Wednesday, March 01, 2017

No Shit Fran

  • It looks like Mayor Rahm Emanuel may well be on his own — without court oversight — to implement the sweeping police reforms recommended by the U.S. Justice Department in the waning days of the Obama administration.

    In media interviews Monday and a speech delivered Tuesday to the National Association of Attorneys General, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions criticized the Obama DOJ’s scathing indictment of the Chicago Police Department as “pretty anecdotal and not so scientifically based.” That’s even though Sessions acknowledged that he has only read the summary of the 161-page report.

    To the cheers of the police union, Sessions sent his strongest signal to date that he was more concerned about supporting demoralized police officers than he was about negotiating a consent decree culminating in the hiring of a federal monitor to make certain police reforms are implemented in a timely fashion, no matter what it costs local taxpayers.
The Sun Times Editorial Board (staffed by Mope-rah) immediately started in with their "fake news:"
  • Jeff Sessions is wrong.

    The troubles of the Chicago Police Department go beyond a “few bad actors,” contrary to what the U.S. attorney general said Monday. Rejecting that well-documented fact just makes it harder to reform the department and better fight crime.

    We agree with Sessions that the Chicago Police are working less aggressively because morale is down, and this likely is a reason violent crime has soared. But the solution is not to back off making department-wide improvements in training, supervision and accountability, as Sessions would do.
First up, Sessions didn't claim the troubles of the CPD was "a few bad actors." That was a statement regarding the NATIONAL state of policing:
  • “Unfortunately in recent years, law enforcement as a whole has been unfairly maligned and blamed for the unacceptable deeds of a few bad actors."
But god forbid the Slum Times and Mope-rah accurately quote the Attorney General when there's an agenda to be pushed.Then they go on with this:
  • Sessions deplores the way the Justice Department has gone to court to force reforms on urban police departments, saying its investigative findings usually are nothing more than an unconvincing collection of “anecdotes.” The Justice Department’s report on the Chicago Police Department, he said Monday, is “not so scientifically based.”
We direct the attention of Mopey to Heather MacDonald's superb dissection of the DOJ boilerplate report, footnotes and all at this link here. She absolutely destroys the DOJ. But again, why believe actual scientific research?

Finally, the Slum Times relies on this feeble attack:
  • Our first thought is that if Sessions really wants hard numbers, he should consider this: From 2004 through 2015, according to a Better Government Association study, Chicago spent $642 million on court settlements, legal fees and the like because of alleged misconduct by the police.
We are forcibly (uncomfortably) reminded of the days of J-Fled, when he decided to actually fight nuisance lawsuits instead of settling them. Payouts dropped by tens of millions of dollars and plaintiff attorneys were reduced to begging candidate-Rahm to promise to settle lawsuits again or they wouldn't be able to contribute so heavily to his campaign. Rahm won, J-Fled wasn't renewed, and Corp Counsel started paying out "settlements" based on the proven fallacy that it saved money. As painful as it is to admit it, J-Fled had the right idea - if you want to stop frivolous lawsuits, you fight them, tooth-and-nail, and you go after the losing side for costs and fees.

But don't expect the Slum Times to admit that when it's so easy to "blame the police" for Rahm's giving away taxpayer money to his campaign contributors.

So Rahm is going to have to go it alone - with no federal funding and no one to blame but himself, his lame policies, his aldercreatures, his "merit" picks and his mis-allocation of taxpayer money when the whole thing crashes and burns.



Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

He can't go it alone. He doesn't have the know-how. Neither do his merit picks.

3/01/2017 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wish he had read the whole thing before he made public comments. It doesn't help his credibility to say that he thinks it's mostly anecdotal findings, but to couple that with "but I haven't read it all." Politicians are in such a hurry to speak an opinion publicly these days. Just take another day, read the whole DOJ report, and THEN speak. It would serve him well to thus give his detractors less opportunity to criticize him.

3/01/2017 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The beauty of this is that Rahm won't be able to blame the Feds for instituting any actions. It will all fall on Rahm. So now Rahm has to deliver to the "people" who hate the police but vote demorat. And soften his actions so as to not alienate the police any further, not that that seems possible, Rahm is a master of throwing the police under the demorat driven bus. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive!". Rahm now walking the tight rope playing to the "people" who do nothing to reduce crime, while he plays up to the cops, who he needs to reduce crime/violence/shootings so he can get the votes to remain in office.

Sure fire way to get Rahm out is to let the City burn, to paraphrase Michael Brown's stepfather, Louis Head.

3/01/2017 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Scum-Times editorial board is pissed
because they've now lost control of the
anti-Police narrative and agenda with
DOJ telling Rahm to go scratch and very
rightfully denying him his hoped for
consent decree.

Why don't you cowardly, knee-walking,
gum-bumping gumps go throw a lasso
around the violence, death and destruction
loving m/fers currently lighting this city
on fire?

Oh wait... Y'all ain't gonna fuck with
any members of Dude Inc.

Scared of that retaliatory flaming car crashing
through the front doors of your posh suburban
domiciles at 3 am on any given morning.

Dude Inc., can and will retaliate for being crossed.

Policemen have rules that compels them to play
nice with others while being compelled to taste
the back-hand slaps across their teeth from
political and media swing-dicks/hang-tits who
think they know the lay of the bad lands
Policemen have to navigate.

