Sunday, July 30, 2017

Save Us Rough Cookie!

  • President Donald Trump on Friday repeated his claim that he last year identified to Mayor Rahm Emanuel a mystery Chicago cop who could solve the city's crime problem in "a couple of days."

    But the president told an audience of cops on Long Island, N.Y., that he never heard back from Emanuel β€” a claim disputed by the mayor's spokesman Adam Collins, who said Emanuel never received the name.

    Trump, who made a campaign issue out of Chicago's crime problem, said the Chicago cop was a "rough cookie" who was part of a volunteer brigade of motorcyclists who escorted his campaign in Chicago last year. When Trump stopped to pose for a photo with the off-duty cops, the "rough cookie" told him Chicago's problems could be "straightened out," he said.
And has Rough Cookie got a plan - the plan of all plans!
  • "And I said, 'How long would it take you to straighten out this problem?' " the president added. "And he said, 'If you gave me the authority β€” couple of days.' I really mean it."
A couple of days, a few extra-judicious executions and any number of well placed truck bombs - that might do the trick.

But if Rahm has the name, he's certainly keeping it quiet. There are only what? A dozen? Twenty? Certainly under twenty-four cops who do the motorcycle detail. It can't be too hard to figure out. A few drops of honey, maybe a "merit" promotion offer.

Of course, the same offers could be made to Rough Cookie to not step forward and therefore Rahm has an foil he can poke Trump with as his own "revenge" since Shrillery lost, costing Rahm an ambassadorship at the very least. Someone ought to keep an eye on any "merit" picks coming out of the motorcycle ranks in future classes.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is really Tom Dart. His cunning plan is to release all the criminals and they will be so grateful, they will never commit another crime!

7/30/2017 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck turning Chicago around by yourself. No cop in their right mind would lift a hand or step out of the car even if given the green light. The millennial 'I know everything' 2 year wonder isn't capable of old school policing so Rough Cookie is on his own.
And ultimately who gives a fuck anyway? Rahm doesn't give a fuck. Foxx doesn't give a fuck. Johnson doesn't give a fuck. The bosses don't give a fuck. Hell, even Trump doesn't give a fuck. He knows the shitheads getting killed didn't vote for him. He's just using the violence to make fun of Emanuel. It's funny.

7/30/2017 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Trump was talking to someone who just happened to be wearing a blue t-shirt shirt, and riding a Divvi bike. Trump gets things confused sometimes.

7/30/2017 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shakespeare was wrong. IT isn't the lawyers, it is the Chicago Machine Politicians.

7/30/2017 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Rough Cookie is out there and I believe he has a ggod plan, we will never know what it is.

7/30/2017 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could guarantee me no bullshit CRs, lawsuits I still wouldn't stop anybody. You still have to deal with the process of locking people up. Now you have to do ISRs for every arrest you make that comes from a street stop. You still have to work with incompetent useless knuckleheads who think they know everything and are just complete assholes. You still have to deal with ASAs who love having the power over the cops telling them they need to get more information do this do that blah blah blah or they won't approve charges sending cops on a wild goose chase to get more evidence just because they can . Still gotta deal with computers that don't work. Desk sergeants who've never done a day of police work telling you your narrative is wrong. Still gotta deal with hostile confrontational lockup keepers who can get in your face or treat you like an asshole when you bring back your arrestee and get away with it because no supervisor will say anything to them. Then take this shit to court to feed public defenders and judges families as they look down on you, say you're lying and laugh as they release another guilty shithead onto the street you just took him off of. Do all that or just answer your calls and try and avoid as much BS as you can. I'll take answering calls, avoidance. I'm staying out of the way as much as I can.

7/30/2017 01:20:00 AM  
Blogger Sir Donkey, esq said...

This is fake news. M Seiser doesn't ride a motorcycle.

7/30/2017 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just off the top of my head, I can think of a few ideas that might work.

