More War on Police
- A movement is underway to ban New York Police Department officers from the campus of Brooklyn University because students may feel unsafe in the presence of a cop. The university has already banned police officers from using the bathroom at any campus location except for one bathroom at the far end of campus, which students have described as unfit for use, according to The New York Post.
Police officers are outraged.
A petition was drafted to Brooklyn University President Michelle Anderson asking to ban all police officers from the taxpayer-funded campus, which is part of the City University of New York system. The student told the school’s newspaper “that we do not want the NYPD on campus in any respect even if it’s just to take breaks and use bathroom.”
Donald Wenz, director of public safety for the university, told the student paper The Excelsior that he's trying to keep police officers out of sight. Another unidentified university spokesman said that any use of Brooklyn University facilities is "a courtesy" to officers.
As an entity funded by taxpayers, we'd say NYPD has an Right as well as obligation to ensure that the toilet facilities are properly functioning throughout the campus, including the private shitter in Donald Wenz's office.
We'd stop that one up after a big dinner at Lindy's, too.
We'd stop that one up after a big dinner at Lindy's, too.
Labels: out-of-state, un-fucking-believable
Progressives are mean, angry people.
Good, I would happily oblige. If you do not want police on your campus, enjoy the beatings, thefts, robberies, rapes and other assorted crimes you far-left, hipster douchbag idiots. Embrace the criminal and shun the protectors. Good way to take a stand.
Then they should be banned from calling 911
When that Active shooter comes call the ACLU.
Hell, I'm a civilian and I'd contribute at least $100 to a GoFundMe for billboards at each entrance that says "To prevent triggering of students, Police WILL NOT respond to ANY calls on this campus."
These coddled, little fascist cowards are afraid of allowing a cop to use their bathrooms. How the hell can these little wanna be fascists get what they want? The angry part of me says the hell with them and the rational side says to fight these little pigs legally, until the cry uncle. They have turned these universities into little fascist havens where the only speech and thought allowed is what they agree with. Why the hell do taxpayers dollars support this? What about the people that fund these universities with donations? The foundations that give money to them? They can't all be Soros dollars.
Future democrat leaders over there... so 20 or 30 years-- this shit is going to be a standardization
COPA excuse goes back to the 1st amendment restrictions for Poleec..., citing legal precedent, said police officers are subject to greater First Amendment restraints than most other citizens. Can not assemble near the shitter
I wonder who they’ll call when the next active shooter/stabbing event happens on campus. These liberals truly have no clue how how evil people can be and how the police are the only thing that’s holding them back. I wouldn’t pinch a loaf there if they offered me a heated golden toilet with silk sheets to wipe my ass with. Fuck them and their high horse.
Simply amazing that this kind of crap (no pun intended) is even taken seriously. Taxpayer funded and they are trying to ban Police ? Sick f this shit.
It's ok everyone. The police are not needed at that University to defeat any threat. When an active shooter storms the campus, Donald Wenz is going to yell "Safe Space!!!!" and the shooter will cease fire.
I sincerely hope that there's a bonafide active shooter incident at Brooklyn University in the very near future.
Fucking liberal cocksuckers.
furthermore, the classic steve martin comedy bit, "King Tut" is now being reported as racist by the NYPost. I swear to god if the snowflakes go after the Bangles "walk like an Egyptian" I'm gonna scream louder than a lefty after HRC lost last year..
I'll never forget working an anti-Trump protest. We spent the whole day protecting property. My partner and I walked in to Tamarind restaurant on Wabash. We were immediately confronted in a surely tone "can I help you?" We politely asked to use a restroom and we're told "No." Total disgrace. I think they are out of business now. Might have something to do with all the bums sleeping in front and pissing on their windows at night. Or it could have been the golden retrievers running from the kitchen trying to escape from becoming some unsuspecting PETA supporting yuppies dinner. Maybe they can reopen in an NFL stadium.
They must like high crime. The Democrats started this war on Police to get elected. I say stay out of any area we are not wanted in. They can make a report over the phone.
and WHO is going to enforce this??? Fuck those university nancy-bois.
New York is a liberal sewer.
Ain't that where Hillary Clinton is from?
Using a restroom is a biological need. In addition, I thought the law stated you had to have restroom access for all?
Beatrice stole Lindy's recipe. That's why her chili kicks ASS!
What happened?
But who will they call when a lunatic starts shooting up the campus. Colleges are a joke these days.
The mind of a Libtard is a terrible thing to waste....Sarcasm off....
NYPD should respond by saying any calls for service on campus will go unanswered. Robbery in progress? Sorry, stop it yourself. We're not allowed on campus anymore.
Use them anyway. What are the students going to do about it.
Don't answer any calls there fuck them
We can guess wherethe next attack will be
Wow..... Just Wow!
