Saturday, April 09, 2016

Hiring Numbers?

So how many actually applied for the upcoming Police Entrance Exam?

The city extended the deadline, twice, because numbers were so low. We've had a few commenters say that the numbers are under 5,000. We've had an e-mail from someone who claims the numbers are actually closer to 3,000.

Regardless, based on previous tests, the numbers are horribly low. And based on previous hiring processes, around a quarter don't even reply to the job offer, another quarter wash out at the drug screening, another third fail the physical.

If 5,000 people actually applied, that's 833 potential hires.

If 3,000 is the number, that's 500. For a Department that's how many short again - 2,400 at a minimum? With the huge hiring waves of the past few decades all coming up on the 20, 25 and 30 year marks.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I know someone who.passed all the previous tests and yet was not called...guess they had too,many white applicants? It was intimated that they would be called in February 2016, but that didn't happen. Will they be calling another class off that list or wait for the results of the April test and all that subsequent testing?

4/09/2016 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This city is screwed It's too late to catch up to the massive police shortage and hearing all the negative news about the police and pension mess who will actually want this job? The city better raise the salaries to attract more people and increase the OT programs until then. Scary times ahead.

4/09/2016 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget 1/4 weeded out for being police families.

4/09/2016 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't be hard to find out. Just FOIA info request the City Personnel Department for the number.

If the 5,000 number is accurate, that is scary. If the 3,000 number is accurate, that is beyond terrifying.

The media had led a relentless police bashing campaign that has found its mark. Not only have they painted all the police as stupid brutal racist we-kill-minorities-for-fun brutes, they have made attacking them totally acceptable. Police murders are up this year.

The reason the City gave another exam is because the 2013 test cycle didn't produce enough qualified candidates out of the the 19,000 applicants. Either a 74% or an 87% reduction.

Why would anyone want to take the job? Sure, $43K to start sounds good. But try to find a decent house that is not in a sh!t area to live. In a City with a imploding tax base. For a citizenry that you will most likely be dealing with hates you. And you had better be a perfect policeman.
No lapses in temper or loss of cool. One mistake and you are gone. 20 years of honorable service gone with one 30 second YouTube video. You not only lose the job, but you also lose your career. Will be public pariah. And a good chance of going to prison.

And the City will back you 100%....right up to the time that the winds turn against you and the bus pulls up.

4/09/2016 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are actually recycling the list and recalling people that failed power test to take it again

4/09/2016 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toooo complicated for media!

Now i have to believe that lawsuit Dan The FOP Herbert has with recruits who were washed out of the process because they had family on the job is legit.

The veterans who also could not seem to pass the psche test because of a person in human resources who believed VETs were dangerous and had a higher rate of PSTD (look it up).

If IAD can drop cases , Lt's. in areas lose felony murder folder evidence, and exempts can rig test for their side piece of ass...

So rigging an entrance test to people who should not be on this job is very plausible. And is Terry "TASER" Hilliard also a card carrying member of NOBLE doing background check for the City on RAHMS behalf?

I know it is to much for KONKOL to absorb and Ghoudie seems to be laying off the mayor lately.

And the BGA ??? yea focus on that half ass video you love to drone about with the dope head running around with a knife.

But SCC I commend you to many spineless people on job don't like causing waves and think the FEDs will carry the weight.

4/09/2016 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting for Bernie to give away free stuff before wanting to work.

4/09/2016 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are either really fucking stupid or it's a plan . I wouldn't want to wear that jacket .

4/09/2016 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask yourself this question:

Who would want this job?

Sure, at the end of the day, it's not bad. Pay is good, benefits are ok.
But it SUCKS!
Everyone knows how to do it better than us
No matter what we do, it's wrong
We're ALL racists, Black, White, Latino, Asian... ALL of us
We get second guessed on everything we do
We stab each other in the back / toss each other under the bus all the time
We're pretty much hated by the majority of the communities that we serve
The City & the Department just loves to fuck us
The Promotion process is about 50% legit
Media hacks
Being the next viral video
Our friends at the ACLU
Cook Co Court system is a joke

So why in the hell would someone want this job now? I'll bet the Fire Department will get 20,000 to sign up!

4/09/2016 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

4/09/2016 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be honest with you, I joined CPD because the shit hole suburban department was only paying me 15 bucks an hour. I was enjoying lobster dinners with that money.... However after moving back the city and all, with the rent and kids going to private schools... I was basically breaking even. After I scored my federal LEO gig and I got out the city and moved to dupage--Did morning coming back in my life, and dawn set on the shit hole job known as CPD. Plus now I rent out my cook county house. Fuck that job. I wish I would never had taken that job you understand me.

The thing I miss about CPD, was the guys on the job--- fuck the job. But from what I hear, those guys you can rely on, see what coming, and are jumping ship. 5 years from now, good luck. You will need it

4/09/2016 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck guys.... If you think this shit is gonna get better. Think again why don't you.

4/09/2016 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to worry. Chicago is loosing population every day; therefore, as many police officers as in the past are not needed.

4/09/2016 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More wash out based on their fingerprints and arrest history. Watch for lowing standards on this.... A few narcotic arrests here and there won't matter anymore, agg battery and domestics... Hey that's ok, too. We want the "diversity".

4/09/2016 03:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This city is screwed It's too late to catch up to the massive police shortage and hearing all the negative news about the police and pension mess who will actually want this job? The city better raise the salaries to attract more people and increase the OT programs until then. Scary times ahead.

Raising salaries alone won't save this profession. It's been touted in all of the advertisements for the upcoming test that rookies will earn a salary of over $72K after their 18 month probation ends, and as SCC has stated in the beginning of this thread, the recruitment numbers for this exam are abysmal.
The ongoing "oh shit, I did something really wrong" police videos that keep popping up on YouTube and other social media outlets aren't doing much to sell this job to the young adults who could possibly make the cut. Many who are college grads, or soon will be, simply are seeking other, safer avenues to earn a living, and I don't blame them at all.
Increasing OT doesn't do much to enhance this job either. It's been proven in many studies that officers who work a lot of OT receive more citizen complaints than those who don't; simply put, working a lot of hours makes one fatigued. A fatigued officer has a shorter fuse with regard to dealing with the public than does a well rested officer. A fatigued officer also makes more mistakes, which causes more accidental injuries, which leads to more medical/IOD usage, which also leads to more OT for bosses to make up the shortages at roll's a vicious circle. Oh, and one other thing; a fatigued, overworked officer, particularly one who works afternoon and late evening shifts, is far more likely to get killed in the line of duty. Chew on all of that, Francis.

4/09/2016 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: FBI agents now posing as shitheads trying to jam coppers for perjury, etc. You were forewarned.