How about we charge all the criminals with felonies when they commit felonies?
How about State Attorneys stop dealing away all the felonies and accepting a misdemeanor guilty plea?
How about we actually sentence them to real time and send them away for years when they are convicted?
How about every felon caught with a gun does ten years Federal Time in a Federal Prison?
How about sending them back to prison when they violate parole?
How about we send them to prison when they violate probation?
How about we deport criminal aliens after their time is served?
How about we just deport ALL the illegal aliens, not just the brown ones, but even the ones that are the European nannies and maids for the Alderthieves and their elite buddies?

Naaah! That will never work.

7/30/2017 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't exactly say he was on the CPD motorcycles, just volunteer...

7/30/2017 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump said he forwarded the name to Rahm.
Someone file a FOIA!
Hint, hint, media...

7/30/2017 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm has created his own crisis and he will not let the crisis go to waste--- good luck rough cookie... Rham ain't got shit for you, not even healthcare when u retire

7/30/2017 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's the Hells Angel or Outlaw that works in Narcotics...

7/30/2017 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't call me Shirley

7/30/2017 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His name is John....John Burge

7/30/2017 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will kneel before Zoog!

7/30/2017 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's gotta be huuge.......

7/30/2017 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was Cooter. He's back

7/30/2017 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's really Crazy Kim and Cindy shame in Mass Transit aka salt and pepper, there plan is Girl Power!!

7/30/2017 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commander Evans

7/30/2017 07:12:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Beatrice makes great oatmeal cookies. They are really rough on my digestive system though.

7/30/2017 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did rough cookie have a New York accent? I think I know who it is. LOL

7/30/2017 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC,President Trump never said this person was part of the CPD motorcycle detail, but a "voluntary motorcycle brigade". Sounds to me like it may be a police motorcycle club. Plus, do you really think Tiny Dancer would roll out such an honor for President Trump when Trump was just a candidate and taking jabs at Tiny Dancer and beating the crap out of that POS Hillary?

7/30/2017 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's the Hells Angel or Outlaw that works in Narcotics...

7/30/2017 03:04:00 AM

As a friend of mine always says, "How will we know they're the police if they're not in disguise?"

7/30/2017 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a solution. Get rid of democratic and R.I.N.O. politicians and elect true conservative candidates to office. End of problem.

7/30/2017 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one can stop this crap. It's a way of life for these people. And no one seems to really care
Or they would be out there on the street everyday every shooting. Who cares Phleger? He's only out there to protest the police when the cameras are on. So you have some hard on telling Trump, I could stop this in two days if you give me the authority. " so just what does that mean tough guy? Lock up every gang banger hanging on the corner and hold him for what exactly? Good luck with that.

7/30/2017 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rough Cookie" has a CHIP on his shoulder, a Crumby Attitude, and The Dough to get things done. He is not going to milk a job and can dunk criminals. He packs both a 45 and fudge his name...Keebler Cline-Seiser.

7/30/2017 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rough cookie?πŸ€”πŸ˜‚quite a few guys believe their own bullshit on the job. Legends in their own minds. Maybe the guy had a "flashback" to 77 when he kicked ass and took names. This is just a lot of hot air. Trump is getting a laugh out of this pun

7/30/2017 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we charge all the criminals with felonies when they commit felonies?
How about State Attorneys stop dealing away all the felonies and accepting a misdemeanor guilty plea?
How about we actually sentence them to real time and send them away for years when they are convicted?
How about every felon caught with a gun does ten years Federal Time in a Federal Prison?
How about sending them back to prison when they violate parole?
How about we send them to prison when they violate probation?
How about we deport criminal aliens after their time is served?
How about we just deport ALL the illegal aliens, not just the brown ones, but even the ones that are the European nannies and maids for the Alderthieves and their elite buddies?

Naaah! That will never work.

Next we fine or imprison companies or individuals who have hired said illegals

7/30/2017 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a claim disputed by the mayor's spokesman Adam Collins, who said Emanuel never received the name.

- More signs of early onset of demintia. Someone needs to get Rahm to a Dr. to get that checked out. Maybe call his brother.

