Anyone Notice This?
We noticed something cropping up in the FOP newsletter that arrived last week. We've noticed it quite a bit lately, not just in the newsletter, but in casual conversations and such:
- President's Report - Tattoo Arbitration Update: "...the grievance challenges the Department's decision to unilaterally issue the Order without bargaining with the Lodge" [...] All of these are mandatory subjects of bargaining which the Department could not change unilaterally."
But somehow, the Department did change the rules, essentially challenging the FOP to grieve and/or sue them.
- 1st Vice President Report - Mistake or Intentional? "...the Lodge became aware that the Department published a Directive (Department Approved Semiautomatic Pistols and Ammunition, U04-02-01) without the input from the Union, or the Uniform and Equipment Advisory Committee."
Again, if the Department (and the City) can't do this, then how are they doing it?
We bring this up because of the following:
We bring this up because of the following:
- Field Representative Report - 005th District Survey: "We are compiling data from the FOP 005th District survey and the results will be posted on our website. The participation from the 005th District personnel has been outstanding and the hope is that the concerns from the 005th District personnel will be heard and worked on. A pilot program evaluation committee has yet to meet and we will be requesting one immediately after our results are tabulated. The Department has promised dialogue regarding this issue and we will hold them to this."
Really? We have a Contract in effect regarding the other two issues and the Department/City violate it constantly, forcing us to grieve and sue them to follow the language written. Now, the FOP expects them to (A) answer a phone call requesting a meeting and (B) "hopes" that the concerns are "heard and worked on."
Seriously? After the city already took their own survey and have had the numbers for months now with plenty of time to massage the data so thoroughly that it will sit up and do tricks if Rahm wants it to? The FOP couldn't even stop the baseball or winter hat from getting axed.
How about this data - from an e-mailer, we have information that the Homan Square Black Site has been told in no uncertain terms that a major consolidation is about to be undertaken among the units that will result in hundreds of officers being dumped from the building back to districts and 10-hour days are starting the First Period of 2016. There have been meetings among the Commanders/Commanding Officers and lists are being drawn up right now
The FOP is admitting in two cases that they aren't consulted on major policy changes, then hoping that the biggest policy change in recent memory is going to have "input" from the Lodge. The FOP has rolled over so often, we imagine that they're going get rolled on this, too.
Seriously? After the city already took their own survey and have had the numbers for months now with plenty of time to massage the data so thoroughly that it will sit up and do tricks if Rahm wants it to? The FOP couldn't even stop the baseball or winter hat from getting axed.
How about this data - from an e-mailer, we have information that the Homan Square Black Site has been told in no uncertain terms that a major consolidation is about to be undertaken among the units that will result in hundreds of officers being dumped from the building back to districts and 10-hour days are starting the First Period of 2016. There have been meetings among the Commanders/Commanding Officers and lists are being drawn up right now
The FOP is admitting in two cases that they aren't consulted on major policy changes, then hoping that the biggest policy change in recent memory is going to have "input" from the Lodge. The FOP has rolled over so often, we imagine that they're going get rolled on this, too.
Labels: department issues, FOP
How accurate is this 10-hr day info that was emailed?
Don't forget the body cameras in 014 that the city didn't notify FOP prior to the completion of the initial 90 days in order to continue it.
FOP was soooooo proud of the agreement, and when the city did not follow the agreement, FOP said OK we forgive you.
Anything so Dean Jr. doesn't have to wear one.
If you vote for Angelo you are a tool or fool.
Dean Angelo should be hung by his feet and stoned just like Mussolini. He is Mussolini as Rahm is Hitler. A dictator and a tag along pussy who is out for the few and not the many.
When you have strong take charge men in charge, Like Obama or Rahm, unions learn to do as they are told, or suffer severe consequences.
The people who have tattoos should be able to wear short sleeve shirts until the grievance is settled.
Time to replace FOP.
Seriously. Reading about this stuff is a joke.
NO, I take that back. It's sad because many, who are good cops, think FOP has their back. They don't.
Said it before, the only thing FOP leadership is worried about, is that BIG merit future promotion. AND, maybe the FOP perks as they wait around for it.
"Do this, and we'll take care of you later on."
"Overlook this, and we'll take care of you later on."
I think it was last fop newsletter but Dean made it a point for the members to know how hard the guys and gals at the lodge are working for us, working longer hours and going above and beyond for the members and blah blah blah. If its such a hard life then go back to your previous assignment and leave that additional $600 a month behind. Working hard my ass. I called McDonagh regarding a police shooting I was involved in and he said he'd call me back and never did. Can't trust people who can't keep their word.
What else is new? Our union Blows!!!
Many of these issues are not contractual. It's not in the contract that you can have tatoos. He city does things like this because they know they won't lose. Know the rules. The only thing the union can do is grieve it. And it will most likely lose.
Ot. Anyone notice that Anita Alvarez is not being backed by the democratic party? They are basically allowing an open primary. Looks like many will get their wish and get a new states attorney. Considering her opponents that may not be a good thing.
Dean Angelo
and FOP = Theater of Failure.
Why do they even bother putting on
the charade of "we're fighting for you guys"
when Rahm is "paying" them to hold our
ankles and wrists in preparation for the ultimate
back-bend and ass fuck...
Traitors are best viewed when they're running on air...
FOP = Rahms bitch
Seriously? The Dept/City has castrated the FOP. SCC is more relevant than the FOP and way more important and efficient at putting out information to its members, but all those FOP guys always talk shit about the blog.
Fuck the FOP. Who doesn't think those motherfuckers aren't just looking out for themselves? And besides, what's their recourse? We can't strike. Grieve? Sue? That takes too long and usually goes in favor of the city. The city can and will do what it wants.
How did the IL Legislature and Raumer pass the body camera bill without any input from any of your IL police lodges/unions?
Because the FOP is feckless and incompetent? Or paid off?
With proper leadership the FOP could really be a powerful force but instead the city puts us on the pay-no-mind list. It's embarrassing.
The current FOP administration has backed down from
every unilateral violation of the contract by the city.
Saw this strategy from the get-go...
The city is DARING FOP to grieve/sue.
FOP is committed to fighting "fair"
in a fight for survival.
How fucking naive...
Failure Theater.
Gosh Darn it to Heck, we really, really tried, but we could not do anything!
The 5th district rep is a total softball... Thinks this is the U.S. Senate or something always coming up with awesome ideas... Moron if u ask me
The dean team cant even get basics done nor stick to their campaign. First vice president Casiano took over a week to return my call, saying, he "is a very busy person." To make matters worse, he called the management labor affairs unit for advice. Im worse off now than before i called.
Oh, and he felt he had to tell me he was the First vice president 3 times during the conversation. Anyone have similar experiences?
The upcoming Detectives exam is coming up shortly. Below is a link for one of those free test prep class if anyone is interested.
The last time I took the exam was about 10 years ago. I'm gonna give it my best shot because I am pulling the plug in less than 5.
