Rahm is Playing the College Kids
- Emanuel campaigned on a promise to put 1,000 additional police officers on the street. But after taking office, he quickly revised the promise to include 1,000 more officers “on the beat.” He delivered half of those officers by disbanding specialized units. Hundreds of others came from reassigning officers from desk jobs to street duty.
- Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plan to give “B” students free scholarships to attend City Colleges of Chicago is a campaign promise he repeatedly cites in re-election talking points.
While it’s widely viewed as a free tuition program for those students, a look at the fine print shows it won’t be a cakewalk for graduating Chicago public school seniors.
An additional testing score required to win the Star Scholarship would rule out more than half of the pool of Chicago Public Schools students who graduated last year with a B average, a Chicago Sun-Times review of the numbers shows.
That’s because B students must also score at least a 21 on both the math and English sections of the ACT. This extra qualification alone cuts out more than half of the pool of more than 5,264 students who graduated from CPS in 2014 with B averages.
Funny how none of those "conditions" made it into the initial reports about Rahm giving everyone a free ride to college, but now suddenly, it's media fodder. We're trying to decide who' playing who here - Rahm, attempting to appear fiscally responsible at the last moment to garner more votes or the Sun Times attempting to swing the B-students and their families into voting for Chewie because of a "broken" promise.
Labels: elections
Rahm said he'll hire 1000 cops and instead shuffled the deck while eliminating 1500 police positions from the budget.
Rahm vowed to take your pensions away.
You sheep will still vote for him. Cowards.
So much for, "it's for the children" on this one.
Tons of Rahm trolls in the comments of past posts. He has his evil little minions trying to make him look like he didn't destroy the credit rating of Chicago, close schools, increase crime, eliminate 1500 police positions and vow to destroy our pension.
Im glad because the tax payers will be paying for those free scholarships
Didn't see Police work hard to elect Gery Chico in the last mayoral race. How come? He was a truly good candidate. NOW, you go for Chuy with so many of his anti-Police followers. How come? You sure are a fickle bunch. You don't know what you want. We regret to inform you we think you are wrong this time.
Another Emanuel scam- B students with a 21 or higher on the ACT go to 4-year colleges like NIU, SIU, EIU, UIC, and ISU not city colleges.
29 and a day said...
Im glad because the tax payers will be paying for those free scholarships
4/05/2015 12:31:00 AM
You're already paying for it.
Garcia or Emanuel, we are fucked no matter who is elected. Two wolves fighting over the lamb.
Sorry but a bologna sandwich could score a 21 on the ACT's. The requirements sound pretty fair to me
College Kids are easily fooled by smooth talking liberal politicians.
If Rahm wins, I don't want to read ONE gripe on this Blog.
You deserve ALL the crap you get.
Watching this from another county - AND BELIEVE ME, I am glad I moved out of Crook County 20 years ago, - ALL I see are a bunch of whiny sheeple bitching about their working conditions and their neighborhoods, but when it comes to vote for change, you vote to retain corruption and arrogance.
And all you who think you're smarter by saying stuff like, "I'm voting for the lesser of two evils if I vote for Rahm" or "Don't vote the other guy in, or the City will go to shit".
NEWS FLASH: The City has already gone to shit and the way you vote out bad government is that you don't re-elect the jerk that was in.
Maybe you never learned that seeing that you keep the same Democrats in power, so maybe it's too late.
Just don't come on this Blog and whine about your job, your pensions, or your neighborhoods. YOU voted for it.
Oh and don't come to me to "bail you out". I would rather see the CIty declare bankruptcy and negate ALL the pensions.
"That’s because B students must also score at least a 21 on both the math and English sections of the ACT. This extra qualification alone cuts out more than half of the pool of more than 5,264 students who graduated from CPS in 2014 with B averages."
What this statement confirms is that more than half of CPS "B" students are much dumber than one would be led to believe.
requiring applicants to score at least a 21 to be eligible for "free" college means they have to score ONLY a 58.33% (the top ACT score is 36).
Soooooooo.... "B" students should have no problem pulling the equivalent of an "F", right? RIGHT?
Shit, according to Wikipedia: "The typical grades awarded from participation in a course are (from highest to lowest) A, B, C, D, and F. Variations on the traditional five grade system allow for awarding A+, A, A−, B+, B, B−, C+, C, C−, D+, D, D−, and F. D− is sometimes omitted, under the assumption that anything less than a D is by definition, failure. In primary and secondary schools, it is also uncommon for a D to be considered passing, so the general standard is that anything below a 60 or 75 is failing, depending on the grading scale. In college and universities, a D is considered to be an unsatisfactory passing grade; the student gains credit for the class but cannot move on to more advanced classes until a C or better is obtained".
It's no secret that a dumbed-down curriculum and routine fudging of grades is common practice in the majority of CPS schools. The fabrication and reporting of good grades results in grants, scholarships, awards and other niceties otherwise unattainable if there exists even a modicum of legitimacy in the system. Same flavor with those 'First Day' attendance statistics...all bullshit to reap taxpayer-funded "freebies".
Think of this phenomenon as the CPS equivalent of our "merit" promotional process - a bunch of undeserving jackasses recklessly promoted beyond their abilities.
As long as the "Gibsmedat" segment is pacified, the dumbing-down of another generation continues unabated. Just as they want it.
Fuck you, Rahm.
He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. What a fu**ing liar!