7/30/2017 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It said the "rough cookie" could solve chicagos problems in a few days. I bet there are plenty of exempts, in their own mind that believe they could do the same

7/30/2017 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only "rough cookie" is 78 year old COS Jim ROUSELL,he is the "only one that tells the "superintendent" what to do and when Eddie dosn't listen,crime goes up and with the numbers going through the roof means the superintendent isn't listening to Jimmy..

7/30/2017 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

probably an 'operator'

7/30/2017 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/30/2017 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the Investigations Team. Headed by retired Lt. W and current Sgt C
Remember Lt W got promoted during his arrest in Michigan
Found the Lost/Misplaced Case File
They singled handley solved the Kochman Incident
Brought the Offender to Justice

Bring back retired Dep Supt EW
He could establish a new Testing Criteria for all Personnel including the Exempt Ranks
His Study Group passed the Ferguson Test and Investigation

These are the Teams that could straight out the Chicago Police Department

7/30/2017 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ask a question and you get a answer from any copper on the street, no matter who you are.

I can fix the crime problem too as could any one of us.
We all have an idea or two.
But the power to do it lay on the elected panderers.

Simply charge criminals with actual criminal offenses AS CITED.
Keep ASA's from altering the offense to appeal to the community.
Then sentence and keep criminals in jail.
No more we ain't got no money or room.
Make jail a destination of despair not a country club.

Then toss in extra penalty box time for fighting and resisting police.

Some guy on a bike spoke his mind truthfully and didn't do anything wrong.
Maybe he will wind up in some better place in the Federal government if Rahms Merit henchmen try to step on him.

Rahm will continue to deny that crime is out of control and he has the media to prove it.
Uniformed guys like us don't have a voice.
Now where's an extension cord for my Segway?

7/30/2017 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ITs TOM DART when you say Chicago cop Dart actually kinda falls in to that description.

He also wants the Forest preserve police so he can hire more exempts from his family.

He is doing less and hiring more brilliant.

Put every thug on electronic monitoring
No cash bonds
No housing property crimes theft,burglary, and auto thefts etc.

7/30/2017 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naaah! That will never work.

7/30/2017 01:31:00 AM

Preckwinkle and Dart and all of the black and white progressives do not like any of your ideas. It would put too many black and brown bodies in prison.

7/30/2017 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grateful Dead

7/30/2017 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if they took the kids gloves off of us and untied the one hand that they've tied behind our backs it would take a lot longer than a few days to make a difference.
If we were able to go back to aggressive policing eventually we'd get the lawless thugs attention and we'd start making a difference again.

7/30/2017 12:11:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Seiser is D Man...

7/30/2017 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Perhaps it's the Hells Angel or Outlaw that work in Narcotics" ain't that the truth and no one does anything about it.

7/30/2017 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing anyone can do unless you can wave a magic wand and make them all disapear.

7/30/2017 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am up to the challenge. I could set forth the demands of complete protection and proper equipment for every Officer to take control. Demands of removing Emmanuel, Dart, Foxx,Prickwinkle, EVERY judge, Alderman, IPRA/COPA and every media executive running their constant negative spin on the Police. All news would be controlled by our news affairs and only show the positive effects of the great Chicago clean up. All offenders would be available to be viewed with there criminal records attached for citizens to see the type of person they really are. All wanted offenders would have race included in their description. The Rushes and Davis' would be removed from office and placed on Social Security. Reverends and fake priests would remain in their churches. Sharpton would go straight to prison. No money would be wasted on hunches or shot spotters. Every person sent to court would recieve a $ fine which could nd satisfied through a swap assignment. No more sol. All lawsuits filed scrutinized and go to trial. A cap on payouts. No money to family's unless person has actual "value" assessed. (Income and good citizenship the basis). This is a start. Illegals would be immediately given notice to leave or be evicted from America. No more services of any type made available for free to attract them to return unless done the legal way. We would set rules such as Canada's and Mexicos for application for citizenship. To be continued.

7/30/2017 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not dark yet but it's gettin' there.