If people really want to be that stupid and ignorant then let them. God forbid an active shooter hits the university up then don't call us...remember you don't even want to see us! So Fuck you! Less work for us. Stay Safe! What is this world coming to?
Hopefully the New York boys and girls will REMEMBER this when the school calls because one of the snowflake assholes gets a F grade and goes POSTAL ON THE CAMPUS !!!!!
Hmmm...Police-free Zones? It just might work. The officers should stop going there on their own and use it as an experiment to see if students are safer as a result. I mean look at all the nuclear free zones around and there hasn't been a nuclear explosion at any of the them, right? Maybe it'll work. Of course my money would be on the campus becoming a favorite for thieves, robbers and rapists but hey at least the students will feel safe from cops.
Ha that would just cause me to take every personal and lunch on the campus to throw it back at them, public tax money? I'm there to set up a nice lawsuit.
Sounds great. Pull all police officers from the University and re-assign them to other neighborhoods.
Students don't have to be scared by cops.
Criminals can rob and assault students without fear of being caught.
Other neighborhood gets safer with more police protection.
If you don't like a cop in there. Then call 911 when one goes in there. A little advise thou is to go in pairs.
next time you need a cop,---call a student
If it is tax payers funded then they can use it anytime that they need to. If not then file a civil rights violation just like those liberal assholes would do.Big $$$$$$ for those who file.
The Excelsior that he's trying to keep police officers out of sight. Another unidentified university spokesman said that any use of Brooklyn University facilities is "a courtesy" to officers.
Dear Gentleman, (and I use that word lightly}. Go f=ck yourselves. It is a public collage and you can not stop officers from being on public property. If you insist on attempting to enforce this, then I would put a referendum to reduce funding to your school and let the little asshole pay more for their schooling.
So glad to be Retired. I Got Nothing!!!
Sounds like a Pattern and Practice of discrimination! Someone should notify the DOJ. Demand a consent decree.
Call a crackhead when things go south. Handle your own mass shootings and rapes. Liberalsism is a mental illness
These colleges are off the hook completely. Tomorrows leaders being brainwashed today and while even an 19yo should be smart enough to sniff bullshit when they see it its the professors who are the real silly assholes. This is just more foot stamping and breath holding over crooked Hillary Losing the election. Ive always said 21yo should be the minimum for voting unless a kid has served in the military.
God help us in the future. We may not have enough High School graduates to survive.
The student told the school’s newspaper “that we do not want the NYPD on campus in any respect even if it’s just to take breaks and use bathroom.”
So..... if said student is walking through the campus grounds one late evening and becomes a victim of a robbery and then, for good measure, has the snot beaten out of him will he have to drag himself to the public sidewalk for help. Or will his first call be to the local news station, asking for a reporter and camera man to come out to interview him about how the police never showed?
LIBERALS! You know I love them!
Who the going to call when there's a serial rapist?
This is where a MAYOR has to take the credit and HE and the President of the School itself must be held to account. Personally, if I was cop and that was my beat, I would fill out TRESPASS ORDER paperwork, show up at their offices with a call to media to come on along with for the pleasure of recording it for Posterity.
If they follow through, well, they will be on the hook as liable for everything from a stolen bike to car jacking or robbery to a rape to a murder because it will then be argued that the crime happened because the criminals KNEW that cops couldn't be anywhere near and couldn't answer a call.
Short of that, if there is a call, every responding officer is just going to have to make potty stops prior to answering them.
And when Mr. ISIS shows up and starts shooting, or running over said snowflakes with a truck. Don't bother to call us. Your liberal professors will save you.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If it is tax payers funded then they can use it anytime that they need to. If not then file a civil rights violation just like those liberal assholes would do.Big $$$$$$ for those who file.
Big bucks for those who file? Mucho dollars, I’m olannibg my retirement with money Yea, ok
Anonymous said...
Use them anyway. What are the students going to do about it.
11/24/2017 07:11:00 AM
Well said.
Just say "Okay." No problem. Tell the university they can take care of their own problems and not to call the police under any circumstances. They put a big ad in the newspaper detailing the agreement with the university.
(Just make sure that in the agreement, if the agreement is violated by the university, they will be responsible for all costs incurred by NYPD for whatever they have to do.)
Instead of banning police officers, they should start an Officer Friendly program like we had in grade school, with the coloring books and everything. They need to teach the children to fear Stranger Danger instead of the Police.