4/09/2016 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In today's social and political climate, you really have to question the mental health of anyone actually wanting this job. What is their motivation?

4/09/2016 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The psych interview knocks out another 30% with no reason given.

4/09/2016 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not the police and here is my view from the outside:
Considering the pay is decent and the job has wonderful benefits, you would think, more people would apply.
But, you need the calling.
You cannot be a lazy person. You need to be willing to rely on your partner and yourself. You need to be a team player, find a some-what military life-style to be acceptable. I'm not sure if many of the rather spoiled young people are ready and willing to take on the many responsibilities of being the police.
Here's another possibility: that the open jobs are not posted on-line since that is the only place people look these days.

4/09/2016 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've repeatedly told the few liberal friends I have left, "You think the police are a bunch of corrupt and racist individuals? Give it ten years. Smart people that want to serve can read the writing on the wall. They will join the military, fire department, or pick an entirely different career. Police departments will be forced to hire Securitas rejects. The scandals will be much more frequent."

I run into bright eyed young people that tell me they also want to become a detective, and I discourage them and give them alternate career options on a regular basis. This part of the nation is just too radically liberalized to make a career in law enforcement a healthy life choice. As for myself, I'm putting in my minimum twenty years and then pulling the pin. Good luck, Shitcago.

Oh, and fuck you, media trolls. Please draw your attention to this large bag of dicks upon which you may feast.

4/09/2016 06:18:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

The job went from desirable to shit.

4/09/2016 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And they are Tier II employees and the mayor is talking about reducing pensions no matter what the costs. I mean how many more court battles do we need Mr. Mayor?

Who the hell is going to come on unless these are the "Promised ones"? These must be the Commanders' kids who are already promised SGT. You know they are probably reading the SGT G.O. right now.

When I came on in Oct 95 there were like 30,000 that tested. I'm retiring next year at age 49 with 20 years and out. (I had a LOA that was much needed).

4/09/2016 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

4/09/2016 01:49:00 AM

Now you know what White people have felt for a long time.

4/09/2016 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the applicants have a checkered past hire them on as a boss, end of problem.

4/09/2016 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would want this job? The same reason it has always been. Person has no training or education to make this kind of money in any other field. Would end up working in a factory, driving a truck or some type of job like that. Applications are low because not many whites in that situation left in the city. Get rid of the residency and the number will grow to twenty thousand in a heartbeat.

4/09/2016 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask yourself this question:

Who would want this job?

Sure, at the end of the day, it's not bad. Pay is good, benefits are ok.
But it SUCKS!

Said the guy that never had to work a real job. If you've ever worked in the trades you know that you're always hustling for your next job. You may go a month without a paycheck. At least here I know the check is coming. Also for all those bitching about nepotism in the department, who do you think gets all the perks in the real world?. This job is easy, it aggravating at times, but no one is beating the crap out of themselves physically to earn a paycheck. Do the minimum, be safe and collect those checks.

4/09/2016 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just last Saturday 100 candidates took the power test at the academy and only 35 passed. We are so fucked!

4/09/2016 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please stop mentioning Only Fenner, Wysinger and Ward in the cheating scandal. There are so many more involved. Vic Green, Ernest Cato,.....

4/09/2016 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have a drunken background investigator up in personnel who loves to reject police family for the smallest of things. He has a kid on he job that has been well taken care of in Vice but this guy gets his rocks off on finding BS reasons to reject someone else's kids. A BS anov is one reason he rejected one kid and a crazy ex-wife ellegation another. Karma is a bitch Stan and some day Craig will pay for the sins of his father. Mark my words

4/09/2016 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is worth taking for the academy training and state certification. Leave after a year and a half or 2 and go to another town, railroad, university etc. In Florida most potential officers pay their own way through the academy and then seek jobs. Same in Wisconsin. Getting paid Academy training and certification is well worth it.

4/09/2016 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
More wash out based on their fingerprints and arrest history. Watch for lowing standards on this.... A few narcotic arrests here and there won't matter anymore, agg battery and domestics... Hey that's ok, too. We want the "diversity".

4/09/2016 03:47:00 AM


I've posted this a lot and I know it's getting old, but for an interesting read look up the article D.C. Blues by Tucker Carlson. The hiring standards got so low for the D.C. police, because D.C. is only the super rich, who don't want the job, and the super poor, who are unqualified ... thus ... lower the entrance standards. I don't know if it was done so much for diversity as just to get some cops hired.

D.C. Blues ... it's kind of hard to find the article...

4/09/2016 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't be hard to find out. Just FOIA info request the City Personnel Department for the number.

If the 5,000 number is accurate, that is scary. If the 3,000 number is accurate, that is beyond terrifying.

The media had led a relentless police bashing campaign that has found its mark. Not only have they painted all the police as stupid brutal racist we-kill-minorities-for-fun brutes, they have made attacking them totally acceptable. Police murders are up this year.

The reason the City gave another exam is because the 2013 test cycle didn't produce enough qualified candidates out of the the 19,000 applicants. Either a 74% or an 87% reduction.

Why would anyone want to take the job? Sure, $43K to start sounds good. But try to find a decent house that is not in a sh!t area to live. In a City with a imploding tax base. For a citizenry that you will most likely be dealing with hates you. And you had better be a perfect policeman.
No lapses in temper or loss of cool. One mistake and you are gone. 20 years of honorable service gone with one 30 second YouTube video. You not only lose the job, but you also lose your career. Will be public pariah. And a good chance of going to prison.

And the City will back you 100%....right up to the time that the winds turn against you and the bus pulls up.
******. This is well said and spot on

4/09/2016 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on 29 years.
my son graduated from St Pats
graduated from U of I

took test and scored high on list.
passed power, psychological and has never been call back.

No letter nothing, when I called into recruit processing. I get brush off.

It's all legitimate. ......

4/09/2016 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that any current members kids trying to come on job are being
quietly turned down

4/09/2016 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard a drug courier was torchered near 2800 Jarvis in west Rogers Park. Had his ear cut off. Victim related to an old cop. Media is leaving this one alone. Offenders at large.

4/09/2016 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to apply.
I'm retired from the job, so I really don't want it again.
It's a monetary issue.
In 1968 it cost me $300.00.
Just trying to save a few bucks while on pension.

4/09/2016 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Irish mexican:
The reason you are being jerked off is because too many before you claimed to be minorities when they were whiter than the captain of the England rugby team. We have had others like the Captain on the northside who claimed to be Hispanic while his own brother, a lt. , claimed m/2. He said his family lived in Argentina briefly after wwii. That is not the purpose of affirmative action hiring. I would back off of it and seek no entitlement unless you were really, really legit. Your irish-Mexican entitlement is showing.

