Saturday, April 04, 2015

How the FOP Voted

  • order to comply with the intended transparency behind aforementioned motion:

      1st Vice-President Ray Casiano; 2nd Vice President Frank DiMaria, Recording Secretary Greg Bella; Treasurer John Capparelli; Financial Secretary Kevin Kilmer; Past President Bill Nolan; Sergeant of Arms Bill Burns; Trustee Chairman Robert Rutherford; Trustees Dean Angelo, Jr., Pat Duckhorn, Kathleen Gahagan, Joseph Gentile, Ken Hauser, Tom Lonergan, Kevin McNulty, Landry Reeves, Inez Riley, Jay Ryan, Steve Schorsch and Ron Shogren each cast their vote for No Endorsement.

      Third Vice President Daniel Gorman; Sergeants of Arms Al Francis, Jr. and James Moriarty, Jr.; Trustees Sergio Escobedo, Michael Garza and Daniel Trevino cast their vote for Mr. Garcia.

      Trustee Mark Donahue cast his vote for Mayor Emanuel.
As the immediate past-president, Donahue doesn't have to face the members - his spot is guaranteed in the by-laws. And who knows what he was promised in order to stand alone with Rahm on a 20-to-6-to-1 ballot. We think that vote alone justified the complete ouster of anyone associated with the old Citywide crew. You want to know who's standing behind you with the mayor, greasing up your ass for the pension fucking? There he is boys and girls.

The FOP tried to eliminate the 3rd VP spot recently....perhaps they should have concentrated on another spot instead?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I said this four years ago when every body was celebrating Daley not running, and I will say it again. The devil you know might be better than the one you don't. (And this comes from someone that thinks Richie Daley should be in jail.) We rightfully dislike Rahm, but I will guarantee that if super liberal Chuy gets in he will be worse than Rahm. I know many will disagree with me but Rahm was worse than Daley, and Chuy will be worse than Rahm. If you dont' believe me just look at all of the endorsements that Chuy has picked up from the super liberal and extreme radical wings of the Democratic party. That ought to tell you something.

4/04/2015 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Markie has a little dribble running down his chin.

4/04/2015 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he voted for Rahm because he thinks Rahm is the better candidate. I mean, do you guys actually believe Chuy is the answer?

4/04/2015 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Donahue needs to go on a perminate vacation. He's been hangin around FOP generating extra income for EVER! It just proves our Mickey Mouse union will never change!!!!! 1

4/04/2015 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is Donahue working? what city/state/county job? how much is his pension from us the FOP? sellout!!

4/04/2015 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if Jesus Garcia wins the election, he is bringing Mike Masters back to the Police Dept.
So, go ahead and vote for Garcia.

and please, stop calling him Chuy. his name is Jesus! pronounced (Hey-Zues) Garcia

4/04/2015 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No endorsement shows no courage!

4/04/2015 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mark D another 19th ward a&&clown and complete sellout!

4/04/2015 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what, I voted for Rahm too.

4/04/2015 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it more accurate to say:

Trustee AKA Former FOP President
Mark Donahoe...

Arrogant ass he was as president what kind of Golden Parachute did he get from
The Daley/Vaneko Crime Family? What is he doing now?

Maybe we should now say
The Daley/Vaneko/Emanuel Crime Family.

4/04/2015 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you can fix this all at the next FOP election. Except no one will remember this crud by then, and even if they do, how many actually vote in the election?

They are all so apathetic, that it is pathetic.

4/04/2015 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capparelli is an old time rat too....his vote just did not expose his intentions....which are strictly to enrich the fuck did anyone vote for him

4/04/2015 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the membership vote?

4/04/2015 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


MD is not the past president... he is an elected trustee..... the members voted for him...Bill Nolan is the"new' past president....

and all the votes that were "no Endo".....Who do you think they are going to vote for at the poll...Not Jesus

At least MD didn't hide behind the No Endorsement....

4/04/2015 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donahue is a DICK ~ remember how he endorsed Obama?!

4/04/2015 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Mark.
Remember who you wanted to endorse when Rahm bends you over and corn holes you for your pension.

4/04/2015 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this from a comment, or the official board minutes? I have a very hard time believing this.

4/04/2015 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Donahue, is a trustee,not past president.Bill Nolan, is past president. Donahue is elected, Nolan is not.

4/04/2015 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember that Mark “the puppet master” Donahue along with Ted Street the former State Lodge President pushed for the endorsement of Obama! Remember the Billy Dougherty said Obama care might be a good option for retirees. Remember Donahue’s kids all had summer jobs with the City’s Clerks office. Remember that these guys submarined Shields and in the process screwed all of us.

Just remember this in the next fop election!

4/04/2015 08:08:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Mark. Mark. Mark. You coulda made us proud.