You people are blind. It's never been about the children. It's always been about the might dollar sign with this arrogant, good for nothing mayor!
Rahm Emanuel doesn't have it in him to speak openly and honestly as men should speak when conducting the taxpayer's financial and legislative business.
"The Art of The Deal" for it's name's sake which distills to abject and utter FUCKERY when viewed through the eyes of the Everyman...
This sense of always trying to put one over on everybody else to prove once and for all to you churls and peed-on peons that he really IS the smartest m/fer in the room.
Weasel Speak.
Slippery Syntax.
Exquisitely Minced Word Salad
with a mystery coated contradiction
in every fucking bite.
Four years in office and this twisted little fuck
has given nary a straight and forthright answer
to a single mutha-jumpin' question...
But he spits words of iron, fire and death regarding
Police pensions while planting wet smoochies on
the asses of his millionaire and billionaire campaign
contributors whom he has blessed with billions in city
business while wheel barrows of money to the tune of $30+ Million are being hustled in through the back door by some of the same bastards who were made
filthy stinking rich(er) by Shortshanks.
Rahm employs:
Wildly gyrating, exquisitely tortured words, terms and definitions that intentionally mean nothing close to what they used to mean.
The man doesn't have a genuine human bone or a heart in his mummified, Boris Karloff on a coke binge body.
He radiates hatred and outsized animus toward all who aren't him and all who don't share his vision of progressive/neo-corporatist Elysium, Utopia, Nirvana or whatever the fuck it is he imagines in that feverish brain of his...
You can be damned sure that he has no plans for Policemen to be there sullying his view of what he has in mind.
Rahm al-Ghoul for a reason...
A little over 52 hours to go.
This IS a fight for the soul of this city.
The people truly invested in this town versus those who don't live here but are crowd-funding the North Shore Shit-Ass so they can drift in like vultures, fly off
with the select parts and leave people who have worked and scuffled for years with nothing.
Timed to be executed when the Federal Investigatory clock finally times out so none of THEM has to worry about forced seating on the federal bus regarding the excesses during the Daley Inc. years.
No worries about the Rahm & Co years,
"Himself" has that covered so the truly
dirty financial crime committing m/fers
who have been looting the municipal
treasury for the last quarter century
will have de facto immunity to move
With impunity.
"If only we can get the greedy, Union member Cops
and Firemen to take pay cuts, give back some of their
cush $100k pensions and sweet early retirement at age 55 to 60, this city wouldn't be in such a financial
mess... Rahm is tough! He's taking them on and making them take cuts. Hopefully he'll make them all
work and not get a penny until they're 70. We don't have secure pensions so why should they?"
Nothing more galling that being busted down to parity with the Shitbirds we've fought for years.
Maybe good, decent law-abiding citizens should emulate the armed wing of the catered to constituency
because the media, politicians and the neo-corporatist vultures view THEM as a more credible threat to flip the fucking table than good, decent law-abiding citizens who happen to be Policemen, Firemen, teachers, etc...
Shitbirds aren't losing a second of sleep over this...
Priorities eh?
Get off your asses and VOTE!
Yep.... Hire them then find some bullshit reason to fire them. many PPOs shown the door after all the money spent on salary and academy costs. Over some petty bullshit but it was all part of the plan... "We hired X number of officers" blah blah blah. Hired and fired.... No clout? go fuck yourself.
K9 results are out? SCC where's the scoop. I'm sure only the clouted got in.
I don't like Garcia. But Rahm doesn't deserve to win. He lied when he first ran when he said he will hire 1000 coppers. He instead shuffled the deck and put 500 or so coppers on the street that were previously working in administrative positions. He not only lied about hiring the 1000, he then went and reduced the size of the Department by 1,200-1,500 Officers. He has just about destroyed Chicago's credit rating. He has hidden who knows how much money in the TIF account while he lies about the city finances and warns about a massive tax increase if the City is forced to follow the law and fund pensions even though he has the money. He has done NOTHING to make this City better place to live. He has not beautified it or make it more attractive to encourage people to move here. He is a liar and a carnival huckster.
So I will vote for Garcia. But I will hold my nose when doing it and hope that if he turns out to be what I think he will that the voters will get rid of him in four years. But Rahm has not earned my vote or yours.
That 50% that won't be able to pass that 'verification' test, you can bet, were all CPS 'social promotions.'
The CPS motto for this type of program is, "Just push em' out da door, with a 'B' or more."
Happy Easter all. Take care, come home safe.
How terrible. Having standards and goals to achieve.
If Rahm really wanted to do something for the children and trim some fat, he would order CPS to do away with positions entitled 'Resource/Collaborative Teacher'.
In these type of positions, connected teachers who can't get hired as regular teacher or don't want to teach anymore work outside the classroom in 'cream puff' positions like:
- Attendance Clerk
- 'In-School' Suspension Monitor
- Athletic Director
- Test Prep Coordinator
- Security
- Community Liaison
- Recruiter
- Admission Reps
- School Clerk
- Dean
- Shipping/Receiving
- Business Manager
- Bookeeper
- Programming
All of these positions, except for Dean and 'In-School' Suspension Monitor, don't require a teacher certification and could easily be manned by someone without any teacher certifications for half the cost of salary and benefits.
Though, Lane College Prep HS employs a Dean (Norman Milsap)who works under the position of Student Special Services Advocate for $60,000 + $30,000 in benefits and Milsap doesn't have any teacher certifications. And, his wife Jane Milsap works as a PE Teacher at Lane for $70,000 + $30,000 in benefits. How does this happen?