4/09/2016 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ask yourself this question: Who would want this job?"

"Watch for lowing standards on this.... "

So, serious question: How do you weed out the knuckle-dragger applicants who have been bullies all their lives and now want to be the police so they can carry a gun and push people around? Especially when the need is desperate and/or there's good chance of standards being lowered?

And if you look at Chicago's situation compared to the rest of the country, who would want to move to Chicago from somewhere else just to be the police? With all the negatives, what kind of positives would it take to draw someone here? Other than to be closer to family, I can't think of anything.

4/09/2016 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kid took the test in 2013, scored high enough, but waited and waited. Finally got called a few months ago for the pre-PT and piss test, which he passed with flying colors. Got called for the pschy and poly but blew it off after realizing he didn't want a tour with the SS Minnow (for you millennials, Google it) says he's been called by some Sgt. 4x since trying to get him back in the process. Now they are Begging the good candidates to come on! Guess someone has got to do the work of the future merit promotees.

4/09/2016 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well according to the scum times its 14,200 and 71% of that is minority...Annnd I am part of the other 29%. Also heard they give you less than 2 weeks to establish residency if you're called to the academy? Any truth to that? With rent above $1,000/ month and if you already have a mortgage outside of the city... I'm Not the brightest person but the math doesn't add up. Was part of the process back in 2012 and they gave me an 8 day notification to show up for one of the tests. Obviously I couldn't attend because I needed to give my employer a 2 week notification for any requested days off. Can someone please remind me why I signed up for this again???

4/09/2016 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's still a great job! Yes the days of jumping out on a corner bc dude is there is over. You basically need PC to do so now. Otherwise the people looking at your ISR, the trustworthy ALCU, will jam you up. The world needs us sheepdogs, don't ever forget that. Many people who wear the blue have never been the police. Many have been the police and now say fuck it. I understand the latter. We have to be strong as a group. We must weather the storm for the rest of the year at least. We must, bc that what protectors do. The star on your chest is more important than your name tag. Yes the city doesn't have your back, that's why we must have each other's. God bless LEO nationwide

4/09/2016 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

4/09/2016 01:49:00 AM

You need to get an attorney and sue.

4/09/2016 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If 5000 applicants was the correct number why would the city rent out McCormick place and split the exam into 4 sessions? They would just rent Write college like it was back in 2006 when I took the test.

4/09/2016 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My father and all of his co-workers (police, but not Chicago) always told me to do something else. When I was in high school and "interviewing" him for a paper about police he told me, "Police are second class citizens. A police officer doesn't have the same rights of anyone else. We are never there when they need us, we are guilty until proven innocent, and can be fired without a trial."
I never understood that until I became the police....I love my job, but if I knew then, what I know now.....

4/09/2016 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the "lie box" puts the kibosh on the recruits. How can they hire hoods from the hood?... That s a recipe for disaster. Most of the last hires were from county and these spoiled entitled punks. Those" I deserve days" asshats. There s nobody left to hire. Spoiled dorks, hoodlums and more tiny women? Good luck

4/09/2016 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hire back retired Cops part-time, with preference to CPD Retirees, then use them from May thru end of Sept. for rear eschelon troops. Problem Solved.

4/09/2016 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Gran Torino said...

With all the political correctness, police personal info given out. And how the city treats cops...who in the hell would want that job? You cant tell me CPD show up at work happy to serve and protect this broken fucked up system. You are a target mistreated by all and yes as mentioned by many here you even fuck each other over. Welcome to the Socialist Communist Marxist Democrat Chicago just like Baltimore and Detroit. The wonderful City of Rahm....

4/09/2016 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't be hard to find out. Just FOIA info request the City Personnel Department for the number.

Ok, go ahead, do it. Let us know the results.

SCC cannot do it all.
SCC is busy running the blog, working, hobbies, etc.

4/09/2016 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody is mentioning the Polygraph! Many applicants are being washed out by the polygraph. I have had two of my students fail the polygraph for Chicago, but they have been hired by other law enforcement agencies. Chicago is conducting their own polygraphs, and that is a BIG mistake. If those polygraphs are in fact "Racist" because they wash out minorities, then there may be liability issues. The City once again to save a couple of bucks exposed themselves to liability; but who cares, if they lose it is not their money, it is OUR money. Baby"G"

4/09/2016 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Waiting for Bernie to give away free stuff before wanting to work.

4/09/2016 01:15:00 AM"

Yeah like Universal Medical and free college tuition for your children, the nerve of some guys

4/09/2016 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we Blue Shirts have to take Ethics Training? Really, ? Are the
Is the IG going to investigate McArthy for associating with felons , ? Hillard making a boat load of money on Taser contract?top CPD brass bed buddies cheating on exam? Merit Hacks who are Bosses , that should be working at McDonalds?

4/09/2016 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.


This is the sort of incompetence that should be telling you that you should either apply for a suburban/federal job, or find an entirely new line of work altogether. Stay away from this place if you can.

4/09/2016 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey rahmy it's time to pull another one outta your ass. Try harder this time to move the no time on the job insiders out on the street! Way too many just sitting on their collective asses shuffling papers. Good luck twerp...

4/09/2016 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any applicants know if CPD does the same thing Indianapolis does - keep a "White male" list then "everyone else" list and refuse to give scores/ranks?

4/09/2016 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Die away with the useless college credits and put i place a ten year plan for residency for all members. Problem solved . Add any officer taling advantage of the ten year residency program guves up duty availability checks . Win. Win

4/09/2016 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can i just be a captain???

who has the test answers?

4/09/2016 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

So, essentially you probably would have been hired by now, but you thought claiming half Latino would give u the upper hand. Ur definitely CPD material! Lol!
I'm Mexican and fools like u embarrass me on this job everyday.

4/09/2016 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Union sucks, job sucks, bosses suck, people suck, politicians suck, city sucks.... Why did I take this job again? Oh right, pension sucks.

4/09/2016 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ask yourself this question:

Who would want this job?

Sure, at the end of the day, it's not bad. Pay is good, benefits are ok.
But it SUCKS!
Everyone knows how to do it better than us
No matter what we do, it's wrong
We're ALL racists, Black, White, Latino, Asian... ALL of us
We get second guessed on everything we do
We stab each other in the back / toss each other under the bus all the time
We're pretty much hated by the majority of the communities that we serve
The City & the Department just loves to fuck us
The Promotion process is about 50% legit
Media hacks
Being the next viral video
Our friends at the ACLU
Cook Co Court system is a joke

So why in the hell would someone want this job now? I'll bet the Fire Department will get 20,000 to sign up!