It looks like they're also offering a free class for the upcoming entrance exam if you have any family members who would like to be considereed
FREE Chicago Police Detective 2-Hour Test Prep Overview Class:
FREE Chicago Police Entrance Exam 2-Hour Overview Session:
Bring on the Teamsters!!!
Didn't Dean give it all away in the last contract he was so eager to get everyone to sign off on?
We'll soon find out!
Remember, no tears if all you were worried about was your retro pay!
I was just going to say that the 10-hr day is coming, like it or not. That info is swirling around 35th street. What the city is doing, in essence is union busting. The FOP needs to look into filing state and federal unfair labor practice suits and state the continued pattern and practice the city has about violating the contract.
This is a door that should have never been open by the FOP. We are happy with the schedule we have now. No one wants to work 10 hour days in patrol. Deano's nicey nice attitude with Human Resources sucks!!
While the increase scrutiny of FOP is a good thing I wish it would have started sooner. Maybe then we would have not had the Shields escapade at the hands of the Donahue/Dougherty cabal.
If you think the State FOP is settling with Shields because they want to give away free money think again. I make no accusations. But if what I think did happen you will want to see all of them pay for their sins.
The fact that the city is blatantly just disregarding your contract is pretty chilling. CPS principals are currently firing tenured teachers as often as they can, but at least we have no contract.
OT. What's really funny is that the media think Homan Square is the department's
"black site."
Blue Flu.
Told you changes coming to OCD. Yes take it to the bank.
Who cares at this point. Once the new contact card order comes out, no police work will get done. ACLU gets the police dept they want. The 2 page form gets filled out with every time the police stop someone in addition to the arrest, ANOV, mover, etc. I'd hate to be a commander or tact lt. Should start in January 2016. Person stopped also gets a receipt with your info. Almost like a TSSS for everything.
The city walks all over our contract. They do not honor a contract/agreement that they agreed upon. We are dealing with a mayor who is very unethical and immoral. So the solution is simple- we must all stick together and play by their rules. You want to fuck with us? Fine, keep fucking with us and we will fuck with you. I'm not talking about filing grievances! Rahm is having a field day and laughing all the time at us because he knows he can get away with it.
The ten hour day will be department wide. Count on it. It is brilliant for the city. The manpower shortage is addressed and one third of the shifts/personnel is reduced. Thus saving the city a shit ton of money. I just don't get it brothers and sisters. Why do you allow them to hurt you like this? By them hurting you, they are hurting your family. Why would you allow someone to hurt you and your family and you refuse to do take any action? When will enough be enough for you? At the end of the day, the fault lays at our feet. We can point the finger at the mayor, city council, etc. and it will feel good temporarily. But if we refuse to help ourselves then surely we have no one to blame but ourselves.
One word STRIKE.
All this because the current FOP Administration is more concerned about themselves than the rank and file.
Here's a novel idea:
Not sure why it's a big surprise !!! City has always done what ever they wanted and no one is held accountable !
FOP Leadershio and Department/City officials are all on the same side, they represent themselves, not the union membership!
There are just too many different uniforms. It should be standard. only one type of hat, one type of vest cover, along with pants and shirts. (don't forget the shoes too)
Notice this
****DeaNo Schauf and Jr Will sign off on 10 Hour Days****
FLOP Can do this by Executive decision
City cant do it But FLOP Can make it happen
Time to Vote No Confidence in President DeaNO
Since Dean has been in he mentions in almost every newsletter how they get along with the department. Of course they do because they let the department do whatever it wants! With McDonagh and Capparelli leading the charge you can almost guarantee that we will be working ten hour days in 2016.
Don't expect Disability Dean and his ilk at FOP to help the "real police". They work for themselves - take - take - take.
I know several cpd members that have brought these department changes to the FOP. And not one of them has received a response from FOP.
But on the other hand, no one was expecting an answer. SAD state of our union, if we have to find greivance updates
in the monthly news letter. When it should be reported on FOP web site, in a generic form to show rank and file what greivances are open and settled against the employer.
The city gives CR information out to media so whats the secret of grivances?
I would hate for a work slow down that is against the contract too.
What happens if NO one applies for special employment? I know pipe dream.
We are soft and not very UNION like just a bunch of guys with guns who are comfortable and like working the same car everyday. Change will not take place till people beef/go on medical/not write parkers/file lawsuit/classify crime correctly by narrative.
Or just wear those crown cap with long sleeves on a 10 hr day.
Anybody just recently put their papers in for 55 ad out with free insurance? I did so because a certain well liked fop person told me in order to get the 55 and out with free Insurance I had to reach my 55th birthday and have my papers in by 30 september 2015. I put my papers in for 31 Dec 2016... I would of waited for Jan 2017. Any body else interested in a class action law suit? Typical
Does Deano have tattoos?
Off Topic: Any truth to the rumor about a Sgt. class in September??? Anyone have information they'd like to share?
It's what the City does. Take Don Oneil..Director of Human is almost ALMOST funny to depend on him to follow the contract. And when you invoke the services of the FOP to put him
In check you will likely hear "well it depends on Don Oneil's mood"... wtf?!? This is EXACTLY why the mandatory arbitration clause needs to be taken out. Grievance procedures take YEARS! But we agree to this. Without, mind you, getting anything in return. If the arbitration clause was removed, the FOP could still agree to arbitrate some less pressing issues, but would reserve the right to walk into the federal court house, have a judge issue an injunction against the City (Which they would...because it causes more harm to us than the City in most cases-the standard used in considering injunctions), and at the very least allow the tattoo people to wear short sleeves pending outcome of the dispute, or stay the 10 hour day order until the outcome of the dispute, etc etc.... You see, Don Oneil/City make arbitrary decisions because we have no recourse. Even when the issues DO get to the arbitrator it usually goes in front of some City dependent lackey who is required to follow ZERO precedence and whose decision is given all the deference in the world (he isn't even bound by law!!!) So if the FOP Wants to have a mechanism to fight City Hall and the Don Oneills next contract DO NOT agree to the mandatory arbitration...make it subject to bargaining, and you better get something HUGE in exchange for it, because it is precisely why these arbitrary decisions carry the weight they do. I suggested this once and got some garbage about the City pays for arbitration so the FOP likes it...BULLSHIT! There are so many cop lawyers who could File the injunctions with the Court it would cost very little. We see how scared the City is of legislation (settling even the most ridiculous lawsuits) this would prevent them from such arbitrary decisions in the future, as well as force them into reasonable settlements long before arbitration because it would cost THEM money to fight. I'm telling you, get rid of mandatory arbitration, get rid of Don Oneil like arbitrary decisions!
Sorry SCC .. off topic:
Bernstein the study group "expert" is always filing "Freedom of Information requests" and attempts to find out when promotional exams will be given by the city.
Here is the email he just sent out:
You should know that the City of Chicago is currently planning to give a detective’s exam in early 2016. If you are going to be taking the 2016 Chicago Police Detective’s Promotional Exam, the information below will be important to you. If not, please forward it to someone you think might benefit.
HE ALSO STATES that another Police Exam is going to be given in February 2016.