7/30/2017 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, he meant to say we need to eat more ruffage, being fetal has taken its toll.

7/30/2017 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rough cookie runs it

7/30/2017 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/30/2017 01:31:00 AM

Love it! On Point. But Nooo, Let's just spend more money to figure out the obviious

7/30/2017 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is we are Bubble free.

7/30/2017 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Blogger Sir Donkey, esq said...
This is fake news. M Seiser doesn't ride a motorcycle."



7/30/2017 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just off the top of my head, I can think of a few ideas that might work.

How about we charge all the criminals with felonies when they commit felonies?
How about State Attorneys stop dealing away all the felonies and accepting a misdemeanor guilty plea?
How about we actually sentence them to real time and send them away for years when they are convicted?
How about every felon caught with a gun does ten years Federal Time in a Federal Prison?
How about sending them back to prison when they violate parole?
How about we send them to prison when they violate probation?
How about we deport criminal aliens after their time is served?
How about we just deport ALL the illegal aliens, not just the brown ones, but even the ones that are the European nannies and maids for the Alderthieves and their elite buddies?

Naaah! That will never work.

7/30/2017 01:31:00 AM

How many of these can the CPD directly affect?
Every one of these is under the control of Illinois State Attorneys in Crooked County, Illinois Judges, and/or the Feds.

Stop voting Democrat. Vote out all the Judges.
Support President Donald Trump and AG Jeff Sessions.

7/30/2017 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of TRR's
Get rid of ISR's, go back to Contact Cards
Allow officers peace to be breached
Bring back Cline's Zero Tolerance

7/30/2017 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fire Peckerwinkle, Foxxxxx and a majority of the alderman and that would be a start

7/30/2017 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You could guarantee me no bullshit CRs, lawsuits I still wouldn't stop anybody. You still have to deal with the process of locking people up. Now you have to do ISRs for every arrest you make that comes from a street stop. You still have to work with incompetent useless knuckleheads who think they know everything and are just complete assholes. You still have to deal with ASAs who love having the power over the cops telling them they need to get more information do this do that blah blah blah or they won't approve charges sending cops on a wild goose chase to get more evidence just because they can . Still gotta deal with computers that don't work. Desk sergeants who've never done a day of police work telling you your narrative is wrong. Still gotta deal with hostile confrontational lockup keepers who can get in your face or treat you like an asshole when you bring back your arrestee and get away with it because no supervisor will say anything to them. Then take this shit to court to feed public defenders and judges families as they look down on you, say you're lying and laugh as they release another guilty shithead onto the street you just took him off of. Do all that or just answer your calls and try and avoid as much BS as you can. I'll take answering calls, avoidance. I'm staying out of the way as much as I can.

7/30/2017 01:20:00 AM


What took you so long? Common practice in 70's & 80's. Semper Fetal.

7/30/2017 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's time for some "Blade Runner" units to be formed. Just add a few questions to the Voight-Kampf test to weed out the Nexus 9.5 models.

7/30/2017 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we get rid of Felony Review. They only take the cases they think they can win. Felony Review is not a state statute.

7/30/2017 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only "rough cookie" is 78 year old COS Jim ROUSELL,he is the "only one that tells the "superintendent" what to do and when Eddie dosn't listen,crime goes up and with the numbers going through the roof means the superintendent isn't listening to Jimmy..

Believe THAT SHIT if you want to. Roussell isn't worth a plugged nickel...more clout, simple as that.

7/30/2017 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

60 minutes had a crew filming O'Hare police station lot Fri morning and terminals all day. Watch yourselves they are no friends of ours. Anyone know why?

7/30/2017 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First get rid of "felony review" that's the first chink in the armor. This is where corruption of the legal system starts. Shoot someone- charge with felony, rob someone- charge with felony, sell dope - charge with felony, burglarize - charge with felony.... why do we have to bring a states attorney , who didn't witness anything, cant testify to anything . Start playing judge. That isn't their job. Their job is to take our testimony and present it in front of a judge.