Also, a security guard could easily be used as an 'In-School' Suspension Monitor for a 1/3 of the cost it takes to pay a certified teacher to be a babysitter all day for the bad kids.
Case in point of waste for CPS: Taft High School is bellying aching about not having a 2nd librarian because of budgetary concerns. But, instead Taft is paying Gary Longo (brother of 'Vote Fraud King' Dominic Longo) $90,000/year + $30,000 in pension/medical benefits/year to work as an Attendance Clerk under the guise of Resource/Collaborative Teacher. Longo's $120,000 package could hire TWO 'non-certified' employees to help with Taft's overcrowded situation in undermanned positions around school.
I don't see many of those graduates seriously considering community college. Someone with a B or better grade average will have opportunities at better schools.
I was surprised only 5200 grads have the grade. That's about 25%.
This also shows how disconnected he is to his departments. The CPS is/has phased out the ACT in order to have it replaced with the PARCC. so he is really jerking us all off here, or doesn't know what is going on. I assume a little from each column.
FLOP is Playing COPs
Let's not forget the FOP Political action committee all getting paid to make no relevant decisions:
Angelo, Sr. Dean Chair
Balestri Frank
Boykens Michael
Casiano Ray
Escobedo Sergio
Ford Marialisa
Francis, Jr. Al
Gounaris George
Hebein Herbert
Kilmer Kevin
Lonergan Tom
Malkowski Carmen
McCall Kathy
McDonagh Tom
McGlade Michael
Murray Patrick
Nolan Bill
Ricciardi Vito
Riley Inez
Rivera Carlos
Schauf Ralph
Trevino Dan
SCHAUF Retired Blogos driver and Dean's Cousin WTF!!!
Raham's Playing US all
Rham went to the State of IL last Year for a Property Tax Increase and Quinn said NO
Carful what you wish for With the Rahm Dictator in Charge
Hows Rahm going to pay for free college??? Or Free Anything??
By Raising your taxes and fees
The City Colleges of Chicago are a joke. All of the so called improvements are cosmetic. Students in need of remedial education are being pushed towards graduation. The non-academic chancellor (a former bankrupt) has an expansive suburban residence in Lansing, but claims to be Chicago resident due to an apartment rental. Seventy percent of classes are taught by poorly paid part-time instructors who have not had a new union contract in three years. The nepotism and cronyism that goes on at the district offices rivals anything at the College of Du Page, but the media does not want to expose any of it.
Garcia gang banger illegals
A surge of undocumented immigrants seeking driver’s licenses has surprised the California Department of Motor Vehicles, pouring in at twice the rate officials expected and underscoring massive interest in the new program.
Read more here: http://www.mercedsunstar.com/news/article17373587.html#storylink=cpy
We saw how Harold Washington ruined this city
Keep Rham and continue to build a better city
Rahm vowed to take your pensions away
But FLOP DEAN Cant back the Rival
Cops we are getting screwed by FLOP and RHAM
....AND our dues are paying for it
Did you vote?
FYI: I would bet more then 85% or even more, that the old "inside" officers have been rotated with new "inside" officers,hell you can not even get a spot to park at HQ.
Just look at Rams Campaign
Backed by the Rich
Creating fear thro lies
Smiling as being friendly
Putting red light cameras in storage for future use
Ask yourself you trust this guy?
12:33am, I voted for Chico. But alot of people were brainwashed by Rahmses. And now Chico endorsed Rahmses. WTF! Money obviously can "buy" people. I don't know what's worse? Greed or Rahmses? Can it be both? He does have the money to entice people. Wake up Chicago.
Chico was there to split the white-Hispanic vote.
I see coppers with Rahm signs. He said he is reducing pensions, salaries, and benefits. WTF?
And all of retirees I hope he cuts your pensions first. And don't give me that shit you paid your dues, its called austerity.
Sorry for the negativity SCC, just angry about what the future looks like if Rahm wins.
That "B" CPS student turns into an "F" student at Hinsdale South. Or an "A" student at Hillcrest.
Don't vote for Rahm. He's no good.
Believe the New and Improved Rham
scc here is irony
This Chuy Might Work Out OK Department --
In re: Rahm's desperate "Chuy doesn't have a plan for this city" attacks --
Just this moment heard on radio news -- Garcia said "I can't say exactly everything I might have to do when I walk in that door. When you buy a house, you have to look at the plumbing and inspect for termites first."
Shine the light under there...jeez! Boy, has Chicago got termites! All the toilets are backing up, too.
Need to spray that stuff all around the foundation before the whole place collapses, and rod out the line all the way to the street. You go, guy!
He has destroy the credit rating of Chicago, closed schools, increased crime, eliminate 1500 police positions and vowed to destroy our pension.
Another Emanuel scam- B students with a 21 or higher on the ACT go to 4-year colleges like NIU, SIU, EIU, UIC, and ISU not city colleges.
YES You get it
He wont raise our taxes either
wink wink
Dat be racist
Gee Schuaf was the mole for Blago and hes on FLOP PAC? Out the Clout Rham??
Anonymous said...
Another Emanuel scam- B students with a 21 or higher on the ACT go to 4-year colleges like NIU, SIU, EIU, UIC, and ISU not city colleges.
