Friday, November 24, 2017

That Cost of Living

Just from the headlines the past few days, we certainly hope the FOP is keeping track of all these tax increases to apply to the expansive (and expensive) pay raise we're going to need to continue living in the city:
  • The smoothest budget season of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s tenure ended Tuesday with overwhelming approval of an $8.6 billion spending plan balanced with higher taxes on telephone bills, ride-hailing, and large-venue amusements, along with previously approved taxes on property and water and sewer bills.
  • The CTA plans to raise bus and train fares by 25 cents, the transit agency announced Wednesday.

    The fare hikes hikes will go into effect Jan. 7 under a newly proposed budget that knowledgable sources say is likely to be approved next month by the CTA board.
The good news is that this fare hike will dramatically cut down on all the Red Line crime in Wrigleyville/Boystown, putting that particular thorny blog out of business.

And announced right at bedtime Wednesday for the five-day weekend:
  • An extra $6.48 would be tacked onto the average Chicago homeowner’s property tax bill under the Chicago Park District’s proposed $462.3 million budget for 2018.

    The district announced the “nominal” property tax hike — its first in four years — late Wednesday afternoon ahead of the long holiday weekend, as part of a plan officials say will expand special recreation activities, including pilot programs for “adaptive sports, cultural and social opportunities” across the city.
Park District Program participation is near historic lows if we are't mistaken as families flee the city and costs rise. But in the tradition of Chicago/Cook County, less service at higher prices is the "norm."

Tied in with the State tax surprises, all of this adds up a pretty large cost of living increase. So we're going to need a pretty big raise Rahm. Good thing you have all that unspent VRI money on tap.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

No More Revolver Cops for the NYPD

It looks like the last 200 coppers who still carried revolvers will HAVE to transition by next year to semi-automatics. Think that would ever happen to CPD?

check out:

11/24/2017 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the cta fare increase is due to the entertainment of watching asshole rob people.. gotta pay to watch, pay more if you are getting robbed.

Guys, this is what happens when government eats itself... it does not end well. They begin to rob the poor after destroying the Middle class, or basically running the middle class out of the state-- if the democrats can not force their employers to get rid of their jobs through creating a toxic business environment. Eventually the only way a person can stay in the middle class barely is by getting a government job. All the private sector jobs are moving out of state. Then again-- Rham says Amazon is comings to town with the Olympics

11/24/2017 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had two trustees come to roll call to talk about how the fop is gonna ask for everything and give up nothing concerning the contract negotiations. What a childish and ignorant strategy. The city is going to do the same thing and, what a shocker, everything ends in arbitration. God forbid they come together with some creative ideas on how the city can save money and we can earn additional benefits. Nope, just both sides screaming GIMME GIMME GIMME!! What a fucking waste.

11/24/2017 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The community doesnt pay most of these new taxes. Its only going to affect tax paying , working citizens. I wonder what the ratio of tax paying vs. non tax paying makes up the Chicago population.

11/24/2017 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so glad I escaped madiganincreasetaxesanddontcutspendingistan...

11/24/2017 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many more foreclosures and how many more people will move out of here. People better wake up and vote out every last one of them. I'm so tired of hearing it's the Republicans. No it's the person who is in office. Vote them out. This place is Democrat controlled. All of my co-workers who have been retiring left the state. The people I know with extra property are trying to sell it or have sold it. It's really going to get bad around here within the next five years. The city keeps building new shit and keeps giving shit away. I have 22 years and plan on working 7 more years. I am leaving no matter what happens. I'm so tired of the way this place is ran. It's not safe here.

11/24/2017 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait for more articles that people continue to leave.

11/24/2017 03:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't these asshole create a budget without raising taxes?

11/24/2017 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone wonders why people want out of here. I just can't wait to leave.

I'm counting down my time. Four years left.

11/24/2017 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the Alderman and the Mayor should be dumped. Vote for the other guy. I can't wait to what spin the Mayor puts on all this when running again.

11/24/2017 06:06:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

They pour out taxes like gravy on a Thanksgiving turkey.

11/24/2017 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazon isn't coming, no one is going to save us. Sell your property while you can. Things are going to get really bad around here. Everyone I know has been moving to Florida, Indiana or Texas. Between all the; over regulation, crime, drugs, fees, taxes and political corruption who wants to be here. Business are leaving in record numbers. Unless you're with the in crowd your paying for everything. Downtown parking garages usage is down, "L" and bus usage downtown are down. That means less people going there. Downtown won't save us. We have nothing but political hacks and incompetent leadership in Chicago, Cook County and Illinois. Everyone is broke and spend more than they take in. Watch your property values go down to next to nothing as they tax everyone to foreclosure or to give everything away and move away.