7/30/2017 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

a claim disputed by the mayor's spokesman Adam Collins, who said Emanuel never received the name.

- More signs of early onset of demintia. Someone needs to get Rahm to a Dr. to get that checked out. Maybe call his brother.

7/30/2017 10:28:00 AM

Rahm wants you coppers to be on the business end of
the nasty stuff his "medical ethicist" brother
(and obamacare co-author) espouses.

When you're no longer young, fit and healthy
from working this nasty, shit doo-doo job
dealing with nasty, shit doo-doo peoples
and folkses for 20, 25, 30 or more years?

They want to make it easy for you to be
stripped of your clothing and laid on
a bed of branches in the woods to die.

You've led a full life...

As for Rahm?
He, upon proper diagnosis would be eligible
for the same thing but with special consideration
that he be chained to a house sized boulder to
ensure he doesn't claw his way back to civilization
to be a further affliction to decent people who
faithfully discharged their term of service with
the full expectation of a pension and health care.

"We can no longer afford to pay pensions
or healthcare for you coppers" is bullshit
and an admission they they stole and diverted
monies by keeping a deliberately insufficient
funding mechanism in place.

They're worried because too many North Shore
corporate and financial heavy-hitters are up
to their eyeballs in the conspiracy.

...Why the fuck do you think Rahm was
parachuted into Chicago after the FEDS
told Daley to step down?

Rahm is here to protect his nasty-assed
North Shore & Gold coast kinsmen who
have funneled giga-shit-tonnage campaign
funds toward Rahm to keep him in the big
chair until they vacuum up everything and
turn Chicago into a closed-loop money
machine that works for them and them only.

Laying out money for cop pensions and medical
insurance for retirees and widows is NOT on
their agenda.

Viva Hate.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

7/30/2017 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump boasting. Wonders why Lake Shore Drive
always known as LSD in Chicago, always thought
there was something more behind that, something
left over from the 60s now available in premium luxury
high rise buildings.
Trump, we wonder that with all your money, you never
had surgery to remove those bone spurs in your feet.
Walk a mile in your shoes, no thanks. Stay out of Dallas,
my friend. I hear the Texans like prime rib. Stay out of
Chicago because five Aldercreatures have a crush on you.

7/30/2017 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couple of days:

* Start off with the problem solvers that took care of some BP's in the 60's

* Get rid of ISRs and all that bullshit

* Bring back wood shampoos for those deserving of it

* Shoot bad guys that need it. Wait for the EMT's to show up (after the scene has been cleared - which could take 10-15 minutes). Forget about playing EMT for the moment - cops usually aren't EMTs. If bad guy expires, oh well.

* Fire Foxx and Dart - start PROSECUTING the shit out of the J/O's, and keeping them in jail. Fuck bond. No bond for anyone for the next 6 months. Go to jail and sit there and wait for your case to be called. Cancel all that bullshit EM'ing - anyone missing on that program - get the National Guard to search and arrest the fuckers/.

* Fuck around in jail, get 23x7 lockdown for 6 months - minimum.

* National Guard in the war zones (West and South sides) - shoot to kill any fucker even thinking about aiming anything at anyone else. If they're in a vehicle - get a portable crusher and crush the hooptie mobile right there on the spot.

* Crack house? Get an armored CAT D9 and bulldoze the fucking thing.

* Marching and complaining? Ignore that bullshit. We're done - cleaning up now.

* Blocking the street, sidewalk, or businesses? Get out of the street or get MACED with a fire extinguisher sized can, then cuff up and sit in the paddy wagon with the rest of the dumb fucks covered in Mace for a few hours when we might think about hosing you off.

* On Welfare? If you or your kid fuck around - yank it for a few years.

Watch shit turn around fast. Tell the ACLU to fuck off too.

7/30/2017 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They dont have the kind of guys to do it anymore even if there was an automatic Presidential pardon for any and all. Those guys still on when I came on? Yeah they could do it, if you retread them back into 25yo bodies but it would be ugly and wouldn't look good on video.

