Thursday, February 18, 2016

NYPD in Hot Water....3 Years Later

  • An alarming number of New York police officers are performing unconstitutional "stop and frisks," despite court orders to end the practice three years ago.

    A report that reviewed hundreds of New York Police Department street stops in 2015 found that in almost a third of the cases, the officer failed to document the suspicion that prompted the stop.

    In practically every instance, the officer's supervisor signed off on the officer's paperwork and noted there was "sufficient basis for the stop, frisk or search."

    The problem persists because officers aren't being properly taught about the department's reforms,according to the report, which was released Tuesday by federal monitor Peter Zimroth.
That isn't surprising seeing how the ISR roll-out is going here. We haven't gotten straight answers at training, we keep getting different answers from different people since the training is so inconsistently applied across the board, we've got bosses and the mayor screaming for more "citizen contacts" completely ignoring the fact that 80% of the Department isn't trained and the "quotas" they won't put on paper are the exact thing that got the Department in trouble in the first place.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Valerie Hemorroidman will remind you that time due is a perk and if you don't beg many days in advance for that hour or two on the front, you won't get it. Now go out there and make contact with citizens, if you don't like it, quit, get a new job and if you have time on the job, retire. I'm going right out there and getting all kinds of activity for you...

2/18/2016 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha the feds don't investigate zero's !
Stay fetal my friends and those that don't beware the person looking over your shoulder !

2/18/2016 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We here in area central gangs are getting threatened by our Lt and dept chief that if we don't bring in more ISRs we are gone and dumped. He wants ISRs and any arrests and he is still keeping track of them and holding it over our heads weekly. The activity quota in area central gangs is alive and running strong with this idiot Lt and dept chief. And yes, no matter what anyone says he demands quotas which puts pressure on us to go and bring in anything no matter how pimpy it is or how much it lies in the gray area.. In this day and age it's gonna get someone in trouble. We tell this to the Lt and he just tows the orders of his area deputy chief and says if you won't do it we will find kids who will.. i.e kids who have no time on and don't know any better and don't realize how this is a dangerous game to play just to appease a boss and his numbers.. If I get a ride along with the D.O.J you can be sure that will be the topic of my conversation. I really don't care anymore. These two need to be stopped and every other boss doing the same need to be stopped and I think only the DOJ can put a stop to it.. Their practices of quotas are gonna get guys jammed up. Sorry deputy and Lt... If I get that interview or ride along they will know it, and I have no problem naming you guys as threatening and pushing numbers. Good thing I can back it up too with emails and recorded conversations with my cell phone.

2/18/2016 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know how many isr's have been written by the people teaching the class. When was the last time you were out on the street? When and what was your last arrest for?

2/18/2016 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer to the NYPD's problem and CPD's ISRs can be solved by going Total Fetal.

2/18/2016 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not that officers there or here have been violating peoples rights. It is that they have not been articulating all of the factors leading to the stop. Officers began using short narratives and failed to add all the factors. Well, now certain entities are looking at these and assuming that since they didnt document all the factors, that must have meant that they were violating their rights. As a result, changes were made as well as every stop being forwarded to the aclu for review. Officers will (and already have) respond to this show of distrust and possible legal actions against them by doing less. Aclu will claim that as a win citing that if we now do 90% less stops, that certainly must mean that prior to their involvement 90% of our stops were illegal. Meanwhile, rome burns.

2/18/2016 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Garry's gonna be very busy the next couple of years, answering the Fed's questions about those policies and procedures he used back East, then imported to Chicago.

2/18/2016 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NYPD academy is 9 months long... wondering if they are teach them plenty of "gas em and whack em" deals like back at the CPD academy once taught.

first thing they should be teaching them, how not to get jammed up 101, and how to keep not loose you gig 101. usually takes guys 10 years to learn that. but now that no one wants to do the job, plenty of dumb ass dudes are getting the job--- shit goes in, shit comes out... for some reason, a lot of these department don't get that

2/18/2016 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A word to future and present bosses. If your prepared to demand an ISR for the sake of a ISR then be prepared for a EEOC charge. I'm done taking your crap. If I have a reason to write an ISR I will. You need one that bad go out and get it yourself.

2/18/2016 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a single NYPD Police Adminstrator is going to
take a lick for being hard-headed.

Here in Chicago?

"How can we trick, bully, threaten and brow-beat
those dumb peons in Patrol into doing enough ISRs
so we can establish a baseline for "minimum activity"
so we can recognize further savings in salary when we
start suspending and terminating them for failure to perform?"

The most potent weapons a Chicago Policeman still has are his
writing utensils, his law books and his knowledge and understanding
of the Bill of Rights.

The greatest power any Policeman has is the power of his lawfully given
and judiciously exercised discretion.

