Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Sweet - Serial Fabulist

  • President Donald Trump continued his relentless attacks on Chicago on Monday, saying from the White House, “Can you imagine if the country was run like Chicago and like New York and like some of these other Democrat super radical left cities are run?

    “You wouldn’t have a country for very long,” he said, a wild overstatement.
Actually, Law and Order is kind of important in creating and maintaining a functioning city. You wouldn't know it in shitholes like New York Chicago, LA, Mogadishu, Kabul or other places.

Lynn then lists two of the previous four weekends where over 60 people were shot, conveniently skipping over the Father's Day weekend of over 100. Then she tells her first whopper of a lie:
  • “In recent weeks, our country’s police officers have been really under siege,” Trump said, adding, “radical politicians want to defund and abolish the police from our nation.” No one has suggested abolishing police.
Really? Would you like to see a list of politicians who have advocated exactly that? Would you like to to see the recent vote of the City Council of Minneapolis that voted unanimously to do exactly that? Tens of dozens of lefty commie politicians have used those exact words - defund the police - and then they explain that this means exactly what it sounds like.

Lynn engages in the usual waffling once her handlers realize this doesn't play well in Peoria....or any other reasonably sane jurisdiction needed to win an election.

Then she tells her next big lie:
  • The chokehold killing of George Floyd, an African American, at the hands of a white Minneapolis police officer started a conversation across the country about police brutality.
Chokehold killing? Has Lynn done even the most basic journalistic research? It doesn't seem she has, so here's the actual autopsy report from Minnesota:
Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe; Hypertensive heart disease; Fentanyl; Methamphetamine; Cannabinoids.

Floyd died of a heart attack due to underlying health conditions and a history of extensive drug abuse brought on by exertion, partially due to involvement in a strenuous fight with law enforcement. This doesn't absolve the police of blame (positional asphyxia factors aggravated stressor levels), but it paints a more accurate picture of what happened.

Next up - blame the inanimate objects via Groot:
  • Actually, Lightfoot and Pritzker do have quite a clue when it comes to curbing gun violence. There is an urgent need for nationwide gun legislation so guns can’t find their way from Indiana to the city.
No they don't or we wouldn't be averaging seventy shot per weekend. Guns don't find their way anywhere - they are brought over or stolen by criminals. Perhaps Lynn (and Groot) should be asking why gun runners are either not charged or offered sweetheart deals that don't involve jail time for charges that should go federal? We've spotlighted at least two, and you know there must be dozens more.

This tripe is exactly why the public has lost all trust in the media. The obvious lies exposed with maybe two minutes of searching the internet. There isn't even an effort to appear even handed. They must know that no one reads past the first few lines though - "No one in this world, so far as I know ... has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If these guns supposedly mostly come from Indiana, why doesn't Indiana have a bigger problem than Chicago? Trump 🇺🇸 2020

7/15/2020 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never heard of this woman but she’s dumb. Many politicians have called for defunding the police

7/15/2020 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God damn am I tired of her and the rest of her lame media ilk that keep spewing the same melodramatic lines. "Derek Chauvin, a white man, and George Floyd, a black man,"... Yeah, no shit genius. There was also a black cop and a Chinese cop on scene that didn't do anything to prevent it either. So are we supposed to believe that police departments are brain washing other minorities when they get on the job to become executioners of African Americans?

That Minneapolis shit show is just an example of piss poor training. Look no further then our own hometown Chicago PD goofs that shot that caucasian looking spanish guy on the El platform a few months ago....whom were Black! One guy told me at the academy that they were starting to teach restraining chokeholds before the Floyd caper went down. I hope he was full of shit because this department has been hiring people that I wouldn't trust to use hand cuffs or drive a squad car, much less being taught to mess around with someone's neck!

"Drug addicted BLACK loser, Floyd, ran into a Team Awesome, probably picked on in high school, hard charger named Chauvin, who is WHITE, now we all have to suffer," is what most of these poorly written media articles should start out by saying.

7/15/2020 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are speaking to the uneducated dummies who just believe what these morons say without any bother of checking facts. Its propaganda to,the morons who just lap it up.

7/15/2020 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats should be able trace the guns through Indiana by the trail of Indianan bodies and blood?

Or are Indiana guns only able to Chicagoans? Especially Black Chicagoans?

