Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Three Years

We confess to not having much use for media people. For the most part, they're liberal tools with an agenda. There are a few who make the effort to see both sides, but they're rare nowadays. Janssen at the Sun Times did the old one day media course at the Academy and came out with an understanding of what cops do. Kass shows flashes of the old newspaperman instincts.

But this piece by Nickeas in Chicago Magazine is the culmination of three years working nights at shooting scenes and fires and fights and all sorts of crap, citywide. He was outside the tape for most of it, but he was there, doing his job and watching cops do their jobs.

He doesn't paint a pretty picture either. It's ugly. It leaves scars. The last portion of the article is how he found it hard to relate to normal life after seeing three years of shit:
  • For three years, I’d inhabited a world separate from the one my friends lived in. On the train into work on summer Fridays, the other passengers dressed up for a night out in Wicker Park or Lake View, I’d sit there preparing for my shift, checking Twitter to see where people were getting shot or where people were calling in gunfire. I’d vacillate between wishing I were out with my wife and just wanting to start working.

    There’s not a relationship in my life that is stronger now than it was when I started covering violence. I don’t remember when I stopped giving honest answers when people at dinners or parties asked, “How’s work?” The truth is a conversation ender. I’d start a story, see things getting awkward, then power through it, apologizing at the end. It’s an isolating job. Part of leaving nights has been learning to move past that, or deciding whether to even try. Maybe it’s not healthy, but writing about violence feels like what I should be doing. It feels normal. It’s what I want to do. I want to help the city understand a little. That’s important to me.

    The winter after I’d finished working overnights, Erin and I were sitting on our couch, drinking wine, catching up. I was trying to explain to her how that three-year stretch had felt like a fever dream, an otherworldly odyssey, and how the world had throbbed around me while I learned to keep my eyes open. For three years, I hadn’t been home on weekends, and when I was home, I was in a fog. The closest to alive I felt during that time was in moments of fear and stress. That had become life.

    I said all this to Erin, telling her I’d packed a lot of living into those three years.

    She looked at me and asked, “But what kind of living?”
Now imagine making a career out of it.

[Disclaimer - some of our number have met Nickeas on a few crime scenes. He's a personable guy. We've gotten his card a few times as he passed through.]

[Also, Nickeas is not related to the copper of the same name. We've seen this comment numerous times in the past.]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a job I respect but doubt I would have ever been able to do it. Police have a special place in Heaven as far as I am concerned. I cant even imagine the horrors, disgust, heartbreak and yes the good in people and absolute hillarity you see on a daily basis. Bless you all and thank you.

8/24/2016 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I follow his Twitter feed and while he may identify with first responders, he is 1st a reporter. My take is he's a liberal and definitely not a Trump supporter, which then makes him a Hillary guy which makes him politically NOT a friend of the police.

Maybe that's just me, though...

8/24/2016 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one could understand what it's like to be exposed to the daily violence and crime unless you're actually doing it. Anyone else could not even see it in a nightmare. Cops need more time off and away from it. More vacation days or 10 hour shifts etc. The more time away from the violence is the only thing that helps.

8/24/2016 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nicely written article. Welcome to every police officers life.. No matter what watch you're on its all the same. I know you're telling the truth because all of the effects you talk about are real and when you are the copper doing this crap it's 10 fold. It's not just shootings. Routine jobs like domestics etc you get to see how bad life is for people and the despair and squalor people live in. Now I walk into houses, homicide scenes, shootings etc and I strangely feel fine... I almost feel normal and "at home" when I'm in a roach infested hell hole. The stress and anxiety sucks. My mind is shot and my body is on the verge of being shot. It's a terrible job and takes a terrible toll on life and mental health.

8/24/2016 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please get help if you are having problems.
Seeing that day after day affects everyone.

8/24/2016 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is almost like being a missionary to a foreign land, full of misery, tragedy, and strange savages. Then you drive five miles to home, and a normal life.

8/24/2016 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you need to see a therapist, your choice to do that line of work. No apologies, you are getting paid, if the job bothers you then stop doing it. My dad is a retired paramedic, the shit he used to tell me was fucking depressing. It drove him to becoming a alcholic and causing health problems later. No job is worth that. Leave.

8/24/2016 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime journalists have become the center of the stories they report. They apply their cliched liberal world view to their stories by portraying the criminal as victim and the police as the criminal. When not doing this, they live in their own heads, romanticizing their experiences. They see themselves as the lead actors in a drama, usually crusaders trying to expose the evil cabal of racist police who run rampant abusing their power. It takes a special kind of person to see over and over people to whom life has no meaning, purpose, or value and condemn and criticize those who have to deal with them on a daily basis. Nickeas is better than most, but when he moans about how tough it was watching from the sidelines , I say cry me a river. What do you think it's like for the police? Your team helps perpetuate this chaos. If Nickeas doesn't see how much his industry is contributing to the violence, this article is nothing more than an exercise in journalistic masturbation.

8/24/2016 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still, about the only trustworthy pro-police honest reporter that's left in Chicago. Tells it like it is, in detail, and have met him several times at various scenes on the west side. Wish there were more like him. Unfortunately there aren't.

8/24/2016 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nickeas was on Chicago Tonight discussing the same topic. He seemed genuinely affected by his stint on the South and West sides. He seemed unprepared to face the constant misery and senseless violence. I couldn't help thinking if that same reaction is held by our recent recruits who have been poorly prepared by the academy staff and then shortchanged during their field training period in order to assign them to "foot patrol" with other recruits. We can thank McStreetlights for that band aid approach to make the appearance of more boots on the ground.
Maybe Mary Ann Ahern of NBC 5 could interview her son after he lands in 7, 11, or 015 after "sharing an FTO" with two other recruits.

Maybe the IL Police Training & Standards Board should inspect the academy & FTO program since the DOJ won't bother.

Hey Googly Boogly, better start writing a detailed script for Ed the Stripper in response to that Investigative report.

Retired .38 spl +P

8/24/2016 02:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - i propose that we no longer Identify AlderCrook Burke as a former policeman. He loves to let people know that he was on the job -(while studying to be an attorney.) Since he has demonstrated repeatedly that he no longer supports the police despite his rhetoric- lets hurt him where it will do the most damage - his ego. AlderCreature or AlderAss are two suitable monikers, but AlderThief is more appropriate.d

Former police officer should be reserved for Ald. Napolitano or other retired officers whose actions, not words, prove their loyalty.

Retired .38 spl +P

8/24/2016 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Petes a good, honest guy. Liam too.

