Friday, May 12, 2017

FOP Jumps In

  • For the second time in a month, a Chicago Police supervisor is coming under fire for sending a memo that appears to set an illegal quota for cops to make stops.

    In a recent note to his sergeants, a lieutenant in the Jefferson Park District on the Northwest Side praised his officers for outperforming last year’s activity by 30 percent, but asked the sergeants to focus on those cops “not contributing their fair share, meaning they’re not meeting the agreed upon ‘one good stop per documentation per day worked.’ ”

    On Thursday, Fraternal Order of Police President Kevin Graham blasted the memo, saying, “The best way to increase productivity among our members is for the city to make a good faith effort to support police officers, which is not currently taking place.”

    In a written statement, Graham said the FOP is “opposed to quotas in any form, regardless if they are deemed official policy or guidelines.”

    “They are legally questionable,” he said, “and a poor policy to use against officers.”
Then the Department Spokes-weasel comes up with this laugher:
  • In response to the latest memo in Jefferson Park, chief police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the department is “continuing to advance traffic safety initiatives,” including one to target motorists who text message while they drive. But he said “the department does not have arrest or enforcement quotas of any kind.

    This is a single communication between a lieutenant and his patrol shift from one of the city’s 22 police districts and is designed to serve as guidance,” he said in a written statement.
Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is enemy action.

We already have comments about Voulgaris sweating his guys. He's just smart enough not to put it to paper. That's three times.

Hell, Lt Schmeer is making guys write To-From's when they work CHA Special on a fixed post and come in with zeroes. All the foot traffic around the project buildings avoids the police like the plague and if the officers leave their post, they're subject to discipline. That's four.

Do you want us to keep going? With more names? Those are quotas Anthony. You want to stop lying to the reporters? The ACLU isn't going to like it when you lie to them during the deposition that you had no knowledge of a quota system.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/12/2017 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the latest memo in Jefferson Park, chief police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the department is “continuing to advance traffic safety initiatives,” including one to target motorists who text message while they drive. But he said “the department does not have arrest or enforcement quotas of any kind.”

I call bullshit on advancing traffic safety!!!. Drive around 016 and everyone and their mothers are on the phone. And on top of that no one stops at Stop Signs. Drive on any of the side streets and you are literally taking your life and that of your family in your hands due to the blatant disregard of traffic laws. Add to that every cyclist blowing through every intersection whether there is a traffic control device or not. Get into a crash with the ignorant motorists or the suicidal cyclists and it's not their fault, but why didn't you see them.

This Department is so full of bullshit

5/12/2017 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamilla, Kohnen, Schmeer, and's like a who's who of Dept. idiots.

5/12/2017 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is DHS sweating his people?

5/12/2017 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthony Guglielmi got run out of his job as Baltimore PD spokesperson. Guglielmi told the Baltimore Sun: "we’re pretty satisfied with the way the city is headed, violence-wise” following a weekend where 18 people were shot. Then he got hired by Chicago. Just what we need another empty suit speaking for the CPD, living in the mayor's alternate reality. With any luck, when he is done lying for the CPD, he can get a job lying for the mayor like the last guy did.

5/12/2017 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gram has already said more to the media, then dean did his entire time in office

5/12/2017 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget Prima sal-Donna who is running his own district VRI but demanding activity or else he won't allow them to do it again. He even has a checkoff sheet that has to be forwarded to him each night by email. Word in the district is PsD has a hearing with an officer over a deviation and demanded the officer bring his yearlong activity to the hearing. Kudos to the officer who brought Kevin Graham instead who tore the pretty boy commander a new one and demanded that the spar be knocked down or he would file a complaint for illegal quotas. With that Prima backed down and apologized to the officer.

5/12/2017 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have the CHA people do to Schmeer what they did to Sarlito. Ask which G.O. or case law required them to perform any stops much less illegal stops with no reasonable suspicion. And that they were ordered by said LT to write the TO-FROM to articulate why. She lost her shit that night and I smiled.

5/12/2017 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm liking this Graham guy more and more. Finally getting our dues worth.

5/12/2017 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dude that dropped the To-From basically telling Pap Smear to go pound sand is the ballsiest middle finger to management I've seen in my short 12 years on. Everybody talks a big game but clam up when it's time to walk the walk. I hope he's an FTO that's training guys the right way of doing things.

5/12/2017 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks FOP. That statement alone did more then the last did in four years. Escumerit has more problems then quotas. Being a bi-polar suckhole that uses his rank to belittle PPO's will catch up with this Triple-Merit retard one way or another.

5/12/2017 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got to thinking. When the Mafia wants more
income, they don't put the directives on paper.
Police work is different because the white shirt
management level has to justify their jobs and
salaries. They ran away from real police work
a long time ago and got used to not wearing
Guerilla vests and being in constant danger.
That steady daytime is something a guy could get
used to, along with regular food and bathroom breaks.
So they will do anything to stay right where they are.
Increased moving violations is not the solution to the
revenue problem. It's far more complex and corrupted,
and the police are used as convenient whipping boys.

5/12/2017 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this is something new and a bit refreshing to hear. We never heard comments like this from our past silent leadership. Thanks Kevin. Keep it up.

5/12/2017 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but please read. The commander of 020 complains about blue cards all the time and came to third watch to ask for more blue cards. He is looking more activity. This being said, the commander was seen and pics taken of himself riding a tricycle at an outing, That in itself is ridiculous. So then he puts a guy that got fired from the job, was off a year then got his job back, on the brynmawr foot post. This third watch guy who got fired then bragged about doing zeros, nothing, no activity for 6 months. So how does the awesome commander reward this great cop? By rewarding him by giving him the brynmawr foot post. So the commander demands activity, then rewards the number one guy on third watch with zeros for six months by getting a great spot.

