Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Likely Consent Decree Timeline

From an insider at County:
  • The EXACT SAME THING happened at County years ago, and this will happen to you. Mostly in this order, with very little variation.

    One: you will attract less and less talented applicants. Less and less people want to work for CPD or be the police in general. The Darren Wilson/JasonVan Dyke cases, de-policing in general since 08/09, increased micromanagement and metrics-based supervision for suburban departments and weaker organized labor all contribute. Not only that, but you have an economy that is insanely good: unemployment nationally at 3.7%? Hasn't been this good in decades and more better-paying jobs are to be found elsewhere- with stock options and bonuses.

    Two: with low-talent applicants, you will hire low-talent people. Which means over the long-term, low-talent officers will be promoted to low-talent so-called-Sergeants.

    Three: increase in cameras. There will be more cameras that you know what to do with. In locker rooms, in break rooms, put up in blind spots in the station, in lockups, everywhere. You'll have body cameras for every officer in the department. You'll have dash-mounted cameras inside the squad car aimed at the officers inside. You'll have cameras mounted in the cage in the vehicle. The camera systems will be Ultra-High Def 4K shit, with great zoom lenses, and audio capability. They will be able to be real-time streamed. These cameras will be able to be accessed by command staff ay any time, any where. Directors in CCSO can access this shit from their houses, from their iPads. And they do. They will watch the cameras from home, call into the jail and ask Chiefs, Superintendents, Lieutenants and whoever they want, why officers are doing certain things. This happens daily to us and it will happen daily to you.

    Four: increase in civilian directors and oversight. You'll have civilians who are not the police, being put in charge of units, groups and teams. These people are not your friends.

    Five: New units for Use of Force Review, Video Monitoring, Internal Affairs, etc... You'll have re-organized units, re-structured units, new units and the like. Lots of juice babies will be placed in this units. The administration will fight you tooth and nail and a lot of the people in these units will not investigate Use of Force incidents correctly.

    Six: A hell of a lot of discipline. They'll rewrite the entire General Orders of CPD. They'll fight the FOP on everything, hire a lot more lawyers and they will push for the maximum amount of discipline possible for a lot more officers. They will make examples. They will suspend without pay. They will push to fire more officers, by a factor of 5 at least from that the current level is. There is no mistaking it, people will absolutely lose their jobs.

    Seven: The Department will drown the union with more and more lawyers and opposition and struggle during normal operations. Everything from lunches to reliefs to overtime, to uniform/appearance standards, to medical call-ins, FMLA use and the pettiest stuff imaginable. This will increase the workload on the stewards in the districts and units and also the union office, making the office do more and more work. It will make you choose your battles more and it will make officers have less and less faith in the union.

    Eight: A ton of good officers will retire. They will be fired. They will stop caring. They'll become even more cynical and jaded that they are now. They'll impact the younger generation and then, they too, will become lazy and not care. More officers will transfer to suburban departments, federal agencies or choose different paths altogether. The department attrition will increase substantially, which will make officers invest less and less in their careers and themselves.

    Nine: After years of mismanagement and sinking morale, after hundreds of officers are fired and hundreds more leave, the department will change direction slightly and try to "improve" it. Special teams, special units, special work hours/shifts/days off, perks, etc., will be offered. Those Use of Force units, Internal Affairs and the administration will realize what has happened and try and fix it. This will happen slowly at first and then pick up speed. This is the phase the county is in now- especially at the jail. But the damage will be done.

    If you think this is bogus, ask officers who left the jail to come to CPD. County loses between 4-8 per month going to CPD. Talk to them in the districts. Everything I mentioned will happen, or has already started.
Anyone know an LAPD guy who can compare this to their Consent Decree? Or anywhere else that has been saddled with this disaster?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were already at #8.

10/16/2018 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these predictions is already happening at the CPD and many other large city police departments. Nothing shocking said.

10/16/2018 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who you gonna call?

10/16/2018 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“If you think this is bogus, ask officers who left the jail to come to CPD. County loses between 4-8 per month going to CPD. Talk to them in the districts. Everything I mentioned will happen, or has already started.“

When I started 10 years ago— there was about 7 county guys and 3 burb cops in my class. So this stat is about right on the money. Also an LAPD guy was in the academy at the time too... I asked him how was LAPD... the guy did not want to talk about it, but I remember him saying about 5% to 10% of CPD was LAPD material. He Said that LAPD gives no fucks about firing shit officers

10/16/2018 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD Is paradise compared to the jail !!!!!

10/16/2018 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds exactly like the county!

10/16/2018 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can totally see all that happening. The antiquated residency requirement is also deterring a large number of qualified applicants from applying. They just don’t want to be forced to live in Chicago. So they take their skills elsewhere. The applicant pool is weak. There’s no reason to have forced residency anymore. You can’t have the massive assault on policing in Chicago, and then force residency and expect to get a large qualified applicant pool too. And to the people that claim property values will decrease, your wrong. Just look around and see how many retirees with CPD and CFD that have never left. It’s the perfect storm for the collapse of the CPD. They better raise the pay significantly. Otherwise there’s really no reason to take the test.

10/16/2018 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...so true, as about 20% of my graduation class came from “the county” because it “changed”. At least they are able to buy time, and retire sooner.