(This class is free but he pushes potential candidates to purchase his study group for later... pretty much a waste of money since a halfwit [What the city wants]could pass the entrance exam.)
1st VP Ray Range Guy doesn't know crap
district patrol needs manpower , cut human square to bare bones .
we can"t get time off and they work short hours , do they swipe in and out at human square ?
Im a Mid Level Supervisor at Homan,
and unless the Commanders are being
uncharacteristically closed mouth
this IS NOT TRUE. I cant imagine
a list being put together without at
least some input from the Supervisors
I asked Tom McDonough from FOP about the 10.5 hr day and he said " no way, ain't gonna happen"..... So I'm satisfied...
Units are voluntary. They can change the hours.
i hope they included the BASEBALL AND WINTER HAT in the grievance. WE NEED THEM BACK!!!
Correction its goin to be 10.5 hour tours! Fucking Bullshit
Did'nt Dean's kid take the Sgt's exam? If so that explains alot of the silence on behalf of the sure he doesnt wanna piss Garry off so his kid can get a nice cushy meritorious spot..
10 hour days starting in jan for districts?
This tattoo long sleeve shirt and tie policy is a joke. When you have a valid medical reason that does not allow you to wear long sleeves in hot weather and that the excessive heat will aggravate your problem and have a note from a doctor you are told that you MUST go to callback. When you question the department or FOP neither has a written policy to give you , you are told that’s just how it is!! So policies and procedures written or not does not mean a thing, the department and Gary will do what ever they/he wants.
We are being ripped off paying union dues for a union that has historically been in bed with the city. We should get a class action lawsuit against both city and union and hire a top law firm which should not be too expensive if everyone participates! What say you boys & girls!?
Despite it all though, the bin is full of anov's, parkers and movers. Then 70 feet away the bin is full of impounds and tows. The iClear arrest que is full of arrests. Keep working hard ladies and gentleman.
Well SCC - it looks like you hit the nail on the head again! The newsletter is nothing more than an attempt to say "We are working on this..." Hey Dean, can you say [or stutter] UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES??
"Call me Doctor" Dean you are selling out the Active members by not using ALL the legal tools to stop the Fool that is "leading the Dept." And you're lack of courage is leading this retiree to stop paying retired dues come September when you start putting the renewal form in the newsletter.
One of the nation's first FOP Lodges to get a contract is now one of the first lodges to roll over and let the city decimate the contract.
I hope that other retirees consider not paying their dues until we get NEW LEADERSHIP!!
There is a sore and crying need for a mutiny at FOP.
Has there been ongoing consultation with the national lodge
for bringing charges against sitting local chapter officers
for failure to act/breach of duty/incompetence/cowardice/treason?
Is there a ramping up of administrative and legal processes
for their permanent removal with prejudice?
Will criminal charges be sought against them?
Will it come out that Rahm and McCarthy actively sought
to tamper/interfere/influence?
Are there not Federal Labor Racketeering laws that Rahm and McCarthy
stand in violation of?
Are the tax-payers on the law abiding islands in Chicago even
remotely cognizant of what is actually playing out here in regard
to Police/Public Safety?
Or have they been lulled to sleep by the rhythmic waves of:
"Bad Cops, Greedy Cops, Lazy Cops, Getting Complaints
and Not Being Punished/Fired/Imprisoned for Getting Those
Complaints Cops," being generated by the media with the
knowing intent to separate The Police from public goodwill?
What change is so good, so important and just cannot wait
that so much political and media capital is being conveyor-
belted into the red hot ovens of artfully crafted spin that a mere
@ 800,000 men and women who stood apart from a nation of
300+ Million souls to swear an oath to serve, protect and defend
to the best of their ability, no matter how imperfectly they do it or
how unpopular the decisions they make... Only to be told they're
part of the problem and society wishes they and their concerns
were shoved into those same banks of glowing ovens?
"We're sick of you guys and are better off without you
or your concerns taking up so much of our bandwidth."
Whose agenda is this?
This intentional undoing of one of the final points
of societal adhesion that is personified by The Police?
Who or what is society going to embrace in their
stead when The Police are done for?
Dude Inc.?
That The Police are out of control/cost too much money and other such is
mere absurdist theater and a high register whistle from Trotskyite Progressive rear-ends
that sets every liberal lefty agendist and catered-to constituent dog to howling.
(OT) city puts out another thug giveaway of taxpayers money and 57 already some of that fortune! just give it away now as the song goes!
Think not proven but all "allegations" and the city pays, after all it's not like the city alderman and the rahm crew earned the money just taking it from the blue collar people that work hard!
Okay so maybe our last real president (not the one who who forced himself up through his and and marks illegal actions) made himself a thorn in tiny dancer's side because if you can not play nice with the city. If city get away with one thing, they will do it each and every time. Shields was first president who consistently fought the mayor. Dean your are useless. Can Karen Lewis also run our union too?
Lets just have everyone wear long sleeve shirts. Many southern states only wear long sleeve. Texas for one does, and its hotter there.
The city and the department has always seemed to do whatever they want for as long as I can remember.
However they seem to be even more bold and brazen under Rahm. Maybe it's all part of his " sticking it in the cops ear" strategy.... u know his way of showing his appreciation for first responders.
Rahm has never met a contract that he hasn't chosen to ignore. He only wants to follow a contract when he feels it will benefit him.
City wide 10 hour days January 1,2016
The FOP grew out of the Area 4 Homicide Golf Club. They won the contested election, because nobody that lived in Chicago for more than a minute or two was willing to vote for the Teamsters Union. Now, as one commenter stated, it's time to look for a new game. But examine the snake oil salesmen very very carefully.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think it was last fop newsletter but Dean made it a point for the members to know how hard the guys and gals at the lodge are working for us, working longer hours and going above and beyond for the members and blah blah blah. If its such a hard life then go back to your previous assignment and leave that additional $600 a month behind. Working hard my ass. I called McDonagh regarding a police shooting I was involved in and he said he'd call me back and never did. Can't trust people who can't keep their word.
Not even close!
The following are elected field reps at FOP
Dean Angelo, Luitenants pay, plus disability pay (75% detectives salary) plus $600 stipend
Ray Casiano, captains pay plus $600 stipend
Kevin Kilmer, captains pay plus $600 stipend
John Caperilli, captains pay plus $600 stipend
Following are appointed field reps
Tom McDonaugh, captains pay
Marlon Harvey, captains pay
Keith Carter, captains pay
Pay scale based in years on job
Anonymous said...
While the increase scrutiny of FOP is a good thing I wish it would have started sooner. Maybe then we would have not had the Shields escapade at the hands of the Donahue/Dougherty cabal.
If you think the State FOP is settling with Shields because they want to give away free money think again. I make no accusations. But if what I think did happen you will want to see all of them pay for their sins.
8/19/2015 06:13:00 AM
OK the city-wide team screwed Shields and in turn screwed all of us but stop dancing around and just tell who, what, where, and when.
04:24AM, yup this Union sold us out. Let's get the Teamsters in!!