The reason I bring this up, the quietest dist in the city, is run by idiots, just look at the 2nd watch supervisors, and now the biggest bozo on third watch get a good spot for doing nothing. I love it. Just shows you what HARD WORK GETS YOU!!! I just love that the commander makes all these wise decisions, tricycle riding, asking for blue cards and bozos that do nothing get rewarded. 17 people put in for the foot spot. Guess their hard work payed off?

5/12/2017 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice work scc & damn right let's see how quickly he back petals when having to give a deposition!!!

5/12/2017 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody email this to the reporter?

5/12/2017 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know this spokesperson weasel is being told what bullshit to spew by Rahm and his yes men.

5/12/2017 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, the agreement the city of Chicago made with the ACLU ended proactive policing. Stops are down due to that.

5/12/2017 04:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Alderman John Arena hustled you for money?

Have you been strong armed by him?

Contact the FBI at (312)421-6700

5/12/2017 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Go ahead LTs and above sign out a book of parkers every other day and a mover/ANOV book once a week. Get out there and lead from the front. Answer those man with a gun call. Make those traffic stops. Enforce the LAW. Stop those on the corners and ask them your investigative questions and then hurry up and fill out an ISR. And don't stay down past 20 minutes filling out one of those either least not be called out on it. And for God's sake not forget to turn on your BWC. HUMP!!

Show us how you did it back in the day. Get out there and lead every day. Day in and day out make copies of your activity and display it for all to see. Get on the air, be the first to grab that job. Then hurry up and clear yourself for the next potential lawsuit.

Look hard chargers there's a reason why you'll never see this happen day in and out. No one wants to take that chance of losing their livelihood or all that they worked so hard for over the years. Those of us who understand the political, hang the cop crowd mentality to save our own ass, aren't about to risk it. Don't believe me then ask Gary, ask the coppers from 008, ask those det's. and sgt's. who have been sacrificed for the good of the political climate how they're making ends meet. Ask them how they feel everyday when they look at their children or spouse. Ask them how they feel. Ask them how they are doing. Then ask yourself if you want to be in their shoes. Now go ask those gold stars who are collecting their pension while taking in the sun or working yet another profitable six figure position while they collect their pension how hard their life is. I bet the latter are doing just fine.

Always remember we are the disposable ones in the eyes of those higher up the chain. Yes, they feel sorry for you but in the end if you or them, you don't have anything worth losing and they have everything to lose.

Above all don't give the likes of Foxxx anything she can hang you out to try dry with. Just go out there and answer your calls, turn on your BWC's, let the adoring public, who called you to help them, mother fuck you, and challenge you in hopes of getting you fired and their 15 minutes of fame and lottery ticket punched.

Let these politicians stew in their own shit.

5/12/2017 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

020 District Rangers Stay Fetal and Safe,

first it was meritorious Sergeant made out of the Commander's office and

now its a department member rewarded with a foot post on Bryn Mawr....numbers babie!

one per each work day!

remember "zero" too is a number!!!!!!!!!!

5/12/2017 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job all the way around. Now if only the reporters in this town had half a brain. They could do minimal digging and get a good story about management of CPD demanding quotas and using threats to gain compliance.

5/12/2017 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call bullshit on advancing traffic safety!!!. Drive around 016 and everyone and their mothers are on the phone. And on top of that no one stops at Stop Signs. Drive on any of the side streets and you are literally taking your life and that of your family in your hands due to the blatant disregard of traffic laws. Add to that every cyclist blowing through every intersection whether there is a traffic control device or not. Get into a crash with the ignorant motorists or the suicidal cyclists and it's not their fault, but why didn't you see them.

This Department is so full of bullshit

5/12/2017 12:23:00 AM

This is happening on the west end of 008 and the west end of 022 as well.

5/12/2017 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Anthony a sworn officer or a paid spokesweasle?

5/12/2017 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually he didn't. It was a written statement. Is Kevin camera shy?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gram has already said more to the media, then dean did his entire time in office

5/12/2017 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, White Shirts cover for each other....

5/12/2017 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamilla, Kohnen, Schmeer, and's like a who's who of Dept. idiots.

When Schmeer was a Sgt in 024, she would drive around looking for shit. When she found it she would then get on her PDT and send a message to the beat car who was responsible for that area and play dispatcher. Mostly drunks and sleepers at bus stops. No big deal, but she would then sit back and time the response and once you cleared she would drive over and critique your performance.

One of the worst micro managers I have ever worked for. I can't even imagine what it's like to work for her as an Lt.

5/12/2017 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another thing to worry about where sunscreen!

5/12/2017 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call bullshit on advancing traffic safety!!!. Drive around 016 and everyone and their mothers are on the phone. And on top of that no one stops at Stop Signs. Drive on any of the side streets and you are literally taking your life and that of your family in your hands due to the blatant disregard of traffic laws. Add to that every cyclist blowing through every intersection whether there is a traffic control device or not. Get into a crash with the ignorant motorists or the suicidal cyclists and it's not their fault, but why didn't you see them.

This Department is so full of bullshit

True, unfortunately most are from the "Do you know who I am or my father and mother are?"

5/12/2017 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the department is backing this jagoff? I guess if 025th dist Commander can get away with it he figured no better time to follow suit. The dept can't punish one but not another. Or can they, there are 2 sets of rules on this dept.

5/12/2017 07:08:00 AM  
Blogger Joker said...

The reason I bring this up, the quietest dist in the city, is run by idiots, just look at the 2nd watch supervisors, and now the biggest bozo on third watch get a good spot for doing nothing. I love it. Just shows you what HARD WORK GETS YOU!!! I just love that the commander makes all these wise decisions, tricycle riding, asking for blue cards and bozos that do nothing get rewarded. 17 people put in for the foot spot. Guess their hard work payed off?

