Friday, January 17, 2020

007 Restrooms Shut Down

Under previous administrations, numerous new police stations were built, and every single one of them has massive plumbing failures in short order:

This is just the latest in the "not having a pot to piss in" plaguing the newer stations.That is, if they aren't collapsing on the substandard concrete slabs they're being built on.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the tac office in 12. Literally sewage leaking through the pipes and through the tiles. Took them days to even get the engineer to come look at it. City is a fukn joke

1/17/2020 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now this leaves 3 toilets in the entire station for what almost 350 men working in 007.... freaking amazing. I’ll bet if that was the w/c or commanders personal toilet it would be fixed in a matter of hrs.

1/17/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Tuesday, Lightfoot was at 050 to cut the ribbon on the new station. By Tuesday night, the heat wasn’t working (again). Wednesday, another fecal situation after another toilet problem. On Thursday, there were signs to not use the side door, because that’s why the heat doesn’t work properly (like that’s the issue),and another sign on the offending bathroom stating it’s out of order. All built by BOWA Construction, which Lightfoot was touting as a minority owned business. For those keeping score, the building, which was opened in early Sept., has had two leaking ceiling incidents (from heavy rain), two human excrement floater floods, and the heat has been screwed up since it got cold out, (with a leaky roof and a poop flood within days of each other, this past week). Great job, BOWA Construction. it should be nice and frosty this weekend in there with the forecasted cold temps. The little space heater at the front desk can’t be used because the wiring can’t handle it, either. You can’t make this up.

1/17/2020 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus the power was out for almost 24hours last week...

1/17/2020 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

001 has been on and off like this for years. Can’t tell you the number of times we’ve had to walk through sewer back up water to get to our lockers. Funny thing is that it eventually leaks down into central lockup and only then do the powers to be feel it’s necessary to do something about it. Add that to the sewer flies, roaches, fruit flies and mice and you have a genuine third world facility.

1/17/2020 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother!

1/17/2020 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanecko plumbing services.

1/17/2020 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notify OSHA and shut down the fucking place.

1/17/2020 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that rat bastard ruined everything chasing the gold and complete political control. i went to work for a working dept in 1980 and not only did we turn out a great product but we turned a profit. daley took our rate payer budget and put it in the general fund. then he shorted us on equip and supplies. at the time we had all real tradesmen from all the trades who were tired of layoffs and driving 150 miles r/ t to work, used a phone call to get with the city. we were all happy to be there and went the extra mile for the taxpayers. we also had very few office or management spots and everything worked as it should. daley filled our ranks with useless criminals and drug addict politicals. know nothing, do nothings that bragged about their clout and abused the medical and sued for anything and everything. next thing you know a tiny office for 2 had adozen payrollers in it. all chiefs and no indians. scandal after scandal, supts and commishioners going to jail etc. and what did dildo daley do? he crushed the remaining workers in the name of reform and didnt fund our pension which now has 3 years of money left. he and his stole all the money. he controlled everything! how is this drooling, mumbling cocksucker still walkin the streets, getting a huge pension and armed valets. he did this, all of this.the daley and madigan are two mob family bosses who divided up shitcaga a long time ago. ruthless rahm and clueless lori are just two lesser pharohs continueing what daley built and perfected over decades. there will be no pyramids built to these lesser gods, they will be forgotten soon after they retire and their ashes will be spread on the shit lagoons along I 55. i would give anything to see that dyslexic cunt in general population at cook county.

1/17/2020 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanecko/Daley Plumbing Inc. Giving you the pipe for 3 generations.

1/17/2020 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get use to it, Groot is pushing hard for the minority contractors to run the whole job. So instead of a shitty plumber or a carpenter that does not know how to square up a wall, The whole job will be fucked and cost twice as much.

1/17/2020 04:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you have third world untrained workers working on these buildings what did you expect.

1/17/2020 04:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picture says drinking water is now safe to drink at the station. See this is what you get when big payoffs go to the city building inspectors. The Chicago Way in action. Now city will hire the same incompetent contractors to come and fix the problem that they created in the first place. Chicago Values, state that every city contract good for a call back at double the original price. The city that works.

1/17/2020 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous outside looking in and LMFAO said...

am i to believe that some asshole directed number one business to be deposited in number one receptacles like some recycling bin? don't whine or follow the directive and piss in the shitter. any merits or piss bums sleeping in the stalls need a good foot soaking. problem solved.
oh, those things hanging on the wall. just call it artwork from vanecko studios.