No keeses for you.

4/04/2015 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ray a box O rocks

4/04/2015 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the survey (s) from the membership. Remember them? This FOP is more crooked than any democratic Ward organization ever was!

4/04/2015 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the local 134 electricians union is the same way.

there is not a city electrician that would vote for rahm emanuel, and yet our crazy union leaders endorse this whack job without ever even asking our opinions.

i hope all of our members NEVER pay the extra voluntary money for the PAC.

buy yourself a bag of peanuts instead.

4/04/2015 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the I'm from Our Lady of I Don't Give a Damn parish on the Southwest Side! The Parochial nonsense that has pitted Southside against Northside should have ceased to be an issue decades ago, especially now that perhaps 20% of CPD never even grew up in Chicago. But people like Donahue through his entire reign retained an ass kissing loyalty to the Daley Machine and the parochialism that keeps us apart rather than together. So it should come as no surprise where his loyalty lies because Rahm is a continuation of Daley and what is left of his Machine. Yet there is an element of irony in all this because Garcia is in fact himself a Southsider, the product of a good "Katlick" High School, unlike Rahm who is an outsider. So why would you not support a fellow Neighborhood Guy? Is it possibly because he is Not White? Nobody has brought up the Race issue in this campaign, but it is the 600 Pound Gorilla in the room. Those guys from that Southside background would vote for a "Colored Guy" before they would vote for a Wetback. And make no mistake about it and remember these two points: 1. Rahm in 4 yrs. has FAILED to produce an economic recovery or solved the pension mess, left by HIS people. Yes, suburban contractors and law firms that contribute to his campaign have made millions, but the problems for us remain. 2. Rahm has total contempt for working class people, as evidenced by the Teachers Strike and the way he held the Retro like a Treat held over the head of your dog. Rahm is not worthy of your vote."G"

4/04/2015 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some bad information SCC. At the Pac meeting their was 7 votes for Rahm not enough to endorse him. But some of the Pac members changed their vote when they had to go on record. Dean told us that 60% 0f the vote went for Chuy. Also your Citywide connection is flawed. Frank DiMaria, Greg Bella, Jim Moriarty, John Capparelli, Pat Duckhorn, Ron Shogren, Mike Garza and Dan Trevino were all Citywide under Mark Donahue.

4/04/2015 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is what I see, Rahm gave us McCompstat and a virtual united nations of commanders including those of every sexual orientation for votes, not to be the best choice to run the department. He also gave us numerous deputy chiefs,commanders and now a sgt. that have retired and are still here as directors collecting a pension and a salary. Not because they are the best, but because they have the hook up. I voted early for Garcia.

4/04/2015 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for MR. T.

Col Hanibal Smith.

4/04/2015 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the f#@% ask the body of the bargaining unit who they want to endorse as mayor when the entire time if Rhamitupourarses didn't get the votes the board would not endorse anyone. Its amazing how Deano (pour some water on him and maybe he could see over the podium) spend the money on calling, mailings, meetings, private meetings, even more private meetings and then send out mailings after the count still not endorse anyone but Rhamyourbenefits. Chew may not be the answer but he is the answer to remove Rhamofficersafety, Rhamyourpension, Youallhavetobleedemanuel from office before we are put in a position of no return. How dare you all stand before this body and allow this to happen. You gave an ending date on a contract.......never before in our history did this happen. ALL BENEFITS CONTINUE UNTIL A NEW CONTRACT IS RATIFIED is what this contract should have stated. NOT UNTIL JUNE 31 2017. You screwed everyone who misses that date by age or service you selfcentered tiny little ass. These people worked for that benefit and you shanked them......just so junior could be a sergeant.....really.
Dyla Hata

4/04/2015 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This election determines the future of our PENSIONS, period.

Let's not forget the FOP Political action committee all getting paid to make no relevant decisions:

Angelo, Sr. Dean Chair
Balestri Frank
Boykens Michael
Casiano Ray
Escobedo Sergio
Ford Marialisa
Francis, Jr. Al
Gounaris George
Hebein Herbert
Kilmer Kevin
Lonergan Tom
Malkowski Carmen
McCall Kathy
McDonagh Tom
McGlade Michael
Murray Patrick
Nolan Bill
Ricciardi Vito
Riley Inez
Rivera Carlos
Schauf Ralph
Trevino Dan

4/04/2015 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gravy train at the top is more telling. A long line there. They would sell out every dues paying member in order to keep feeding at the political trough. They need to go.

They tried to eliminate the 3rd VP spot! Third vice President Daniel Gorman along with a small minorty of FOP representatives did not take the cowards way out of NO ENDORSEMENT. In a profession were we deal with bullies and intimidation on a daily basis these FOP representatives showed they had the memberships best interest in mind. They did not take the easy way out and hide behind a No Endosement.

