Monday, January 30, 2017

OT Plan Failing

Rahm pulled out all the stops so January 2017 wouldn't surpass January 2016, thereby giving Trump more ammo to hammer Rahm.

HeyJackass says Chicago hit 50 dead with 48 hours to spare, matching last year's total:
  • January to Date

    Shot and Killed: 48
    Shot and Wounded: 240
    Total Shot: 288
    Total Homicides: 50
On a brighter note, thanks for the extra car payment Rahm.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait till summer. Chalkie's gonna need an assistant

1/30/2017 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is both shittin' and goin' blind...

All this prancin' and candy-ass dancin'
because POTUS is justifiably giving
Rahm pretty much the same ear-hole
fucking Rahm vowed to give to The Police.

Trump should stick it in harder and draw
blood by snatching CPD out of Rahm's hands
and making Rahm cough up the last six years
of stolen training, equipment and manpower

Those monies he's used to both pander to and
play the Catered-To Constituency & Cuidad Santuario
against each other while mocking the working taxpayers
who pay all the freight.

1/30/2017 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief Queef arrested again:

1/30/2017 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I must admit it was nice standing around the station for over 2 hours waiting for a car while making time and a half !!
025 1st watch

1/30/2017 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

025 just got another 0110 so you can make it 51 for now. On another note bosses seemed to be very anxious to change that ucr from 041A to 0110, were they considering it to changing it to a death investigation? 😏

1/30/2017 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In another time, long ago in the City's history, more boots on the ground coupled with aggressive proactive policing could turn the tide of crime. However, sorry to say not in today's age of, let's call it, 'The McDonald Effect'.

So does 2017 look like 1,000 homicides?

1/30/2017 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ot on your rdo in your district, sounds good, yet every night 2 to 4 po's in hallway with no car, easy money for them just to stand in hallway. But Rahm your a jag bag

1/30/2017 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doh!...... what's plan B and C Rahm?

1/30/2017 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had about 30 or so officers standing around for a good while all waiting for cars. Then they told 3rd watch to come in early so they could give their cars to the officers waiting. Kind of defeats the purpose in a way as far as having more officers on the streets. The problem with the department is not the officers working the streets it's the fools running this side show, I have nothing but disgust for these incompetent malcontents.

1/30/2017 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Keep fucking with our insurance.


1/30/2017 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's awesome - more OT for everyone - problem is NOT ENOUGH SQUAD CARS - so those extra police are actually sitting in the station - hahahaha
Another total cluster f**k by the incompetents at HQ.

1/30/2017 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting for hours to get a squad car is the norm now. When Rahm cancels days off, there are hundreds of officers standing around stations across the city with their hands in their pockets. Your tax dollars at work.

1/30/2017 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah! Suckers actually thought canceling RDO's was going to do anything. Thanks for the OT bitches! Keep the money coming.

1/30/2017 07:06:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Keep the line moving.

1/30/2017 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could put a million police on the street, if they're fetal it won't make a damn bit of difference.

1/30/2017 09:05:00 AM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

I have been reading the books written by President Trump (sure feels good typing that)something I highly recoment. He well understands big city police departments with his experience in New York, and Atlanta, he has seen what has happened to the NYPD over the years thanks to political shenanigans. He knows where the problems come from. You can be sure he has the backs of the Cop out in the war zone, and is more them prepared to put the butt hurt to the incompetents ruining the show. The piss and moan crowd are spouting about "we don't need tanks rolling down the streets", Please the average cop does not need that kind of help they just need to be able to do their job without the ACLU crapping on them. There is all kind of speculation about what he might do. Officers of the US Marshall Service partnering up with the CPD, FBI?? The most interesting thing he can do is federalize the CPD. Wouldn't it be interesting working for Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and General Jeff Kelly at the DHS instead of the weasels you are working for now. Wouldn't be fun to watch these same paragons of virtue filling their Depends when the Fed's start investigating. To quote Robocop "I'd pay a dollar to see that".

1/30/2017 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing to watch OUR mayor go to the airport to protest an executive order to vet people entering the country in an attempt to thwart possible terrorist acts. The irony lays in the fact of this mayor, a person who that is completely useless to his own neighbors and cant get a handle on his own cities violence problem, is protesting executive action. At least the President is doing something other than throwing tax payers money at it,having meetings where everyone is trying to be more important than the next or firing people. You might not like this President or voted for him, but hes doing something.

1/30/2017 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did they change the 0110 on Grand to 141A? Things that make you go hmmmm

1/30/2017 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's going to be more work here is the headline from Chicago breaking news, not paying for paywall this says it all:

Groups begin bailing out strangers to free poor from jail

Activists who say too many poor people are unfairly languishing in U.S. jails because they can't afford to post cash bail are increasingly deploying a new tactic: Bailing out strangers. Community groups are collecting donations from individuals, churches, cities and other organizations in more...

Businessman Willie Wilson to spend $15K bailing out Cook County inmates
So officers bust their asses, risk their health,safety,and life to put scum away and even cities are giving money to let them free! Let's understand the city pays to put them away, they uses more taxpayer money to free them makes democratic sense! Then rahm gave over a million to hire lawyers with our tax rebate money to defend the illegal criminal invaders. A friend is into biblical revelation and he talks and then you see what is happening right is now wrong,and wrong is now right!