Give them the hands-off, strictly by the book,
bland, flavorless, un-exciting, non-controversial
Policing they've been begging for.

No running, no chasing, no lights flashing
and DEFINITELY no guns blazing except in
self defense.

Especially in the "Community."

Drop the report.
Whistle for the body snatchers.
Oversee the blood, brains, skull fragments,
piss and shit being hosed off the sidewalk by CFD.

Engage NO ONE.
Familiarity with The Policeman
has bred much contempt.

"Make da Po-leece care about US an' be
our role models an' mentors an' shit!"

Get your pension.
Get the fuck out of Chicago
and leave these hate-filled people
nothing but to look at each other
in disbelief at what's happening.

You did your time working a nasty
shit-doo-doo job most people would
run away from.

And you did it for 20 to 40 years.

Honorable Service does not equate
with being the humble, lovable blue-suited
punching bag with "rules" that these
loons out here expect you to be.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

3/01/2017 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole thing crashes and burns.....that thing is our city.
Elections matter.

3/01/2017 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Trump just stuck it in Rham's ear!

3/01/2017 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous IN THE KNOW said...


Cut 30 Aldermen and their staffs and ward budgets and you have some REAL money to attack some police matters.

Problem solved.

3/01/2017 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Scum-Times is written at a 7th grade reading level and is biased. So basically, you would be better off going to a grade school and getting your news from the kids on the playground.

One can only hope the corrupt snake of Chicago will continue to eat itself. At least that Sgt. Watts clown is black so Foxy won't get as much out of his cluster as opposed to an Irish boy like SOS Finnegan. They must be desperate if they are going to look at Watt's old pinches. You can only throw the CPD under the bus so many times.

These African American Aldermen's race card is getting smaller and smaller to hide behind. Didn't you guys get the memo? It is all legit now.

Our police department isn't a seperate entity from the city. We don't elect our captains, commanders, and we sure as hell don't have any say whom our Supernintendo will be.

Instead of investigating the police department, Sessions should send in the Feds to do a forensic audit on the Aldermen. Follow the money in the ghetto. There is probably a reason why Father Pfaker never calls out any specific gangs in all his stupid interviews.

3/01/2017 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - Once again, you succinctly state the truth. Thank you. Blue Lives Matter!

Retired .38 spl +P

3/01/2017 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You missed your calling SCC, you should be the editor in Chief of a major news paper. Maybe one for the Midwest. You said it all. Jody was right when the city never put up a fight for b.s shooting by the police that were justified.
Richie M knew best when picking an honest former bureau head as Supt. Jody delivered more then the few stooges since he left. Rahm never wanted anyone with a brain or a sense of being honest in his court.
Rahm will never get elected and maybe a legit guy will be our next mayor. Daley would never let the crime rate go threw the roof.
Maybe the old guys were better.
But in my next life, I will own a chain of news outlets and SCC will editor in chief of all. This is the only place one can get legit facts of this cities fucking everyone. SCC should write speech for our police loving POTUS.

3/01/2017 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That pos will still get federal funding. Dont think the fraud machine ever takes a break in chi

3/01/2017 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is a jagoff of the highest order.
He's hellbent on pushing this agenda so he can "stick it in the cops ear" and pander to " the community" at the same time.

3/01/2017 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The twerp can always rely on the TIF cash to fund what ever idea pops into his tiny brain, it's his money to spent when the city gets cut off from the feds...

3/01/2017 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, the Reader has an article on Dan Quilp Herbert Esq, who is defense attorney for JVD, very interesting...

3/01/2017 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why hasn't there been any out cries from the community, clergy or politicos regarding all the minority murders in Chicago? No marches, no protests no nothing. This is daily national news and not a peep from the sheep shit here...

3/01/2017 05:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay FETAL boys and girls , ITS WORKING......When it finally crashes and burns we will be done with this asshole Mayor once and FOR ALL...........and maybe some alder creatures TOO!GO TRUMP!!!!In order to Drain the swamp in Chi Town will take a Federal Grand Jury,Indictments,and prosecution of these thieving Bastards !

3/01/2017 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm already spent that federal money on some batting cages, or basketball stadium or bike path!
Poor Rahm, what's he gonna do now that there's no federal money coming his way?
(oh and soon to lose more because of his illegals)

3/01/2017 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the drum beats on... people still keep signing up for this job. Amazing.

3/01/2017 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that typical Rahm what is scumbag going after the police as he always does him in the 50 criminals type talk about the police constantly negative negative light they lie they cheat they steal that rhyme is going to attack the police with this order which is all nonsense. If you are a Chicago police officer and you're working hard on the street you're jeopardizing your career your family your freedom for a mayor that takes away police retiree health-care takes away healthcare for active police officers to put them in a tiered program which is his total bullshit healthcare. Attorney general Jeff sessions is a serious honest man there's going to come storming into Chicago with a team of professional people that he is putting together to take on rham the 50 Tony Tommy Bruce and all the rest very soon when he comes in here you will be able to watch the elected wailing and crying screws they are so scared of the truth.

This mayor does nothing but pander to those the illegal invaders the criminals disobeying federal laws that are clearly spelled out in lawful the mayor chooses to protect the illegals that is going to cost the text payers of the city of Chicago billions of dollars in lost federal aid while he is the mayor also freely gives over $1 million in text payers rebate money that should be rebated back to the text payers of this beleaguered city. The only thing that matters is protecting the thin blue line make sure you back each other up make sure if a police family calls for help where we are there immediately lights and sirens everything else follows the law. The city of Chicago will be made great again but is going to take time and many people that are elected after us forensic audit are going to be put on the federal boss hopefully if they are smart they will type and get the first seat.