Whether or not he decides to sit on that discretion for the sake of self preservation,
has been unintentionally pushed to the forefront by people who fancy themselves
far smarter and more suited for survival than mere Policemen who spend many years
rubbing up against BEE-AY-DEE, e-vile and vicious muthafukahs... Rahm Emanuel

Rahm and the exempt cowards are running around telling Policemen
to disregard the "Danger! Danger! Warning! Warning!" alarms that are
ringing about those ISRs and ALL the associated Fuckery that came with.

Hurriedly implemented.
Punitive, revanchist and anti-Police in scope.
Pandering to the lowest, non-contributory, societal denominator.
No footing in sound legal construct whatsoever.
The bitter first fruits of Chicago political cowardice.

And much more...

So the political powers are pissed because "The Dumb Cops"
are way ahead in seeing how fucking WRETCHED this thing
really is?

Lots of shit-talk about "Chicago Police Crisis."
Lots of under-the-table shit-talk about
"The Chicago Police Rebellion" too.

Just respond to calls for service.

Keep an eye on what's brewing over at NYPD.
It's all the same shit that's happening here.

It's all about individual Policemen being harmed
by the politicians in uniform that make up department administration.

They shout rousing cheer from the rear...
"We got your backs now do this dumb-shit
and get some good touches on people."

Fuck dat and Fuck y'all...

There's a saying that foot soldiers need to see
a few dead generals mouldering in the shit-mud
for some validation as to "why we're HERE, doing THIS."

>Paper blowing through the parking lot
@ 3510 S. Michigan<

As far as Chicago goes, nary an exempt is going to stand
on the gallows Rahm speedily built and put his/her precious neck
in a noose to get buy-in from those "rebellious" Blue Suited
churls who refuse to go along with what their so called social
betters are trying to do to ruin Policemen and Policing in this town.

Viva Hate.

Police like you have no friends.

2/18/2016 02:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pressure from the top for "activity"
will land many a copper in jail because
they don't want to get fucked with administratively,
get their start time fucked with, get bounced off their car
or get separated from somebody they trust and work well with.

This is the slippery slope.

2/18/2016 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the hell would officers over there give that asshole mayor any activity after they way that whole administration treated them following the loose cigarette fiasco and that "I can't breathe" bs. Officers here know exactly what time it is and this whole fucked up city just put the final nail in its coffin with its unholy alliance with the ACLU. Policing was forced into a purely reactive state and it will never again return here. New York officers will soon come to understand this and act accordingly. Our laws are based on reasonableness and balancing logic with perception. Criminals, on the other hand, operate outside of logic and reason, and therefore have the luxury of freedom from rules and consequence in a justice system bound by civility, mercy, and law. The lawful public has allowed the very system and rules designed to protect civilization to instead protect and harbor the criminal. The word and actions of an officer are diminished by those of thieves, murderers, and drug traffickers. Officers stand to lose their careers, homes, families, financial security, and risk becoming social pariahs trying to perform their duties in good faith, while the criminal element stands to lose nothing. Law enforcement has been made fully aware exactly where they stand in the eyes of the governing powers that be and the public. Know that officers will now act within the very limited constraints of these new policies and goals assigned by a paralyzed and ineffective bureaucracy that exists only to serve itself.

2/18/2016 02:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Paw Puppy (rod) said...

It is very important for every working copper to remain fetal until the state, county, city and CPD clarify and then train everyone on the proper proceedure for completing an ISR.*

*This will help the state, county, city and CPD to clearly understand why coppers are not/ will not place themselves in jeopardy by resuming a proactive practice.

Summer is coming, Rahm and the Dept bossholes are beginning to panic and yet they want to dump this mess in the blueshirts laps.
The best thing to do is stay fetal, police by the letter of THEIR laws and let them bear the responsibility for their mess.

STAY FETAL your family needs you.

2/18/2016 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're doing ISR's, you're soft as puppy shit.

2/18/2016 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you on your knees hummer people. Ya Think I was stupid still for not doing contact cards ever? We are all so tough on the street and crumble like little girls of the FOP. We will fight for a car or a start time. But we don't fight together for the good of the watch/blue shirts, or our families? Dumb.

2/18/2016 05:52:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

They created this mess, let them deal with it.

2/18/2016 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The days of "stop and frisk" are over. The police can only write reports and do only reactive police work.

2/18/2016 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only mushes are still making stops. You may think you've got all the bases covered, that you're smarter than most, that your paper doesn't have holes, only to find 3 yrs later you are in deep shit.

Err on the safe side--stay fetal.

Seriously, is it worth it?

It's no fun not being able to sleep at night--because that is what federal lawsuits do to you.