Obama will fix all this during his third's gonna be fine
While the increase scrutiny of FOP is a good thing I wish it would have started sooner. Maybe then we would have not had the Shields escapade at the hands of the Donahue/Dougherty cabal.
If you think the State FOP is settling with Shields because they want to give away free money think again. I make no accusations. But if what I think did happen you will want to see all of them pay for their sins.
Well what happened then? Some of us aren't in the know or work like a dog and simply don't have time because I'm stuck taking care of everybody in my family. I pay my dues each month. What's the scoop? Where's is my money going? What's going on up there?
But if what I think did happen. Really? you can't be the police, but unfortunately you are. Take your love of Shields and drop out of the union, please!!!
Anyone remember during the '60s and '70s a bout of "Blue Influenza"?No one knew if it was caused by contact with ill people ,bad station house coffee, or something in the air! It usually happened during warm weather.
(OT) No money for pensions but city is issuing identification cards to illegals so they can get city benefits,and for transgenders also, the idiot aldermen know their is no money for this nonsense but keep working harder citizens,taxpayers,police! Guess rahm really has money hidden, he spends it on what he wants billions gone hey Dean speak up! Pension Dean pension!! Give them everything before Trump gets elected and throws them out criminal act!
10 hour days don't work in a 24 hour unit, plain and simple.
HE ALSO STATES that another Police Exam is going to be given in February 2016.
(This class is free but he pushes potential candidates to purchase his study group for later... pretty much a waste of money since a halfwit [What the city wants]could pass the entrance exam.)
8/19/2015 08:24:00 AM
And, a half-wit could get a passing score on any written promotional exam for CPD. The problem lies part 2 of the test where you have to study and work hard to make it unless you know you are going to be merit and you don't have to show up.
Or just wear those crown cap with long sleeves on a 10 hr day.
8/19/2015 07:51:00 AM
I was recently passing some police action and saw young officers with long sleeve shirts with sleeves rolled up and no hats. So , what has changed? By the way everyone with rolled up sleeves had tats.
Ot. Anyone notice that Anita Alvarez is not being backed by the democratic party? They are basically allowing an open primary. Looks like many will get their wish and get a new states attorney. Considering her opponents that may not be a good thing.
8/19/2015 01:12:00 AM
It probably will go to a run-off. I would not vote for Alveraz after the Venecko case. Felony review needs to be reworked. But, who knows, remember the old saying, " The devil you know is better then the devil you don't" Can you imagine if Preckwinkles pick gets in? Geeeze !!!
Like a lap dog getting its belly rubbed!
Dear Dr Deano - Please repeat after me: Unfair Labor Practices. Vote of No Confidence in the Superintendent. Aggressive Media Campaign Highlighting the First Two Points.
If you fail to pursue this strategy - the membership has two strategies to pursue:
* Vote of no confidence in the FOP leadership
* Vote to de-certify the FOP
DR DEAN - i hope this was stated in as basic a manner that even a sanctimonious Doctor of Criminal Justice such as yourself can understand this message. Either be a leader or please resign so our efforts are spent on fighting Rahmulus and McStreetlight.
"OT. What's really funny is that the media think Homan Square is the department's
"black site."
8/19/2015 06:28:00 AM
Black mold, maybe?
Im a Mid Level Supervisor at Homan,
and unless the Commanders are being
uncharacteristically closed mouth
this IS NOT TRUE. I cant imagine
a list being put together without at
least some input from the Supervisors.
They are being closed mouth because they have been told that their Command futures depend on their cooperation in this matter. Gang Investigations/Intellignence array of teams will take a hit as will teams in Narcotics. They need bodies back in the Districts and they are coming from Homan Sq.
Axe Mandatory Arbitration said...
It's what the City does. Take Don Oneil..Director of Human is almost ALMOST funny to depend on him to follow the contract. And when you invoke the services of the FOP to put him
In check you will likely hear "well it depends on Don Oneil's mood"... wtf?!? This is EXACTLY why the mandatory arbitration clause needs to be taken out. Grievance procedures take YEARS! But we agree to this. Without, mind you, getting anything in return. If the arbitration clause was removed, the FOP could still agree to arbitrate some less pressing issues, but would reserve the right to walk into the federal court house, have a judge issue an injunction against the City (Which they would...because it causes more harm to us than the City in most cases-the standard used in considering injunctions), and at the very least allow the tattoo people to wear short sleeves pending outcome of the dispute, or stay the 10 hour day order until the outcome of the dispute, etc etc.... You see, Don Oneil/City make arbitrary decisions because we have no recourse. Even when the issues DO get to the arbitrator it usually goes in front of some City dependent lackey who is required to follow ZERO precedence and whose decision is given all the deference in the world (he isn't even bound by law!!!) So if the FOP Wants to have a mechanism to fight City Hall and the Don Oneills next contract DO NOT agree to the mandatory arbitration...make it subject to bargaining, and you better get something HUGE in exchange for it, because it is precisely why these arbitrary decisions carry the weight they do. I suggested this once and got some garbage about the City pays for arbitration so the FOP likes it...BULLSHIT! There are so many cop lawyers who could File the injunctions with the Court it would cost very little. We see how scared the City is of legislation (settling even the most ridiculous lawsuits) this would prevent them from such arbitrary decisions in the future, as well as force them into reasonable settlements long before arbitration because it would cost THEM money to fight. I'm telling you, get rid of mandatory arbitration, get rid of Don Oneil like arbitrary decisions!
8/19/2015 08:11:00 AM
Can we do this? Why has no one brought this up before? I think this sounds right! I personally am sick and tired of this "arbitration" bullshit! Take these fuckos to court!!! And yes, I had similar experiences w/FOP and Oneil…Why are they so afraid of Director Double-Dip??? I don't get it
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Im a Mid Level Supervisor at Homan,
and unless the Commanders are being
uncharacteristically closed mouth
this IS NOT TRUE. I cant imagine
a list being put together without at
least some input from the Supervisors
8/19/2015 10:16:00 AM
I hope you're right, but I still have a friend out there who won't speak to me because an ass of a boss decided to ship him to the Juvie Processing unit without consulting anyone. He refused to believe no sgt or lt was consulted and that he was just put on an arbitrary list by the boss. So much for their vaunted 'transparency'.
Promotion info from 35th:
100 Sgts
75 Dicks
30 ETs
City authorization :
60 Sgts
40 Dicks
10 ETs
That is the numbers
Anonymous Axe Mandatory Arbitration said...