4/09/2016 01:33:00 AM

This hits the nail on the head. Anyone thinking about coming on this job - DONT! It sucks. It blows. Get another city job. Anything besides this. They have camera's and Mic's and GPS on you all day everyday and can't wait to use it to F*ck you right in the ass with it. Not to mention, you can't live anywhere but this shit city.
It was a great job 30 years ago, it was a good job 10 years ago, it started to really such 5 years ago, now... forget it. Absolutely sucks.

4/09/2016 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who would want this hires get less,who's to say we will even get a pension!

4/09/2016 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A relative of mine is involved with the lawsuit against the city represented by Dan Herbert. Granted he is a good lawyer and ex copper but if you listen to his handling of the case in the last court battle, you would swear he was talking about some other case, he was so far out of his leaque and the judges told him this case had nothing to do with the Shakman Act. Now I know his heart may be in the right place but hopefully he can redeem himself. I think he is too busy with the Vandyke case to handle anything else right now. The city should be ashamed of themselves and they should go back and review every person that was disqualified by Tracy Ladner. As the judges have said, you cant fail a Physch test. there were a lot of good people left behind because of this treacherous BITCH that Daley dumped on the Dept.

4/09/2016 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all watch, in the next 5 years we will have a high number of disciplinary cases involving new coppers, they don't want to take direction from anybody and will have terrible attendance rates, just watch. The job is FUCKED.

4/09/2016 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all taught at the loocal Universities, you know which ones......... Socialist, Progressive, Commie takeover... Very slowly like mold. Train the trainers, implant 'educators' to infiltrate colleges universities and local schools to 'educate our young. Keep invading. Tear down the infrastucture. Demoralize the police, then the fire dept. Legalize drugs, Pit neighbor against neighbor, Turn the citizens against the very people there to protect them. Keep the majority of the military out of the country. Bring in undocumented "soldiers" to be used as needed. Over tax the citizens,take their property, take away and restrict self protection. Establish strongholds in the neighborhoods (section 8), rewrite history, Nationalize corporations,elect politicians can disrupt government and cause cahos when the right time comes, and if they can't change the laws, just ignore them....

4/09/2016 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the politically clouted candidates who will be sent to the CAPS office or headquarters after completing their probation. Some of the privileged got to work their fto training cycles on the desk.

4/09/2016 02:35:00 PM  
Blogger Americangirl said...

Well do people know that CPD is hiring? What strategies are they using to reach out to applicants?

4/09/2016 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why wouldon't you take this job now? You get paid very well and you don't have to do anything. You can just drive around in circles and not arrest anyone or stop anyone and make 90 grand a year.

4/09/2016 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They already have lowered the hiring standards. You can have misdemeanor arrests in your background as long as they happened "years ago" and can "be explained." This has been going on for over 3 years now. Absolutely no lie here - I personally know of one officer that had battery and marijuana arrests in their background - now proudly off probation and trusted to keep an eye on the South Side...

4/09/2016 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it all depends on what you got on the job for. Did you want to be a boss, a detective? If you talked to anyone back n the day, you'd have an idea what the CPD was all about. Were there cocksuckers for bosses back then? There always have been. Could you get screwed out of time due, ot? Absolutely. Was there political influence at the patrolman level? Not really enough to mention. So what's with the big surprise. Sometime in the early 80's, when Jane Byrne wanted to stick it in Frank Muscare's ass for calling the Fireman's strike, the CPD got a contract with the city. Byrne got the reputation of being the police officer's best friend. I was always suspicious of that, thinking if she didn't have a hard on for the CFD, we never would have gotten the contract. In any event, all the pissing and moaning about CPD policy, procedures, promotional exams and all the rest have been a constant for almost half a century, probably longer. So again the question, what part of all this is a surprise to you? The police department hasn't really changed, its more the media emphasis on political correctness that changed the way police departments have to deal with it. I guess the gap widens because of this political correctness, where police are witness to the truth, the real deal, the way things really are and the contrasting way in which what they see are broadcast.

The real trick to being the police is being smarter, less involved and not being sucked into any of the bullshit you may have been sucked into as a caring citizen. The diminshing tax base is the secret kept for a few decades but has only been spilled in the last few years. But at the end of the day, you have a lot more authority, independence and smarts than the average citizen. And for all those retirees that have left the city and gone elsewhere I'd say enjoy it while you can, because sooner or later, all the ills that urban areas are experiencing, those troubles will spread to you and your new digs soon enough. The only things that matter are you, your families and kids. The rest is all bullshit. Dont make everyone else's problems yours. Be safe.

4/09/2016 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BLM people wouldn't dare apply for this job - then they'll turn around and scream that minorities ain't be represented!

4/09/2016 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have a drunken background investigator up in personnel who loves to reject police family for the smallest of things. He has a kid on he job that has been well taken care of in Vice but this guy gets his rocks off on finding BS reasons to reject someone else's kids. A BS anov is one reason he rejected one kid and a crazy ex-wife ellegation another. Karma is a bitch Stan and some day Craig will pay for the sins of his father. Mark my words

4/09/2016 08:31:00 AM
Sounds like a couple of punks on a power trip! Bet they are connected to some gold star moron!

4/09/2016 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of the 3,000 applicants, 500 hired (by a diverse lottery) and the other 2,500 proxy hires and will be back-paid through a federal law suit ?
Can that happen....again?
Oh yeah.
What ever became of those who were denied from employment because they were related to an active member?

4/09/2016 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So, I know someone who.passed all the previous tests and yet was not called...guess they had too,many white applicants? It was intimated that they would be called in February 2016, but that didn't happen. Will they be calling another class off that list or wait for the results of the April test and all that subsequent testing?

4/09/2016 12:10:00 AM

I passed the '06 and '10 tests. Did the Power and had the Psyche.

Never called or got a letter until 2 years ago with an Offer.

6 weeks before my 40th Birthday.

Happy I took the Revenue job in ' least I'm vested in the pension having a start date of 2006.

4/09/2016 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't even want to take the Detectives exam anymore!

I just want to retire and leave this state!

KMA 20+

4/09/2016 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Rush stated in "Circumstances", "the more things change, the more they stay they same". Way back aroumd 1991, I was one of MANY who got thrown out because of the "Psych" excuse. The only thing Burkes wife was good for was launching the first of several lawsuits seeking to expungh(sp?) the record and retest the applicants on the Psych test, which occurred. There was ABSOLUTELY no guarantee of hiring, but I believe to this day the Dept. KNEW they screwed up bouncing literally THOUSANDS of applicants, most of which were either white or who came from Police families. Consequently, many of us were hired. We were even in the "experimental" classes who virtually never ran but participated in "Wellness" classes, all of which made the Acadamey albeit very easy but a joke compared to many other acadameys. Make no mistake, there WERE several headcases who slipped through, some of which are in the joint as we speak. That being said, I see that, as HARD UP as this department is, they are STILL screwing with people. And we are surprised that this city is so fucked up WHY?

