Sunday, September 16, 2018

Spotlight on Suicides

  • [...] One took his life while on duty in his squad car, the other two in the parking lot of the Calumet District station on the Far South Side. The cluster of deaths has brought renewed attention to the Chicago Police Department’s mental health services — an area criticized in a 2017 U.S. Justice Department report [...].

    A proposed consent decree filed last week requires the department to reform its mental health outreach and counseling services. It must staff 10 clinicians for its employee assistance program by 2020 and ensure that officers have access to non-emergency counseling within two weeks of a request, and emergency counseling within 24 hours.

    The department says it has already hired additional clinicians and undertaken a campaign to educate officers on options for seeking help.

    Still, law enforcement and mental health experts say meeting the terms of the consent decree is just a start to addressing the needs of roughly 12,000 officers and their families. Ten clinicians is likely not enough for one of the largest police forces in the country, they say.

    And adding more mental health professionals doesn’t address the problem if the department doesn’t lessen the stigma of seeking therapy and doesn't reach out to officers.
We've debated this here and elsewhere many times. Obviously, the Department-wide email isn't accomplishing much. Even our feeble efforts and pleas to just call someone (links provided on the right hand side of the blog) aren't reaching those determined to hurt themselves. We've tried to think of something different to do, something to trip that urge to seek help somewhere, anywhere.

And we realize that we can't.

That isn't to say we aren't going to keep trying. We're not about to write off fellow coppers. We're just saying that we need a better tool or a better message to stop this runaway train. We're open to suggestions.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s a little late for the scary warning. Why not sue right now? They knew what they were doing when they lied. The damage is already done. Now make them pay.

9/16/2018 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reach out to, Blue HELP Seek out private therapy with your insurance.

9/16/2018 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live a thousand miles away and read this blog out of interest. With the suffocating, choking bullshit I see you all having to go through I’m not surprised so many of your people want to kill themselves. What disillusionment. I don’t know how you do that work.

9/16/2018 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Condolences. You're fighting an uphill battle.
Numbers of counsellors are meaningless unless
we come to an understanding of the feelings of
hopelessness generated by CORRUPTION at the
top (read: Rahm Emanuel) and his shell game rigged
agencies (COPA).
Such working conditions invoke and promote depression.
Anger turned inwards results in depression.
Law Enforcement is by no means unique.
The dirty little secret of the medical profession: suicide.
Same reasons. Expectation of perfection, high stress, long
working hours, and a preoccupation with output ("stats") brought
up at evaluation time. Burnout is high. An M.D. title means nothing
when they realize that M.B.A.'s control the Monoply board. Resentment
is also high when they realize their ultimate boss has less education and

9/16/2018 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suicide is epidemic in the general American population, and obviously exacerbated among first responders. Researchers are now beginning to believe that those who treat suicidal patients have been targeting the wrong chemical imbalances and that suicide ideation should be treated as a medical condition akin to diabetes. So, SCC, if you have no words it might be because words cannot help when a different medical approach is actually what is needed.

9/16/2018 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully the proposal to work 12 hour tours, canceling regular days off and denying time off doesn't lead to more problems. This job is stressful enough already, and not seeing or spending time with family and friends is a recipe for disaster.

9/16/2018 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Permit me to share this personal story.

I was a rural prosecutor 36 years ago. A swing shift (7pm-3am) small town officer called me for advice with a juvenile matter. I went to the PD and worked with him on resolving the issue. He seemed to be in good spirits and gave absolutely no indication to the contrary. I left him at 1:30 a.m.

Shortly after his shift ended Al went to his favorite fishing spot, hooked up a hose from the exhaust pipe into the car and drank a bottle of wine until he expired. He did not want his fellow officers to deal with an even worse mess as gun suicides were not uncommon in the boonies. (A few weeks after that a young relative tried to commit suicide the same way but he was rescued in time.)

All of us kept wondering if we missed anything, if we ignored a call for help, if we could have done something. There were no signs at all. None. Al was determined to do it and he did.

Dealt with many suicides since 1982 but that one still stands out. One of my friends and a damn good detective got upset with his girlfriend one day and bit the gun. There were others.

I don't know if there is a great answer to this problem but I know how it affects people and we should never pass up an opportunity to help someone who may be on the edge. But also know that sometimes you just can't put that genie back in the bottle once it's out.

And self-care is also important. When I was in the academy in the Quad Cities (cop before going to law school) we were taught that if you don't get there in one piece you can't help anyone. Don't be afraid to reach out. And, if you think someone is reaching out to you, don't overlook the opportunity to be a hero. Be sincere. Listen. Don't bullshit (depressed people know when they are being blown off), especially making false promises (i.e., "Everything will be better in the morning" instead of "You're going through some rough times and I can't guarantee things will turn around tomorrow but I know for sure that if you give up nothing good will happen. Let's work on this." Did variations of that many times. Good luck.

Hugs to all.

9/16/2018 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know several fellow police officers that experience severe depression and even suicidal thoughts because the politicians and CPD upper management refuse to resolve political corruption within the CPD, specifically the use of clout in promotions and assignments. All are bright, hard workers with loads of felony arrests. Yet the media and others who could bring reform to the CPD ignore this well known fact. Now all of the officers have become "fetal" because of clout.

Isn't it ironic that some so-called experts want to bring reform to the CPD rank and file yet they ignore the demoralizing effects of clout?

9/16/2018 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Governor of Illinois has just signed HB5231.
No longer does an LEO have to fear losing their job when they need treatment for PTSD or substance abuse. No longer do we need to have an FOID to be the police and we are now exempt from the portion of that law references revocation of the FOID when we are struggling with mental health. Here is the law;

IF you or a loved one is struggling reach out.

9/16/2018 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good start to improving our EAP would be replacing the leadership there. Put a sworn Copper in charge. We have many Coppers that are very well educated with appropriate credentials. Active and retired.

9/16/2018 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought, I talked to my doctor,she said you do not need a referral if you are HMO, to go talk to someone for mental health/ depression. I think if we get that info out, and talk to each other, that may help. One copper told me she k ew of someone on antidepressants, he said he wished he would have done that years ago, he felt so much better.

9/16/2018 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to have other things outside this job, hobbies, church, get together with friends, etc.

9/16/2018 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe we need ptgo for menatl health check up, like we do physical checkups?

9/16/2018 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you can do is to advertise the help, make it readily available, and sadly you have to accept that some people won't accept it no matter how available it is.

To remove the stigma, forget the 'on staff clinicians' and all the nonsense that goes with that. Have private clinicians contract with the Dept to provide the service. All the Dept. gets to know is who's being treated, and what the cost is for the visit (which will be pre-determined). IF the copper wants to do himself or others harm, yeah, then the clinician can inform the responsible authorities - otherwise it's none of the Dept's fucking business.

Finally, try to examine in an anonymous way what the root causes of the suicide-level stress is (there's ways to do this in a statistically anonymous manner), so the appropriate action can be taken. That will require some effort on the part of the Dept, and some $$$ from the Shitty.

Whether they pony up or not will speak volumes.

9/16/2018 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Jiminy Cricket said...

Meeting the needs of the decree? 10 therapists for 12,000 officers??? So 1 therapist per 1200! officers is ok? May want to crunch those numbers again there. That’s a joke.

