues.
This city is far from perfect, but as far as big cities go, it's top notch. Unfortunately this city is like all the others in that they have little use for their police department other than as a doormat.

2/20/2015 12:30:00 AM

Rahm you rascal, why are you up so late posting on this blog?

2/20/2015 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I retired after 28+ years with CPD and had to be flexible when hiring one of the best-known moving companies to move out of state. They were booked, booked, booked, and I asked them what was going on. They said they have never, in their 30+ years of being in business, had so many people moving OUT of IL. I asked about people moving into IL, and they laughed. They said they've never experienced such an exodus. Absolutely NO customers moving in.

2/20/2015 06:23:00 AM

moved out as was said awhile back that a person leaves Illinois, on average, every ten minutes....not sure where they get those stats, but.....

2/20/2015 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Rahm gets in again things will slide further.
He's bankrupting the middle class to cater to the ghetto and big business.
He also has no intent on ever fulfilling the city's obligation to our pensions.
Anyone but Rahm.

2/20/2015 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a lot of snow plow trucks out there tonight. Why is this Mayor calling all the snowplows out when there is NO snow. yet they can't get them out when there is a full out blizzard?

2/20/2015 06:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expand your horizons. The U.S. Is not the only place on this plant. Their are many great countries to retire to that welcome expats with cost of living far below anything the U.S. Has to offer. Better weather, good schools, less crime.

2/20/2015 07:18:00 PM  
Blogger She says said...

Gee whiz, what a bunch of Debbie Downers you all are. Things can't be that bad here. Ya know how I know? I just watched two days of intensive news coverage about the car jacking of a van full of dogs. No, not fancy show dogs or specially trained working dogs. These were ordinary dogs...that have owners that pay money to have them picked up and chauffeured to a place to play with other dogs. Think about that! Don't get me started on how it can be that people- even children, can get attacked, beaten, raped, shot, and what passes for news reporting in this city deems it less worthy of their time than this story.

2/20/2015 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so stubborn. I'm sure it's beacuse of most of us are type "A" personalities. Our job today is not the same job in the 70's, 80's or 90's. We have to be chameleons. As the great Gunny Highway said "Improvise Adapt and Overcome". Be safe my brothers and sisters. Keep your heads down and don't take wooden nickels

2/20/2015 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was gang crime not gun crime. I've Never heard of a gun committing a crime.

2/20/2015 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These studies usually site Chicago's "lack of diversity" as one of its biggest drawbacks - so you should take any such study with the proverbial "grain of salt".

2/20/2015 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm sure that moving company is right when they say alot more people are moving out of IL.

But how would they know no one was moving in? If someone was moving from IL to CA they would hire an IL company. If someone was moving from CA to IL, they would hire a CA company.

2/20/2015 09:32:00 AM<<<

Even if they are not national companies they have connections and look for loads coming back.

2/21/2015 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
These studies usually site Chicago's "lack of diversity" as one of its biggest drawbacks - so you should take any such study with the proverbial "grain of salt".

2/20/2015 09:35:00 PM

That's mediaspeak for SEGRAGATED.

2/21/2015 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
These studies usually site Chicago's "lack of diversity" as one of its biggest drawbacks - so you should take any such study with the proverbial "grain of salt".

2/20/2015 09:35:00 PM

Thats a drawback?

2/21/2015 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting article about moving trends from both Illinois and Chicago. Might surprise a few.
Moving companies say fleeing Illinois,flocking into Chicago.

2/21/2015 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

taxes that make Chicago an expensive city

Cell phones – Last summer, Illinois already had a higher cell-phone tax rate than every neighboring state. But effective Sept. 1, Chicagoans were hit with an increased cell-phone surcharge that costs users a great deal more. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, a family of four with four cell phones and a landline was likely to end up paying $84 in additional taxes each year.

Cable TV – Chicago City Council loves taxing cable TV. The city’s “amusement tax,” which applies to movies, concerts, sporting events, live theater and entertainment venues with a seating capacity of more than 750, also hits anyone who likes to binge watch television. In 2013, City Council raised the tax rate on cable to 6 percent from 4 percent – now the city is raising the rate again, this time all the way up to 9 percent, costing Chicagoans an extra $12 million in taxes.

Parking garages – Want to park in a public garage in Chicago? It’ll cost you a little more this year, thanks to a tax hike enacted through the city’s 2015 budget. The rate jumped to 22 percent from 20 percent on weekdays, and to 20 percent from 18 percent on weekends. This tax hits commuters and visitors hardest, tacking on an additional $0.60 increase on a $30 parking space, according to the Chicago Tribune.

2/21/2015 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I want something I check Amazon,! No taxes for you.

2/21/2015 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know one thing, I'm moving out if Rham and Oconnor in 41 wins. She tells people if they have a complaint about airport noise, move to the burbs! Fuck them both!

2/21/2015 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other taxes:

* Bottled water tax

* Soda tax

* Carry out container tax

* Driveway tax

* Head tax (if you have more than 50 employees, you pay a tax for each one)

* Lease tax - lease something in the City - pay a tax!

Tax! Tax! Tax! Tax! Tax, tax, tax! Tax! Tax! and Tax!

Welcome to Chicago. Tax.

2/22/2015 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago would PROBABLY have a City Income Tax under Mayor Wilson.......

2/23/2015 09:39:00 AM  

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