11/24/2017 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago is so screwed :(

We are all so screwed :O

$$$$ Rahm & Company $$$$

11/24/2017 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxes - we don't need NO stinking TAXES! Say hello to my little car as we drive out of here.

11/24/2017 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess next year there will be more stories of us losing population. One thing Police do is interact with the population in the areas we serve. The neighborhoods I'm working in can't afford the cost of living now. This is going to be very interesting around here soon. Like a social experiment. Past civilizations have vanished or governments overthrown over the same issues that now plague our government. Here most will just keep moving. Most people can't bring themselves to vote anything but DemocRAT.

11/24/2017 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/24/2017 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No raise due to no money bet on it .

11/24/2017 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TIF s are the biggest scam going. TIFs are the SKIM off the top of the tax dollar just like the other wiseguys in Las Vegas used to do in the back rooms at the Casinos. Put TIFs back in the general fund and the budget would be balanced. Lt. S.

11/24/2017 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The CTA plans to raise bus and train fares by 25 cents, the transit agency announced Wednesday.

The fare hikes will go into effect Jan. 7 under a newly proposed budget that knowledgeable sources say is likely to be approved next month by the CTA board.
The good news is that this fare hike will dramatically cut down on all the Red Line crime in Wrigleyville/Boystown...."

You are assuming people pay. Gosh, how old fashioned!
The people who pay support those who don't. Like taxes, fees, etc.
Still, there are passes, etc, whatever is used.


11/24/2017 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) President Trump should of let those ungrateful basketball players stay in jail:

11/24/2017 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm will push for a 1.5% per year increase. Cuts from the contract on OT, cuts in uniform allowance, cuts in health benefits and cuts in officers rights. The FOP better get ready for a fight at the table.

11/24/2017 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC. I work at the Park District and our enrollment numbers are at all time highs. More than 100K per session. Thought I'd let you know.

11/24/2017 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good news is that this fare hike will dramatically cut down on all the Red Line crime in Wrigleyville/Boystown, putting that particular thorny blog out of business

Those people get to jump the turnstyle with impunity.

11/24/2017 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since VRI is gone, are we allowing all those millions to a raise for us? We keep the shootings down in Englewood aftwrall!

11/24/2017 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't want the police around? Fine, screw them. Give them exactly what they want. There's plenty of toilets elsewhere. They'll be crying and asking "Why did this have to happen?" if there's ever a major incident such as an active shooter situation or a truck on campus grounds mowing down these leftist libtards. Then someone will need to remind them of their anti-police policy.

11/24/2017 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Park District sucks. They have to pay plans, one for Northsiders and Southsiders. More costly North and free on the Westside.

11/24/2017 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raise? Didn't you hear?

Rahm is going to announce the response to "fetal" activity, police allocation will be cut by Trump's removal of grant allowances plus 15% more, of course to demonstrate how much Trump's Sanctuary cuts are going to hurt (he will use that 15% for BLM relations to improve the city's image with "the community".

The P0lice should be OK with this, as their lessened activity, from less ticket writing to no longer even chasing the bad guys at all all works out in the wash. Rahm will say he just doesn't understand why cops are refusing to chase the criminals anymore, but hopes this will wake them up and spring them into action.


11/24/2017 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Amazon isn't coming, no one is going to save us. Sell your property while you can. Things are going to get really bad around here. Everyone I know has been moving to Florida, Indiana or Texas. Between all the; over regulation, crime, drugs, fees, taxes and political corruption who wants to be here. Business are leaving in record numbers. Unless you're with the in crowd your paying for everything. Downtown parking garages usage is down, "L" and bus usage downtown are down. That means less people going there. Downtown won't save us. We have nothing but political hacks and incompetent leadership in Chicago, Cook County and Illinois. Everyone is broke and spend more than they take in. Watch your property values go down to next to nothing as they tax everyone to foreclosure or to give everything away and move away.

Man, you are scaring me. Everyone is leaving? I live on the northwest side and at least 20 retired CPD and CFD still live in the neighhood, just a few surrounding blocks. Also in Know of a large group of retired police and fire living there. Not everyone is leaving

11/24/2017 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No raise due to no money bet on it .

