The Rise of the Vigilante?
We joke - with good reason - that all CPD policy originates in New York. And where they can't make it work, CPD really fucks it up beyond any semblance of functioning policy.
AceofSpades blog spots a trend we could get behind:
- I keep saying this, but if the police cannot or will not protect the citizenry, the citizenry will resort to the means of maintaining order that persisted for 10,000 years before the advent of bobbies: self-help and vigilantism.
- An enraged driver took the law into his own hands in Brooklyn Monday when he fatally mowed down a cyclist after the pedal-pusher tried to break into his car and then slashed the motorist’s girlfriend, police sources said.
Korey Johnson was leaving Woodhull Hospital with his girlfriend at around 6 a.m. Monday morning when he spotted Donald Robert allegedly trying to break into several vehicles parked on Marcus Garvey Boulevard — including Johnson’s Jeep Grand Cherokee, according to a high-ranking law-enforcement source.
Johnson, 41, confronted the would-be burglar and Robert answered by slashing his girlfriend on the arm with a screwdriver, the police source said. Robert, 47, then hopped on a bicycle and sped off — at which point Johnson got into his Jeep and zoomed the wrong way down the boulevard in pursuit of Robert.
The chase spilled onto Broadway, and Johnson caught up to Robert near Ellery Street, where the Jeep hit three parked cars and rammed into the cyclist, the sources said.
The suspect car burglar had quite the record - nearly forty arrests, and the initial victim seems to know that any justice meted out wouldn't be by the system. So he went around the system.
Amusingly, the initial victim, now offender, himself had forty arrests. So it's what we'd call "asshole on asshole crime" and two mopes off the street - one dead, one arrested. But we don't think anyone is going to be very surprised at people taking the law into their own hands if they think (or know) that the police can't/won't/refuse/are reluctant to take action.
Amusingly, the initial victim, now offender, himself had forty arrests. So it's what we'd call "asshole on asshole crime" and two mopes off the street - one dead, one arrested. But we don't think anyone is going to be very surprised at people taking the law into their own hands if they think (or know) that the police can't/won't/refuse/are reluctant to take action.
Labels: general
The DemocRATS really messed the big city’s up! All you can do is move because most people are so dumb that they think the DemocRATS are for them.
Donald Robert, age 47, is a big, overgrown baby.
Was he wearing his diaper?
47 and still fucking with bikes. LOSER.
Keep your fucking hands off my Jeep!
Better and funnier than the "Spy vs. Spy"
strip in Mad Magazine...
Since The Police have been deliberately
tied in knots by "Tha' Communerty,"
The whiter-guilt addled liberal democrat
progressives, the ACLU, #BLM and the media?
More Please...
We could use the laughs.
Slow down... every one is an offender under these circumstances.
The sdsc room (fusion center) what ever, is capturing every action, justified or not.
I predict that soon all sides will be wearing masks and destroying cameras.
This is what the Democratic Party created. The only thing missing is the Democrats blaming the Republicans for originally manufacturing the car in a Republican state. It's the same argument they use with guns.
Just got my CC permit. Carrying the Walther PPS 9mm with two extra clips (because in Illinois I cant have a clip with more than ten rounds) So I have two eight round clips. Small, no visible print, German made, ergo reliable. Will use it if needed to protect myself and my family. Then flee the scene and contact the police when I'm safely home.
47, forty arrests, forty thieves.
Whatcha in for? What's your ride?
A bike? Really? A bike? I'm not rich,
but I gave that up once I got my license.
Hey guys! I'm in with a biker. No, not that
kind of biker. (Mr. 47 then explains he's got a
bad case of cycle ass)
Vigilantism is a very slippery slope. Once we're on it, it's VERY hard to stop sliding downward.
Of course, all this neutering of the cops may be just that goal by those hellbent on destroying America. *cough* Soros *cough*
They are blaming Johnson for unlawful retaliation?
Maybe he was just trying to make a citizen's arrest.
He was only following the perp to learn his identity or address. Losing control, striking the other vehicles and ultimately striking the perp was unintentional.
Funny how this guy knew firsthand from his own numerous arrests that not a thing would be done by the system so he took it upon himself to deal out a punishment.