10/16/2018 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give Rahm, Lisa, Eddie, the ACLU a gift back. The gift of doing nothing.

10/16/2018 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of this for what purpose?

To nullify those laws of man based firmly upon Natural Law?

To pretend that the Laws of Nature do not apply to who? The dummy democrats?

To promote the lie that democrat dictatorship, coated with whatever varieties of fantasy, can ever impede, let alone neutralize, the reality of Mother Nature?

Remove the effective enforcement of those man made laws based firmly upon Natural Law and Natural Law remains, to be enforced in the Old School manner. Where Due Process means Decomposition of flesh most efficient.

Is that the end result the democrats want?

Because that is the result of the diminishment and impeding of the enforcement of law by not Old School means.

10/16/2018 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The union needs to start speaking up and start sticking their thumbs in the eyes of these Exempts instead of putting them up their own asses. The only real flies in the ointment are these Brass-holes. Think about it. Patrolmen, Sgts, and Lieutenants all have a union. The Commanders and Deputys don't.

These Exempts are mostly comprised of sycophants that have no original thoughts other then promoting numbers. Get rid of them, bring back the role of Captain as a testable rank and make them in charge of the district. And for the love of God get rid of merit promotions! Problem solved. Everyone will be more relaxed without being pressured for activity and we will have less proactive policing which will in turn lead to less body cam scandals.

Someone mentioned in a previous thread about the union demanding that all Exempts made should be able to pass F.B.I. clearance. Capital idea. I don't see why us rank and file officers should be the only ones to suffer. It's not like any of these Commanders ever get demoted. Only the lieing Hawaiian did but only after she was arrested and I'm sure she is still doing better then most of us are. I think there was also a Commander in 025 that was demoted a few years ago but I believe now he is a Deputy.

These Commanders never get demoted for poor numbers, incompetence, or unsolved crimes. Yet they continue to push unofficial quotas as if they have brain damage. The only reason they care about numbers is because they are greedy motherfuckers that are always looking for that next gold braid pension bump. They know damn well that they aren't going to get demoted regardless of what their districts stats are. So when you really think about it they are the biggest scumbags involved in this whole soap opera.

10/16/2018 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago native living in CA.

With exception to the cameras, a lot of the stuff listed seems to have been an issue with LAPD for years. They have people who hang around stations with cameras and try to bait the police, it's even on Youtube.

Adjusted for cost of living, they actually pay WORSE than CPD. Working overtime to make 100K means nothing when a starter home in the LA burbs is 600k with an hour commute. OUCH.

Bill Bratton likes to take credit for "cleaning up LA". But let's be real. LA is safer because certain folks were priced out to Las Vegas and replaced with working class Latinos, who will work 3 jobs to put food on the table.

10/16/2018 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing is FOR SURE, my seniority will go up FAST once this consent decree is enacted. Can’t wait to grab a good furlo.

10/16/2018 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Jiminy Cricket said...

Oh this is all true for sure. Nobody wants to work in county any more. Job isn’t even a fraction of what it used to be and if you were hired after Jan.1, 2011, you need to work until you’re 62 for a 50% pension and 67! for an 80% pension. Not to mention a 25 year vet there makes significantly less than someone with 18 months on the job here... Hard pass on that. You think people are dumb for joining CPD today? Assholes need a damn cat scan and psych eval for even considering going into the DOC. More so with Dart the Fart making shit worse.

10/16/2018 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and more animals will kill each other... who cares.

10/16/2018 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written

10/16/2018 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah And Low Talent Commanders that we ALREADY HAVE , Just in case we don't know yet , You know the one that shows up looking like Shit and no Gun . The Shit has already been here YEARS AGO .

10/16/2018 03:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been at the jail for over 12 years, and this is spot-on on what has, and is happening. I am convinced that it will never get better; only worse.

10/16/2018 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly what is happening to us!

FU, Rahm!

10/16/2018 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their is a LAPD guy who came in with the DOJ. The Mayor talks to him all the time. He is now with the University of Chicago Crime Lab. He has direct contact with the exempts and does not have to go thru the Supt. His name is Sean Malinowski and he texts the exempts in an attempt to avoid FOIA.

10/16/2018 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One and two will make this nearly impossible to reverse without a massive and long term influx of non-existent funds, because no one good wants to work at a place that is filled with incompetents.

10/16/2018 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to democrat land. This is what you get under a city/county/state run democrat political machine.

10/16/2018 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idea of exempt rank appointments, or "merit" is the bane of all police departments. Even the burbs have incompetents who ass kissed their way up.Who the hell would want this job any more no matter where?

10/16/2018 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With regard to the talent pool available for CPD, you had to know going downhill was accelerated when they started telling applicants how to have their criminal histories expunged. As far as the Cook County jail, after Winston Moore and Mike Sheahan left, they put Mr. Sensitive there who wanted to show everyone how brilliant he is. This "innovative" jag off still believes that pizza parties, rap music recording studios, inmate/canine cell sharing is the way to curb crime. Failing that, let's hand out million dollar I-bonds to sex offenders so they can go out and double down their sexual assaults.

Somewhere in the midst of all this, these incompetent a-holes forget that we, the taxpayers, pay their salaries. These are elected positions, not entitlements. And that goes for the deciders awarding multi million dollar payoffs/settlements to any one showing up with an attorney from the Peoples law office.