4/04/2015 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Chuy represents the far out whacko wing of the Democratic party. Look at the people nation wide that have endorsed him. The same people that have marched in Ferguson and NYC and want "dead cops". I don't like Emmanuel either but I think he is the lesser of two evils.

4/04/2015 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why get rid of a spot? Because they don't agree with your political view? That's short sighted and ignorant. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

4/04/2015 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither of these guys deserve our fop star on their mailers. For once, I agree with FLOP issuing no endorsement.

4/04/2015 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Is this from a comment, or the official board minutes? I have a very hard time believing this.

4/04/2015 07:52:00 AM


click the link at the top of the article - it's from the FOP website dummy

4/04/2015 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I said this four years ago when every body was celebrating Daley not running, and I will say it again. The devil you know might be better than the one you don't. (And this comes from someone that thinks Richie Daley should be in jail.) We rightfully dislike Rahm, but I will guarantee that if super liberal Chuy gets in he will be worse than Rahm. I know many will disagree with me but Rahm was worse than Daley, and Chuy will be worse than Rahm. If you dont' believe me just look at all of the endorsements that Chuy has picked up from the super liberal and extreme radical wings of the Democratic party. That ought to tell you something.

Well said....I was in 010 in the 80's when Garcia was running around. When Rudy Lozano got killed, Garcia went to the media and blamed the Police !!! If you want Jackie Grimshaw, Slim Coleman, Leon Finney and Balanoff back running the City, vote for Garcia. Rahm is an asshole, no doubt, but Garcia is an extreme liberal wack-jack

4/04/2015 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I said this four years ago when every body was celebrating Daley not running, and I will say it again. The devil you know might be better than the one you don't. (And this comes from someone that thinks Richie Daley should be in jail.) We rightfully dislike Rahm, but I will guarantee that if super liberal Chuy gets in he will be worse than Rahm. I know many will disagree with me but Rahm was worse than Daley, and Chuy will be worse than Rahm. If you dont' believe me just look at all of the endorsements that Chuy has picked up from the super liberal and extreme radical wings of the Democratic party. That ought to tell you something.

Easy SCC. Let's understand something. Aside from Emmanuel being a tool (just like Chuy) look at the track record. It speaks for itself. If we really want change why doesn't the cowardly REPUBLICAN party put a candidate in for Mayor. Emmauel IS the best choice for now.

4/04/2015 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who the 26'ers have endorsed? (sarcasm and silliness intended).
Since he and his supporters call himself "Chuy" I will call him "Chuy rather then Hay Zeus.

4/04/2015 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why be mad at no endorsement???

At the general meeting that was the vote of the membership.

Why back someone who is not in our camp on most of our issues.

The only person here that should be ostracized id Mark Donahue.

For you youngsters there is a lot of false outrage that goes on this blog by perennial candidates who just like to throw mud.

4/04/2015 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't take a retired Chicago Police Department Detective to figure this one out...

4/04/2015 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very surprised Moriarty, Mark's lap dog, voted differently than Mark. Mark must be pushing for something big to sellout the membership again.

4/04/2015 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous near north crier said...

"Hey Guy" is receiving $50 a month to park his poopsie on a FLOP committee? Classic in a greek sorta way.

4/04/2015 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start at 1:13:26

Sergeants class to start in the next two weeks per McCarthy.

4/04/2015 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the fop isnt an organization for the people, by the people... What was the membership vote?

4/04/2015 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Chuy represents the far out whacko wing of the Democratic party. Look at the people nation wide that have endorsed him. The same people that have marched in Ferguson and NYC and want "dead cops". I don't like Emmanuel either but I think he is the lesser of two evils.

4/04/2015 10:00:00 AM

Show me proof that he is from the "far out whacko wing of the Democratic Party". He has not done anything that could be considered as such in I his lengthy career of elected and public service. People seem to think that because he was a supporter of former Mayor Washington during "council wars", that he is some kind of demon. Well I can tell you that I was a young Policeman during that time, and the old guard democrats had this city in terrible shape. Under Mayor Washington, we had a pretty good Police Department. In addition, I was assigned to the 10th District back then, and while Ald. Garcia may have been a bit vocal; I know of no time when he caused harm to the Police. He was simply a younger elected official who was from the neighborhood and he found himself to be with the elected in-crowd and he made the most of it. Who wouldn't!
In regards to the issues that have been raised concerning his son, who cares. How many times have we seen coppers who raise their families in better neighborhoods than Little Village, who are having major issues with their own kids being involved with gangs, guns and drugs.
So the bottom line is that in the grand scheme of things, Jesus Garcia may not be the best choice for Mayor; but Rahm Emmanuel was given his chance to fulfill his 2011 campaign promises and he has failed us. Are we going to do the whole Rich Daley thing again and let someone build a dynasty without serving the citizens of Chicago, that is why we are in this situation now.
Think about it, prior to Rahm Emmanuel being forced into this runoff election, whenever he spoke about a Chicago casino, he was firm in his requirement that any revenues from it had to go to education. Fast forward to the runoff debates, and suddenly he says casino revenue would have to go toward pensions. He is only telling us what he thinks the voters want to hear.
Let's face facts everyone, it is time for a change. This city cannot continue under the Emmanuel regime!
A very concerned cop.