2/18/2016 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Chicago law school also came out with a report about NYPD's contact cards that basically said because officers often used the same type of narrative for why they are conducting a stop it must be a lie. Every profession has their own terminology, doctors, lawyers, engineers, pilots, etc.. but when police use the same words to describe suspicion it must be a lie. The report also fails to mention that crime and criminals follow a script. These ultra liberals with their super sized lawyer brains just can't comprehend that criminals act in the same ways.

2/18/2016 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the commander of 12. Furious nobody is doing isrs so he takes it out by denying people time and yelling at po's. Do everybody a favor and retire already u miserable prick

2/18/2016 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then you have lt. V.r. aka Hemoroytman telling us that time due is a perk. YOU are everything that is wrong with supervisors in this job.

2/18/2016 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fox news reporting The River North Area has more robberies in this January since 2005. Nice work Rahm better get the guardian angels in there wouldn't want Griffin or Zell to be victims. Rahm why don't you show good faith and MAKE THAT PENSION CONTRIBUTION nobody trusts your word no one ever did, too bad you lied about Laquon and to this day you try to throw us under a bus. Redeem yourself

2/18/2016 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus.....It's pretty simple, do a Terry stop, document what lead to it. Done. stopping anything moving because you feel like it, done!!!

2/18/2016 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 4th Amendment is the 4th Amendment, it hasn't changed in a couple hundred years, so lets not try to sound like complete fools.

The ISR mess shouldn't be tricky about articulation, it is just not very clear about certain times the department wants the damn report.

The basic answer would be, if you are doing anything INVESTIGATIVE, do the report. If is it is clear cut on view or signed complaints than not always required.

2/18/2016 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that reasonable suspicion can not be specifically defined. No court has ever done that. So what one officer might think is suspicious, might not be suspicious to an ACLU paralegal. As long as you are not stopping people bec of hunches or intuition, you will be fine.

2/18/2016 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope all the children working in saturation team north take heed.

2/18/2016 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No surprise that the NYPD is getting blamed for none sense. You can't even get a large pop in the city and you expect policing not to be thrown under the bus! Well done left wingers, your efforts just killed more "innocent" citizens.

2/18/2016 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems the mayor wants more contact with citizens. Well Rahm, which citizens are you talking about. 95% of the crime is in minority neighborhoods. Is that who you want us to stop, people in minority neighborhoods. That puts us right back to square 1. Isn't that the complaint which brought all this upon us. To many people of Color getting stopped. So, Mr. Mayor why in the hell would we start doing that again. The Genie is out of the bottle. You sir and your ACLU buddies are the ones who pulled out the cork. Wait till summer asswipe and Reap what you've Sown

2/18/2016 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beyoncé the racist anti-police moron is bringing her concert here, as all the idiots rush to buy tickets will Cpd coppers forget about the dirty blood stained cash her handlers pay and avoid any security for her like our stand up brothers and sisters in Tampa have done? Or will the typical Chicago copper forget that she hates police unless she can use them and work this concert?

2/18/2016 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, back in the day, we police were taught how to look, observe, and evaluate.....we were given body language training, we were told at roll call about what was happening in our beats, specific crimes in specific areas in/ around the neighborhood....old-timers used to call it the "spidey sense" how at midnight, you'd see a lone guy walking around the street, all in black, who would then (when he saw the police car) would really try NOT to look at you anymore.....he would kinda cringe up, and attempt to put on his "cloaking device" (like from Star Trek) so as to become'd watch his hands for a minute, see if he was going to touch his waistband or his pocket to check to see if his weapon of choice was still there.....ya just KNEW he was dirty and up to you'd stop him, always watching his eyes, pat him down, always partner at the ready, and son of a gun if he didn't have a screwdriver and burglary tools in his pockets, or a gun, or someone else's wallet and credit cards on him.....After a few years on the job, this became second is what EXPERIENCE and training had TAUGHT you to instinctively recognize.....pretty hard to articulate on the ACLU forms......but that is what it is......years and years of experience making you a good street cop. Ya just knew when something was just not right.....I don't know if ANYONE outside of law enforcement will ever get be safe and be careful, my brothers and sisters.....if you HAVE to stop someone, and do that b.s. ISR, be sure you make each and every effort to articulate your powers of observation preceding the stop.....
Do NOT make yourself a target of those who haven't a clue.....

2/18/2016 09:45:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

>>>> 'An alarming number of New York police officers are performing unconstitutional "stop and frisks," despite court orders to end the practice three years ago. ' <<<<

Oh boy, there's so much wrong with that paragraph where do I even start? Well... here's it goes.

--- 1) The NYPD's "stop and frisks" were **not** unconstitutional. Yes, a goofy Federal Judge in Manhattan, one Shira A. Scheindlin, did rule that, BUT she was 100% WRONG as the U.S. Supreme Court, aka: SCOTUS, ruled decades ago that 'Stop & Frisk' was completely legal and didn't violate anyone's rights, because the practice actually is: Stop. *QUESTION*, and Frisk. And that's exactly what the NYPD was doing.

