Saturday, December 07, 2019


  • Sneed hears Mayor Lori Lightfoot has drawn up a Chicago Police Department exempt-rank purge list of at least six names, one of whom was a college buddy of fired former Chicago top cop Eddie Johnson.

    Sneed also hears rumbles Melissa Staples, chief of the detective division, may also be on the chopping block and word is the mayor is seriously contemplating disbanding the Organized Crime Unit to get more cops back on the street — which is causing a lot of CPD angst.
That isn't just angst - that's a lot of people headed to First and Third watches across the city via some sort of twisted process where Patrol holds a "super bid" to half-a-dozen undesirable Districts and then freezes movement by not offering bids anywhere nicer for a year or two. We wrote about it nearly ten years ago after the Department disbanded TRU and MSF, trapping all sorts of people far from home and far from assignments they might have otherwise made. Are we returning to those bad old days?

Sneed also hears that one completely unqualified civilian is on the chopping block:
  • Finally, Sneed is told one of the names high on the “removal” hit list is a well-known former female Chicago media personality who is a CPD community relations liaison.
Robin Robinson somehow managed to nominate people for promotion as some half-assed "director" at six-figures. Her "nominees" were always connected to some higher-up (sometimes by certain "intimate" body parts) that the bosses couldn't nominate on their own lest the wives find out. The mayor might want to look into the backgrounds of Robinson's nominees to spare herself embarrassment down the road.

And finally, Sneed drops this bomb - the return of Granny Clampett?
  • Does Lightfoot have her eye on Anne Kirkpatrick, the former Spokane, Washington police chief who now heads the Oakland, California police department? The former head of the Chicago Police Department’s Bureau of Professional Standards, she is a highly qualified female top cop, who is credited with breaking up the notorious Oakland Police Department frat house.

    Kirkpatrick was a member of the top three finalists chosen by the Chicago Police Board headed by Lightfoot before Rahm ditched the list and chose Johnson as his top cop.
We certainly hope this would be true - the material would keep us occupied for the remainder of our careers. But Lightfoot, for all the hassle we give her, isn't a moron. Granny threatened to sue Rahm for going outside of the prescribed process and she was given the Professional Standards spot to derail the lawsuit. She accepted the "payoff," but was never granted actual staff or power to effect change, so she started shopping her resume anywhere else, and bailed at the first offer.

Lightfoot values loyalty. Kirkpatrick has none, and is merely an alternative lifestyle mercenary. We have a ton of unused material from Granny's last trip through town. She would be a useful idiot for the mayor, that's for sure.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hearing Riccio and his endless tree of merit promotions/creations is also going to get chopped down.

But after they "clear house" what clowns will be left to run the circus ?

West ? Waller ? Lewin ? Konow ?
Or how about Tamara Margolis ?

12/07/2019 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot really needs to gut all these wasted units where people hid out and ghost payrolled for many years. City hall simply needs to do an audit going back 10-15 years and see how much overtime was made and how little if any comptime was burned. Isn’t it suspicious that people in those secret units accumulate tons of book time but never burn any as compared to the districts? So many retire with loads of time on the books. Send them back to the districts

12/07/2019 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot is a one term mayor. The check engine light is on and she is driving the city into the ground.

12/07/2019 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Granny the crypt keeper. Leave a few nails in the supes office so she can nail the coffin lid shut. That would truly be THE END for CPD.

12/07/2019 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Over Promoted BRADLEY

OCD is finished !! College buddy has

over stepped his boundaries and psst off

a few influential people... bye bye Bill Bradley

12/07/2019 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big mistake to get rid of organized crimes. Get rid of gang enforcement and put those offices back in the district, clean out headquarters, people are being hid in units and these bosses need to be held accountable. Look at every A n A sheet and see the number of people detailed out, it’s ridiculously stupid.
Some tact teams have 2 tact secretaries
Fix those things first then if that’s not working look at narcotics
However, Narcotics is bring in a whole lot of revenue for the department, maybe just Change
the Boss

12/07/2019 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robin Robinson need to go

12/07/2019 02:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, this reads like DOPE!

12/07/2019 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who has not slept his/her way to the top in the CPD ranks? Makes CCSO master Pizza chief Dart look like a freaking paragon of moral virtue.

Hell, only Tommy's inmates masturbate in front of female staff... Not like the inmates can gain promotion or anything from such antics.

12/07/2019 04:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reporters are usually assholes, but you have to be a special kind if asshole to refer to yourself in the third person all the time in your articles.

