A Disturbing Proposal
- Mayor Rahm Emanuel is seeking first-ever subpoena power for the Chicago Police Department’s Bureau of Internal Affairs, but a prominent defense attorney said he finds the proposal troubling.
The proposed ordinance, which was presented to the City Council earlier this week, would strengthen the department’s investigations of alleged misconduct by officers, according to the mayor’s office.
The Independent Police Review Authority already has the power to issue subpoenas — legal demands — to obtain records and compel people to testify. IPRA investigates the use of excessive force, police shootings in which an officer strikes someone, domestic abuse, deaths in custody and verbal abuse.
The Bureau of Internal Affairs investigates other allegations of police misconduct, such as criminal activity, substance abuse and rules violations.
“While CPD can demand cooperation by its members in investigations, it cannot seek documents — like cellphone and employment records — from third parties unless there is a criminal investigation,” said Adam Collins, a mayoral spokesman.
Seems like more than a little bit of overreach on the part of the city.
Remember, these are the same bozos who wouldn't let the Inspector General investigate aldercreatures or issue subpoenas regarding criminal and election law violations by the City Council.
Remember, these are the same bozos who wouldn't let the Inspector General investigate aldercreatures or issue subpoenas regarding criminal and election law violations by the City Council.
Labels: FOP, info for the police
God, I can't wait to retire to get out from under this city's fat thumb.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Since when are the police also the judiciary?
Is the IL ACLU Rushing to your Defense?
Why not?
Some Animals are more equal than others.
George Orwell was writing allegories, not How-To Manuals.
OT: To the two 012 th district coppers for helping my daughter last night.
A big thanks!!
The only way they will get my cell phone is when the pry it from my cold, dead, perfectly manicured fingers.
Now, kees me you fool!!!!
So under this ordinance any political hack boss can file a complaint and have the henchmen at the rat squad violate your rights and look into your personal papers in violation of the Constitution.
You voted repeatedly for socialists, now you got what you voted for. Go knock on more doors for your political masters, slaves.
May be the board should not be appointed by the MAYOR!
A bunch of hacks that are not even required to be at a hearing and don't even read all the document submitted.
They are all to busy in their private lives making bank. Go to their web site even the notes are half ass people ask question and nothing is in the minutes of the public hearing. Sure i want these part time do gooders issuing warrants and subpenas. At least the meter maids have a few hours training about laws regarding parking tickets!
OT --
Attn. -- Lolla Command Post
Eye on the sky - severe thunderstorms starting around 5 PM might clean it out...
The is definitely "NOT" the idea of Chief JR. he is still figuring out how he became a Chief.
I understand the post said at the bottom info for the police, but for the life of me, I cannot understand how and or why a Mayor can hate police officers so much.
Maybe we can call Markie Mark Donahue and have him call his good buddy Eddie Burke and helps us defeat this. Or is Markie Mark Donahue only worried about helping Markie Mark Donahue?
I can't wait to leave this shitty job and corrupt city! Da Pelon
1 more reason to do less. SIMPLE
Rahm wants it and the city council will rubber stamp it, It's a done deal.
Hey maybe this new power will be the tool used to shut down the Second City Cop blog? Fear is a powerful motivator and is the politburo's trademark ya know?
>>>>> “With everyone wanting the police held more accountable, it would be a tremendous tool for Internal Affairs to have, too,” <<<<<
Oh really?? Now exactly who is this "everyone" that wants police "held more accountable"? Annnnd held more accountable for exactly WHAT! I certainly don't buy that residency crap mentioned.
Alao, I don't think that people like the radical Father Flaky, the not-so Rev's Al and Jesse, president SparkleFarts, left-wing extremist neo-communists who were brainwashed to hate the police and America from the day they could crawl, and the lying relatives of dead fucking Gangbangers -- 'Bangers who are DEAD 'cause they attempted to shoot and or injure police -- count as "everyone". And the media, Ha!...those jagoffs sure as hell aren't 'everyone', they're not even 'anyone'.
