Thursday, February 19, 2015


  • A Chicago police officer accidentally shot himself at the Bridgeview courthouse Wednesday morning. Authorities said the wound was not serious, and no one else was injured.

    The officer was in the weapons room at the back of the courthouse when the gun discharged around 9:30 a.m., striking the officer in the upper leg, according to sheriff's officials.

    He was taken to a hospital, and his injuries were not life-threatening.

    The officer was taking a gun from a locker when it went off, sheriff's officials said.
Speedy recovery Officer.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gun didn't go off. It didn't become self aware and fire on its own. This retard picked up the pistol and pulled the trigger. Negligent discharge. Negligence that could've caused death or great bodily harm to someone who wasn't being (criminally, if you ask me) negligent. Luckily, dumbfuck only injured himself. Hope he takes 30 on top of it. Say this was a non-leo who was legally carrying. Say he had a negligent discharge in an elevator at his office building downtown. You bet your ass he would be charged. I'm not saying the copper should be charged but let's at least add some insult to his injury.

2/19/2015 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" went off..."

Those damn guns! Always going off!

Causing all kinds of "gun violence!"

2/19/2015 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe a change in the rules is in order, why is it that you can carry at 26/Cal, but not Bridgeview? I'm
a south side PO, any north siders want to chime in about Skokie?

2/19/2015 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'when it went off'?

Stupid gun.

2/19/2015 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's really no excuse for this.

2/19/2015 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Negligent discharge. He had his finger on the trigger as he handled the weapon.

2/19/2015 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be very interesting to know what actual Make discharged.

Did he have the safety on? Was there any safety on it (was it a revolver)?

Weapons handling should be second nature to police officers.

Guns just don't go off.

2/19/2015 01:19:00 AM  
Blogger BronxBullschitzHere said...

"Oh yeah, those striker fired weapons can be tricky. As they said when I transitted from my SW .45 to the Glock .40. It ain't gonna' be a new guy accidentally discharging a Glock. It'll be a vet.

2/19/2015 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep your booger hooks off the bang switch.

2/19/2015 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The safest place for a gun is in it's holster. Why are we being disarmed there anyway? This anti gun culture is getting old and when some irate citizen decides to go off at court possibly with a weapon, I for one do not have confidence that the sheriffs there can protect me or anyone else.

2/19/2015 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of that sissy gun and get yourself a Sig.

2/19/2015 06:21:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I'm guessing it wasn't a revolver.

2/19/2015 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gun just went off all by itself? More like years of bad habits led to somebody putting their finger on the trigger and causing the negligent discharge. Guns don't just go off by themselves like the liberals would like you to believe.

2/19/2015 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The gun discharged" if the gun had a mind of its own. Always vilify the gun.

The gun didn't discharge. It was handled recklessly. Accidents happen. But don't remove responsibility from where it lies - with the person holding it.

2/19/2015 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Michael Mette said...

Dumbest thing is turning your weapon in while at court. The security at these court houses are mediocre at best. With the growing number of leftist nut jobs attacking government buildings, why disarm the very people who will be the ones to defend the place should it happen here? I know none of our politicians would want to put any of our officers or citizens in any undue risk, right? Godspeed officer!

2/19/2015 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still do not agree with Bridgeview Court house rules to remove your gun but be careful officers I heard the officers clothing got caught in his holster and when he was bolstering his weapon the clothing got caught between the clothing and trigger causing the weapon to discharge.

2/19/2015 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a moron.

2/19/2015 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He probably had a glock

2/19/2015 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a PO or a gun specialist but I conceal carry (legally). I'm concerned when I see stories like this.

I "appendix carry" with a round in the chamber but with the safety on. I carry a M&P Shield 9mm.

What's the likelihood my gun would go off on its own and hit my balls or my leg? Is it always operator error when stuff like this happens? (This isn't a joke, I'm asking a serious question. Thanks in advance for responses.)

2/19/2015 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should not have to check our weapons to begin with......

2/19/2015 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just joined Andys Club.

2/19/2015 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda funny,but get well soon

2/19/2015 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come when a civilian has an accidental discharge everyone chimes in and says guns don't just go off, but in this case the gun went off... I believe that guns don't just go off, but hey, what do I know. It's been 5 years since my last desk pop!

2/19/2015 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked in homicide for over 30 decades and have handled several accidental discharge events. That's what it is an ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE. It is defined as an accident, everyone has had an accident of some type. It can happen to anyone. Whoever wants him to take 30 is an asshole. I'm sure he's embarrassed enough.

2/19/2015 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new "9.5" ?