--- 2) Her ruling was so off the wall WRONG, that Judge Shira A. Scheindlin was not only reprimanded by her Superiors for this cockeyed ruling, but also for her other actions in that case (public statements), she was REMOVED FROM THE CASE -- this was unprecedented.

--- 3) All that aside for moment, even in Scheindlin's original ruling she DID NOT order the NYPD to stop using Stop & Frisk. She ordered it to be modified a bit -- even though she ruled it unconstitutional. The lamestream media NEVER mentions this little tidbit whenever the NYPD's 'Stop & Frisk' is in the news. It's also never, or rarely, reported that Stop & Frisk IS constitutional per SCOTUS and has been legal for decades!

--- 4) Another thing that's also never reported is this judge's history. The fact that Shira A. Scheindlin is a LEFT WING RADICAL who legislates from the bench and is routinely OVERTURNED on appeal.

--- 5) Last but not least -- Mayor Bloomberg was ready to appeal this neo-commie broad's pro-criminal, anti-police ruling, but his term ended before it went to court. To nobody's surprise the new mayor, the neo-communist Bill de Blasio dropped the appeal.

The bottom line is that any news article that begins with something based on false facts and/or missing information there's no point to reading or believing any of it, no matter who writes or publishes it. It's that old adage: Bullshit in, Bullshit out.

In closing, this article is a prime example of the leftists at work. Twisting and/or omitting the truth on something over a period of time makes it 'your truth'. 'Truth' that's nowhere near reality. Hillary is a master at this leftist ploy: Lies become 'truth'.

2/18/2016 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A. No more police work allowed.

B. We demand more police work.

Guinea pig pushes the little lever, and gets a powerful electric shock along with the food pellet. Guy in a white coat makes a note of this.

Situation continues.

2/18/2016 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Im proud to be a worker ! ! !"

You feel like doing an ISR?

First make a sign.

Include your full name, address, DOB & SS#.
Also, the nane of your bank, broker, and insurance company,
with the account numbers an passwords.

Make a 100 copies and give one to each ISR stopee.

The ACLU and Lovey & Lovey will love you.

You will have a wage assignment for the rest of your life.

That boss you wanted to make happy, won't remember your name.

2/18/2016 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pressure from the top for "activity"
will land many a copper in jail because
they don't want to get fucked with administratively,
get their start time fucked with, get bounced off their car
or get separated from somebody they trust and work well with.

This is the slippery slope.

2/18/2016 02:52:00 AM
Agreed some coppers are exceptionally impressed with that car, that shiny gold star moron and do whatever! As soon as said copper is in the media whore spotlight boss says "I never said that" your best friend is your nice cell phone full video recording capacity, you need to use it and save it for future reference, can you imagine what the "spirits of the air" SCC has in their archives? When SCC is attacked the unleashed firestorm that can be released on elected and bosses would make Hiroshima look like child's play in results now boss said what?

2/18/2016 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I watch a lot of cop shows and their never writing reports so that's that.

2/18/2016 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, back in the day, we police were taught how to look, observe, and evaluate.....we were given body language training, we were told at roll call about what was happening in our beats, specific crimes in specific areas in/ around the neighborhood....old-timers used to call it the "spidey sense" how at midnight, you'd see a lone guy walking around the street, all in black, who would then (when he saw the police car) would really try NOT to look at you anymore.....he would kinda cringe up, and attempt to put on his "cloaking device" (like from Star Trek) so as to become'd watch his hands for a minute, see if he was going to touch his waistband or his pocket to check to see if his weapon of choice was still there.....ya just KNEW he was dirty and up to you'd stop him, always watching his eyes, pat him down, always partner at the ready, and son of a gun if he didn't have a screwdriver and burglary tools in his pockets, or a gun, or someone else's wallet and credit cards on him.....After a few years on the job, this became second is what EXPERIENCE and training had TAUGHT you to instinctively recognize.....pretty hard to articulate on the ACLU forms......but that is what it is......years and years of experience making you a good street cop. Ya just knew when something was just not right.....I don't know if ANYONE outside of law enforcement will ever get be safe and be careful, my brothers and sisters.....if you HAVE to stop someone, and do that b.s. ISR, be sure you make each and every effort to articulate your powers of observation preceding the stop.....
Do NOT make yourself a target of those who haven't a clue.....

2/18/2016 09:45:00 AM

Well, this is exactly the problem with law. It sounds like a wonderful hunch and great police work.

2/18/2016 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Al Apathy said...

Boy oh boy are the bossholes obvious on this thread. Lead by example you assholes or STFU! I have not seen anything that exempts or excuses you from doing an ISR. You start bringing them you dickwads (and dickwadesses) and SHOW us the correct way to do them by your example OK?

