Someone Snitching?
Not anything admissible in court of course, nothing that the police can use, but an interesting development:
- After a 25-year-old Pilsen woman was fatally shot earlier this month, a Pilsen house was tagged with graffiti saying, "Aaren O'Connor's Killers."
The words were scrawled in blue spray paint on the home accompanied by an arrow pointing up. DNAinfoChicago is not naming the exact location of the tagged Pilsen house because individuals living in the home have not been charged with a crime.
[...] Police Detectives are aware of the graffiti — a photo of which was first posted to Reddit Sunday — and are taking all information into consideration, said [...] Chicago Police Department spokesman. Police would not say whether individuals living in the house are suspects in the case.
Labels: crime
"DNA Info is not naming the exact location of the tagged Pilsen house because individuals living in the home have not been charged with a crime."
Let's reflect a moment on how the media is unwilling to out the criminals, but totally willing to publish the home addresses and physically pursue law enforcement officers at their homes, when they haven't been charged with anything.
A bit more effective and direct than the snitch boxes!
The press release has GooglyBoogly all over it. Lots of meaningless words. Where is GooglyBoogly from? One of McCarthy's boyzs?
Mr. Six needs a new spokesman. Even Carol Moron , err Marin, would be better.
the google maps image of this place is hilarious.looks like quite a hangout for the local losers.,-87.677382,3a,75y,315.54h,75.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIKuI83sOSjbcBXClob955w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
Vigilantes are bad. They are almost a republican type thing, along with concealed carry permits and allowing private citizens to own firearms.
Carlos is an optimist. I wish him well, but I don't think that the neighbor "hood" does.
"DNAInfo is not naming the exact location of the tagged Pilsen house because individuals living in the home have not been charged with a crime."
Oh, but releasing an officer's name and address is quite ok with the news media, and even encouraged. Wife? Kids at home? Doesn't matter.
Chicago Courts are playing catch and release,
The CPD is going fetal,
Would vigilanteism make it any worse?
And if some vigilance happens, I would hate to see you become unfetal.
Hey - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
May we, as a society, become more equal and more opposite in certain respects.
dont get all crazy, its just the hipsters who have taken over pilsen who did this. They are very lucky that the thugs on the block wernt around to see them do that.. but when youre a hipster who grew up in a small town in iowa, michigan, ohio, virginia etc and move to the "big city" you think you can do anything you want. well hipsters, you got away with one here. You are "guessing" that this house had something to do with it because yes its a problem house but you dont just go around tagging houses and claiming they are the killers. You see hipsters, you gave someone else a decent defense. If they pick someone else up for this crime, and they have no ties to that house any defense attorney worth his salt will bring this up and say that people of the neighborhood know its these people who did it... my client has nothing to do with that house. The people of the community tried to tell the police who did it but are afraid of retaliation and actually stepping up so this is their way of telling who the killer was, not my client! Yes hipsters, you tried to help with your guessing that these people did it which they actually may have been getting shot at, not did the shooting which ended up possibly hurting the case in the future... looks like the protesting hipsters are part of the "cover up" now... strokes...
"Arrow pointing up..."
We are getting metaphysical here.
You mean pop pop pop out the upstairs bedroom for no reason, or you mean that God did it from faaar above because He was bored?
Makes as much sense either way these days, out here in the Parallel Universe.
Talk with me, man. Talk with me.
What you say your name was? Uh huh. OK.
Vigilanteism is what the people resort to when the legal system can't or won't do it's job .
Let's see , police handcuffed , prosecutors preoccupied with win/loss stats, weak judges and a jail /prison system interested in ejecting inmates asap..
it could never happen here . will freely toss out a coppers address before charges are filed. Hypocritees
Some napalm would eradicate that problem.
No spelling errors in the tag?? Chalk that up as a win for cps
Just a matter of time before gentrification is complete in that area and the filthy animals that ruined a once nice area are pushed out. My relatives moved from czechoslovakia to Pilsen many years ago when it was a thriving clean crime free community. Now look at it. Nice to see it on its way back. Just sad that before the shit is finally pushed out an innocent had to be killed.
But they would publish Police addresses....
Well if you go knocking on their door then
the ACLU will come knocking on yours.
Can't give the address? Did the local papers give the address? Or is the only addresses permitted to be printed belong to sex offenders and cops?
Too bad the only people that care and want you patrolling their streets don't get equil time in the papers.
Stay safe.
Do it. No copper or detective is going to break a sweat looking for a vigilante.
Yes vigilantist would be great would show people taking pride in that scumbag filled area, lets hope we have more Chuck Kersey (Charles Bronson RIP) style citizens to help police who have hands bound, would be easy just scoop them up shovel into hole dirt naps for more scum thugs! Then again suntimes "fallen star" on cover but if story is true who is coppers clout? You can read it but wow incredible, who led investigation the "walsh/vaneko" combine crew! Now that walsh retired along with the gold star ripping off pension club will feds bring them back in, you know like they do with every street no clout copper?
Very sad that a community can't get together to stop criminals. They are truly cowards, or involved in the gang life themselves.
9:53 AM
Chuck? My name is PAUL Kersey.
