Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Next Move?

The Department, at the direction of Rahm, has already restricted days off all summer. They've canceled certain teams from even having two consecutive days off for months at a time and we don't doubt days off are going to be canceled during certain weekends. Baltimore has come up with a novel idea:
  • Baltimore sees multiple deadly shootings in just a matter of hours. It was a burst of violence that forced the commissioner to make a drastic move today.

    All uniformed officers will be on mandatory 12-hour shifts, as the city hustles to control the crime.

    Ava-joye Burnett reports the violence spilled over from the night into broad daylight today.

    After a violent night, the police department announced a plan on how to address this problem, as the Police Commissioner was angered by the violence.
A "burst of violence" is a daily occurrence around these parts.

And daylight mayhem? Got that covered!

What triggered this extreme step?
  • The violence in Baltimore started Monday evening and lasted through the night. It spilled over into the middle of Tuesday and by the end of it all, at least 12 people had been shot and at least six dead.
So 6 dead and 6 wounded in 36 hours?

Chicago had 30 shot in a mere 9 hours this past weekend. And although Baltimore's kill percentage was much higher (50%), the Windy City is still averaging over 2.5 dead per day:

So take an exhausted demoralized Department and force them to work an additional four hours a day - we're sure Baltimore will be getting top effort out of their burned-out officers.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baltimore is imploding.

They have about 55% of the number of homicides Chicago has but only about 27% of the population.

So their murder rate is about double Chicago's. Scary to think what ours would be if not for our CFD EMTs and ER staffs.

And there is no end in sight and no one has any possible solutions.

The war on police has had unintended consequences.

The toll that will take on their police can be enormous. The citizens of Baltimore had better have a heart for their police. There will be some blowup.

6/15/2017 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be good with 12s as long as its the normal 3 on 3 off. But with this department it will just be 12s with all rdos cancelled.
Had two co workers find new jobs in the last month. Everyone is jumping ship.

6/15/2017 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Management always expects the worker bees
To pull 12-hr shifts, but never themselves.
After 8 hours, they want to go home, change panties,
And relax. The labor laws our grandfathers fought and
died for have fallen to the wayside as employers mandated
college degrees in exchange for semi-management or semi-
professional titles to get around the laws. Welcome back into
the coal mine, boys.

6/15/2017 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baltimore is a good liberal democrat city. Of course it's police officers will b be happy to work 12 hour days, forever if need be.

6/15/2017 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Inspector Francis Callahan said...

No harm no foul. If your dumb enough to be on a team these days your dumb enough to have both your days off cancelled.

6/15/2017 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If l'm not mistaken they were already on 10 hour shifts.

6/15/2017 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to think the aldermen want to try to take away duty availability from us. I think FOP should try to have it doubled.

6/15/2017 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yet the media allows rahm to run away from media events like a scared little girl without answering questions about the violence. It is too bad we do not have a responsible adult running this city.

6/15/2017 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit the medical and dont feel bad about it either. The city and brass dont care about you. Why should you care?

6/15/2017 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, but look. Who, what, and where are the shootings?

6/15/2017 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are finally seeing the results of handcuffing the police. Thank the liberals, ACLU, revruns, blm and Rahm. This is the police dept. they asked for. How's that ISR new protocol working for ya ?

6/15/2017 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a patrol officer to do?

I don't want my start time changed

I don't want to lose my partner

I don't want to go on the medical because i want an attendance award

I don't want to disappoint my sergeant

6/15/2017 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's always the medical.

6/15/2017 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best reform for Chicago Police Officers right now is don't lock anybody up. Let the body's pile up. Handle your jobs nothing more nothing less.

6/15/2017 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gonna be a whole bunch of p.o. 'ed Baltimore polices with the 12 hour days. From the posted stats, we'd best not have a pistol competition between them (folks) and our Folk. Their kill ratio makes me wonder if the city administration is forcing range training on their shooters?

6/15/2017 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dept wants an officer that is in top notch shape physically and mentally yet they continue to force unreasonable hours and shifts. All this does is impair an officer's mental and physical ability; create a cycle of fatigue; limit job performance and damage an officer's health.

6/15/2017 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you don't support law abiding people . This is what happens when you worry about the welfare of a thug.

6/15/2017 07:43:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Baltimore Amish have been brushing up on their range time.

6/15/2017 07:51:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Over fifty years of failed Democratic policies have led to this.

6/15/2017 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can have the police work 24 hours straight , but if the police don't do any type of proactive work than what's the point. You can thank the Obama administration and the BLM movement and of course the liberal media for fanning the non existent flames of police misconduct. Now these idiots want the police to work with no days off and work more hours than usual , well guess what ? You cancel me and extend my tour I will be snoozing in the closest hole , because I got the memo that the police are evildoers and if the police fuck up well then they will be punished. They will be punished far more severe than the average gangbanger or dope dealer even more severe than murderers . So go ahead and cancel and extent , if you're looking for me I'll be counting sheep as the simulcast on the city wide stays unavailable .
Zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz

6/15/2017 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready for MASSIVE spike in medical usage and Iod, good job at hiring the 3000 cops we're short. No problem we'll just cancel your days off....fuck off, I've actually considered retiring at 20 years with a shitty 50% pension just so I can get my life and rights back. Anyone reading, unless your homeless, DO NOT TAKE THIS JOB!!!!