2/18/2016 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In closing, this article is a prime example of the leftists at work. Twisting and/or omitting the truth on something over a period of time makes it 'your truth'. 'Truth' that's nowhere near reality. Hillary is a master at this leftist ploy: Lies become 'truth'.

2/18/2016 11:09:00 AM
Awesome explanation. I know it took time and talent to write it.


2/18/2016 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the commander of 12. Furious nobody is doing isrs so he takes it out by denying people time and yelling at po's. Do everybody a favor and retire already u miserable prick

2/18/2016 06:56:00 AM
The body cameras for everyone would solve that. The only problem is it creates 12,500 sheep instead of sheep dogs.

2/18/2016 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bosses in 007 are getting desperate. Practically begging for ISRs. Too bad. The days of jumping out on random people on the corner are long over. Deal with it bosses.

2/18/2016 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

obama invites black lies matter activists to white house, but does he even send white house staff to police funerals? Nope he never sent white house people to Navy SEAL Kyles funeral,a man that saved so many American lives, the best sniper what a disgrace how much more do we suffer until Trump takes office?

2/18/2016 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

@ 2/18/2016 02:56:00 AM

GOD Almighty...

This reads like it could be the 21st. century
Policeman's Creed.

Bravo to you, sir!
Your's is the kind of voice THEY want desperately to silence.

Pay the narrow minds no mind.
Their singular talent is looking through the keyhole
of this blog with both eyes. Simultaneously...

What Policemen and other right minded citizens
expose here is smugly and contemptuously derided
as complaining.

Nosy children trying to see what the REAL adults are discussing.

Why is so much energy, industry, political capital and largish amounts
of filthy lucre devoted to diminishing if not silencing The Policeman's voice,
curtailing his associations and co-opting what and how he thinks?

A reasonable person on the outside looking in, would be led to
believe that The Policeman constitutes more of a threat to the
common good than the disposable, death loving non-contributors
who loudly demand restitution, retribution and implementation of
their own credulity straining iteration of apartheid, egged-on by their
grand mal white guilt afflicted, progressive aiders and abettors.

Keep speaking the truth...

2/18/2016 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, back in the day, we police were taught how to look, observe, and evaluate.....we were given body language training, we were told at roll call about what was happening in our beats, specific crimes in specific areas in/ around the neighborhood....old-timers used to call it the "spidey sense" how at midnight, you'd see a lone guy walking around the street, all in black, who would then (when he saw the police car) would really try NOT to look at you anymore.....he would kinda cringe up, and attempt to put on his "cloaking device" (like from Star Trek) so as to become'd watch his hands for a minute, see if he was going to touch his waistband or his pocket to check to see if his weapon of choice was still there.....ya just KNEW he was dirty and up to you'd stop him, always watching his eyes, pat him down, always partner at the ready, and son of a gun if he didn't have a screwdriver and burglary tools in his pockets, or a gun, or someone else's wallet and credit cards on him.....After a few years on the job, this became second is what EXPERIENCE and training had TAUGHT you to instinctively recognize.....pretty hard to articulate on the ACLU forms......but that is what it is......years and years of experience making you a good street cop. Ya just knew when something was just not right.....I don't know if ANYONE outside of law enforcement will ever get be safe and be careful, my brothers and sisters.....if you HAVE to stop someone, and do that b.s. ISR, be sure you make each and every effort to articulate your powers of observation preceding the stop.....
Do NOT make yourself a target of those who haven't a clue.....

You're 100% correct. I could do it then. But, like running, situps, and pushups, I couldn't do it today, too rusty.
Now, it is not worth the risk. The "community" and librals are getting what "they" demanded. Give them more. For the month of March don't do any ISR. Stay safe!

2/18/2016 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The suck holes will do anything to impress their merit sergeant and to keep their spot. Idiots are doing lots of ISRs and search warrants. These are the same idiots who will work the Beyonce concert too

2/18/2016 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Jesus.....It's pretty simple, do a Terry stop, document what lead to it. Done. stopping anything moving because you feel like it, done!!!

2/18/2016 07:35:00 AM

I am glad we still have working police out there. Make the stops and complete the ISR's. Show us by example, make those daily stops. I prefer to wait until the department figures out how the ISR will be designed. Oh, you remember the ISR? Stops are easy but the ISR is a different animal.

2/18/2016 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And how about that no balls Rahm and Escalade still kissing the news peoples asses. fuck all of the media really show them what the Code of silence is and no information or interviews. They are not your friends. Let them work the shit heads and get the stories from the junkies and crack Hos. maybe they can be their own story when the needdy society turns on them then they can call the ACLU to protect them.