9/16/2018 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired here, The job does take a serious mental toll on the greatest people in the world, L.E people. Knew many a copper who made the move and seen a mental health professional and went on anti-depression meds. Take about 60 days to get a benefit and to get the brain chemicals to work. The department DOES NOT screen for A.D' and it is NOT a controlled substance. Anti Anxiety med' are, but if you take the med as prescribed an do not abuse it, you will be fine. Don't ever take another person' med, then that is trouble.
I will venture to say that at least 30 percent of people in L.E take a mental health medication for depression and anxiety.
The stigma of years ago regarding depression is long gone. Seek help if your mental state is not normal. The great Chaplains and EAP will never trick you out to CPD. It really is a medical issue in the medical profession.
In the old days copper' deaths were closed out as an accidental death when they were "Cleaning their guns."
The use of alcohol every day will just make you state of mind quite worse.
Make the move fast for help when you are thinking of taking your life.
God' blessing on all in L.E and SCC who has made this topic, over and over. His intel of this subject is on the money.

9/16/2018 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prick bosses. A perfect example is JP “the cancer” from area central. Dipshit needs to get the fuck gone or be reassigned as the commanding officer of the recruits’ toilets at the academy

9/16/2018 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you can have all the support structures in place and it still wont change the totals. That's because these people don't usually recognize their problem. The best response is the people, family and friends, around them that see or detect a problem. But this is also easier said than done as people who are bent on suicide have inner demons that are hidden from view and the little clues usually add up after its too late. I personally have seen way too many close friends commit suicide and never saw it coming with anyone of them!

9/16/2018 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know several fellow police officers that experience severe depression and even suicidal thoughts because the politicians and CPD upper management refuse to resolve political corruption within the CPD, specifically the use of clout in promotions and assignments. All are bright, hard workers with loads of felony arrests. Yet the media and others who could bring reform to the CPD ignore this well known fact. Now all of the officers have become "fetal" because of clout.

Isn't it ironic that some so-called experts want to bring reform to the CPD rank and file yet they ignore the demoralizing effects of clout?

9/16/2018 12:57:00 AM
Second City
I was waiting for someone to say they know someone like this. We (CPD) have to put our money where our mouth is and walk-the-walk and Talk-the -Talk. See something say something. The onus is on all of us!

9/16/2018 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On top of the horrors that an LEO encounters on a daily basis, being vilified by the upper echelon types, the press, the public, etc. does not make it easy when dealing with mental health. I'm not the police, nor a counselor (I would volunteer my services to the department if I were) but know that a good percentage of the public know (as much as we can) the shit show you all endure. Please talk to a fellow officer, seek counseling, please! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You are all hero's!!!!!

9/16/2018 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about the clout. We just saw a bunch of merit promotions to various jobs. How do you that makes people feel when they missed a promotion by 1 or 2 spots because of merit. This is, allegedly, a college educated dept. There should be no merit. You can't make it in rank order, then you don't make it. Merit should be to the dicks like it was in the old days; held like a reward. Then, once the merit are promoted we see how they become really "clouted". You don't think that causes consternation in many?

9/16/2018 05:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know several fellow police officers that experience severe depression and even suicidal thoughts because the politicians and CPD upper management refuse to resolve political corruption within the CPD, specifically the use of clout in promotions and assignments. All are bright, hard workers with loads of felony arrests. Yet the media and others who could bring reform to the CPD ignore this well known fact. Now all of the officers have become "fetal" because of clout.

Isn't it ironic that some so-called experts want to bring reform to the CPD rank and file yet they ignore the demoralizing effects of clout?

9/16/2018 12:57:00 AM
Must say this post is from one jealous individual. Hear me out - u will NEVER stop the game of political favortism, or its who u know not what u know.
U need to get over it and take every promotional exam out there and fill out every application for a unit. Quantity of arrests does not mean shit!!!
U sound like a blogger that complains every minute - Get over it or leave for a 10 person dept and show them how good of a copper u r.
In Chicago - u r only a number - remember that. Always replaceable!!

9/16/2018 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

We need to have other things outside this job, hobbies, church, get together with friends, etc.

9/16/2018 02:04:00 AM

My husband is a retired Chicago Policeman and told me once that he was more comfortable hanging out with other cops while he was on the job. Unfortunately it was bars and drinking that was happening for him. That's not the answer, but perhaps getting together with other cops would help a bit. Talking with others who are in the same position can be helpful. I agree with the above statement. It's a start.

My husband was suffering from PTSD and we did get mental therapy. It has done wonders and was covered by our insurance. Please seek therapy even if you think you don't need it. Start by finding someone else in the department who would be willing to talk and listen.

9/16/2018 05:46:00 AM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

I don't want to be too specific, but I have seen far more Chicago Police Officers take their own lives, than die at the hands of an offender. In a sense cops become part of the mayhem and most disgusting behavior of our society as witnesses, and they are ill prepared for those encounters. What cops see, smell and sometimes must touch would make the average person vomit. And to place people in leadership positions, via clout promotion, only contributes to a bad work experience and environment. And this even carries over to the counseling services. The last suicide involved someone Ed knew personally, so it was much closer to home for the Superintendent. And a "Merit" incompetent got a dump, though he landed softly. Hopefully, the replacement will do his/her job. Stay Safe and Strong. Baby "G"

9/16/2018 06:19:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

this little gem was pilfered from an earlier post.

an institutionally conservative CPD enforces the law
an institutionally liberal CPS teaches typical leftist bullshit

every fucking time some scumbag gangbanger gets his just reward CPS floods the schools with crises intervention types.

guess 10 clinicians are better than none but know who is treating you.

your union needs to demand doctors. let no NP or PA be allowed to treat anybody.

those two assholes will no doubt cheapen this if you let them get away with this.

9/16/2018 06:49:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Hire the therapists, but please hire the right ones. This is not the position for an Alderman's nephew to have.

9/16/2018 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Studies have shown that reports of suicides cause others to kill themselves, while reports of people who step back fro the brink allow others to see there is a better way. Perhaps more stories from those that have steoibCk would be good, and protection to keep it from damaging their careers.

9/16/2018 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer in 3 parts...

ONE: The Mayor don't care
TWO: They don't/won't spend the money
THREE: Oh, did I mention the Mayor don't care.
(He only does his phony cry routine for the peoples and folks for votes)

We have to continue to look out for one another... we always have.
Please, our brothers and sisters we are here for you. Talk to one of us if/when you need an 'assist.'

Retired (but still caring for our own)

9/16/2018 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: Hugs to all.

9/16/2018 12:45:00 AM

Nicely done, a personal and sincere read.

I just hope anyone who reads your experience(s) likewise realizes that we are all human and it's part of the frailty that comes with life and living.
It has more of an effect on certain individuals through no fault of their own. The likelihood is enhanced however by stress which is a daily regiment experienced by first responders, military etc.
This remains a noble profession. Thank You to all who answered the calling.
Don't forget to look out for yourself and fellow members when things get tough and coping is difficult.
Remember this... WE still love you and want to help, just as you would do for us.
Stay Safe
Thank You!