4/04/2015 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Chuy represents the far out whacko wing of the Democratic party. Look at the people nation wide that have endorsed him. The same people that have marched in Ferguson and NYC and want "dead cops". I don't like Emmanuel either but I think he is the lesser of two evils.

4/04/2015 10:00:00 AM

Oh look, another Moron. It's been said here before...a weak mayor Chuy is going to be easier to get rid of in 4 years as opposed to an Entrenched Rahm.

8 years of the ballerina will be more damaging to this city than 4 years of the Wookee.

As the movie line goes:

Let the Wookee win.

4/04/2015 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"greasing up your ass for the pension fucking?"

There is not going to be any greasing. It's going to be a long hard dry fuck.

4/04/2015 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Vote for Chuy , the pension you save may be your own , rahm created a black deputy chief spot for the black vote . He could have done it 4 years ago .

News last night shows coppers damaging and stealing a basketball hoop , those coppers committed a theft , should be Fired , arrested . It's on film , they could have inventoried it or made a caps request for a SS removal .

Makes you wonder how they got on the police force and what have they done before .
No comment from McCarthy or rahm. Oh yeah election year .

4/04/2015 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorman supported and campaigned with Mike Shields for FOP president. He worked at Lodge under Shields. Gorman worked on Quinn campaign. Gorman worked on Bob Fioretti's campaign. Now he's with Chuy? Dan is out for Dan and has ben ever since he came on the job.

4/04/2015 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just how do you expect or think Chuy can fix your pension? are all goofy to think Chuy can do it...he's with Jackson, the Father and Clem...none of them like you...but Rahm is a far better money getter than Chuy...Rahm does not want to fail....put those together...he is more likely to succeed

4/04/2015 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I commend all the officers who cast their ballots for Garcia. The rest of you are a bunch of ball less bitches.

4/04/2015 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Retired CPD said...

Mark Donahue is the root of all evil at FOP! Wake up over there!

4/04/2015 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why the f#@% ask the body of the bargaining unit who they want to endorse as mayor when the entire time if Rhamitupourarses didn't get the votes the board would not endorse anyone. Its amazing how Deano (pour some water on him and maybe he could see over the podium) spend the money on calling, mailings, meetings, private meetings, even more private meetings and then send out mailings after the count still not endorse anyone but Rhamyourbenefits. Chew may not be the answer but he is the answer to remove Rhamofficersafety, Rhamyourpension, Youallhavetobleedemanuel from office before we are put in a position of no return. How dare you all stand before this body and allow this to happen. You gave an ending date on a contract.......never before in our history did this happen. ALL BENEFITS CONTINUE UNTIL A NEW CONTRACT IS RATIFIED is what this contract should have stated. NOT UNTIL JUNE 31 2017. You screwed everyone who misses that date by age or service you selfcentered tiny little ass. These people worked for that benefit and you shanked them......just so junior could be a sergeant.....really.
Dyla Hata

4/04/2015 09:36:00 AM

Please 1 more time in English! Your drunk blogging but what's your point?

4/04/2015 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Bill Nolan even know what year it is, let alone who is running? Last time I saw him as a Chief in Cook County, it seemed he was pre-Alzheimer's and had difficulty remembering much of anything.

4/04/2015 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley better than Rahm. Not true. In you can't see the forest through the trees, Daley bought votes using the machine to provide lots of jobs with the city, county and state. A huge number went to the Irish clans of the city, but he spread the gravy around to other ethnic and racial groups to maintain power.

But the wage rates were too high and the pensions were unaffordable. At least they would have required taxes to be raised high enough to make many leave the city. Meanwhile they funneled funds to friends and other political allies through contracts and tifs and raided the Chicago's assets. He borrowed to pay, and when he could not borrow more he sold the Skyway and leased to parking meters for pennies on the dollar.
Daley allowed the problem to happen, and city employees were happy as long as the cash kept flowing. Residents wishfully thought $4500 a year in property tax was sufficient to pay for everything.