11/24/2017 07:12:00 AM

I’ll take that bet. Will never happen. We will get a raise and if city plays hardball FOP will go to arbitration and the arbitrator will give us a raise
City can’t say they have no money because they don’t want to open their books. Arbitrators don’t listen to city crying ooormouth, just show me

11/24/2017 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No More Revolver Cops for the NYPD

It looks like the last 200 coppers who still carried revolvers will HAVE to transition by next year to semi-automatics. Think that would ever happen to CPD?

Doubt it. Not that many left in Chicago. Plus contract says if they change and require new equipment, the city pays for first new issue. Old dudes would get a free automatic. Nice present,get the smallest, for your retirement.

11/24/2017 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the mind infected with liberalism, everyone must be dependent upon government for everything. Those that don't think that way will be taxed to pay for those that do.

(Don't be too surprised when an EXIT tax is passed on those getting out of town.)


11/24/2017 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL.... CTA wonders why ridership has dropped 9 % in last 5 year .. Too Easy .. people, jobs moving out of Chicago
CTA is the next bankrupt Chicago agency ,, CTA borrowed $17.8 MILLION dollars to pay operating bills for this year ..without factoring in more pay raises for Union employees for soon new contract

11/24/2017 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four more years of this shithole

11/24/2017 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it worth it?
Is it really worth it?
You pay a premium to live in the city.
Are you getting value for your dollars?

11/24/2017 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many people on the freebie wagon ... and not enough pulling it. No more middle class.. now, working poor.

11/24/2017 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The flyover bridge to nowhere by Navy Pier caused the Park District levy and with inevitable overruns The Park Dist will be applying more tax increases for the next 4 years just to pay for it. Raising the water rates was for new sewers, but the water is still as shitty lead laced as ever. Funny it’s not, but what happened 20 years ago, where the sewers any better or just 20 years younger?
Then there’s all those high rises multi condos that popped up and continue to be popping up, one has to wonder where the new tax money goes. Can’t the city make tax money on a Section 8 voucher and does the owner gets a write off?

It’s not so much the basic cost of living, though more like the price of living in a Democrat run city that is the root of the problem.
Never ending budget scheme programs and costs associated with the many Not Working, Not Employable, Not Jailed feral lawless portion of the community and failed educational program they like to refer as school.

It’s no secret where the money goes,
As long as there’s an AlderThief and part of the deal, getting their share...the wallet is always going to open.

Expect a fair raise after you bargain away that contractural Disciplinary rule or stall the contract until 2021 and hope for a nice most of the time.
We are not negotiating with Rahm or Council, it’s CO’PRA.

11/24/2017 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC. I work at the Park District and our enrollment numbers are at all time highs. More than 100K per session. Thought I'd let you know.

11/24/2017 08:38:00 AM
Fuck off. The park district is a joke. Bunch of do nothing assholes. And oh yeah , park district taxes going up again asshole. Thought I'd let you know

11/24/2017 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the meantime...our pension is now funded at 23%.

11/24/2017 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TIF s are the biggest scam going. TIFs are the SKIM off the top of the tax dollar just like the other wiseguys in Las Vegas used to do in the back rooms at the Casinos. Put TIFs back in the general fund and the budget would be balanced. Lt. S.

11/24/2017 07:52:00 AM

LT. S for Mayor!!!

Now before you go bananas about the author, just read about the TIF info not anything else.

The City of Chicago could pay A LOT of bills with the TIF slush fund.

11/24/2017 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No More Revolver Cops for the NYPD

It looks like the last 200 coppers who still carried revolvers will HAVE to transition by next year to semi-automatics.
Think that would ever happen to CPD?


Actually I think Chicago PD has at least 1000 guys still carrying a revolver.

CPD switched to Autos in December 1991.
NYPD switched in 1994.
NYPD actually issues the duty weapon to members when they come on the job.

another article:

11/24/2017 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
No More Revolver Cops for the NYPD

It looks like the last 200 coppers who still carried revolvers will HAVE to transition by next year to semi-automatics. Think that would ever happen to CPD?

check out:

11/24/2017 12:12:00 AM

Never gonna happen!
Came on with the "prescribed" revolver & still carry it.
If the city wants to force a semi-auto on me, they'll have to buy it.

11/24/2017 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about duty disability benefits? Heard FOP is dismantiling it due to young coppers who are truly disabled getting these benefits .

11/24/2017 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

o More Revolver Cops for the NYPD

It looks like the last 200 coppers who still carried revolvers will HAVE to transition by next year to semi-automatics.
Think that would ever happen to CPD?


