Monday, August 17, 2015

"Groups of Teens"

  • Chicago Police are warning West Side residents after a series of armed robberies carried out by groups of teenagers earlier this month in East Garfield Park and Humboldt Park.

    Teens have walked up to people and shown a handgun while demanding bicycles, wallets and other items, according to a community alert issued Sunday night.

    The robberies happened:
    — Aug. 3, about 8 p.m. in the 3700 block of West Lexington;
    — Aug 3, about 11:30 p.m. in the 1100 block of North Homan; and
    — Aug. 4, about 7:45 p.m. in the 3600 block of West Thomas.

    Groups of between two and five teenage boys committed the robberies, which police think are related.
Just teens. That's it. And those addresses cover a sizable swath of neighborhoods that are black and brown, so all you citizens out there, just profile everyone!

McCarthy didn't say if the boys with the gun were properly carrying their FOID cards and Concealed Carry licenses.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT:On this date in 1991 CHA Police Officer Jimmie Lamar Haynes died of a gunshot wound by a sniper at the Robert Taylor Homes.The force may be gone but you are remembered!Rest in peace Brother!!!

8/17/2015 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know that those wild yutes are all black or brown, that is why the media cannot mention their race or skin color.

8/17/2015 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably those damn Amish teens again.

8/17/2015 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please SCC KEEP ADDING "McCarthy didn't say if the boys with the gun were properly carrying their FOID cards and Concealed Carry licenses. And lets see if after about a week " you know the lamestream is a bit slow" Somebody actually gets it and uses the phrase as a question to fire up Rahmannoodle Brain or Mccluess

8/17/2015 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) and another expressway shooting!

Woohoo state police chief Leo woooo admits he was born with "golden spoon"

Bet he is pulling his hair out! Wondering if the state police will be writing receipts to thugs with the new state bill starting 01Jan16? That will push crime down! All these expressway shootings how many since new boss took over? Will he be called to state "compstat meeting? Or is that audience with governor? Always blame the good guys never blame the thugs! Never state the race of offending criminals if they are black! The government media complex in full swing!

8/17/2015 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the FOID system.

8/17/2015 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall the Commander E.K from 012 attended roll call one day about 2-3 weeks ago told us all that shit rolls down hill. In hindsight it should really be worded shit rolls uphill because in all honesty your doing a crappy job running the district. If this commander believes that a beat officer is going to change this district maybe he should start fixing things on his end. 1. If you have tact teams that make an arrest a day and get to leave 2-3 hrs early- duh! Eliminate a tact team. If the mission team only writes contact cards and NO case reporting. Duh! Eliminate the freakin mission team! Every watch hasn't had rapid cars in so long. We need rapid cars NOT more mission cars who don't do case reporting. We need more bodies on the street in uniform in beat cars. You stated at roll call if we get stuck with an arrest not to go on the air and request a tact team then you know it makes sense to say shit rolls uphill because the officers in uniform patrolling the streets are doing their damn best job. How about doing your job and be a leader and start restructuring and fixing the mismanagement of police. The citizens in the 012 district deserve to have more police patrolling the streets.

8/17/2015 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bill of Rights says anyone and everyone can own a firearm.

8/17/2015 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to McStreetlights..if you don't have a FOID card you can't get a CCL..Moron!

8/17/2015 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media are "whores" they never want to offend the minority groups. I just cancelled my subscription to the Trib. after reading a piece about a young black man that was arrested for a "low level" burglary. What is a low level burglary? It's a FELONY. And the sad part is Joe Citizen reads this crap and believes it to be true. CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE TRIB. AND SLUM TIMES. ♠️

8/17/2015 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name is G-A-R-Y.

8/17/2015 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOID cards are illegal. Seems only Illinois uses this system as a tax on gunowners.

8/17/2015 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any mention from big mac if the guns were registered or not?

8/17/2015 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe it. Not with the superstar robbery team on 3rd watch! Everyone on the team literally has two years on the job, except one, who was brought in to try to teach the newbies since they can't do a simple misdemeanor arrest. Don't worry though, they all wear jeans and don't speak to anyone who still "pushes a beat car" so they must be pretty awesome. Just ask them! They'll tell you all about it!

8/17/2015 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another shooting on expressway in early morning Monday people on way to work thank God no innocence hit by stray bullets hey Leo flooding roads with state police yet? You taking the hit as usual? The only way to change this a fish stinks from the head down we need new leadership the only guy talking for America is Trump! Let's make America great again!