1/17/2020 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This bathroom is just getting ready for the new transgender/unisex officers being hired soon. After all, urinals are a symbol of male oppression. Expect this to be the norm in many buildings soon

1/17/2020 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go piss in the Commanders office,,Im sure his is working!

1/17/2020 05:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get a kick out of all the cracks in the expensive, professionally installed terrazzo floors in all the police stations, and the shit bricks they used on the exterior. Some of those stations were built with money stolen from the first years of water/sewer fees collected in the 80s.

1/17/2020 05:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who wraps the urinal in plastic? You think there's a urinal wrapping union?

1/17/2020 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plumbers must not like cops. The concept of putting up a working pisser is not that hard to do. Our "new" suburban station has plumbing problems too and no one seems able to figure it out. Seems like backstage to me.

1/17/2020 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when they misspelled "024 District" on the front slab of the place.


1/17/2020 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The plumbers did the same thing in 009 a while back. All the men’s urinals were covered for several months.

1/17/2020 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a kid driving with my father and pointed out 12 guys working on a sewer. He said can you see that, when old man Daley was around the same thing happened but the sewers were fixed, since his punk son came in there have just as many guys and they can’t fix shit.

1/17/2020 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least there are 3 spaceship sinks right behind it, you can easily fit 3-4 guys to each one like a trough pisser at wrigley. Another option and my favorite is to be one with the communerity, find the nearest wall of a building and relieve yourself. Grab a PCI event # while you’re at it.

1/17/2020 06:55:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

They can just use the alley like the neighborhood.

1/17/2020 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole district is a huge toilet anyway...

Piss stop at Hamilton Park!

We Are All Replaceable

1/17/2020 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they trying to make everyone sit on the pot as the Germans make thrir men do?

Theres always a merit's trash can in a pinch.

Typical shitcago crap.

1/17/2020 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been in 006 for 4 years. The public bathrooms on the southside of the lobby have been out of order my entire time, and who knows how much longer before I got there. As far as I know they've never been unlocked as long as I've been here. Maybe there's a dead body in there and the homeless encampment is just getting a bad rap about the smell.

1/17/2020 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that picture from one of JB the Hut's mansions?

1/17/2020 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the cry baby “engineer” from 015 can come fix it... just don’t park in one of his 3 designated parking spaces or he will cry to the commander. Useless do nothing, go back to hiding in lockup.

1/17/2020 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
001 has been on and off like this for years. Can’t tell you the number of times we’ve had to walk through sewer back up water to get to our lockers. Funny thing is that it eventually leaks down into central lockup and only then do the powers to be feel it’s necessary to do something about it. Add that to the sewer flies, roaches, fruit flies and mice and you have a genuine third world facility.

1/17/2020 01:16:00 AM

I worked in the old Englewood building for years. i thought that was a cock roach infested shithole that was a disgusting building to work in. Looks like there has been no improvement

1/17/2020 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just go piss in the alley and on the street like the rest of the community. Christ sake!

1/17/2020 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are actually the new European-style urinals. They consist of dark absorbent pads. Ingenious.

1/17/2020 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just tell you are a democrat and use the woman's washroom! You can do that now LOL just put the seat back down!

1/17/2020 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont forget the lock up door being broken for the last few days so there is a garbage can shoved in it since it cant be closed or else it wont open.

1/17/2020 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Union Plumbers??

1/17/2020 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that rat bastard ruined everything chasing the gold and complete political control. i went to work for a working dept in 1980 and not only did we turn out a great product but we turned a profit. daley took our rate payer budget and put it in the general fund. then he shorted us on equip and supplies. at the time we had all real tradesmen from all the trades who were tired of layoffs and driving 150 miles r/ t to work, used a phone call to get with the city. we were all happy to be there and went the extra mile for the taxpayers. we also had very few office or management spots and everything worked as it should. daley filled our ranks with useless criminals and drug addict politicals. know nothing, do nothings that bragged about their clout and abused the medical and sued for anything and everything. next thing you know a tiny office for 2 had adozen payrollers in it. all chiefs and no indians. scandal after scandal, supts and commishioners going to jail etc. and what did dildo daley do? he crushed the remaining workers in the name of reform and didnt fund our pension which now has 3 years of money left. he and his stole all the money. he controlled everything! how is this drooling, mumbling cocksucker still walkin the streets, getting a huge pension and armed valets. he did this, all of this.the daley and madigan are two mob family bosses who divided up shitcaga a long time ago. ruthless rahm and clueless lori are just two lesser pharohs continueing what daley built and perfected over decades. there will be no pyramids built to these lesser gods, they will be forgotten soon after they retire and their ashes will be spread on the shit lagoons along I 55. i would give anything to see that dyslexic cunt in general population at cook county.