Actually I think Chicago PD has at least 1000 guys still carrying a revolver

sorry but u are wrong. My revolver jammed about 6 years ago when the dept got a bunch of bad ammo. Went to 1st depty office who called the ammory. They had no stanless revolvers and a few blue steel. They ran the numbers and said less then 200 still carried revolvers. That was 6 years ago.

11/24/2017 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time has come in Chicago and in Cook County to legalize marijuana and tax this plant. Time to get a casino in Chicago instead of Chicagoans going to Indiana or Joliet or Elgin to gamble.

11/24/2017 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP will accept whatever the city tells them as usual...

11/24/2017 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous comment made at 11:11 AM about an exit tax. You already pay an exit tax. It is called the the Real Estate Transfer Tax. Chicago $5.25 per $500 ($3.75 paid by Seller); Cook County $0.25 per $500 and State of Illinois $1 per $1,000. For a $250,000 home it will cost you $2,250 to leave Chicago +real estate commission+ closing costs + final utility bills + pro-rated tax bill, etc. When everyone realizes that the sinking ship is beyond saving and tries to bale out at the same time, don't you think that home values are going to tank in Mt. Greenwood, the far north side and other traditional CPD and CFD neighborhoods? At that point, when the alder-thieves and whom ever is mayor realizes that the middle class and retirees are leaving the City in such numbers as to jeopardize the tax revenue that flows to the "takers" on the south and west sides they will institute some form of far more onerous exit tax to discourage you from moving by making it too expensive. My advise is to be proactive and leave soon. I did, moved to Fishers, Indiana from Rogers Park three years ago. Still have family in Chicago and they are all planning to relocate to Indiana, Tennessee or Texas. BTW, Indiana does not have Real Estate transfer taxes.

11/24/2017 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well go live in the suburbs. Feel free to go to momena or Frankfort where there are more robberies, car thefts and vehicular hijackimgs than some places in the city. Timely park is filled with section 8 garbage. Orland is all dirty chicago corner liquor store owners and loose cigarette pushers connected to dude. Go north to palatine or Schaumburg where the public schools are filled with more rats than some of the Chicago schools. Live in a liberal northern or western suburb where the animal is accepted and invited to prey on them in there community because they feel they should all be accepting. It's not all roses and sunshine when you cross the city border. Thy city can say you can move 10 miles outside of the city boundary. Ok, if your south you can go to palos(infested), orland (infested), oak lawn (infested) tinley park (gone) alsip (hahahaha)... even go out to Naperville for example. Dude all over Naperville now. You say you wanna live in the "good part" of Naperville then hopefully you have 500k plus for a house plus 20k property takes... then no matter what Naperville high school you send your kids too the animal is there. He's there from Chicago and aurora playing the address game. Send them to shepherd in Pablo's and you have Robbins and Harvey in district. Same thing with oak lawn high school and Richards, all Robbins and Chicago scammers. Watch what you wish for. The city isn't going to let you live 50 miles away which is about where you would need to be.

11/24/2017 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time has come in Chicago and in Cook County to legalize marijuana and tax this plant. Time to get a casino in Chicago instead of Chicagoans going to Indiana or Joliet or Elgin to gamble.

The West suburbs are completely flooded with "gambling cafes". They are allowed to have 4 or 5 machines and serve beer/wine. They are taking money from the traditional casinos.

11/24/2017 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I think Chicago PD has at least 1000 guys still carrying a revolver

sorry but u are wrong. My revolver jammed about 6 years ago when the dept got a bunch of bad ammo. Went to 1st depty office who called the ammory. They had no stanless revolvers and a few blue steel. They ran the numbers and said less then 200 still carried revolvers. That was 6 years ago.

That sounds more like it. Guys would have to be on over 25 years and a lot of those guys bought automatics when they were allowed to carry an automatic. I’m surprised it’s over 100

11/24/2017 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Amazon isn't coming, no one is going to save us. Sell your property while you can. Things are going to get really bad around here. Everyone I know has been moving to Florida, Indiana or Texas. Between all the; over regulation, crime, drugs, fees, taxes and political corruption who wants to be here. Business are leaving in record numbers. Unless you're with the in crowd your paying for everything. Downtown parking garages usage is down, "L" and bus usage downtown are down. That means less people going there. Downtown won't save us. We have nothing but political hacks and incompetent leadership in Chicago, Cook County and Illinois. Everyone is broke and spend more than they take in. Watch your property values go down to next to nothing as they tax everyone to foreclosure or to give everything away and move away.