9/16/2018 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody has ever gotten a disability for being mentally ill on this job. They are often labeled "personal concerns" or "problem officers". Yet there they are sitting in the squad car everyday. Ticking time bombs and I'm not just talking about the boozers. The bosses look the other way because they don't want to be the bad guy. Peer support is a good program. If you see a fellow officer in distress, take the time out to talk to them.

9/16/2018 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to say it but the department should make it mandatory that all of us just talk to someone once a year. Make it a tour of duty. Obviously people are in pain and may be embarrassed to go and by making everyone go it may save another life

9/16/2018 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the advice is good here, but the advice to make friends with people from other lines of work, regular people is not. Been there and done that. They have no clue what this job is like and the resulting stress. The worst day of their life doesn't come close to what a working PO sees on an everyday basis. They don't get it, and you would have absolutely nothing in common with them. Talking to them and witnessing their cluelessness makes things worse. This is probably why the American Legion, VFW.. were created for war veterans. A counselor that is prior law enforcement, or from a police family would probably be a good resource. Just my two cents.

9/16/2018 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can the Vanecko Mental Health Inc. be far down the road? The city will hire a bunch of connected, otherwise unemployable losers and establish yet another bureaucracy to be filled by politically correct democRATS. They probably will even get a few "merit" slots to name.

9/16/2018 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember a young officer in the 1980’s in the 011th district killed himself, and it was determined “accidental while cleaning his gun”. Super nice guy and we were all shocked and saddened by his sudden death. RIP.

9/16/2018 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my darkest hour I sat in the ladies locker room with my gun at my side. No therapist or counselor could help me so I called my partner and he was there, in the ladies locker room and just held me and got through it. He saved my life that day. Do not underestimate the power of just being there for each other. I called him because I knew he would come and I knew he would understand and not judge me. We are forever bonded because of that time.

9/16/2018 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Retired White Shirt said...

I worked in the Bureau of Administrative Services [title back then] for years involved in the annual budget request. Over the years numerous requests were made for additional personnel for EAP. During those years it was more important that CAPS had sufficient funding for all the programs for the “community.” The “gimme this” and “gimme that” were of greater importance than providing for the mental health of our officers. We all see the benefit of spending resources on the “community” as gotten us. Fuck the “community.”

9/16/2018 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to organize and file a class action lawsuit against the city for failing to protect it’s citizens from violence. To be clear CPD would be plaintiffs as well. The city has created a very deadly work environment and they should be held accountable.

9/16/2018 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psychologists already know with a 98% confidence that a person may suffer from mental health issues if the following are in place.
1. Raised in broken home
2. Alcohol or drug deviancy
3. Sexual degeneracy (yes I said it you super freak)
4. Weirdo (Emo (look it up), goth, punk, etc.)

I could go on and on. The point is hire quality and you get quality results. Hire social justice experiments and you get Chiraq.

Hire Rahm (the ballet performance artist) and you get a sissy department that can't control crime.


9/16/2018 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A good start to improving our EAP would be replacing the leadership there. Put a sworn Copper in charge. We have many Coppers that are very well educated with appropriate credentials. Active and retired.

9/16/2018 01:26:00 AM

The current leadership has a officer in charge? I believe that one component to this problem is management. They are not the cause but their attitude prevents officers from seeking help. In a few units, management encourages officers to seek help and are aware of potential problems that they have. But the majority of units, LTS and captains favorite phrase;"the job comes first not family". Sgts and LTS that push officers for numbers and long hours, ignoring any family problems.

The best that Johnson can do is to send out a email he never wrote? WTF! Did any exempts visit 005 roll calls to talk to the officers? Maybe talk to the commander about mental health issues? Or is that asking too much from out leader?

9/16/2018 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Each has the only say in whether to wait for the ending of his/her existing here, in the world of flesh, blood and bone, or to choose to leave at the place and moment of their choosing.

The concept of any being presumed to have chosen that proverbial permanent solution to a temporary problem is not a wise presumptive position to take.

Lament the absence of the person; resist the impulse to indulge in the hubris required to presume the less than thoughtful nature of a person's chosen action, this hubris being commonly founded in self reflected fear of.....the what of it you define as you choose.

9/16/2018 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

',,,,no longer do we need to have an FOID to be the police..."

CPD rules state you must have FOID---you even need it BEFORE getting hired.

9/16/2018 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact is most police officers suffer from PTSD. Police agencies are afraid to admit this as it will cost millions of dollars to provide the necessary resources to address the problem. It is much easier to work with the press and make cops look bad. And, paying off law suits is expensive, but the city is very capable of doing a cost benefit analysis and knows it is cheaper to pay lawsuits than psychiatrists and coppers who are on medical.

9/16/2018 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is not a "runaway" train. Just a few disturbed people who are not able to make rational choices for themselves anymore. It is not unusual for them to come in clusters. It does not necessarily mean anything as far as any wider concerns go.

If you see strange behaviour from your coworkers try to help them get help. You are not equipped to do them any good on your own and really the only way to do them any good is to get them professional help. If you have to, rat them out, if that is the only thing that can save them.

It seems in this case a supervisor tried to get this person some badly needed help and the department failed to respond appropriately. That is on the department in some respects, but it is also a cultural issue. Cops start to think that the job is their life and only reason to exist and the thought that the only way to save themselves is to find other employment is so overwhelming that they kill themselves. Just remember, IT IS JUST A JOB. Not worth letting it kill you.

9/16/2018 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are stressed off of work and then super stressed while at work not a good combination. Doesn't take much to make a bad choice. Department needs to stand up for officers with their actions. Stop overreacting for every community "crisis" and demand. Give officers a day off!!!! Be nice to them tell the community that they will treat the officers with respect or dont call them. Someone has to have their backs. They are not expendable. The culture of bashing the police has to stop or just close down the Department.

9/16/2018 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn’t the biased once HR Director do her part to weed out select candidates and still without any explanation?

This inept Dept is not equipped, concerned to conduct a sychoanalysis the current workforce, just write an order to seem like they doing something and of course find a reason that will lead to dismissal.
More concerned about the Sanctuary than the employee.
Medical costs and necessary attention is not something Rahm takes lightly... (“Thank you very much. A $175 million saving!”™️).
If money is involved, the employee gets the shaft.
That $175 million is now going towards a wasteful book repository somewhere in Jackson Park.

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.
This Dept knows how to steamroll someone down and about.
Overworked, no time off, twisted activity demanding supervision, yada-yada-yada.

Aim to be stronger.
Screw the demands of this job and work smart with a level head.

Serenity Now.

9/16/2018 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sent a post about how CPD requires FOID card, even before hire---which is NOT as important as seeking help.
If your friends, coworkers, bosses are asking "Is everything okay?"--talk to someone (butcher, baker, clergy, doctor, nurse--- call a hotline, EAP ....)
If you have been prescribed medication - TAKE it.
Yes, even anti-anxiety and sleep aid meds---take them as prescribed, if MD suggests you take time off to adjust to dose/sides---have them write a note. In a better times, you would be able to use comp time - or have some elective procedure and stay off for that while the meds adjust. (horrible, right? you should feel free to be treated for a medical disease with the support of your employer).