Rahm suck's because he is a first class asshole, and he could care less about working people, but make no mistake: Daley and company, city employee unions, employees and even our apathetic/stupid Chicago voters made the shit sandwich. Not Rahm.

4/04/2015 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scc it's obvious you are very much for chuy, but is it just b/c he's NOT Rahm? I surely don't like rahm, but why do you think chuy is going to come in and be our savior? I think if chuy gets in he will absolutely start giving the place away. Entitlement programs, minority programs, etc.
I'll vote with Donahue on this one and take an evil I already know and not the dad/sympathizer of some piece of crap gangbanger.

4/04/2015 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't worry, you can fix this all at the next FOP election. Except no one will remember this crud by then, and even if they do, how many actually vote in the election?

4/04/2015 05:31:00 AM

They were saying that since John Dineen. They had one great candidate for FOP President. Wally Simienak. RIP Wally, heart attack got him. Now they have the holdover from the Nolan years, no one any good in other words. Now I am retired.

Best of luck to you all. As long as the majority find their FOP ballot still on the kitchen table in June of an election year it will be like this.

4/04/2015 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the FOP Political action committee all getting paid to make no relevant decisions:

Angelo, Sr. Dean Chair
Balestri Frank
Boykens Michael
Casiano Ray
Escobedo Sergio
Ford Marialisa
Francis, Jr. Al
Gounaris George
Hebein Herbert
Kilmer Kevin
Lonergan Tom
Malkowski Carmen
McCall Kathy
McDonagh Tom
McGlade Michael
Murray Patrick
Nolan Bill
Ricciardi Vito
Riley Inez
Rivera Carlos
Schauf Ralph
Trevino Dan

Interesting, only one Citywide Guy and he voted for Chuy!

4/04/2015 01:27:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Easy SCC. Let's understand something....


That wasn't us Sherlock. Back to reading comprehension school for you

4/04/2015 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debate 2 , rahm states city pensions are Now a Crisis and have to be changed , they were not a crisis before he took office . Courts ruled money had to be paid and he did not contribute one extra dollar into pensions .
That was his plan , money for parks , stadiums , air conditioning in schools , it is o ly needed a few days a year , he buys votes with our money .
Give Chuy a chance

4/04/2015 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A vote for chewie is a vote against our current superintendent. This "devil you know" thing is bs. With rahm its Devils you know...

4/04/2015 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And how much money and time was spend doing this stupid SHIT.

4/04/2015 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About five years ago, other than being a chooch Illinois congressman (Blago's old seat) and waterboy for Clinton & O'Bongo, what did Rahm know about running a large metropolitan city? He knew how to manipulate money while employed as an investment banker (firm now defunct) and Freddie Mac (govmint bailout).
Lots of experience to hide Daleys schemes.
- I'll take a chance with Chuy Garcia than continue to take a financial beating from Weasel-Rahm.

4/04/2015 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just how do you expect or think Chuy can fix your pension? are all goofy to think Chuy can do it...he's with Jackson, the Father and Clem...none of them like you...but Rahm is a far better money getter than Chuy...Rahm does not want to fail....put those together...he is more likely to succeed

4/04/2015 12:19:00 PM

Rahm may be a more accomplished money getter but he spends those funds only on what HE wants to spend it on.
In case you haven't noticed Rahm despises us, hates our pension and has refused to make the city's required pension obligations until he gets the "reform" that HE wants.
He's a major league asshole and absolutely must go.

4/04/2015 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I voted for MR. T.
Col Hanibal Smith.

Just Remember crazy "Mad Dog Murdock" is planning and watching.........

4/04/2015 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seiser say "vote for steve cherico for mayor of Naperville,
seiser knows who can run it.

4/04/2015 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to SCC not endorsing anyone? I too voted for Rahm, not because I like him or agree with him but because Chuy is a clueless. This city has real problems, either candidate is set to screw us, I know that already, I'm just worried about the rest of the crap that could get far worse.

4/04/2015 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ass-Clown Convention.

4/04/2015 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the FOP Political action committee all getting paid to make no relevant decisions:

Angelo, Sr. Dean Chair
Balestri Frank
Boykens Michael
Casiano Ray
Escobedo Sergio
Ford Marialisa
Francis, Jr. Al
Gounaris George
Hebein Herbert
Kilmer Kevin
Lonergan Tom
Malkowski Carmen
McCall Kathy
McDonagh Tom
McGlade Michael
Murray Patrick
Nolan Bill
Ricciardi Vito
Riley Inez
Rivera Carlos
Schauf Ralph
Trevino Dan

SCHAUF Retired Blogos driver and Dean's Cousin WTF!!!

4/04/2015 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...In a profession were we deal with bullies and intimidation on a daily basis these FOP representatives showed they had the memberships best interest in mind. They did not take the easy way out and hide behind a No Endosement."