1/17/2020 01:50:00 AM


a little even more old-timey history: Chicago had a real reform mayor in the early 1950s, Irish guy by the name of Kennelly. The Bridgeport Irish hated him because he was not corrupt, so they put Daley I up instead as a so-called "reform candidate" and won the primary. Deal done.

Daley I couldn't exactly tell the young WW II vets to go f*ck themselves, so he had to honor the Civil Service rankings based on -- you guessed it -- legitimate tests given after the War. What Daley did, however, was he stopped any new tests for city jobs, so future vets could not scare the hell out of him like the young vets did. He was already scared enough of the outfit.

As soon as Daley I died the Irish mob fought over the spoils, and drinkin' Jane Byrne (with help from a young prick called Michael Madigan) was the one who stopped honoring Civil Service results to put really dumb SW-side clouted Irish into senior city jobs. So by the 1980s clouted fools were managing clouted new hires in all city departments.

It was only a matter of time before the police department got the disease, and then "diversity" meant the spoils had to be shared out. More fair? Sure, if more fair means more incompetence and dishonesty from the worst of each ethnic group, including the Blacks, who've taken it to an absurd level and screwed their own people most of all in the process.

Daley II/Madigan was the evil idiot-son extension of what his father started. Now, it is Detroit, baby, here we come.

1/17/2020 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kulbida Plumbing Co.

1/17/2020 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again

Contact Nina Cozzo Director of Facility's at 2FM

She is the big shot who is supposed to handle all these situations

1/17/2020 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same thing in 010

1/17/2020 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rant on Dumb Dumb Daley was perfect and well said. One day while working a side job his advance security approached me and said move back out of sight and don't look at the mayor. I had no problem with that because he was the most poisonous seed this city ever saw. Jeff Fort and Joey the Clown and even Al Capone were pimps compared to Daley. He should be rotting in prison or hung from the Picasso. So when he arrived and I stayed far away. While he was waiting to be introduced to the event he noticed me and to kill some time he saw me and decided to start strolling my way. I was in civilian dress but was wearing a shirt that had a Chicago Police Star on it. As he got closer I I turned my back and looked the other way. He was only a few steps away and said excuse me as I turned towards him I could see his hand extended to shake my hand. As I turned he saw my shirt dropped his hand and said shit turned his back approached his lead detail and gave him an earful. When the detail guy told him that I was the bodyguard for the entertainment he stormed off. Maybe he will make Hells Olympic Team,!

1/17/2020 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm this is a workplace osha type lawsuit. The city has to rent some mobile bathrooms for the outside .

1/17/2020 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Lori's push for minority/BOWA types - I got a kick out of her "we need set asides for LGBT community". Now how in the hell does that get verified? Its pretty simple for an African American to verify their race (as long as its not that Rachel Dolezal lady - wtf?). But couldn't anyone walk in and say "I'm gay - I want my piece of the pie"? How does one prove they are gay.....? I don't think I want to know. May lead to fraud. Wait - FRAUD IN CHICAGO?? Never.

1/17/2020 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing new! When HQ was at 1121 State, urine use to run down the walls of the Stolen Auto Section, leaking from women's detention. Another Daley plumbing job

1/17/2020 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Check out the tac office in 12. Literally sewage leaking through the pipes and through the tiles. Took them days to even get the engineer to come look at it. City is a fukn joke

1/17/2020 12:05:00 A

Call back and tell them it’s the commanders office and he is not happy about it. When they show up an hour later tell them you made a mistake and you were told it was the commanders of but it’s the tact office

1/17/2020 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another quality job by Walsh

1/17/2020 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m sure there’s a work order somewhere...right?
Wonder who manages that facility and why they are still employed.
(Submit full details and complaint to the Inspector General)

One pot is cracked, clogged or a bad flush valve and the only solution is to shut them all down?
Was the sink and toilet water shut off too?
Who ordered ALL the pots to be bagged and duck taped and ignored the problem?
Janitorial service is known to do stuff like that when they don’t want to scrub the pots, mop floor or occasionally drop in a urinal mint.