4/05/2015 12:53:00 AM
Yes, you are correct. A 21 on the ACT, although a low score is enough to get admittance to secondary schools*( i.e. B grade institutions) such as you have listed. However, you need money to do this. The schools that you mentioned, although state supported schools still are expensive for many people. Young people go to city colleges for the first 2 years because their families do not have the money.
The product that the Chicago public schools turn out is pretty poor and pathetic. The teachers blame the kids and the kid's families for this saying they have little to work with. This might be true in a small percentage, but the teachers have a good deal and Karen Lewis wants to make it even better, even to the point of bankrupting the school system. I hope the state legislature takes away the right to strike from all public employees and teachers are finally held accountable for their work product. The teacher's union is ruining the city and state and this is not just a problem in Illinois. End tenure and the right to strike.
NEWS ALERT: You need the ACT to attend any Community College! It's a lie from the very beginning, a bait and switch, another piece of garbage perpetuated by Rahm!
"he didn't destroy the credit rating of Chicago"
Chicago's financial problems have been building for decades thanks to democrat rule of the city. Rahm gets to play clean up. The problem is his hands are tied. Unfortunately it will end up in Federal Bankruptcy court. Chewie would just get up to bankruptcy a little sooner. The money is gone.
I don't believe it. The Sun Times is still around? Who reads these lefty rags anyway? Their core audience can't read. No wonder they are in bankruptcy. I love it!
We voted for Rahm. Chewie is a disaster and can barely put two words together.
A national benchmark like the ACT is needed because Chicago schools have huge grade inflation. Just look at the Chicago high school to college performance. The Chicago school kids drop at least 0.5 on GPA. The results were published a couple of years ago...after the Illinois government held back the release for a couple of years. Grades are worthless at CPS.
A 21 on the ACT is around 56th percentile. You are not really a B student if you can't score a 21.
Rahm and his Republicans
SCHAUF Retired Blogos driver and Dean's Cousin WTF!!!
Ran for Sgt at arms too lost
but wormed his way in the DEAN Way
Buy Yourself A Public Office Department --
...and we think we've got an election going here...
Michael Bloomberg reportedly 'considering' running for mayor of London
April 05, 2015
"A former New York City mayor is reportedly being persuaded to run next year in the London mayoral election by prominent government officials across the Atlantic.
"The Sunday Times of London...reports that Michael Bloomberg is “considering” running...in next year’s election in London.
"Powerful Brits are apparently publicly backing the idea...Steve Hilton, a top adviser to British Prime Minister Cameron, is urging Bloomberg to run.
“It would be an incredible coup for London."
"After his term as New York’s mayor ended in 2013, Bloomberg built a two-tower skyscraper on the site of Roman temple ruins and owns a $20 million town house in London and even sits on the board of the Serpentine Galleries.
"He was dubbed an honorary knight by Queen Elizabeth III in 2013... Bloomberg has also called Britain his “second home.”
"For Bloomberg to run he would have to become a citizen of the country of the European Union, a prerequisite for running for mayor.
"Wealthy foreigners could fast-track applications for British residency by investing $15 million in the country...
"A source told the Sunday Times that they did not think it would be a problem.
"Both of Bloomberg’s daughters are British citizens and his ex-wife Susan Brown was born in the UK."
$15 million gets residency, huh? All Rahm needed was those "GOLAN MOVERS" boxes in the basement...
Working Election Day? Watch for the problems fights and dirty tricks Stay safe boys and girls
Rhams going to lose if he cant steal the election
Yep.... Hire them then find some bullshit reason to fire them. many PPOs shown the door after all the money spent on salary and academy costs. Over some petty bullshit but it was all part of the plan... "We hired X number of officers" blah blah blah. Hired and fired.... No clout? go fuck yourself.
4/05/2015 03:28:00 AM
What are you talking about?
Vote Garrido and Napolitano In Their respective wards. We need good guys with the union vote in city hall.
"The people truly invested in this town versus those who don't live here but are crowd-funding the North Shore Shit-Ass so they can drift in like vultures, fly off with the select parts and leave people who have worked and scuffled for years with nothing."
4/05/2015 02:47:00 AM
BCP speaks truth. City being flown by remote control from Aspen and Austin and "wine clubs" in the Montana hills.
Think -- what chance did Chico have against RahmRaunerJarrett AxelrodObamaLLC?
There are too many people in The 1% Lounge for safe occupancy and our view inside is obstructed by the "We're Great!" neon sign in the too-small front window, and it looks like you got funny wiring all over the place too.
Let's bust this s__t up.
"$90,000/year + $30,000 in pension/medical benefits/year to work as an Attendance Clerk."
4/05/2015 07:50:00 AM
"Attendance Clerk" used to be the principal's assistant, an elderly lady who could look at a clock and put a mark next to a kid's name on her clipboard...
Probably went through a half-dozen red pencils a year.
JuCo should not be free, its already inexpensive.
It doesn't take alot of brains to complete college, just some motivation.
There is nothing more motivating than investing your own money.
And we all know what free means, every asshole in the world comes to partake, ruining it for everyone else.
Yep.... Hire them then find some bullshit reason to fire them. many PPOs shown the door after all the money spent on salary and academy costs. Over some petty bullshit but it was all part of the plan... "We hired X number of officers" blah blah blah. Hired and fired.... No clout? go fuck yourself.
Please give examples of the "petty bullshit." Showing up to the academy drunk isn't one of them. If you can't make it out of our academy, you shouldn't be a copper.
