Thursday, June 13, 2019

Useless Proposal

  • Two years ago, state Rep. Sara Feigenholz, D-Chicago, championed a new state law aimed at reducing motorcycle noise and loud mufflers on Lake Shore Drive that prevent residents from getting a good night’s sleep.

    It empowered the city to install noise monitors along Lake Shore Drive similar to the ones that measure jet noise around the clock in neighborhoods surrounding O’Hare and Midway airports.

    On Wednesday, Ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd) moved to take advantage of that 2017 state law — by introducing an ordinance authorizing the installation.

    “Unmufflered motorcycles all summer long race up and down Lake Shore Drive. This is gonna help us get a handle on that problem by measuring the decibel levels so we can respond appropriately,” Hopkins said.
And then what?

One small piece of duct tape and a refusal to pull over and....

We already can't chase motorcycles by Order. Termination Orders are on hair triggers. Toss in the possibility of punitive damages against cops along with the built in self-preservation attitude (fetality) currently in full force and you have a law that will do exactly nothing to stop assholes from being assholes.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You live on Lake Shore’s almost a 6 lane highway. What the hell do you expect? More libtard stupidity.

6/13/2019 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So stupid. Once that thing goes off that motorcycle will be long gone . More proof of idiocy

6/13/2019 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then there’s the hundred or so “too fast, too furious” wanna be idiots drag racing on LSD, lower Wacker

6/13/2019 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupid question:
Can you make LSD off limits to cycles?
These low life's are afraid of losing their balls.
Why should taxpayers provide a luxury track for
these assholes.
Temporary summer speed bumps? Or would that
be the Lake Shore Lottery?
These people have deep seated psych issues and
too much disposable income. Why should we cater
to cycle scum?

6/13/2019 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta be honest. I ride my short pipe very loud crotch rocket up and down LSD. Zero fucks given attitude too. These fuckers wont be sleeping on my RDO’s and I wont stop. No duct my plate because there is no plate. Never been even attempted to be stopped.
Fuck you Lori and fuck you Hopkins.
Now that I know it actually bothers you I’ll be giving it to ya’ll ever 4 days. Thanks for the idea and keep them ideas coming.

6/13/2019 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone will get the juicy task to compare vendors of these devices, travel to meet with the manufacturers. Then there will be the bidding process, few games of golf. Then there will need to be installation and maintanance crew. Someone will need an office, car and secretary oversee the project and have a crew to monitor the devices.

I bet I could do the job for $35 Million.

6/13/2019 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put Ald. Brian Hopkins on a Divvy bike, give him a blue light attached to his bicycle helmet and a wind up siren and let him chase down the criminals interrupting the sleep of the elitists.

6/13/2019 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant go out at night without fear of getting your skull bashed in and losing your belongings and the fine Alderman is concerned about this ? Yeah its probably a pain in the ass but buy some damn ear plugs or something. They police will not be able to stop the beatings or the loud pipes. Get used to it. This is the society we created.

6/13/2019 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC questions: "And then what?"

In August the crickets make such a big racket outside my bedroom window.

I'd be cool with closing the window and turning on the a/c but then I'd be castrated for contributing to the CO and causing the Des Plaines river to flood all of River Forest.

I can't win in the city of broad shoulders. I moved.

6/13/2019 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont worry, we all can become potheads 01Jan20.

6/13/2019 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about stretching piano wires across the drive and have it hooked up so when the sensors pick up a loud bike, the next wire is raised up to about 54 inches...
Back in the day, a long time ago [in the mid 1950s], a kid on an Indian motorcycle used to taunt officers on their Harley Davidsons. With his souped up bike, he was able to reach speeds that the cops bikes could only reach if they were dropped from an airplane. Coppers would give chase, and a cat and mouse game would last sometimes over an hour. The kid would end up going through gangways that our Harleys, with their wider handlebars, couldn't navigate. It took the coppers the entire summer of measuring gangways to find one that was an inch narrower at the chimney than the Indian was at the handlebars. They funneled the kid into the gangway at about 40. He was collected from the cinder paved alley. They had to yank the bike out of the gangway with a tow truck, it was wedged into the chimney so well. They also dragged it for a couple of blocks on the street. Back when policing was fun. Not just a job, but an adventure!

6/13/2019 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheeit... everybody knows tha po can't chase.
Even speed cameras won't work due to no/obscured plates and full face tinted helmets.
Good luck.
Maybe you shouldn't have so weakened the police... perhaps they are not the problem after all.
Idiots... sleep tight.

6/13/2019 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant even charge felony gun charges or keep violent offenders... if you think this will work you should step down

6/13/2019 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Bills will be out of the joint soon-he’s perfect for the gig.