8/17/2015 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who just now canceled his subscription to the Tribune.... You're just now getting around to doing that?! I canceled mine years ago. Those yellow journalists will never get another dime from me again.

8/17/2015 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media 101... When there is no description given, there is only one description.

8/17/2015 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, cancel those subscriptions to the Trib and Scum times. Newspapers are obsolete. They just report lies and nonsense like those "National Inquirer" style papers.

8/17/2015 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just try put up with it for a few weeks because CPS Back to School program will put an end to this. I'm sure, Rahms believes in the children.

8/17/2015 01:06:00 PM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...


8/17/2015 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The media are "whores" they never want to offend the minority groups. I just cancelled my subscription to the Trib. after reading a piece about a young black man that was arrested for a "low level" burglary. What is a low level burglary? It's a FELONY. And the sad part is Joe Citizen reads this crap and believes it to be true. CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE TRIB. AND SLUM TIMES. ♠️

8/17/2015 08:31:00 AM

Of course they're whores. Look at Washington D.C. Politicians vote bullshit laws in place and lie telling us its for the betterment of all when only a few at the corporate level actually benefit. In the media, they get the scoop or the breaking news, or my personal favorite 'only here so and so gives an exclusive interview to our own Chuckie. In return, the politician's kid or family member is hired. And as for the politician, well he gets free PR the company throws millions back toward the politician's reelection. They got one thing right. It's truly the Chicago connection.

Cancelled my subscription years ago. And I don't give these pieces of shit the time of day when they show up to a crime scene.

8/17/2015 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Frank Rizzo said...

It took you that long to cancel your Trib subscription? I stopped buying that rag years ago. Now they want you to pay for their online BS. I prefer getting my news from this site and DNAInfo.

8/17/2015 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 0729 you are on the money. I work 2nd watch in 012 and the only time I see tact/mission/burglary or whatever they are calling themselves now is when they are getting in their personal cars to leave early. Never see them on my beat. Either do the citizens I talk to every day. The beat cars, and I mean all the beat cars, are doing their job. Too bad nobody else is. Shit should roll uphill. But then everybody would see how unqualified command staff is.

8/17/2015 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your studpd sup. stated the person responsible for the murder downtown who then killed himself was a conealed carry card holder, but the weapon wasn't registered. Registered with who dumb-dumb?

8/17/2015 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this study will help: study finds that violent video games lead to aggressive behavior! Wondering how much study cost??

Tell Gary and rahm ban video games! On another note been hot outside are beaches being closed?

8/17/2015 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evening news states that the Friday murder/suicide offender "had an FOID but the weapon was not registered to him -it was registered to someone else."
Hey Garry - if you don't know the law you could at least read in this
Blog that registration is no longer required! Stop "legislating via press conferences."
To the media - real reporters verify the facts. They don't parrot Mc Streetlights lies.
To SCC - Thank you for attempting to educate our public officials and media.

8/17/2015 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To call them teens implies that this behavior is normal for typical teenagers - it is not.

8/17/2015 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your on the 3700 w Lexington block at 8pm you can pretty much expect to get robbed. And if your out there and you don't belong your a moron.

8/17/2015 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/17/2015 01:09:00 AM


8/17/2015 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who did the shooting again on the expressway? Innocent people on the way to work (foreign concept work to the thugs), and shots fired again, bet Leo is not happy he took that job, wonder is Bruce sending Leo to Bruce comstat version? This is way out of hand, and now with bruce signing the bills to make policing harder a receipt for stopping a shady individual, so as to allow the thugs and scum to sue the police more easily,and then having a retired black judge review the stops a judge who says he remembers picking cotton when he was 6 and he understands what racism is! Whats going to happen when coppers especially call it what it is white coppers decide they don't want to be thrown into the media spotlight-don't want to be sued-don't want to lose their families or freedom-don't want to lose there jobs then what elected then what??

to the alderman worried about spike lee calling film 'chiraq" the way things are going a sequel is writing itself, until black leaders say "no more" to their people and act like men this will continue, jesse al flaky quit being a coward stand up and speak truth!

8/17/2015 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha you can keep good old bubble head. Good riddance from 007 and please tale his tac suckies. They won't be missed either.

8/17/2015 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh well...

Hopefully some concealed carriers can set fire to some
deserving asses.

If you're forced to defend yourselves from these gun
brandishing goblins or similar such...

Be sure you're the only one alive to tell the story.

Shoot and scoot.
Self defense scenes are dangerous even for The Police.

Make the legal and civil powers have to find you.

Don't volunteer shit.
Lawyer up.
Don't volunteer shit again.