12/07/2019 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, the media can be weaponized? In Chicago? WHO KNEW?!

12/07/2019 04:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow gonna be a rough ride for a lot of the vonnected is this is good Intel. If you do currently have a plan B better get busy. The next time three years on the CPD are going to be a very rough ride for all, connected or not. Find a lateral transfer out of state and get the Hell out, otherwise STFU about how bad things have gotten. You ALL have options, yes ALL even those with just a few years left. Get the Hell out while the getting is good.

12/07/2019 04:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a convoluted spider web!

12/07/2019 04:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theres no more Frat House for Granny to break up. We all retired.

12/07/2019 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has Phil Clines fingerprints on it.

12/07/2019 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still love to hear any comment from Rahm Emanuel about how great Eddie Johnson was that he had to appoint to ‘man of Chicago values’ to the top spot.

12/07/2019 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, if true better strap up going to be a rough ride for the CPD for the next few years. Get out now.

12/07/2019 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like too many fools bailed out of 025 and now have second thoughts?

12/07/2019 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The night of the samurai is coming, black friday the 13th. They can bring in the west coast tofu eater, just please don't make us all get the little dutch boy haircuts. It wouldn't look good with my soul patch or manbun.

12/07/2019 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot values loyalty. Kirkpatrick has none, and is merely an alternative lifestyle mercenary. We have a ton of unused material from Granny's last trip through town. She would be a useful idiot for the mayor, that's for sure.
Labels: department issues, media, rumors

Rumor of the day is that she will bring back the rank of Double Knot Spy if appointed Superintendent of CPD...

12/07/2019 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, a female boss will fix things.
That's the solution to everything these days.
Imagine if I interviewed and said "I have a dick,
and I'm here to help."
Geraldine "Cocaine Son" Ferraro
(Hey, Joe Biden. We seen this movie before.)
Hillary "Foundation" Clinton
Getting back to Joe Biden here. Joe, did you think
we forgot about the Coke bust that sunk Geraldine?
You have NO fucking chance, man. NONE!

12/07/2019 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well she truly is a moron if she disbands Organized Crime... Ok Narcotics can use a trim now that laws are changing and No one goes to Jail Fox is in charge. I know there are a lot of BOC haters on here but some really great work comes out of there. Sending them to patrol gets you nothing, except more people that will check out from doing any police work in patrol. Best of luck to those guys..

12/07/2019 06:47:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

will raccoon eyes dart media move go away quietly?

those SJW's sure have entitlement issues.

12/07/2019 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true, morale will drop to an all time low, which is hard to do right now.

12/07/2019 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honorable Mayor Lightfoot,please clean up 35/Michigan. Thank you

12/07/2019 07:03:00 AM  
Blogger Kelleyc said...

Melissa staples is toast

12/07/2019 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa, get out before you appear in the photo with the mayor driving the CTA Bus with you underneath it. Does anyone have pictures ready to go when the hit list is revealed?

12/07/2019 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have all above Sgt retake Sgt test any failures demoted to patrolling rank immediately. Those demoted never allowed a merit bump again. Problems solved. Test administered with no study groups allowed and by an outside testing company.

12/07/2019 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute everything going on here the mayor is in Iowa can you read the article she again and again is disparaging the greatest president of United States the same woman that is complaining about not getting federal tax dollars sent to the city of Chicago did you see what happened to our superintendent? The power of the presidency is a powerful thing mayor;

In Iowa, Mayor Lori Lightfoot presses Pete Buttigieg on secret work at McKinsey: ‘You should break the NDA’

Everything going on in the city of Chicago mayor how do you have time to be out politicking? You need to attend to the business of the citizens of the city of Chicago you cannot come to meet the president but yet you can go to this using city resources how many security personnel how many other personnel that you take with you at taxpayers expense just wondering?

12/07/2019 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring Granny in!! We’ll have her leaving town quivering in a straight jacket within a year

PS-MS needs to comb her hair

12/07/2019 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OCD, with the exception of asset forfeiture is a completely redundant division. Send them back to districts and make them another tact team, if they are productive enough assign them to the detective areas as a tact team. In my opinion, all gang and tact teams should be run by the area detective divisions, not patrol.