You know it's kind of strange that rhymes high school new trier is having civil rights speakers and the people there are protesting against the civil rights there may be room for you should stand up your give a push so much in a day of your phony inclusion is your pandering why not build section 8 housing right next-door to your old high school new trier where all the rich people like yourself attended the elite school ram that's where you went because you're really you have no idea what to do about all the poverty the murder the carnage all over the city the blood is flowing summer spring summer are approaching very quickly what's going to happen ROM you're the CEO of this city if you were the CEO of any company any company and the 50 where shareholders you you would've been drag out of your position years ago and left on the street due to your total in at this and failures along with many more. Then we look at the police command structure what a disgrace Eddie you came in you could've made a change but you didn't are you did was shuffle the deck and you put the same old people that never perform before I have zero results in the same places or you have promoted them to give them a bigger chunk of the pension. Speaking of the pension why do we still have the dead damn gold braid bill where these people can just take more and more of the money while fire side stop the gold braid bill and and they say we have parity come on Mike and carry stuff up lieutenant is the highest rank on fire in order to get your pension civil service rank only. This bullshit Must man up let's get it done.

3/01/2017 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyone with a brain even pick up the Scum Times. Who cares what the east coast educated editorial board thinks. Don't give these unimportant mutts any credibility. ♠

3/01/2017 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait and see who Rahm invites to talks with FOP regarding the new contract, I bet Father pfleger is one along with several black alderman. I can promise this, there will be tampering by the city with your medical coverage, expect to pay alot more, he is going to screw you like he did thevretirees.

3/01/2017 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole mess falls on the shoulders of the voters. Voters keep empowering and enabling this mess.

3/01/2017 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD will continue to self destruct....with or without oversight. Just think about the caliber of Deputy Chiefs and Chiefs- they will continue to bring down the ship----until Rahm is gone we are all just "waiting to exhale."

3/01/2017 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great summary here SCC thank you and please keep it up, please keep shining a light on the truth!

3/01/2017 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me Mr. Lips

I have had enough of the Sun Times! What I want to bring out in the text that follows are two core ideas: (1) that the Sun Times is missing not only the point, but also the whole paradigm shift and huge sociological implications and (2) that the concept of risk includes the relationship between the consequences and probability of an event. If the consequences of an event are extremely negative, such as the devastation resulting from them trampling over the very freedoms and rights that it claims to support, then you want the probability of the event occurring to be vanishingly small, as close to zero as possible. Unfortunately, the likelihood of the Sun Times keeping us hypnotized so we don't foster mutual understanding is so high that one can't help but conclude that it is an organization that invents nothing, originates nothing, and improves nothing. All they do is create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to serfism.

It is hard to decide what is stronger in the Sun Times: its incredible stupidity as far as any real knowledge or ability is concerned or the ludibrious insolence of its behavior. Like a verbal magician, they know how to lie without appearing to be lying, how to bury secrets in mountains of garbage-speak. They knows exactly where they want its enemies. They want to put them in the lowest-paying jobs. They want to put them outside the equal protection of the law. They want to put them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. And then they expect them to sing its praises? The reality is that the Sun Times's behavior might be different if it were told that it should be responsible for its own actions. Of course, as far as they are concerned, this fact will fall into the category of, “My mind is made up; don't confuse me with the facts.” That's why I'm telling you that an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere. Keep that in mind the next time you catch them planting strife and chaos. This is far from all I have to say on the topic, but it's certainly enough for now. Just remember one thing: All five of my senses indicate that Sun Times runs at the first sign of trouble.

3/01/2017 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone realize that the way the machine is all the sudden getting the "police union " all over the media. Somehow, stories are breaking outta city hall to give Dean a few headlines. A few wins under his belt. Well, this doesn't make up for the last 2 years and 11 months.

Kinda like the fake tattoo ban. This was right after Dean sold us out. They wanted to give a win to Dean. The arbitrator declared Dean the winner.

But it's all legit folks. Never mind!

3/01/2017 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/01/2017 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More of rahms liberal nonsense, this comes from a man protected by armed valets 24/7, he has no idea how the killing fields of chiraq work! Watching President Trump speech last night really shows what a real leader does! Trump talked about us the police,and honored the widows of police officers that were killed,and the widow of that great Navy SEAL, that man our President knows what to say and how to get things done. It was totally disgusting watching the democrats, pelosi sitting that with that ugly stick face all night,and the 2 idiots like school children with the thumbs down. Then as they honored the Navy SEAL elizabeth warren scumbag friend of criminal clintons did not stand up to honor his memory pathetic! the democratic party is finished, next year when the mid term elections are counted watch how many more democrats are gone!

We deal with rahm here as he destroys policing, ruining the CPD taking away retirees health care, giving property tax rebate money millions to defend the criminal illegal aliens as he stands up violating Federal laws, why is he not arrested? Then you have brenda o'reilly doing a real punk move removing President Trumps little sign after Trump invested over 100 million building a stellar hotel, then o'reilly took thousands in campaign contributions from Trump and said he would return it "after the election" hmm how come he kept all of it? At least rahm who took tens of thousands from Trump told the truth when asked it he was going to properly return President Trumps money rahm said "NO!" A democrat return money lol! But now that we are losing over a billion in federal aid that we desperately need rahm still flaunts the law choosing instead to support illegals as the carnage rises!