6/13/2019 05:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need muffler spotter to go along with shot spotter.

6/13/2019 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't live on Lake Shore Drive but I also detest the motorcycle riders with the look at me pipes. Thats the real reason they blast around the city, Look at me I am an asshole.

6/13/2019 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Solution For Loud Cars And Motorcycles In Chicago? — Noise Ticketing Cameras – Car Throttle

6/13/2019 06:46:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

The idea of Ald. Hopkins on a Divvy is just too funny.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

6/13/2019 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ISP going to enforce?
Taking over all jurisdiction too?
Frightenholez is living in a vacuum like a LightLoafer.

Traffic Court is as scarce as Criminal Court.
DUI’s are tossed and any revocations are ignored.

Suddenly noise from a roadway is problematic.
Could it be jackwad Turdban Durban’s wife is a lobbyist for a Sound Monitor company ?

Noise monitors around O’Hare and Midway are useless and complaining about it goes nowhere.
Duh, jets engines make a lot of noise.

Assholes on crotch rockets are part of the shithead culture.
Don’t give up on Tolerance y’all LakeFront Liberals.
Some like to ride around all night on the Upper while the feral dwell in the Lower.
The Elected can’t get rid of the pissbum problem and won’t do anything but hammer anyone that complies with the laws.

First ban jet aircraft at airports.
Then either make LSD one-way after 10 pm or charge a toll.
Goofs and their bill writing, must be her first introduction...and it flops.

6/13/2019 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politician's are so fuck'n STUPID. No wonder government is so FUCKED UP !!!!

6/13/2019 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loud pipes save lives !!!!

6/13/2019 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well thank the lord we’re going to do something about the decibel levels in Chicago. It’s about time.
And while their at it they should pass another law that would require gang bangers to put silencers on their weapons of choice. Then all would be well in Chicago.

6/13/2019 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop assholes from being assholes....I was disappointed when I read this, I thought we were talking about democRATS!!!! Lord knows for over 50 years now they have been getting bigger and more of them in Government!

6/13/2019 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a very serious question. Can every citizen that lives next to an expressway or busy street get the same protection
against noisy vehicles. Or is this law just good for the pompous asses that live on the lakefront. The same crybabies that
went ambulances to not use the sirens when encountering to calls &/or the hospitals in the Gold Coast area.

6/13/2019 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just how are they going to measure what vehicles the noise is actually being caused by and who is paying for this equipment? At the same time what are they going to do with the noise caused by boats and the waves crashing on the shore? Fucking stupid asshole democRATS always creating problems that are of no consequence and ignoring the REAL ISSUES AND PROBLEMS! Like the police are the problem and we fixed them with all these rules they have to follow and paperwork they need to fill out but lordy lordy why are all these shootings and killings going on? We needs to be doing some mo work on the POLICE because dey is the problem for the people and da folks!!!

6/13/2019 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loud Exhaust ??????? Fuck that , might as well pass right by on that idea and make them "shotspotter" sensors. You folks and peoples on LSD getting woke by the "loud" bikes are gonna be in for a treat this summer when that sound is replaced with gunfire

6/13/2019 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep loud pipes on my bike to give me half a chance surviving idiot drivers that are too busy texting, eating, talking on their phones, reaching in their back seats, putting on makeup; whatever it is besides paying attention to the road. I don’t drag race, drive like an asshole or any of that stunt dick riding bullshit. I just want to enjoy the wind therapy and share the road safely and in peace.

6/13/2019 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See the real problem in this city, county, state & country is that people elected to office are not necessarily of any minimal level of intelligence! The fact is when these people do get elected, the elected feel that a metamorphosis occurred rendering them highly intelligent and skilled problem solvers! The truth is that when they congregate in the elected body with the rest of the mentally deprived electorate, their intelligence and problem solving skills revert to their ability to employ products, services & abilities of the lobbyists resulting in added campaign funds, jobs for friends & relatives & the occasional (too occasional) kickback!
This I submit as probable cause for efforts to implement stupid, ridiculous and unnecessary laws....Which in reasonable governments would give cause for concern & possibly investigation of the motives of the sponsoring individual(s)!!!

6/13/2019 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over a decade ago, I can remember leaving the old 013 District and driving home down Augusta to Oak Park Avenue. It was great as all the shitheads had their car alarms on and the old Harley would set them off. After a while I knew which cars had the alarms from previous encounters. That was when we worked 1st watch until 0700 which was good, but the old early duck made it even more exciting at 0530 hours!! ahhhh, the good old days!!