8/24/2016 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago magazine has got some guys that get it and that don't eat up the bullshit that city hall feeds them unlike some other rags !

8/24/2016 05:34:00 AM  
Blogger pathickey said...

Mark Schipper of DNAinfo is also a fair minded man. Mark Schipper proves there are still real reporters writing accurate and unadulterated news.

8/24/2016 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Lil george said...

You see the letter to the editor in the sun times from some bleeding heart liberal. She says she's been robbed, mugged, harassed and been stopped cause she drove with someone black. Then states how tough she is. And states the police whine and their job isn't really dangerous cause she doesn't get to wear a vest in her tough, crime and bullet-riddled hood. And where is this "tough" inner city hood this "tough" multi-targeted victim lives? Hyde Park. Maybe the toughest hood after the gold coast. No dear, the fact you keep getting robbed is because you have zero sense of what real danger is. You just back down to the "thugs" in your tough hood and then make excuses. Before bashing the police, go live in englewood for a week. You think Hyde Park is inner city? Wow

8/24/2016 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Met him quite a few times on crime scenes. Always a good guy. Put your vest on!

8/24/2016 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, sounds like he became a copper, trying to explain to your non-police friends about what's going on....trying to explain your world and then realizing that most won't get you end up going to the same response of sighing and saying work is ok when asked about it

8/24/2016 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of being opverwhelmed: Reuters - Chicago's detective force dwindles as murder rate soars

8/24/2016 07:32:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

I'm trying to find a copy of Chicago Magazine in the 'Ville. Not easy.

8/24/2016 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought you guys should get some kind of combat pay after spending a career seeing the dredges of society kill one another for something as simple as a cigarette!

8/24/2016 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

World news investigation Reuters Chicago detectives:

Even the world media knows rahm has allowed Cpd to dwindle causing total murder and mayhem!

"The world is watching you rahm"

8/24/2016 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

The Policeman's bitterly sardonic laughter...

3 years, eh?

That uneasy feeling of "otherness" when "normal"
people ask you about the ugly shit you see, then
they put their fingers in their ears and say, "La-La
La! I can't hear you," when their tender sensibilities
are unable to cope with the unimaginable ghastly
you're trying to explain.

"You're lying... People can't POSSIBLY be living
and dying in Chicago in the ways you're telling us."
"Please stop it... You're scaring us."

3 Years?

On the Old Police Calendar, that's just the vague
beginning of actually getting a clue. You're still
green as monkey-shit and by that time and the
sum total of what you know is just enough for
you to be a danger to yourself.

The REAL education begins when you realize
how tragically corrupt and inept the upper
politically beholden command echelon is
and how vested they are in creating and
maintaining a hostile and toxic working
environment in which the only real (and
limited) relief Policemen have is to try and
keep each other safe from the organizational
ugly (the collective/cumulative survival tactics,
knowledge/know-how and muscle memory
that has been intentionally decimated) and
the ugly on the streets.

3 Years?
Rub up against this ugly shit for 20, 25, 30
years or more, then ring up the tab
of the personal price you pay.

"You've changed..."
"Why do Cops think and act the way they do?"
"Why are you Cops so anti-social?"
"Why are you guys so fixated on retirement?"
"Why do so many Coppers want to retire
to a cabin in the woods when they leave?"

We do grudgingly (but respectfully) commend
Nickeas for at least barely scratching the surface
of what afflicts this city. We hope, for his sake,
that he is prepared for City Hall orchestrated
push-back if not all out being marginalized/
blamed and shamed into irrevelance by
his media brethren.

This IS Chicago after all...
Truth-Tellers and Truth-Seekers DO NOT
thrive or get ahead in this town.

3 Years, eh?
Nickeas was able to at least pop smoke
for an extraction.

It could be argued that this would have been
better had he signed up to be a Policeman
and told the story from the perspective of
25 or 30 years OTJ but his media peers
would have demeaned his writing as
"The expected usual from an old, bitter,
hateful and angry Cop who is resentful
over the fact that it isn't 1960 anymore."

No one is interested in The Policeman's story.
It makes too many people uncomfortable.

Apologies for the length, SCC.
It comes from the heart...
Something that too many are
too comfortable saying
Policemen are lacking.

8/24/2016 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

So tired, but stayed up last night until I had finished this. Good stuff about bad things, Mr. Nickeas. Very good work indeed.

"As the Fourth of July weekend approached, I felt I knew what to expect...

"We went to about two dozen scenes over five nights, a frenzied clip even for us. Thirty people were shot in 13 hours of the last night of the weekend, a pace we could not keep up with.

"That night, in Roseland, we heard gunfire and saw silhouettes ducking between cars a block from us. A round ricocheted off something metal, making a zinging sound like in the movies. We didn’t flinch. By that point, gunfire had become normal. From there, we went to South Chicago, where police were looking for men who had been chasing and shooting at each other. A few minutes after that shootout, as police were flooding the neighborhood, someone let off a bunch of rounds from a porch...

"Maybe an hour later, someone shot up a house a few blocks away, even with hundreds of police still scouring the streets..." "activists" howl through their bullhorns for an end to law enforcement, as "investigators" make a good living digging through old records, looking for something nasty the police said to someone five years ago -- as the City and ACLU and DOJ earnestly speak to us in the Martian language about "iterations of the SSL predictive policing models."

As I write, news radio reporting "a violent 24 hours in Chicago."

...and here comes Labor Day.

The listing ship, rudder shattered, steams in frothing circles, bellowing its distress with the whistle cord tied down as those who can dive over the rails, hoping not to be chopped up by the propellers.

The captain, "not wanting to micromanage," reaches upwards for the last $6000 bottle of wine being lowered to him, stows it carefully in his private launch, and orders "Cast off!" -- bound for a faraway holiday destination.

Have fun, Rahm.

Stay safe, everybody else. You too, Pete.

8/24/2016 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone finally gets it as a reporter! How would you like to be on the chiraq streets constantly,as the bllod flows and knowing that this mayor has destroyed the morale and let the dept sink to what 2-4,000 officers short?

Then we have the exempts, another class of over promoted clowns that have absolutely no respect, they could not lead the rats (rats as in the coppers that are working vri on labor day weekend and should be kicked out of the union) to cheese! The exempts were shuffled many getting big raises this is in order to deplete the pension fund. Have you looked into how fire stopped this atrocious "gold braid pension" yes sir the highest pension rank is lieutenant, or on cpd would be lyingtenant (Hows that scandal going Eddie did you demote our main squeeze and her friends?) Of course not sir!