I wasn't a fan of J-Fed but at least he was willing to contest some of these outrageous lawsuits.

10/16/2018 06:21:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Circling the drain.

10/16/2018 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm one of the ones that left. I no longer wanted to "be the police" I was over 50 and had over 20 years on. It took a while to decompress, but I am recovering well to this day. In fact, I tell people "I am a recovering Law Enforcement Officer" Of "XX" years.

Maybe if the city was nice and straightforward about coming to work for them. I always felt that the city lied when I took the job. It was nothing like what I was led to believe. Not to sound naïve, but I bought into the idea that all cops are a brotherhood that stands together. In the years coming I found a huge dysfunctional family, where the big dog eats the little dog. I have seen bosses band together against a single officer to punish him for God only knows what reason. And in some cases the officer left his unit, and a phone call was made to continue the abuse in the officers next unit.

In short, I digress. But who would want to work under these circumstances? Living under constant scrutiny, and being second guessed at every turn? Working for bosses under an adversarial relationship?

These facts are no secret. It is widely known. I have said it before and will say it again. If, and I mean, If...the Department ever began to have to political will to reform it self, it would take Generations to fix.

I make no Apologies about my career path, In fact I am proud to have served. But I don't think that quality people will come to work for CPD in it's current state.

Maybe with new hires, the city should start with an apology, and say Please...

10/16/2018 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All true. I saw the writing on the wall and left county for CPD at about step Five. It seems like we're going back down that rabbit hole.

10/16/2018 08:22:00 AM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Who the hell cares??? Just answer your jobs, cut paper and repeat. Officers should be in the staying employed and out of jail business not the locking up bad guy business. I have had armed offenders flee from battery jobs, just wave to them as they run away and hand the victim their report. No need for flash message, no need to chase no need to even exit my vehicle. Since all this shit has happened they have made our jobs even easier, don't do shit should be the motto for CPD. Aside from the two mandatory arrest situations I always advise victim to seek warrant. Take your one personal, lunch and than go home after watching a few shows on Netflix. The DOG life is where it's at, shove that working/real police up your behinds. Anyone that is still working out there deserves to be fired for stupidity.

10/16/2018 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In today's world,why would anyone want to be the POLICE? ???????

10/16/2018 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post SCC, thanks for sharing and thanks for sharing the truth.

10/16/2018 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we have all that going for us..... Nice!
Be the change.

10/16/2018 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well thought out and written. You need to go to work for the FOP.

10/16/2018 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the good Lord, I'm planning to retire next year. Can't come fast enough.

10/16/2018 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/16/2018 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two: with low-talent applicants, you will hire low-talent people. Which means over the long-term, low-talent officers will be promoted to low-talent so-called-Sergeants.,

Been happening for at least the last two decades. It's called Merit promotions.

10/16/2018 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#7 and 8 are spot on. CPD and IAD are on a witch hunt, bringing cases forward with no complainant or evidence. IAD is doling out extreme punishment because they can and the only people who are protected from this are the white shirts and the clouted. There are NO rules or regulations for IAD and until this is addressed, the union and officers will suffer. Even the Arbitrators are at a loss that the department and IAD keep bringing frivolous and excessive punishments forward, but the paycheck is too sweet to object to and the cycle continues. Our union does not have the funds to fight every fight like the deep pockets the City of Chicago has. The city will bring in "expert witnesses" and our union will say, "they don't have the money for experts and bet your ass, this will affect the number of days you get. It is past due that we initiate complaints with the I.G. against IAD investigators.

10/16/2018 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wondering if the consent decree will have a provision that if a white officer legally changes his or her name to that of the founder of the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood or a Neo-Nazi group, they will receive a meritorious promotion. We already give out promotions to those who change their name to a Federal fugitive, responsible for her role in an officer's murder and with ties to the Black Liberation Army and the Black Panthers.

10/16/2018 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incompetence likes incompetence, incompetence does not like competence. Therefore when incompetence in at the top, it will surround itself with incompetence. Bringing in or promoting competence will only expose incompetence.

10/16/2018 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank the demorats for all this, and high taxes to boot. Anyone who votes for ANY demorat is crazy. They want the police to be useless, civilians to be divided by any construct, (race, ethnicity, etc.) and themselves and wealthy business people to form an elite class in a socialist "classless" paradise. Oh yeah, and no guns for law abiding citizens, only criminals. Antifa and blm can tamp down any public dissent.(see Portland) Any demorat who denies this is a bald faced liar. Never vote for the bastards.

10/16/2018 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hundreds of LAPD officers left and went to LA county sheriffs office.... I’m one of them. The author of this is pretty spot on except he’s downplaying the personal misery a little.. it’s going to be very miserable.

10/16/2018 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these assholes will do anything

10/16/2018 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw this coming when obama had that beer thing at the White House with the white officer and the racist black professor. I tell everyone who will listen, do not consider police work in any big city. Presently, I'm tell everyone not to even consider a police career, maybe DEA, ATF, US Marshall or Customs. Stay away from the FBI at all cost and the Chicago Police Department.

10/16/2018 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because idiots keep voting democratic.