Amen to that brother!

Dan Gorman is a detective in Area Cental-the shit unit of the D Unit. How does that make him all about himself? The Supt said he would send DG anywhere he wanted and DG turned his back on the Supt. Btw, I am a stripped Po and DG is the only one at FOP who tried helping me. Fight the good fight DG and dont let the small minority from helping us. -B.P.

4/04/2015 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lost retro $$ , begged for aPday raise , lost 1500 police officers in budget , he demotes exempts from command positions but the keep same pay as an XO , has captains doing nothing making $135,000. A year while sergeants bust their butts doing all the work .
One man beat cars 2 to 5 streets and San crews that work very very hard and very very long hours , yeah right
What copper would vote for this jo
Ask a retiree how his buying power went down , paying $1,000 a month for health insurance

4/04/2015 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark ( I gave the city 23 million dollar pass on their pension obligation during contract negations) Donahue?

4/04/2015 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Guy we should have voted for last time was Gery Chico. We never saw the Police work hard for him and he was a true Guy. NOW, the Police is voting for Chuy and his Followers?? to give away everything. What's going on here?? Just doesn't seem right.

4/04/2015 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother OUR UNION IS A JOKE AND WHY THREE VICE PRESIDENTS?????? Had an issue with contract related pay spoke to useless John Caperalli USELESS F/$& by the way. Just fed up with paying dues when NOTHING GETS DONE FLOP should feel bad taking our dues strong arm robbery at its best .

4/04/2015 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not vote for rahm who has raised my retiree health care costs +$500 p/m in the last 5 years, he also aced out my kids on health care the moment they turn 22.COLA is out, and all my other city bills have increased over his tenure.
I'll roll the dice with the Rita guy.

4/04/2015 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can take the measure of a man by the courage of his convictions.

4/04/2015 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be funny if Rahm named Mark as Supt.

4/04/2015 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke thank god I'm retired

4/04/2015 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the more i think about it the more Chuy scares me. However, the rahm - Rauner connection could be scarier.

Buy the way, is the Illinois supreme court holding their decision until after the election on purpose? Just thinking out loud.

4/04/2015 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im disgusted as usual with our so called leaders. Get some balls and make a stand. I'm glad i will be leaving the FOP when I get promoted. Dean Angelo is a shill for Rahm. You're pathetic Dean.

4/04/2015 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the FOP Political action committee all getting paid to make no relevant decisions:


Aging your hard earned
$$$$$FLOP DUES to SHIT!!!!

Working COPS being used by the CLOUTED

4/04/2015 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's face facts everyone, it is time for a change. This city cannot continue under the Emmanuel regime!
A very concerned cop.

4/04/2015 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Dnoauhe's vote says a lot.

4/04/2015 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only place I see Chuy signs is the hood. Take that for what it's worth.

4/04/2015 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FLOP Were getting played

4/04/2015 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say a prayer for Garcia!, Russ can kiss Emmanuel when he loses!! Levar is another!!!!

4/04/2015 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Hornowski was there, he'd vote for himself!!! Lol

4/04/2015 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Chuy, father of gang banger, is elected then there will be no pensions. Just Federal Bankruptcy court where state law means squat...just ask Detroit. The good news is the final poll released tonight shows Rahm up 35 points on Chewy, 65-30 with 5% undecided.

People who skipped the primary and voted big for Rahm.

4/04/2015 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how press conferences for city depts have stopped for the election cycle. Suntimes and tribune stories about crime in chicago are reduced to minimal coverage. Where is gary? Where bbb? Where is vitale?

Vote chuy!

4/04/2015 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Scc it's obvious you are very much for chuy, but is it just b/c he's NOT Rahm? I surely don't like rahm, but why do you think chuy is going to come in and be our savior? I think if chuy gets in he will absolutely start giving the place away. Entitlement programs, minority programs, etc.
I'll vote with Donahue on this one and take an evil I already know and not the dad/sympathizer of some piece of crap gangbanger."

4/04/2015 01:13:00 PM
...Its because of STUPID narrow minded jerks like the above commentor that we are doomed.
Just how stupid are you to think Garcia will give things away? What things...? Rham is raping you and your whole family every night moron.
Vote Chuy or else!!!!!

4/04/2015 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Nolan involved in anything with the FOP. He was and is a total douche. Sold out every PO to benefit himself.

4/04/2015 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what you say about Rahm. He will never get my vote. I want to see him gone.

4/04/2015 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for FOP.... Long list of sell outs on this post.

4/04/2015 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I have to say is this...