The only hope is in AG Jeff Sessions to send in the feds starting at city hall a forensic audit would trim the herd who have been taking millions for years time to "drain the city-county-state swamps" the water is murky and thick with dirt God bless the police, stay fetal keep your job,family,bank account,freedom if you listen to the insane bosses they will step over you as the media destroys you, then the phone call will be made to kimmy and the judges goodbye as the bosses laugh spilling their beers!

3/01/2017 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 12:28 comment is spot on. There is nothing wrong with reforming a department if reforms are needed. Rahm wanted to avoid that responsibility for obvious reasons. Now, he can't.

3/01/2017 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is rahm wasting taxpayers money again from behind tribunes paywall:

Concerns mount over Chicago cop reform as Sessions vows to 'pull back'

(Rahm come on brother what do you not comprehend? its over finished got it!)
In his first major speech since being appointed by President Donald Trump, Sessions on Tuesday vowed to "pull back" on federal civil rights probes of local police departments like the one that less than two months ago resulted in a damning report accusing Chicago police of engaging in a pattern of civil rights abuses.

Sessions has declined to commit to a federal consent decree with Chicago that could codify reforms to the Police Department and allow for court enforcement of those changes. Instead, he has pushed the idea that officers' hesitance to police aggressively is driving rising violence in major cities including Chicago.

On Tuesday, Emanuel said any withdrawal of federal pressure would not stop police reforms in Chicago.

(There is more but above statement says it all. it tells CPD street coppers no matter what stay fetal, the mayor does not have our best interests, from taking away retiree insurance to using millions to support illegal criminals what more do coppers need to understand?)

3/01/2017 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the black politicians would like to chime in here with a solution to the "black crime wave". They have been silent for so long. Maybe the black community is all Bi-Polar like JJJ. HA, give them all a 138,000 disability pension so they don't have to work.

3/01/2017 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new AG won't scapegoat the police. The new president supports the police. These " people" will never admit they re wrong. They are also doubling down on their beliefs. The police were the only ones attempting to keep a lid on the violence. These people should walk a day in "our" shoes. Reality is so much better than rhetoric.

3/01/2017 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/01/2017 12:45:00 AM

Don't you know the "five B's of communication"- be brief boy, be brief.

3/01/2017 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The days of any officer in this city being proactive is over. No one with their right mind will ever stick their neck out for this city after all that has happened. It is good that we have a President and the Justice Department on our corner. But the damage is done and it can not be repaired.

3/01/2017 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Byron Miranda NBC news was actually IDing himself as an Oakland Police officer while on the air and trying to get thru police lines in Ottawa after the tornado..

"Hey, I am Bryon Miranda of Channel 5 and Oakland Police, can we get in?" (not verbatum)

3/01/2017 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right about now, Rhambo is wondering to himself, "Why the fuck did I find her wedding dress?"

3/01/2017 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice new feature at HeyJackass, where the end of month stats show the year-over-year percentage gains. For February . . .

Final February Totals (YoY%)
Total Shot: 212 (+12%)
Shot & Wounded: 166 (+6%)
Shot & Killed: 46 (+39%)
Total Homicides: 48 (+4%)

Current Shot Clock Standings (thru 2/28)
A shooting occurs every: 2:43
A homicide occurs every: 13:45

Death by gunfire: 95.2% of all homicides.
Overall male to female victim ratio: 7.97:1
Female KIA percentage: 15.5%
Male KIA percentage: 20.3%
Homicide clearance rate: 5.1%

3/01/2017 11:41:00 AM  
Blogger glenn said...

Once again people are getting the government they voted for.

3/01/2017 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any of us take a picture with that loathsome little prick, they should be shunned. No laughing with Rahm, don't shake his hand, shun the little bitch, he hates us and you want to shake his hand? That little shit only wants you for the money he can remove from your pockets to give to some loafing, hateful, uneducated bigot.

3/01/2017 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm bitch slapped by Sessions. Your nothing but a pimp in a sea of political whores.

3/01/2017 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sun Times? No one takes them seriously! No one reads it!

Bullshit news at best!

3/01/2017 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALL ROADS LEAD BACK TO RAHM: he and the caucus covered up the Laquon shooting for 14 months even after they saw the video and paid out. Rahm has told more and bigger lies in his first term than Daley did in five. He caused the whole situation, the lack of trust and stuck with the Hillary/Obama anti police agenda. Sorry runt your side lost, give it up. You have the blood of children on your hands. Its great 5 years after you closed all of Chicago Mental Health Facilities you finally got around to CIT training for the police. Just another of several examples of Rahm created the problem and threw public servants under the bus.

3/01/2017 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The once proud, effective and feared crime fighting machine,The Chicago Police Department, has been reduced to a clout heavy merit subsidiary of Streets and Sanitation. The only difference is we pick up the human garbage and there isn't an additional $10 per month attached to your water bill. The democratic experiment of creating chaos to bring our country to its knees has succeeded very well here in Chicago as evidenced in the exponential spike in violent crime fueled in part by the supervisory ranks of the CPD, who are not qualified to push a broom let alone line up a garbage can with the automatic dumper.