Our fckn department allows a small percentage to misuse the medical and ignores the rest of us. Wellness is not a joke.
Lived paycheck to paycheck for years- and still today couldn't afford a prolonged "Nopay status" without touching my nest egg- but I have seen people with less, lose more and still get through it.
We are not alone, even when we are apart and isolated....if you see something , say something, if you need something say something.

9/16/2018 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly believe a few things contribute to the stress we see day to day on this job. Some may argue that residency is a good idea and we all signed up for it. I however think it's a major contributing cause of stress in my life. Being unable to move when you disagree so strongly with how the city is run combined with not having good enough schools to send our children to is a huge stress. I make a considerable effort to avoid working overtime unless I absolutely have to. Many people are voluntarily or involuntarily always working overtime whether it be canceled days off or court on our off hours (which depending on what shift you work can be extremely stressful). I've found that finding friends, activities and interests that are completely unrelated to the job have helped the stress tremendously. Exercise and limiting alcohol really does make a difference as well. That being said I doubt anyone believes the city or department will make any real efforts to assist officers with their levels of stress and trauma.

9/16/2018 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody cares, it’s all a game of C.Y.A. We have been predicting this for 10+ yrs due to the severe manpower shortage. Now with the new softer and more scrutinized police and a complete police hating city expect a major rash of suicides in the next 7-10 yr range. JVD is the Poster Child for the stress and strain of a PTSD ravaged department from a criminally underfunded department and inept leadership.

9/16/2018 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not a police officer ...60 percernt higher suicide rate than any other major department. Alot of factors play a role in it , but one that gets ignored is the feeling of being trapped in this city. The politicians will never alow you to leave this banana republic called chicago so you pretend to be happy by saying to yourself mt. Greenwood is okay or edison park is good while deep inside you know its not, you know you and your family deserve better. Your kids deserve a better life
My job doesnt require me to live in the city i work in so it doesnt matter to me but its so obvious the majority of you need a release a place to decompress a place to raise a family. This is a huge factor in the mental health of cpd unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears. Stay safe and stay strong

9/16/2018 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see fat head ed promotes all his unqualified frat brothers and allows a full blown cheating scandal in order to promote more unqualified people. I dont know why anyone would be discouraged on this job.

9/16/2018 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have balls to seek help,your sickness effects every one around you,not only you. Dont drag the the boat down with your anchor.The help is there,may you find it now,a problem shared is a problem cut in half..............I know.

9/16/2018 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any studies on it, but I'd think hiring more mental health professionals would help.

Also start sending career cops to school to learn how to be mental health professionals.

Get a mix of civilians and cops or former cops into the mix.

Should help reduce suicide, alcoholism etc and might have a positive impact on the city's budget in indirect ways.

Less down time, fewer lawsuits, less injured on duty etc.

9/16/2018 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emanuel is in full panic mode, has reached out to Mauer and Rousell about controlling violence. Expect BIG change this week.

9/16/2018 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A good start to improving our EAP would be replacing the leadership there. Put a sworn Copper in charge. We have many Coppers that are very well educated with appropriate credentials. Active and retired.
9/16/2018 01:26:00 AM

Dr R. Sobo is top notch. I wouldn't want him replaced. I will defend him and his abilities any day of the week.

9/16/2018 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I know several fellow police officers that experience severe depression and even suicidal thoughts because the politicians and CPD upper management refuse to resolve political corruption within the CPD, specifically the use of clout in promotions and assignments. All are bright, hard workers with loads of felony arrests. Yet the media and others who could bring reform to the CPD ignore this well known fact. Now all of the officers have become "fetal" because of clout.

Isn't it ironic that some so-called experts want to bring reform to the CPD rank and file yet they ignore the demoralizing effects of clout?

9/16/2018 12:57:00 AM

Agreed. For most of us, the job began with exactly this. All you want to do is go to work and do a good honest job and not be fkd with by the supervisors. The supervisors today are extremely immature, jealous, vindictive and plain stupid. Especially in specialized units. They want to put their guy in your spot, so they spread rumors about you, overwhelm you with more work, lie about you to other bosses, demand unrealistic tasks from you, etc. Just setting you up for failure to justify why they need to dump you and replace you with their guy. And everybody knows its happening to you, but no one has the balls to stand up for you - especially other bosses. They are afraid of becoming the next target and losing their spot. Then you watch the clout kids get away with not showing up at work, coming and going as they please, earning free overtime, getting the best uc vehicle, never doing any work, getting awards for incidents they were not part of, and getting merit promoted, and they brag and shit talk everyone else when they are around. Again the supervisors do nothing about it and look the other way. When this is happening to you, you think you are losing your mind and going crazy, because you are all alone and have no one to run to for help. Sure, you can document all you want for a lawsuit, but it consumes your daily life, and you don't want to be a rat. You take this shit home with you, because you worry constantly - what's tomorrow going to bring, what untrue story am I going to hear tomorrow about myself, is tomorrow the day I get dumped? You add this mental and emotional sabotage that your own department does to you to the daily grind of bad guys and the public and the media going after you - you are a time bomb.

Oh, and you got a family to take care of and you try to hide all of this to protect them from your stresses. Your spouse and children don't need to hear this shit, its your job to keep them safe and happy and healthy. You are supposed to be their pillar of strength and comfort. Plus you are working overtime on the job and as many side jobs as you can grab, because its so fkg expensive to live in this rotten corrupt city and you want to send your kids to a decent catholic school in a suburb. Now you add lack of sleep to your already stressed life. And if you are in a specialized unit, you follow the crime, so your working hours change daily, and you are constantly on your cell phone with the job. Your family doesn't understand this, they have a routine and schedule, and they expect you to keep up and put them first in your life. But you can't, because you can't tell your supervisor no because specialized units require you to change your hours at a moments notice and be available by phone 24/7. Sure, you can leave the unit and go back to patrol, but you like the work and your partners and you need the overtime - crappy decision you have to make - all due to the piece of shit supervisors.

That's just one example of the life of a non-clouted cpd cop. Definitely use your insurance and seek private counseling to find ways to cope. There are many light anti depressants nowadays that every one takes to keep you from blowing up when you feel anxiety. No side effects whatsoever, it just helps to take the edge off. Good luck.

9/16/2018 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should add this to your "side bar" on the home page of SCC. THANKS

9/16/2018 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 furloughs like CFD would help. Especially since our benefits keep getting stripped away

9/16/2018 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about an anonymous non voluntary outreach. A partner or other concerned person could instigate an intervention interview. Limited to CPD or family only. Mandatory compliance to session. See something say something life you save might be your partner or loved one.

9/16/2018 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to have other things outside this job, hobbies, church, get together with friends, etc.

kind of hard when the city doesn't give you any time off to have a hobby

9/16/2018 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well first there is not 12,000 officers. Can always get outsiders involved if the response is overwhelming. But you have to start somewhere. 10 is a whole lot better then what is currently available.

9/16/2018 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee what the problem. Maybe just the unreasonable work loads (mandatory 12hr) shifts, lack of leadership support, canceled days off, clueless leadership, community hate and MSM constantly banging the anti cop crumb might have something to do with it.

9/16/2018 02:31:00 PM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

It takes a very specific kind of personality to do this job. Not very many people can deal with everything that comes with "being the police".