You WILL be adjudged as having used excessive force in any
lethal self-defense scenario in Chicago/Cook County, Illinois.

Harbor no delusions...
Democratic voting, death worshipping swing-dicks have the right
of way.

The upright tax-paying sucker doesn't have a prayer...

Defend yourselves.

It's your hide.
How much do you value it?

We value ours greatly.
Fuck what Rahm and McOutOfIdeas has to say.

You know...
"Black Lives Matter" only when they bang-off and brandish
guns at The Police.

"Duty To Retreat," y'all...
Po-leece gotta be the ones to back up
cuz they got "rules" to abide by.

8/18/2015 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped reading any mainstream print, or listening to mainstream radio/TV some years ago after socialist Oboma was elected. Check out This is a Conservative news agency that reprints all the news that hits the wires in the USA and abroad. You won't read all the news that hit the wires daily from mainstream sources because they are censored, by order of Obama. In Free Republic, you'll get the headline of the news article and the name of the source, plus the date and time it was posted on Free Republic. All the hot headlines are posted on the right side of Free Republic's home page, and then a listing of all headlines are posted on the left side of the page, including the hot headlines. Be sure to read the Comments section following each will learn much from these comments. Free Republic is my only source for news daily, plus all I can learn from Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin on radio online daily.

8/18/2015 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall the Commander E.K from 012 attended roll call one day about 2-3 weeks ago told us all that shit rolls down hill. In hindsight it should really be worded shit rolls uphill because in all honesty your doing a crappy job running the district. If this commander believes that a beat officer is going to change this district maybe he should start fixing things on his end. 1. If you have tact teams that make an arrest a day and get to leave 2-3 hrs early- duh! Eliminate a tact team. If the mission team only writes contact cards and NO case reporting. Duh! Eliminate the freakin mission team! Every watch hasn't had rapid cars in so long. We need rapid cars NOT more mission cars who don't do case reporting. We need more bodies on the street in uniform in beat cars. You stated at roll call if we get stuck with an arrest not to go on the air and request a tact team then you know it makes sense to say shit rolls uphill because the officers in uniform patrolling the streets are doing their damn best job. How about doing your job and be a leader and start restructuring and fixing the mismanagement of police. The citizens in the 012 district deserve to have more police patrolling the streets.

8/17/2015 07:29:00 AM
To answer your last question -- He'd have to know what the fuck he's doing to be a leader. What a HUGE narcissist. Worst commander 012 or 013 has had in years.

8/18/2015 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 0729 you are on the money. I work 2nd watch in 012 and the only time I see tact/mission/burglary or whatever they are calling themselves now is when they are getting in their personal cars to leave early. Never see them on my beat. Either do the citizens I talk to every day. The beat cars, and I mean all the beat cars, are doing their job. Too bad nobody else is. Shit should roll uphill. But then everybody would see how unqualified command staff is.

8/17/2015 03:20:00 PM

Sgt M and his guys are visible in the old 013 area of 012.

8/18/2015 03:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I stopped reading any mainstream print, or listening to mainstream radio/TV some years ago after socialist Oboma was elected. Check out This is a Conservative news agency that reprints all the news that hits the wires in the USA and abroad. You won't read all the news that hit the wires daily from mainstream sources because they are censored, by order of Obama. In Free Republic, you'll get the headline of the news article and the name of the source, plus the date and time it was posted on Free Republic. All the hot headlines are posted on the right side of Free Republic's home page, and then a listing of all headlines are posted on the left side of the page, including the hot headlines. Be sure to read the Comments section following each will learn much from these comments. Free Republic is my only source for news daily, plus all I can learn from Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin on radio online daily.

8/18/2015 02:47:00 AM

Plus all I can learn from Rush Limbaugh??? He's in the teaching business now? Do you listen and learn from the addicts in your district as well or just those on talk radio?

8/18/2015 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media are "whores" they never want to offend the minority groups. I just cancelled my subscription to the Trib. after reading a piece about a young black man that was arrested for a "low level" burglary. What is a low level burglary? It's a FELONY. And the sad part is Joe Citizen reads this crap and believes it to be true. CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE TRIB. AND SLUM TIMES. ♠️
Check out todays Tribune (18 Aug 15), 2nd page with what racist Dawn Turner Trice hammered out in her article today....
I just cannot believe the Tribune keeps that piece of shit on board?

8/18/2015 04:10:00 PM  
Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

Why does the media involve race when it's a white cop and a black "victim" (of police) but never the other way around when a black is the shooter of a white cop?

8/22/2015 05:53:00 AM  

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