12/07/2019 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Sgt in organized crime. They can dump me anytime they want, I don't care. I'm not assigned only detailed. I go back to where I came from. I would be in the top 3 in seniority overall. I get whatever watch I want by contract. Hell I wish they would have dumped me before furlough picks. I would have done a lot better in the district. The perks are long gone anyway. I can do nothing in the district and nobody gives a rats ass. That being said Organized crime will never be fully disbanded. The task force officers get reimbursed by the Feds for quite a few things. Groot may hate Trump but, she doesn't want to declare war with the US Attorneys, DEA, FBI, and ATF. She would lose big time. The units in organized crime are already short Sgt's and POs. Everyone there saw the writing on the wall as soon as the finalists were Aunt Toni and Groot. I could see Intelligence disbanded (They do nothing). Narcotics, Gang Investigations, and Vice cut in half. That is probably a more feasible outcome. In reality they will have to cut more than just Organized Crime to put bodies in the districts. Narcotics has less than 300 sworn overall including the Supervisors. Thats the largest uint. I have thought for a while that Gang Enforcement, Gun and Sat Teams just to name a few are finsihed before Organized Crime. Groot will stick it in everyones behind now that furloughs have been picked. Thats how Shitcago operates. They tell you your doing a great job and not to worry right before the knife goes in the back and you feel a twist.

12/07/2019 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when does the chopping start? Just one person gone so far big deal! I say let's begin the begin as the longer you wait the more $ it cost the city.

12/07/2019 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The stench of lord darth soros moneyed organizations permeates the local air. That bastard is hell bent on destroying a perfectly good country by financing the likes of kimesha. The infiltration has begun. What's next?

12/07/2019 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with the article. Robin is a great asset. I see nothing wrong with making a merit promotion from a PO to a Sgt. Spending a few months as a Sgt in patrol on the street is a lot of experience. Going directly from the street to being a Sgt of a federal task force in a few months is well deserved. I don't think anyone that has been a Sgt in OCD for decades would want that job.

12/07/2019 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How bout this? Granny, the job is yours (if and only if) we hop into a steel cage wrestling ring, you get one pair or handcuffs, and you have to place me into custody. Ready, Go!

12/07/2019 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big mistake to get rid of organized crimes. Get rid of gang enforcement and put those offices back in the district, clean out headquarters, people are being hid in units and these bosses need to be held accountable.

Haha! Typical "Why you stoppin me when there's people killin each other out there?" bullshit. Look over there, not at me!! I know narcotics is full of superheroes and everything, but instead of saying that it would be ridiculous to get rid of some units you have to say get rid of other people first. Grow up. This is what's wrong with the department. Everyone acts like children.

12/07/2019 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow, if true better strap up going to be a rough ride for the CPD for the next few years. Get out now.

12/07/2019 05:40:00 AM

This purge will be done quickly and Homan Square will be emptied in short order. The districts are getting the additional personnel from the units that will be eliminated at Homan Square. The rebuilding of the specialized units will be done after next summer and when the new Sup.
Is securely in place. It was said here last October that the Mayor had been meeting with an out of town female Police executive who would be the new Sup.
The theory behind emptying Homan and putting the troops back into uniform in the districts, is that we will all become aware of the soon to be
strictly enforced uniform and personal appearance standards. In addition, City Hall will make sure that the swiping policies will be enforced with NO exceptions. The detectives may also be placed in uniform for an extended period of time so that the entire department gets the idea that appearance is important to City Hall and the public in general.

12/07/2019 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodbye staples!

12/07/2019 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sneed is a mouth piece for eddie burke

12/07/2019 09:09:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Remember that members of the LSMFTOU812 community usually don't play well with each other.

12/07/2019 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can’t we all just get along?

12/07/2019 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Wodnicki on the chopping block?? I hope so; he's almost arrested in Indiana and his story keeps changing as to why he was so far out of Illinois in the first place. Is the media following up on that story anymore??

12/07/2019 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/07/2019 02:18:00 AM

If you’re posting, you’re scared they WILL cut OCD.

OCD needs to be scrapped, and if any special investigations need to be done,
put up ad-hoc teams through the detective division.
The money wasted on drug enforcement, gambling, prostitution is not worth the return.

Back to the beat!

12/07/2019 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sneed, you wicked bugger
You need to step down out of respect for the Force
A prudent man would have done so a fortnight ago

12/07/2019 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:18 AM
"some teams have two testicles"

12/07/2019 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oakland PD? The next thing you know every male Chicago cop will be tucking their nuts and have to know every gender pronoun the left wing Nazis invent.

12/07/2019 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Make it happen Lori! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

12/07/2019 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The No Malarkey Tour.
Sunsetting I believe they call it in D.C.
That's happening right now in Chicago.
Charlie, you can tell the horses and the grandkids
that you were part of it all. You'll be in the Law Enforcement
history books for a long time. Academy Case Studies, Foreign
and Domestic. A published author.