Look into that 60 million given to the dv urban ventures from our pension fund davis vanecko crew who gave permission to throw our money away? At least dean just gives money away for pizzas these pension board cronies give millions to the crime family! How is that investigation going?

8/24/2016 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well someone has touched what we see on 1st watch.
Maybe the trib should have him ride 2nd and 3rd watches to see what the he'll is going on citywide.
I just finished his article and think it was well written.

Got a ticket person shot, got ticket fordomestic, got Backlog..........

Can I take my 30 mins hiding in station?

29 and a day, CYA

8/24/2016 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very well written article, indeed! I believe Nickeas has come very close to capturing the mindset of first responders in a way that (hopefully) gives the civilian a good peek inside of the minds, hearts and souls of officers who patrol the mean streets here in Chicago. God bless Nickeas. I hope that he can come close to regaining his 'normal' life soon, but it's doubtful. 3 years of seeing mankind at its worst can change a person forever.

8/24/2016 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gawd, Chicago is such an evil place.....

Chicagoans Rip YouTube Stars Who Moved Out After One Day In Edgewater

By Linze Rice | August 23, 2016 8:49am | Updated on August 23, 2016 10:52am

The man then asked the husband to come outside and talk with him without his "girl," and the couple said it became apparent to passers-by something was amiss.

A car pulled up to ask the couple if everything was OK, and they ran for its doors thinking it was the Uber they'd requested, the couple said.

As they ran into the car, the man lunged toward the husband and punched him in the face, they recalled


And then all these a--hole Chicagoans light them on social media. WTF?

Chicago, the modern Sodom and Gemorah. ......

8/24/2016 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Common Element is it - that can convince anyone that the quality of life no longer exists in Chicago and it hasn't for at least 25 years?
There is no safety on the lakefront, downtown areas, entertainment venues, shopping areas, public transit and any roads to get anywhere are packed with weed smoking thugs driving around shooting at one another.

Rahm doesn't know, yet knows how to tie the hands of Law and Order.
But apparently higher taxes can help him figure it out.

8/24/2016 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All he did was watch and write about it. He never went to court or actually did any police work. And it got to him. He could never be the police. Toughen up.

8/24/2016 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...
I'm trying to find a copy of Chicago Magazine in the 'Ville. Not easy.

Bet you'll have no problem finding the entire series of superheroes comic books in the ville!!!

8/24/2016 07:39:00 AM

8/24/2016 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reuters article, Roy still drinking the KoolAid.
His response like so much bullshit, again.
Another Chief of Detectives that did nothing for his detectives,

8/24/2016 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I'll give you credit Peter, you covered the worst of the worst for three years. You observed the crime scenes, you even attempted to talk to the victim'S family and friends. You say it's changed you. Scarred you.
So let me ask what do you think it does to a police officer who does this for 10 to 20 years. Responding to violent crime scenes day after day week after week. Families that lash out accusing police of not caring not doing their job. People taunting you claiming they know who did the shooting but they aren't going to tell you who it was.
Then there are the children shot, beaten or maybe burned. Officers who are working and are spending holidays birthdays homework time away from their own children to cover these horrific incidents.
And we're the problem these days. We're the ones everyone is pointing the finger at saying it's the police officer'S fault.

Thanks for the article. Thanks for the honesty but like you said you can walk away. Police Officers can not.

8/24/2016 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter Nickeas,

Welcome to the Theatre of the Absurd.

Nice article by Chicago Magazine, and pretty spot on. If, in fact, NIckeas did all that was contained in the article, then he is forever changed and most likely not a liberal, at least not a flaming one.

And when he writes about going to dinner parties, it might be hard to talk about your "job" of seeing brains, blood and other gore over the roast beef and wine.

I and countless others did this shit for many years just as police officers are doing it today. I have been retired for quite a few years now, but occasionally still think of what it was like when I was working. It hasn't changed.

8/24/2016 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he is so horrified by what he has seen in 3 short years I hope he sympathise with us doing 30 years in hell and become an advocate for the essentials of HIRING and P.T.S.D. treatments for our members. When you have 8,500 officers doing the work that 13-14,000 people should be doing its a major problem.

8/24/2016 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AGREE: This "me,me poor me, it is all about me. If you cannot handle a job leave.embarassing: " Nickeas is better than most, but when he moans about how tough it was watching from the sidelines , I say cry me a river. What do you think it's like for the police? Your team helps perpetuate this chaos. If Nickeas doesn't see how much his industry is contributing to the violence, this article is nothing more than an exercise in journalistic masturbation."

8/24/2016 11:00:00 AM  
Blogger No Time on the Job Kid said...

Why aren't other reporters following suit? I also follow Nickeas on Twitter. Keep up the good work.

8/24/2016 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe that's just me, though...

8/24/2016 12:36:00 AM

You're mistaken...

8/24/2016 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's ok, but all mainstream media is dead to me.

8/24/2016 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nicely written article. Welcome to every police officers life.. No matter what watch you're on its all the same. I know you're telling the truth because all of the effects you talk about are real and when you are the copper doing this crap it's 10 fold. It's not just shootings. Routine jobs like domestics etc you get to see how bad life is for people and the despair and squalor people live in. Now I walk into houses, homicide scenes, shootings etc and I strangely feel fine... I almost feel normal and "at home" when I'm in a roach infested hell hole. The stress and anxiety sucks. My mind is shot and my body is on the verge of being shot. It's a terrible job and takes a terrible toll on life and mental health.


Truer words have never been spoken... And u can get that way just after 5 or 6 years. To many dead bodies. Too much suffering and too much hate. Throw in arresting people, having to worry about court, lawsuits and other things on this job and it's enough to kill you...

8/24/2016 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A2 VC. I don't find him any different than the other jackals.

8/24/2016 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been retired 20 yrs came home from Nam in 68 came on the job in October 68 went to 2/4 /5/22/1. Great Guys and Women . But the Job is a whore. Miss the people but you can have the dreams. No Academy can prepare a kid from a middle class White background for what you will see in ghetto districts can't be done. Got shot at more in the deuce than in Nam as a Scout Dog Handler and I walked point. Good luck People. Kell

8/24/2016 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is almost like being a missionary to a foreign land, full of misery, tragedy, and strange savages. Then you drive five miles to home, and a normal life."

No, no it is not. You have not a clue of what you speak. Driving a thousand miles does not reduce the trauma to the mind.