For the record Lari LightLoafer spent $250,000 in taxpayer shakedown TIF funds to lower the ceiling and desk legs in her office and y’all looking for a pot to piss in. Mmmmm-mmm-mm.

(I believe the first urinal was intended for the feller’ from Arkansas. Get it?)

1/17/2020 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U know they used union plumbers, right???
Yeah, that's the ticket.

1/17/2020 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you have third world untrained workers working on these buildings what did you expect.


1/17/2020 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Osha doesnt do shit. They write a report that goes to......... the city. Duh. There is no follow up,
No fines, no fixin’. First dist had biting bugs, shit storms, floods, stink for days. Not one thing has been done.
Call FOP see if Garza will help you.............. !!!!????!!!!!

1/17/2020 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of order is a suggestion, not a mandate. PISS AWAY!

(it will evaporate in time... Never mind the stink)

1/17/2020 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Fly on the Wall said...

All of them are Out of Order? What a joke. It probably took more time to tape them all up then it would have to fix at least one of them. But then you need a work order, and a highly paid plumber to come out and that is weeks out. I'm just going to Piss on the Floor. It only takes a short time to get a custodian to clean up a mess.
Alas...This is the "city that works..." FYI....CPD is now a 3rd world Nation

1/17/2020 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All city construction projects have a certain number of "Set asides" for various construction companies. Need I say more ???

1/17/2020 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Beck and Malinowski fix the plumbing and sanitary problems in 007 and other Districts Stations. How can you talk about restructuring and reorganizing the Dept. when your men and women can't perform routine bodily functions in a sanitary environment. You are violating city laws, regulations and ordinances you dumb shits. If you ran a business like this the city would shut you down and the fake news would plaster your face all over the media.

If you guys had any balls you'd be looking down at the Imp Mayor and screaming to get this embarrassing situation fixed. The Imp is touting that Philadelphia PD want to model itself like Chicago PD , they are even dumber than we initially thought. I hope their shitters work for the sake of their officers.

Beck and his lapdog are a bigger joke than originally thought. If you were still Chief in LA you wouldn't stand for this crap. Here in Shitty City its standard corrupt operating procedure. Maybe you can talk to the Imp and have her get some of those Gay Community off set contractors to come in and do a better job than the Democratic clout contractors that screwed things up. Things are fucked up because the city administration under Daley, Rahm and now Shorty is fucked up. Fix the problem Beck.

1/17/2020 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BOWA is not even founded by a long-time citizen Af-Am, but by a Nigerian (maybe he told his cousins to harass Jussie for some Federal crumbs for the T-man). And what an affront to the fiery erstwhile Cubs shortstop Larry.

1/17/2020 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Steve said...

Piss here, piss there, piss anywhere. That's what you get when you build new police stations with Home Depot parking lot labor. Only in Chicago!

1/17/2020 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just start pissing in every corner of the station, piss in the locker rooms, interrogation rooms etc. I know this is gross but it will get thier attention.

1/17/2020 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Lori Lightfoot that MLK wanted equal opportunity , not set asides for gays , minorities.
MLK did not support same sex marriages.
He also would not approve of young men and women committing thefts, robberies and being released on an I Bond to cause morecrime .

1/17/2020 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha the just want you sit down to pee. No more male privilege.

1/17/2020 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Google Army Field Manual (FM) 21-10 Field Hygiene & Sanitation This is NOT a joke. Old Unit SOP: 100 meters away from anything and 1 foot deep and used by 1 man one time only. Nothing like trying to dig in the frozen German soil in the middle of a snowstorm and then squatting over it until “Mission Accomplished” and them covering it up

1/17/2020 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next step: Chamber Pots and/or Indoor Porta-Potties

1/17/2020 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe FOP should spring for some Porta-Potties for 007 to show the City how ridiculous this situation truly is for its CPD?

1/17/2020 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they fix the disgusting leaking and moldy bathrooms at the old area 4 before they are re-opened? How about the plastic covered water fountains on the second floor ? Just axin.