10/16/2018 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

asked him how was LAPD... the guy did not want to talk about it, but I remember him saying about 5% to 10% of CPD was LAPD material. He Said that LAPD gives no fucks about firing shit officers

Except here, better not fire the wrong type of person.

10/16/2018 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit,merit, merit...while I agree many horseshit people get merit promotions,in 17 years and especially right now where I work, there are some complete garbage supervisors that made it off score. The whole system needs to change lest we get more of the same and worse

10/16/2018 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eight: A ton of good officers will retire. They will be fired. They will stop caring. They'll become even more cynical and jaded that they are now. They'll impact the younger generation and then, they too, will become lazy and not care. More officers will transfer to suburban departments,

Huh? I was lazy and did not care when I came on the job. The Department has always been a jobs program for the less talented kids of heavy politicians. Someone has to do the work, so a few competent hires have to be made. You want to be the one who carries everyone else? Dog it as long as possible, or get a real gig in the real world.

Read my book, "Walking Small" for an eye-opener. Available on Amazon, Rev. Al Osborn

10/16/2018 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m sorry but you can only blame both yourselves and most importantly your UNION ! When things started to go “bad” about ten years ago even before BLM and all the other social justice warriors weren’t even on the radar your leadership and unions sat back and let the politicians start manipulating your jobs and no one stepped even one foot forward and said stop !

Night sticks GONE ! Leather jackets GONE ! etc. etc. etc.

The politicians knew what was on the horizon because they were causing it . If someone had not just sat on their hands and said “ this to shal pass” there is a good possibly that you could been ahead of the curve and stopped those in charge .

I know this not going be popular and some might even say I’m “armchair quarterbacking” but believe me when I tell you “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to nothing “ !

So now is the time for someone to stand up and take charge and stop the madness! WILL IT BE YOU ?

10/16/2018 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we'd be better off at this point with a legit Federal consent decree. Yeah it would still suck but then at least the Exempts would be monitored as well. I'd prefer not to have one at all but if we must, then make it a legit one instead of this farce Madigan is trying to implement which will just be used to sand bag coppers and push a liberal agenda.

10/16/2018 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Jiminy Cricket said...
Oh this is all true for sure. Nobody wants to work in county any more. Job isn’t even a fraction of what it used to be and if you were hired after Jan.1, 2011, you need to work until you’re 62 for a 50% pension and 67! for an 80% pension. Not to mention a 25 year vet there makes significantly less than someone with 18 months on the job here... Hard pass on that. You think people are dumb for joining CPD today? Assholes need a damn cat scan and psych eval for even considering going into the DOC. More so with Dart the Fart making shit worse

Pension changes are horrible but that’s everywhere now. Pay scale isn’t that far off tho. A day or 2 of ot a pay period and it’s comparable, with the perk of not living in the city. Better house, my taxes are used for what we need, don’t gotta work a part time to keep my kid in a private school. If you’re vested in the old pension it makes no sense to leave to the city. I took my chance, did my time in the jail and made good money. Now I’m on sheriffs police, and I never regret turning down CPD

10/16/2018 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a CO has been a PO starter plan for years. Being a CO in county has been an undesirable job for years. Yes, politics will exacerbate it but I have yet to find any county run department that appeared to have ever had a history of being efficient, effective or professional. I spend the first 5 mins of court time looking for a chair that doesn't look like it was pissed on in the past 5 days. With all that said 26th & Cali was a dump way before the consent decree. The consent decree just added spice to it.

10/16/2018 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One aspect I don’t here touted about the proposed consent decree from city “leaders” is the financial cost to taxpayers. The LAPD decree Cost taxpayers $300 million over 10 years and the New Orleans decree cost taxpayers $55 million over 5 years. Our proposed decree WILL blow a hole through the cities budget and the powers that be need to be honest with the taxpayers about the true cost associated with this “reform.”

10/16/2018 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one wants to be the police !

10/16/2018 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I started 10 years ago— there was about 7 county guys and 3 burb cops in my class. So this stat is about right on the money. Also an LAPD guy was in the academy at the time too... I asked him how was LAPD... the guy did not want to talk about it, but I remember him saying about 5% to 10% of CPD was LAPD material. He Said that LAPD gives no fucks about firing shit officers

First rule of LAPD is don’t talk about LAPD

10/16/2018 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the real working world. Its been like that for years in the private sector.