Chicago is gangster for the duration.

7/30/2017 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, M Seiser does not ride a motorcycle. He drives an Edison Park Barber Shop special, a green Sunbird that can only reach 55 mph while driving home from VRI at midnight from Harrison & Kedzie... The flashy red waist length " man kimono" is a timeless classic. It will be a chick magnet when he retires to Kentucky Lake πŸ•

7/30/2017 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am up to the challenge. I could set forth the demands of complete protection and proper equipment for every Officer to take control. Demands of removing Emmanuel, Dart, Foxx,Prickwinkle, EVERY judge, Alderman, IPRA/COPA and every media executive running their constant negative spin on the Police. All news would be controlled by our news affairs and only show the positive effects of the great Chicago clean up. All offenders would be available to be viewed with there criminal records attached for citizens to see the type of person they really are. All wanted offenders would have race included in their description. The Rushes and Davis' would be removed from office and placed on Social Security. Reverends and fake priests would remain in their churches. Sharpton would go straight to prison. No money would be wasted on hunches or shot spotters. Every person sent to court would recieve a $ fine which could nd satisfied through a swap assignment. No more sol. All lawsuits filed scrutinized and go to trial. A cap on payouts. No money to family's unless person has actual "value" assessed. (Income and good citizenship the basis). This is a start. Illegals would be immediately given notice to leave or be evicted from America. No more services of any type made available for free to attract them to return unless done the legal way. We would set rules such as Canada's and Mexicos for application for citizenship. To be continued.

I am fine with that but allow the following. When certain clouted people get DUI offenses, they get the same treatment. Cook County, not your choice of where to go. You get arrested, that is where you go. Period. End of story. No favors, no special entrance or special exits. No plea down situations where a death occurs by driving. That is jail time. Period. Sex offenders, same thing. Expose them as well. If we are now going full bore after criminals, why stop with the young thugs? Treat everyone them same when they are arrested. Allow everyone the same courtesy and no more favors. In court, allow the defendant to at least speak, not get shouted down and carted off like a bag of meat.

7/30/2017 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preckwinkle and Dart and all of the black and white progressives do not like any of your ideas. It would put too many black and brown bodies in prison.

7/30/2017 11:25:00 AM

Not for many black people that I know. But what is aggressive policing? Please detail that First off, to me, that would be very dangerous for a cop to just walk up on any car, realizing inside is a thug with a loaded weapon. Is there any other way? You would have to restrict movement and is that even legal?

7/30/2017 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
First get rid of "felony review" that's the first chink in the armor. This is where corruption of the legal system starts. Shoot someone- charge with felony, rob someone- charge with felony, sell dope - charge with felony, burglarize - charge with felony.... why do we have to bring a states attorney , who didn't witness anything, cant testify to anything . Start playing judge. That isn't their job. Their job is to take our testimony and present it in front of a judge.

7/30/2017 05:19:00 PM

And then get ready for all of the lawsuits which we would face when the cases went south in the court system. Like it or not we need that "independent review" of our cases before folks just get thrown into the court system based on weak witness and victim accounts.

7/30/2017 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ItS probably sergeant Os from 19. He's a legend I heard.

7/30/2017 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

breakdown of law based society :

7/30/2017 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the best pieace of advice I ever got on this mans job was, Kid lose the round house/Haymaker.

We do pushups on our fists because all you need is 12 inches, (Frost, Tero, my old man)

There was nothing more satifiying/effective that an educated strait to the puess or chest.

After that, dude knew you meant business. I punched his soul.

WE are the Police, or so we were.

What do I know

7/30/2017 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of these get-tough policies are just talk. Unless there is a plan to expand the Cook Co. jail SIGNIFICANTLY and relatively soon, this city is screwed. But of course, that assumes that we would have a SA office that gives a shit about public safety and a sheriff who wants to lock up offenders. I think all this home monitoring nonsense and easy probation stuff is because nobody in charge has the will to lock up the bad guys anymore because there's NOWHERE to store the offenders (like the spoiled produce they are.) Raising the funds to expand the jail would be a political nightmare in today's cultural environment. So they take the easy way out and order home confinement and probation, etc.. No moral center and no guts to do the right thing.