2/19/2015 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to add insult to injury? For the rest of this po's career however long or short, he is known as the idiot who shot himself. Whatever good police work he has done or will do, he will only be remembered for shooting himself at the Bridgeview court house. He will live with this embarrassment forever along with his injury. In my book that is enough. So you want to add insult to that injury? Fuck you, mind your business and worry about yourself. Next time you fuck up on the job, I hope you volunteer to take 30 pending to teach yourself a lesson. This copper isn't the first and he won't be the last. Could it have been worse? Sure,but so could everything else in life. He hurt himself only, and he'll live with it.

2/19/2015 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should not have to check our weapons anywhere but also security should be better. This is something the fop should be fighting. Also, there are gun lockers in the SDA office in Skokie court, do not use the sheriffs lockers on the first floor, they don't secure properly.

2/19/2015 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Domestic violence court they take your weapon and then make you walk in an unsecured area.

Brought it to the attention of CC and union. Both do not care.

Stay safe and always be observant.

2/19/2015 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he will be suspended , take that to the bank

2/19/2015 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Godspeed Officer" , "retard" and "probably was a Glock"????
These comments kill me. No wonder we look like a bunch of idiot-gun toting-assholes out there!
He negligently shot himself in the leg, I'm sure he'll live and be ok.
Probably more than one person that reads this blog OR on the CPD has a child with mental/physical disability. Show some professionalism & respect. Grow up.
And no matter what type/model or whatever gun it was, it's real simple-pull trigger=gun fires. keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to discharge the gun. Proof positive that some lack quality training and/or proficiency that is required. Not to mention, the professionalism for some of these comments. NO wonder the CPD has such a horrible public image and we all look like fools. Problem is, is that 85% of the department is perfectly fine and could care less. As long as we keep gettin those checks, and keep up the "us against them" mentality, everything is OK! Pathetic.

2/19/2015 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of that sissy gun and get yourself a Sig.

The "Sig Guy", typical... probably the only gun you've ever owned or fired!
No thanks,
you can keep your DAO "12 pound trigger pull"
I'll stick with my Glock.

2/19/2015 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are there for official business being notified to city or county courthouse as an officer of the court why do you continue to let them disarm you? Is it possible, once you sign in and are told to relinquish your weapon wait your 15 and sign out. You hav a record # , you don't need anyone else's signature.

2/19/2015 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just put my lcp in my pocket when I go to bridgeview, and nobody is the wiser. Quit complaining and think outside the box to get around that dumbass bridgeview rule!

2/19/2015 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous GLOCK OWNER said...

For additional safety on the GLOCK, the SIDERLOCK is an excellent foolproof after market external safety which you can laterally deactivate when you touch the trigger.

Click on SIDERLOCK for details.

2/19/2015 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will always remember when the 2nd District desk got shot to death by a [lol] fast draw copper.

2/19/2015 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skokie Court has the same dumb crap of disarming all Police Officers in court!

A very stupid, liberal idea!

I feel safer at 26/Cal and Traffic Court, then I do at any other of those suburban courts because I am disarmed, and around all the shitbirds that go to court and looking to do something!

I try and NOT go to those courts! I rather get a deviation than be disarmed!

2/19/2015 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did this get do much media coverage but the Walgreen's incident in 20, near barely a peep?

2/19/2015 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always an NG, unless some child under the age of 3 picks it up, say from his mother's purse, and shoots her dead with it.

That was an accident, a trained officer discharging his weapon without intent is negligent.

2/19/2015 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skokie court was set up to accomodate north shore cook county. They have no night court, no weekend court. Only once has a Skokie judge sentenced someone to the death penalty, when it was legal. There is tremendous politics there, and you have to inventory your weapon. I always wondered how creditable a cpd officer appeared, taking the witness stand with a visible empty holster. The jury hears testimony from an officer who admittedly can't be trusted in public to handle his own gun.

2/19/2015 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO-0847 hrs
From-Retired and instructing
responding to your question, anything modern ( mid-60s-present) will NOT fire unless the trigger is depressed.Older guns did not have transfer bars,firing pin blocks etc. and under certain circumstances would go off if dropped.Old semi-autos with the hammer down would sometimes pop if dropped on the muzzle. Gun companies started adding internal blocks to prevent this. Your Smith,Glock,Sig safe to carry and will not fire until something depresses the trigger. Guns going off by themselves stories are told by anti-gun people and guys that just pulled the trigger by mistake. Rule one- KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL READY TO SHOOT,and carry your pistol in a quality holster made for your gun and you will be just fine. P.S. lets not be too hard on the Officer,just about all of you, at times have your finger on the trigger when it should not be.I have seen and corrected it a million times. God bless you all.

2/19/2015 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the question about Skokie courthouse: the answer is yes, we are supposed to check our weapons. Fucking ridiculous. Also, while on the topic, why the fuck do we have to check our weapons at 400 W. Superior? This is a city owned building with unarmed security.

2/19/2015 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most likely a Glock

2/19/2015 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it wasn't a revolver.
it was a musket.