3/01/2017 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is going to be on his own.
He was on the blower this morning bashing President Trump again about his speech.
Rahm keep on rambling about Federal help;
What's he (President) going to do? When's he going to do it? He's done nothing, etc blah-blah-blah. He asked where's the Fed money for "programs" to keep kids from joining gangs. Again, shifting blame on government and not the community.
NOT one reporter or commentary challenged or asked Rahm Emanuel "What he's done, when will he do anything" about the violence in HIS city or HIS failed programs and policies.

Chicago isnt getting anything until All Talk-No Action Mayor Blabbermouth Rahm concedes.
Sending in 20 ATF agents, even though they're probably temps, they will not have much sucess in Chicago-Cook County dealing with Democrats Rahm and KimmWrinkle over jurisdiction and color.

Stay Fetal - Don't be a COPA Stat - Wait for the 2017 Contract and see how much Rahm Emanuel loves you.

3/01/2017 01:28:00 PM  
Blogger O W Wilson said...

This is huge!!! Casino bill passes State Senate now goes to Illinois house of Represenatives!

Chicago’s casino revenue would go directly toward police and fire pensions!

On the Senate floor, Sen. Terry Link, D-Vernon Hills, stressed that the gaming measure will help pay for pensions once and for all: “I have heard it from that side and this side from people complaining, ‘Why do we have to give more general revenue funds to the City of Chicago to pay for their police and fire pension?’ Well guess what? Pass this bill and you won’t have to worry about that in the future.”

3/01/2017 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Our so called governor Bruce refused to meet with superman President Trump but then got this bad news:
UPDATED:MAR 01 2017 09:11AM CST
CHICAGO (AP) - A meeting between Grammy-winning artist Chance the Rapper and Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has been canceled because of severe weather.

They were supposed to meet Wednesday to discuss school funding in Chicago. Rauner will instead be touring areas of Illinois hit hard by a deadly storm.

Wow who would of thought a rapper 23 years old knows about school funding! Maybe him and eddies guy Jamal can get together and cure the thug felonious murderers carnage! What kind idiots do we have elected here? Then little Lisa madigan refused to attend a meeting with respected attorney general from throughout with President Trump to discuss issues related to crime here! All the slights from all the elected here but wait Tammy duckworth said he wants to work on improving infrastructure here with the president (guess that's the Chicago way gimme friends and family program?).

Personally going in April to look at property around fort Myers area recently retired this corruption here is really over the top!

3/01/2017 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

casino bill for passed senate yesterday now to the house

3/01/2017 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fighting the claims means the TRUTH will come out and that is what Rahm and co fear the most, even more than the siphoning of loot coming out, he fears the truth about the entire racket itself, the machine's inner workings being exposed.

I would imagine that Mr Blago has been seeing an uptake in his visitors since the election took place.....

3/01/2017 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - Restriction on use of Elective Time for Supervisors. Every year the Department is allowed to designate three dates in the upcoming year in which supervisors are restricted from using time off. Today March 1 2017 AMFN message came out designating those 2017 dates, letter is dated 30 Dec 2016. However the unions representing supervisors were to be notified prior to 01 January 2017. In the past AMFN message was published on 30 or 31 Dec the year prior, why the delay? Time to call Sgt, LT and Cpt unions and ask when they were notified.

3/01/2017 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start with making Rahm accountable for holding the vandyke video for a year until he was re-elected.

3/01/2017 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please Vote on these FOP matter who you pick just fill it out and send it in.......

We must show the city that we have representation......not just the retirees


Sorry SCC for the caps.....but this is important...

And just for the record I'm voting for Graham....he is an political pundit with the status quo "However" I believe he does have our best interests as Deano is a self serving private dancer with his cronies......sleeping with the enemy. At our expense. Oh .....and Sheilds....forget that!!! ..lhe eft his pacifier in in his diaper....we need a collective action...not somebody to make tantrums to make a point, ...but the kicking and whining doesn't take us anywhere.

Encapsulate...use time as your tactical tool....stay fetal

Private Valium
2nd Fetal Fecundus Division

3/01/2017 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why dont we have a street named clout in the city of chicago?

3/01/2017 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a more serious note, who or how many current exempts received all of their non exempt promotions based on merit. Additionally what goldies have more merit bumps than they do CR's?? Lastly what current goldies have 30 times more CR's than they do merit bumps? Hint 3 (det, sgt, lt) X 30=90 Is it now possible for one to have 6 merit bumps before exempt; TFO, et, det, sgt, lt, capt? This might bring Leo the clown back to CPD if the department creates a new merit award to display with all the other nonsense..

3/01/2017 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O W WILSON said...
This is huge!!! Casino bill passes State Senate now goes to Illinois house of Represenatives!

Chicago’s casino revenue would go directly toward police and fire pensions!

On the Senate floor, Sen. Terry Link, D-Vernon Hills, stressed that the gaming measure will help pay for pensions once and for all: “I have heard it from that side and this side from people complaining, ‘Why do we have to give more general revenue funds to the City of Chicago to pay for their police and fire pension?’ Well guess what? Pass this bill and you won’t have to worry about that in the future.”

3/01/2017 01:43:00 PM

The money will never go to the pensions because the greedy aldercreatures or mayor will use the money for some useless project for the children and the pensions will be left holding the bag again

3/01/2017 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the Chicago Casino Bill solve the pension problem like the lottery when it passed solved education funding issues?