4/04/2015 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
SCC, I said this four years ago when every body was celebrating Daley not running, and I will say it again. The devil you know might be better than the one you don't. (And this comes from someone that thinks Richie Daley should be in jail.) We rightfully dislike Rahm, but I will guarantee that if super liberal Chuy gets in he will be worse than Rahm. I know many will disagree with me but Rahm was worse than Daley, and Chuy will be worse than Rahm. If you dont' believe me just look at all of the endorsements that Chuy has picked up from the super liberal and extreme radical wings of the Democratic party. That ought to tell you something.

4/04/2015 12:54:00 AM
So if Hitler is in charge, you vote for him because he's the devil you know. Chicagoans are a pathetic, weak willed group of sheep. They deserve the government they elected for themselves.

4/05/2015 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

schauf drives around burke too

4/05/2015 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of you saying you will vote for the evil you know should know that you are voting for a man who has vowed to take you pension away.

What kind of coward votes for a man like that? Throw him out and then throw out Garcia in four years. That's how you keep these politicians honest. Not like Rahm who said he would hire 1000 and eliminated 1500 from the budget.

Don't you people think?

4/05/2015 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm suck's because he is a first class asshole, and he could care less about working people, but make no mistake: Daley and company, city employee unions, employees and even our apathetic/stupid Chicago voters made the shit sandwich. Not Rahm.

4/04/2015 01:05:00 PM


I don't care whose fault it is; that's a different discussion. Rahm did nothing after coming into office but make things worse, import and hire a felon Ahmad, and two major imcompetents, Brizard and McCarthy, and blow our slush fund, er TIF money, on pet projects instead of existing obligations.

4/05/2015 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph is not Deans cousin. Hes married to Dean sister

4/05/2015 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of Rahm... And if Chuy Garcia does not hold his weight. We dump him too. That's our right as voters!

Get rid if Rahm.

4/05/2015 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donahue needs to go. The sooner the better. He needs to take Jim Moriarty with him too and DiMaria who could be replaced by a high school intern.

4/05/2015 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donahue is all about Donahue! Donahue's mentors were Harold Kunz, and Bill Nolan to a certain degree. Ask them if the knifes are still in their backs from Donahue.

4/05/2015 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the way people come on here and bash everyone and say anything with most of it not being true. Mark Donahue retired in 2011. Doesn't work for any political organization. Doesn't even have a job, he is retired. Bill Nolan on the other hand left as fop president and went right to becoming a deputy chief with the county. Nolan has now left the county and is on the fop payroll once again, working for Dean. Mark Donahue's group gave us free health insurance at 55, new work schedule and Mark is the reason that 550 million dollar payment is due to our pension fund. Nolan did nothing for our pension fund in his 9 years as president and Dean just gave away our free insurance at 55. Yea, Mark Donahue is the one screwing us! Wake up bloggers, you are the police!

4/05/2015 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
Don't worry, you can fix this all at the next FOP election. Except no one will remember this crud by then, and even if they do, how many actually vote in the election?

4/04/2015 05:31:00 AM

They were saying that since John Dineen. They had one great candidate for FOP President. Wally Simienak. RIP Wally, heart attack got him. Now they have the holdover from the Nolan years, no one any good in other words. Now I am retired.

Best of luck to you all. As long as the majority find their FOP ballot still on the kitchen table in June of an election year it will be like this.

4/04/2015 01:21:00 PM<<<

Also retired... very true.

RIP Wally, last time we really had someone honest running for president.

4/05/2015 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this crap generally agrees that Rahm has killed this job, been bad for the city, is a hypocrite and will kill our pensions.


Go tell your neighbors.

Tell your friends...

Tell anybody you talk to...

Get the word out on the street.

4/05/2015 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4/04 11:24 00 Am regarding the cowardly Republican Party. If the Republican Party put up the REAL JESUS, not Hay Zeus, the unions and the the Democrats of Chicago would crucify Him again.

4/05/2015 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing bigger than Donahue's ego is his head. I did not know that they made hats in size 9-3/8.

4/05/2015 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do not know what you are talking about as far as the 010th District Coppers and the Basketball Hoop...There were repeated calls of 2/6 gang members (not little kids) playing ball in the streets, blocking traffic, smoking weed and harassing passerbys...they were told to stop repeatedly and would one owned up to the basketball Hoop so the ooficers didi what they did..yes, in hindsight they should not have done it, but they did not destroy some innocent kids property or steal of the guys on TV complaining even had on gang about the community back the officers up, yes in hind sight they did it wrong but at least they tried to do something about punk gangbangers making it unsafe for kids to walk down the block...and as far as if they stole before, they did not steal shit, they are very honorable officers who got caught up in the moment of gang members blowing them off...

4/05/2015 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy go to bed!