This sounds like a job for John Wick
"Arrrrr! 'X' marks the spot where there be bad guys."
I was a child when one of the last white families in Pilsen had one of their sons stabbed to death by Cermak and Halsted. My father pointed out their house when we were driving down to Maxwell street. I never forgot how my tough as nails father got choked up when he told me the story of how the son was stabbed to death coming to the aid of his sister who was being attacked by their new neighbors. Every time I drive through that intersection I think of my father, the family that lived in that house, and the boy who was stabbed to death by a bunch of cowards. As much as I dislike hipsters, I hope they drive every scumbag gangbanger, everyone of their relatives, and everyone of their cowardly neighbors that enable them out of Pilsen.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"DNA Info is not naming the exact location of the tagged Pilsen house because individuals living in the home have not been charged with a crime."
Let's reflect a moment on how the media is unwilling to out the criminals, but totally willing to publish the home addresses and physically pursue law enforcement officers at their homes, when they haven't been charged with anything.
2/16/2016 12:43:00 AM
Was thinking the same thing.
The media is full of wrong-headed joyful haters who
will boldly tell a Policeman where to go and how fast to get there.
They aren't going to call out Mistuh Bad-Guy because Mistuh Bad-Guy
will retaliate by beating/shooting/killing media ghouls and their family members.
Mistuh Bad-Guy isn't a captive to rules, regulations, laws, social contract
or that particularly pesky thing known as a sworn oath of office...
So who do you think the media is going to fuck with?
Overall decent people who have rules to abide by or
non fuck-giving, renegade jack-leg m/fers who think
nothing of parking a stolen car on a media member's
front doorstep, lighting it on fire, then waiting at the back
door when mistuh and missus media member comes
fleeing in their jammies?
"Hey... How y'all doin'?"
"EEEK! >Poopdapanties!< They're HERE! Call 911!"
Much schadenfreude? Yup! But the irony of every living ass
being equally in danger nowadays is too delicious.
A ring-side seat to see how those who never had to
fight for/against, defend or protect to bloodshed, not
a single damned thing in their shallow, soft-handed,
wrong-headed lives.
"We don't get why you guys are so pissed off!"
So yeah...
It's the nature of things
that Policemen get fucked with, shit-talked,
demeaned and outright slandered.
No contextual balance allowed.
No thoughtful and balanced rebuttal.
And "OMG!" nothing, that can be construed
as The Police actually punching back in self
defense because punching back while wearing
a Blue Suit is "unfair" to everybody and is
considered retaliatory and just bad form.
The second-class citizen by virtue of a sworn oath
of office Cops, are fully expected to "shut up and take it"
with no recourse or redress.
What to do when there isn't even a nodding pretense
of acknowledgement in the general direction of your
Amusingly, Policemen often stand accused of having
a hard, flinty, uncaring and surly demeanor.
Somebody who isn't a Policeman opined that "Training"
will eradicate the conditioned response based on the sum
of experience rubbing up against the breathtakingly
vile people out there.
Rahm is spinning in circles while screeching at his
propeller-head whiz kids to come up with artfully crafted
spin in order to regain the momentum.
(OT) Another day another "fallen star" cover of today's "we hate the police" "We are anti-police" newspaper the suntimes! Yes the same paper whose owner took 44 million from the bank and bought into tribune! Both papers are dying but when the owner invests elsewhere, looks like see ya moprah,wife beater neil, brown,and you to sneed but then again your all so old you can retire, if not you could stay in business and deliver neighborhood circulars! But after reading that story you wonder was supreme clout involved? The city racing to throw another 4.5 million away? No money for polioce pensions but we can throw it away on unproven allegations correct?
So sorry for this innocent girl, prayers said for her family sorry the state of this city is in such disarray, the fault the blood is at the elected doorsteps covering them! the pathetic pandering to black thugs, illegals is sickening! When Trump gets in lets hope he turns this country upside down,and makes law and order the job #1 here! Close the borders, kick the invaders out, trump will do it by not giving cities (Like Chicago) funding to house illegals thereby strangling the beast that gives trillions away that could be used to educate American children,fund police operations, give us the citizens free health care "just do it!"
From the DNAInfo comments section. What do you think?
Baby blue spray paint is Ambrose colors. Most likely, some Ambrose were being chased by SD's that day and the SD's shot at 'em hitting Aaren. Now these little hoodlums are tagging the SD's house so they go to the pen. Most likely!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Vigilantes are bad. They are almost a republican type thing, along with concealed carry permits and allowing private citizens to own firearms.
2/16/2016 01:16:00 AM
Firearms in good citizens hands are the only thing keeping the criminals, and an out of control government, at bay.
"If ye love wealth better than Liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
Samuel Adams
That was a problem house when I left 12 in 2006!!
2/16/2016 10:27:00 AM STFU! Chicago is corrupt and if you call in, some of the rejects who work the call center will snitch on you to the local gangbangers, Anonymous or not! Once IF the THUG is arrested Judge let's em go back to your hood and guess what "I'm back" You called the police MoFo Bang Bang! That's the ChiRaq way.
So wake up Hipster!
P.S. Love the tagging better than call in!