3/01/2017 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - Restriction on use of Elective Time for Supervisors. Every year the Department is allowed to designate three dates in the upcoming year in which supervisors are restricted from using time off. Today March 1 2017 AMFN message came out designating those 2017 dates, letter is dated 30 Dec 2016. However the unions representing supervisors were to be notified prior to 01 January 2017. In the past AMFN message was published on 30 or 31 Dec the year prior, why the delay? Time to call Sgt, LT and Cpt unions and ask when they were notified.

3/01/2017 03:44:00 PM

Good question. The dates were published on the Sgt's Assoc. website on 3 January. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the Association was notified in a timely manner. The department just didn't put out the message to the rest of us.

3/01/2017 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all of the national attention that is focused on Chicago's crime rate and with the seemingly supportive remarks toward CPD made by Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions, we the membership NEED NATIONAL FOP INVOLVEMENT to some degree in all future contract negotiations with the city. The city has been negotiating our contract in the media for months and they can't wait to strip our members of the protections we now have in place. We have public and political support in Washington and around the country and since the provisions of the next labor agreement will undoubtedly serve as a model for law enforcement agencies around the country why not take advantage of that collective reasoning.

3/01/2017 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) President Trump doing as he says why he was elected by us:

Funny how bold they are deportation is the solution God bless Trump! When rahm is finally brought up on federal charges for violating federal immigration laws protecting criminal invaders, the billions in extra revenue could be diverted to police pension restoring police retirees health care and hiring thousands of more police making Chicago safe again! #blueliveforever #lawandorder

3/01/2017 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a citizen I agree that it is only a "few bad apples" however, regarding citizens, there are hordes of thieves, liars, sex offenders and apathy in general that is making the crime rate soar. It seems as if no one to arrest or prosecute these liars, thieves and sex offenders and that is why the police are being blamed.

3/01/2017 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm's looking for another city and crawl space to dump the wife's wedding gown. Chicago not looking too good.

3/01/2017 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

steinberg is on the ST board too...he has gone completely off the rails since the election,totally unhinged squealing hopelessly about long til he starts boozing and beating the wife again.c'mon neil,just blame it on trump,you pussy.

3/01/2017 05:47:00 PM  
Blogger Truth Teller said...

Blogger O W WILSON said...
This is huge!!! Casino bill passes State Senate now goes to Illinois house of Representatives!

Chicago’s casino revenue would go directly toward police and fire pensions!

On the Senate floor, Sen. Terry Link, D-Vernon Hills, stressed that the gaming measure will help pay for pensions once and for all: “I have heard it from that side and this side from people complaining, ‘Why do we have to give more general revenue funds to the City of Chicago to pay for their police and fire pension?’ Well guess what? Pass this bill and you won’t have to worry about that in the future.”

3/01/2017 01:43:00 PM


To be honest this is a big deal. This and the COLA bill are the two biggest pieces of legislation to come out of Springfield in 25 years.

3/01/2017 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

casino bill for passed senate yesterday now to the house

3/01/2017 02:24:00 PM

....along with a 40% personal income tax increase AND eliminating the tax exemption for retirement income. Horrid place to live.

3/01/2017 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Start with making Rahm accountable for holding the vandyke video for a year until he was re-elected.

3/01/2017 03:48:00 PM

Apparently you haven't been paying attention.
Rahm never takes responsibility for anything that breaks bad and Rahm is never held accountable.

3/01/2017 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come the department didn't put this out there?? Good things never get published.

3/01/2017 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truth Teller - AKA O.W. WILSON - And look further at other Legislation, such as taxing retirement income. After being inundated with emails extolling the "virtues" of Dean Angelo. - one can conclude that the "this is huge!" refrain comes from Paul Vitiaoli. Nice try, Paul with the truth teller nom de plume. Many retirees beg to differ with your assessment of Disability Dean & his futile leadership.
Too little, too late, and too weak of heart. Splitting your FOP ballot is one way to limit misguided, limp, and deceitful "political police officers."

3/01/2017 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

casino bill for passed senate yesterday now to the house

3/01/2017 02:24:00 PM

....along with a 40% personal income tax increase AND eliminating the tax exemption for retirement income. Horrid place to live.

Yeah bro but we goat a casino.....a casino!!!!!!!

3/01/2017 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attorney General Sessions knows the problem in Chicago is the elected and appointed "leadership".

They're going to move fast and set an example.

Bye, bye, Alderman Arena.


3/01/2017 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sitting on an evidentiary video, for a year. In a Murder Case. Obstruction of Justice maybe ?

3/01/2017 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


anyone seen JIM mcguire you know the guy running for FOP president?

word is his campaign has halted and he has not told the rest of his ticket.
The problem being they all pitched in $$$ for his election.

to bad i was hoping he was a serious contender...

Nice try again... making you nervous?

3/01/2017 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayday mayday were going down were going down. On behalf of every victim of every crime in the law books may you crash and burn in political hell.

3/01/2017 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A must watch

3/01/2017 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT, the Reader has an article on Dan Quilp Herbert Esq, who is defense attorney for JVD, very interesting...

Scc how about making this a thread.

3/01/2017 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) looks like obamas got Valerie Jarrett moving into his mansion the squatters are there looking to ruin President Trump at every turn:

Typical democratic shit show saving his legacy he has no legacy!