12/07/2019 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been saying since the election...the next Superintendent will be just as historic.
Which also makes Jugghead SpecialEd the first black CPD Superintendent to be fired from his position by a first ever black female mayor.

The Purging of the Friends of Rahm n’ Eddie.
Even that tv news lady (paid more as an fill-in anchor but to incompetent to compete in the big league, like our former Fed prosecutor).
This sanctuary city department of police had been doomed since the turn of the century.
Another city hall stooge no matter what or where they come from won’t make anything more pleasant.
The key component is going to be a persistent, determined COPA.

Rest assured that the 1st and 16th Always Comes Twice a Month.
Stay Slumped

Oh and if Mayor Pete drops out, he could get the call. But watch out for SportsFan Groot, who can find room at the top for washed up, steeped in social justice, team antigen, out of work former quarterback - just when y’all thought there weren’t enough knives in your back already.

12/07/2019 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hearing Riccio and his endless tree of merit promotions/creations is also going to get chopped down.

But after they "clear house" what clowns will be left to run the circus ?

West ? Waller ? Lewin ? Konow ?
Or how about Tamara Margolis ?

Has Riccio promoted anyone that doesn't have an extra chromosome?

12/07/2019 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooohh Robin how many times was your dept vehicle towed? what about more "peace circle" bullshit? where are you all day? what do you do all day? why are you worth 150.000 a year? why would you be entitled to a merit pick? Your friend E.J. is gone and in a bad way,I think your next....BYE BYE

12/07/2019 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice how every administration uses Snead Like a tool to leak information in order to see how it sounds politically. Sounds like the mayors office wants the whole department to stay fetal and do nothing. Good luck Chicago!!!! Murder count will be 600 next year and on a steady rise. Then it will be too late to even train people to do police work.

12/07/2019 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 – 21 of 21
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hearing Riccio and his endless tree of merit promotions/creations is also going to get chopped down.

But after they "clear house" what clowns will be left to run the circus ?

West ? Waller ? Lewin ? Konow ?
Or how about Tamara Margolis ?

TM would be perfect. She fits right in with the current narrative. Pictures being circulated. Rumors swirling all over 014.

12/07/2019 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LightLoafer truly has no clue what she’s doing, and that’s dangerous.
She’s basically on the path of “I don’t know what works and what doesn’t, so fuck it- I’ll just burn everything to the ground.”

I get it, she doesn’t like the police, and she wants her people left alone.

However. As one poster mentioned- narcotics brings in a shit ton of revenue to the department and the city. Every major city has some sort of narcotics unit, and that’s for several very good reasons. With weed being legalized and an unwillingness to prosecute by the states attorney’s office- cut the unit in half. The failed McCarthy experiment of a million night buy-bust teams sucked, and inflated 189’s numbers through the roof. Get rid of all of the 3-rock delivery teams- they aren’t making a difference. Cut the unit in half, either scrapping entire teams, or by reverse seniority.
Gang intel is a necessary piece of the puzzle, like it or not. Is it bloated? Absolutely. There’s like twenty-something teams in the unit, but none of them is full. Consolidate teams, and dwindle their numbers through attrition. If necessary, cut 20% by reverse seniority.
As for Intelligence, it makes sense they are in OCD, but they are also a bloated unit. Cut their numbers by 20% also, and make them more efficient. It’s one of those units where the return on the investment of resources and manpower is not tangible, and in many cases doesn’t exist.

OCD is an integral part of the department, as most of the violence and drug trade in this city IS organized, and cannot be handled at the district level. Single operations often spans multiple districts, and the problems have to be tackled comprehensively.

More cops on the beat will shorten response times for non-priority calls in the districts. However it most certainly will have an adverse affect on the crime numbers if you scrap OCD altogether.
Every cop CAN be a beat cop, but not every cop SHOULD be a beat cop, and thinking otherwise is quite foolish. The city dies need specialized units on some level.

12/07/2019 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like too many fools bailed out of 025 and now have second thoughts?

Its 025 = "shit-hole"

12/07/2019 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do away with Gang Enforcement already. That’s a few hundred bodies right there. Put them all back in the district. In theory it was a good idea, but has been mismanaged into the ground, and the days of aggressive street policework are definitely over.