4/09/2016 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

4/09/2016 01:49:00 AM

Aye, Jose Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh, tis that be you laddie??? Now wontcha be a good man and grab me another can from the fridge dere, before mammy comes on home.

4/09/2016 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is worth taking for the academy training and state certification. Leave after a year and a half or 2 and go to another town, railroad, university etc. In Florida most potential officers pay their own way through the academy and then seek jobs. Same in Wisconsin. Getting paid Academy training and certification is well worth it.

4/09/2016 08:37:00 AM


Good point.

I took the test on a lark. Then got on in the 1st class off that test. Cool. Big city police academy training had to be interesting. Then Field training. Coolness factor there too. Had to do that. Then, hey, gotta stay on long enough to lose the PPO status. And then, suddenly a lifetime later, I became retired.

Why the story? Maybe just to remind those with not a lot of time on the job, that time does fly, and while each era has/had it's own set of difficulties, try to put them aside and do what you can to enjoy the job as best you can. Suffer and see through the BS. Savor the truly meaningful fruits of your efforts. You will do at least one thing while on the job that satisfies your soul and shakes off the demons of the job.

Stay safe.

4/09/2016 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

Call back and get the person's name and try and get the person's name who hung up on you. After you get a lawyer and sue for discrimination your file will be magically pushed to the front and you'll be in the academy. That's what you have to do with this department now and after you come on the job. Write everything down. Dates, times, names and details of the incident and go after them legally. There are so many idiots supervising this department that they'd rather settle a lawsuit and pay you or do you a favor than put these moronic human beings in a deposition to answer your lawyer's questions.

4/09/2016 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT : anyone at Friday's graduation ceremony? We're there a lot of applause and oohss and aaaahs for the cheaters who came shook the hands of the exempts and mayor? I see the trib caught a pic of a cute recruit holding a teddy bear.....must of got orders from the mayors office to lay of pics of the named cheaters.......too embarrassing for their fiancé, spouse (former 1st), city hall......

4/09/2016 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would NOT of applied for this job, if all this shit was going on when i got hired

4/09/2016 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EC was merit dic and sgt. Did a miraculous turn-around and scored sky high on the Lt exam. He was a sgt in HQ and also heard the rumor he was in the secret study group given by Williams....there are more.

4/09/2016 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Class of July 1986 said...

In just four months I will be 55. I maxed out last year, but I'd be wise to wait for the medical coverage benefits. Next on my list is to get out of this dying state.
Hasta la Vista baby.

4/09/2016 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I want to aggravate myself, I read this the blog..... It's never ending! Good luck to everyone

4/09/2016 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came on in 1986. We all had 29 and a day last year. There were long lines down there the day I turned my paperwork in. I saw many people I knew, almost all 1986 hires. All with big smiles on their faces. The "Thank God I am getting the fuck out of here!" look.

A few went on to bigger things. Leo Schmitz and a few others. Riccio stayed. I don't miss one thing about it. Who the hell is Rahm going to get to do the job?

4/09/2016 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does having a family member on the job have to do with being rejected? It's been an honor for decades of families carrying out the CPD profession...

4/10/2016 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: FBI agents now posing as shitheads trying to jam coppers for perjury, etc. You were forewarned.

4/09/2016 04:56:00 AM

Who Cares?
Nobody on my watch is EVER doing shit again.

4/10/2016 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard from a source there even people who failed tests and power tests and even drug screens are asking months later for 2nd and 3rd choices to retest cause they can't get anyone to take this job so they continually lower standards ! This is extremely dangerous. If you think it's bad now with thieves of corruption or gang members on this job just wait for the next 3 years what will be recruits or in the academy or new on streets. With forcing to hire minorities combined with people who keep failing tests in process given many chances instead of barring them is a very bad situation! It's common sense ! For gosh sake they don't even "welcome to the gym" at the academy any longer due the sensitive new recruits nature, this department is doomed , everyone from citizens to cops are all lawsuit crazy looking for bogus $ on the backs of the tax payers. Sad sad sad

4/10/2016 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I came on in Oct 95 there were like 30,000 that tested. I'm retiring next year at age 49 with 20 years and out. (I had a LOA that was much needed).

You f-in pussy what are you Johnathan's side piece grow a pair other than the ones in you mouth...................

4/10/2016 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: FBI agents now posing as shitheads trying to jam coppers for perjury, etc. You were forewarned.

Okay Batman time to get back to the bat cave = (your mom's basement) Roger.Over and out!

4/10/2016 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like slimeball Rahm has no intention of properly finding our pensions.... he has absolutely no intention of bringing us anywhere near up to full strength.
He's a major league asshole who walks all over his first responders.

4/10/2016 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Waiting for Bernie to give away free stuff before wanting to work.

4/09/2016 01:15:00 AM"

Yeah like Universal Medical and free college tuition for your children, the nerve of some guys

4/09/2016 11:25:00 AM

It's not FREE. It's just me paying for other kids as well as my own. Figure it out.

4/10/2016 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad I got a low lottery number and ended up in the suburbs.

4/10/2016 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is worth taking for the academy training and state certification. Leave after a year and a half or 2 and go to another town, railroad, university etc. In Florida most potential officers pay their own way through the academy and then seek jobs. Same in Wisconsin. Getting paid Academy training and certification is well worth it.
4/09/2016 08:37:00 AM
As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for." In Florida, as in most of the south and many area up north, police have very little protection. The names of officers involved in shootings are released almost immediately, as are the names of any involved in any kind of controversial acts. Many are fired quickly after an incident. It is quite different than Chicago and other big cities. Apparently there is union representation in the south and other areas, but I believe that they are limited to negotiating wages and some working conditions. After 40 plus years in Chicago, I am constantly surprised at what I see in Florida.

4/10/2016 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay away from CPD, go federal or go work in a Republican city or state. I warned you, a CPD copper.

4/10/2016 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Waiting for Bernie to give away free stuff before wanting to work.

4/09/2016 01:15:00 AM"

Yeah like Universal Medical and free college tuition for your children, the nerve of some guys

4/09/2016 11:25:00 AM

Nothing is free.

4/10/2016 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Old Grey Guy - CPD 1968 to 2001 said...