Out here we sometimes had trouble with "endangered species Timber Wolves."
The mantra was, "Shoot, Shovel, Shut-Up." It could work with two legged critters too.
This kind of stretches the code of honor among thieves theme.
Hey Second City, can you do a post regarding the alleged swipe in and out starring 30SEP19
Retired CPD in Oklahoma says...
Well, how is this for police relations ...Oklahoma Police Department is offering tips to Oklahomans who plan to carry firearms under the state’s permitless carry law that goes into effect November 1.
...with the LT. saying...The Enid police dept. supports the right of the citizen to carry firearms.
Cannot understand why we do not have all these shooting, killings like Chicago does...seems Everyone here has a gun, kids learn about them in the schools around here, if not already know thru the home.
Ahhhh....that's the ticket... the home, family unit, ....values, morales, ethics, ...something no law, or tax can give you...pride, value, worth, love.
Stay safe...
Stay fetal...
Go Home...
Hey Mayor Feets......Considering a gun as a right...have you ever used your 2nd. Amd. rights ? ....and if not...Please contact the have your name added to the cannot buy /banned list of people / folks unable to purchase firearms.....remove your rights, not mine.
"Just got my CC permit. Carrying the Walther PPS 9mm with two extra clips (because in Illinois I cant have a clip with more than ten rounds) "
BS. Since when? Not an illinois law and for pistols i dont believe chicago can enforce it for pistols if its a chicago law for longguns.
He must of read that ramming is now allowed in london....
Wait, sorry. I didn't read too close at first.
The cyclist is dead? Wow.
I picture all the action in my head and it's some sort
of music video. Elvis Costello sings (What's So Funny 'Bout)
Peace, Love, And Understanding.
Proof the Karma is indeed a bitch. In this case a double bitch, one with forty arrests dead another with forty arrests going back to jail. You just can't make this shit up.
Lesson here is don't bring a bike to a jeep fight.
Okay here is the problem, when he spotted Donald Robert allegedly . . ;
Johnson caught up. . . and rammed into the cyclist
Why is one criminal 'allegedly' doing the crime and the other flat out did it?
You see this all the time that some jagoff allegedly pointed a gun or shot at police while the police shot and killed the victim! Enough already.
These two scumbags probably knew each other, if not from the street then from previous stints in the joint.
One dead in-progress thief, one past/future thief/rapist/shooter/whatever in jail.
I’d love to known the total number of children they left behind, bred by how many total sows.
What a shit show.
Only sympathy is for the people whose cars were struck and anyone inconvenienced by traffic delays due to the collective stupidity of these true degenerates.
"Carrying the Walther PPS 9mm with two extra clips (because in Illinois I cant have a clip with more than ten rounds) So I have two eight round clips."
If I were you I check the law real good.
I would love to see more of this type is stuff happen. Keep the police out of it and handle your shit on your own.
First, don't say perp.
Kees me you fool!!!!
Clips? Goof got 2 extra "clips"? Woo hoo. Poindexter all hooked up with 007 setup with extra effin "clips". I am thoroughly impressed doofus.
Let Them Eat Malls
Mayor from respectable rust belt city, in response to public
complaints about multiple downtown stabbings, suggests
consumers visit malls in the suburbs.
Local media suggest homeless, drug addicted, criminal
element park themselves at mayor's house.
O.K., O.K. My phone's blowing up.
I can't name him directly but the "Mall Mayor" had a nickname
of 'Bikelane Bill' before all these stabbings occurred and he
just said yesterday that citizens should go away from the city.
Thank you, Bill. Problem solved (at least in your asshole mind).
Well just go ahead and Twelve Shot me.
That's the big eye opener at Starbucks.
Twelve shots of Expresso in your coffee.
Maybe the Jeep guy was a Twelve Shotter, but he did
society a solid.
And the Mayor speaks:
Downtown is not just a playground for the rich.
Streets are open to the poor. You see them downtown because
that's where the (homeless) services are. If you don't like
aggressive panhandlers, go to a shopping mall.
(The Downtown Chamber of Commerce thanks you, sir.)