1/17/2020 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok are we gonna get into the "what's the difference between a guy from bridgeport and canaryville" joke here.seems appropriate though.

1/17/2020 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Kulbida Plumbing Co.

1/17/2020 10:00:00 AM

Toilet paper dispenser is a slot machine?

Pull the handle and maybe you win a square
of single-ply to wipe your ass?

It's an Ed Kulbida production after all
so damn right you gots to pay!

Stall locks on entry and as soon as
your ass hits the seat, you're wearing
spring-loaded leg irons.

No cell signal so you better be a
leather-lunged m/fer and yell for help.

...What's in YOUR wallet?

1/17/2020 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just drop trou, grab the handles of a plastic
shopping bag, squat and let the funk fly, wet wipe,
tie the bag, pull up and secure pants and
be on your way...

(Watch for the nasty m/fer to not WASH their hands)

Dispose of decently please...

Sign Seen At Kibera Slums
during our brief sojourn in Kenya:

"No More Flying Toilets!"

Wretched place made even more wretched
by simpletons uphill flinging their
"toilets" downhill.

Kinda like how the CHA cliff-dwellers
used to show their love and appreciation
toward The Police back in the day.

1/17/2020 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bathrooms in 007 are disgusting anyway. Constant Piss and shit on the toilet seats and on the floor. And if you somehow manage to get it in the toliet, why flush it right? POs, including Tact and gang sat etc units abuse the shit out of them
Someone shit OUTSIDE of the toilet once recently in the mens locker room stalls upstairs. I get it you hate the city blah blah blah but why disrespect our cleaning staff and make a disgusting environment for fellow working officers. Bosses and lightfoot arent the ones who have to clean it. Maybe the plumbers came by saw the fucking mess and said fuck this these slobs can make a mess elsewhere in the meantime whats the rush.

1/17/2020 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:54 old time chicago history. well written and oh so true ! the old man was corrupt but for the working people. the kid little richie rich was just a spoiled power hungry little bitch with a napolean syndrome. hope he has vip seating in hell, he'll be there for awhile.

1/18/2020 02:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area South or should I say Area 2 Detectives bathroom is disgusting! 🤮. The locker room is a joke! The Area in general is a rat hole! Infested with rats, mice and bugs. You can’t even get a chairs and desk set up blows as well.

1/18/2020 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly. I piss in the sink or on the plastic cover then.

Out of order is a suggestion, not a mandate. PISS AWAY!

(it will evaporate in time... Never mind the stink)

1/18/2020 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, let’s build Obamas library to which no one will even go to read any books.

1/18/2020 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the earlier posters idea that the FOP should rent some porta pottie's and put them out side for officers to use, then call the media and see if they will run with it...It would be a good time to get a mold detection inspection and bring that up as well.

Well FOP's your move.

1/18/2020 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
But, let’s build Obamas library to which no one will even go to read any books."

In two years the foundation will be cracked, and the toilets wont flush there either. The only difference is that since no one will go there, No one will notice...I suggest encouraging all the homeless in the district halls and vestibules to go there. Tell them there is free food and blankets.

1/18/2020 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to qualify. Wentworth has better bathrooms then 10. And a hell of alot cleaner.

1/19/2020 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heat fixed at 050. 28,000. BTU propane heater in the roll call room. Hope someone is keeping an eye on the lit burner end. Would suck if the place burned down.

1/19/2020 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bathrooms in 007 are disgusting anyway. Constant Piss and shit on the toilet seats and on the floor. And if you somehow manage to get it in the toliet, why flush it right? POs, including Tact and gang sat etc units abuse the shit out of them
Someone shit OUTSIDE of the toilet once recently in the mens locker room stalls upstairs. I get it you hate the city blah blah blah but why disrespect our cleaning staff and make a disgusting environment for fellow working officers. Bosses and lightfoot arent the ones who have to clean it. Maybe the plumbers came by saw the fucking mess and said fuck this these slobs can make a mess elsewhere in the meantime whats the rush.

Yeah okay roddy.

1/19/2020 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its okay Chicago is going full blown progressive even got a honcho from LA, we dont need no sticking bathrooms in progressive cities you piss and shit on the public way.

1/19/2020 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NINA COZZO What a wasted position

1/21/2020 07:40:00 AM  

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