10/16/2018 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll give you my experience as a Sergeant in Baltimore City.
The only positive that will come from the consent decree is new technology and equipment. I can't speak for what you currently have in Chicago but if your patrol cars aren't already equipped with in car computers (Mobile Data Terminals), they will be within the first year. Until we were put under the consent decree BPD was still using carbon paper. We had computers in the districts that were running on Windows 95 that were so slow and screwed up you could barely open Internet Explorer. Right now, every other jurisdiction in Maryland uses a proprietary system developed by the Maryland State Police called Delta Plus which allows you to electronically complete all of your accident reporting and then issue electronic citations, repair orders and field interviews (the functional equivalent in MD of your ISR) via E-TIX (electronic ticketing). BPD is set to finally receive E-TIX and the corresponding in car micro printers by the end of this year. In other words, technologically we're just entering the 20th century...in 2018. The only reason we’re getting any of this is because the federal monitor told our command staff to make it happen or face termination.
Now for everything else, which I’m sorry to say is all bad. First and foremost: use of force. Our use of force policy used to be simple to understand as well as easy to understand and document. Not anymore. We have three levels of force, Level 1, 2 and 3. For some reason, the Feds are obsessed with a three-tiered use of force structure – they insist that every department they monitor have one. To make a long story short, everything is a use of force. Pointing your gun, displaying the arc on your taser, taking a suspect to the ground and overcoming “active resistance” are all Level 1 uses of force. All strikes and chemical munitions/OC usage falls under Level 2 as well as any time the suspect claims injury. Firearms discharge, head strikes with impact weapons and admission to the hospital are all Level 3 and are investigated by a special team.
The problem is the amount of time it takes to comply with the reporting requirements. Overcoming “active resistance” is the real killer. Anytime someone pulls away from your grasp or requires physical restraint it’s a use of force. To properly complete the investigation the federal monitor wants, you’re talking at least 4 hours of work and that’s if everyone is on the same sheet of music and nothing goes wrong. I’ve seen justified uses of OC spray require 50+ hours of investigation and result in a folder over two hundred pages thick. Every Officer on scene has to complete a written report, all Officers and the suspect have to be photographed, you have to try and interview the suspect, all of the paperwork associated with the incident itself has to be reviewed and collected, an area canvass for witnesses and CCTV cameras has to be conducted and then all of the body camera footage has to be reviewed. The Taser Axion system we use allows your superiors to review everything you did in the browser to include what parts of the video you watched, whether you muted the audio…everything. This means you have to sit through what can sometimes be 12+ hours of video, all because someone pulled their arm away and then immediately reconsidered and allowed the Officer to handcuff them without any further incident. Even better, we are now required to have a computerized Early Intervention system. If you get too many uses of force, you are flagged for extra scrutiny. The end result is predictable and exactly what the community wants: Officers don’t do anything other than answer calls and demand the Sergeant respond for everything. It’s gotten so bad, Officers walk up to people they know for a fact are armed and dangerous (i.e. wanted for robbery and carrying a pistol) and won’t unholster their weapons because they don’t want to do the paperwork. It’s only a matter of time before we have multiple Officer fatalities.

10/16/2018 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BPD Sgt Pt 2

For all you supervisors out there, be prepared to have all of your use of force reviews rejected by your soon-to-exist Use of Force Assessment Unit. Your agency in conjunction with the federal monitor will take the most worthless “Detectives” and supervisors and put them behind a desk reviewing your reports so that they can be rejected for such not measuring up to their standards of grammar, syntax and narrative flow. A little advanced warning, the federal monitors HATE abbreviations. If you abbreviate anything, your report will be rejected. BPD? Wrong: Baltimore City Police Department. Rejected. P/O? Wrong: Police Officer. Rejected. You get the idea. Worse yet, these people will be the final authority. There is no appeal from their judgement. Not only will they reject your reports, they will do so 18 – 24 months after you submitted them. By that time, involved Officers will have been transferred, quit or retired. A few will have died. No matter, you WILL somehow edit their written, signed and time stamped administrative reports or you will face termination for failure to supervise, neglect and insubordination.
Vehicle pursuits are another area where the federal monitor will castrate you. We can only pursue vehicles if the occupants are actively threatening others with deadly force (i.e. firing a gun out the window). In other words, let everyone escape. This change in policy has absolutely sent our carjacking and auto theft numbers through the roof. Carjackings used to be rare, now they’re frequent and increasingly violent. We’re also starting to have folks refuse to stop during routine interactions because they’ve been told we can’t chase so they figure, why bother stopping when I can avoid the ticket without penalty. All vehicle pursuits will be documented electronically and referred to internal affairs.
You will be receiving body cameras and don’t let anyone tell you anything different. If you don’t have them, you will be getting them. Without body cameras the powers that be know that Officers will continue to skirt their ridiculous policies. The camera will become the center of your universe. In our most recent Police Involved Shooting, an Officer was shot in a gunfight with a paroled multiple murderer. As the wounded Officer was being rushed to the hospital, his body worn camera was ripped off of his uniform so the Commissioner could immediately view the footage and determine whether or not to throw him under the bus. Anytime an Officer is heard cursing on camera, even when being shot at, he loses two days of vacation and gets a letter of reprimand. We are also punished if we curse while talking to ourselves outside the presence of others. The big thing you will get banged for is turning the camera ON too late or OFF too soon. Not only that, if your body camera drops below a certain percentage of battery you must come off the street to charge it or get a replacement. If your body camera stops working or dies you are not allowed to do Police work even to save a human life until you replace it.