It's what the City does. Take Don Oneil..Director of Human is almost ALMOST funny to depend on him to follow the contract. And when you invoke the services of the FOP to put him
In check you will likely hear "well it depends on Don Oneil's mood"... wtf?!? This is EXACTLY why the mandatory arbitration clause needs to be taken out. Grievance procedures take YEARS! But we agree to this. Without, mind you, getting anything in return. If the arbitration clause was removed, the FOP could still agree to arbitrate some less pressing issues, but would reserve the right to walk into the federal court house, have a judge issue an injunction against the City (Which they would...because it causes more harm to us than the City in most cases-the standard used in considering injunctions), and at the very least allow the tattoo people to wear short sleeves pending outcome of the dispute, or stay the 10 hour day order until the outcome of the dispute, etc etc.... You see, Don Oneil/City make arbitrary decisions because we have no recourse. Even when the issues DO get to the arbitrator it usually goes in front of some City dependent lackey who is required to follow ZERO precedence and whose decision is given all the deference in the world (he isn't even bound by law!!!) So if the FOP Wants to have a mechanism to fight City Hall and the Don Oneills next contract DO NOT agree to the mandatory arbitration...make it subject to bargaining, and you better get something HUGE in exchange for it, because it is precisely why these arbitrary decisions carry the weight they do. I suggested this once and got some garbage about the City pays for arbitration so the FOP likes it...BULLSHIT! There are so many cop lawyers who could File the injunctions with the Court it would cost very little. We see how scared the City is of legislation (settling even the most ridiculous lawsuits) this would prevent them from such arbitrary decisions in the future, as well as force them into reasonable settlements long before arbitration because it would cost THEM money to fight. I'm telling you, get rid of mandatory arbitration, get rid of Don Oneil like arbitrary decisions!
8/19/2015 08:11:00 AM
The above post has some of the best points I've ever seen posted on SCC.
I am so proud that I did not vote for the fop in 1989 when a brave Patrolman from 011 managed to get lodge 7 decertified. Unfortunately a great majority of my colleagues voted in that historic election for the status quo. So 26 more years of betrayal and inaction followed. From attending meetings, to believing all the rhetoric from every clown that ran for each and every office, to engaging in pickets & protest around city hall & headquarters; it was all a waste of time. The problem has been, is and always will be the fop and lodge 7 in particular. Now in my last year, I can't help but feel sorry for anyone who works the street. We won't change the government's (Fed. & local) contempt for us, nor the media's, but we can change who we trust with our backs. It's time to go local when it comes to a bargaining organization for the rank and file Patrolman. Like NYPD and many other large and small police departments, heck including the white shirts of CPD, we will only do better when we have a bargaining org. that is our own. A sovereign local bargaining labor organization without any outside control or influence is best. How many more years and decades of different administrations at lodge 7, but the same old shit in the end. SCC is right, lodge 7 can't be expected to fight the good fight for many reasons, which a few have already been mention in the topic I am commenting on. However, one that wasn't, but is among the worst is when the dept / city boldly undermined our seniority with regards to furloughs. Who would have thought that someone with 2 years of seniority would have a better furlough than someone with 20 years only because that 2 year officer is assigned to the 5th watch (tact & foot). By the the way, 30, 15, 5 & even 2 years ago all furloughs were selected by district or unit of assignment. Our most precious "commodity", which is our seniority, because it's the only thing you CAN'T get with a phone call, has been undermined. Lodge 7, you have dropped the ball too many times! Well just in time for the 10.5 hr. tours in January 2016 I believe it's time to drop you. God bless America and all of you who are the backbone of CPD.
Blago wants US Supreme Court to listen but the circuit court panel of judges already said NO!
JUST dó your time because you have not àny constitutionally issues to litigate¡
The FOP has to be voted OUT every cycle to keep the union true to OUR beliefs!
Anonymous said...
The dean team cant even get basics done nor stick to their campaign. First vice president Casiano took over a week to return my call, saying, he "is a very busy person." To make matters worse, he called the management labor affairs unit for advice. Im worse off now than before i called.
Oh, and he felt he had to tell me he was the First vice president 3 times during the conversation. Anyone have similar experiences?
8/19/2015 02:17:00 AM
Your lucky you got called back. Sorry to say I voted for him and by far the most useless VP we ever had. I hope they dont get elected again
We need a recall clause for union. And legislation stating no elected member can be hired thru any government jobs for 5 years after retiring.
I don't know why Dean even try's. He can't win.
Anonymous said...
I asked Tom McDonough from FOP about the 10.5 hr day and he said " no way, ain't gonna happen"..... So I'm satisfied...
8/19/2015 10:20:00 AM
My first wife told me she loved me and promised till death do us part. She was right, I should have killed her.
Believe McDonough when you see it in writing and chiseled in stone. But remember, both Area 6 and Area 3 were chiseled in stone too.
FLOP 1St VP Make Biden look like a genius
Is it True that FLOP VP Ray Ranger calls up CPD Labor Affairs and just takes their word on contract questions???????????????????
Uniforms, authorized weapons and appearance standards are management rights. The union doesn't get a say on management rights.
5th district is really fucked. From the top to the bottom.
Did you all year this shit. Two tact officers stopped a car for expired plates. Driver has a warrant, pass never has a bag of weed no I'd never been arrested. Driver acting a fool with the officers and calling her uncle SD that works at headquarters. He shows up at the station looking for a Favor but probably didn't do his Ethics 2015 and didn't have the juice to stop the weed arrest and impound.
Now the plot thickens. He cried to the Bosses at headquarters, they stuck it up KJ and Capt Pigglet's rear end.
Now the whole department is being sued for stupidity and ruining the officers reputation.
Pull the records of every vehicle impounded for 1 bag of weed but wait, you can't impound this car because it's a police officers neice.
Would you be fooled if I tell you that Tipsy Commander KJ and looney tunes Capt Pigglet dumped the Officers from tact. One was dumped immediately and the other was dumped 30 days later.
Somebody just flunked Ethics 2015. Hope you're happy officer SD from headquarters. You need to go back to the district So you don't forge where you cone from. Tell your dirt bag family members that it's a automatic impound and no one can help you
You got damn douchebag worthless piece of cow manure.
Now go cry and tell the Bosses that and while you're at it, pay the impound fine
Wait until the Suo and City Lawyers hear about this. They will shit bricks
Ot. Anyone notice that Anita Alvarez is not being backed by the democratic party? They are basically allowing an open primary. Looks like many will get their wish and get a new states attorney. Considering her opponents that may not be a good thing.
8/19/2015 01:12:00 AM
Like the woman Prevwinkle is pushing would have our backs? We are screwed unless the GOP finds another Jack O'Malley type who can win.
OT --
Ball-Bey Body Bagged
Nine protesters arrested after St. Louis police shooting
August 20, 2015
"Nine people were arrested and St. Louis police used tear gas to clear a street of protesters after an armed man fleeing from officers serving a search warrant was shot and killed Wednesday.
"Approximately 150 people gathered at the scene of the shooting late Wednesday, many of them hurling obscene gestures and expletives at investigators and questioning the police use of deadly force. St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said tear gas was used after protesters threw glass bottles and rocks at police. Some chanted "Black Lives Matter," a mantra used a year ago after the police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in nearby Ferguson.
"The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that a vacant home had been set on fire near the scene. Dotson also said that officers were responding to reports of burglaries in the area.