Hard work get's you a pay check on the 1st and the 16th. Anything beyond that is pure luck. So relax Francis. You will find your spot some day. And with it will come the people who will wonder why a suck ass such as yourself got said spot when THEY ARE THE HARDEST WORKING P.O. IN THE DISTRICT!

5/12/2017 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthony Guglielmi???

is that the guy that clogs up my department email with ass hat letter from people i don't know.

Is he the guy that leak info to the mayors people?

is that the guy who has no idea what an investigation is but is a snappy dresser?

Do me a favor TONY quit acting like you somebody on the phone too I know you leak shit to the media too >

YOU know special wanted NO part of that commanders screw up!

5/12/2017 07:26:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Is there any coincidence that these are all north side districts?

5/12/2017 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One a day keeps the boss away AND they leave me alone.

5/12/2017 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Restructuring of Unit 353 (SWAT) and Unit (153) for filing a lawsuit. Midnight shift being added. No take home cars. No D-3 pay. And you will be in your regular Chicago Police Blue Uniforms. No more green because it looks too military. One training day a month. OT intiatives for SWAT being scaled back. More to follow........

5/12/2017 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want these merit hack bosses to leave you alone. Print this up and leave it around the station. I did it in 011. You should see the Captain's face. Hahaha!!! That's right bitches. I come in with what I want to come in with.

I urge any officer who is being told to bring in activity, to do the following:
1) Document word for word on any requests for activity (ISR, parkers, movers etc.)
2) Record the Date and Time
3) Name and Star Number of the PIMP

Forward the information to ACLU either by mail, fax or email. You do not have to give your name.

Mailing Address:
ACLU of Illinois
180 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2300
Chicago, IL 60601

Additionally, the DOJ team can always be reached via email at or by phone at 844-401-3735 (toll free).

5/12/2017 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless the officers in 016. It has many great people. Retired now and loving it. Still young enough to enjoy it.

5/12/2017 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you FOP

5/12/2017 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any boss that asks for activity should be asked what the Sgt. or potentially Field Lt. is bringing in. They are sworn officers. They are under the same obligation to the public. They can stop a car that runs a stop. If they aren't seeing things and calling for a car to write a ticket so they can be put in the witness box, well than I'm not swing it either. I also like sitting at the desk and talking to officers until a supervisor asks what I am doing or "shouldn't you be back on the street?" . "Sorry Boss, just doing what you were doing, talking about the hawks game with the desk crew. You've been here longer than me!" Then go back on the street. Never miss a beat to comically make an ass out of these bosses by showing them for the hypocrites they are, they'll think twice about these tiny little things. They all try to guilt you to get activity. Don't listen. 99% won't do more than that. Some make idle threats they'll never make good on. You're mother told you you'd go blind if you touched yourself and you didn't listen to her. Be a man(or woman) have some balls(or...tits?, ovaries?) stop bing upset that someone wants something from you you're not gonna give anyway.

5/12/2017 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KJ, put a quota system in place while in the 005th District. He threatened to deny time due and time on the end. Instructing his sergeants to ask what have you done for me lately. A sergeant got a number on the Commander and Captain, which came back unfounded.

5/12/2017 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/12/2017 02:06:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic but please read. The commander of 020 complains about blue cards all the time and came to third watch to ask for more blue cards. He is looking more activity. This being said, the commander was seen and pics taken of himself riding a tricycle at an outing, That in itself is ridiculous. So then he puts a guy that got fired from the job, was off a year then got his job back, on the brynmawr foot post. This third watch guy who got fired then bragged about doing zeros, nothing, no activity for 6 months. So how does the awesome commander reward this great cop? By rewarding him by giving him the brynmawr foot post. So the commander demands activity, then rewards the number one guy on third watch with zeros for six months by getting a great spot.

The reason I bring this up, the quietest dist in the city, is run by idiots, just look at the 2nd watch supervisors, and now the biggest bozo on third watch get a good spot for doing nothing. I love it. Just shows you what HARD WORK GETS YOU!!! I just love that the commander makes all these wise decisions, tricycle riding, asking for blue cards and bozos that do nothing get rewarded. 17 people put in for the foot spot. Guess their hard work payed off?

5/12/2017 02:49:00 AM

Why would you want a foot spot if you are such a hard charger? Sound more like a hard on.

5/12/2017 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact the FOP jumped in is a clear sign the FOP reads this blog. SCC, what is your website traffic like, gotta be in the high millions. You sure don't give a fuck and say it as it is.

5/12/2017 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy whining about the Bryn Mawr foot post:

Stfu and try being the police. The only reason anyone would put in for that spot is to do nothing. For you to think the spot would be assigned based on activity, or anything other than someone picking their favorite, is just idiotic. Does the person you describe deserve the spot? Probably not. Does anyone who is actually the police want the spot? Nope. Suck it up and accept that you're not the chosen one, and go park in your hole to hide from work. Bunch of entitled crybabies on this job.

5/12/2017 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking joke. How about sending some of these coppers and your traffic missions to places where citizens pay their taxes and actually give a shit about their neighborhood. Live in 19 and a couple nights ago as I was dreaming of retirement about 4 gunshots woke me out of my happy place. Called the police described what I heard and saw and waited a few minutes to see if anyone would drive by. Of course they didn't. The next day my neighbor finds 4 casings and a couple holes in some cars. Called again. Squad shows up, I speak to the copper and he tells me the job was coded out by a Sgt and no one made it by. Wtf. How about at least a drive by. It's a shots fired called in by an off duty. I would think that would make it legit. But I guess us tax paying citizens don't get any service after all. What a crock of shit.

5/12/2017 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally Kevin graham a real leader reminds of his cousin Billy graham will you Kevin be a superstar also?:

Kevin Graham will you be the "superstar" FOP needs? Your off to a great start Kevin happy personally I voted for you both time,keep up the great work Kevin thank you! Now hold the small feet ballerinas feet to the fire with the under 25% pension funding you are the leader thank you!