Now add in life's every day stressors and it's no wonder very few can cope and lead some semblance of what's considered a "normal" life.

Very, very few make it to the magical 29+ a day without some kind of health issues whether physical, mental or both*.

The trick is to minimize the aggravation on all fronts. Easier said than done, but certainly not impossible. Find what works for you, devise a long term investment strategy as well as an exit strategy and try not to deviate from either too much.

* Career House Mice usually fare much better

9/16/2018 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've reached out to our EAP program and can say they were a big help. there may be few that work there but I felt much better after talking it out, Dr. Sobo over there for one is fantastic. just go and see them, we all think we can handle it but it helps so much to get it off your chest with someone. my boss even let me go while working, those are the bosses we need. REACH OUT.

9/16/2018 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone of us is one step away from the nut house! Be kind and friendly with your fellow officers. That does not mean you have to have a beer with them. A handshake and hello go along way. When you can, back each other up on jobs. Think before you speak. Know your fellow officers hobbies and have conversation with them about those hobbies. Know your fellow officers' first name and use that name. Treat them like family because for eight to twelve hours they are your family.

9/16/2018 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't they CUUUUUTE when they pretend
to give a fuck about Policemen?

...Release the results of J-fled's
"Morale Survey" that have been under
City Hall lock and key for the last
decade if a grudging portion of an
official fuck is to be given about


Then any bandwidth or ink spilled
over this is mere pretense and
just more of the same old posturing
and bullshit by the media and the
consent decree peoples an' folkses.

As if "fixing" The Police is actually
considered to be a cure for all that
ails this city...

Protect yourselves ONLY.


Point & Laugh at the
smart people who swear
they have ALLLL the answers.


"Being a Cop looks so easy so we don't
understand why you guys are so mean
and unfriendly. Aren't there rules against
you being that way?"

And this.

"Why can't that mean, nasty, racist Cop Blog
be taken down and all those Cops who post there
be publicly outed, fired and lose their cush
pensions for bringing discredit to the city?
Won't that new consent decree make this happen?"

9/16/2018 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jiminy Cricket said...

Meeting the needs of the decree? 10 therapists for 12,000 officers??? So 1 therapist per 1200! officers is ok? May want to crunch those numbers again there. That’s a joke.

9/16/2018 03:28:00 AM

Mere pretense by the resident liberal democrat Alinskyites
of giving an actual damn about the mental and emotional well
being of Policemen.

"Whut? How can a COP suffer from PTSD?
They think too much of themselves trying
to claim protected status like military
veterans! They're just being lazy and
pouting and having a pity party because
they're FINALLY being held accountable."

9/16/2018 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If CPD was serious about helping people with issues they wouldnt let them come to work under the influence.But the bosses know and don't do a thing except protect them. I guess when you have clout you can do whatever you want.Dangerous.

9/16/2018 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Criminals lauded as good guys
Good cops derided as criminals
The depts. worst most cowardly supt in many eons
A states attorney that’s a undercover public defender
A sheriff that metes out pizza, doggies and hugs to inmates instead of punishment
A corrupt biased non credible local media
Witness to Some of the most vile heinous acts of violence corruption and depravity known to man
A corrupt political promotional process where cheating and politics takes precedence over real merit based considerations
High incidences of officer suicides-both CPD and Cook County
Subjected to onerous punishing fines, taxes and fees
Unfir, excessive brutal disciplinary process…
It’s a wonder more officers aren’t suicidal.

9/16/2018 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shock. The department will now cancel all days off from this shitty stressful job where we have no powers to do anything or your accused of racism and then work 12 hours a day for next 4 weeks. If this doesn’t want you to kill your self what does ? Why are we going to be helmets and sticks and pepper spray for the riots of trial verdict when we have absolutely no power to use force? Pointless for us to pretend we can or will do anything once the riots begin! Any force you use as a police officer during riots will brand the officer a racist and kim foxx will throw you to wolves to be eaten alive. Going on the medical next week Suggest everyone do same thing. F the corrupt city that Rahm and Preckwinkle and democrats have made this city a crime haven. Criminals first , honest people last

9/16/2018 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only it's going to work, is for the brass to start believing in the officers. The bosses have to run the department the way it should be run, and NOT the way the public, or politicians Think should be run. The Mayor should keep his nose out of the way the department is run, and leave things to the professionals, and if he can't, at least have their backs. Stop tying officers hands, making them second guess every single move they make, have them wondering if they're going to be sued or fired for their desicions, or if they're going to end up in jail. I'm sure some of these things are on officers minds at times, and wonder how they stay on the job. It has to effect the home life to some degree. It's too much pressure for one person to handle, and if it's not taken care of, you're going to see more of this happening,
I'm afraid.

9/16/2018 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relaxing the hiring standards will also make it a bigger issue down the road. Hiring people who have failed the psych evaluation then sued to get on the job will also impact the numbers down the road. Just ask anyone working at HQ of the record that works in that unit, that’s where the real insight is.

9/16/2018 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever you get a check the well being, please check on the person, do not listen to anyone else at the location!! Check on the person, it could save a life!!!

9/16/2018 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real police macho culture needs to be addressed. Life is a bitch for everyone, especially police officers and firefighter/medics in this town. If an officer is experiencing hardship, ANY officer that knows the officer in trouble should be ready and willing to go with the member to EAP throughout the intake process. It could be beneficial to identify officers who have been through hard times, sought treatment inside or outside the department, and have them act as sponsors as they go through recovery. When my life went down the toilet, that hardest thing to do was admit I was in bad shape and face my sergeant and watch commander and tell them I was having trouble hanging. Once I was able to swallow my pride and get into a program (and participate fully and honestly), my life turned around dramatically. I'm much more patient and resilient but it took work to get there. We gotta step up and take care of each other even if it's uncomfortable or inconvenient. This fucking job is definitely not worth dying over. We can't help anyone if we can't help ourselves first.

9/16/2018 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Nobody has ever gotten a disability for being mentally ill on this job. They are often labeled "personal concerns" or "problem officers". Yet there they are sitting in the squad car everyday. Ticking time bombs and I'm not just talking about the boozers. The bosses look the other way because they don't want to be the bad guy. Peer support is a good program. If you see a fellow officer in distress, take the time out to talk to them.

9/16/2018 07:47:00 AM

Not just the boozers is right. Officer in distress? Not anymore. Mucho pill popping going on. How do you come to work on anxiety meds and pain killers looking and acting all zoned out? Should you really be driving and making life and death decisions? Even with a prescription?

9/16/2018 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Dr R. Sobo is top notch. I wouldn't want him replaced. I will defend him and his abilities any day of the week.

I will most definitely second this. Sobo is hell of a guy. How they haven't burned out from the lack of resources is beyond me

9/16/2018 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Public Act Regarding FOID Card And Mental Health

There has been some concern identified by the State concerning the interpretation of a new Public Act 100-0911. This legislation was drafted to address those municipalities in the State of Illinois who require as a condition of employment, that their police officers possess a Firearms Owner Identification Card (FOID) as Chicago does. Currently if a member seeks mental health treatment and finds themselves in a mental health bed at any treatment center in the State, that facility is required to notify the Illinois State Police and they are required to pull your FOID card. An obvious concern for the FOP and others is that our members who feel they may need mental health treatment at any stage , are going to be hesitant to seek it with the potential of losing their job hanging over their head.