2/19/2015 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andys club.....

Hahaha hahahaha

Thanks for the laugh!!

2/19/2015 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love Glock...but

2/19/2015 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of that sissy gun and get yourself a Sig.

2/19/2015 06:21:00 AM

Haha. Was qualifying today and the guys gun next to me broke. Trigger spring snapped. We had only shot two rounds. Lucky for him it happened while qualifying and not on the street when needed. He had a Sig. Talked to the range guy after we were done and he said the gun looked liked it had never been cleaned. Go figure. Keep those weapons maintained people.

2/19/2015 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1213am and's not a Bridgeview thing. Markham and Maywood do the same and as far as I know Skokie and Rolling Meadows too. To my understanding it's a county wide rule from the chief judge that is enforced in the burbs but not the city.

2/19/2015 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Accidents happen but if you have been following the NYPD you will know that an officer was recently indicted for an accidental discharge that killed someone in a project hallway.

2/19/2015 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barny Fife 2015

2/19/2015 07:55:00 PM  
Blogger The Wolf said...

Glocks have the potential to go bang when you are holstering and your coat or shirt is already partially in the holster. The tight fit of these Kydex (plastic) holster in just the right place will grab the trigger while holstering. It happens all the time. You have to visually inspect the path your gun is taking going into the holster.
Don't be negative, be educated.
God bless my brother Policemen!

PS Disarming Police in court is archaic. If the copper has a personal case in court I understand the logic but a Policemen acting in his official capacity disarms just because some judge doesn't like it is a misuse of power.

2/19/2015 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have accidents...what's that old swing about "glass houses". This is a good officer who works in a fast district AND is the POLICE. Let's hold our criticism and be glad he's me, he's probably more embarrassed than any of you fools could imagine. Get well soon brother.

2/19/2015 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As they said when I transitted from my SW .45 to the Glock .40. It ain't gonna' be a new guy accidentally discharging a Glock.
You "transitted"?? Wha???

What's your point?

And you can have those plastic Glocks and that hokey trigger/safety bullshit-I'll stick with the Sig.

God blessed that P/O that day and I'm wishing him a speedy recovery!

2/19/2015 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm not a PO or a gun specialist but I conceal carry (legally). I'm concerned when I see stories like this.

I "appendix carry" with a round in the chamber but with the safety on. I carry a M&P Shield 9mm.

What's the likelihood my gun would go off on its own and hit my balls or my leg? Is it always operator error when stuff like this happens? (This isn't a joke, I'm asking a serious question. Thanks in advance for responses.)

2/19/2015 08:47:00 AM

YES! 99.9% of the time, operator error. Guns don't "accidentally" go "off"!

2/19/2015 09:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big deal he isn't the first and he will not be the last. Can anyone give me the names of the last five that shot themselves? It happens all the time. The ones that I could not believe were the ones where they were cleaning their guns. What bullshit! The first thing you do when you clean a gun is unload it and remember..... No body has ever been shot with an empty gun!

2/19/2015 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get well officer. Lucky no one else was injured.

There is a lesson to be learned here, I hope everyone takes the time to review what and how they handle and holster their weapon.

Be safe.

2/19/2015 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I worked in homicide for over 30 decades and have handled several accidental discharge events. That's what it is an ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE. It is defined as an accident, everyone has had an accident of some type. It can happen to anyone. Whoever wants him to take 30 is an asshole. I'm sure he's embarrassed enough.

2/19/2015 12:06:00 PM
You worked in homicide for 300 years? Wow! And I thought I was old.

2/20/2015 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the civilian asshole who posted that a civilian would get charged for an accidental discharge go fuck your self, no the hell they wouldn't be, you have no idea what your talking about. If in the event it was an officer and I'm gonna say unlikely because the dumbest of officers should know better, but if it was you need to resign because if your that stupid then your gonna get your self or someone else killed or indicted because you have no idea how things work on this job.

2/20/2015 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked in homicide for over 30 decades and have handled several accidental discharge events. That's what it is an ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE. It is defined as an accident, everyone has had an accident of some type. It can happen to anyone. Whoever wants him to take 30 is an asshole. I'm sure he's embarrassed enough.

2/19/2015 12:06:00 PM

30 decades? Hope you took advantage of the free health care at 55

2/20/2015 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30days!?!?! Your a punk and wish I knew who you were copper because I'd ........ Won't go there!

2/20/2015 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the weapon is part of our uniform, just thinking why we give up our weapon at court? As part of our uniform and in a working capacity, cant we refuse to remove our holstered weapon ? I know its a chief judge order, but I think the FOP needs to make a stand on this.

2/20/2015 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was a musket....

funny shit

2/20/2015 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the gun cleaner guy.....if a gun is defective,lets say defective springs u can have an issue attempting to eject live can and has happened!!