7/15/2020 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep. Go 100% on targeting and enforcement against gun traffickers and there would be a significant decrease in shootings. But that requires going after the suspects who gave the bad guys guns. That'd require a huge increase in investigative hours and cooperation from many jurisdictions and would take awhile to get it done.

7/15/2020 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet that guy is paid top dollar to post bs online—

7/15/2020 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it now that there is a problem with guns and we need more new gun laws. In 1950’s we had a million more people in Chicago and in 1954 we had under 300 murders. In fact we had more people in Chicago in 1920’s and in 1920 we had 200 murders. I wonder why we have so much violence with less people living here now.

Don’t believe shit the politicians have to say. All lies.

7/15/2020 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DemocRATS are big on regulation and don’t want to hold anyone accountable. Just take away peoples rights to protect themselves and their families.

7/15/2020 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reviewing the 20 pages of the autopsy and toxicology reports, I have a few conclusions. He had so many different drugs in him between his choice of getting high, and what the hospital induced to try to save him, he was pretty much fucked. His heart just couldn’t tolerate it..

I firmly believe that certain offenders, including DWI would have a different outlook if judges would sentence them to witness at least three autopsies of this magnitude. Perhaps if Floyd would’ve witnessed on like this prior to his encounter, he may have taken a different avenue in life. He was carved up very extensively. Organs sliced and diced just like those knife commercials. Appears that there was some skin pulled back for further inspection.

No doubt, a second autopsy will be done for his family’s part of the lottery.

If any of you get an opportunity to witness an autopsy, take advantage of it. You can learn a lot.

7/15/2020 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't consider that a "wild overstatement" at all, it sounds like the truth. But then, the democrats hate when reality intrudes on their utopian view of society. The truth hurts!

7/15/2020 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those evil guns in Indiana, yet only 'urban' pest holes like Indianapolis suffer scores of killings. Weird, the 'gun violence' really concentrates in certain areas. Is anyone else tired of the constant gas lighting and outright lies coming from these failed democrat politicians? Wake up if you want to have a city a decade from now, and it ain't global warming you need to worry about.

7/15/2020 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sun-Times and the Tribune are only good for lining the bottom of the bird cage.

7/15/2020 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guns are not the problem.
Guns have never been the problem.
If Guns were a problem, downstate Illinois and Rural Indiana would be bloody abattoirs with dead bodies stacked in the morgues.
The problems are the Criminals that use guns.
The criminals that State Attorney Foxx refuses to lock up, refuses to prosecute, and is proud of putting criminals and alleged criminals back on the streets, where the criminals keep doing crimes and keep hurting the people they prey on.
Add in all the prisoners released by the Democrats that are back to their criminal ways.

The criminals are the problem. As long as criminals run free, they continue to do crimes to keep themselves in money, drugs, and booze. When the criminals are on the streets they also prey on each other. They are actually safer in jail than on the streets.

7/15/2020 02:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Lynn then lists two of the previous four weekends where over 60 people were shot, conveniently skipping over the Father's Day weekend of over 100.”

C'mon now. It was a holiday weekend: Junteenth. You can't count THAT.


7/15/2020 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she and that troll groot must be using what fentanyl george was snorting

7/15/2020 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know how these “reporters” can sleep at night. They are just as corrupt as the politicians.

7/15/2020 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an urgent need for nationwide gun legislation so guns can’t find their way from Indiana to the city.

Well Lori are you going to tell Grandmas in Gary IN to stop buying guns for the homeboys! My friend's shop has been sued so many times all legit sales records of everything why are elderly women from Gary IN buying arsenals and reporting them stolen then these guns are used in crimes in Chicago. Chicago Detectives please trace these weapons back to these women reporting them stolen make the connection!

7/15/2020 03:24:00 AM  
Blogger Exsemexleo said...

We have hsd the shots all along. #1 was to violate a guy on parole upon the agent's
Recommendation, which the State Parole board often ignored. The second was to notify federal government agencies so they
Could seek

7/15/2020 04:34:00 AM  
Blogger Exsemexleo said...

Federal inditements from the Fbi or atf.

7/15/2020 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose if you're gonna burn down the country, it might as well be for a drug addict piece of shit that probably would have had a heart attack in 2 weeks anyway... >sarcasm<

7/15/2020 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They couldn't have picked a bigger piece of shit to burn the country down over...

7/15/2020 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The chokehold killing of George Floyd, an African American, at the hands of a white Minneapolis police officer started a conversation across the country about police brutality.