4/06/2015 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the way people come on here and bash everyone and say anything with most of it not being true. Mark Donahue retired in 2011. Doesn't work for any political organization. Doesn't even have a job, he is retired. Bill Nolan on the other hand left as fop president and went right to becoming a deputy chief with the county. Nolan has now left the county and is on the fop payroll once again, working for Dean. Mark Donahue's group gave us free health insurance at 55, new work schedule and Mark is the reason that 550 million dollar payment is due to our pension fund. Nolan did nothing for our pension fund in his 9 years as president and Dean just gave away our free insurance at 55. Yea, Mark Donahue is the one screwing us! Wake up bloggers, you are the police!


The preceding message was brought to you by the committee to elect Bill Dougherty president of FOP!
If Billy Dougherty is ever elected president he will appoint Markie Donahue a field rep.

Donahue worked as our lobbyist for 75k the last three years. He got to keep the FOP car he had as president. What he did was then submitted his gas receipts for reimbursement along with the milage allowance. The two items were never voted on at any board meeting I recall! Mark did not get us the 55 and out health care. They had given up on it by then. The city came back to FOP and wanted it because it saved them money. Get a guy making 90k to leave and replace them with a recruit making 45k. Dean did not give away the health care. The firemen and the sellout Sgt.’s did that to us.

And anyone who was born after 01 Jan 55 will not get the 3% cola. Mark dropped the ball on that one in Springfield too.

4/06/2015 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remains to be seen how the fishing tourney is effected by this.

4/06/2015 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the way people come on here and bash everyone and say anything with most of it not being true. Mark Donahue retired in 2011. Doesn't work for any political organization. Doesn't even have a job, he is retired. Bill Nolan on the other hand left as fop president and went right to becoming a deputy chief with the county. Nolan has now left the county and is on the fop payroll once again, working for Dean. Mark Donahue's group gave us free health insurance at 55, new work schedule and Mark is the reason that 550 million dollar payment is due to our pension fund. Nolan did nothing for our pension fund in his 9 years as president and Dean just gave away our free insurance at 55. Yea, Mark Donahue is the one screwing us! Wake up bloggers, you are the police!
Donahue worked as our lobbyist for 75k the last three years. He got to keep the FOP car he had as president. What he did was then submitted his gas receipts for reimbursement along with the milage allowance. The two items were never voted on at any board meeting I recall! Mark did not get us the 55 and out health care. They had given up on it by then. The city came back to FOP and wanted it because it saved them money. Get a guy making 90k to leave and replace them with a recruit making 45k. Dean did not give away the health care. The firemen and the sellout Sgt.’s did that to us.

And anyone who was born after 01 Jan 55 will not get the 3% cola. Mark dropped the ball on that one in Springfield too

Again, its the blog we can say anything we want even if its a lie.

The Facts one by one. Mark did work as the FOP Legislative Director under Mike Shields. Shields kept him in because of the excellent job Donahue did in Springfield. The 3% cola was a Dineen screw up because he agreed to go back every 5 years to renew the cola not Donahue. When Donahue addressed the cola he would have had to agree to reduce our pensions. That's why the date and by the way Donahue was born after 1955 he said this at many meetings, so he doesn't get the cola either. The bill guaranteeing the 550 million this year was passed in 2010 under Donahue's time as president.
The free insurance at 55 was first implemented in 2009, again under Donahue. The Lodge negotiated this in 2009 and even hired someone to show the City that it would save them money. Dean did give it away this contract its in black and white in new contract books. If this was saving the city money why would we agree to give the city 2% more now and even more in the future. That's stupid!

Dean has a history of being on the negotiating team and giving the city much of our money in health insurance. We pay a percentage of our salaries for health insurance because when Dean was on the negotiating team he agreed to it even though Fop members voted it down.

These are the facts. All you have to do is check the books!

Donahue bought the car that he has and yes the lodge reimbursed him for mileage.

4/06/2015 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Only place I see Chuy signs is the hood. Take that for what it's worth.

4/04/2015 07:20:00 PM


There's plenty of them not in the hood,too.

4/06/2015 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said....I was in 010 in the 80's when Garcia was running around. When Rudy Lozano got killed, Garcia went to the media and blamed the Police !!! If you want Jackie Grimshaw, Slim Coleman, Leon Finney and Balanoff back running the City, vote for Garcia. Rahm is an asshole, no doubt, but Garcia is an extreme liberal wack-jack
Was in Gangs West at the time, Jesus is nothing but a commie and Castro is his hero !! The Cuban people in Chicago know Chuy' to be a fraud and a commie.

4/07/2015 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donahue did not buy his car from the Lodge. The car was given to him for use in his position as legislative director. Donahue was then responsible for insurance, maintenance and repairs. The car was appraised value was $ 8,000 dollars.

4/07/2015 07:21:00 AM  

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