Tell ya what - I think I may have to take the easy way out too and relocate to somewhere outside of Cook Co. where common sense still has a fighting chance.

-A Civilian Point Of View

7/30/2017 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philippine President Duterte was undercover as a Chicago Police Officer aka Rough Cookie. He will fix the problem.

7/31/2017 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm wants you coppers to be on the business end of
the nasty stuff his "medical ethicist" brother
(and obamacare co-author) espouses.

When you're no longer young, fit and healthy
from working this nasty, shit doo-doo job
dealing with nasty, shit doo-doo peoples
and folkses for 20, 25, 30 or more years?

They want to make it easy for you to be
stripped of your clothing and laid on
a bed of branches in the woods to die.

You've led a full life...

As for Rahm?
He, upon proper diagnosis would be eligible
for the same thing but with special consideration
that he be chained to a house sized boulder to
ensure he doesn't claw his way back to civilization
to be a further affliction to decent people who
faithfully discharged their term of service with
the full expectation of a pension and health care.

"We can no longer afford to pay pensions
or healthcare for you coppers" is bullshit
and an admission they they stole and diverted
monies by keeping a deliberately insufficient
funding mechanism in place.

They're worried because too many North Shore
corporate and financial heavy-hitters are up
to their eyeballs in the conspiracy.

...Why the fuck do you think Rahm was
parachuted into Chicago after the FEDS
told Daley to step down?

Rahm is here to protect his nasty-assed
North Shore & Gold coast kinsmen who
have funneled giga-shit-tonnage campaign
funds toward Rahm to keep him in the big
chair until they vacuum up everything and
turn Chicago into a closed-loop money
machine that works for them and them only.

Laying out money for cop pensions and medical
insurance for retirees and widows is NOT on
their agenda.

Viva Hate.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

7/30/2017 05:26:00 PM

I nominate you for the next Nobel and Pulitzer awards, your posts truly belong in a book...

7/31/2017 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's the Investigations Team. Headed by retired Lt. W and current Sgt C
Remember Lt W got promoted during his arrest in Michigan
Found the Lost/Misplaced Case File
They singled handley solved the Kochman Incident
Brought the Offender to Justice

They should have checked the fire pit in the back yard for the incriminating GPRs, between all the diet pepsi cans and orange peels, gotta hand it to you Lt one "N" you almost gotta away with murder again...

7/31/2017 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking it was "BabyG". He seems to know everything about anything on this blog...

7/31/2017 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not rocket science. Just keep the thugs in jail for their full sentence, prosecute the fullest extent of the law all violent crimes. No peace circles or any other feel good liberal can only hope that enough liberals experience a violent crime perpetrated on them or a loved one, then they will understand the error of their ways.

7/31/2017 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget a new 75M police station and build more jails. Then find a sheriff with the gurus to fill them with POC. So simple..

7/31/2017 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's not me

I go by "A rough-and-tumble"

7/31/2017 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is more justice in the end of a single nightstick than in all the courtrooms in the world.

Much more cost effective, too.

7/31/2017 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One of the best pieace of advice I ever got on this mans job was,
Kid lose the round house/Haymaker.

We do pushups on our fists because all you need is 12 inches,
(Frost, Tero, my old man)..."


"WE are the Police, or so we were.
What do I know"

7/30/2017 09:59:00 PM

Is what dude on the street and the
white-guilt SJWs fear most.

The Policeman who not only understands the
language of violence, aggression and intimidation
and speaks it fluently. But also has the means to
dole it out to each according to his deserving portion.

"Why are you Cops so mean
and unfriendly? Isn't that against
the rules?"

The savage joy of taking the fight out of a criminal's
eyes and turning it into pain and fear if not outright

Policemen ARE supposed to be big, strong

If you want an obedient tail-wagger that
caters to your every crazy-assed whim,
a pet spaniel is more your speed.