Languishing in prisons guess they did nothing to get there? how many peoples lives were ruined due to thugs and criminals?

1/30/2017 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the career criminal knows that on his way to commit a crime. HOMICIDE, PSMV, AGGRAVATED BATTERY, ETC.. Or after committing these crimes he just has to take off in a vehicle and nothing will happen what do you think is the end result... It's going to get worst. In 011 if you just look at a car that has committed a crime they yell TERMINATE!!!

1/30/2017 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey rahm look here that pos George soros the democratic buddy is financially supportive of this group yea rahm thank you and Barry for this mayhem officers please be careful, everyone else concealed carry:
While she said that, another protester can be heard saying, “Burn it!”

She also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”

“Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, its your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change,” she said.

While speaking, she was wearing a jacket that said “Black Lives Matter” on the back.

According to the channel that uploaded the clip to YouTube, the activist saying these things is a teacher.

“Fuck white supremacy, fuck the U.S. empire, fuck your imperialist ass lives. That shit gotta go.”

At 1:50 in the video clip, she goes, “And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House.”

Read more:

Read more:

1/30/2017 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahmie's Chicago will be number one again this year!

1/30/2017 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

truth be told this would have been more effective if we weren't all 4 deep per car.

1/30/2017 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's awesome - more OT for everyone - problem is NOT ENOUGH SQUAD CARS - so those extra police are actually sitting in the station - hahahaha
Another total cluster f**k by the incompetents at HQ.

Cannot be a problem the Hardworking, dedicated and sleepy Chief Barb West in is charge of vehicles..
Would never be a problem in her bureau...

1/30/2017 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanking RAHM? Maybe you think that snide comment to Rahm is a quip worth the cost, but I would like you to think through one point, please?
This is taxpayers' money you are talking about. You know, those Citizens you walim to be looming out for and protecting and defending. Remember them? You guys are so quick to say how the public doesn't respect you for all you do. Did ya ever think that talking like that plays a part in showing the rest of us that you can't even be bothered to thanks US for your paychecks and benefits and retirement plans? Are you oblivious to the slap in the face such a comment like that is toward the people who actually pay for things? I hear ya, it is dissing rahm and rightly so, but please be aware of how it comes off to the people who fund you. Yeah, it is taking our car payments away from us to see you guys get an extra one. You want the support of the community? Here is a idea to consider - stop spitting on all that WE do for YOU, like give OUR money to YOU.

1/30/2017 06:06:00 PM  
Blogger Charlie said...

Rahm is more worried about illegals then he is for Chicago Citizens. That also goes for the Democrat Party. Putting Illegals and possible Terrorists first and American Citizens safety last.

1/30/2017 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

48hrs=4 more

1/30/2017 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

900-1000k for 2017

1/30/2017 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Murder and mayhem! Does this mean we will see the likes of L'il Chuey Basta run again?

1/30/2017 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/30/2017 06:31:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
900-1000k for 2017

1/30/2017 06:32:00 PM
Agreed believe that will be minimum! Now with the black lies murder calling to kill white people and Barry Obama getting involved inviting the protesters the urban terroristsare more emboldened hope President Trump locks them all up:

1/30/2017 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



1/30/2017 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) you don't mess with President Trump your fired:

President Trump is going to Wisconsin Thursday bet the next person from his esteemed administration we see here will be AG law and order Jeff Sessions will he give rahm paper work "your fired?"

1/30/2017 08:48:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey SCC something to make ya laugh ... TRUMP just told acting AG... YOUR FIRED... She decided she couldn't defend Trumps limited ban and went public

1/30/2017 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep shooting your mouths off about no cars- and the bosses will solve the problem for you- foot posts.

1/30/2017 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Da Grimm Reaper just loves Chicago. He says Chicago....."Is His Kinda Town".

1/30/2017 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no better strategy to combat crime then to cancel a person RDO with 12 hrs notice, then deploy them into a shitty political mess to smoke cigars and watch youtube videos on their cell phones, while collecting time-and-a half!!


1/31/2017 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger james wallace said...

Hey SCC something to make ya laugh ... TRUMP just told acting AG... YOUR FIRED... She decided she couldn't defend Trumps limited ban and went public

1/30/2017 09:47:00 PM
Hope he sends the feds here and does the same, but brings city hall crew up on charges and toni also for all the crimes against the people they have committed and keep committing!

1/31/2017 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Keep shooting your mouths off about no cars- and the bosses will solve the problem for you- foot posts.

1/30/2017 10:49:00 PM

F/U boss...
Eat those response times as we WALK to our
in-progress calls.

Or are you going to pull up on your
trusty steed and give Coppers a ride
to their jobs?

You'll just drive next to some Coppers
at their walking pace to scream
obscenities and make an even bigger
fool of yourself in the name of

M/Fers swear they're smarter and tougher
than anybody else because of rank.

1/31/2017 06:38:00 PM  

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