But the people being hassled are the taxpayers!
Mayor has deployed police on horseback and merchants
welcome it! They have no choice. Why should they move?
Mayor has told police not to arrest people.
Thank God that this officer was OK in this incident or Gun taken away and the animals shooting at her;
The winds blow the West Coast shit East.
Just like trends start on the W.Coast, this thing of
"Professional Pandhandlers" has come to the smaller cities.
They rotate in and out and Greyhound covers a lot of miles.
Freeze your ass off in winter up North? Fuck, go to Atlanta,
go to Florida. Vegas too hot in July and August? Go North.
All untaxable. Leaches on society. And the elected leaders
are laissez faire. Folks, these people actually work in shifts.
They're organized. They could teach the FOP stuff.
I'm not a cop, but even we on the outside can see what the politicians have done to policing. You're only human and have families/bills/obligations so it's evident as to why you have to be cautious in your approach. I thank you for your service, and hope the situation improves considerably.
To Anonymous at 12:38:00 (and any of my other fellow Concealed Carriers):
1. Neither the State of Illinois, nor any jurisdiction in Illinois, has a limit on magazine capacity for handguns.
2. KNOW THE LAW for Illinois and any other state to or through which you might travel. You can use the website as a reference for all 50 states. Get started here for Illinois:
3. If you were involved in a self-defense shooting, returned home as you suggested, and THEN called the police, you not only would be breaking the law but placing yourself in legal jeopardy. You are entitled to retreat to safety, but you must dial 911 immediately after. The first person to put shots on target usually wins the gunfight; the first person to call 911 usually wins the legal fight. KNOW THE LAW.
4. If you read no other book, read this one immediately: Deadly Force: Understanding Your Right to Self Defense by Massad Ayoob. Learn its lessons well. It is the single most important book any law-abiding armed citizen can read and will absolutely make the difference between freedom and prison for a "good guy" involved in a self-defense shooting.
5. If you have the opportunity and resources, take Mas Ayoob's MAG40 class. He teaches it periodically at the Illinois State Rifle Association range near Kankakee. In my 45 years of owning firearms, they were the 40 most important, most valuable hours of my life.
6. Seriously consider purchasing “Concealed Carry insurance,” which is more accurately called a “pre-paid legal services plan.” If you are involved in a self-defense shooting (and G-d forbid that you are), it can make the difference between a first-rate legal defense and prison, between financial security and financial ruin. Remember that just because you might think something is a "good shoot" doesn't mean that the local prosecutor thinks so, especially if he or she has political ambitions and wants to make an example of you. Especially in a blue state like Illinois.
Here's a link to a detailed analysis I wrote up earlier this year on the various plans now available in the marketplace:
7. Get quality training. Then get more training. Then practice, practice, practice.
Stay safe and good luck.
Yeah, it made the fucking Networks!
Pittsburgh mayor tells citizens (and therefore tourists) to go
to a shopping mall. There's an almost brand new Energy Efficient
(award winning) convention center downtown. LARGEST home
show in the Nation every spring. And this mayor tells people to
go elsewhere. They say he's transported in a limo with four police
body guards. The street people never hassle him and he doesn't pay
rent on a downtown business.
San Francisco, New York, it's all trending towards Socialism. And the
best part is this is not inevitable. If the police would just be allowed to
do their job, push back, and arrest people this could be stopped.
In the past couple of years I’ve gotten really good at being fully stocked up on VINs.
That’s what you call a true win, win.
The bicyclist got Ben hur-red.
The soon-to-be 55-yr old Pittsburgh hipster mayor looks
straight out of a Key West Hemingway Days contest.
Normal black looking hair on head, full-blown gray beard.
Sadly, he's too fucking fat for skinny jeans. Took him over
20 years to complete his college degree. Locals say he's
on a personal head trip to keep his name in the news just
about every other day. He's a poor man's Rahm Emanuel.
I think he's got all 10, but he's missing a few gears upstairs.
But not to worry. In a Democratic meritocracy you fail upwards.
This is not his last piss bum office. He wants more. Like at the
state level. Anything he can get away with. Asshole Bill, just
fucking move to Key West and call it a life.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Vigilantism is a very slippery slope. Once we're on it, it's VERY hard to stop sliding downward.