Public Act 100-0911 does not prohibit the State Police from revoking or seizing the FOID Card of an officer who is a patient in a mental health facility, that will be done (legislation passed in 2013 under the Shields administration established an expedited appeals process for the return of the FOID Card for Law Enforcement Officers). The major change here is that the Police Officer won't lose his/her job as long as he/she is not a threat to him/her self or others. So now it may be a matter for the Medical Section to sort out but your pay check will not be threatened and the members can receive the necessary assistance.

Here is the new legislation:

Public Act 100-0911
HB5231 Enrolled LRB100 20039 SLF 35321 b

AN ACT concerning law enforcement officers.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Uniform Peace Officers' Disciplinary Act is amended by changing Section 6 and adding Section 7.2 as follows:
(50 ILCS 725/6) (from Ch. 85, par. 2567)
Sec. 6. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the The provisions of this Act apply only to the extent there is no collective bargaining agreement currently in effect dealing with the subject matter of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 83-981.)

(50 ILCS 725/7.2 new)
Sec. 7.2. Possession of a Firearm Owner's Identification Card. An employer of an officer shall not make possession of a Firearm Owner's Identification Card a condition of continued employment if the officer's Firearm Owner's Identification Card is revoked or seized because the officer has been a patient of a mental health facility and the officer has not been determined to pose a clear and present danger to himself, herself, or others as determined by a physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner. Nothing is this Section shall otherwise impair an employer's ability to determine an officer's fitness for duty. On and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, Section 6 of this Act shall not apply to the prohibition requiring a Firearm Owner's Identification Card as a condition of continued employment, but a collective bargaining agreement already in effect on that issue on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly cannot be modified.

Effective date August 17, 2018.

9/16/2018 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me tell you how much this department cares about us. After all the tragedy that the 005th District has been dealing with the last couple of months who do I see walking into the District the DAY AFTER the last incident? A fucking INSPECTOR, WTF?!?!?!?! I don’t care if he wasn’t there looking to write people up, that is the last place an inspector should have shown his face the DAY AFTER the latest tragedy... I would say unbelievable but nothing in this department surprises me anymore....

9/16/2018 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m not a LEO but have spent over a decade working and being with them as a friend. Today’s SSC article is a heartbreaker. Maybe SSC should have a daily smile or laugh spot to lighten the load. Thanks, thoughts, and prayers to you.

9/16/2018 07:42:00 PM  
Blogger Aurelian1960 said...

A lot of the time you will just never know. Was in Kandahar Afghanistan in 2009 when we got a new Canadian Major as an Operations officer. Razor smart, beautiful, next stop was General Staff school. They had their eye on her for General. Vivacious personality. One day she's missing. We gear up to clear the whole base. Our Canadian Warrant Officer found her in her rack. Face turned to the wall with her brains blown out. With her issued Browning Hi-Power. Lives with me still.

9/16/2018 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SSC, you have done a lot for this problem, but no one will be able to do much for the majority of people who are on the bubble. I wrote in last week about this, and yes, the job had something to do with the problem, but medical problems I cant pay for or my survivors will never be able to pay for lead the list. I cant afford to get fixed even with the insurance I have until 65, because me and mine have many physical problems. I cant find work because of the problems I have. Chapter 7, Forclosure, and more debt is all I can see in the future if I die or not. I am terrified either way this goes. I can see NO LIGHT at the end of the tunnel, and I don't know what anyone can say to make that better. I am fucked, in a word, and so is my family. So, what is the answer? Pray for death? Been doing that. Pray for a win in the lottery? Another wet dream. I don't know what to do, and I apologize for constantly whining here. All I want is either relief or oblivion.

9/16/2018 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supervisors need to quit treating their subordinates like shit. The job is stressful enough, you don't need to create more stress. Also, Eddie is way in over his head. Thanks for preparing us for the JVD riots. You are an idiot!! I forgot to mention that you should have been fired along with Mrs Fenner.

9/16/2018 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Rahm just actually made a big decision. Eddie gone(sick) and expect some old names to assume control. He has come to his senses these morons cannot control a city on fire.

9/16/2018 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, this is a pamphlet for people involved with suicidal people, like us. Please post it as a permanent topic and a link. It gives some insight that may help somebody save another.

9/16/2018 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one cares! No go out and get some numbers but remember don’t step on your dick

9/16/2018 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special secret Sunday meeting, expect old names and "advisors" to emerge. Georgas for Supt? Eddie is all but gone, Rahm has come to his senses and realized the whole city could be destroyed and Dart is nowhere to be found...again.

9/16/2018 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beef up EAP.
Multiply the locations.
Mandatory training for every officer.
Mandatory, yearly consult with a therapist. Expensive? Yes. But if the consern is money, how much does a veteran, trained officer cost to replace? How much money is lost to drop in productivity because of moral and depression?

Im just a dick. What do I know?

Chicago is home to top Universities and hospitals. Some of the best in the nation are here. At our home. You're telling me we cant come up with solutions? We cant be a model for the rest of the nation?

Somebody just needs the balls to care enough.

9/16/2018 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone can agree that the department does not care about us. Bottom line is that individual who needs help must want help. Officers always say I can handle it, but we know this is not true.

9/16/2018 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good start to improving our EAP would be replacing the leadership there. Put a sworn Copper in charge. We have many Coppers that are very well educated with appropriate credentials. Active and retired.
9/16/2018 01:26:00 AM 

They do one hell of a job there with what little the city gives them. I have called for friends and they've been great. Dr. Rob is top notch and we are lucky to have him. Everyone there works very hard to help anyone in need. Please don't bash them.

9/16/2018 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:07 a.m. has it right. In the late ‘80s the city spent more cash printing up a community relations handbook called ‘Together We Can’ than it spent on its entire annual police mental health budget. Daley took care of the union print shops.

9/16/2018 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Should Judge Gaughan really be on the case of Officer JVD??? He was a public defender for most of his legal life before becoming a Judge. He has a 1970 shooting incident where he threatened a neighbor with a gun. Is this really the best 26th/California Judge there is?

9/16/2018 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mental Wellness Matters:
Every member of the CPD needs a mental health check up.
Lake County Officers mandate a 1 day mental health day.
Officers report to a counselor that has a law enforcement background
and sits and talks about how they are doing - that it no hidden agenda.
FOP would have to ask for it contractually, but would everyone go?

Whatever happens if you or someone you know needs help please get it.
You and your family are worth it.

9/16/2018 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SCC for this post.

I know a lot of officers from different departments read the blog.

Godspeed to officer Duarte. He will get all of the help that he needs and may he comeback stronger than ever!

On the same note, to other officers / friends who know his partner, reach out to him also. PTSD is a MF, and sometimes sneaks up on you when you least expect it.

9/16/2018 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Citizen Richard said...