"Hey, you need to see a therapist, your choice to do that line of work. No apologies, you are getting paid, if the job bothers you then stop doing it. My dad is a retired paramedic, the shit he used to tell me was fucking depressing. It drove him to becoming a alcholic and causing health problems later. No job is worth that. Leave. "

F$$k you Jack. Have a modicum of respect not only for PD but for your father who busted his ass in the only way he knew how to take care of you. "The job", is either in you or not. It is not something you ever walk away from as it becomes part of you. Keep this in mind next time you whine about your pithy existence, and repeat to yourself, "No apologies, you are getting paid".

8/24/2016 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I follow his Twitter feed and while he may identify with first responders, he is 1st a reporter. My take is he's a liberal and definitely not a Trump supporter, which then makes him a Hillary guy which makes him politically NOT a friend of the police.

Maybe that's just me, though...

8/24/2016 12:36:00 AM

if you believe that who someone votes for makes them a friend or enemy of the police, then you are truly a sad small minded person. i don't support trump or hillary and i'm the police, how does that fit into your model? you sir are ignorant.

8/24/2016 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you need to see a therapist, your choice to do that line of work. No apologies, you are getting paid, if the job bothers you then stop doing it. My dad is a retired paramedic, the shit he used to tell me was fucking depressing. It drove him to becoming a alcholic and causing health problems later. No job is worth that. Leave.

Maybe you need to seek help. You are obviously still angry and hurt about your dad becoming an alcoholic.

8/24/2016 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Lori "fire all the police" looking for mayor run:

Chiraq is doomed now the blood keeps flowing only hope for police is Trump!

8/24/2016 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The closest to alive I felt during that time was in moments of fear and stress. That had become life
Welcome to the party pal.

8/24/2016 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired with 28 years. 10 of those were on the west side the other 18 as a homicide/violent crime detective. Nickels got to go home after his 8 hours we as officers and detectives stay 10, 20, 30 even 40 hours working cases before going home. That's not counting in court time and dealing with politics and jag off bosses. Boo hoo to Nickeas for his 8 hours a day for three years. Plus I'm sure he didn't miss any birthdays, graduations and sporting events for his children. Are we as police officers so desperate for anyone in the news field to give us a positive write up that we forget how ruthless these people are.. Fuck him like someone said earlier he is still a liberal voting for Clinton and will throw you under a bus for a story.

8/24/2016 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Reuters


The number of detectives on the Chicago police force has dropped to 922 from 1,252 in 2008. One detective who retired two months ago said investigators are overwhelmed. Not all of the detectives are assigned exclusively to homicide cases.

"You get so many cases you could not do an honest investigation on three-quarters of them," he said in an interview. "The guys ... are trying to investigate one homicide and they are sent out the next day on a brand new homicide or a double."

How are those scores coming along?

8/24/2016 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biggest A Hole out there is Larry Schroeder, he was a copper, left the job and was a free lancer, had a crown vic and tried to bogart his way everywhere fucking with he police on scenes. I threatened o lock him p for calling out a recruit and he told me he had juice and get my Sergeants stripes taken away, well 15 years later I retired with them. These reporters seem good, but don't let your guard down, they will jackpot you in a New York minute.

8/24/2016 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That corrupt POS Clinton hates the military and hates law enforcement! It's a fact. I have zero respect for anyone that's supports that thing. She is undoubtedly the most corrupt politician! Democrats don't care how corrupt their candidates are.

8/24/2016 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now try doing that for 25 years.

8/24/2016 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a civilian and went through CAPS Citizen Poice Academy. I asked some detectives how traumatized they were observing violence and heartbreak and how it affected their job. The class didn't seem to respect or comprehend what trauma is, the detectives said here are support groups for officers to join, but there really is no cure for the trauma. Be safe , get home, God bless.

8/24/2016 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just google " Three Years of Nights" ...and it will come up.
I read it a couple of weeks ago, and posted it to a few boards ( investment types) that occasionally throw out some lib BS with their stock talk.

8/24/2016 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is another good quote:

over the course of a single night we were threatened by gang members, heard gunfire at a West Side murder scene, went to a retaliatory-murder scene not far away, were threatened at the scene of another West Side shooting, and were threatened again by relatives of a man killed by police....

[A shirtless man] got angry, telling us to fuck off and go back to our neighborhood. He said he was going to get a gun and shoot us .... I didn’t take my foot off the gas until I was a couple of blocks away. Later, Anthony told me he’d seen the gun.

8/24/2016 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda off-topic not really off-topic ...
I remember reading a book, Letters Home From Viet Nam, one guy's letter to his dead buddy's Mom describing what he'd become, "I'm hollow inside and when I walk, I rattle."
I think I recall the words accurately for sure, "hollow inside" & "I rattle."

I read that book 25+ years ago, I doubt I'll ever forget those words.
You tell me the difference - nowadays - between grunts in a war zone & street cops in the ghetto.

8/24/2016 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
Nickeas was on Chicago Tonight discussing the same topic. He seemed genuinely affected by his stint on the South and West sides. He seemed unprepared to face the constant misery and senseless violence. I couldn't help thinking if that same reaction is held by our recent recruits who have been poorly prepared by the academy staff and then shortchanged during their field training period in order to assign them to "foot patrol" with other recruits. We can thank McStreetlights for that band aid approach to make the appearance of more boots on the ground.
Maybe Mary Ann Ahern of NBC 5 could interview her son after he lands in 7, 11, or 015 after "sharing an FTO" with two other recruits.

Maybe the IL Police Training & Standards Board should inspect the academy & FTO program since the DOJ won't bother.

Hey Googly Boogly, better start writing a detailed script for Ed the Stripper in response to that Investigative report.

Retired .38 spl +P

8/24/2016 02:24:00 AM

It is easy to blame the academy! After they graduate, recruits receive 12 weeks with a FTO. If they are lucky, one recruit with one FTO. Many times it was 3 recruits with one FTO. half of the current FTO's are deficient in training. After time with the FTO they were assigned to a box or a fixed post with instructions to do nothing. 10 months after FTO doing nothing. Then after probation, they are the real police and work a beat car with another new officer. Those officers involved with the O'Neal chase were under 3 years on the job with barely any training. The FTO program is a disaster and everyone knows it. DOJ is fully aware how bad is training after the academy. Mccarthy used roll call videos for training and completely ignored the academy and FTO program. Now we pay the price for the absolute lack of training.