FYI: I would bet more then 85% or even more, that the old "inside" officers have been rotated with new "inside" officers,hell you can not even get a spot to park at HQ.
4/05/2015 09:44:00 AM
There's no parking because of Fire on the second floor.
Interesting article on yahoo about Emanuel and Chicago Elections Chief.wtf
What a rip off in 025. $10 for some lemon chicken, pasta and some beef with sausage? Hate when a fellow officer tries to make a buck off his co-workers for Easter..
How about the contractual obligation to reimburse my tuition...still waiting for that to happen.
This Chuy Might Work Out OK Department --
In re: Rahm's desperate "Chuy doesn't have a plan for this city" attacks --
Just this moment heard on radio news -- Garcia said "I can't say exactly everything I might have to do when I walk in that door. When you buy a house, you have to look at the plumbing and inspect for termites first."
Shine the light under there...jeez! Boy, has Chicago got termites! All the toilets are backing up, too.
Need to spray that stuff all around the foundation before the whole place collapses, and rod out the line all the way to the street. You go, guy!
4/05/2015 10:44:00 AM
Can't help but wonder if the place is too far gone for the stick framed plastic tent and spray solution...
Turn off the utilities, plug every hole, block the sewer lines, wedge the windows and doors so nothing can escape then be biblical...
Purify it with seven days of hot fire.
Them yellowish-white flames...
When the flames die down, mix rock salt with the ashes and let it sit for seven years.
Anonymous said...
Didn't see Police work hard to elect Gery Chico in the last mayoral race. How come? He was a truly good candidate. NOW, you go for Chuy with so many of his anti-Police followers. How come? You sure are a fickle bunch. You don't know what you want. We regret to inform you we think you are wrong this time.
4/05/2015 12:33:00 AM
Whoever 'we' is, you weren't looking too hard last time around. Most cops voted for 'other', last time, whether it was Chico or someone else, but the spot was Emanuel's for the taking last time out.
btw, Using the royal 'we' is very arrogant and off-putting, just like Rahm.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yep.... Hire them then find some bullshit reason to fire them. many PPOs shown the door after all the money spent on salary and academy costs. Over some petty bullshit but it was all part of the plan... "We hired X number of officers" blah blah blah. Hired and fired.... No clout? go fuck yourself.
4/05/2015 03:28:00 AM
Better to fire a screw-up while they're still in the Academy than to pay out millions when they screw up on the street. We have NEVER fired as many as should be fired. Instead, they get passed through and become liabilities.
Anonymous said...
The City Colleges of Chicago are a joke. All of the so called improvements are cosmetic. Students in need of remedial education are being pushed towards graduation. The non-academic chancellor (a former bankrupt) has an expansive suburban residence in Lansing, but claims to be Chicago resident due to an apartment rental. Seventy percent of classes are taught by poorly paid part-time instructors who have not had a new union contract in three years. The nepotism and cronyism that goes on at the district offices rivals anything at the College of Du Page, but the media does not want to expose any of it.
4/05/2015 09:15:00 AM
Hey! Hold on ... I teach at the City Colleges and you know what?? Everything you say ... is true!!
In these type of positions, connected teachers who can't get hired as regular teacher or don't want to teach anymore work outside the classroom in 'cream puff' positions like:
I'm sorry, but except clerks and maybe one or two other positions, you are entirely misinformed or just bitter about someting. Some of those jobs mentioned are also collateral duties for teachers or other staff. In school can not be run by security because it is technically a full day of attendance and needs a certified teacher by law! Secondly in school baby sitting is basically taking taking the 2-3 kids from each class that are the best and brightest and putting them all in one room with one person for six hours. No thank you for that job.
God forbid we treat educational workers as a profession that is worthy of salaries that allow people to live on their own and not supplement with government aid. May I ask what you do for a living, how much you make, and if i took your job for 1/2 the amount you get paid, would it still get done? Answer those questions or do not reply.
By the CPS standard, a "C" student is one who is in attendance at least 30% of the school year.
All others are "B" students.
"A, D and F" students however do not exist under this model.
Rahm has fundamentally redefined the Dream Act.
Time to put his campaign to sleep.
– Dump Rahm April 7th.
Campaign creepster Rahm Emanuel inspires young tears, caption contest
Posted at 8:45 pm on April 4, 2015 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments
This just in
What no Happy Easter SCC ? Have you become an atheist?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
K9 results are out? SCC where's the scoop. I'm sure only the clouted got in.
4/05/2015 05:42:00 AM
The scoop is it doesn't matter if you answer both scenarios correctly along with the couple other canine related questions unless you are in the know of you blow or spread you legs for, you dont get a rank score.
There is a reason county and suburban canine officers think our K-9 unit is a joke. Who are suburban officers constantly getting called by DEA and FBI task forces to do sniffs in Chicago? These teams even have cpd detailed to them. Our K-9 unit is the biggest joke in the Midwest
If Rahm wins, I don't want to read ONE gripe on this Blog
If Garcia wins can I gripe then?
POTUS Obama proposed to make college free for students with a B average or higher. If Rahm is trying tricks again, this will be his last four years if he gets in again.
The taxpayers pay for grants so what difference does it make?
You know what? F Rahm and F those college kids! I pay for catholic education because CPS sucks so bad. So what? Reward all those dead beat asshats that choose to dumb down their children and save money by sending them to public schools?