Man, you are scaring me. Everyone is leaving? I live on the northwest side and at least 20 retired CPD and CFD still live in the neighhood, just a few surrounding blocks. Also in Know of a large group of retired police and fire living there. Not everyone is leaving

11/24/2017 10:43:00 AM

No they are not. They are staying near their kids and grand-kids. Just like they always have. In fact, more are moving back from Florida etc Read an article from a Realtor in FL who says he sold the same house to five separate couples. All of them in the same boat. Moved down there and realized that they didn't need to stare at the ocean every day.Moved back home near family. Made sense to me. Property values in Chicago are going up, by the way.

11/24/2017 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What about duty disability benefits? Heard FOP is dismantiling it due to young coppers who are truly disabled getting these benefits .

How can FOO dismantle duty disability? It’s pension law
Plus so you have to be a certain age to be disabled. Tell that to Mullins and the officers who have been shot

11/24/2017 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have a link to view the city budget ? Did they increase Detectives , Sgts,LTs or captains in 2018?

11/24/2017 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the retirees with Aetna and BCBS the only ones getting zapped with paying 37.50 a head for the lowlifes OBama Care?

11/24/2017 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well go live in the suburbs. Feel free to go to momena or Frankfort where there are more robberies, car thefts and vehicular hijackimgs than some places in the city. Timely park is filled with section 8 garbage. Orland is all dirty chicago corner liquor store owners and loose cigarette pushers connected to dude. Go north to palatine or Schaumburg where the public schools are filled with more rats than some of the Chicago schools. Live in a liberal northern or western suburb where the animal is accepted and invited to prey on them in there community because they feel they should all be accepting. It's not all roses and sunshine when you cross the city border. Thy city can say you can move 10 miles outside of the city boundary. Ok, if your south you can go to palos(infested), orland (infested), oak lawn (infested) tinley park (gone) alsip (hahahaha)... even go out to Naperville for example. Dude all over Naperville now. You say you wanna live in the "good part" of Naperville then hopefully you have 500k plus for a house plus 20k property takes... then no matter what Naperville high school you send your kids too the animal is there. He's there from Chicago and aurora playing the address game. Send them to shepherd in Pablo's and you have Robbins and Harvey in district. Same thing with oak lawn high school and Richards, all Robbins and Chicago scammers. Watch what you wish for. The city isn't going to let you live 50 miles away which is about where you would need to be.

11/24/2017 08:35:00 PM


Speaking as a former suburbanite you couldn't be more wrong.

11/25/2017 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:35PM is correct.

All of the nearby decent suburbs are more expensive and have the same problems as the NW side and Mt. Greenwood. Catholic school tuitions end, property taxes in Glenview or Park Ridge never go down. Garfield Ridge, 016, 017, and Mt. Greenwood are worth fighting for.

11/25/2017 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The number of CPD still actually carrying a revolver as primary duty weapon in probably quite small.

The switch to semi-auto was over 25 years ago. So time has attritioned them out. Plus there was a transition program where a revovlersaurus could switch and be modern. Most did.

11/25/2017 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
No raise due to no money bet on it .

11/24/2017 07:12:00 AM

I am hoping for a cost of living "raise". We are getting taxed to death. Taxes going up while the take home pay going down.

Please,...remember this come election time.

11/25/2017 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Are the retirees with Aetna and BCBS the only ones getting zapped with paying 37.50 a head for the lowlifes OBama Care?

I didn’t see that when they sent out the letter with the 2018 rates. I know my rates didn’t go up $37.50 a month

11/25/2017 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the above poster that claims that the burbs are all terrible, how wrong you are. I'm guessing your over valued small house in 008 or 022 is the reason you claim these things. As a former cpd that lives in one of those burbs, I just laughed at all your claims. But please continue to enjoy shitago.

11/25/2017 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CTA and downtown parking garage usage are down in part since people in white-collar office jobs are increasingly working from home,one or more days a week, or 100%. Metra trains are probably seeing the same type of decline.

11/26/2017 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking as a former suburbanite you couldn't be more wrong.

11/25/2017 01:22:00 AM

Former suburbanite -- is that you, Tiny Dancer?

11/26/2017 04:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The number of CPD still actually carrying a revolver as primary duty weapon in probably quite small.

The switch to semi-auto was over 25 years ago. So time has attritioned them out. Plus there was a transition program where a revovlersaurus could switch and be modern. Most did.

Wrong, A lot did not. Still have gobs of revolver police. Buy me the new gun and I might consider it. By the way I have 30+ on.

11/27/2017 09:16:00 PM  

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