From the schools website:
Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017
To the community:
On Monday, November 20, the New York Post published a misleading article about Brooklyn College and our relationship to the New York City Police Department. Brooklyn College does, in fact, welcome police to use its campus bathrooms. No policy has changed. We have always allowed public servants to use our facilities under a neutral policy that applies to police, sanitation workers, traffic enforcement agents, and others who work in the field. Everyone needs to use the bathroom at one time or another. I met with the leadership of the local precinct and borough command to reassure them that members of the New York City Police Department are welcome to use our bathrooms. Since becoming president, I have worked to establish a strong relationship with local law enforcement, and we reaffirmed that relationship.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle J. Anderson
President, Brooklyn College
I'm thinking these edumacated fools figured out it's better to have the poleeeeces on your side. Al that book knowledge, but no common sense!!!!
This makes a lot more sense once you realize that university police departments exist to keep the university out of the media. When one of the University Police officers made the transition to the municipal force, my friends there told me that they had to teach the newby how to arrest people.
Sadly, my Alma Mater has had too many instances where the UPs could not keep the university out of the media, and now enrollments have plummeted due to the perception that it is an unsafe campus.
I'm a dispatcher at a college police department in the west burbs, our door, coffee and shitter are always open to any officer who needs them. Our office and locker room are behind secure doors and B.R. glass. The administration is mostly anti-cop libtards, but we take care of our own.
The police shouldn't go there. Any crime victim who wants to report it to police should require the victim to go to the nearest Pct. BTW, there will be no follow up or action because the police dont go on campus. They can give the victim a nice report but no follow up. Killing crime, one call at a time. Sounds like a win-win to me.
I'm so sick and tired of these college kids claiming they feel "unsafe" at school. These people are scumbags of the highest order. On June 6, 1944, kids around the same age charged off US Navy landing craft into a hail of German bullets, and even though I'm pretty sure they also felt "unsafe", they still did it and eventually kicked Nazi ass. These modern day snowflakes need to be told to STFU.
11/24/2017 08:26:00 AM
Snowflakes is too delicate for these spoiled brats. My guess is, as usual, a small handful of immature a-holes beefed about this to be provocative. And these same fragile daisies would curl up into a fetal ball if anyone said boo to them while calling mommy for help.
Word is Kim Foxx quietly reduced Ja Mal Greens Felony charges to a misdemeanor. From a reliable source with the courts. The war on Police continues. You remember Ja Mal Green. The Black Lies Matter activist who tried, on camera to disarm a Police Commander during his riots.
Being retired has many advantages. Though if I were on the job, I would prefer to eat a heavy dose of red hot chili prior to finding a restroom near the president's office. Perhaps turn on a bullhorn to provide additional audio enjoyment for the surrounding area as the chili is unloaded.
Call their bluff. Post foot men in the area and run seat belt missions every week.Public university means bringing in every city department to make sure everything is up to code including the bathrooms.Run the game on them.
Just let the school stew in it's own mess.
Who would the snowflakes call in life threatening situation, BLM?
Typical, a rather small pack of gubmint scholarships circulate a petition to get a change in any school policy or limit access to a nonconformist group and it’s given a nod of approval.
The fact the school is willing to consider it rather than to immediately shut down the idea is just as typical.
Probably 95% of the student population isn’t interested but big mouths persist.
The other 5% is probably engaged in some sort of illegal activity anyway or coddle seeking snowflakes.
Nonsense, a single idiot trying to be the next jessie jackson.
So, they are for segregation and isolated facilities for some people now?
I too would like to see the enforcement of their rule.
Call the police to arrest the trespassing police pee’er.
Or will there be a student Campus Office of Police Accountability with the power of arrest?
Campus jail with No I-bonds, Campus tickets and fines, Campus boot camp?
Absolute joke is on Brooklyn U.
Wasting four year scholarships and valedictorian on fifth grade elementary equivalencies.
We need to stop funding activism, that’s Soro’s gift to the malleable, angry soft shelled over placated.
Do they want us staying away from Columbia here, seems like we beat them to it, BLM.
Must be an awful lot of illegal activity in those bathrooms. Just saying.
Actually hoping to be banned from every establishment, school, park, bar, and any private residence. I love to do nothing but driving around. More the better. Wish we had such luxury here at CPD.
Just say you identify as a member of an oppressed group and denying LEOs use of the bathroom is a microaggression.
How dare they assume that I identify as a police officer just because I'm wearing the uniform...I'm so triggered right now!
Google what's been going on at a college in Washington. Evergreen State. Groups of protesters took over that school and have forced several professors to resign.
Gee I hope some crazy terrorist or mentally ill person isn't reading the paper about this, I would hate for one of them to know that this college in Brooklyn has no police near there and that it's an easy target. It sure would be sad to lose liberal left minded folks.
Purge University
Lot of College NO real knowledge
Like De Paul , only calls us when they need extra security otherwise tells police to get lost. We do not need to assist De Paul a private university who has their own security and keeps wasting police manpower every time a security guard finds a bag of weed.
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