A Lot Of Dead Weight Still At THE Academy!
I Fart In Your General Direction said....
It's no secret that a dumbed-down curriculum and routine fudging of grades is common practice in the majority of CPS schools. The fabrication and reporting of good grades results in grants, scholarships, awards and other niceties otherwise unattainable if there exists even a modicum of legitimacy in the system. Same flavor with those 'First Day' attendance statistics...all bullshit to reap taxpayer-funded "freebies".
I would like to add more to this topic but you covered it and then some. Well written contribution as always, Sir!
Anonymous said...
12:33am, I voted for Chico. But alot of people were brainwashed by Rahmses. And now Chico endorsed Rahmses. WTF! Money obviously can "buy" people. I don't know what's worse? Greed or Rahmses? Can it be both? He does have the money to entice people. Wake up Chicago.
4/05/2015 10:11:00 AM
Wasn't Rahmses a brand of condom?
Many Chicago Police Officers (active or retired) work as security officers at the City Colleges of Chicago. Rahm has relatives working there too in administration. The security officers have been trying to negotiate a new contract forever and the last best offer from CCC was an hourly raise of thirteen cents.
This is what Rahm thinks of you.
The claimed improvements and progress at the City Colleges is a hoax.
"It's no secret that a dumbed-down curriculum and routine fudging of grades is common practice in the majority of CPS schools."
Many CPS Honor Students are upset that upon matriculating at the City Colleges they are sent to remedial classes in English and Math because they cannot perform at the 12th grade level despite their bogus HS diplomas.
Anonymous said...
12:33am, I voted for Chico. But alot of people were brainwashed by Rahmses. And now Chico endorsed Rahmses. WTF! Money obviously can "buy" people. I don't know what's worse? Greed or Rahmses? Can it be both? He does have the money to entice people. Wake up Chicago.
4/05/2015 10:11:00 AM
Wasn't Rahmses a brand of condom?
Yeah, and then the ancient Egyptians started naming pharoahs after condoms.
Hows Rahm going to pay for free college??? Or Free Anything??
By Raising your taxes and fees
What this statement confirms is that more than half of CPS "B" students are much dumber than one would be led to believe.
requiring applicants to score at least a 21 to be eligible for "free" college means they have to score ONLY a 58.33% (the top ACT score is 36).
Soooooooo.... "B" students should have no problem pulling the equivalent of an "F", right? RIGHT? "
gee, Einstein, you may want to learn the math yourself first.
36/21 is not an equation, it is a fraction. And it does not equate to 58.blah blah % either, more like 1.714 genius...
Many Chicago Police Officers (active or retired) work as security officers at the City Colleges of Chicago. Rahm has relatives working there too in administration. The security officers have been trying to negotiate a new contract forever and the last best offer from CCC was an hourly raise of thirteen cents.
This is what Rahm thinks of you.
The claimed improvements and progress at the City Colleges is a hoax.
4/05/2015 11:42:00 PM
You are soooo stupid! The minute the contract for a huge raise as you apparently deem fit, you will bitch and moan about the property taxes going up. This is the overall problem with city workers(of which I am one, the city worker not the problem). I here everyone bitch and moan about our contracts and how we should get paid better....are you serious? It is amazing how lazy the majority of coppers and any other city worker is in this city. I wouldn't hire anyone who told me they worked for the city. Too expensive and too soft. It's all about the money for most and you aren't worth it. I bet you said yes to our last contract didn't you? You had to get that retro right now...couldn't wait for it and you sold me down the river.....well I'm tired of listening you your bullshit! "I want a raise for doing nothing////blah blah blah"
In these type of positions, connected teachers who can't get hired as regular teacher or don't want to teach anymore work outside the classroom in 'cream puff' positions like:
I'm sorry, but except clerks and maybe one or two other positions, you are entirely misinformed or just bitter about someting. Some of those jobs mentioned are also collateral duties for teachers or other staff. In school can not be run by security because it is technically a full day of attendance and needs a certified teacher by law! Secondly in school baby sitting is basically taking taking the 2-3 kids from each class that are the best and brightest and putting them all in one room with one person for six hours. No thank you for that job.
God forbid we treat educational workers as a profession that is worthy of salaries that allow people to live on their own and not supplement with government aid. May I ask what you do for a living, how much you make, and if i took your job for 1/2 the amount you get paid, would it still get done? Answer those questions or do not reply.
4/05/2015 05:19:00 PM
We have a CTU member in the house!!!!! Regarding those 'honor' students placed 'in-school' suspension: #1 In-school suspensions have risen because schools get brought on the CPS carpet for 'out-of-school' suspensions because of this restorative justice crap. These future scientists in 'in-school' do nothing but sleep, so, why pay someone a teacher's salary to be with them? Don't give me the bullshit about the law!!!! If the law was followed by CPS, you wouldn't have many schools open. Laws are broken every day throughout CPS, especially in regards to SPED students and their equal accessibility and learning environment. And, the law is constantly being broken by Administrators who use discretionary funds to have pizza parties, pay friends of their consultative salaries to sit around and bullshit with them, and pay for their own vacations under the guise of a class trip with preselected students and pet teachers along with them.
#2: I make a 1/3 less salary than CPS teachers and I work a 1/3 more
#3: The only 'cream puff' position mentioned which may be in addition to a teacher's normal duty may be athletic director. None of those other positions are in addition to their primary positions as they're the primary positions.