6/15/2017 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 12 hour shift concept is used extensively in the south. One week work 4 12 hour shifts, Next week 3 12 hour shifts.

example: Work: FRI, SAT, SUN - Off: Mon & Tues - Work: Wed & Thurs, Off: FRI, SAT, SUN.

Throw in a late call or two can be a real downer, but roll calls are quick as on/off shift at 6AM / 6PM on the dot to prevent OT.

Easier to take a couple hours vacation / comp time during shift if needed for doctors, kid's activities, etc. Also get more weekends off. Does hinder outside work activities on work day rotations, (i.e., part time or social). And depending on where one resides the trip to and from can be significant. Many FL officers often live a county or two away from where they work as FL has the ability to "float" from department to department.

But the "bear factor" comes out after a 3 day work rotation such as FRI, SAT & SUN on days with 95 degree heat the entire shift!

6/15/2017 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baltimore politicians turned the streets over to the thugs. Now they pay for it in blood.

6/15/2017 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strict gun control does nothing to protect the public, it actually increases violent crime.

6/15/2017 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morale must be great in the Baltimore police department, after the Prosecutor tried to send cops, who were proven innocent and only doing their job, to prison. And remember, the "We are Sisters from another Mother" group photo of Kim Foxx, with that Prosecutor. Rahm is worried, as he should be. Baby "G"

6/15/2017 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crook County,IL Kimmy Fox must have interned with Baltimore 's Mosby
.. Crime in Baltimore turning into a runaway .. 160 murders so far in 2017 ..
Baltimore population 25 % size of CrapChicago ..Over/under for when Rahmicide panic to start ?..
Where is St Sabina s' Fr Faker ? He near retirement age

6/15/2017 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 06:46am......After 30 yrs OTJ with all the Ribbons and awards I received...The ATTENDANCE AWARD is THE MOST PRIZED one of'em all....I even got a GOLD STAR with it on the upper right hand corner...My Second grade teacher would have be soooo PROUD of me...

6/15/2017 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of truly addressing the problem they try the old put a band aid on a geiser approach.
Yeah, yeah that's the ticket.

6/15/2017 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you celebrate and honor the thug. Give the thug social services,money and the "Please be good" speech. The thug, being what a thug is,laughs and takes and continues being a thug.
The impression all these social warriors give is that if you are born poor, you are entitled to act like an asshole.
In my career, I have met many more good people who lived in situations that are not great economically. I knew it, they knew it, but it didn't define them.
Sadly,the good decent people who had to live next to thugs are being left behind again.

6/15/2017 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine this scenario: You are a corrupt politician up to your eyeballs in sleazy deals and tax thefts that have screwed over thousands of hardworking people. You've supported policies that have created a feral underclass with absolutely no usefulness whatsoever other than their ability to pull the levers at the voting booth, a group that requires massive amounts of gov't gimmies or else they will burn the city to ashes in a murderous rage.

WHY, then, on God's green earth, would an idiot politician in this position (trapped between pissed off producers and pissed of parasites) choose to shit on the one force that maintains some semblance of order in their rapidly failing community, the police? Why would you screw them over and throw them under the bus? If it was me, I'd be giving cops gold plated everything in the hopes that they'd stick around and maintain order so that my head wouldn't end up on a pike. The last thing on earth I'd want in that position is a police department that is withdrawn and angry due to management abuses (healthcare debacle, pandering to BLM, etc) and worries about the solvency of their pensions, etc.

I guess it is just one more proof that the people in charge truly are either retarded or insane. In a failing city, dedicated, good cops are the most valuable asset you have. Typical of liberals to not be blind to that simple reality.

6/15/2017 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But then again today Baltimore is on Drudge world/international news headline:

Baltimore Nearing 160 Homicides Less Than Halfway Through 2017

From hey

Shot & Killed: 273
Shot & Wounded: 1267
Total Shot: 1540
Total Homicides: 289

Hmm Baltimore better step it up, but notice how we have a complete national news blackout on chiraq murder and mayhem! Wonder if rahms brother Trumps former hollywood buddy asked the world media to stop reporting and asked Trump to stop talking about Chicago massive murder carnage and mayhem?

Then we have this headline:

Trump’s pledge to wipe out MS-13 gang paying off in NY

While the gang cowardly punks in Chicago are using assult rifles to murder and maim where is all the promised federal help? national guard? We are definitely the "forgotten men and women" and to the citizens that are pro-police better speak out in favor of us, the thin Blue line is being decimated by the elected and the savages being pandered to! God bless the police job #1 is protect Blue and their entire family everyone else here is the "secret" number 312-744-3300 rahms office and call your alderman you want to protest don't be scared look up aldermans home address and office you want results they caused all of this time for them to be held accountable finally!

You think people are not stressed out but this? How many people have that "just 1 more thing and I am going to do something attitude?" The elected here have created a powder keg, the solution is to boot them out of office next round. Better yet demand that since they are carrying law enforcement style badges, when you family is killed or maimed make them personally responsible to go out and patrol the fish stinks from the head down and they are the head!!