3/01/2017 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And for the record Kevin Graham works on the Mayor's Detail and sits in front of Rahm's house for 8 hours a day. Oh sure I'm sure he will be a thorns in Rahm's side. Wake the fuck up! Graham's best thing cost the local and State Lodge a shitload of money. Graham has Mark Donahue pulling his strings like a obese puppet.

And just for the record I'm voting for Graham....he is an political pundit with the status quo "However" I believe he does have our best interests as Deano is a self serving private dancer with his cronies......sleeping with the enemy. At our expense. Oh .....and Sheilds....forget that!!! ..lhe eft his pacifier in in his diaper....we need a collective action...not somebody to make tantrums to make a point, ...but the kicking and whining doesn't take us anywhere.

Encapsulate...use time as your tactical tool....stay fetal

Private Valium
2nd Fetal Fecundus Division

3/01/2017 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hands up don't shoot fucked this entire Country !

Hope all is well with Officer Wilson..

Fuck Brown and Rahm !

3/01/2017 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Mike Shields after reading his mailer it only makes sense!
And for the record before reading Shields mailer I would of not voted for Mike. However reading Dean's disconnect from the membership in his mailer and listening to Kevin Graham speak this only made sense to me. I never saw Jim McGuire at my roll calls or received a mailer from him. As far as Brock Merck I have listened to him at FOP meetings and feel that his presedency may interfere with him attending his Dungeon's & Dragon's conventions.

3/01/2017 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deano's casino bill also includes a 40% rise in the income tax rate and taxes pension income. Dean neglected to include that information in his email blast.

3/01/2017 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dean shit the bed with Ray for the last 3 years. The membership knows this and shame on you both. We needed a voice and you choose to be silent. This is why I am choosing not to be silent and post on this forum. Thanks SCC.

3/01/2017 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Done Done Done
Dean is Done
Done Done done done done done done done done done done done"

3/01/2017 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few people suggesting the DOJ look into city hall. That's all good. I have an idea, how about the DOJ look at the Cook County Criminal courts. Let them see for themselves how offenders are found not guilty after proof beyond a reasonable doubt. They can see how the judges are throwing cases out left and right. See first hand how proof without a reasonable doubt means nothing. Finally, maybe just maybe, a judge will step up and admit how they were told by preckwinkle to find people of color not guilty.
I know a few judges who admitted to this and aren't playing ball. I'm sure there are coppers out there that know this too. And a couple couple of those judges happen to be African American who don't agree with preckwinkle.
Pardon me if my punctuation, English or anything grammatical is off. I admit it, I had a few and I'm drunk. Besides, it's not easy typing on this little phone while at the gin mill.

3/01/2017 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Sun Times? No one takes them seriously! No one reads it!

Bullshit news at best!

3/01/2017 12:36:00 PM

Demorats and Independents who vote demorat read the Times and Trib. Anyone with a brain, can think for themselves, hasn't read either in decades.

3/02/2017 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what about the Lt test scandal, nothing, business as usual

3/02/2017 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Sun Times? No one takes them seriously! No one reads it!

Bullshit news at best!

3/01/2017 12:36:00 PM

Demorats and Independents who vote demorat read the Times and Trib. Anyone with a brain, can think for themselves, hasn't read either in decades.

3/02/2017 12:45:00 AM
Have to read it to keep up with what the enemy is up to!

3/02/2017 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger O W WILSON said...
This is huge!!! Casino bill passes State Senate now goes to Illinois house of Represenatives!

Chicago’s casino revenue would go directly toward police and fire pensions!

On the Senate floor, Sen. Terry Link, D-Vernon Hills, stressed that the gaming measure will help pay for pensions once and for all: “I have heard it from that side and this side from people complaining, ‘Why do we have to give more general revenue funds to the City of Chicago to pay for their police and fire pension?’ Well guess what? Pass this bill and you won’t have to worry about that in the future.”

3/01/2017 01:43:00 PM

How long have you lived/taken up space here? When they get done consulting, designing, picking sites, awarding contracts, allowing the community to voice opinions, than financing the thing, they will have to take the pensions away to pay for it all. It could be years of paying off financing debts etc.. before the pension funds see any real money! Oh ya, more taxes too! You have to have "skin in the game"! What the heck, they build a casino for you and you don't want to have a tax on your pension to help pay for it? It's the Chicago way...

3/02/2017 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know where Mope-rah lives, but I'm guessing its not among "her" people. If that's true, I'd reckon her opinion counts about the same as mine.
Stay safe Officers.


3/02/2017 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT - Restriction on use of Elective Time for Supervisors. Every year the Department is allowed to designate three dates in the upcoming year in which supervisors are restricted from using time off. Today March 1 2017 AMFN message came out designating those 2017 dates, letter is dated 30 Dec 2016. However the unions representing supervisors were to be notified prior to 01 January 2017. In the past AMFN message was published on 30 or 31 Dec the year prior, why the delay? Time to call Sgt, LT and Cpt unions and ask when they were notified.

The delay is because they have another gene Williams appointed nitwit who is in over her head running management and labor affairs.

3/02/2017 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin Graham equals Citywide Team.
Citywide team is Mark Donahue and Dougherty and these guys can give a fuck about the membership and everything about staying in power.