#4 I'm not bitter or misinformed. In fact, I'm spot on and it hit a nerve with you and other lazy CTU members. The jig is up.
Anonymous said...
"$90,000/year + $30,000 in pension/medical benefits/year to work as an Attendance Clerk."
4/05/2015 07:50:00 AM
"Attendance Clerk" used to be the principal's assistant, an elderly lady who could look at a clock and put a mark next to a kid's name on her clipboard...
Probably went through a half-dozen red pencils a year.
4/05/2015 01:00:00 PM
Gary Longo's salary info:
If you go to the CPS Position Files for 12-30-14 on their website, you can find he's budgeted to make $89,534 ( before OT ) and an additional $30,093 in benefits for the 2014-15 school year.
Keep in mind that a "B" student may still be "Special Ed," what in my youth we referred to as mentally retarded.
Teachers are not allowed to make a note in any way that a student's scores were earned with "special help." Some of my teacher-wife's students with the highest grades are cognitively impaired (to use our modern euphemism.)
So it is down to deciding on which bad candidate qualifies as the least bad. Jesus H Christ, this City has sunk so low.
Both are bad, so no matter what, we get a bad Mayor on Wednesday morning. Let me see, why is it that people don't go out to vote again?
requiring applicants to score at least a 21 to be eligible for "free" college means they have to score ONLY a 58.33% (the top ACT score is 36).
Soooooooo.... "B" students should have no problem pulling the equivalent of an "F", right? RIGHT?
gee, Einstein, you may want to learn the math yourself first.
36/21 is not an equation, it is a fraction. And it does not equate to 58.blah blah % either, more like 1.714 genius...
You're both wrong. The 21 corresponds to your rank on a bell curve; in other words, in comparison to all the other students who took the test.
Getting a 21 means you rank in the 56th percentile of all test takers, meaning you scored better than 55% of all takers of the test.
In other words, requiring a 21% is asking that the student be just a liiiiiittle bit better than average.
While that's not a high bar to clear, it's a far cry from scoring an F.
What this statement confirms is that more than half of CPS "B" students are much dumber than one would be led to believe.
requiring applicants to score at least a 21 to be eligible for "free" college means they have to score ONLY a 58.33% (the top ACT score is 36).
Soooooooo.... "B" students should have no problem pulling the equivalent of an "F", right? RIGHT?
Wrong. The 21 corresponds to your rank in comparison with all students nationwide who took the test that year. You're organized into a bell curve and that's all that is important.
A 21 places you into the 56th percentile nationwide, meaning that you scored higher than 55% of the people who took the test that year.
While that's still a pretty lax requirement for a full scholarship, it doesn't equate with getting an "F" - it's really a "C" if you want to think about it that way.
Post high school education is a privilege not a right. We should not have to fund "b" students any way you look at it.
#2: I make a 1/3 less salary than CPS teachers and I work a 1/3 more
Sounds like the answer was bitter. Thanks for playing and not answering my question. Just because in your general experience with the CPS has been negative doesn't mean that cutting money and livable wages is the answer. You must work in or around people in the school system but not in the system yourself. I see posts like your original one and get irritated at misinformation you put out there. Face to face I could address all of your concerns, but on here just know that accountability for every city agency is key, not reducing the money allotted or salaries. Many people on this blog are paying a lot of money in tuition, not for better teachers (I was in private school 8/12 years), but for smaller class sizes, more individualized attention , and the ability of the school to remove problem students and disruptions. If you knew the amount of red tape and the severity of discipline infractions that need to be documented for CPS to even suggest expulsion hearing you would not sound so confident in your post. Do you know what due process is? least restrictive environment? High school and grade school tardiness and attendance is a huge problem because these parents do not invest (tuition) there is no real interest to support the school or child.
Sorry for the long reply, but don't come on this blog talking of something you don't fully understand.
You did not tell me if I could do your job for half the money you do it for. You just Rahm Emmanueled me with razzle dazzle about 1/3 this and 1/3rd that.
Sad news is , these two clowns are the Best in the city , take a chance on a kid from the St. Rita High School . He never made $12,000,000 in less than two years . So he is probably an Honest Catholic Kid.
to 04/05/15 0750
Sorry, your wife (or brother, sister, or YOU) didn't get that job. However, Gary Longo is not Dominic Longo's brother. Just lying to support your position makes you an ass. I have known he and his family for 55+ years.
#2: I make a 1/3 less salary than CPS teachers and I work a 1/3 more
Sounds like the answer was bitter. Thanks for playing and not answering my question. Just because in your general experience with the CPS has been negative doesn't mean that cutting money and livable wages is the answer. You must work in or around people in the school system but not in the system yourself. I see posts like your original one and get irritated at misinformation you put out there. Face to face I could address all of your concerns, but on here just know that accountability for every city agency is key, not reducing the money allotted or salaries. Many people on this blog are paying a lot of money in tuition, not for better teachers (I was in private school 8/12 years), but for smaller class sizes, more individualized attention , and the ability of the school to remove problem students and disruptions. If you knew the amount of red tape and the severity of discipline infractions that need to be documented for CPS to even suggest expulsion hearing you would not sound so confident in your post. Do you know what due process is? least restrictive environment? High school and grade school tardiness and attendance is a huge problem because these parents do not invest (tuition) there is no real interest to support the school or child.
Sorry for the long reply, but don't come on this blog talking of something you don't fully understand.