Furthermore, the OVER WHELMING MAJORITY of law abiding citizens -- who just want to be able to travel anywhere at anytime without fear of catching a stray bullet from some feral asshole, and want those assholes to receive no mercy from the police when caught -- think that cops today are held pretty goddamn 'accountable' as it is!
So.....Tiny Dancer take your 'subpoena power' and shove it up you ass. Leave the police alone so they can do their fuckin' job!
Surprised? You shouldn't be. Research who der leader REALLY is and you will begun to understand what he is.
that is fuckin' scary.......
So... They won't need probable cause and a search warrant!!??? Left wing fucking nuts!!!
Retirement can't come soon enough. Honestly, if I wasn't so close to retirement and had a lot less time on I would leave this shit hole city and county. This is what I advise any young Officer. Get out while you can kid, this city is only going to get worse.
They already have an avenue to do this, just like the detectives investigating criminal cases.......it's called felony review!!!!!! Talk about abusing the power of a subpoena , so I'm going to entrust IAD not to abuse the subpoena power!!!!
This such low down, nasty Bullshit! Just when Ya thought U'd heard it all. Fuck them! They want(and are disturbingly so making grounds)to STUFF their cake and eat it to0. Fat fucking faces w/cake still on their already greedy faces.
That's it, NO MORE. They want something from US? Fuck You! U better put something up this time and don't expect a whole lot back. I was a PPO for my 1st contract and we got our asses handed to US. They put up DT's pay for FTOs and a generous raise by comparison to subsequent contract, but the Boners(sorry I meant to say Powers)that be decided to fight,
We didn't have to pick up dead shit head storage anymore.
I'm tired of loosing this contracts and bowing to The City for any thing that goes thru their monkey fuckin football skulls.
Slimy fucking politicians.
They don't want anyone having true investigative authority over them but they want to increase the scrutiny of the police.
Fuck you Rahm. Fund our pensions.
Maybe somebody could investigate that sweetheart, gift wrapped, banking deal that landed in your lap from Bruce Rauner. What'd that net you $14 million?? Must be nice.
Aldermen/women and City Council should be immune from subpoenas and investigations at city/county or state level Otherwise unscrupulous political opponents would give them no peace, and they would be unable to do their jobs. They should only be investigated at federal level. Whoever the people elect, they should also completely trust.
I will conduct myself according to advice from my attorney. The City can wipe their ass with any bogus subpoena powers. The City doesn't comply with it's own laws, state laws or federal laws so why the fuck should I? Rahm can kiss my ass, when Daley starts to comply with all the laws, so will I.
I'd say a soon as it applies to all the aldermen then they can look at us. Until then they stick where the sun doesn't shine. If they need to investigate criminal behavior go to court and get a court order.
Prayers for this Memphis officer "routine traffic stop" they say! May he RIP!
Very sad state of affairs this political leadership has lead us into the blood is on elected hands! No more 99 traffic stops wait am I going insane no more traffic stops period give them what they want anarchy in their communities "blue lives matter" tired of this nonsense hoping Donald Trump in 2016 turns this country around!
Just remember, unlike ASAs and Judges IAD has NO tort esemption.
OT. Memphis PO killed on traffic stop. Probably "chicken crap" stop. Offender probably "didn't even do nothing". I've got a solution. No more traffic stops. Let them live in the lawless society that they cherish. That oath you took to enforce laws is what's chicken crap.
Did anything ever come of that proposed law which would make it a crime to lie to/about the police on an official statement? Like federal agents have.
Was anyone ever arrested or prosecuted for this?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Aldermen/women and City Council should be immune from subpoenas and investigations at city/county or state level Otherwise unscrupulous political opponents would give them no peace, and they would be unable to do their jobs. They should only be investigated at federal level. Whoever the people elect, they should also completely trust.
8/02/2015 11:50:00 AM
Okay, first let me say that, yes, I know you're a troll who posts these comments just to get a rise out of the participants here.
But I'd also like to know your secret formula for doing so. Do you first formulate a normal response, then edit it to say the exact opposite of the normal response? Or do you have a little list of hot-button phrases that you know will incense the readers here and elicit the greatest number of answers?