8/24/2016 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So tired of reading the 'fuck you, you chose to be a crime reporter' comments.

Here's a guy who chose to do the dirty job and who reported pretty fairly and accurately on what we deal with and instead of saying, 'yeah, I can relate', there's a bunch of trash-talking and badmouthing going on.

I'm glad we had him and I wish we could encourage more reporters to be like him.

8/24/2016 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter Nickeas is the best reporter for one of the worst news services in the country. I hope he steps up his game and leaves that rag. He deserves better than the Tribune. When he goes elsewhere, writes a book or starts his own service I will support him.
Jeremy Gorner, Eric Zorn and the rest could take pointers from this kid.

Pete, you are a hell of a reporter. I hate the Tribune so that means something.

8/24/2016 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete, get some help. if you don't your family life, your health, and your wife will suffer. I have no respect for the Tribune/WGN news service, but I have plenty of respect for you. Get help. You're needed, unlike most of your peers.

8/24/2016 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for saying it like it is. Let him see the clout side of our world. He'll enjoy that one.

8/24/2016 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting facts here

8/24/2016 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I follow his Twitter feed and while he may identify with first responders, he is 1st a reporter. My take is he's a liberal and definitely not a Trump supporter, which then makes him a Hillary guy which makes him politically NOT a friend of the police.

Maybe that's just me, though...

8/24/2016 12:36:00 AM

Yeah, that is just you. Do not confuse a non -Trump supporter as a Hillary guy . I can't stand the RINO's nor the liberals and most libertarians are nuts. Both Hillary and Trump are egotistical narcissist, she just happens to be a pathological liar who epitomizes corruption/cronyism he on the other hand is a goof. With that being said I'll hold my nose on election day and I won't be voting for Hillary. As for Mr. Nickeas, unlike most reporters who are looking for your impure intentions, Nickeas just reports what he sees and if that sight is some shit head acting the fool, he will not sugar coated it like a typical mainstream media type. I can't tell what his politics are but I think he has been more than fair in reporting what he sees.

8/24/2016 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a look at the IPRA website. Their August report shows a total of 11 officers have been recommended for Separation. None of these cases have anything to do with the ones in the news. At this rate they'll outpace retirements.

8/24/2016 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Ms. Lightfoot and others for expressing what needs to change in the Police department now can you tell us how can we change the NEARLY 275 HOMICIDES, 2800 SHOOTINGS, CASE AFTER CASE OF ROBBERIES, BURGLARIES STOLEN CARS, BATTERy victims ETC....ETC....ETC...ETC...FULL OF CRIME EVERYWHERE TELL US MS. LIGHTFOOT HOW CAN WE CHANGE THIS. Its seems everyone has an answer to change the police but know one has an answer to the overall unending violence that plagues Chicago. FACT is that its easier to blame the Police for everything then call out the POLITICAL incorrect of cultural behavior that is destroying this City. So SAD indeed.

8/24/2016 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let him try 27 years of this. That along with court and side jobs. And now we have to worry about our pensions!

8/24/2016 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try doing it day after day in a big car. None of our bosses have ever done it the people who make the decisions on things.

8/24/2016 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I retired with 28 years. 10 of those were on the west side the other 18 as a homicide/violent crime detective. Nickels got to go home after his 8 hours we as officers and detectives stay 10, 20, 30 even 40 hours working cases before going home. That's not counting in court time and dealing with politics and jag off bosses. Boo hoo to Nickeas for his 8 hours a day for three years. Plus I'm sure he didn't miss any birthdays, graduations and sporting events for his children. Are we as police officers so desperate for anyone in the news field to give us a positive write up that we forget how ruthless these people are.. Fuck him like someone said earlier he is still a liberal voting for Clinton and will throw you under a bus for a story.

8/24/2016 01:02:00 PM

I think you're missing the point. In no way is he trying to downplay our job or comparing his stories to what we do on a daily basis.
He's trying to give the everyday Joe a glimpse of what he'd seen on his 3 year excursion.
I came on the job as a 21 yr old "kid", oblivious to the world outside of my cocoon.
Nothing could prepare me for what I've dealt with these past 30 years on the CPD. Nothing!
I think he was trying to reach out to the good people who have no idea what goes on nightly in the inner city, and give them a glimpse of the "real world".
We've all missed family gatherings, kids ballgames and many Christmases and Thanksgivings, but that's part of the deal when we signed up. We weren't drafted!
GOD bless all & BE SAFE!!

8/24/2016 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: About the media, things have been quiet after the recent ISP incident.
Good to see they don't fold under media pressure!
Learn from this, SUPE!

8/24/2016 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey, you need to see a therapist, your choice to do that line of work. No apologies, you are getting paid, if the job bothers you then stop doing it. My dad is a retired paramedic, the shit he used to tell me was fucking depressing. It drove him to becoming a alcholic and causing health problems later. No job is worth that. Leave.

8/24/2016 01:09:00 AM

Union should push for paid sabbaticals.

8/24/2016 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Bipolar hillbilly- American Hero and Trump supporter. said...

Off topic...anyone else notice how that arson in 004 in which three children were murdered has not been classified as homicide yet. Wasn't that like 4 days ago? Eddie is desperate to keep the murder tally below 600 I guess.

8/24/2016 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What everyone is seeing is the coming to fruition
of Rahm Emanuel's VERY EARLY (before being elected)
vow to "Stick It In The Cop's Ear."

Maybe Rahm was piqued about the goodly portion
of the municipal budget being allocated to the
Police and Public Safety.

Rahm couldn't wrap his government sponsored
corporate privateer mentality around adult
things like Policing and Public Safety.

All he knew was that Policing as he saw it,
generates a poor return according to traditional
business practices.

"You guys don't put nuthin' in the pot so F/U..."

But wrecking CPD has been such a financial win
for Chicago... Right?

If violence and blood-shed were presented to
Rahm Emanuel as the outbound (and never to return)
3 mile long double-stack freight of U.S. Currency
it REALLY is?

Rahm would shit himself from the exertion of running
after the damned train...

Hey Rahm... Black smoke from the exhaust stacks
means Mistuh Engineer advanced the throttle a goodly bit.

Red light on the last car getting smaller in the distance
as a frantic, sweaty and maniacal little man with shit
in his pants chases the damned thing while screaming,
crying and cursing.

Well... Rahm IS trying to save face by stealing, err;
"Re-Allocating" over a billion dollars from CPD since
he's been mayor.

Gotta keep the campaign contributors and the
perpetual grievance class happy.