It started a heavily censored one-way conversation. When Terry Crews attempted to interject that most blacks are killed by other blacks Don Lemon (from Chicago I am sad to discover) stated words to the effect of "we are not talking about that right now - effectively shutting down the conversation.

And bring up the point that more whites (not per capita but in total) are killed by police - same thing - "we are not talking about that." So we can only talk about what THEY want to talk about. Get a load of this arrogant prick Don Lemon.

7/15/2020 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a Doctor by any means,

But after 18 years as a Violent crime Detective, with 32 years in a major Urban city.
I have read enough ME reports. And this one clearly shows the cause of Floyd’s death!
This Guy Floyd has an autopsy report that shows his body was abused by Floyd prior to the incident
with the Minneapolis Police.
The ingestion of the amount of known chemicals and the stress on his body Organs are the direct reasons this man is dead.
The report further shows no signs of choking and no signs of strangulation.

It is clear that Floyd resisted his arrest which caused the officers to secure him on the ground.
Which up to that date was and still is a standard police method of restraint.

If you remove the resistance by Floyd himself. He would still be alive!
Or remove the drugs from within Floyd’s system. He would be alive!
And the events of Floyd Arrest would have been uneventful.

It is clearly possible that if Floyd was allowed to resist by flailing around inside of the police vehicle or on ground
that his body would have begun to shut down anyway and his death would have happen in custody inside of the vehicle
Or when being processed at lockup?

So the case in point was that Floyd was a ticking time bomb and that his health conditions were on the boarder of failing!
And Floyd's criminal activity caused interdiction by Law enforcement which contributed to his death.

Sad but true Floyd’s death may have been prevented if Floyd would have not resisted or taken drugs that caused his death!
It is just bad luck that these 4 officers are now being blamed for Floyd’s death!

The knee on the neck looks bad on video, but the report shows no damage to the tissue which would have choked Floyd.
His choking on camera video may have been caused by fluid building up in his lungs due to past drug usage and Covid-19 symptoms.
Which Floyd tested positive for.

This man would be a victim of COVID-19 if this event had not taken place.

7/15/2020 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sun-Times and the Tribune are only good for lining the bottom of the bird cage.

7/15/2020 01:35:00 AM

I tried using them to line the birdcage, but it was no good. It was too difficult to get the hardened bird shit off my laptop screen!

7/15/2020 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired guy living in rural illinois posting. In my neighborhood with homes on 1 plus acre lots, myself and 2 close neighbors have enough guns to outfit a small central America nations army. How many people shot around here in the last 20 yrs? None.

7/15/2020 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George floyd carjacker felon on judge Judy reporters come on all this troubled for a pos blaming the police:

7/15/2020 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been federal law for decades regarding buying firearms from out of state; you must be a resident of that state to purchase a handgun, but not a long gun. Or you can have the purchased handgun transferred to a dealer in your home state. The mayor should know this as she was a federal prosecutor. I suspect she does know this but is looking for an excuse, any excuse for the killing except what is the real reason. Chicago, with one million less people then 50 years ago, tens of thousands less black people in the city, but still the killing fields of the midwest.

7/15/2020 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lynn Sweet just might be a racist.

7/15/2020 06:57:00 AM  
Blogger Cletus Van Dam said...

Funny how my ancestral home of Valparaiso isn't a killing zone with all of those easily-available guns there.

7/15/2020 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is exactly why i will never buy a Chicago newspaper

7/15/2020 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago has been the laughing stock of the United States for quite some time now. Tie the hands of the police, demonize law enforcement, release everyone ever arrested on I-Bonds or home monitoring, allow nightly rioting and looting in the prime tourist areas of the city, shut down all income producing businesses under the guise of Covid precautions and have the bought and paid for media keep telling the sheeple that everything is fine - hmmmm, what could go wrong?

Illinois is a democratic failed experiment

7/15/2020 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the assholes like Lynn Sweet know that George Floyd not only had all those drugs in his system but put a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman to get money to buy those drugs, Fuck You Lynn Sweet and Fuck You Groot and Fuck You bla
clack lives matter.

7/15/2020 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet in Groot-opia.

There, did it.

7/15/2020 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Floyd was positive for COVID-19...doesn't that mean he was a COVID death and that's what killed him? Can't have it both ways.

7/15/2020 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any of you get an opportunity to witness an autopsy, take advantage of it. You can learn a lot.