2/18/2016 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be foolish. No one has your back. All the bosses with their reassuring is just puffing. They will throw you under the bus. This is what society wants and this is what they are going to get a fetal department. Quotas are illegal and if you are a suck up then you deserve what's coming to you,. All the smart officers stay strong stay fetal,

2/18/2016 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to whom. The ACLU I'm sure it wasn't the DOJ. That's the issue with the ISR. In who's opinion

2/18/2016 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A word to future and present bosses. If your prepared to demand an ISR for the sake of a ISR then be prepared for a EEOC charge. I'm done taking your crap. If I have a reason to write an ISR I will. You need one that bad go out and get it yourself.

Ohh boy, threaten me with an EEOC beef. I am shitting in my pants. GFY and stick your idol threats in your ass. 10 grand says you ain't got the balls to do it. You are all talk.

2/18/2016 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Obama just announced he will not make judge Scalia funeral he will be golfing! This conservative judge dies suspiciously no autopsy quickly buried but he can't make it! This guy has zero respect for anyone how much more suffering will he inflict on American citizens? He just had the black activists in the people's house the White House the same people that tore up American cities and attacked police officers!

2/18/2016 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beyoncé the racist anti-police moron is bringing her concert here, as all the idiots rush to buy tickets will Cpd coppers forget about the dirty blood stained cash her handlers pay and avoid any security for her like our stand up brothers and sisters in Tampa have done? Or will the typical Chicago copper forget that she hates police unless she can use them and work this concert?


Meanwhile, down in Tampa, the officers are refusing to work the Beyonce concert overtime. Not 1 single officer signed up to work it. Would love it if we did the same thing here.

Beyoncé the racist anti-police moron is bringing her concert here, as all the idiots rush to buy tickets will Cpd coppers forget about the dirty blood stained cash her handlers pay and avoid any security for her like our stand up brothers and sisters in Tampa have done? Or will the typical Chicago copper forget that she hates police unless she can use them and work this concert?

2/18/2016 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it me, or does everyone else immediately skip over Cuthbert twillie's inane posts?

2/18/2016 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We here in area central gangs are getting threatened by our Lt and dept chief that if we don't bring in more ISRs we are gone and dumped. He wants ISRs and any arrests and he is still keeping track of them and holding it over our heads weekly. The activity quota in area central gangs is alive and running strong with this idiot Lt and dept chief.


And blah, blah, blah. Just let yourself get dumped, get a beat car, and go fetal. WTF???

2/18/2016 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the commander of 12. Furious nobody is doing isrs so he takes it out by denying people time and yelling at po's. Do everybody a favor and retire already u miserable prick.

Don't worry his boot lickers that followed him from 007 will do all the work as long as they only have to work half a tour . They are the best just ask them.

2/18/2016 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We here in area central gangs are getting threatened by our Lt and dept chief that if we don't bring in more ISRs we are gone and dumped. He wants ISRs and any arrests and he is still keeping track of them and holding it over our heads weekly. The activity quota in area central gangs is alive and running strong with this idiot Lt and dept chief. And yes, no matter what anyone says he demands quotas which puts pressure on us to go and bring in anything no matter how pimpy it is or how much it lies in the gray area.. In this day and age it's gonna get someone in trouble. We tell this to the Lt and he just tows the orders of his area deputy chief and says if you won't do it we will find kids who will.. i.e kids who have no time on and don't know any better and don't realize how this is a dangerous game to play just to appease a boss and his numbers.. If I get a ride along with the D.O.J you can be sure that will be the topic of my conversation. I really don't care anymore. These two need to be stopped and every other boss doing the same need to be stopped and I think only the DOJ can put a stop to it.. Their practices of quotas are gonna get guys jammed up. Sorry deputy and Lt... If I get that interview or ride along they will know it, and I have no problem naming you guys as threatening and pushing numbers. Good thing I can back it up too with emails and recorded conversations with my cell phone.

2/18/2016 01:28:00 AM


I dont blame you. If you have a boss pressuring you for activity document it. If you have to record them then so be it. I also dont blame you for telling the DOJ about pressure tactics for activity leading to CR numbers, lawsuits and hatred from the public because of thirsty arrests. when you keep locking up 60 year olds for pipes, drinking, pissing, selling squares etc you get hated really quick. thats all about the numbers game. dont let these fools get you in trouble because they have compstat this week and need to show for it. I wouldnt trust that snake deputy chief or his little lap dog Lt/new capt friend.