10/16/2018 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BPD Sgt Pt 3

You will have at least 8 units investigating so-called Police misconduct (mainly paper rule violations). All of these units will be staffed by your most worthless, lazy, vindictive, politically connected personnel and they will make your lives miserable.
I’ve seen some of the posts here about the drop in recruit quality. Trust me, we are already feeling the consent decree’s effects. We have entire classes that can’t speak, read or write English. We are also seeing an increase in mentally unstable Trainees. We’ve been forced to fire several who refused to load their firearms because they didn’t know how to use them and were afraid to carry a loaded gun on the street. Most of what we have coming through our Academy wouldn’t have made it past the front door just 5 years ago. The new Trainees (our version of PPO) are spoiled, selfish, lazy and vicious. Most are irredeemable. The department has publicly said it only wants to hire “blacks, women and millennials”. The public hates the new Officers which is funny because they do what the public has been voting for: nothing. The supervisor’s complaints are interesting to say the least since everything is now on video. The department hires as many unfit applicants as it can find only to have to fire them.
Basically, life in CPD is going to get much, much worse. Crime is going to go even higher. In 2011, Baltimore City had the lowest crime rate it had seen in 30 years. Why? Proactive policing. Just five years later, we are the murder capital of the United States and the 16th most dangerous city on earth. Why? Corrupt politicians and the consent decree they ushered in.
Be safe guys and know that we’re thinking of you. I’ll be heading over to make a contribution to Officer Van Dyke’s Gofundme page shortly.

10/16/2018 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great timing on this article. Just as City is trying to get applications for police. A great read for anyone considering coming on this job.

Come on for ROD. (Retired on duty)

10/16/2018 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Problem with the County is that no one can apply to be a Sheriffs Police Officer unless first being a jail guard or bailiff.

Repeating as ridiculous as it may sound-the general public, a current police officer, an aspiring police officer, NO ONE can get that job without being a jail guard or bailiff first!

That POS Sheahan put that in stone during his reign of cronyism.

Who in their right mind would want to work in the jail? Such a shit job for shit pay.

And good luck getting a bailiff job. There hasn’t been a (waste of time) test for that in years...

Fuck you Sheahan for what you started and Fuck you, Dart for continuing with that employment/hiring policy.


10/16/2018 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God cfd finally called me yrs ago!

10/16/2018 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#10, I'm retired taking my daily naps. LMAO.
Now go home and get your fucking shine box's.

10/16/2018 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then we have this:

New video shows off-duty Chicago police sergeant shooting teen from vehicle


Does it look liker this "innocent" kid was trying to break into vehicles? The media just keeps revving up the anti-police rhetoric, be very careful with absolutely everything you do! The story says the sergeant was "off-duty" what part of "off-duty" is not understood? The media cannot wait to bastardize another copper, and the democrats are lying in wait to pounce on any and every copper who takes any action! Note to the "children" wearing that backwards baseball cap, skinny jeans,tattoos, and of course with the arms inside the vest doing their impression of a bird in heat pay attention! The only thing pro-active should be acne meds, anything else your setting yourself up for disaster!

10/16/2018 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad sad sad.
Is it true that leather jackets aren’t allowed for purchase anymore???
If so why?

10/16/2018 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stock options and bonuses come with advanced degrees. Don’t believe many in CPD would come close to replacing their $100K jobs in the real world. Those bonuse are tied to hard work and excellent results. Again not sure how many of the Fetal CPDvwould be putting the 60-7?hour weeks, that’s without overtime pay by the way. Retirement and 401are the order of the day in the real world. Oh yea no retirement after 20 years. Finally vacation time 2-3 weeks after 4-5 years and 4?weeks after 10 years vacation now is called PTO if your sick you are required to use your PTO in many companies. Comp time no such animal use it or loose it on PTO very limited carry overs allowed. So maybe you all better suck it up because the grass is much browner in real working world. Enjoy your fetal time collect your checks get your overtime but please just shut up about how hard you have it. Yes the job has changed but you would not likely replace the money and benefits in the real world. Social security maxes out at about $2600/ month. Finally no medical be if it’s from most companies when you retire those days are long gone.

10/16/2018 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a look at the most recent police board decision. Big win for us but some interesting insight into the board's thinking and the department's expert witness. I'll mention one point of many. The expert witness basically said the officer shouldn't have exited his car to chase the man with a gun. Stay fetal. Nobody has your back

10/16/2018 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great report from baltimore. now dont forget to vote, the democrats are gonna fix all this shit ! Hillary 2020.

10/16/2018 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the BPD Sargeant (and this thread in general) my head just literally exploded off from my shoulders! Time to sell the house! FU Chicago!

10/16/2018 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother was a Cook County Sheriffs Deputy. He did it around 14 years. The first 10 or so he loved it, his last 4, under the new Dart Administration were hell. He said they wrote people up for everything and were actively trying to fire lots of deputies. He hated it so much at the end, he went and retired without saying anything. He just put in his papers and left.

10/16/2018 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baltimore PD Sgt
Thank you for your explanation of what we can expect.
Stay safe and God bless.

10/16/2018 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repeating as ridiculous as it may sound-the general public, a current police officer, an aspiring police officer, NO ONE can get that job without being a jail guard or bailiff first!

That POS Sheahan put that in stone during his reign of cronyism.

Who in their right mind would want to work in the jail? Such a shit job for shit pay.
Incorrect sir. Sheahan never started that. It happened under Dick Elrod.

The last CCSPD class off the street was prior to 1980.

About that time the only way over to the County Police was via the Jail. Elrod was having a hard time getting qualified, non stoned, no criminal record candidates that could read and write; he was also under the Duran Decree and needed help. So he came up with the plan that if you wanted to come to the PD you had to do a year at the Jail first.