6/13/2019 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is going on all over the city. What makes Lake Shore Drive so special? Try passing some laws banning loud mufflers on racing cars and motorcycles in the entire city and on expressways. Then impound and keep those vehicles caught disobeying on the first offense plus a huge fine. Of course, this might be hard to do because police can’t chase offenders. But word would get out quickly and the racers would find somewhere else outside Chicago to keep people up. Every night that’s all you hear and police can’t do anything. The city needs to get tough and stop worrying about hurting the feelings of the thugs.

6/13/2019 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about stretching piano wires across the drive and have it hooked up so when the sensors pick up a loud bike, the next wire is raised up to about 54 inches...
Back in the day, a long time ago [in the mid 1950s], a kid on an Indian motorcycle used to taunt officers on their Harley Davidsons. With his souped up bike, he was able to reach speeds that the cops bikes could only reach if they were dropped from an airplane. Coppers would give chase, and a cat and mouse game would last sometimes over an hour. The kid would end up going through gangways that our Harleys, with their wider handlebars, couldn't navigate. It took the coppers the entire summer of measuring gangways to find one that was an inch narrower at the chimney than the Indian was at the handlebars. They funneled the kid into the gangway at about 40. He was collected from the cinder paved alley. They had to yank the bike out of the gangway with a tow truck, it was wedged into the chimney so well. They also dragged it for a couple of blocks on the street. Back when policing was fun. Not just a job, but an adventure!

6/13/2019 12:57:00 AM

Where do you come up with this stuff? 65 years ago the police spend the summer measuring gangways and funnel the souped up bike into it.

6/13/2019 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politicians are famous for passing “feel good laws”. They know in their own heart that they’re unenforceable but it gives their weak minded constituents that warm-fuzzy feeling that they’re loved.

6/13/2019 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back about 15 yrs ago, gas was cheap, it was
pre-stock-market-crash America, money was plentiful
(Or so parents thought), and spoiled pre-teen brats
ran dirt bikes up & down the alleys, sometimes on
main streets for a pre-dusk bomber run. This went
on for about 45 intense minutes, then they would
disappear. Then something happened: the Economy
crashed, Stock Market crashed, and all fell silent.
Maybe this portends a recession or economic
slowdown. Pre-Crash 2007-2008, I remember seeing
like every other vehicle in the road was an SUV.
Then the numbers fell!

6/13/2019 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Put Ald. Brian Hopkins on a Divvy bike, give him a blue light attached to his bicycle helmet and a wind up siren and let him chase down the criminals interrupting the sleep of the elitists.

6/13/2019 12:39:00 AM

Excellent idea and add all is like minded, 1/2 brained supporters! That Aldercreature's latest stupid idea is the same as adding a new traffic light at the LSD curve. Glad that didn't fly - can you imagine the increased crashes, and traffic jams? Remember the one where they were going to bury the road under the lake at the absolute prettiest part of the drive? Morons.

Bet he'll find out the sirens, insane protesters, gun shots, beach boomboxes and news helicopters make the biggest racket. So glad I fled the shitty. Fewer sirens and gun shots all night long.

Aldercreatures are a total clueless lot. They need to focus on crime and tax reduction along with resident retention plans. Oh wait less crime and fewer taxes does equal resident retention...

6/13/2019 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Someone will get the juicy task to compare vendors of these devices, travel to meet with the manufacturers. Then there will be the bidding process, few games of golf. Then there will need to be installation and maintanance crew. Someone will need an office, car and secretary oversee the project and have a crew to monitor the devices.

I bet I could do the job for $35 Million.

6/13/2019 12:27:00 AM

Cheap bid!!! Not enough graft in it.

6/13/2019 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Then there’s the hundred or so “too fast, too furious” wanna be idiots drag racing on LSD, lower Wacker

6/13/2019 12:11:00 AM

Auto dragging on lower Wacker isn't any fun anymore: they added too many lights and it's now da community's shooting range. Though the curve to 290 is still a kick... Ahh the good old days: fewer cars, everyone knew where PO's monitored and life was safer for everyone.

Lead Foot Lucy (sort of speed retired...)

Be safe
Stay Fetal
And God bless
We're counting on you to give Looney a huge lesson in respecting LEOs! Can't wait for her to squeal like a little girl when the city is up for grabs.

6/13/2019 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hopkins why not declare all of downtown off limits to any and all vehicle traffic after 6 pm. There problem solved. That or buy your whining constituents silver or gold plated ear plugs. You better get ready for all their batching once the new tax the rich tax passes. They will be voting with their feet and moving trucks.

6/13/2019 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think your voters are that stupid to fall for this unenforceable law Hopkins. If you believe they are that gulible your even more stupid then i thought and that is saying a lot.

6/13/2019 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is going on all over the city. What makes Lake Shore Drive so special?

(Thurston Howell III voice) ...."Lovey....we can't have those loud motorcycles driving all night. They interrupt my beauty sleep. Besides...we pay taxes."