7/15/2020 01:24:00 AM

They used to strongly suggest that you volunteer your time to view an autopsy on your own time on a Saturday while you were a recruit in the academy. After you see at least two, you go to LuLu’s on Taylor St. for a bowl of chili! Great tradition.....

7/15/2020 07:50:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

And of course, our media was lapping it up like a stray dog at a puddle.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/15/2020 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An interesting read here, where, on MSNBC, the mayor, on gun violence, blames...........drumroll please...... TRUMP.


7/15/2020 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are no federal charges brought because RINO Lausch takes his orders from his bff Lori. Where is the big Madigan indictment? Total bs, indictment of Burke only intended to help Lori win. That’s the fact.

7/15/2020 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The board of elections should be under federal scrutiny for only allowing machine approved candidates, followed by a leaflet drop from an airplane every week until the election explaining demorat and media lies, idiocy, etc.

7/15/2020 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that I know I can go to Indiana and fill up a truck with assault rifles... According to our mayors very public statement.. I just may do that today. Maybe I can get some body armor as well. That way I can fight my way out of this city when they let all illegals in with free health care, legal help, food stamps, college, etc.. and get them to “pledge allegiance to the new world order and good governance” (lightfoot) and essentially become our new Masters.

7/15/2020 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do they dig up these Liberal ScumBags?

7/15/2020 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most interesting line in the autopsy is the one where there
No evidence of any neck suppression contributing to
his death.......of any kind......
While video was disturbing to say the least,
autopsy results say it really didn’t have much to do with
Floyd’s death.
(Would imagine the family’s autopsy by Baden will differ greatly)

7/15/2020 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/15/2020 04:40:00 AM


7/15/2020 09:44:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

You might want to look at the latest Jack Dunphy article, Demoralizing the Police is a Big Mistake. As usual from Dunphy, an excellent article.

7/15/2020 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More bullshit from the usual suspects. If you can't get guns in Indiana, you have 48 other states to pick from. I guess now Indiana CAN BLAME ILLINOIS FOR ALL OF THE ILLEGAL MARIJUANA COMING INTO THEIR STATE!

7/15/2020 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had my first ambulance ride the other day. I had 6 fractures in my pelvis and 3 fractured ribs. The Paramedic asked me if I wanted to feel no pain at all for the ride. I said yes, I had been in excruciating pain for several hours. He told the other tech, "Fentanyl". Even though he was a professional and I had a reason for doing this drug, it scared the living hell out of me. A minute or two later, pure bliss. I was really having a good time greeting the hospital techs, nurses, and doctors. They hit me two more times with it. "Pelvis, what broken pelvis"? It not only erased the pain, but that stuff also erased my fears of being broken.
A big strong guy on Fentanyl resisting arrest is a really bad situation. There will be no pain compliance. You feel nothing, you fear nothing. It seems like they never take that into consideration.

7/15/2020 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as the criminals target wealthy neighborhoods suddenly the liberals will demand more police. Already residents who live in the Loop are complaining it's too dangerous to walk their dogs in the evening. This is the future of every neighborhood

7/15/2020 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need our own news channel!!! Put the real news out there!

7/15/2020 10:41:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

I just finished reading George Flyod's Autopsy Report, all 20 pages. All I can say is... Holy Shit! Is there any illegal drug that guy >Wasn't< taking that day?

Pot, Meth, Fentanyl, and 'Morphine' (Heroin?). No wonder the goof thought he could pass a phony $20 dollar bill -- he was stoned out of his mind. That drug concoction could also explain his resisting arrest bullshit. (why do they ALWAYS resist arrest?)

That concoction can also explain his death. Add those drugs with his numerous medical issues and he was a 'dead man walking'.

Note, I'm NOT excusing the 'Knee to the neck', that was stupid, wrong, and maybe illegal, but Jezus H, a healthy person not on drugs may have survived 'the knee' a majority of times. (and maybe that's why the cop used it??)

IMHO that Autopsy Report is going to make for an interesting trial.

(Squad, 9-Ida)

7/15/2020 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet, you are nothing but a hack. And not a very good one.

7/15/2020 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lynn has been living inside the broom closet in the old
Groot house. That's how she molds her robots.
Miss Groot, Miss Groot can I come out now?

7/15/2020 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relentless attacks.