5/12/2017 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, credit where credit is due: SCC for his reporting and re FOP?! Holy shit, we have a fucking union? Good job Graham, this is the type of shit I need to see. I like how the FOP said what the police needs is a city that backs them, which isn't happening. That worthless swindler, Dean Angelo, may he rot for his corruption and exploitation of the rank and file, would've never said a damn thing.

I was dying laughing reading about the LT's off duty hot car incident

5/12/2017 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like in the old USSR ,Lies,tries stick it up your ass if you complain.. shame on Rahmicide , corrupt Chicago Democrats ,useless Merits for poisoning CPD

5/12/2017 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Escamilla, Kohnen, Schmeer, and's like a who's who of Dept. idiots.

5/12/2017 12:32:00 AM

You can add Sanchez from 004 to that roster.

5/12/2017 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Googly Boogly dolls will be the next promo item for the Fibune - remember the old Cuddly Dudley dolls if you bought a year subscription?
Is there a SCC reader with artistic talent who can render us a sample illustration?

Retired .38 spl +P

5/12/2017 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about traffic safety!🤔

5/12/2017 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep it up Kevin! It's very simple. When the department does something so absurd just make a rebuttle. Everyone knows the bosses have been doing stuff like that for decades. It's how they promote themselves. Bosses never have to interact with the public so they are out of harms way physically and financially. With all the new restrictions, rules, laws and general orders placed on the police the self serving bosses still expect the world. Problem is the street cop is held accountable not the inside house boss.

5/12/2017 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin...Start laying the foundation for lifting the antiquated residency requirement. Or limiting it to the first 10, 15 or 20 years of service. There's plenty of reasons to spell out for it. For starters the city has changed greatly for guys that have time on. The schools are in decline, taxes all across the board, crime up, etc. etc.

5/12/2017 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous I dont believe it... said...

Lets get real here...this entire subject is about generating revenue, and hoping against all odds that the crime rate will drop.


5/12/2017 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
Four times or more is OK because they know I've gotta get my VRI activity.

5/12/2017 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supposedly Escumerit ain't going anywhere, because big Ed is pissed he keeps making the blog. That is fine. The guy is damaged goods in everyone elses eyes. Once he put himself in a trick bag with that email, every officer with low activity has an easy out, once shit goes to paper. Tick, tock.......

3rd Watch

5/12/2017 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic but please read. The commander of 020 complains about blue cards all the time and came to third watch to ask for more blue cards. He is looking more activity. This being said, the commander was seen and pics taken of himself riding a tricycle at an outing, That in itself is ridiculous. So then he puts a guy that got fired from the job, was off a year then got his job back, on the brynmawr foot post. This third watch guy who got fired then bragged about doing zeros, nothing, no activity for 6 months. So how does the awesome commander reward this great cop? By rewarding him by giving him the brynmawr foot post. So the commander demands activity, then rewards the number one guy on third watch with zeros for six months by getting a great spot.

The reason I bring this up, the quietest dist in the city, is run by idiots, just look at the 2nd watch supervisors, and now the biggest bozo on third watch get a good spot for doing nothing. I love it. Just shows you what HARD WORK GETS YOU!!! I just love that the commander makes all these wise decisions, tricycle riding, asking for blue cards and bozos that do nothing get rewarded. 17 people put in for the foot spot. Guess their hard work payed off?

My guess is why keep a guy who does nothing on the watch when he has the rest if you yokels running around. I mean common did you really think hard work matters.

5/12/2017 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the numbers down...ACLU is watching and waiting for a spike in Stops.
Don't risk it for the biscuit.

Sharp as a carpet tack Googlie-hiem's overstaffed million dollar News Affairs operation had to have Rahm's overstaffed multi-million dollar PR Dept craft a response.

Nobody accountable, ACLU is investigating.

5/12/2017 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic... What's up with all these new guys that don't know there ass from a hole in the ground without that stupid rainbow book

5/12/2017 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP should next mention all the grievances and paperwork caused by Escamerit's 'Idiot's Guide to Supervision and Violating Union Contracts,' form of management.

5/12/2017 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the poster who didn't get the foot spot. Lesson learned..hard worker..fillmore lifer..

5/12/2017 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever is badmouthing Voulgaris we like him in 17 so that's all that counts. He's not sweating anyone. He calls you and says hello to you and watches out for you. He doesn't ask for anything other than to do what we can.

5/12/2017 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) RIP brother this is happening to often protect blue:

5/12/2017 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blame poor management. You have guys that aren't productive? Give them the hospital run. Give the the "holding the offender." Give them the prisoner transport. You have a special attention , give them that and tell them not to leave without approval from yourself. Checkup make sure they're there. You got a snow route have them write parkers order tow s. Traffic car down let them handle all
Accidents that night.

It's like when my 12 year old kid says I'm bored. I give themchores to do or tell him to read a book and what do you know, I don't hear from them for hours. You want to act like a 12 year old, no problem I'll treat you like a 12 year old.

5/12/2017 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened in the 010 lock up?

5/12/2017 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamerit wants out of 025 and desperately wants to make Deputy. Talked to guys on 3rd watch and was told his excuse for quotas was that he wanted to prevent citizens from getting killed. Very noble except I have been in the tac office when he has called Sgts screaming because he wants shooting victims to be down graded or pleading if there is a way to reclassify so that it is an assault instead of an agg batt. Lol. Kinda hard to do that boss. The guy is a charlatan and a bullshit artist. Fuck him and his desire for another undeserving pay bump on the backs of working officers.

5/12/2017 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn looks like that FOP Election bore fruit.............