Do away with Saturation and Gun teams. They can “saturate” in the district, it’s a pointless unit that does absolutely nothing. Gun teams? Pull their arrests, they don’t exactly get a lot of guns. They do bring in a lot of quality of life heads, and get blue cards though. But that can be done in a district also.

Keep OCD, but in a smaller version.
All units should come out of OCD.
No units in patrol, with the exception of a small MSF style unit that can be rapidly deployed to a hotspot.

Units in patrol like saturation and gun teams are this weird middle-ground, trying to be something they aren’t. Just put them in the district, in uniform.

12/07/2019 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Still love to hear any comment from Rahm Emanuel about how great Eddie Johnson was that he had to appoint to ‘man of Chicago values’ to the top spot.

12/07/2019 05:39:00 AM

I'd love to hear Terry Hillard reiterate his statement about Eddie Johnson NOT being a womanizer. He made this comment in 2016 when Eddie got the nod to be the boss.
I'd figure he would be in the know because he was the ex-supt and co owner of the security firm the city uses as a background check vendor

12/07/2019 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot has an extensive list and dossier of her potential exempt level expulsion targets. She told these feckless underlings that she was going after ALL of Eddie's exempt and Captain promotees that hid or buried Johnson's indiscretions.

She also stated, in a closed door auditorium meeting at headquarters that a purge was coming, and the lack of transparency (read snitching) was disturbing to her.

12/07/2019 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what happened regarding the IAD complaint lodged against Anne Kilpatrick in Oakland? I also wonder if Kilptricks indiscretions and screwups will be as publicized as much as Johnson's were.

12/07/2019 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However, Narcotics is bring in a whole lot of revenue for the department, maybe just Change
the Boss

Not as much as you think. Since they expanded most have been bringing in nickel bags. No revenue from doing that. They aren’t making the big narcotic investigations arrest

12/07/2019 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Georgas is slated to go to 025. That’s why he didn’t get ORD.

12/07/2019 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Big mistake to get rid of organized crimes. Get rid of gang enforcement and put those offices back in the district, clean out headquarters, people are being hid in units and these bosses need to be held accountable. Look at every A n A sheet and see the number of people detailed out, it’s ridiculously stupid.
Some tact teams have 2 tact secretaries
Fix those things first then if that’s not working look at narcotics
However, Narcotics is bring in a whole lot of revenue for the department, maybe just Change
the Boss

12/07/2019 02:18:00 AM

LMFAO! All of GID is gang enforcement personnel. That unit declined when they took in all those enforcement kids. All you are now is a glorified tact team with take home cars!

12/07/2019 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Lightfoot is a one term mayor. The check engine light is on and she is driving the city into the ground.
12/07/2019 01:19:00 AM

That was the plan all along just like Dinkens!

12/07/2019 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Lightfoot have her eye on Anne Kirkpatrick, the former Spokane, Washington police chief who now heads the Oakland, California police department? The former head of the Chicago Police Department’s Bureau of Professional Standards, she is a highly qualified female top cop, who is credited with breaking up the notorious Oakland Police Department frat house.

The the immortal words of Austin Powers "She's a man baby..."

12/07/2019 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'd love to hear Terry Hillard reiterate his statement about Eddie Johnson NOT being a womanizer. He made this comment in 2016 when Eddie got the nod to be the boss.
I'd figure he would be in the know because he was the ex-supt and co owner of the security firm the city uses as a background check vendor

12/07/2019 03:32:00 PM

Uncle Terry was part of the problem. He was put there by Daley because he would do what he was told. The corruption continued under him. The captains came back as appointed and was totally rigged. Keep your mouth shut and end up with a security company and a lot of fat government contracts.

12/07/2019 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't say nothing to me about disbanding nothing.
Stop the Lt Cheaters in their track no , ofempro, options and stay in a sergeants position until they quit.
Narcotics needs a new Boss, it's time for new leadership, that appreciate the great work that they do

12/07/2019 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tick Tock Wodnicki.The knoose is tightening on the Wod.Groots people have the final location of the weekly Indiana trips.

12/07/2019 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been retired for about 7 years now, this shit is a riot to follow and believe me I have been through/observed a ton of shit/laughs in the 30 years before. I seriously believe that disbanding OCD is brilliant, let these princes and princess' go work tac (in place of the wonder kids), in the districts. Put the wonder kids back on the watch (lol, sorry they will be on 1st or 3rd watch). Time to buy more popcorn, this shit just gets better and funnier. BTW, Sneed, GFY, I actually remember when you were a "friend" of Mayor Byrne and then you had the nerve to stick it to her!!!