You did not tell me if I could do your job for half the money you do it for. You just Rahm Emmanueled me with razzle dazzle about 1/3 this and 1/3rd that.
4/06/2015 02:23:00 PM
CPS teachers and staffers = Great pay with plenty of excuses is how I read it. And, when these people are asked to work they get pissed as going from doing little or no work to actually working will piss people off.
Let's go back to salaries....Did you know there's plenty of CPS staffers without a college degree, or some without any college experience, and they're calling the shots or in control of CPS students. What are these staffers making to work in jobs like recruiter, admissions rep, community liaison, student advocate, etc.? Try $55,000 + handsome benefits.
Or, let's look at some of the school clerks. Gone are the days of the little old lady with her hair in a bun and who works from the time they walk in until the time they leave. Today, clerks are all about connections and good pay with only having a high school degree or GED.
Clerk II positions ($30,000-$35,000 range + benefits) are actually affordable in salary. But, Clerk I positions are a waste of the taxpayers' money to do the same exact work as a Clerk II. I know of 4-5 Clerk 1's who don't have any college experience (let alone a degree) and after 5 years on the job they're making $50,000 +$25,000 in benefits. This when a Clerk II, who's doing the same work is still making in the 30's. How does this happen?
One Clerk I stands out to me. She's 27 years old, she graduated from Kelvyn Park HS (that institution of great educational success.....NOT!!), she couldn't handle working in a grade school as a Clerk II, and so she used some connection and got promoted to Clerk I to work at a high school. Reports from teachers and other staffers is she gossips, shops and watches Spanish soap operas online, and texts all day while pulling in $50,000 + benefits. Then, she complains about how she wants a raise because she does too much work.
CPS is loaded with employees like this Clerk I and don't tell me they're not. If you do, you're either a liar, are one of them, or don't pay attention to anything around you.
We have a CTU member in the house!!!!! Regarding those 'honor' students placed 'in-school' suspension: #1 In-school suspensions have risen because schools get brought on the CPS carpet for 'out-of-school' suspensions because of this restorative justice crap. These future scientists in 'in-school' do nothing but sleep, so, why pay someone a teacher's salary to be with them? Don't give me the bullshit about the law!!!! If the law was followed by CPS, you wouldn't have many schools open. Laws are broken every day throughout CPS, especially in regards to SPED students and their equal accessibility and learning environment. And, the law is constantly being broken by Administrators who use discretionary funds to have pizza parties, pay friends of their consultative salaries to sit around and bullshit with them, and pay for their own vacations under the guise of a class trip with preselected students and pet teachers along with them.
#2: I make a 1/3 less salary than CPS teachers and I work a 1/3 more
#3: The only 'cream puff' position mentioned which may be in addition to a teacher's normal duty may be athletic director. None of those other positions are in addition to their primary positions as they're the primary positions.
#4 I'm not bitter or misinformed. In fact, I'm spot on and it hit a nerve with you and other lazy CTU members. The jig is up.
4/06/2015 09:02:00 AM
You a racis!
CPS is loaded with employees like this Clerk I and don't tell me they're not. If you do, you're either a liar, are one of them, or don't pay attention to anything around you.
I said there needs to accountability. You mention people in charge of students with no degrees or qualifications. That starts with the board of Ed. Only 2 board members have any ed background and the mayors HAND PICKED board of EXPERIENCED investors and capitalists still run financing into the ground. Your anger is directed in the wrong place my friend. And you still didn't answer my question.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
to 04/05/15 0750
Sorry, your wife (or brother, sister, or YOU) didn't get that job. However, Gary Longo is not Dominic Longo's brother. Just lying to support your position makes you an ass. I have known he and his family for 55+ years.
4/07/2015 06:05:00 AM
This Gary Longo must be related to someone if he gets paid $90 grand to be an attendance clerk for CPS.
Longo's not an attendance clerk, he's an attendance coordinator. There's a difference as a coordinator, who does the same work as a clerk, makes $50,000 more.
I said there needs to accountability. You mention people in charge of students with no degrees or qualifications. That starts with the board of Ed. Only 2 board members have any ed background and the mayors HAND PICKED board of EXPERIENCED investors and capitalists still run financing into the ground. Your anger is directed in the wrong place my friend. And you still didn't answer my question.
4/07/2015 11:41:00 AM
I'd rather have the "mayors HAND PICKED board of EXPERIENCED investors and capitalists" running the show as they have shown to be successful in what they do rather than the CPS employees without degrees who ruin (not run) students' lives on a daily basis because they're clueless, connected, and allergic to work. Hell, most of these CPS employees without even minimal college experience didn't want to be in school when they were students and now they're in charge. That doesn't make sense.
Also, no matter what I answer, you'll never be happy as I'm no shill for CTU like you. People talk about the CPD's code of silence, what about the code of silence which goes on throughout CPS for inept teachers, unqualified staffers, and stooge-like administrators.
FOUR more years of Rahm means the end to the CPS fiefdom's draining taxpayers' pockets. I would suggest polishing up your resume. I hear Harold's Chicken is hiring for shift managers.
FOUR more years of Rahm means the end to the CPS fiefdom's draining taxpayers' pockets. I would suggest polishing up your resume. I hear Harold's Chicken is hiring for shift managers.
Wow, racist and bitter. I'm white stupid. Have fun making less for more work (whatever you do besides complain).
I'm done. Thanks scc for this forum. Despite others ineptitude.
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