Is it a school project? A psych experiment? Or just it just somehow gratify you to do this?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
They already have an avenue to do this, just like the detectives investigating criminal cases.......it's called felony review!!!!!! Talk about abusing the power of a subpoena , so I'm going to entrust IAD not to abuse the subpoena power!!!!
8/02/2015 10:09:00 AM
Just think about it. That idiot from IAD who likes to post here, giving details of confidential investigations, will have access to your cell company's records and to your mortgage application specifics. What could go wrong!?
IAD often links with Federal or state officials, as the case demands. You are no safer today than you were 30 years ago from the above agencies subpoenas.
I like nachos...I don't like stupid liberals
Yes, cause the police need to be monitored due to "corruption". How about warrants for e-mails, text messages, phone calls on Illinois politicians....
I'm starting to hate this job more and more!!
IPRA does not investigate verbal abuse. That would be the lowly beat sergeant.
What would be more fun is if the city council would include the teachers in this ordinance, since way too many of them abuse the sick rolls, live outside the city. Maybe the teachers should be subject to random drug testing. Now that would really be fun.
They can start with investigating Mayor 9-Digit's buddy Rich Simon, former cop, and
'Alleged' mob driver who never testified in to the grand jury some 30 years ago
in the disappearance of said mobsters girlfriend with Rich being the last to
see her.
FYI they do not need your cell phone to look at your texts or other info. They can see what sites you look at from your computer or smartphone if they get the info. From the sites themselves.
2 AUG @ 09:23 hrs. - Yes sir, my thoughts were the same regarding IAD using this as a means to mess w/ SCC. We know that the previous Supt. convened an IAD witch hunt to stifle this blog and identify the blogger as well as posters. Can you imagine if former IAD head Debra Kirby had this type of power (she's also an attorney). This is the same IAD which refused to obey state law & have complainants sign an affidavit when filing a CR#. Funny how IAD selectively obeys the law and then breaks it with impunity.
And of course, where is our FOP when this is proposed? Hey Deano, are we going to offer any testimony on this issue, as well as "Proctology Joe's" Stop&Frisk receipt which mimics a state law waiting for the Gov's signature???
I'm surprised they don't simply make tuning over your phone bills, credit card bills, etc, a condition of employment.
Another reason to keep cell phone under an assumed name. Don't ditch the land line. Never trust a politician. Please remind me, who voted for Rahm and which fraternal organization couldn't get 1 more vote to endorse him?
Well, Well, Well
Guess who got arrested AGAIN on Friday !!!
PULGAR, Herbert Anthony aka "Herb Dilla" CB# 19161206 was arrested and charged with PSMV by beat 1463D.
PULGAR in a known "Maniac Latin Disciple" gang member and was known in the "Chicago City Vehicle sticker debacle" a few years ago.
RD# HY362846.
In Rahm Emanuel's world, The Bill of Rights does not
apply to Chicago Policemen because they have "conditions
of employment" by virtue of having sworn an oath of office?
"If you Cops don't like it, then just quit already.
Thousands of people are lined up to take your
jobs at half the pay and none of the cush benefits
you guys get. And they'll do it better and with none
of your racist and rebellious bellyaching about
"your rights." The public doesn't give a shit about
you guys rights. As it is, you've got too many rights
and protections anyway. We hope Rahm turns all
of you blue suited bums out on the streets because
we're sick and tired of our tax money being wasted."
...Or something like this.
>Stands back...
Admires work.<
The war against The Police and their concerns
continues unabated.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Maybe we can call Markie Mark Donahue and have him call his good buddy Eddie Burke and helps us defeat this. Or is Markie Mark Donahue only worried about helping Markie Mark Donahue?
8/02/2015 08:36:00 AM
Where will Jimmy Ade, Pauly Bilotta, and Billy Dougherty wind up when they retire. Sounds to me like Shields hit the mark on the head when he said these guys were in bed with the city.
Off topic...and out of this world.
Per FoxNews the US Navy Lt. Comdr that shot the Chattanooga terrorists may be facing criminal charges.