Seven (7) consecutive weekends since the Memorial Day slaughter, double digit homicides, and +50 shootings, incl. dozens under 13 yoa. and THAT ISN’T A RELENTLESS ATTACK ?
Fifty six (56) homicides and only half way through July...That’s Not Relentless?
Continued wildings, continued Looting, empty courtrooms, affordable bonds and releasing violent repeat assailants and Thats not relentless???

Larri perches on a podium inside a OEMC bunker and give a virtual press conference while these frightened StayAtHome “reporters” type their questions a day in advance. Some journalistic integrity.
They won’t even consider relentless crime and violence being worthy of a referendum on Lockdown Larri LightFührer’s scatterbrained denial leadership.
But they sure have the Covid’s metrics and science.

7/15/2020 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot is full of shit, she was a federal prosecutor- she could have done something when she was in that office. Anybody remember when woman went to Indiana bought 52 guns brought him back to Illinois and sold them to the bangers on the Southside? Lying on a 4473 52 times for a straw purchase, transporting 52 guns across state lines for sale to prohibit person, selling guns and ammunition to a person without a FOID card 52 times? She should have gotten about 1500 years in jail. But instead of that, old Sly Fox dropped all the charges except one, broke that one down to a misdemeanor, gave the gun Runner six months in jail, and after the time served credit she walked out as soon as the trial was over. So don't give me any of that fucking bullshit about how we need more gun laws, all we need is for Sly Fox to be in jail for dereliction of Duty, and then put a real prosecutor in there who put some keeps people in prison forever when they pull that crap.

7/15/2020 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing. In Lynn's world "starting a conversation" includes rioting, looting and attacking police.

7/15/2020 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lynn Sweet is sour grapes. Another doom and gloom activist reporter. Selective reporting to fit the narrative. She never let's the facts get in the way of her story. Give her the story line and she'll write it up the way you want it. Covering up for the Machine and their corruptive practices for years. She aims to please. Great job of activist journalism.

7/15/2020 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

America is being DESTROYED from see it happening now!!!!

7/15/2020 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I heard, CUP Foods where the George Floyd shit all started was still shut down.
They opened, and then closed after the mob caused trouble.

7/15/2020 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Jonnie Dougs said...

Lynn ‘Swass’ was high on the list of Sparklefart’s ball sniffers...

7/15/2020 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news media ONLY reports news or stories those which they want you to hear,they don't report the entire facts of the news.

7/15/2020 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fake news media ONLY reports news or stories those news or stories that they want you to hear. The fake news media does NOT report the entire true news in whole.

7/15/2020 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any of you get an opportunity to witness an autopsy, take advantage of it. You can learn a lot.

7/15/2020 01:24:00 AM

When one's stock and trade is to see humanity in its most debased forms, then autopsies should be attended as part of training. That being said, 'people' like Floyd would hardly be concerned at the results of their activities. It would be a good idea to give more opportunities for attendance. They are informative, for sure. Not sure how many drunken POS's would learn though

7/15/2020 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it now that there is a problem with guns and we need more new gun laws. In 1950’s we had a million more people in Chicago and in 1954 we had under 300 murders. In fact we had more people in Chicago in 1920’s and in 1920 we had 200 murders. I wonder why we have so much violence with less people living here now.

Don’t believe shit the politicians have to say. All lies.

7/15/2020 01:18:00 AM

The Outfit took care of the idiots, Sibbil Rahts hadn't empowered unwed mothers and TANF wasn't a career choice for those that couldn't keep their legs together. An entire Community based on juvenile delinquency, and supported by The Party is the new reality.

7/15/2020 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:43 AM
I am not a Doctor (20 years reading ME's)
-how right you are sir!
You don't need to be an Einstein to come to those
conclusions. Those ME reports are meant to be pretty
simple to understand.

7/15/2020 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate (no I don't) to break it to Xena the Warrior Princess, but the guns are coming from everywhere legally and illegally, not just from Indiana. People buy guns here legally here every day, so stuff that strawman argument. But what I really love, what really makes me chuckle? I moved to Indiana but ya know where I bought my last firearm? At Jesses, Flakeys and a whole bunch of asstards most hated place: that's right kids, at CHUCKS in Riverdale. A reputable gunstore run by upstanding people. I went to school with the current owner and am proud to call him a friend. Go jump on the horse with the Ghetto cowboy and ride away Groot!