Does sheriff tom dart own a tie? I cannot ever recall seeing him in a suit and tie. He is the worst dressed sheriff in the USA.
He looks like a complete slob and an insult to law enforcement nationwide.
Don't they know "snitches get stitches"....... or worse.
Anybody who thinks they're going to gentrify 18th St. is crazy. People have been trying to do it for 40 years and haven't made a dent. Waves of hippies, yuppies and other deluded children have come and gone since the Podgorskis tried to cash in.
Police shooting videos being released early :
Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Tuesday that Chicago would begin releasing video footage of shootings by police within two to three months of the incident.
The new policy, recommended by Emanuel's new Police Accountability Task Force, would call for the city to release within 60 days any recordings or police reports related to shootings and other incidents of use of force by officers. The policy, however, allows law enforcement agencies to seek an additional 30-day delay.
So that means "quickly" investigation and put coppers in trick bag asap? If your working being proactive please I'm begging you brothers and sisters get psychological help today! How many more coppers will be sacrificed to the " demons of elected office?" Then to be the fallen star everyday in the anti-police failing Suntimes?
How about being fetal, if, when some righteous vigilantism occurs in chicongo.
(OT) this is really funny how people like Andy shaw dig look at petty donations he must be bored he needs to look into vaneko retired coppers on daleys leash!
How about Andy look at how our pension fund lost over 60 million to Daley vanecko?
If half the young victims had a father involved in their life , believe me the cowards would never see a court room .
Fathers would unite , end outdoor drug markets and the shorties wanna be gang bangers would disappear .
Vigilantes don't have to fill out two page ACLU forms.
Any newsies go staking the place out?
>Jumps out of bushes with a microphone
when the front door opens only to give the
poor slob stepping out to get the paper
a massive grabber<
Say for the sake of argument that some terrible m/fers DO
live there and said terrible m/fers MAY not give no fuck
about some exquisitely coiffed north suburb poot-butt brandishing
a mic and has a camera crew in tow...
Go ahead y'all...
Get tangled up with them terrible m/fers.
We can use a good laugh.
"We hate that you Cops are so mean and cynical.
That is not very public servant-like of you guys.
Stop that... It makes us feel unsafe when you
laugh up your sleeves at us."
M/Fers, where the fuck do you think you're at?
This IS Chicago.
An unloving and unforgiving place
where only The Police are bound by any rules.
A place where if you blink, you may find yourself
in the dark and wondering when and how you got there.
We'll follow this interesting development.
We anticipate being greatly amused by the sure to follow
retaliatory maimings and killings behind this house being tagged.
Oh yeah...
Seeing the looks on the faces of Rahm al-Ghoul
and his exempt brain trust ought to make for high
hilarity as well.
This unchecked mayhem is like a man bragging about
how bad his dog is.
Only for said dog to slip his leash...
It sure as hell ain't the regular, everyday Blue Suit that's
half up a tree with his ass and the seat of HIS britches
tore the fuck up.
That be Rahm and his Conclave of Clouted Gold Star Clowns.
They made it this way, it's on THEM to make it right.
"Maybe the neighborhood could do a little vigilantism - the chances of getting away with it are better than even."
Being that the CPD only "closes" about 25% of it's homicide cases, you would be right...
(OT) here we go the circus continues
"dont get all crazy, its just the hipsters" blah blah blah
Very convoluted "logic" (used very liberally), or maybe simple-minded.
Does sheriff tom dart own a tie? I cannot ever recall seeing him in a suit and tie. He is the worst dressed sheriff in the USA.
He looks like a complete slob and an insult to law enforcement nationwide.
2/16/2016 05:41:00 PM
It's his hair. Every decade people should re-think they're hairstyle. Alvarez is another one. Not the young college gal anymore and Dart is no longer a frat boy. a stylist, not a LEO.
"Does sheriff tom dart own a tie? I cannot ever recall seeing him in a suit and tie. He is the worst dressed sheriff in the USA.
He looks like a complete slob and an insult to law enforcement nationwide."
But he has great hair...
What!! are a Columbian version of the vigilante group Los Pepes in pilsen
Anonymous Anonymous said...
(OT) here we go the circus continues
2/16/2016 11:20:00 PM
Uh, no.
If you're too lazy to explain, I'm not pursuing some unknown link.
"As much as I dislike hipsters, I hope they drive every scumbag gangbanger, everyone of their relatives, and everyone of their cowardly neighbors that enable them out of Pilsen..."
2/16/2016 12:38:00 PM where? Another formerly quiet and livable area?
I've watched more than half a century of this shove-them-back-and-forth here in Chicago, and haven't seen a win yet except on the part of the real estate speculators, whose game is "It doesn't matter whether it's going up and down as long as it's going." Some new 10% of displaced hellraisers comes in, 90% of the quiet people you never deal with leave, more s__t crowds in, and the whole cycle repeats itself.
It's time for a new and effective physical approach, not for talk, but that is even more taboo than Holder's "dialogue" that got duct-taped with a rag in its mouth and shoved upside-down in the broom closet before it could even begin.
Don't worry. There will be a new "report" from the County in a year or so...
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