We did OK under Warden English. Hard workers made out OK politics aside. Phil Hardiman was fine to work for as well. He mangled up a few squad cars (drunk) and did love the Sisters though. A pretty Beyonce-looking carmel coated cutie always went far. He impregnated Rose C. and blamo! she made Sergeant.

Court Services was never considered LE under Elrod. Hence the "Police and Corrections Merit Board". Sheahan put Courts under hiring/promote/discipline over 29/termination under the Merit Board in 1990 and that allowed them to test for the Sheriff's Police.

All County LE was for shit pay, thanks to George Dunne. We had a few guys leave the Sheriff's Police to go to Chicago as it was more money and the City was not a toilet to live in then.

Really, it still is crappy pay, but I will manage. I raised three kids, college, and almost paid off my mortgage. I also directed a lot of traffic off duty and sold real estate.

Put a CPD Lt salary up against a CCSPD Lieutenant. Our Lieutenants are making less than the Sergeants (thank you AFSCME!) topping around 115K. A 29 year Sgt makes like 120K! Heck the Sheriff makes like $165K and he is the elected official.

I started in 1986 at $17,600 with the county. The Jail paid about $1,200 a year more than the courts. We had the 8 hour 4 and 2 schedule with three day off groups. Really a tremendous schedule. I never took a medical, then. Seems like I was always off!

Sheahan instituted the drug testing policy. Thank you God. Half the MF'ers I worked with were higher than a kite. The drugs sold to JG's over at the Water hole on Western cost a lot of JG jobs.

Sheahan did away with Majors and Captains. Dart is doing away with Lieutenants in due time, and he fired all of our Jail Commanders. Jail seems to run OK without them so he is emboldened to cut again.

With the layoffs and the Court Lieutenant demotions to Sergeant, who the hell would ever take a promo exam ever again?

Yes I will take Mike Sheahan in a hot second over Dart, even with Jim Malinowski and Terry Lannigan who was straight up certifiable.

The Jails medical problem is manifest around the schedule. It is a fixed 5 and 2. Dumb. A FNG is off Weds and Thursday and never sees a weekend off. How does a young guy do that without burning medical. It takes like 28 years to get DOK 1 which is sat/sun.

If I could start over again, I would have gone to the State Police, or went south. Georgia State Patrol is a bunch of hard hitting gorillas that have no fear. I could have fit right in over there. Florida is too whacky with all the hurricanes, and it is like Miami Vice south of West Palm. Texas outside of Dallas and Austin (which sadly are turning into socialist armpits) would be fine, although a tad light in Salary.

10/16/2018 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh forgot. O'Grady was a straight up thief, with his bagman Dvorak at his side. O'Grady was taking in the money with both hands. His Personnel Chief Hogan got sent up for his shenanigans.

O'Grady totally hosed up Diane Masters case and we had 3-4 cops walked out of the Square in cuffs including a Lieutenant that I think is still in the slammer. We had a few solid Policemen that put the job on Corbitt and Alan Masters.

Bad days.

10/16/2018 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger 011 2nd Watch DOG said...

Who the hell cares??? Just answer your jobs, cut paper and repeat. Officers should be in the staying employed and out of jail business not the locking up bad guy business. I have had armed offenders flee from battery jobs, just wave to them as they run away and hand the victim their report. No need for flash message, no need to chase no need to even exit my vehicle. Since all this shit has happened they have made our jobs even easier, don't do shit should be the motto for CPD. Aside from the two mandatory arrest situations I always advise victim to seek warrant. Take your one personal, lunch and than go home after watching a few shows on Netflix. The DOG life is where it's at, shove that working/real police up your behinds. Anyone that is still working out there deserves to be fired for stupidity.

10/16/2018 08:27:00 AM

God Bless You, took the words out of my mouth. Been doing this for some time and it's easy peesy money in today's po-po work environment, at first I despised the so called dogs of our 10-15 years ago partners, but now it's the greatest shit-show on earth. Just show up to work, answer your jobs (without any police enforcement and always push paper on victims, gee z I never thought I would ever do that but what the fuck) , back the blue and go home. Like you said partner, fuck the bosses and their threats, I'm still not ever doing a god tham thing ever again. Shit their calling me, (BATTERY) let me finish watching this episode of ROOKIES.....:)

10/17/2018 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Problem with the County is that no one can apply to be a Sheriffs Police Officer unless first being a jail guard or bailiff.

Repeating as ridiculous as it may sound-the general public, a current police officer, an aspiring police officer, NO ONE can get that job without being a jail guard or bailiff first!

That POS Sheahan put that in stone during his reign of cronyism.

Who in their right mind would want to work in the jail? Such a shit job for shit pay.

And good luck getting a bailiff job. There hasn’t been a (waste of time) test for that in years...

Fuck you Sheahan for what you started and Fuck you, Dart for continuing with that employment/hiring policy.


10/16/2018 05:54:00 PM

I knew a few hired onto Sheriff's Police without working in the jail or courts 90s MEG unit!

10/17/2018 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Problem with the County is that no one can apply to be a Sheriffs Police Officer unless first being a jail guard or bailiff.

Repeating as ridiculous as it may sound-the general public, a current police officer, an aspiring police officer, NO ONE can get that job without being a jail guard or bailiff first!

That POS Sheahan put that in stone during his reign of cronyism.

Who in their right mind would want to work in the jail? Such a shit job for shit pay.