12/08/2019 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why give Sneed even an inch of space here?

12/08/2019 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear Terry Hillard reiterate his statement about Eddie Johnson NOT being a womanizer. He made this comment in 2016 when Eddie got the nod to be the boss.
I'd figure he would be in the know because he was the ex-supt and co owner of the security firm the city uses as a background check vendor

12/07/2019 03:32:00 PM

Maybe he wasn't. It's amazing how some of these people get more and more attractive as they climb the ranks. LoL

12/08/2019 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have every merit lt . all captains and exempt members take the next sergeant test
any with a score on multiple choice under 85% , demoted immediately .
that will clear over 80% , then he will only have to review performance of 20% and decide if they stay
Charlie , change general order and captains contract , Inspectors will be selected from the rank of sergeants with a minimum of 10 years in rank . Sergeants that did not fail to inventory guns , used patrolman to babysit his children while on duty , have sex with females while on duty and did not drop off kids in a police vehicle . you know like Inspector form commander Tony Escamerit that IG wanted FIRED from CPD who ever assigned that low life to Inspections made a fool out of you and mayor Lori Lightfoot

12/08/2019 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... to hear Terry Hillard reiterate his statement about Eddie Johnson NOT being a womanizer. He made this comment in 2016 when Eddie got the nod to be the boss.
I'd figure he would be in the know because he was the ex-supt and co owner of the security firm the city uses as a background check vendor

12/07/2019 03:32:00 PM

Uncle Terry was part of the problem. He was put there by Daley because he would do what he was told. The corruption continued under him. The captains came back as appointed and was totally rigged. Keep your mouth shut and end up with a security company and a lot of fat government contracts.

12/07/2019 10:31:00 PM

You can thank Donald O'Neill for that. When he was a Captain representing the Captains lodge he cut a deal with the city to eliminate the career service rank of Captain and make it a Senior Executive Service ( appointed ) position.
For his reward his clout made him a Commander of Management and Labor Affairs, Director of Personnel, and a Corporation Counsel Director of labor Affairs.
O'Neill is a corrupt sell out that the feds should have their eye on.

12/08/2019 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Wod have a second home in IN? Or was he doing work related to his own personal business using a company car ?

12/08/2019 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I disagree with the article. Robin is a great asset. I see nothing wrong with making a merit promotion from a PO to a Sgt. Spending a few months as a Sgt in patrol on the street is a lot of experience. Going directly from the street to being a Sgt of a federal task force in a few months is well deserved. I don't think anyone that has been a Sgt in OCD for decades would want that job.
12/07/2019 08:40:00 AM

Your comments clearly demonstrate to all your feeble mindedness and lack of understanding of sound policing principles. Its idiots like you that have contributed to the corruptive and corrosive nature of merit promotions, cronyism and political clout. It's this type of thinking that gave us the disgraced Ed Johnson and his current staff of incompetent Mutts. No one cares what you think. Now go sit in the corner.

12/09/2019 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sneed is pure garbage as is Ferguson and his bff lunch companion Fran spielman. Ferguson gets orders from Lori like the good ass kisser hevis, the spielman writes what Lori, the lying reformer wants.

12/09/2019 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm a Sgt in organized crime. They can dump me anytime they want, I don't care. I'm not assigned only detailed. I go back to where I came from. I would be in the top 3 in seniority overall. I get whatever watch I want by contract. Hell I wish they would have dumped me before furlough picks. I would have done a lot better in the district. The perks are long gone anyway. I can do nothing in the district and nobody gives a rats ass.

12/07/2019 07:48:00 AM

So Sgt if this is all true why dont you go back to your former district voluntarily? Seems like the logical and smart thing to do. Of course that is if all of this is TRUE

12/09/2019 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/07/2019 02:18:00 AM

Yeah cause spending hours on a couple UC one bag dope buys really is bringing in revenue. There are maybe a small handful of teams that put in the time for solid long term investigations or quality wires. The rest are pimpy buy/bust teams that don’t do anything substantial. Bring the house down and send everyone back to patrol.

12/10/2019 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/07/2019 02:18:00 AM

Yeah cause spending hours on a couple UC one bag dope buys really is bringing in revenue. There are maybe a small handful of teams that put in the time for solid long term investigations or quality wires. The rest are pimpy buy/bust teams that don’t do anything substantial. Bring the house down and send everyone back to patrol.

12/10/2019 02:51:00 PM

They can make their nickel bag arresrs in a district and don’t need a take home to do it

12/10/2019 05:48:00 PM  

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