2/18/2016 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, back in the day, we police were taught how to look, observe, and evaluate.....we were given body language training, we were told at roll call about what was happening in our beats, specific crimes in specific areas in/ around the neighborhood....old-timers used to call it the "spidey sense" how at midnight, you'd see a lone guy walking around the street, all in black, who would then (when he saw the police car) would really try NOT to look at you anymore.....he would kinda cringe up, and attempt to put on his "cloaking device" (like from Star Trek) so as to become'd watch his hands for a minute, see if he was going to touch his waistband or his pocket to check to see if his weapon of choice was still there.....ya just KNEW he was dirty and up to you'd stop him, always watching his eyes, pat him down, always partner at the ready, and son of a gun if he didn't have a screwdriver and burglary tools in his pockets, or a gun, or someone else's wallet and credit cards on him.....After a few years on the job, this became second is what EXPERIENCE and training had TAUGHT you to instinctively recognize.....pretty hard to articulate on the ACLU forms......but that is what it is......years and years of experience making you a good street cop. Ya just knew when something was just not right.....I don't know if ANYONE outside of law enforcement will ever get be safe and be careful, my brothers and sisters.....if you HAVE to stop someone, and do that b.s. ISR, be sure you make each and every effort to articulate your powers of observation preceding the stop.....
Do NOT make yourself a target of those who haven't a clue.....

I like the way you explained this. Very nice. You know what you are talking about. Rare. Thanks.

2/18/2016 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been following this blog for sometime now. Up here in Toronto we used to say we were about 10 years behind your brothers in the states.

That is no longer the case. The city is about the same size as Chicago, the Toronto Police Service has only about 1/3 the sworn members as you. Our gun crime number are but a fraction. This is mostly cultural, and a reflection on the way our two nations were formed.

We are still having the exact same problem with what our media called "carding." There is next to no proactive policing any more, our arrests are down 60% and our shooting are up about 200% 2014-2015. and yet again 100% YTD 2015-2016.

The media and the left wing politicians are getting the police they want, and the City they fear.

Stay safe brothers and sisters, no one has our back but us.

2/18/2016 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your going to do things that risk you and your families well being because of a LT or Deputy Chief your a fool. Stand up and be a man, go back to a watch, bid to a watch and owe no one anything.

2/19/2016 01:24:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

To: ---> 2/18/2016 08:12:00 PM

Its you.
Now go home and get your shine box.

2/19/2016 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Obama just announced he will not make judge Scalia funeral he will be golfing! This conservative judge dies suspiciously no autopsy quickly buried but he can't make it! This guy has zero respect for anyone how much more suffering will he inflict on American citizens? He just had the black activists in the people's house the White House the same people that tore up American cities and attacked police officers!

You guys kill me! Here is the explanation as to why Obama will not attend Scalia's funeral. You might just want to read it.
Oh, and by the way...are you attending? Is the CPD sending a contingent of officers?

2/19/2016 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the commander of 12. Furious nobody is doing isrs so he takes it out by denying people time and yelling at po's. Do everybody a favor and retire already u miserable prick.


VIOLATION of FOP contract as long as there is no more than 15% off.

They can NOT dangle time off as a work incentive.
That would be a violation of federal labor laws.

I say grieve every single fuckin' one of 'em.

2/19/2016 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commander of 012 real bad. The district is operating like a bad episode of Mad Men. He yells so much we are immune. Most are conspiring to see him dumped.

2/19/2016 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you on your knees hummer people. Ya Think I was stupid still for not doing contact cards ever? We are all so tough on the street and crumble like little girls of the FOP. We will fight for a car or a start time. But we don't fight together for the good of the watch/blue shirts, or our families? Dumb.

Fuck all this shit, its all BS- You want to redeem yourself Rahm make the pension contribution, every time Rahm comes to a station ask him when he is going to make his STATE MANDATED PAYMENT TO THE PENSION who cares if can work with Suzy on an Early car to quote a completely ruthless snake NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE!

2/19/2016 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, back in the day, we police were taught how to look, observe, and evaluate.....we were given body language training, we were told at roll call about what was happening in our beats, specific crimes in specific areas in/ around the neighborhood....old-timers used to call it the "spidey sense" how at midnight, you'd see a lone guy walking around the street, all in black, who would then (when he saw the police car) would really try NOT to look at you anymore.....he would kinda cringe up, and attempt to put on his "cloaking device" (like from Star Trek) so as to become'd watch his hands for a minute, see if he was going to touch his waistband or his pocket to check to see if his weapon of choice was still there.....ya just KNEW he was dirty and up to you'd stop him, always watching his eyes, pat him down, always partner at the ready, and son of a gun if he didn't have a screwdriver and burglary tools in his pockets, or a gun, or someone else's wallet and credit cards on him.....After a few years on the job, this became second is what EXPERIENCE and training had TAUGHT you to instinctively recognize.....pretty hard to articulate on the ACLU forms......but that is what it is......years and years of experience making you a good street cop. Ya just knew when something was just not right.....I don't know if ANYONE outside of law enforcement will ever get be safe and be careful, my brothers and sisters.....if you HAVE to stop someone, and do that b.s. ISR, be sure you make each and every effort to articulate your powers of observation preceding the stop.....
Do NOT make yourself a target of those who haven't a clue.....