And good luck getting a bailiff job. There hasn’t been a (waste of time) test for that in years...

Fuck you Sheahan for what you started and Fuck you, Dart for continuing with that employment/hiring policy.


10/16/2018 05:54:00 PM

You're right. Without a phone call, CCSPD is next to impossible. I just took the SP test for the 7th time a couple of weeks ago, and I'll probably get passed up yet again. The previous times I passed everything, clean background, no write-ups, and still get passed up. But years ago, a dude who had an open OPR case got transferred over there.

10/17/2018 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been a few backdoor CCSPD classes, and those P/Os didn't see any part of a jail or courthouse.

And if your chinaman was real good, the POWER test was "optional".

10/17/2018 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So maybe you all better suck it up because the grass is much browner in real working world. Enjoy your fetal time collect your checks get your overtime but please just shut up about how hard you have it.

K, lets talk about the private world. A) u dont have to live in the city so u can send ur kids to public schools. We on the other hand have to spend at least $12k for each kid for catholic school since public is crap. B) u get S.S. We , even though most had second jobs that paid into SS lost 2/3 of it because Rosty said we get a public pension so too bad. C) Yeah u only get a 401k. But with most companies matching with 5% its like having a pension. And since u have control of ur money, they can t come back 20 years later and say they haven t paid into ur account and its going bankrupt. D) since u don t get shot at, every day u go to work u don t have to worry about not making it home to ur family.. yeah u have it tough

10/17/2018 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/16/2018 05:54:00 PM

I knew a few hired onto Sheriff's Police without working in the jail or courts 90s MEG unit!

10/17/2018 01:07:00 AM

If you really knew them, you would have known they were “Deputy Sheriffs”, same as Court Service bailiffs but assigned to SSDI prior to going to the Police Dept.

There should be no reason that the public, prior LE, military or just keep it simple by saying anyone who wants to become a Cook County Sheriffs Police is discriminated against by not working as a jail guard or bailiff first.
A ridiculous rule that further clouds transparency in the hiring process.

10/17/2018 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Baltimore, thanks for that.

10/17/2018 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stock options and bonuses come with advanced degrees. Don’t believe many in CPD would come close to replacing their $100K jobs in the real world. Those bonuse are tied to hard work and excellent results. Again not sure how many of the Fetal CPDvwould be putting the 60-7?hour weeks, that’s without overtime pay by the way. Retirement and 401are the order of the day in the real world. Oh yea no retirement after 20 years. Finally vacation time 2-3 weeks after 4-5 years and 4?weeks after 10 years vacation now is called PTO if your sick you are required to use your PTO in many companies. Comp time no such animal use it or loose it on PTO very limited carry overs allowed. So maybe you all better suck it up because the grass is much browner in real working world. Enjoy your fetal time collect your checks get your overtime but please just shut up about how hard you have it. Yes the job has changed but you would not likely replace the money and benefits in the real world. Social security maxes out at about $2600/ month. Finally no medical be if it’s from most companies when you retire those days are long gone.

Well you chose that job, not me. And society doesn’t need you in that job, you need the police! So unless you plan on making a career change to help police the community, you will NEVER truly understand how hard I have it. And if you’re not happy with your current situation, maybe you should unionize and get those corporate bosses to shell out some more money in the form of raises and a pension!

10/17/2018 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your input Baltimore SGT. I had no idea your city is as fucked as ours. It’s over, allover.

10/17/2018 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There have been a few backdoor CCSPD classes, and those P/Os didn't see any part of a jail or courthouse.

And if your chinaman was real good, the POWER test was "optional".

10/17/2018 05:34:00 AM

If you worked with Sheahan on CPD your son would get in the special class!

10/17/2018 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stock options and bonuses come with advanced degrees. Don’t believe many in CPD would come close to replacing their $100K jobs in the real world. Those bonuse are tied to hard work and excellent results. Again not sure how many of the Fetal CPDvwould be putting the 60-7?hour weeks, that’s without overtime pay by the way. Retirement and 401are the order of the day in the real world. Oh yea no retirement after 20 years. Finally vacation time 2-3 weeks after 4-5 years and 4?weeks after 10 years vacation now is called PTO if your sick you are required to use your PTO in many companies. Comp time no such animal use it or loose it on PTO very limited carry overs allowed. So maybe you all better suck it up because the grass is much browner in real working world. Enjoy your fetal time collect your checks get your overtime but please just shut up about how hard you have it. Yes the job has changed but you would not likely replace the money and benefits in the real world. Social security maxes out at about $2600/ month. Finally no medical be if it’s from most companies when you retire those days are long gone.

10/16/2018 07:34:00 PM
Ok so quiet your private sector job and become a cop. Enjoy working Nights,Weekends, and Holidays. Enjoy spending time away from your family and missing important family events. Have fun worrying about getting beaten, stabbed, shot, killed. Yes you get to collect a so called cushy pension assuming you don't end up having a death or crippling injury. But your 9-5 cooperate job is soo tough idiot.
Not a cop

10/17/2018 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Nutty California.....and over the top regulations......we are headed that way.


10/18/2018 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Certify and fly to the burbs..

10/18/2018 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speechless 6 years later and this is exactly what happened.......

4/01/2024 04:42:00 AM  

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