As a civilian outsider I want to chime in and say there can never be enough resources, talking about it and keeping an eye on one another. I know first hand as our daughter suffered with severe depression after having caught her boyfriend having an affair behind her back. All the therapy, counseling means nothing if you do not keep an eye on one another. I can only imagine policing is a brotherhood as it was for me in the Ranger's. We, police, military firefighters all deal with shit. Never stepped out of a chalk to candles and cake, It was always shit. LEO's fare no better if not worse, especially in Chicago where you can lose every fucking thing for not dotting an i or crossing that t.
Brass does not have your back, ever. Please look out for one another.
My daughter ended her life the night before 9/11.
I cry aas i write this and please benefit from my experience. Know that if you choose to take your own life that there is no next day or oppurtunity to un-fuck what ever has you standing at such an ugly place no matter what. Things can get better.
Stand tall CPD! G-d bless CPD and my baby Rachel. Rest in peace my most favorite thing.
Daddy misses you everyday.
From my heart for the benefit of people hurting, Richard

9/16/2018 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/17/2018 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, You lit a fire under this topic with great info from your vast amount of readers. Thanks brother. I can just imagine the hits you got under this quite serious topic. Us retired vets can count the vast numbers of suicides by police that just were made an accidental death. The dick' who handled thought at the time it was the right thing to do.

This does not include car crashes, falling sleep in a running car in garage, and a few other cleaver ways to kill yourself.

The hate the police stigma started with the last President and the Rahm' of this country started to kiss the thugs asshole, add a Supt who is a phony fuck in everyway, copper' suffering from PTSD went way up. McCarthy and Escalante were walking in the dark too and thought they were top shelf police !

FOP had copper' looking for help in so many ways and the buck was passed. Never did much for any copper in need since day one.

You hero' of the city, please read SCC topic' especially this one. You are not alone in this most serious crisis. The peer support people are also excellent people to vent to and will give sound advise.

PS= SAD is upon us, Seasonal Affected Disorder, lack of sunshine and cold ass winters, will change the chemicals in many a persons brain and you will feel depressed and symptoms of anxiety.

9/17/2018 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the Dept should put some effort into improving the deplorable working conditions, outrageous demands made of officers, and outright torment and dehuminization of its officers who are human beings in addition to being police officers. Maybe if the working conditions didn't closely resemble that of a death camps of WWII. The Dept is responsible for draining the life out of otherwise sane people who would never even thought of such a devastating act of suicide. Police officers have families, hopes, dreams and lives outside of this job. Maybe of few of the 6 figure pension looters at 35th should grow a pair and attempt to fix this Dept instead of being afraid of losing their spots. EAP is good but I refuse to let this Dept use it as cop out and pushing the blame on some personal mental defect of every officer. The blame needs to be placed on the cause....a dysfunctional organization loaded with nepotism and incompetence. To any officer that thinks about suicide, don't let these rats ruin you. You are way more important than this job. There is a life outside of here. Stay safe and talk to your friends and family who truly care about your well being.

9/17/2018 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Sobo has helped some. But he's been in charge while the death knoll rises. He's got to go. And no, the answer is not to put a sworn member in charge and expect shit to change. In fact, putting AF in charge will be a detriment.

9/17/2018 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let me tell you how much this department cares about us. After all the tragedy that the 005th District has been dealing with the last couple of months who do I see walking into the District the DAY AFTER the last incident? A fucking INSPECTOR, WTF?!?!?!?! I don’t care if he wasn’t there looking to write people up, that is the last place an inspector should have shown his face the DAY AFTER the latest tragedy... I would say unbelievable but nothing in this department surprises me anymore.

I would like to to think he or she is looking for depressed officers, is part of EAP or St Michael's House( is that still around?). But I guess not.

9/17/2018 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Sgt I have suggested EAP to a few officers. None of them took the advice and proclaimed they don’t need it and were actually pissed off at the suggestion.

9/17/2018 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the dept can look into medical marijuana? Hypothetically speaking, it would be hard to monitor because anybody on the dept can claim they are hurt physically/mentally. So where would the line draw... just a thought!

9/17/2018 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best medicine is a 6 pack of miller lite

9/17/2018 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: Richard, 9/16/2018 11:56:00 PM

Thanks for taking the time to share your sad but related personal experiences. I hope that those affected can learn from your experience that we are all human subject to human frailties, without exception.
You and Rachel will be in my daily prayers today.
Thanks for the dedication...
'Rangers Lead The Way!'

Retired (and Blessed)

9/17/2018 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"""Not just the boozers is right. Officer in distress? Not anymore. Mucho pill popping going on. How do you come to work on anxiety meds and pain killers looking and acting all zoned out? Should you really be driving and making life and death decisions? Even with a prescription?

9/16/2018 05:51:00 PM"""

I remember being seen taking my meds for blood pressure and occasional gout and these silly bitches, "all of them guys", had me taking all kinds of shit FOR all kinds of shit. Its the aggravation from some of the silly assholes you work with that really adds to the stress. One fool who was spreading the rumors drank himself to death within 6 mos of retiring.

9/17/2018 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After retiring after 32 years I thought I had done a good job of keeping a proper perspective of the job and what I had seen and handled. But Ladies and Gentlemen sooner or later these demons that we shove in the closet find a way to sneak back into our lives. It doesn’t make you weak to seek help, I did, and was diagnosed with P.T.S.D and Anxiety. If you don’t feel comfortable using the services provided by the Department our insurance covers private services. For you North Siders, Urban Wellness 773-774-4444, has counselors that specialize in First Responders. They have officers in Edison Park and Sauganash. Please don’t be afraid to reach out, I glad I did.

9/17/2018 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No mandatory training necessary. Watch out for each other , listen to your fellow officers .
Cancelling days off on holiday weekend, causing stress in family life .
A car driven toward you is a deadly weapon , we all know that .
CPD makes orders not to shoot , get out of way .
Restrictions on use of taser .
Stripping an Officer for kinking an offender in the head , while offender has a Police Officer in a choke hold (deadly force special ed )

No police officer should be merit above the rank of sergeant .

9/17/2018 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired for almost 7 years after being responsible for many officers during my tenure. As most coppers realize, the pressures of the job have always been there, however, it's now worse than ever. Not all people are equipped to handle this type of stress which includes long hours as well as every move being dissected by the public as well as by marginal bosses. It's also a matter of survival as it impacts your mental health, your physical well-being, and your family relationships. Everyone needs to remember: the cop job is what you do, not who you are. Think about all the caps that you wear in your life: husband/wife, father/mother, son/daughter, coach/teacher and friend to others. There's more to life out there besides this job.

9/17/2018 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Small suggestion. Please leave the number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on posts such as this in the future 1-800-273-8255. My prayers for the friends and family of these officers.

9/17/2018 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are to day stuff, OT, etc. Maybe even more so with the trial and playoffs coming. Our fellow brothers and sisters sometimes won’t reach out to EAP. Sometimes they reach out to us. Sometimes at a time when we least want them too. Take the time to listen anyway. It may not help...but then again it might.