6/13/2019 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This nonsence will make Shotspotter seem like a good idea. Only in Chicago...

6/13/2019 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess it was a slow day at the council meeting if this got any hearing.

6/13/2019 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over 50 people shot in a recent weekend and they have time for this?

6/13/2019 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Hopkins is a wimp ass kisser to daley. He is a total scam phony fake crook who took who knows how much from sterling bay and he also sucked Rahm off plenty. Soon he will be licking loris ass like the fake he is. Go carry Daley’s coat you gutless pussy.

6/13/2019 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How about stretching piano wires across the drive and have it hooked up so when the sensors pick up a loud bike, the next wire is raised up to about 54 inches...
Back in the day, a long time ago [in the mid 1950s], a kid on an Indian motorcycle used to taunt officers on their Harley Davidsons. With his souped up bike, he was able to reach speeds that the cops bikes could only reach if they were dropped from an airplane. Coppers would give chase, and a cat and mouse game would last sometimes over an hour. The kid would end up going through gangways that our Harleys, with their wider handlebars, couldn't navigate. It took the coppers the entire summer of measuring gangways to find one that was an inch narrower at the chimney than the Indian was at the handlebars. They funneled the kid into the gangway at about 40. He was collected from the cinder paved alley. They had to yank the bike out of the gangway with a tow truck, it was wedged into the chimney so well. They also dragged it for a couple of blocks on the street. Back when policing was fun. Not just a job, but an adventure!

6/13/2019 12:57:00 AM

I'll take things that never happened for $200, Alex.

6/13/2019 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due respect, I don't think this moto-terrorism goes
down in NYC.
The Mayor is at the top and therefore responsible.
You just can't pit the police vs. the community and with
the do not chase proviso, say work things out.
NO. It's up to the Mayor to say STOP IT. NO MORE!
Who wants to be a Chicago tourist and put up with
unsolved local problems? Tourists can spot our flaws
right off the bat.

6/13/2019 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Six Lanes Of Hell
Anarchists On Pocket Rockets
Revolution In The Streets
A Newbie Mayor Paralyzed With Fear
Minions Charged With Monitoring A Police Social Blog
Minions Tasked With Unmasking The Next Brutus In Hiding
A Major City Circling The Drain Under The Dark Cloud Of Paranoia

6/13/2019 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alderman, That Divvy bike blue hurts my eyes. Can you please get them painted black?

6/13/2019 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...share the road safely and in peace."

- - - - -

What total bullshit coming from someone running loud pipes. This perfectly exemplifies the Chicago mindset: "It's all about me and fuck everyone else."

Go fuck yourself.

6/14/2019 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How about stretching piano wires across the drive and have it hooked up so when the sensors pick up a loud bike, the next wire is raised up to about 54 inches...
Back in the day, a long time ago [in the mid 1950s], a kid on an Indian motorcycle used to taunt officers on their Harley Davidsons. With his souped up bike, he was able to reach speeds that the cops bikes could only reach if they were dropped from an airplane. Coppers would give chase, and a cat and mouse game would last sometimes over an hour. The kid would end up going through gangways that our Harleys, with their wider handlebars, couldn't navigate. It took the coppers the entire summer of measuring gangways to find one that was an inch narrower at the chimney than the Indian was at the handlebars. They funneled the kid into the gangway at about 40. He was collected from the cinder paved alley. They had to yank the bike out of the gangway with a tow truck, it was wedged into the chimney so well. They also dragged it for a couple of blocks on the street. Back when policing was fun. Not just a job, but an adventure!

6/13/2019 12:57:00 AM

I'll take things that never happened for $200, Alex.

Are you sure? Weren’t tape measures issued along with the call box keys just for stuff like that. I think I have a recollection of a few CPD bikes parked in front of my house and the officers measuring the gangway Guess it was a good way to waste a whole summer

6/14/2019 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think you got noise ? Come to the Village of Oak Lawn, anywhere near The main streets. Non stop Ambulances from all suburbs blasting sirens enroute to Christ Trauma Center, major truck and vehicle trFfic, motorcycles without legal mufflers blasying down the streets all night long. Non-stop Metra Trains and Freights blasting their horns at every stop and crossing, hillbillys shooting off fireworks (and guns) at night all summer long, barking dogs, drunks outside bars, in their back yars, and balconies, yelling and blasting music, road construction noise all day and afternoon long all summer, work crews banging away at 7 am on building projects, and pie-eyed Village Officials do nothing ever. Residents can’t sell their homes due to nobody wanting them due to constant noise. Politicians everywher turning their Deaf Ear, on this issue, all for the almighty $$$. Term Limits Now...

6/14/2019 06:59:00 PM  

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