"....Two suspects fled from the home about noon Wednesday on the city's north side before the 18-year-old turned and pointed a handgun at the officers, who shot him. That suspect, Mansur Ball-Bey of St. Louis, died at the scene. Police are searching for the second suspect, who they said is believed to be in his mid- to late teens.
"Both officers, who are white, were unharmed, according to a police report.
"Dotson said four guns, including the handgun wielded by the dead suspect, and crack cocaine were recovered at or near the home, which last year yielded illegal guns during a police search...."
Anonymous said...
Uniforms, authorized weapons and appearance standards are management rights. The union doesn't get a say on management rights.
8/19/2015 10:16:00 PM
Anonymous said...
5th district is really fucked. From the top to the bottom.
Did you all year this shit. Two tact officers stopped a car for expired plates. Driver has a warrant, pass never has a bag of weed no I'd never been arrested. Driver acting a fool with the officers and calling her uncle SD that works at headquarters. He shows up at the station looking for a Favor but probably didn't do his Ethics 2015 and didn't have the juice to stop the weed arrest and impound.
Now the plot thickens. He cried to the Bosses at headquarters, they stuck it up KJ and Capt Pigglet's rear end.
Now the whole department is being sued for stupidity and ruining the officers reputation.
Pull the records of every vehicle impounded for 1 bag of weed but wait, you can't impound this car because it's a police officers neice.
Would you be fooled if I tell you that Tipsy Commander KJ and looney tunes Capt Pigglet dumped the Officers from tact. One was dumped immediately and the other was dumped 30 days later.
Somebody just flunked Ethics 2015. Hope you're happy officer SD from headquarters. You need to go back to the district So you don't forge where you cone from. Tell your dirt bag family members that it's a automatic impound and no one can help you
You got damn douchebag worthless piece of cow manure.
Now go cry and tell the Bosses that and while you're at it, pay the impound fine
Wait until the Suo and City Lawyers hear about this. They will shit bricks
8/19/2015 10:23:00 PM
This might actually be a really important post except the poster was obviously drunk or an exempt.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Im a Mid Level Supervisor at Homan,
and unless the Commanders are being
uncharacteristically closed mouth
this IS NOT TRUE. I cant imagine
a list being put together without at
least some input from the Supervisors.
They are being closed mouth because they have been told that their Command futures depend on their cooperation in this matter. Gang Investigations/Intellignence array of teams will take a hit as will teams in Narcotics. They need bodies back in the Districts and they are coming from Homan Sq.
8/19/2015 06:31:00 PM
They could pull a couple of useless bodies off the second floor of Harrison and Kedzie, too.
I've been talking with the teamsters, local 700. They are more than willing to see if the rank and file would be interested switching bargaining units. When, this shitty contract only has a year to go, they can start making a move. Within a year from our contract expiration, the teamsters will send out ballets. If 30% are willing to switch, they can start campaigning. That's the best way to do it. If the fop is decertified, we would be without protection. I've called Tom Wilcox at local 700 multiple times. He said he would be more than happy to come out and tell us what they can offer. If anyone has any questions call him. Tom Wilcox local 700 847 553 6616. We need a union that will fight for us, not lay down. Teamsters 2017!
The amount of uninformed officers on this thread is staggering.
8/19/2015 08:11:00 AM
8/19/2015 07:04:00 PM
Don O'Neil's sole job is to stick it to the rank and file.
If the FOP doesn't realize that, then it's time to get rid of everyone over on Washington St.
Don O'Neil is not our friend.
. . . What the city is doing, in essence is union busting. The FOP needs to look into filing state and federal unfair labor practice suits and state the continued pattern and practice the city has about violating the contract.
8/19/2015 04:57:00 AM
This is true. The city is union busting on the FOP.
I'm retired so I have to stake in the game any longer.
But you all better wake up before the current FOP gives it all away or lets is float away.
The current FOP admin. doesn't give a rats @ss about you guys and it is very apparent.
Calea everything that is happening is calea......because that's what they want
Can anyone please tell me where in the contract it is written that our furloughs are to be converted from days into hours? It's easy to find where it's states furloughs are assigned a certain number of days but I can't find ANY language that says that is changed to hrs. If this isn't the case....HOW THE HELL ARE WE ABIDING BY THIS??
Lets go with the Teamsters because Coli the leader is in Rhams camp. Rham just gave him a big spot. Teamsters should be able to get us what we need.
All the more reason I don't do shit on the streets! No proactive policing from me!
This Mcasshole dept. is lucky I answer the damn radio!
KMA 20+
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The 5th district rep is a total softball... Thinks this is the U.S. Senate or something always coming up with awesome ideas... Moron if u ask me
8/19/2015 02:07:00 AM
I have heard the 5th district rep speak at a few FOP general meetings. The rep did a great job. Your statement is without merit. Instead of bashing Dean Sr. and Jr. about the 10.5 hour day, you are bashing the rep???!!!???
You sound like a registered democrat on public aid. Go back to your section 8.
The amount of uninformed officers on this thread is staggering.
8/20/2015 05:33:00 AM
But the Big Wheel keeps on a churning, thank for Jesus.
Anonymous said...
City wide 10 hour days January 1,2016
8/19/2015 12:58:00 PM
BULLSHIT, first the 1st is a Friday and second, it's still 13B, would have been "slightly" more believable if you said 03 January 2016!
Anyone who is for the 10.5hr day has to get their head examined. #1 less officers paying into pension and 2. If u had hopes of getting promoted, you better score top 200 to have a shot now.
During contract negotiations 1st VP Ramon Casiano went to Puerto Rico for two weeks was involved in the committee for this .
He just up and leaves ! He should have stayed there . He can bring his whole team next election . Take some of those other
Mooorooons !
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
5th district is really fucked. From the top to the bottom.
Did you all year this shit. Two tact officers stopped a car for expired plates. Driver has a warrant, pass never has a bag of weed no I'd never been arrested. Driver acting a fool with the officers and calling her uncle SD that works at headquarters. He shows up at the station looking for a Favor but probably didn't do his Ethics 2015 and didn't have the juice to stop the weed arrest and impound.
Now the plot thickens. He cried to the Bosses at headquarters, they stuck it up KJ and Capt Pigglet's rear end.
Now the whole department is being sued for stupidity and ruining the officers reputation.
Pull the records of every vehicle impounded for 1 bag of weed but wait, you can't impound this car because it's a police officers neice.
Would you be fooled if I tell you that Tipsy Commander KJ and looney tunes Capt Pigglet dumped the Officers from tact. One was dumped immediately and the other was dumped 30 days later.
Somebody just flunked Ethics 2015. Hope you're happy officer SD from headquarters. You need to go back to the district So you don't forge where you cone from. Tell your dirt bag family members that it's a automatic impound and no one can help you
You got damn douchebag worthless piece of cow manure.
Now go cry and tell the Bosses that and while you're at it, pay the impound fine
Wait until the Suo and City Lawyers hear about this. They will shit bricks
8/19/2015 10:23:00 PM
This might actually be a really important post except the poster was obviously drunk or an exempt.
8/20/2015 12:41:00 AM
That's exactly what I thought, too.