7/15/2020 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lynn Sweet has never been a real journalist, She spent eight years in Washington DC licking Obamas ass, And now he is gone and so is she. So now she licks Groot's ass. She is just a commie like the rest. Zero creditability.

7/15/2020 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha, Ha.......

Demorats this is what you wanted.

Fuck you!

7/15/2020 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Sauganash best prepare.Lori Is moving in,she is under contract with this 1.9 million dollar home: 5792 N Rogers Ave, Chicago

7/15/2020 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least the propagandists at PRAVDA worked with an AK at the back of their heads. These legacy media fools are writing lies voluntarily. They stupidly think they'll be part of the ruling-class if this Stalinist take-over actually works at some point. They don't realize their heads will be the first on a bloody stick.

7/15/2020 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
As soon as the criminals target wealthy neighborhoods suddenly the liberals will demand more police. Already residents who live in the Loop are complaining it's too dangerous to walk their dogs in the evening. This is the future of every neighborhood

7/15/2020 10:41:00 AM

Black lies matter is coming to Palos sat and bikers from that bar on Kean ave are going to confront them come watch the show!

7/15/2020 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did you expect from a Berkeley trained propagandist?

7/15/2020 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

being retired i get to see too much daily party propaganda on the msm. i got to see saint laquan meet his doom about 16000 times. now its saint george flloyd and the knee on the neck caper. also assorted police misconduct against the poor margenilized poc's turning their lives around. minor hands on police work ranted into nationwide outrage. how about this. a new legit channel like the cancelled cops that shows the communities attacks on citizens. 2000 shot in shitcago already, how many nationwide in democrat third world sanctuary cities. post the proudly filmed beatings, stabbings, shootings, jackings and assorted depravity. air it over and over, 24/7, like they did with our recently cannonized community saints. show it all, the threats, the violence, the screams and crying, the blood and the guts. then show how they treat the responding cops and medics. i dindo nuffin, i din see nuffin. play it over and over and over nonstop for years. the media on the dnc orders brainwashed the countries easily led to believe the cops are blood thirsty racist killers. turnabout. show the weak minded who the monsters really are. let them rationalize these savages with their preconcieved dnc thought processes. it would absolutely work, so therefore they would never let that happen. fight propaganda with overwhelming truth. rolling thunder. showing the beast for what he is. whaa tha raciss ! the popo be genecidin us an shit. so tired of the dnc mind control and thought police. shine the light of TRUTH on this false political agenda, so even the most blind liberal would be FORCED to see the TRUTH !

7/16/2020 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMHO that Autopsy Report is going to make for an interesting trial.

(Squad, 9-Ida)


No it's not. The only thing interesting will be how much overtime we will be making during his trial. Most of our country and the entire criminal justice system is now under the control of our new Racial Socialist overlords. Spoiler Alert: Officer Derek Chauvin will be found guilty of Murder no matter what the autopsy report says. Probably the same for that poor officer in Atlanta. Jussie Smollett will be found not guilty as well (most likely a mistrial). Final Spoiler Alert: the war is over...we lost.

7/16/2020 06:54:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

"...Lynn was high on the list of Sparklefarts ball lickers... "

Not true. I have it on good authority that Barack would never let an icky girl near his nether regions.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/16/2020 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We recall someone being called a
"Folklorist" some years ago.

Someone who has a problem with truth telling and context.

7/16/2020 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It started a heavily censored one-way conversation. When Terry Crews attempted to interject that most blacks are killed by other blacks Don Lemon (from Chicago I am sad to discover) stated words to the effect of "we are not talking about that right now - effectively shutting down the conversation.

And bring up the point that more whites (not per capita but in total) are killed by police - same thing - "we are not talking about that." So we can only talk about what THEY want to talk about. Get a load of this arrogant prick Don Lemon.

7/15/2020 05:28:00 AM

Of course not. You're shining light on an area that no one wants light shone on. Why do you think "Black leaders" are demanding the return of NYPD's anti-crime unit? Because without it, the true identity of the CRIMINALS is without question.


7/17/2020 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as the criminals target wealthy neighborhoods suddenly the liberals will demand more police. Already residents who live in the Loop are complaining it's too dangerous to walk their dogs in the evening. This is the future of every neighborhood

7/15/2020 10:41:00 AM

Golly! Where was their "police support" during the rioting & anti-police demonstrations? (Rhetorical question. We already know the answer.)


7/17/2020 12:24:00 AM  

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