Hard to imagine Rahm NOT being beside himself over
his horrible, ghastly, bloody and very costly
political miscalculation.

"I'll just parachute into Chi-Town (Ugh!)
make chumps outta the cops, break their
union, bust their pension then take that
money and use it to buy more influence
so I can be President and make everybody
pay for not giving me my respect!"

A little man wholly owned by his oversized
animus and hubris.

It's lovely witnessing him seeing his
political ambitions in an upper floor
window of the flaming Bordello of Fuckery
screaming and burning to a blackened skeleton.

All by his own little hands...

Police Like You Have No Friends.

8/24/2016 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me being a retired dick after over 35 years this was a very sad article and the comments made by most of the police were real sad. I been reading SCC' number one blog since day one and this " 3 years article " really made me somewhat upset. Reading the words from a good reporter hit me hard, and I started to realize how the job affected us copper' on the street and we did not even know it ! Reading the posts from copper' still otj is a trip and got to me. Been gone 5 years and now I realize how bad it is for you sworn today. I don't know if I was immune, but feel the shit on the street DID fuck me up and I am much - much better as a retired copper.
I cannot believe SCC got to me and probably so many with posting the "3 years."
SCC missed his/her' calling and should of been a shrink for PTSD copper'. The poster that posted the words from being in Viet Nam was chilling, I well remember the era.
You young and many years otj copper' listen to other' that think you are going off the scale and seek help. The job killed many a copper by their own hand ! That can happen to any copper, especially in this fucked up city run by jag offs.
God be with all your hero' and SCC too, SCC probably saved many a copper' life for letting them vent in this blog.
Lord, I must rest now after reading this article of all articles in the history of SCC.

8/24/2016 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So tired of reading the 'fuck you, you chose to be a crime reporter' comments."

8/24/2016 04:23:00 PM

Makes as much sense as blowing off someone else's experiences by saying, "F__k you, you chose to be a cop."

"Here's a guy who chose to do the dirty job and who reported pretty fairly and accurately on what we deal with and instead of saying, 'yeah, I can relate', there's a bunch of trash-talking and badmouthing going on.

"I'm glad we had him and I wish we could encourage more reporters to be like him."

Yes, I will second that. He made a great effort to be there, to observe and understand, and, as he said, he feels it important to keep people informed about what's really going on.

His "ride-along" did not last a few hours, but three years -- at considerable personal risk. All those loose bullets out there don't care who they hit. He's got a family to worry about too, you know. Repeatedly threatened, even chased by someone with a gun, and he kept coming back to the city's "no-go zones" the next night.

I don't know how much more anyone could expect from a reporter, so when you get a good one who goes out there and writes what he sees and smells and what bumps him in the a__, rather than sitting in the A/C copying and pasting from the Internet, maybe don't look the gift horse in the mouth so much, OK?

The only person who agrees 100% with me is me -- have to take people as you find them to get through the day.

God bless all here.

8/24/2016 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@8/24/16 01:29AM HEAR! HEAR! BRAVO!!!

8/24/2016 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To coppers resentful of VRI.
Not CPD but a union guy who passed on OT during a period co-workers were laid-off.
A pretty good buddy worked all he could get & it did kinda bug me but I knew the guy had bills I didn't - kids in catholic school, hs & grade.

All kinds of cars on the roadway, some take more fuel than others. That said, I didn't have the nadz to call him out on it either, so he wasn't the only hypocrite, I guess.

8/24/2016 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did ride-alongs on weekends for 3 years and it ate you up.

Imagine what it is like to do it every day for 20 years. Or 30.

8/24/2016 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone check out liberal cop hater leftist Dumkes article in the scum times beating up the police for the fact that there's too many pot arrests in the AA communities. Saying its profiling these poor dope smoking thugs. Let these aholes know their writing is offensive. Gives Rahm and the protesters more ammunition to accuse the police of picking on the criminals.

8/24/2016 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.47pm. His name was Larry Schreiner and he was always respectful to coppers at scenes and knew his place.He warned when the cameras were going to film so coppers could get their hats and not get jammed up. Maybe you were just a dick to him and your shirt was too white,,,,,,up yours

8/24/2016 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can he please expose the cheaters on the current Lt test . They are criminals, tramps and thieves!

8/24/2016 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired ten years ago and sometimes it seems like it was all a dream....a bad one at that.

I've said it before on here that we become so immune to the nightly horror circus that the bizarre becomes the norm.

Citizens said about Daumer, "how could the police send that babbling, naked, Laotian kid with the drill holes in his head filled with Draino, home under the care of Daumer?"

Because midnights makes the unimaginable, reasonable.

I called it, "doing the Daumer."

It could happen to any cop on any given night.

8/24/2016 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is kind of ironic that the biggest threat to the lives of Black Americans is Black Americans. The old comic strip POGO said it best "we have met the enemy and it is us."

8/24/2016 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we are 24 days into August and we have now surpassed 70 homicides for the month. To be exact, we have 72 homicides... In only 24 days.

8/24/2016 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the golden retriever?

8/24/2016 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

Maybe Mary Ann Ahern of NBC 5 could interview her son after he lands in 7, 11, or 015 after "sharing an FTO" with two other recruits.

I have it on good authority that her son is in 007 1st watch

8/24/2016 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT -

Saw the 377 scabs working VRI Thursday - Monday

8/24/2016 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be strung up by the short hairs if certain folks knew I feel this way:

I believe you need 6x the amount of police you have now.

The worst hoods should have triple the current coverage with 3 12 hour shifts and 3 24 hour days off and both sets being consecutive. The other day is 4 hrs for paper work and admin babble = a 40 hour week. Your off time is sacrosanct, and you cannot be called during those 72 consecutive hours.

The new "desk job" should be 90% community outreach with tons of middle and HS involvement, and all season sports with the kids in the hood. Of course, you'll need lots of mentoring for young men and women, too, until the idea of bangin bitches without consequence is an old, foggy, memory. Gang bangers need to be removed from the streets until they're dead or they've proved to be worthy of a 2nd chance. I'm all for ONE "second chance" for anyone over the age of 12, these little bastards get bolder and bolder with each generation, and a generation is now 16-ish and not 25.

We need a rally point in the neighborhoods. "New path, future father's of the hood" groups
need to be encouraged. Stigmatizing single parenthood needs to come back with a vengance; Father Faker, Jesse, Al, and all their kind need to lead this charge.