And once again we have numerous veterans who have been deemed unqualified. By virtue of skin color only, by the way. How do I know this? I am personally aware of two vets who were disqualified because of poor employment history. I guess if you have a PART TIME job and your country recalls you for service that's not good enough for the racist company charged with background checks. They consider that as being a poor risk for long term employment. Only totally unqualified candidates sponsored by NOBLE or the many and useless "Revuns" are acceptable. I'm all for giving every black person in this country $50,000.00 in reparations. That has but one condition, they may never, ever be allowed to use the race card for time eternity. Enough is enough.

4/10/2016 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Waiting for Bernie to give away free stuff before wanting to work.

4/09/2016 01:15:00 AM"

Yeah like Universal Medical and free college tuition for your children, the nerve of some guys

4/09/2016 11:25:00 AM

Nothing is free.

4/10/2016 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Irish Mexican guy here... lol.

I'm not feeling entitled nor am I a brat or some disgrace. Come on. I'm nothing like that. I am Hispanic and marked Hispanic that's all. I didn't call to flex any entitlement muscle my mind wasn't even on that. I was just curious on the silence and hold up. Nothing more. If I were only a fraction Hispanic then maybe I would be a scab but I even speak Spanish can read it but might have a hard time writing it. The point is I'm on hold because they essentially don't believe i I am anything else but Irish because my last name starts with O'. If a guy like me would be a disgrace to full Hispanics on the job then that's their problem. Be cool, jag offs. I'm a decent guy. I'm an avid SCC reader, I have no family on the job, I'm a hard working guy who keeps his nose clean and keeps a low profile. You handjobs are talking like I'm some Sanders supporting millennial with his hand out. Stop being pricks. Relax. It's going to be okay.

4/10/2016 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard a drug courier was torchered near 2800 Jarvis in west Rogers Park. Had his ear cut off. Victim related to an old cop. Media is leaving this one alone. Offenders at large.

4/09/2016 09:30:00 AM

Set on fire? ;)

4/10/2016 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah like Universal Medical and free college tuition for your children, the nerve of some guys

4/09/2016 11:25:00 AM

This has to be one of the dumbest comments I've read in a long time.
Go back to Cuba you f#@n' commie. I'd like to keep what little cash i have left instead of paying more taxes so your dumbass illiterate kids can go to free public college.

4/10/2016 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

So, essentially you probably would have been hired by now, but you thought claiming half Latino would give u the upper hand. Ur definitely CPD material! Lol!
I'm Mexican and fools like u embarrass me on this job everyday.

4/09/2016 12:57:00 PM.

Obama claims himself as black having been raised by a white family with a black dad and a white mom. But somehow you have a problem with a kid claiming to be Mexican while having a mother of 100 percent Mexican heritage and a father that has multiple ethinicity. HMMM.

4/10/2016 09:28:00 AM  
Blogger Rough&Tumble White Guy with a Basic Education said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nobody is mentioning the Polygraph!

4/09/2016 10:56:00 AM


In order to file a Civil Rights Act of 1965 Title VII (affirmative action) beef, the Plaintiffs (like the recent fireman who got what 10 years of free senority?) would have to show the less dominant race got hired at a rate <80% of the dominant race. So if 100 whites and 100 blacks applied, if 50 whites got hired and 44 blacks got hired, the blacks would have a prima facie case of discrimination. (80% x 50 whites = 45). If 45 blacks got hired, they would have no case for discrimination.

These exact same rules apply not only to hiring, but promotions.

There is a "next step" to this. (The plaintiffs don't automatically win). The burden is now on the city to show test reliability (I think that is the word). If the city shows the test predicts job performance, then the city can justify the low rate of hiring/promotion of the "less dominant" race. (Think brain surgeons, certainly they can't be forced to hire according to racial quotas, i.e. the 4/5 rule of Title VII).

In the CFD case, the city was unable to show the hiring test predicted job performance. One point I remember is that there was a video shown and the applicants had to take notes and then they were tested. The court reasoned that "taking notes" was not a skill needed to be a good fireman, and thus, the test did not predict job success.

Now, on to the CPD. Merit came about during the 1998? Sgt. test?? (pretty sure of that). What happened was a group of black patrolmen sued, claiming a Title VII violation, in that black applicants were not promoted at a rate of 80% to that of white applicants. They indeed had a prima facie case. What happened next is interesting. The city started a "Blue Ribbon Panel" (mid trial) which came up with the 30% merit for Sgt. The parties settled. The COURT NEVER RULED AS TO WHETHER THE SGT. TEST PREDICTED JOB PERFORMANCE. So we still don't know whether hiring straight down the list for Sgt. would fly. The city wanted the merit for political reasons, but it was never ordered by the court - it was 'agreed upon' to make the whole thing go away.

The result of the CFD thing is that the "well qualified" group was not the only group hired. (Remember when they pretty much told you at CPD you had to be :well qualified" to get hired). I know a guy who was just 'qualified' and got hired, as a result of the CFD lawsuit. (The guy is white BTW, so it doesn't just apply to blacks, but it does lower the overall standards). The problem with having a hiring/promotion test that is not "reliable" (i.e. does not predict job performance, is that the city of governed by the 4/5 rule of Title VII, there's no way around it). That's what the city wants. That way the test can be cheaper to make because it's reliability is not at issue, as it will never be scrutinized by the courts. As a matter of fact, I think the new CPD entrance exams do away completely with the "well qualified" "qualified" and "unqualified?" categories completely, and now have a "lottery" system. But if the "lottery" winner racial numbers do not comport with the 4/5 rule there will be a lawsuit, and a prima facie case will be made, and the test 'reliability' will be scrutinized. The City can't have that happen, so it's not a true lottery. It can't be. Somebody is watching the racial numbers.

4/10/2016 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The picture of the 4ft2in recruit in the Slum times said it all. Her holding the teddy bear was priceless. The dept will now take everyone's picture holding a bear to show how gentle and kind we are.Next it will be pillow fights. All cars are to be equipped with pillows so the offenders can take out their aggression on the pillows or engage the police in a pillow fight.Unreal.

4/10/2016 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the female detective that was giving the polygraph is still there but she was an ignorant person. She went out of her way to screw over coppers kids. She would ask them before she started the tests if they had anyone on the job and if you said yes, it was all downhill. I think she had ties to Tracy Ladner. Most of the human Resource people are just plain in competent. Hire some retired coppers to do this job.

4/10/2016 10:26:00 AM  
Blogger O W Wilson said...

The last month I saw the actual number of total sworn on the job was October and it was 12040. A lot of people have left in the last five months with a lot more to follow. 1985 thru 87 were huge hiring years. A lot of people will be leaving shortly. Look for another hiring test to be right around the corner.