6/15/2017 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hello from Baltimore. Have become a regular reader of your site. The stories you publish here could just as easily be posted by the cops in Baltimore.

Patrol units in Baltimore already work a 10 hour shift. The 2 extra hours are coming on the back end of their shifts now. All leave on Saturday has apparently been cancelled. Not sure how long that will be in effect.

Keep up the great work.

6/15/2017 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Murder Capital USA.
Summer of Rahm coming.
Antifa, blm and Feral takeovers are brewing.
Batten the hatches.
Citizens, tourists and people of reason, head for the WI - IN borders.

Let every armed feral urban predator fight each other to death, afterwards, go in and write the report.
Keep 26th & Cal empty.
No ISR's - No Traffic.
Stay Fetal and out of the Headlines.

6/15/2017 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT -

Seattle passed a tax on guns and ammo in 2016 to help defray the cost of shootings. What has actually happened? Exactly what everyone with half a brain thought. The number of shootings in Seattle has actually gone up, while legitimate gun shops struggle to stay open. Gun stores outside of Seattle has seen business surge. It was supposed to bring in $300-$500k a year, but has only brought in a little over $100k. A link to the full article is below:

6/15/2017 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the cheaters have my bars they should know

6/15/2017 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now we are inundated with the media about congressmen shot, God bless the police for the great job, the congressman should come to Chiraq for a few days they can view carnage 24/7! The elected are a direct cause of all the savagery they bastardized the police and praised anti-police anti law and order to long! God bless the police!

6/15/2017 02:48:00 PM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

According to the commander and XO of 011 more ISR's are needed out of second watch to combat the uptick in shootings. We all had a good chuckle than proceeded to answer our jobs and go home safe. These imbeciles just don't get it, they want activity, they want us to put our livelihood at risk just for the sake of numbers. It won't be put on paper but you better believe it's insinuated at every rollcall, bring in ISR's or else.

6/15/2017 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous james leonard said...

What about the I.G. worrying about police officers working more than 20 hours on a secondary job? Wont this be just as tiring. Maybe he should do an investigation into the shortage of officers on the job.

6/15/2017 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be good with 12s as long as its the normal 3 on 3 off. But with this department it will just be 12s with all rdos cancelled.
Had two co workers find new jobs in the last month. Everyone is jumping ship.

>Two people is not everyone jumping ship, it's not even 1% of 1%, you're a drama queen.

Management always expects the worker bees
To pull 12-hr shifts, but never themselves.
After 8 hours, they want to go home, change panties,
And relax. The labor laws our grandfathers fought and
died for have fallen to the wayside as employers mandated
college degrees in exchange for semi-management or semi-
professional titles to get around the laws. Welcome back into
the coal mine, boys.
6/15/2017 12:38:00 AM

>Tell the worker bees to stop "voluntarily" burning out on special employment "every" month and maybe you can convince management to stop canceling a few days off a year.

6/15/2017 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buttermilk Special Ed and The Surge - 8 Days A Week Summer Tour !
It's a Rahm-O-Palooza of mayhem, violence and a scatter brained patchwork of skimpy manned details.
Everybody in uniform, clear out the Areas and pray for snow.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
– Luke 23:34

It other words,
God was here before the ghetto.
So you can give your heart to the 'hood, but your pro-active ass belongs to Rahm!
Do you ladies understand ?

6/15/2017 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The geniuses that come up with these ideas seldom, if ever, even work an 8 hour day.
Mighty easy then for them to be an armchair quarterback.
They've got no skin in the game.

6/15/2017 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit the medical they don't care!

6/15/2017 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The black progressives just do not see locking up the thugs as a viable option to suppress the violent crime. Until that happens the urban streets of American will run red with blood, most of it in the black areas.

6/15/2017 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awhile ago you showed the USA murder map and the voting overlay. That says it all as long as Democrats run the big cities, this is where we're headed it's not going to change. We have a job insurance that's paid for by our greater risk. Learn to help those you can and document the demise of the others. Going fetal on everyone makes us feel shitty about ourselves and foments anger in us and our families; be careful, The anger will destroy us. Put in a par form for the days off you want. Take them w/o. Pay and watch the fun, but prep for blowback.

6/15/2017 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm powdering his nose over a hand-held antique
Sterling silver mirror while rocking out to "See You In
September" on his iPod. Yes, he did in fact spring for
the real thing, and not a generic, because in politics,
pride and attitude are everything.
Those shiny, mid-morning and mid-afternoon, forehead
and nose oil slicks must be attended to. You never know
when a City, Party, or Media photographer will show up to
document the private moments of a man in full control of
his facilities and his hand firmly on the wheel of power.

6/15/2017 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What is a patrol officer to do?

I don't want my start time changed

I don't want to lose my partner

I don't want to go on the medical because i want an attendance award

I don't want to disappoint my sergeant

6/15/2017 06:46:00 AM

I hope it was meant to be, because that is too funny!!!

6/16/2017 08:28:00 AM  

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