The following are elected field reps at FOP
Dean Angelo, Luitenants pay, plus disability pay (75% detectives salary) plus $600 stipend
Ray Casiano, captains pay plus $600 stipend
Kevin Kilmer, captains pay plus $600 stipend
John Caperilli, captains pay plus $600 stipend
FYI Donahue/Dougherty/Davis/Ag-u-liar/DiMaria all took about 40K more a year than this crew and they're doing it voluntarily. When the by-law was voted on last year who voted against it? The above listed goofs. Why? Because they have disillusions of grander of getting back in power.
If you want to go after money issues start there. Today’s payroll is about 200k less than three years ago.
Question which office are you running for?
ps I'm pretty sure Dean and the 1st VP are not taking a stipend but I think Kilmer is but check that to make sure.
mic-done-ahh and crapparrelli?
if u believe anything they say....u should go join the circus with them...cuz they b a couple of clowns who cant b trusted
Tom Mcdonough and Dean Angelo made a back room deal with Don O'neil regarding a 5th watch in the 018th district that violated the very contract that we have in place today. And due to the back room deal that was made there is no recourse until a new contract is signed. Let me explain……
The 1st and 018th districts have always had a provision in the contract to have more foot people assigned to the 3 watches due to the high profile status and location of the districts. About 5 years ago the midnight foot people were renamed the 5th watch EVT entertainment detail and they were mainly assigned throughout the district on the streets that had bars. The detail was given their own Lt. and Sgt. separate of the watch to run the foot officers assigned to this detail on midnights. If the watch needed officers for the beat cars they would get people from the EVT detail to fill in for the night. No big deal and the detail and the 1st watch ran fine.
Everything was fine until 3 years ago when the 2nd watch foot Sgt, who had the least seniority on the watch, was assigned to an outside detail and said he was not going because he was a 5th watch foot Sgt. and was exempt. The commander at the time sent a more senior Sgt. to the detail who ended up filing a grievance and won the grievance a year later.
We thought this was going to be the end of things but it was only just the beginning. Last year numerous 2nd watch p.o's were assigned to outside details that had more time than foot officers assigned to the watch who should have gone to the details by reverse seniority. The commander said no foot people will go to outside details because they are 5th watch and stay in district. The commander further stated that 5th watch foot officers will also no longer fill in on beat cars for any watch because they are exempt foot officers. Officers on the second watch filed numerous grievances for this and other issues pertaining to manpower which was somehow resolved in a back room deal between Mcdonough and O'neil resulting in the 2nd watch getting 5 more bid spots which we should have had anyway.
Everythings fine now right? Wrong. When furlough picks come the commander states that there are 5 watches and each watch will be picking separately from all the other watches. In essence this new 5th watch is taking away 33 spots from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd watch when it comes to picking furloughs and when it comes to manning the beat cars on each watch. Yet each one of these 5th watch officers is assigned to either 1st, 2nd or 3rd watch. To put this in a little more perspective, a 2nd watch bid officer that has 20 years on the job has the least amount of seniority on the watch even though there are 33 people with less seniority on 2nd watch because they are technically assigned to 5th watch which is NOT recognized by our contract. And when it comes to picking a furlough, the best furlough a 20 year veteran on days could have got was a 4a 10a split!
The unit rep filed a class action grievance on this issue and many more only to find out that the arbitrator won't rule on the 5th watch issue because Mcdonough signed off on something acknowledging the existence of a 5th watch watch in the 018th District even though it goes against what our contract says. Theres even more to this whole mess but I'm not going to bore you with it.
By the way boys and girls, because this was signed off on by a union official, this 5th watch can go citywide if the bosses want it to. Its not just for 018 and 001. So buckle your belts it could be coming to a district near you. There are a lot of pissed off p.o.'s in the 018th District right now because of our union selling us out.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
8/19/2015 08:11:00 AM
8/19/2015 07:04:00 PM
Don O'Neil's sole job is to stick it to the rank and file.
If the FOP doesn't realize that, then it's time to get rid of everyone over on Washington St.
Don O'Neil is not our friend.
8/20/2015 07:00:00 AM
Donny gets a huge commanders pension about $135,000 plus another job paying more double dip? Guess no other man needs a job to support his family! Who is Donnys clout??
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I've been talking with the teamsters, local 700. They are more than willing to see if the rank and file would be interested switching bargaining units. When, this shitty contract only has a year to go, they can start making a move. Within a year from our contract expiration, the teamsters will send out ballets. If 30% are willing to switch, they can start campaigning. That's the best way to do it. If the fop is decertified, we would be without protection. I've called Tom Wilcox at local 700 multiple times. He said he would be more than happy to come out and tell us what they can offer. If anyone has any questions call him. Tom Wilcox local 700 847 553 6616. We need a union that will fight for us, not lay down. Teamsters 2017!
8/20/2015 01:26:00 AM
Where and when can we meet him? Set a date give us a month so we can try to get day off! Have a day and evening meet and greet!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lets go with the Teamsters because Coli the leader is in Rhams camp. Rham just gave him a big spot. Teamsters should be able to get us what we need.
8/20/2015 08:40:00 AM
Where's Jimmy Hoffa?
To the 005th district....
To my knowledge, the impound order has been updated, and you cannot impound a car for just a bag of weed anymore. I don't pull much traffic anymore so I'm not quite sure- but I believe it has to be over 10 grams in order to impound the vehicle....
Im in for the teamsters. Where do we start?
Once again; it is your union if you do not like what the leaders do, take control, go to meetings, vote. No change will happen if a different organization comes in because the same people who go to the meetings will still go to the meetings and they will again gain a leadership role. Democracy requires participation !
Is there a way to perhaps ally with a Teamster or PBPA chapter
that is NOT affiliated/associated with Chicago or Illinois?
That way, turncoats, informants, agents provocateurs and similar such
who stand at cross-purposes to us being able to get our just and lawful
due via open and lawful negotiation and remediation, can be quickly
ferreted-out, neutralized and destroyed administratively, civilly and
City Hall knows a fearsome bill WILL be owed to Policemen
if we ever gain a foot-hold with a real bargaining unit beyond
their reach and influence instead of the college of
incompetent amateur ass-clowns we're currently afflicted with.
Very busily doing Jackson J. "Jack" Shit
as they jockey to be plugged into the
$100K hidey-holes Rahm promised them
for stymie-ing the membership until he re-
writes laws, ordinances, procedures and rules
to render the protections won under collective bargaining,
absolutely meaningless and not worth the paper they're written on.
This was Rahm's plan to "save" Chicago.
Shit on The Police and steal/divert resources that
they've been allocated then have the media blow
great ballyhoo up the tax-payer ass about "Look! We found
ALL this money the Cops were getting away with "wasting."
"The Police are the problem..."
Just heard from a source at Fleet Mismanagement, that the city has purchased 500 Yamaha Scooters for the PPO's to write parkers and respond to calls. The city has also purchased 200 4x4 Jeep Wranglers unlimited vehicles for the district tactical teams. This way the2 year wonders on tac teams can chase offenders thru vacant lots and thru the piles of trash in alleys to get their 2 bag of weed arrest to stay on tac.