Tore up an unruly m/fer on the ramp at County once.

There was an older gentleman waiting for transport
who dropped the following complimentary:

"Office... You got some hands on you and that
Left Cross is really nice. Where did you box at?"

Reckon all the shadow-boxing with 2.5 and 5 pound
weights paid off.

Well, that and growing up having to fight a lot.

Funny thing though.
People have this crazy expectation
that Policemen are supposed to
"Fight Fair."

So if you crush some m/fer's Achilles Tendon,
snatch the hair out of his/her/it's armpit or you
open-hand slap him/her/it to the floor, people
(and folkses too) get all beside themselves.

You go up against a Policeman, you're
SUPPOSED to lose and badly.

Y'all stay safe out there.
Police Like You Have No Friends.

7/31/2017 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 4th District commander is the "rough cookie." He tries to be rough with anyone who either parks in his space or messes with his crew of dollies in the front office. It doesn't matter that there are more sworn members up there than there are desks available.

7/31/2017 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew a guy they called tough cookie. His specialty was the wooden shampoo. He's about 67 years old now and spends his days drinking cans of Old Style. It takes him a couple of days to get motivated to change his clothes. I doubt if he's rough cookie.

7/31/2017 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The 4th District commander is the "rough cookie." He tries to be rough with anyone who either parks in his space or messes with his crew of dollies in the front office. It doesn't matter that there are more sworn members up there than there are desks available.

Some things on the CPD will never change. It's in every district. Guess Rahm not smart enough to figure out why the CPD is low on manpower

7/31/2017 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ferguson was told by IPRA to investigate davina Ward on an unrelated to the lieutenant scandal IAD matter. Today I was told by IPRA that Ferguson declined to investigate. More to come. Stay tuned. ARDC possible.

7/31/2017 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's always "Iron Mike" Ryan. If anyone can place a remedy on the current violence influx then my money is on such a strong leader.
C'mon, Iron Mike wanted to have his own District before he broke the plane of The Academy. It just didn't happen. Mealer bounced "Iron Mike" from 017 and I think he wanted 020, but no soup there either.
Let this Rommel like leader of men get Chicago out of Its National Level Crime problem.

7/31/2017 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

There's always "Iron Mike" Ryan. If anyone can place a remedy on the current violence influx then my money is on such a strong leader.
C'mon, Iron Mike wanted to have his own District before he broke the plane of The Academy. It just didn't happen. Mealer bounced "Iron Mike" from 017 and I think he wanted 020, but no soup there either.
Let this Rommel like leader of men get Chicago out of Its National Level Crime problem.

7/31/2017 08:01:00 PM

The same Mike "Mustache of Death" Ryan who would
hang at the desk like a troll at Belmont & Western and give the shit-eye to
everybody who dared entered HIS station for any reason?

7/31/2017 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah but there're lawyers too.

8/01/2017 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quando Omni flucus, moritati as said by Red Green. Translated " when all fails, play dead",or go fetal.

8/01/2017 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does rough cookie have a pink pigeon?

8/01/2017 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just allow the police to do home invasions and then write it up accordingly... that is the only way and it's not happening and shouldn't ever happen.

8/02/2017 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

There's always "Iron Mike" Ryan. If anyone can place a remedy on the current violence influx then my money is on such a strong leader.
C'mon, Iron Mike wanted to have his own District before he broke the plane of The Academy. It just didn't happen. Mealer bounced "Iron Mike" from 017 and I think he wanted 020, but no soup there either.
Let this Rommel like leader of men get Chicago out of Its National Level Crime problem.

7/31/2017 08:01:00 PM

The same Mike "Mustache of Death" Ryan who would
hang at the desk like a troll at Belmont & Western and give the shit-eye to
everybody who dared entered HIS station for any reason?

7/31/2017 10:57:00 PM

I believe that is who the first poster is speaking about. A total coward and an asshole to boot.

8/02/2017 03:43:00 PM  

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