I agree with everything you said. However, what you described is a nothing more than a "fishing expedition". "Just knowing someone is dirty" does not fall under Terry.

The "they must be up to something" street stop is no longer acceptable, and coppers must stop doing them.

2/19/2016 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Cuthbert J. Twillie said...
To: ---> 2/18/2016 08:12:00 PM

Its you.
Now go home and get your shine box.

2/19/2016 06:29:00 AM


It's the same short attention span nitwit who fishes
for a co-signer when a post isn't a tweet.

It hurts him pointy wittle haid to actually read and comprehend
on an adult level or take what's written in the spirit in which it's

There are some who still relish a read with meat on it's bones.
There were people who griped about the old Chicago Daily News
being too substantial and "high-hatted."

Auto-correct is the devil's own.
Grammar and punctuation nannies are ninnies.
Progressive hive-minds have an instantaneous
allergic reaction to a narration they can't spin or control.


Pretty darn interesting human beings vibing off each other
in this little "insignificant blog" that SCC provides.

A small piece of place that would make the founders
of the republic grin with glee.

They were accused of being "funny thinkers with dangerous ideas" too.

There were people trying to make them "shut up" too.

Cheers Mistuh CJT...

A cask-strength bourbon
(the celebratory libation of
real American Men. Freedom's
own elixir) raised in your direction.


2/19/2016 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it me, or does everyone else immediately skip over Cuthbert twillie's inane posts?

No, it's not you. He's just a tool.

2/19/2016 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, down in Tampa, the officers are refusing to work the Beyonce concert overtime. Not 1 single officer signed up to work it. Would love it if we did the same thing here.
A) She's gonna make a ton of money on her tour.
B) She won't give a rat's ass that you aren't there.
C) SOMEBODY'S going to work security for all of her shows, all over the U.S. Deal with it.

2/19/2016 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, down in Tampa, the officers are refusing to work the Beyonce concert overtime. Not 1 single officer signed up to work it. Would love it if we did the same thing here.

Beyoncé the racist anti-police moron is bringing her concert here, as all the idiots rush to buy tickets will Cpd coppers forget about the dirty blood stained cash her handlers pay and avoid any security for her like our stand up brothers and sisters in Tampa have done? Or will the typical Chicago copper forget that she hates police unless she can use them and work this concert?
Well, they just issued an update that dozens of officers HAVE signed up to work.

It was a nice 5 minutes of police 'sticking together' though.

2/19/2016 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have been following this blog for sometime now. Up here in Toronto we used to say we were about 10 years behind your brothers in the states.

That is no longer the case. The city is about the same size as Chicago, the Toronto Police Service has only about 1/3 the sworn members as you. Our gun crime number are but a fraction. This is mostly cultural, and a reflection on the way our two nations were formed.

We are still having the exact same problem with what our media called "carding." There is next to no proactive policing any more, our arrests are down 60% and our shooting are up about 200% 2014-2015. and yet again 100% YTD 2015-2016.

The media and the left wing politicians are getting the police they want, and the City they fear.

Stay safe brothers and sisters, no one has our back but us.

2/18/2016 11:27:00 PM<<<

With all due respect...
Love Canada for all kinds of things but not their Socialism.

There is a difference between CITIZENS and SUBJECTS.

Maybe Canada needs a Second Amendment as you are being invaded as we are, and a Concealed Carry Permit.

2/20/2016 04:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, down in Tampa, the officers are refusing to work the Beyonce concert overtime. Not 1 single officer signed up to work it. Would love it if we did the same thing here.
Why is the city paying for police protection for a concert anyway?

The promoters should be paying for their own security.

2/20/2016 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due respect...
Love Canada for all kinds of things but not their Socialism.

There is a difference between CITIZENS and SUBJECTS.

Maybe Canada needs a Second Amendment as you are being invaded as we are, and a Concealed Carry Permit.

2/20/2016 04:14:00 AM

Do some research dude>

To own a gun in Canada, residents must take a safety course and pass both a written and a practical exam. The license expires in five years. Residents have to register restricted firearms, such as handguns and automatic weapons, with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's Canadian Firearms Program.
Canada requires a background check that focuses on mental health and addiction. Agents are required to inform an applicant’s spouse or family before granting a license.
Canada requires a 60-day waiting period.
Canada reports 30.8 firearms per 100 people.The U.S. has 88.8 per 100.
Canada has 9,950,000 civilian owned guns. The U.S. has more than 27 times as many: 270,000,000

OCT 22, 2014 from:

Thus: I can move to Canada and keep my guns so long as the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed.


Finance Guy on a Bike.

2/20/2016 05:57:00 PM  

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