Trust me.
Col Hanibal Smith.
Blago wants US Supreme Court to listen but the circuit court panel of judges already said NO!
JUST dó your time because you have not àny constitutionally issues to litigate¡
Youre not paying for it, so who cares. If they even decide to listen to the case, it'll be ages before they rule on it. Rod isn't going anywhere.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ot. Anyone notice that Anita Alvarez is not being backed by the democratic party? They are basically allowing an open primary. Looks like many will get their wish and get a new states attorney. Considering her opponents that may not be a good thing.
8/19/2015 01:12:00 AM
Like the woman Prevwinkle is pushing would have our backs? We are screwed unless the GOP finds another Jack O'Malley type who can win.
8/19/2015 11:15:00 PM
If you don't like Anita Alvarez you will absolutely love Kimberly Foxx.
"Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle is pleased to welcome Kimberly Foxx as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Planning.
Foxx is a seasoned juvenile justice prosecutor with 15 years of experience conducting trials, managing teams of attorneys and developing partnerships with civic and advocacy organizations. She was most recently supervising attorney in the juvenile justice bureau of the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office.
“Kimberly has an extensive criminal justice background, including stints in the State’s Attorney’s felony review, sex crimes and child protection divisions. She is an essential addition to my administration,” President Preckwinkle said. “Public safety makes up a significant portion of the County’s budget and focus. I expect Kimberly’s general management and operational skills will help us enact crucial criminal justice reforms.”
Check her out yourself
Why is so much attention being placed on 5th district tact? Heard they had a big shake up and a lot of changes were made.
Does anyone know who the tact officers were that got oust for arresting the niece of a police officer.
Since when do our family members get special privileges and officers get dumped for doing their jobs?
This shit is ever so fuckd up. A little birdie who is so full of himself interfered with police business and used his juice to have the officers oust.
Hope they dump his worthless ass and the sergeant should have got a CR on him for even asking the officers to change their report.
Kudos to the officers for upholding the integrity of the department. My family members don't get away with shit. If you break the law then you pay the crime. Read your Ethic uncle officer. You just opened up a can of worms and wait till the media gets a hold of this.
Lot of cars impounded for a bag of weed, it's revenue for the city. Since you work at headquarters then have your clout change the order on vehicle impound just in case another one of your family members get stopped. I'm calling the Sup on Monday, let's see what he thinks about this when so many hate us in such prevalent times.
RE: 005th District
I'm a Sergeant trying like hell to get out of here with these morons. I'm Goin to be that guy on the first damn pony express going north.
From my understanding the arrestee had no identification and never been arrested so the aggravating factors lead to a long form arrest.
As of 21 August 2015 the order has not been changed or updated so the officers had every right to impound the vehicle.
Saturation impound vehicles everyday for one bag of weed. When we start resorting to officers doing the right thing and doing their job but getting dumped from tact because of popularity contest then it's time to start making some administrative changes because obviously someone has soft balls and a lot of sensitivity
5th district is really fucked. From the top to the bottom.
Did you all year this shit. Two tact officers stopped a car for expired plates. Driver has a warrant, pass never has a bag of weed no I'd never been arrested. Driver acting a fool with the officers and calling her uncle SD that works at headquarters. He shows up at the station looking for a Favor but probably didn't do his Ethics 2015 and didn't have the juice to stop the weed arrest and impound.
Now the plot thickens. He cried to the Bosses at headquarters, they stuck it up KJ and Capt Pigglet's rear end.
Now the whole department is being sued for stupidity and ruining the officers reputation.
Pull the records of every vehicle impounded for 1 bag of weed but wait, you can't impound this car because it's a police officers neice.
Would you be fooled if I tell you that Tipsy Commander KJ and looney tunes Capt Pigglet dumped the Officers from tact. One was dumped immediately and the other was dumped 30 days later.
Somebody just flunked Ethics 2015. Hope you're happy officer SD from headquarters. You need to go back to the district So you don't forge where you cone from. Tell your dirt bag family members that it's a automatic impound and no one can help you
You got damn douchebag worthless piece of cow manure.
Now go cry and tell the Bosses that and while you're at it, pay the impound fine
Wait until the Suo and City Lawyers hear about this. They will shit bricks
....You are so full of SHIT!!!
Fuck bernstein test prep. Read the study guide department gives u. Such a scam.
How can McDonagh sign off on anything when he lost his election?
What I want to know is how can Dean do the job of FOP President but he can't do the job of light duty behind a CPD desk somewhere? Makes no sense to me at all.
We should look into the Teamsters as an option for sure.
Calea everything that is happening is calea......because that's what they want
8/20/2015 08:05:00 AM
Is that like Caligula??
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Im a Mid Level Supervisor at Homan,
and unless the Commanders are being
uncharacteristically closed mouth
this IS NOT TRUE. I cant imagine
a list being put together without at
least some input from the Supervisors.
They are being closed mouth because they have been told that their Command futures depend on their cooperation in this matter. Gang Investigations/Intellignence array of teams will take a hit as will teams in Narcotics. They need bodies back in the Districts and they are coming from Homan Sq.
8/19/2015 06:31:00 PM
They could pull a couple of useless bodies off the second floor of Harrison and Kedzie, too.
8/20/2015 01:24:00 AM
They're going to cancel details and send people back to where they came from. Hello, 15!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
To the 005th district....
To my knowledge, the impound order has been updated, and you cannot impound a car for just a bag of weed anymore. I don't pull much traffic anymore so I'm not quite sure- but I believe it has to be over 10 grams in order to impound the vehicle....
8/20/2015 03:39:00 PM
Your knowledge is wrong.
Anonymous said...
Im in for the teamsters. Where do we start?
8/20/2015 04:20:00 PM
Next to impossible to decertify a union. And, the union can retaliate against those that start the process by throwing them out of the union and assessing fines.
City wide 10 hour days January 1,2016
8/19/2015 12:58:00 PM
BULLSHIT, first the 1st is a Friday and second, it's still 13B, would have been "slightly" more believable if you said 03 January 2016!
8/20/2015 11:17:00 AM
City wide 10 hour daze January 3th, 2016.
Don O'Neil must be doing realllly well, he's building a brand new mansion up in Wildwood/Sauganash.... Paid for by the blood sweat and tears of the officers of the CPD.....that he walked on every day......
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Don O'Neil must be doing realllly well, he's building a brand new mansion up in Wildwood/Sauganash.... Paid for by the blood sweat and tears of the officers of the CPD.....that he walked on every day......
8/21/2015 02:52:00 PM
Isn't it wonderful?
A rotten, corrupt m/fer like D.O. building a monument to himself
with the "bones" of many a good copper huh?
Fuckery is it's own reward to soulless whore-sons like him
and CPD most assuredly isn't lacking these. They make no
bones about climbing the ladder to that Gold Star by stepping
on others.
May D.O's story not have a happy ending.
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