Best way to achieve 90% reduction of desk folks: digitize all of it. Older cops not great with tech are in the mentor groups with a tech savvy partner to push the process. Of course, you'll need a huge presence of the older cops to mentor the nasty hood coppers new to job.

How to pay:

1. Go "London" with a Chicago congestion charge, only really get at it with no weekend or holiday exemptions...ok, maybe you give a break on Thanksgiving and New Years. Those 2 seem to be the least offensive and least likely to get a "we want our day too" response.
2. Some other miniscule tax on financial markets...the experts can figure it out, but I refuse to believe "any" tax will kill all markets in Chicago. Of course, if Chicago is already hose-taxing those markets, there is a possibility of killing this golden goose.
3. Since EVERYBODY needs to have skin in this game, I'd include some kind of value added tax on the entire City. Again, it doesn't need to be a large tax, since it will include all transactions in the legal arena.
4. I'd do away with about 24 aldermanic wards and all their dead weight.
5. I'd clear the decks of all brass and rehire after rescreening credentials. After which, positions would be filled by merit only.
6. 75% of all Lottery proceeds would go directly to CPD pensions until they were fully funded. As an aside, I'd split the other 25% betwixt CFD and CPS until they were fully funded. Only after the cops were fully funded would I turn the hose towards CFD and CPS. Of course, after all were fully funded, we’d let the political class have some.

Finally, Guns would be good AND encouraged no matter the mag capacity, the scary design, or the "semi-automatic" label; however, all would be required to get their FOID and CCW if they wish to possess/carry. I believe IL put a decent "path" together for law abiding citizens who wish to arm themselves, so I'm fine with the process, and HIPPA cannot be an excuse for hiding the drug records of FOID and CCW aspirants.

I spect if the public felt safe in Chicago, great things would grow.


8/24/2016 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stop bashing the kid. Too many boners here who need to think that cops have the worst job and are the only ones allowed to talk bout how screwed up work is and how it effects them. Hey, this kid worked midnights for 3 years. Long hours with a family and had to chase the radio for a story which is his job. he might not of seen bodies up close and personal or truly seen what death looks like 2 feet infront of your face but it still sucks for him. Pete, you dont know what youve seen until you see the dead eyes. For some reason every dead body I see I have to look at the eyes. You know someone is dead when you see those eyes. Every copper on here knows what Im talking about. The look in the eyes when someone is dead or about to be dead is the creepiest thing to look at. you will never ever forget that look of the dead eyes. too much bad shit to see on this job. I hate it.

8/24/2016 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the earlier post that the only Alderman that was real CPD, is Anthony Napolitano, 41. He was a working copper and goes to the wall for coppers. This city needs more guys like Naps, less of these phony friends of the Police. Remember are true friends, not the political hacks.

8/24/2016 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Crime journalists have become the center of the stories they report. They apply their cliched liberal world view to their stories by portraying the criminal as victim and the police as the criminal. When not doing this, they live in their own heads, romanticizing their experiences. They see themselves as the lead actors in a drama, usually crusaders trying to expose the evil cabal of racist police who run rampant abusing their power. It takes a special kind of person to see over and over people to whom life has no meaning, purpose, or value and condemn and criticize those who have to deal with them on a daily basis. Nickeas is better than most, but when he moans about how tough it was watching from the sidelines , I say cry me a river. What do you think it's like for the police? Your team helps perpetuate this chaos. If Nickeas doesn't see how much his industry is contributing to the violence, this article is nothing more than an exercise in journalistic masturbation.

8/24/2016 01:29:00 AM

Exactly. Best comment for this post

8/24/2016 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a look at the IPRA website. Their August report shows a total of 11 officers have been recommended for Separation. None of these cases have anything to do with the ones in the news. At this rate they'll outpace retirements.
8/24/2016 06:07:00 PM

Those that wanna continue to play the police, let then do so at their own risk.

8/25/2016 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked rotating shifts for 20 years then straight nights for 10 people suck.

8/25/2016 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Biggest A Hole out there is Larry Schroeder, he was a copper, left the job and was a free lancer, had a crown vic and tried to bogart his way everywhere fucking with he police on scenes. I threatened o lock him p for calling out a recruit and he told me he had juice and get my Sergeants stripes taken away, well 15 years later I retired with them. These reporters seem good, but don't let your guard down, they will jackpot you in a New York minute.

8/24/2016 01:47:00 PM

Larry Schreiner...... He retired as a Sgt, then worked the news reporting, died in his home in Barrington Hills in 2014...

8/25/2016 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You tell me the difference - nowadays - between grunts in a war zone & street cops in the ghetto.
8/24/2016 03:16:00 PM

Street cops in the ghetto have at least one hand tied at all times, and the other hand subject to amputation at the whim of political parasites.

Grunts in a war zone, a true war zone, not the half assed bullshit of recent mutation, are, while thoroughly fucked at a moments notice, at least free to take the motherfuckers with them as they go.

There is a unique, one time only, freedom in war.

Not so much in policing, especially in the obvious environs.

8/25/2016 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....Both Hillary and Trump are egotistical narcissist, she just happens to be a pathological liar who epitomizes corruption/cronyism he on the other hand is a goof.

8/24/2016 05:09:00 PM

At the risk of triggering your tender, delicate and fragile as a butterfly's ass opinion of yourself, your half assed support of Trump can be attributed to your obvious egotistically narcissistic personality.

Hillary doesn't just happen to be a pathological liar, she's a creature whose nature is inherently deceptive, manipulative, conniving and obsessively amoral, in other words, a typical politician.

Trump is not a politician, nor a goof, nor an egotist, nor a narcissist.

Trump is who he has shown he is, a successful, hard working, ball busting, honest to the point of pissing off the dishonest, American, who presents us, the salt of the earth Americans, with the exceedingly rare opportunity to begin the long process of removing the parasitical hands of the political miscreants from our pockets, and our asses.

Unless you like the presence of those sticky fingered hands in your pockets and up your ass, I suggest you reassess your feeble assessment of Trump and adjust your overly forgiving assessment of Hillary.

She's no different in quality than Richie the Retarded former mayor, Rahm the Rascal current mayor, or any of the multitude of pocketpicking, ass probing pieces of political puss stains Crook County has been spawning for decades.

Enthusiasm is essential to achievement.

The bent, crooked, corrupt and deceiving connivers are enthusiastic in all their efforts to achieve their ends.

Those who abhor these political shit stains need to be equally enthusiastic about flushing them into the sewer, where they belong.