5/12/2017 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone's a fan of Goldfinger :D

5/12/2017 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In addition to your supervisory dimwits,you're also effected by the feds and state bribes to force stats--needed,or not needed---ISP became the Il Seatbelt Police a few years ago because of those bribes

5/12/2017 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EscaMULEa makes Peña look like a Mensa candidate. I have an idea-- try and get MORE work out of your officers by punishing them at every turn. Let's kick morale even HARDER in the balls with his and Captian Idiots bullshit. Those two are an embarrassment to the CPD.

5/12/2017 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to hear union speak out. Wonder if Fat Ed will. He's either oblivious or doesn't care or both about what this guy in 025 is doing. A real train wreck

5/12/2017 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/12/2017 02:49:00 AM
What are you rambling on about? The guy you're talking about has seniority AND got screwed over when he got fired. Maybe that was a factor in the decision? Also, he's a class guy. Not the hardest worker by any means but will always be there when you need help and is a down to earth dude that doesn't take things seriously. Obviously you didn't get the spot so you are a little sore in the rectal area but don't be a douche. As far as that picture, I've seen it and it's pretty damn hilarious! The commander is a good guy who actually cares about his people. I'm sure you're in 020 so tell these people how many times the commander has bought food for all the watches? What about the FACT that he actually takes your plate and throws it out after you're done? That's a good boss and someone humble enough to take care of those under him. You can stay on your midnight car and keep dreaming. One day maybe you'll get taken care of too.

5/12/2017 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthony Guglielmi got run out of his job as Baltimore PD spokesperson. Guglielmi told the Baltimore Sun: "we’re pretty satisfied with the way the city is headed, violence-wise” following a weekend where 18 people were shot. Then he got hired by Chicago. Just what we need another empty suit speaking for the CPD, living in the mayor's alternate reality. With any luck, when he is done lying for the CPD, he can get a job lying for the mayor like the last guy did.

There will be more coming out about Gugliemi. Quoted lies will be exposed related to an ongoing CR#. Keep watching. His name is spelled with lie in it.

5/12/2017 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget Lietenant Fenner. She ordered the Sgt's at VRI to demand activity. No Zeros... Each Sgt came in with Zero and told her to pound sand...

5/12/2017 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Son of Sir Donkey said...

I hear big Tony has delusions of making deputy chief in the near future. Too bad he read the Sal Avila guide to exempt promotions. keep your memos close and your emails closer! I hope Tony didnt lose his Lt bars when he moved into the motel 8. Might need to dust those off and get your old red star embroidered again. Im sure the Jeter wannabe can spot you a set.

5/12/2017 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but please read. The commander of 020 complains about blue cards all the time and came to third watch to ask for more blue cards. He is looking more activity. This being said, the commander was seen and pics taken of himself riding a tricycle at an outing, That in itself is ridiculous. So then he puts a guy that got fired from the job, was off a year then got his job back, on the brynmawr foot post. This third watch guy who got fired then bragged about doing zeros, nothing, no activity for 6 months. So how does the awesome commander reward this great cop? By rewarding him by giving him the brynmawr foot post. So the commander demands activity, then rewards the number one guy on third watch with zeros for six months by getting a great spot.

The reason I bring this up, the quietest dist in the city, is run by idiots, just look at the 2nd watch supervisors, and now the biggest bozo on third watch get a good spot for doing nothing. I love it. Just shows you what HARD WORK GETS YOU!!! I just love that the commander makes all these wise decisions, tricycle riding, asking for blue cards and bozos that do nothing get rewarded. 17 people put in for the foot spot. Guess their hard work payed off?

The new foot guy always prided himself on the fact that he never worked much to begin with, but that is beside the point. This job is and always will be politics. The timekeeper there has all of 3 years on the job and became an FTO in 020 basically after her probation was done. Now she's hidden away in the front office and makes her own schedule. 3rd watch secretary has been inside taken care of his whole career of about 10 yrs because he's too scared to do a basic custodial search, but they threw the guy who had terminal cancer on a beat car every day. Midnight civilian desk crew gets to leave early every night without even asking, but patrol officers have to hunt down a supervisor and beg for a couple hours on the end. Nothing on this job makes sense or has legitimacy.

5/12/2017 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you want us to keep going? With more names? Those are quotas Anthony. You want to stop lying to the reporters? The ACLU isn't going to like it when you lie to them during the deposition that you had no knowledge of a quota system.

"Tony come see what Frankie did"...

5/12/2017 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow just when you thought Aviation Security Goofs would finally get off the front pages comes word from the IG Investigation of the Department of COMPLETE lack of any type of Supervision allowing multiple "Double Dippers" to flourish. Expect indictments,more firings and serious embarrassments for Political Sponors. DUMB VERY VERY DUMB.

5/12/2017 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't spell Guglielmi without L-I-E...drinking the koolaid by the gallon.

5/12/2017 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthony Guglielmi???

is that the guy that clogs up my department email with ass hat letter from people i don't know.

Is he the guy that leak info to the mayors people?

is that the guy who has no idea what an investigation is but is a snappy dresser?

Do me a favor TONY quit acting like you somebody on the phone too I know you leak shit to the media too >

YOU know special wanted NO part of that commanders screw up!

5/12/2017 07:26:00 AM

He worked previously in BAltimore

5/12/2017 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous THEE RANT (NYPD) said...

No more quotas or productivity goals in the NYPD.

NYPD PC James P. O'Neill has vowed to discipline any supervisor who puts quantity before quality. "This department does not and will not use quotas."

What say you, Eddie Johnson?

5/12/2017 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice how Rahm and FatHeadEd have remained completely silent about this?

5/12/2017 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is Anthony a sworn officer or a paid spokesweasle?

5/12/2017 06:07:00 AM

He's a candy ass civilian who guzzles Rahm's Kool Aid by the gallon.

5/12/2017 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I blame poor management. You have guys that aren't productive? Give them the hospital run. Give the the "holding the offender." Give them the prisoner transport. You have a special attention , give them that and tell them not to leave without approval from yourself. Checkup make sure they're there. You got a snow route have them write parkers order tow s. Traffic car down let them handle all
Accidents that night.