Of course, all this neutering of the cops may be just that goal by those hellbent on destroying America. *cough* Soros *cough*
9/05/2019 01:04:00 AM
Impartial Justice is a White Man's Construct.
If YOU were on a jury at his trial, would you vote Guilty or Not Guilty?
I have no problem turning the other way should some citizen decide to protect himself.
Charles Bronson would have never gotten caught running that dude down.
Historically, when people stop trusting the government to punish criminals, they revert to the “old school” method of taking care of it themselves. Chicago is getting perilously close to that point, and once it starts, there aren’t enough police officers in the whole state to stop it.
THIS is what “restorative justice” idiots don’t understand - that the FIRST (and original) purpose of the police, courts and prisons is to give the citizens assurance that crimes committed against them or their families will be dealt with and the criminals punished. That’s the reason people stopped settling their disputes with fists, knives and clubs and started taking them to The Law.
To some extent, this has already broken down in “the community”, where there is a never-ending cycle of revenge killings. When the law-abiding citizens of Chicago finally realize that The Law can’t (or won’t) punish criminals, they will at first be frightened (as many already are, showing their fear with U-Hauls and moving vans) and then angry. The “angry” phase will not be pretty... and the “social justice warriors” might want to take an extended out-of-town vacation when it happens.
We Need the Punisher in Chicago...
06:45:00 AM
Comment of The Day (So Far)
Don't bring a bike to a Jeep fight.
Marcus Garvey Blvd? I should have known that that area would be as dangerous as anything with the name "Martin Luther King" in it.
OT...but not:
His statues need to be taken down and things named after him renamed as he supported the kkk and hitler. Really.
09:45:00 AM
Ben hur-red
You mean like he got Splat-icused?
Look at California after they just enacted legislation stating that citizens Can now refuse to help police. So where is the motivation for the law enforcement community to protect the citizens if there is not reciprocity??
Mr. Jeeper needs a Speed Driving course
Aaaah...the London Bump.
Some tale to tell at Thanksgiving dinner when he gets out in 2-1/2 years about how he taught an ol’fool a lesson about disrespectin’.
Bet your ass he gonna get dibs on both those drumsticks.
Socialism is not the answer
It's a cancer
John Locke was an English philosopher that influenced the founding fathers. I ran across this John Locke quote on Politico:
“I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction: for, by the fundamental law of nature, man being to be preserved as much as possible, when all cannot be preserved, the safety of the innocent is to be preferred.”
The full article is here:
One dead and one in the slammer. I call that a “ bingo”.
"Fitz Special"
A cut-down, shaved and de-spurred big bore
(.45 Colt, .44 Special then later, .38 Special)
Colt New Service revolver turned into a
"pocket shit-knocker-outer."
A heavy for caliber Keith slug trucking along
at 800 to 900 fps and blowing an entrance AND
exit hole through an unsuspecting "pressure vessel"
is a FORMIDABLE self-defense option now as it was
100 years ago.
A couple of ammo companies have "re-discovered"
the famous .38/44 Outdoorsman - Heavy Duty
loads from the early 1930's.
What's old is new...
Anonymous said...
"Carrying the Walther PPS 9mm with two extra clips (because in Illinois I cant have a clip with more than ten rounds) So I have two eight round clips."
If I were you I check the law real good.
9/05/2019 07:24:00 AM
I erred by stating that Illinois law would not allow it. Cook County law prohibits it. Try and buy a magazine with more than 10 rounds and if you have a zip code within Cook County, you cannot buy one.
Anonymous said...
Clips? Goof got 2 extra "clips"? Woo hoo. Poindexter all hooked up with 007 setup with extra effin "clips". I am thoroughly impressed doofus.
9/05/2019 07:45:00 AM
Actually, James Bond carried the Walther PPKS .380. An entirely different gun, but I appreciate your constructive criticism. Clips? Magazines? it's a cultural difference. But Woo hoo should have a hyphen; as in "Woo-Hoo"!