4/10/2016 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Die away with the useless college credits and put i place a ten year plan for residency for all members. Problem solved . Add any officer taling advantage of the ten year residency program guves up duty availability checks . Win. Win

Looks like you need grammar school, not college.

4/10/2016 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we Blue Shirts have to take Ethics Training? Really, ? Are the
Is the IG going to investigate McArthy for associating with felons , ? Hillard making a boat load of money on Taser contract?top CPD brass bed buddies cheating on exam? Merit Hacks who are Bosses , that should be working at McDonalds?

You are way over qualified for McD!

4/10/2016 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
nonymous said...
I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

So, essentially you probably would have been hired by now, but you thought claiming half Latino would give u the upper hand. Ur definitely CPD material! Lol!
I'm Mexican and fools like u embarrass me on this job everyday.

4/09/2016 12:57:00 PM
Man please. HIS MOTHER IS MEXICAN. That makes him Hispanic whether he "appears" as such or otherwise. You're embarrassed because he thought they might try to use his race for their own benefit (numbers wise) by hiring him? Maybe you should be embarrassed that an applicant is thinking more realistically than you. You're on the job and can't fathom that? Are you embarrassed when someone gets a job because of nepotism? What about because of an owed favor? None of this is any different. It's still for politics and personal gain. Some depts. recruit LGBT. You must think its because they really care about them. Just in case no one told you most of your favorite college athletes do not meet the same admissions criteria for everyone else...and by the way, wrestling isn't real.

4/10/2016 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Die away with the useless college credits and put i place a ten year plan for residency for all members. Problem solved . Add any officer taling advantage of the ten year residency program guves up duty availability checks . Win. Win

Looks like you need grammar school, not college.

4/10/2016 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the 2013 exam. Made it as far as to what I have left is only the medical and psych interview (final PT pre-academy, of course.) It's been 6 months of silence. Nothing. I made some calls got bounced around many times finally speaking to somebody. My file was pulled and I was told that I am "on hold" because I claimed I was hispanic but my name is obviously irish and that I "shouldnt have done that". I explained that my mom is Mexican and my dad is Irish. I was told they have to "look further into that" I asked why and was told "You cant get minority status otherwise". I said I can prove it only to be told "I have to be patient and wait" with the phone slammed down in my ear. I'd be stupid NOT to claim hispanic when, essentially, I am but I guess my irish sounding name put me on red flag status. The great city of Chicago, huh? The city that (doesn't) works.

So, essentially you probably would have been hired by now, but you thought claiming half Latino would give u the upper hand. Ur definitely CPD material! Lol!
I'm Mexican and fools like u embarrass me on this job everyday.

4/09/2016 12:57:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure why this is embarrassing you.He claims he is Hispanic(he is)

4/10/2016 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They psyched me in 1998. I never got the job. I think there is a, knife in that drawer I am looking at. Maybe I can use it to cut something. :-D

4/10/2016 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well do people know that CPD is hiring? What strategies are they using to reach out to applicants?

4/09/2016 02:48:00 PM

Google it.
Or do you require an engraved invitation, hand-delivered to your door?

4/10/2016 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be done after schooling. I'll work a couple years after that and find a different line of work or department. This department just punishes
The people that deserve promotions, gratitude, and actually do their jobs. Get
My masters/doctorate and leave. Eddie is a fraud like all the rest.

4/10/2016 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on 29 years.
my son graduated from St Pats
graduated from U of I

took test and scored high on list.
passed power, psychological and has never been call back.

No letter nothing, when I called into recruit processing. I get brush off.

It's all legitimate. ......

4/09/2016 09:17:00 AM

Maybe someone at recruit processing doesn't like you. Not your kid. You. Wouldn't be the first time this has happened.
Maybe someone is lying about passing all segments of the test. (My ex' son claimed he passed everything. He didn't.)

Regardless, your 'kid' is an adult and you shouldn't be calling his potential employer, so they're right not to tell you anything.
Your ADULT offspring should be following up on their OWN job application. Not mommy or daddy.

4/10/2016 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Blue said...

I took the test in 2013 and was bounced after psych portion as well. No explanation but I am a white male with no arrests in my background and a degree in criminal justice. Any idea who's making the calls to formerly rejected applicants and how I can get in on that? Been told can't sue unless you're bounced after polygraph.

4/10/2016 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To commenter 4:49am, I for one completely disagree with your comments. I through out my career have worked VRI, CHA, CTA , Court and have worked all 3 watches. I also work other private sector jobs. I haven't had a CR in many years, I don't have to sleep in my police car either. I have worked mostly South and West sides. I am not more likely to be killed in line of duty than any other officer who only works one job. Before everyone says get a life, my life is very good and financially stable as well! It is call time management I have seen officers with bad tempers, officers who are unsafe, and officers who are just plain lazy who get plenty of rest. Please don't lump everyone into a category just because you may not be able to do it.

4/10/2016 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The firemen were WRONG to strike period!!! Don't forget all the beefs the striking firemen made on all the coppers, a little fact u left off ur post 3:57 pm....Lady Jane was going to give a contract to both CPD and CFD but the firemen wanted it w/o doing it the right way. You just can't say " give us a contract " over and over and over without sitting down with a list of proposed benefits etc... So firemen went on strike and actually stated firs while on striker and coppers got the brunt of it. But let me make this perfectly clear THE CFD DID NOT GIVE OR GET US A CONTRACT! WE GOT A CONTRACT WITHOUT ANY INFLUENCE OF THE CFD! THEY PROMOTE A LIE. Thanks SCC for letting me clear this falsehood up.

4/10/2016 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not the article you cited but it also covers the problems DC PD underwent for hiring unqualified people.


I've posted this a lot and I know it's getting old, but for an interesting read look up the article D.C. Blues by Tucker Carlson. The hiring standards got so low for the D.C. police, because D.C. is only the super rich, who don't want the job, and the super poor, who are unqualified ... thus ... lower the entrance standards. I don't know if it was done so much for diversity as just to get some cops hired.D.C. Blues ... it's kind of hard to find the article...

4/09/2016 08:50:00 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...More wash out based on their fingerprints and arrest history. Watch for lowing standards on this.... A dew narcotic arrests here and there won't matter anymore, agg battery and domestics... Hey that's ok, too. We want the "diversity".

4/09/2016 03:47:00 AM

4/10/2016 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any applicants know if CPD does the same thing Indianapolis does - keep a "White male" list then "everyone else" list and refuse to give scores/ranks?

4/09/2016 12:35:00 PM

Took a suburban test, never got my score, rank, the cutoff score or a call back. They had several blacks in command staff. Took the same test with another agency, virtually all white, and maxed out on the test. I'm black. And???? Welcome to the I was done unfairly club. There are plenty of us in all shades. Stick around for awhile. You're low in seniority.