If half assed enthusiasm is all you've got, so be it, but our nation, our progeny and our fellow true Americans deserve more than that.

8/25/2016 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is almost like being a missionary to a foreign land, full of misery, tragedy, and strange savages. Then you drive five miles to home, and a normal life.

8/24/2016 01:01:00 AM

That's it exactly. I came to think of it as coming to work to monitor manage and referee the crazy shenanigans of an alien tribe. I enjoyed most of it and had my share of fun and laughs but I have to admit it warped me to some extent.

8/25/2016 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's to report? Another shooting, another homicide. The average Chicago resident isn't concerned with south/westside crime.
The rest of Chicago is concerned with the lack of Police and high crime where it isn't condoned. Nothing against the guy, but he's reporting about a culture that isn't willing to accept responsibility and is unwilling to change. Who cares? How about reporting the lack of Police manpower in areas that are getting hammered with crime and there's no one to stop it. The areas that want the Police and don't get them.

8/25/2016 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I follow his Twitter feed and while he may identify with first responders, he is 1st a reporter. My take is he's a liberal and definitely not a Trump supporter, which then makes him a Hillary guy which makes him politically NOT a friend of the police.

Maybe that's just me, though...

8/24/2016 12:36:00 AM

if you believe that who someone votes for makes them a friend or enemy of the police, then you are truly a sad small minded person. i don't support trump or hillary and i'm the police, how does that fit into your model? you sir are ignorant.

8/24/2016 12:37:00 PM

NOT WHO they vote for but what AGENDA the two parties have. The choice couldn't be clearer!

IF you're the police, YOU are the ignorant one if you can't figure out which of these two presidential candidates are, at least on the surface, best for our country and our profession. People like you are the reason our society has devolved to the point where it is today. You're inability to figure the simplest of concepts is allowing the Activist-In-Chief, Barry Obama and his slew of BLM's and New Black Panther's and's to turn our nation into the cop hating anti law and order society you're being forced to preside over today. Good luck with that if Hillary wins. You'll be a security guard run by felons who will be overseeing YOUR conduct. How the hell did you get past the psych screening?

Fortunately, I've already done my time on the CPD and am on pension but those still on the job who think Hillary or the George Soros model of globalism and anti-nationalism is a good way to go for our future, well, you deserve what is coming.

8/25/2016 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, some point this reporter will become just another media darling, promoting a book, or a screenplay. All this great reporter, honest guy, tell it like it is shit doesn't end when the tribune lines the bottom of the bird cage....if he's making the media rounds, it usually leads up to something. I'll stick with Marty Prieb for honest summations about the job.

8/25/2016 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....10 months after FTO doing nothing....

Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth (30 years ago) the Academy was running at full tilt and we did 12 weeks with an FTO and then had to work with someone with at least one year otj until after we had a year on......and yes that meant in july 1987 (one month shy of my 1 year) I worked with a salty vet who came on in June 1986--and in Sep 1987 I was the senior PO working with the guy who came on in Oct or Dec 1986-----BUT with the exception of a few event details ( a cubs game, the marathon...or an occasional desk or lockup tour) we all worked in a beat car in patrol all the time===learning, doing, being the police

8/25/2016 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was all about him. A big, fat masturbatory exercise reminiscent of a college newspaper reporter running amok with little editing or supervision. Oh, the poor tormented writer!

8/25/2016 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you one thing, when Daley was Mayor the south and west sides never made the headlines.

8/25/2016 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....Pete, you dont know what youve seen until you see the dead eyes...."

And you don't know what you've smelled until you smell the odor even outside the residence of that ripe and very dead body.

8/25/2016 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is was a great article.
He's right, and is able to put into words what all of us feel, although those of us who don't want to/or can't comprehend what we feel, have to call him out as a jagoff.
Look in the mirror; the constant bullshit affects all of us, regardless of where we work or our job description.

8/25/2016 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont be so angry, look at it positively. A journalist basically said three years of this nonsense changed him. My only disappointment is he didnt take the nexr step and say he can only imagine what it does to those who do it for 20 years.

8/25/2016 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the article, and it seems a fair enough piece. Thing is, even among the public that back the blue, they STILL don't get and never will. No matter how gifted a writer might be and no matter descriptive the words are, some things can only be understood due to personal experience. Not just the horrors "beyond the tape", but even some of the pleasanter and more universal things. First kiss, first feel, first marriage, birth of that first child. People can tell you about those things, but it never really clicks until it happens to you.

Things run in cycles. Years ago, you could watch Dan Rather on the beach, hanging on for dear life as a hurricane approached. Ernest Hemingway covered the Spanish Civil War. World War II correspondents and combat footage people took some hellacious chances. Ernie Pyle was killed on Okinawa or Iwo Jima, if I remember correctly.

Now the "daredevil" style of reporter and cameraman is back in vogue in a big way. Mike Bettes of the Weather Channel was nearly killed in Oklahoma in 2013 chasing an EF5 tornado when his chase van was rolled 200 yards. There are local chase teams for most of the TV stations in the OKC metro area, and it's just a matter of time until another chaser or chase team gets killed like Tim Samaras and his Twistex team.

There's all kinds of amateur stormchasers running around out there, doing shit that would make Evel Knievel piss all over that star-spangled jumpsuit of his.The nasty EF4 in Rochelle last year was recorded by some dweeb who just sat there as the storm bore down on him, out there on I-39/US 51. It's on youtube, and to be honest, I thought he would end up winning a Darwin. He had nearly a full minute to get out of there. He could've done a U and boogied north on the shoulder and cut across one of those median breaks for "Authorized Vehicles Only." At the very least, he should have gotten OUT of the car. As the storm passed by, the truck started to lift, as the truck was fondled by the outer most edge of the inflow jet. The clip is here:

What's next? Is there a reporter who's gonna up the ante by going inside at a 4-alarm fire with some of the nozzle jockeys? Leave the "close encounters" shit for Steven Spielberg.

8/25/2016 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

.....Pete, you dont know what youve seen until you see the dead eyes...."

And you don't know what you've smelled until you smell the odor even outside the residence of that ripe and very dead body.

8/25/2016 05:10:00 PM

The hum of the flies in the place...

The poor little dog just howling and crying...

Being aggravated by the ignorant heifer on the
phone at the ME deciding that she wasn't satisfied
with "near liquefaction in the bathtub" being the
fitting and proper answer to her marble-mouthed

"I don't have to take your notification..."

...Takes all kinds, doesn't it?

8/26/2016 01:06:00 PM  

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