The sad thing about what's going on in Cook County and Chicago regarding crime and criminality is that its brought on by the Community's own hand - the voting hand. With over 50+ years of voting Democratic you expect something to change? Many in the Community are perpetually stuck on stupid. From the early 50's the Democrats were buying your vote for holiday turkeys and hams to today's phony revrunds, social justice, the reform movement and Democratic socialism. They are selling empty promises. All your votes resulted in the hot mess you find yourself in today. Remember you voted for the Daley's and Rahm over and over again. Now you voted for Preckwinkle, Tim Evans, Kim Foxx and little Lorie. And you expect what?
The smart members of the Community will get their concealed carry and related training and protect themselves from Dude, Inc. The people of Cook County know the Criminal Justice System is corrupted and broken. The social justice experiment is failing miserably. The smart one's will carry and protect themselves and families from the "bangers". The others will vote Democratic again.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Vigilantism is a very slippery slope. Once we're on it, it's VERY hard to stop sliding downward.
Of course, all this neutering of the cops may be just that goal by those hellbent on destroying America. *cough* Soros *cough*
9/05/2019 01:04:00 AM
True they do want to destroy America and they have done a damn good job of it. And just wait till the USA starts this Social Credit Score nonsense. Think it couldn't happen like it has in China? I would have said no that will never happen once upon a time but now I'm not now. And when people are denied purchases, or entry to places due to their social credit score, some will certainly react violently. I can't believe people have not acted out in places like Sweden and other countries taken over by immigrants. As the alien, Suckenberg said, People are dumb fcks.
"...that's a tale to tell at Thanksgiving dinner..."
Do they have Thanksgiving in London?
Well the next Bernie Goetz case will be quite "interesting". It ain't the 1970's no more.
Vigilante? More like clan vs clan. The Democratic Party has brought the Turd World home. Saves travel costs for all those aspiring anthropology majors. Those who have been to the Sandbox know the signs, just have trouble with why is all
Shouldn't the citizenry do the heavy lifting for the most part and let the police clean the mess up???? I mean, the way I see it, you took an oath and you really should be fighting for those that cannot ,invalids,shut ins,elderly, disabled etc etc)…...
Actually, James Bond carried the Walther PPKS .380. An entirely different gun, but I appreciate your constructive criticism. Clips? Magazines? it's a cultural difference. But Woo hoo should have a hyphen; as in "Woo-Hoo"!
9/06/2019 12:01:00 AM
Actually Bond was forced to carry the PPK in .32acp after M told him to turn in his Beretta .25
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
"Carrying the Walther PPS 9mm with two extra clips (because in Illinois I cant have a clip with more than ten rounds) So I have two eight round clips."
If I were you I check the law real good.
9/05/2019 07:24:00 AM
I erred by stating that Illinois law would not allow it. Cook County law prohibits it. Try and buy a magazine with more than 10 rounds and if you have a zip code within Cook County, you cannot buy one.
9/05/2019 11:45:00 PM
INCORRECT: The Cook County ban (infringement) only applies to un-incorporated Cook County or Non-Home Rule entities.
Cabela's in Hoffman estates (Cook County) sells all the hi cap mags you want and evil black guns too.
The Otis McDonald ruling brings up some interesting points, I believe your hi cap mag for your pistol would be legally protected (2nd Amend too!!)
Deadly Force: Understanding Your Right to Self Defense by Massad Ayoob.
Massad Ayoob? That guy has never been near a gunfight of any type and never will. A range shooter. Oh fucking brother. I was a weapons Sergeant for two decades. I've been to most of the top military shooting schools, taught a few, and have attended finishing school in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc... I read a few of his articles, I'm just not sure where he has tested any of his technique. He may know the legalities, but there are TOO many great trainers out there these days. He is like a Karate school after the UFC and MMA hit the scene. I'll bet you he is a Karate guy too. All talky, no fighty.
Is the bike ok ?
Just axin
The Daily double!
James Bond gets his Walther PPK
Try and buy a magazine with more than 10 rounds and if you have a zip code within Cook County, you cannot buy one.
9/05/2019 11:45:00 PM ships to Cook County zip codes.
Thanksgiving is American, not British.
Bernie Goetz was 1984, not 1970s.
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