9/17/2018 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian outsider I want to chime in and say there can never be enough resources, talking about it and keeping an eye on one another. I know first hand as our daughter suffered with severe depression after having caught her boyfriend having an affair behind her back. All the therapy, counseling means nothing if you do not keep an eye on one another. I can only imagine policing is a brotherhood as it was for me in the Ranger's. We, police, military firefighters all deal with shit. Never stepped out of a chalk to candles and cake, It was always shit. LEO's fare no better if not worse, especially in Chicago where you can lose every fucking thing for not dotting an i or crossing that t.
Brass does not have your back, ever. Please look out for one another.
My daughter ended her life the night before 9/11.
I cry aas i write this and please benefit from my experience. Know that if you choose to take your own life that there is no next day or oppurtunity to un-fuck what ever has you standing at such an ugly place no matter what. Things can get better.
Stand tall CPD! G-d bless CPD and my baby Rachel. Rest in peace my most favorite thing.
Daddy misses you everyday.
From my heart for the benefit of people hurting, Richard

9/16/2018 11:56:00 PM

Citizen Richard,
My deepest condolences. May God bless your family knowing that your daughter is at the Lord's side,never to be taken away.

9/17/2018 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the retired Officer who can't pay medical bills and in foreclosure how much is your pension? Downsize to a one bedroom apartment and start going to Stroger Hospital if you have to sorry but that's why I tell everyone to max deferred comp, health saving account and Roth IRA.

9/17/2018 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen up my fellow Officers... we are not committing suicide because we have such a tough job, its behind the scenes. Family, husbands, wives, children, and bills. I’ve been there. Being the police, our guns are easily accessible and can do that job quick. Please and I beg please, don’t let the demons get you. Life will get just takes time.

9/17/2018 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the retired guy with medical/financial issues - Please seek a debt counselor. You can find many that work for free. They will help you set up your finances (as strained as they may be) so that you can get bills paid and manage the future with your limited resources. Trust me, I know from experience how helpful these services are. There's NO SHAME in seeking help. All of us struggle with money at some point. Try the website: They list a bunch of credit counseling agencies and will list whether it's a free or minimal cost service. It's totally worth it to help ease your burden so you can focus on your health. There's no magic wand, but these counselors know the little tricks of the trade to get your finances straightened out. Please keep your head up, and know that there are solutions. I will pray for you and your family. God Bless.

9/17/2018 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/16/2018 at 5:29 AM

So you not only condone clout in CPD promotions and assignments; you actually and shamelessly endorse it. You are one amoral sociopath. Your view is a disgrace to the pride and integrity of the CPD. STFU, asshat. Suck ass!

In an unrelated matter, all district squad rooms and detective areas should be equipped with dispensers for free Prozac (fluoxetine) and Xanax (alprazolam).

9/17/2018 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Citizen Richard said...

To the poster's who took to heart what my wife and I went through, thank you very much.
It is appreciated and helps with the healing that continues to this day.
G-d bless all who put it on the line for others.

9/17/2018 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AF for Director

9/18/2018 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As coarse and callous as this sounds, I believe that the city hall and CPD command gets a lot of goodwill and political mileage following the shooting and or deaths of their police officers.
If there are viler institutions than CPD administration, City Hall, Illinois State Government and Cook County, I've yet to see them.

9/18/2018 06:05:00 PM  
Blogger Pamala Evans said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Criminals lauded as good guys
Good cops derided as criminals
The depts. worst most cowardly supt in many eons
A states attorney that’s a undercover public defender
A sheriff that metes out pizza, doggies and hugs to inmates instead of punishment
A corrupt biased non credible local media
Witness to Some of the most vile heinous acts of violence corruption and depravity known to man
A corrupt political promotional process where cheating and politics takes precedence over real merit based considerations
High incidences of officer suicides-both CPD and Cook County
Subjected to onerous punishing fines, taxes and fees
Unfir, excessive brutal disciplinary process…
It’s a wonder more officers aren’t suicidal.

9/16/2018 04:27:00 PM

Although I agree these are problems, it’s the stuff of political apathy not suicide. Officers are committing suicide sometimes due to mental illness and for personal related to their lives outside of work. It’s about their spouses, illnesses, finances, emotional stability etc. We have to get real what suicide is about and what it looks like. I’m told that people go through a crisis period when they are most susceptible to attempting suicide. But if handled properly, it can pass without an attempt. Perhaps the thing to do is train supervisors about what to look for and how to handle officers that may be at risk. Clearly we now know that forcing someone back to work, who has emotional problems, is not the answer. But we should’ve always known that.

9/18/2018 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen, I hear all the reasons mentioned on here and I think we're all missing one real issue...compounding PTSD. I know, it's a dirty word but that's the FUCKING PROBLEM. Every person, in every job, has shit to deal with. Spouses, kids, family issues, financial, health etc...EVERYONE has that stuff to deal with. The bigger issue becomes when a person can not process and deal appropriately. How the hell can you expect an officer with years of seeing and internalizing horrible shit on the streets to deal with life's problems appropriately? Let's look at the bigger picture here...yes suicide rates are through the roof but what about divorce rates? How about substance abuse rates? If people think suicide if the only indication that there is a BIG fucking problem THERE LIES THE PROBLEM. Let's not forget what happens to an officer who actually seeks treatment. EAP does not and CAN NOT diagnose PTSD. Their job is to get officers back to work. Counseling is one thing, medical diagnosis and treatment is another. The reality of the situation is this...the longer the rank and file fuck up their own lives, drink themselves into oblivion, and end their lives the longer this department and this city gets to ignore the reality and magnitude of the situation. The human mind is not made to view, witness, experience, and participate in what we ask officers to do on a daily basis in silence. IT JUST ISN'T. I won't even get started on the BULLSHIT that happens WITHIN the department that amounts to no more than the worst political garbage imaginable. It's a fucking mess, people don't see a way out, no one will support them, and then we question why officers don't see another option. "See something, say something" is a great phrase, but the reality is that person WILL LOSE EVERYTHING and they fucking know it. Until the system is fixed, real help and support is provided, and mental health is made as much of a priority as physical health, nothing will change.

9/19/2018 12:07:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

Someone told me they sought help for alcohol. They had an initial session with a counselor. the first session went well and the counselor was trying to get them assistance. the next day they went into work, they had to have a urinalysis. They said this was no big deal since it was some time since the last urine test.

A few days later, they had another alcohol counseling. It went well as the first. However the next day they go into work they had to have another urinalysis.

They stated the same routine coined after every counseling session.

This person expressed their concerns got the counselor. the counselor told them that he had no control over what the department did. Therefore this person stopped.

This same person said later that they heard another officer went in for alcohol counseling and the same thing happened to them.

9/19/2018 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger leomemorial said...
Someone told me they sought help for alcohol. They had an initial session with a counselor. the first session went well and the counselor was trying to get them assistance. the next day they went into work, they had to have a urinalysis. They said this was no big deal since it was some time since the last urine test.

A few days later, they had another alcohol counseling. It went well as the first. However the next day they go into work they had to have another urinalysis.

They stated the same routine coined after every counseling session.

This person expressed their concerns got the counselor. the counselor told them that he had no control over what the department did. Therefore this person stopped.

This same person said later that they heard another officer went in for alcohol counseling and the same thing happened to them.

9/19/2018 02:19:00 PM

If there was a chance they were drinking at work, I'd rather they get tested. Getting tested shouldn't make them quit counseling.

9/19/2018 07:58:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

True. It is a concern if there’s drinking on the job.

What is a concern is when confidential counseling is not .. confidential

When they start testing your urine after each confidential counseling session, that is a concern

9/20/2018 10:31:00 AM  

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