The Pentagon and the Navy Investigation Services are looking into charging the career officer because he had a gun in a gun-free zone.
The Dems have gone completely insane.
There are other voices that are beginning to think that gun-free zones may not be such a good idea after all.
I don't have a cell phone. Never turn over my pager!
OT ....
Worked Lala tonight, thanks to the vendor who took care of our whole team with food,water etc out of self initiated kindness. No matter what the media says, there are every day people who appreciate the Police and your kind gestures were appreciated. Thank you very much.
Anonymous said...
This such low down, nasty Bullshit! Just when Ya thought U'd heard it all. Fuck them! They want(and are disturbingly so making grounds)to STUFF their cake and eat it to0. Fat fucking faces w/cake still on their already greedy faces.
That's it, NO MORE. They want something from US? Fuck You! U better put something up this time and don't expect a whole lot back. I was a PPO for my 1st contract and we got our asses handed to US. They put up DT's pay for FTOs and a generous raise by comparison to subsequent contract, but the Boners(sorry I meant to say Powers)that be decided to fight,
We didn't have to pick up dead shit head storage anymore.
I'm tired of loosing this contracts and bowing to The City for any thing that goes thru their monkey fuckin football skulls.
8/02/2015 10:18:00 AM
WTF? Have your meds adjusted already.
Anonymous said...
2 AUG @ 09:23 hrs. - Yes sir, my thoughts were the same regarding IAD using this as a means to mess w/ SCC. We know that the previous Supt. convened an IAD witch hunt to stifle this blog and identify the blogger as well as posters. Can you imagine if former IAD head Debra Kirby had this type of power (she's also an attorney). This is the same IAD which refused to obey state law & have complainants sign an affidavit when filing a CR#. Funny how IAD selectively obeys the law and then breaks it with impunity.
And of course, where is our FOP when this is proposed? Hey Deano, are we going to offer any testimony on this issue, as well as "Proctology Joe's" Stop&Frisk receipt which mimics a state law waiting for the Gov's signature???
8/02/2015 08:08:00 PM
That affidavit law regarding complaints against police officers is useless. I am one of eight officers with confidential investigations going against us on a confidential CR#. All charges against all officers were Unfounded or Exonerated. We 8 then sued the complainant who had signed the eight false affidavits. Political pressure was really brought to bear as the complainant was connected. When this FOP regime came in, they stopped funding that lawsuit chalking up another win for the usual democratic machine people.
When I read of PO's going on and on about that bullshit affidavit law I just laugh. The very next successful lawsuit or criminal prosecution for signing a false affidavit will be the first. A person simply will not face any type of penalties for lying against the police. The Courts, the States Attorney, none of them will do anything against anyone for lying against police officers. I had faith in the affidavit law. No more. It is as full of shit as everything else.
Who by name is proposing these powers? Please provide name, title, picture, and all other pieces of information about the person. This is political. Socialist want to destroy patriots. Warriors come out and play.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Aldermen/women and City Council should be immune from subpoenas and investigations at city/county or state level Otherwise unscrupulous political opponents would give them no peace, and they would be unable to do their jobs. They should only be investigated at federal level. Whoever the people elect, they should also completely trust.
8/02/2015 11:50:00 AM
We are going to track down your comment and find you. You traitor sucking communist.
The new red squad
Just a tHought .. would the alleged access be from date of approval to such records and therfore anything previous would be grandfathered private and personal, subject to review only upon a court issued warrant and or court ordered subpoena. .
Or, does this proposal allow for cart blanc and nothing is private and everything is subject to inspection. Please make sure this is clearly articulated REMEMBER THE C.R. RELEASE OF RECORDS AFTER THEIR PURGE/DESTRUCTION DATES
If this passes leave your cell phones in your personal car. Us free wifi with iPod. Don't think that's traceable. If it is let us know. Then when shooting happens and they want you to make notifications tell them no cell phone. Will call when you get to station. They want to see everything you looking at at work. Then use it against you. Scary times.
Lets make the retirement age mandatory 50yrs.
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