4/10/2016 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on 29 years.
my son graduated from St Pats
graduated from U of I

took test and scored high on list.
passed power, psychological and has never been call back.

No letter nothing, when I called into recruit processing. I get brush off.

It's all legitimate. ......

Have your son call. He has a right to know where he is in the hiring process. You should not be making calls or asking around. May hurt his chances.

4/10/2016 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm an out of state LEO and was looking at some bigger agencies in other states. CPD makes it extremely difficult to get any information. Can't get a call back can't get an email back. most departments are hurting for people and come back at you very quickly.

As for the process they do seem to make it difficult for out of state applicants to make a run for a job. Short notification to residency time frames etc.

Police work without politics is non existent, nature of the beast. Is CPD that much worse then all the rest? Is CPD that bad of a place to work?

4/10/2016 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

Some of you guys complaining about waiting. I took the test in 1991, 29 thousand plus applied. I scored very high, passed everything. I waited over four years to get hired. I feel your pain, but oh well what are you gonna do. Back in the 90s this was a great job. In the 80s a better job, and before that everything went. I miss the old timers because I learned a lot from them. Now I see a bunch of college babies, bitching about everything. Some new guys are good. But the titanic is more than half under water and I am almost done.

I wish everyone the best of luck, I don't give a fuck anymore and just want my pension. Hope some of you guys open your eyes up. I am just waiting for the first ISR card guy to get fucked. I don't wanna see it, I am just wondering what will go down. If you don't see the writing on the wall you are blind. Stay safe all of you .

4/10/2016 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well do people know that CPD is hiring? What strategies are they using to reach out to applicants?

4/09/2016 02:48:00 PM

The city puts out big billboards in foreign languages.

4/10/2016 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
When I came on in Oct 95 there were like 30,000 that tested. I'm retiring next year at age 49 with 20 years and out. (I had a LOA that was much needed).


prolly should enroll in a math class when you retire

4/10/2016 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am on 29 years.
my son graduated from St Pats
graduated from U of I

took test and scored high on list.
passed power, psychological and has never been call back.

No letter nothing, when I called into recruit processing. I get brush off.

It's all legitimate. ......

Have your son call. He has a right to know where he is in the hiring process. You should not be making calls or asking around. May hurt his chances.

Count your blessings..... look at the silver lining.
My high school aged son would like to enter law enforcement. There's not a snowballs chance in hell I'd want him to join CPD.
This job is going to hell in a handbasket.

4/10/2016 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any applicants know if CPD does the same thing Indianapolis does - keep a "White male" list then "everyone else" list and refuse to give scores/ranks?

4/09/2016 12:35:00 PM

Took a suburban test, never got my score, rank, the cutoff score or a call back. They had several blacks in command staff. Took the same test with another agency, virtually all white, and maxed out on the test. I'm black. And???? Welcome to the I was done unfairly club. There are plenty of us in all shades. Stick around for awhile. You're low in seniority.

4/10/2016 02:03:00 PM

I didn't say I was "done unfairly" - all I did was ask if anyone knows the answer to that question. I've been passed for multiple LE jobs in the past. I am actually in LE though. Have you ever had a chief of the largest agency in the state tell you to your face he won't hire you because of your skin color? I have.

At the Indianapolis test years ago, they held the written at an abandoned school in the ghetto. I watched gang members from the projects across the street smoke dope then walk across to take the test. Quite the outreach. There must have been a couple thousand in my session. As far as I can remember, I always got a written score and a rank. Indianapolis was the first where I didn't. I asked around and found out they don't do that - to avoid legal trouble. No scores given, no rankings, and there are 2 lists (or were at that time) - WMA list, and everyone else list.

If Chicago is similarly situated, it will probably only compound the problems already present. If any LE agency does this, why give a test? Just have people show up and check their demographic info and hire that way. Or pick people out of the phone book.

4/10/2016 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This job sucks blah blah blah. I made 80,000 last year good benefits and a penison. Every job job sucks to a certain degree. Middle class and can't complain.

4/10/2016 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why wouldon't you take this job now? You get paid very well and you don't have to do anything. You can just drive around in circles and not arrest anyone or stop anyone and make 90 grand a year.

4/09/2016 02:58:00 PM

Hahaha... Yeah you're funny. Yeah we don't do anything anymore. I guess those domestic calls where 6 grown adults are screaming at each other have disappeared. And those ongoing battery in progress calls where 20 people are outside beating the sh*t out of each other have also disappeared. Oh and those pesky persons shot calls where people are laying like slabs of bleeding meat on the ground because someone has pumped multiple rounds of lead into them while the entire block is out screaming and crying, that doesn't happen anymore. Should I go on with what else has magically disappeared and we don't do ? Because there's tons more.

Yeah ...... Keep drinking the media Kool aide.

4/10/2016 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, can someone please tell me why if you are a minority you are "entitled" to the job . I am so Damn sick of this affirmative action bull shit. I have suffered because of it since the day I came on this job (1977). Can you tell me what I did that causes me and my relatives to be discriminated against in hundreds of ways. I had three relatives that fought in the civil war to Free Slaves, my family never owned a slave nor ever even lived in a slave state. I have to wonder if any of these "entitled class" minorities that are now given preferential treatment were relatives of the 3,207 "free men of color " who collectively owned over 20,000 slaves in the state of Loisiana in the 1860 census ? Or perhaps people like our "beloved" president who has no relative who was ever a slave in this country. When will the court cases begin to compensate people like me and my relatives for the blatant and in any other country , illegal, discrimination, be made whole for this crime of discrimination against me. 20 years down the road will there be a Federal law mandating the children of current " meritorious" promoted black bosses be told not to apply. I won't hold my breath but minorities need to get over it.

4/11/2016 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1971 police test hired everyone, but told 1500 m/2s to take the next test, God bless America, just sit and wait kid, it saved mylife,roll the dice one. More time, rolled sevens singed disco police, staying live ret.

4/11/2016 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friends Son Has a Bachelors in Criminal Justice,He took the test years ago hasn't been called,He's White.

4/11/2016 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1971 police test hired everyone, but told 1500 m/2s to take the next test, God bless America, just sit and wait kid, it saved mylife,roll the dice one. More time, rolled sevens singed disco police, staying live ret.

4/11/2016 07:12:00 AM


4/11/2016 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the past the original foreign lottery scams simply proclaimed that you were are a
major winner in a foreign lottery even though you did not
enter. The most simple of these reasons is that the systems have shown to be effective.
Geometry is related with shapes, angles triangles, measuring them and so on.

4/24/2018 10:45:00 AM  

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