It's like when my 12 year old kid says I'm bored. I give themchores to do or tell him to read a book and what do you know, I don't hear from them for hours. You want to act like a 12 year old, no problem I'll treat you like a 12 year old.
5/12/2017 01:06:00 PM

I liked to read books when I was 12. When my dad would interrupt my reading and pester me to do chores I would screw them up and play dumb. Guess what? He learned to leave me alone and let me read. That is why I always have a book on me in case I get something like a hospital detail. I'm sorry, but some of you stupervisors either suffer from delusions or a mild form of retardation.

5/12/2017 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 020
From: Everyone else
Subject: Your problems

In summary, no one cares. That is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone ever complain abaout.
As another poster so astutely pointed out- if you were a worker, you wouldn't want the spot in the first place. How can you on one hand complain that the commander wants a simple blue card, but then on the other hand complain when a guy with no activity gets a spot you want.
Kindly enjoy your slow district, and stop acting like 020 is committing crimes against humanity.

5/12/2017 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was flop president Graham yesterday when he was invited to speak on Chicago Tonight? Police board president Lightfoot was present and addressed the increase in separations by the board in 2016. The flop president's spokesperson said he was unavailable. Was he afraid the board president would make him look foolish? He missed a huge opportunity to confront the police board president and get our message out. Watch the interview online at Chicago Tonight, we have a very rough road ahead of us.

5/12/2017 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets get real here...this entire subject is about generating revenue, and hoping against all odds that the crime rate will drop.



5/12/2017 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a good heating and air guy or company? I just got ripped off by Four Seasons Heating and Air. Do not ever use this company. They are horrible.

5/12/2017 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know alot of us in 025 are strongly opposed to our District Commanders quotas he has been forcing on us. 🍕

5/12/2017 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous gonna be a deep foundation said...

Hey Kevin...Start laying the foundation for lifting the antiquated residency requirement. Or limiting it to the first 10, 15 or 20 years of service. There's plenty of reasons to spell out for it. For starters the city has changed greatly for guys that have time on. The schools are in decline, taxes all across the board, crime up, etc. etc.

5/12/2017 10:11:00 AM

Last time Chicago taxes went down or its schools were improving has been a while. Kevin should push to make residency abolition retroactive to 1938.

5/12/2017 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumors of the old numbered areas coming back?

5/12/2017 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I guess us tax paying citizens don't get any service after all. What a crock of shit."

5/12/2017 08:47:00 AM

Shut-up. Keep paying your taxes, and keep voting democrat.

5/12/2017 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And on top of that no one stops at Stop Signs."

5/12/2017 12:23:00 AM

There are far too many stop signs. Little wonder people ignore them.

5/12/2017 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The boss should hire Johnny Woo-Woo to sing a chant for contacts !

5/12/2017 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that it's refreshing to see that the FOP now has a voice.
Deano preferred the cricket approach.

5/12/2017 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Restructuring of Unit 353 (SWAT) and Unit (153) for filing a lawsuit. Midnight shift being added. No take home cars. No D-3 pay. And you will be in your regular Chicago Police Blue Uniforms. No more green because it looks too military. One training day a month. OT intiatives for SWAT being scaled back. More to follow........
Good they don't do anything anyways but get to get a work out in and stair at everybody as officers pull into homan at the gate..they are really good and sitting in lawn chairs and stairing!!

5/12/2017 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eli Voulgaris - I had met Eli when he just made Sgt and was assigned to 012. Eli is a man that has a real heart of gold and is no way a bull shit artist. Eli would give his shirt off his back to help a copper.
Guys as bosses like Eli are nearly all gone now. Seeing Eli, and after years of not, he is a joy and pleasure to speak to. God bless you Eli, your good will toward coppers will always be remembered.
Let refrain Eli only took care of Greeks.

5/12/2017 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we can also add one of the desk dolls on third watch who is banging the Lt and gets to go to school on company time! Since we're airing dirty laundry bring it all out in the open. Mind you this is THE slowest district in the city but I'm sure we're not supposed to be attending class while you're SUPPOSED to be working (of course I use that term loosely because she really is never working) but damn you already have it good and you have to add insult to injury by getting reimbursed for a class you're taking on company time??? Isn't that double dipping?

5/12/2017 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Eli Voulgaris - I had met Eli when he just made Sgt and was assigned to 012. Eli is a man that has a real heart of gold and is no way a bull shit artist. Eli would give his shirt off his back to help a copper.
Guys as bosses like Eli are nearly all gone now. Seeing Eli, and after years of not, he is a joy and pleasure to speak to. God bless you Eli, your good will toward coppers will always be remembered.
Let refrain Eli only took care of Greeks."

Ok! Alright the shows over now you can get off your knees and go back to the desk!

5/12/2017 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Eli Voulgaris - I had met Eli when he just made Sgt and was assigned to 012. Eli is a man that has a real heart of gold and is no way a bull shit artist. Eli would give his shirt off his back to help a copper.
Guys as bosses like Eli are nearly all gone now. Seeing Eli, and after years of not, he is a joy and pleasure to speak to. God bless you Eli, your good will toward coppers will always be remembered.
Let refrain Eli only took care of Greeks.

My God, you impaled that thing and didn't gag once.

5/12/2017 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another revenue scam and a traffic court that compares to a ghost town.
Can't find the quote from the mayor, or stoolie thereof, who said Red light & Speed cameras will free up police officers for other tasks.

Seems City Hall is calling in a favor by utilizing their CPD Merit Hacks to come in with $$$ and attack 016 working citizens for COLLECTABLE REVENUE...since ghetto drivers don't pay for cars their cousins use.
It also explains why they installed more trap cameras in favorable and economically viable areas.