2/20/2015 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked in homicide for over 30 decades and have handled several accidental discharge events. That's what it is an ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE. It is defined as an accident, everyone has had an accident of some type. It can happen to anyone. Whoever wants him to take 30 is an asshole. I'm sure he's embarrassed enough.

2/19/2015 12:06:00 PM

30 decades? Hope you took advantage of the free health care at 55

Bet he.s not the only one embarassed. 30 decades? Hey that helps the pension that you paid into for 300 years.

2/20/2015 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything is pointing to clothing pull strap getting in the trigger guard. And I agree any copper on here degrading this guy, must be the most perfect Monday morning quarterbacks around

2/20/2015 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jacket Draw String probably got caught within the trigger guard, Usually a Glock striker fire issue.

2/20/2015 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You want to add insult to injury? For the rest of this po's career however long or short, he is known as the idiot who shot himself. Whatever good police work he has done or will do, he will only be remembered for shooting himself at the Bridgeview court house. He will live with this embarrassment forever along with his injury. In my book that is enough. So you want to add insult to that injury? Fuck you, mind your business and worry about yourself. Next time you fuck up on the job, I hope you volunteer to take 30 pending to teach yourself a lesson. This copper isn't the first and he won't be the last. Could it have been worse? Sure,but so could everything else in life. He hurt himself only, and he'll live with it.

2/19/2015 12:33:00 PM

Thank you! I could not agree with you more. That's the number one problem with this department people don't know how to mind their own business. Like you said, no matter what he has done or will do as an officer, he will always be remembered as the officer who shot himself at the Bridgeview court house. I am just thankful the officer is ok and praying for a quick recovery. Get well soon.

2/20/2015 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I worked in homicide for over 30 decades and have handled several accidental discharge events. That's what it is an ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE. It is defined as an accident, everyone has had an accident of some type. It can happen to anyone. Whoever wants him to take 30 is an asshole. I'm sure he's embarrassed enough.

A decade is ten years... 30 X 10 is 300. You must be the oldest person alive!!

2/20/2015 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's somewhat heartening to see that cops feel the same way us CCWers do at the prospect of having to disarm because of a stupid rule. And they ARE stupid rules. How many shootings perpetrated by bad guys were ever averted by cops and/or law-abiding citizens being forced to disarm? Conversely, how is a rule or a sign alone supposed to prevent a bad guy from committing a crime? These are tough questions that only liberals seem to have the answers to.

2/20/2015 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officers do not check their weapons at 400 W Superior if on official business. At Skokie, check your weapon at the asa office upstairs, no t at the sheriffs.

2/21/2015 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Sgt. Saunders (ret) said...

I'm glad the Officer is OK. As an aside, a FBI agent was accidently shot yesterday in San Diego during his annual qualification course. Shot in the leg IIRC. So it happens every once in awhile everywhere. No need to rip anyone.

2/21/2015 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops...not as perfect as some of you, 3 decades or 30 years. You never had a typo?

2/21/2015 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's somewhat heartening to see that cops feel the same way us CCWers do at the prospect of having to disarm because of a stupid rule. And they ARE stupid rules. How many shootings perpetrated by bad guys were ever averted by cops and/or law-abiding citizens being forced to disarm? Conversely, how is a rule or a sign alone supposed to prevent a bad guy from committing a crime? These are tough questions that only liberals seem to have the answers to.

2/20/2015 10:40:00 PM

The way we see it, the majority of CCW holders are decent and upright people who are scrupulous @ where and how they carry.

Figure that they and off-duty P.O's ignore those "please come rob us Mistuh Bad-Guy" (gun du jour with a red diagonal slash through it) signs stuck in the windows...

Life is but a prog-tard's dream.

...Until the next bunch of poor slobs are found all tangled together and shot to pieces in another storage room or walk-in meat locker somewhere in 'murica.

There is something to be said for being able to actively contest foul shit like that.

As one of the great gunmen of the 20th century is quoted as saying: "It's your hide. How much do you value it?"

More than any side-saddle riding, twitching, blinking prog-tard ever could...

2/21/2015 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Negligent discharge no such thing as accidental discharge!

2/21/2015 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/20/2015 10:40:00 PM

The way we see it, the majority of CCW holders are decent and upright people who are scrupulous @ where and how they carry.

Figure that they and off-duty P.O's ignore those "please come rob us Mistuh Bad-Guy"


Off duty POs do not have to disarm at restaurants and other locations with the stupid "No Guns Allowed" signs. RETIRED POs do but that's another story.

2/22/2015 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of disarming ofcrs, you just KNOW the double standard applies here 'cause some of those judges sittin' up on the bench are packin' heat in a holster under that robe!!

2/23/2015 03:59:00 AM  

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