3/02/2017 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for sessions to dig up dirt on nobama and hilary

3/02/2017 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would someone enroll some of these asshats into a force science class so they can see the scientific proof and reasoning of waiting 24hrs before getting a statement from an officer involved in an officer involved shooting. Additionally they will learn the value and purpose of allowing the officer to view and utilize all available resources so that they may produce the best possible statement of facts of the incident. It just drives me crazy that these low information individuals who have no clue as to what we do and why we do it spout their garbage to the masses unchecked.

3/02/2017 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
casino bill for passed senate yesterday now to the house

3/01/2017 02:24:00 PM

....along with a 40% personal income tax increase AND eliminating the tax exemption for retirement income. Horrid place to live.

3/01/2017 06:43:00 PM

State income taxes going back up to where they were before. The state is bleeding 11 million dollars. With or without a casino bill. That's a separate issue.

3/02/2017 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Deano's casino bill also includes a 40% rise in the income tax rate and taxes pension income. Dean neglected to include that information in his email blast.

Cullertons casino bill that passed the senate increases the income tax by 33% not 40% and taxing pensions is not included in it
That's the only casino bill that has been voted on and passed

3/02/2017 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger O W WILSON said...
This is huge!!! Casino bill passes State Senate now goes to Illinois house of Represenatives!

Chicago’s casino revenue would go directly toward police and fire pensions!

Not true. For the first 3 1/2 years it goes to the city to pay off city debt, nothing specific about paying off police and fire pensions
After 3 1/2 yrs all the money goes to the CPS for the children

3/02/2017 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger O W WILSON said...
This is huge!!! Casino bill passes State Senate now goes to Illinois house of Represenatives!

Chicago’s casino revenue would go directly toward police and fire pensions!

On the Senate floor, Sen. Terry Link, D-Vernon Hills, stressed that the gaming measure will help pay for pensions once and for all: “I have heard it from that side and this side from people complaining, ‘Why do we have to give more general revenue funds to the City of Chicago to pay for their police and fire pension?’ Well guess what? Pass this bill and you won’t have to worry about that in the future.”

3/01/2017 01:43:00 PM

You are interpreting it wrong. What he said and means is instead of the general fund giving Chicago funds to pay off the pension debt, now they will have additional taxes from the casinos to pay off city debt and he's assuming that means police and fire pensions. But that is not in the bill. He forgot to say after 3 1/2 years the money goes to the Chicago public schools

3/02/2017 11:36:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Blogger O W WILSON said...
This is huge!!! Casino bill passes State Senate now goes to Illinois house of Represenatives!

Chicago’s casino revenue would go directly toward police and fire pensions!

On the Senate floor, Sen. Terry Link, D-Vernon Hills, stressed that the gaming measure will help pay for pensions once and for all: “I have heard it from that side and this side from people complaining, ‘Why do we have to give more general revenue funds to the City of Chicago to pay for their police and fire pension?’ Well guess what? Pass this bill and you won’t have to worry about that in the future.”

3/01/2017 01:43:00 PM

You are interpreting it wrong. What he said and means is instead of the general fund giving Chicago funds to pay off the pension debt, now they will have additional taxes from the casinos to pay off city debt and he's assuming that means police and fire pensions. But that is not in the bill. He forgot to say after 3 1/2 years the money goes to the Chicago public schools

3/02/2017 11:36:00 PM

1. Right now NO state money goes into our pension fund nor has it paid money in the past. He was talking about possible bills.

2. ALL of the precedes from a casino would go to police and fire pension funds based upon the number of members in each fund.

3. After the funds reach 90% funding casino money can go to the CPS building fund.

4. A state income tax increase back to what it was keeps the state afloat. The state can make it’s financial responsibilities right now except it owes so much to the pension funds because they took pension holidays. Its not the monthly nut killing the state it’s the debt service on the pension funds.

5. The Casino bill is a stand alone bill. A raise in the state income tax and/or taxing pensions are not tied directly to the casino bill but part of a package they call the “Grand Bargan.”

3/03/2017 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Mike Shields after reading his mailer it only makes sense!
And for the record before reading Shields mailer I would of not voted for Mike. However reading Dean's disconnect from the membership in his mailer and listening to Kevin Graham speak this only made sense to me. I never saw Jim McGuire at my roll calls or received a mailer from him. As far as Brock Merck I have listened to him at FOP meetings and feel that his presedency may interfere with him attending his Dungeon's & Dragon's conventions.

3/01/2017 10:20:00 PM

Knowing Brock Merck he wouldn't attend a Dragon convention, but he would attend a meeting about stopping a 7 story public housing project in the 45th ward.

So you're right, he couldn't go to as many public interest events because he'ld be busy with your contract and residency.

3/03/2017 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Sun Times? No one takes them seriously! No one reads it!

Bullshit news at best!

3/01/2017 12:36:00 PM

Demorats and Independents who vote demorat read the Times and Trib. Anyone with a brain, can think for themselves, hasn't read either in decades.

3/02/2017 12:45:00 AM
Have to read it to keep up with what the enemy is up to!

3/02/2017 07:04:00 AM

Just like the political and media enemies
of Chicago Policemen mine this blog...

Plenty of ISP pings from City Hall, the Fibune,
the Scum-Times and from the D.C. Metro area
bedroom communities where the Feds nest
comfortably and safely...

Gotta see what those eeeevil Chicago Cops
are doing and thinking...

3/03/2017 01:48:00 PM  

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