5/12/2017 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a good heating and air guy or company? I just got ripped off by Four Seasons Heating and Air. Do not ever use this company. They are horrible.

5/12/2017 05:55:00 PM

I do , are you a south sider? My partner has his own business. Has helped out many coppers. Let me know what unit you are in and watch. I'll locate you.

5/12/2017 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic. The Great Thomas J Dart clown show contiunes. As it turns out there was some truth to the rape behind bars. Dart is a moron the paper reported that the male inmates said they were raped by the female. Everyone knows that's BS but now the lawsuit just got bigger with her name being dragged through mud.

5/12/2017 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Restructuring of SWAT? Let the city play it's games and we will play ours. Carter you need us, we don't need you. Water down the try out process even more and let more fuck ups on the team. Lamb and Hroma you don't scare us with your threats. Go kiss the bosses asses to make merit.

5/12/2017 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready - BIG news coming soon from the IG re: Lt exam.
Some nervous Lts in 009, 003 and 002!

5/12/2017 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm liking this Graham guy more and more. Finally getting our dues worth.

5/12/2017 01:27:00 AM

Well when you actually were a unit rep that actually did the work, asked questions, followed up with members and studied the contract, you just might be a decent FOP president. Maybe we should elect more guys like him to the board instead of guys who RETIRED in 1998! Can we get a cut off on age for retirees on the board for christ sake? How about term limitations?

5/13/2017 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0820pm Mr. Poppaloupas, ELI takes care of his own, just like he has and always will.

Greek girl on time on the job . ELI put in meritorious DICK. Your a joke, surely coming from another Greek kiss ass=hoping to get promoted on Eli's tails.

5/13/2017 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Does anyone have a good heating and air guy or company? I just got ripped off by Four Seasons Heating and Air. Do not ever use this company. They are horrible.

5/12/2017 05:55:00 PM

All Temp is good. Mid price range but on time and very professional. Friendly too

5/13/2017 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a good heating and air guy or company? I just got ripped off by Four Seasons Heating and Air. Do not ever use this company. They are horrible.

iTemp HVAC. 773-704-0640. Good guys. Jim and Tom. Fixed my ac last summer. Their in laws own a restaurant in 024 and are very good to the police.

5/13/2017 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does FOP have SWAT's back with the team being split up into 3 watches?

5/13/2017 04:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eli Voulgaris - I had met Eli when he just made Sgt and was assigned to 012. Eli is a man that has a real heart of gold and is no way a bull shit artist. Eli would give his shirt off his back to help a copper.
Guys as bosses like Eli are nearly all gone now. Seeing Eli, and after years of not, he is a joy and pleasure to speak to. God bless you Eli, your good will toward coppers will always be remembered.
Let refrain Eli only took care of Greeks.

Eli came to 019, gave his "cousin" AH (affectionately know as 1900A) free reign to scam during Cubs season, brought in EP (also made her merit det when he brought her to 017) whom he put on days with 5 minutes on the job, JE in the front office, and submitted a tact guy for merit det, TP, who also did make it. What's the two common denominators here? Their names all end in "S", and they're all Greek. Over one hundred coppers fled 019 during 2014's mass exodus. He may be a nice guy with a heart of gold but he has a brain of oatmeal and the only reason he lasted there as long as he did, and was then put into 017 after being removed and made XO of pencils and paper clips, is because of The Greek Whack.

5/13/2017 04:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Anthony Guzzlerahmie guy is a first class tool.

5/13/2017 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stfu and try being the police. The only reason anyone would put in for that spot is to do nothing. For you to think the spot would be assigned based on activity, or anything other than someone picking their favorite, is just idiotic. Does the person you describe deserve the spot? Probably not. Does anyone who is actually the police want the spot? Nope. Suck it up and accept that you're not the chosen one, and go park in your hole to hide from work. Bunch of entitled crybabies on this job.

Obviously you idiots have no reading comprehension. ME, this poster did not put in for the foot spot. But 17 people did. Some of whom have worked hard, some who have not. The point was, the guy who got it is a stroke, and a blow hard. He got himself fired for stupid shit. Does nothing and is proud of it. I dont care who does what, and I didn't want the foot post.

All of that being said, I know three good guys that should have got the spot, but you morons dont get the big picture of the commander is. Yes the guys that are taken care of by him love him, but he demanded 5 BLUE cards a day from a guy who desperately needed days who worked midnights. But has a 3 year wonder working the front office. The commander ran around his whole career arrogantly saying how he has juice and will be promoted all his career. But keep thinking I wanted the foot spot.

5/13/2017 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamerit as Deputy... Now that's scary!

5/13/2017 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all my years on this job, I can honestly say that I have no confidence in any of the CPD supervisor. From Sergeant to Supt.. Now that's concerning... (in the words of Special Ed)

5/13/2017 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where was flop president Graham yesterday when he was invited to speak on Chicago Tonight? Police board president Lightfoot was present and addressed the increase in separations by the board in 2016. The flop president's spokesperson said he was unavailable. Was he afraid the board president would make him look foolish? He missed a huge opportunity to confront the police board president and get our message out. Watch the interview online at Chicago Tonight, we have a very rough road ahead of us.

5/12/2017 05:24:00 PM
Moron Kevin was busy with the officers that were shot and their families ass hat!

5/13/2017 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call four seasons and tell them that you checked prices with other places and that took advantage of you. Theironically repairmen are encouraged to sell you stuff and the more you pay, the more they make. Demand a price adjustment and they buckle. Remember that they g ave to pass on all that advertising cost. Try El-Air in Norridge on LAWRENCE very honest.

5/13/2017 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well we can also add one of the desk dolls on third watch who is banging the Lt and gets to go to school on company time! Since we're airing dirty laundry bring it all out in the open. Mind you this is THE slowest district in the city but I'm sure we're not supposed to be attending class while you're SUPPOSED to be working (of course I use that term loosely because she really is never working) but damn you already have it good and you have to add insult to injury by getting reimbursed for a class you're taking on company time??? Isn't that double dipping?

5/12/2017 09:31:00 PM

If it bugs you much have some balls, put it on paper as required by General Order, and file a complaint. Otherwise STFU, you pansy.

5/13/2017 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"" Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a good heating and air guy or company? I just got ripped off by Four Seasons Heating and Air. Do not ever use this company. They are horrible.""

Total shitbags. They wont even honor their warranty unless you juice them $200 a year for "inspection fee". So if your heater is over a year old in its 10 year warranty they will force you to pay $200 before they even start work on it.

5/13/2017 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy about the foot spot is a little crybaby. First off, who has 3 years on up there? Second, 17 people didn't put in for that spot. Third, the commander is a nice guy and takes care of everyone, and never asked for 5 blue cards a day. The only stroke here is you! Like another poster said, how are your gonna complain that he is asking for activity yet then say the guy who got it didn't have activity? Way to contradict yourself moron! Also, if you are going to pretend to throw stats or facts around you would be more credible if you didn't just make shit up. Dumbass!

5/13/2017 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kohnen the Librarian is not Conan the Barbarian.

5/13/2017 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously you idiots have no reading comprehension. ME, this poster did not put in for the foot spot. But 17 people did. Some of whom have worked hard, some who have not. The point was, the guy who got it is a stroke, and a blow hard. He got himself fired for stupid shit. Does nothing and is proud of it. I dont care who does what, and I didn't want the foot post.

All of that being said, I know three good guys that should have got the spot, but you morons dont get the big picture of the commander is. Yes the guys that are taken care of by him love him, but he demanded 5 BLUE cards a day from a guy who desperately needed days who worked midnights. But has a 3 year wonder working the front office. The commander ran around his whole career arrogantly saying how he has juice and will be promoted all his career. But keep thinking I wanted the foot spot.

5/13/2017 05:39:00 AM

I think you missed the point. The point is no one cares. Foot posts are old-timey policing relics that have no place in a city that is ridiculously shorthanded when it comes to police officers. Foot posts are handed out to pets and suckholes. They aren't rewards for activity or given to the most deserving. If someone is such a great and deserving officer, their talents will be wasted on a foot post. Whining about it does nothing but make you sound like a bitch, even if you didn't want the spot, which no one actually believes. What's the point of the foot post? What great policing will be accomplished by the person assigned to it? Find something else to worry about, because this is just whiny nonsense.

5/13/2017 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"" Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a good heating and air guy or company? I just got ripped off by Four Seasons Heating and Air. Do not ever use this company. They are horrible.""

Total shitbags. They wont even honor their warranty unless you juice them $200 a year for "inspection fee". So if your heater is over a year old in its 10 year warranty they will force you to pay $200 before they even start work on it.

Air Team Corporation 630-400-6384
ask for Wesley

5/13/2017 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey as long as looking for legit workers to do a job at the crib, how about hard wood sanding and staining in Clearing area /Midway area. The ones that use the dustless sanders. There got to be a few copper' doing side work on this.

5/14/2017 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of that being said, I know three good guys that should have got the spot, but you morons dont get the big picture of the commander is. Yes the guys that are taken care of by him love him, but he demanded 5 BLUE cards a day from a guy who desperately needed days who worked midnights.

Awww the guy with no time on the job needs days.

5/14/2017 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eli wasn't a bad Boss in the district but when they gave him that "jump out squad", or whatever the hell they called it, it was like he gave a special entry test to check for moron-ness with these kiddie cops he took along with him. My God what a crew they were, every district hated when they came rolling in. The supervisors were all juiced, including son of Phat, and the kiddies thought they could do anything and come out squeeky.

And you wonder why we have the ACLU giving us a proctology exam?

5/14/2017 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Eli is nice, but he is nicer to the, you know, Greeks. ALOT nicer. I am agreeing with the earlier poster who mentioned Sgt A.H. ( a legend in his own mind )who stole all those hours working the entertainment bullshit which always ended long before the night did. ELI ALLOWED THAT. Also merit Det E.P. who had days with no time on in 19 after she followed him there. Then she made the trek to follow him to 17 and of course, again, days. Then the merit spot. What a joke, he should be embarrassed.

5/14/2017 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree the boss in 20 is the worst.
One time I was there late and checking on my activity up in the office. I had to make sure they accurately had the one parker I wrote three weeks ago to make sure I could get my VRI. I walked in to his office and heard a baby crying, then stop. When I rounded the corner, he was drinking the baby's blood! I couldn't believe it. Thankfully I backed out before he saw me.

Truly evil. Thank god for your heroism, showing me the way, so I can finally get the truth out here. He must be stopped.

Quit acting like you are working up a sweat there, salty dog veteran. It's so obvious you are sore you didn't get the spot even the usual trolls are seeing through it. Just about everything you've typed is so far from the truth, it's shameful. The worst part? You actually try to prove your 'injustices ' by bringing a dead copper into it: that same dead guy, who up until he was physically incapable, insisted he stay on the street. Then he insisted he come to work inside. He couldn't even put on normal shoes his feet were so swollen, but he came to work and didn't complain. Then he was looked out for the best we can. Oh, you saw him 10-99 on a beat car on the sheets? Figure it out, Dr Watson. You ought to be ashamed of yourself stooping that low, on top of all of the other lies, to bring him into your argument.

What the hell happened to the people on this job that they have to go that far to make themselves feel better? Go look at your kids and brag about how much work you do. Maybe you can fool them, but no one here buys your tripe.

5/14/2017 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10.28pm. You put it perfectly, and I'll add that WS had more guts and fortitude fighting his cancers (yes cancers) the last ten years than any copper ever on this job. RIP my friend

5/15/2017 08:55:00 AM  

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