Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Cash Bail Ending

Releasing criminals willy-nilly has worked so well across Illinois that the Illinois Supreme Court dismissed the appeals of nearly 100 county States Attorneys and decided the voters deserve to get what they voted for - good and hard:

  • The Illinois Supreme Court has upheld a state law ending cash bail across the state, giving courts two more months before they must implement the change.

    Illinois will now be the first state to fully abolish cash bail.

    In a 5-2 ruling Tuesday morning, the state's highest court overturned a ruling by a Kankakee County judge that the law ending cash bail was unconstitutional. The end to cash bail will now go into effect across the entire state on Sept. 18, according to the Illinois Supreme Court ruling.

    "The Illinois Constitution of 1970 does not mandate that monetary bail is the only means to ensure criminal defendants appear for trials or the only means to protect the public. Our constitution creates a balance between the individual rights of defendants and the individual rights of crime victims. The Act's pretrial release provisions set forth procedures commensurate with that balance," Justice Mary Jane Theis wrote in the ruling.

In this entire case, the legislature, Crimesha and that other asshole from Lake County, claim that offenders are also victims, and therefore have equal rights as those upon whom they committed crimes:

  • "It means no disruptions with your job or education, no disruptions with your health," said Illinois state Rep. Justin Slaughter (D-Chicago). "If you're a mother or a father, it means no disruptions with your parenting situation."

Maybe if you have responsibilities like those of a parent, you should think beyond the insulated bubble of selfishness and maybe not commit crimes that might land you in jail awaiting trial? 

Sometimes, the only thing keeping a particular asshole in line was the threat of bail revocation. If it was that big of a deal, how about advocating bail reform instead of bail abolition?

Strap in for more mayhem.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stockpile weapons and ammo!!

7/19/2023 01:55:00 AM  
Blogger 6PapaBoner9 said...

"It means no disruptions with your job or education, no disruptions with your health," said Illinois state Rep. Justin Slaughter (D-Chicago). "If you're a mother or a father, it means no disruptions with your parenting situation."

This literally made me laugh out loud.

Those who Slaughter (ironic name, BTW) references are the LAST motherfuckers who need to worry about their world being turned on it’s head due to parenting or employment “disruptions”. I know this. You know this. They ALL know this.

Perpetual victimhood. Now in its third generation.

You get what you vote for.

7/19/2023 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Governor porky the pig is turning this state into a haven for pirates. He doesn't care either, wealth blinds reality.

7/19/2023 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait til crimeisha is a victim of a violent crime

7/19/2023 03:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say goodbye to the remaining businesses on Michigan Ave. and State St.

7/19/2023 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't commit a crime. Obey all laws. Then you never have to worry about arrest, bail, EM, detention, prosecution, fines, jail time, prison etc. Nothing in your life will be disrupted. This is the message that the political morons out there should be telling people. Quit coddling criminals.

7/19/2023 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MY only hope is that only democrats will be victims in the future of these parasites of society. They deserve it.

7/19/2023 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Jersey is the only other state with a law similar, eliminating cash bail statewide, and it does not impose these stringent layers of standards on prosecutors in requesting no bail

7/19/2023 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the real problem here is cook co cannot try a case quickly they are incapable

7/19/2023 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems bizarre to me - So technically an armed carjacker (forcible felony - robbery), if not a threat to a specific person, CANNOT be charged any $ to be let out, but is, by law, let out on an I-Bond, all due to the fact that he is not a threat to a SPECIFIC, IDENTIFIED person? Am I understanding this? (I could be wrong just throwing this out there)

THe state can argue for denial of pretrial release, but then the state has the burden of showing the threat to a 'specific person" i believe, which is not gonna happen in much of anything short of a domestic really.

I am trying to understand when someone who is charged with a FORCIBLE FELONY is to be held in county.

This is what I'm getting:

Standard 2. Detainable Offenses

Forcible felony (but sentence must mandate imprisonment without probation, etc.) + requirement for “specific, real and present threat to any person or the community”

(720 ILCS 5/2-8) (from Ch. 38, par. 2-8)
Sec. 2-8. "Forcible felony". "Forcible felony" means treason, first degree murder, second degree murder, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, aggravated criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual assault, robbery, burglary, residential burglary, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated kidnaping, kidnaping, aggravated battery resulting in great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement and any other felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual.
(Source: P.A. 88-277; 89-428, eff. 12-13-95; 89-462, eff. 5-29-96.)

7/19/2023 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All around the country liberals/progressives are syphoning money away from public safety. It couldn’t be any clearer they do not care about the safety of the average person. And they never have to worry about their safety as they have personal drivers and armed security.

7/19/2023 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See something, say something so the courts can do nothing.

Ain't nothing going to give the streets more incentive to take matters into their own hands as they see the system fails them

7/19/2023 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparantly they just made all misdemeanors legal along with some felonies, it's a sad state of affairs when the offender has more rights than the victim.Those full time criminals with the 20 page rap sheet must be jumping with joy. They've just won a get out of jail free card for life.

7/19/2023 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm ok with it, I don't touch people, report only. Now, give me more over time!

7/19/2023 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arm yourself and cap the bastard instead of calling the police. Otherwise the guy will literally be back on the street before the paperwork is done.

7/19/2023 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/19/2023 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flee..Flee..Flee.....its Texas Tuxedo!!

7/19/2023 09:28:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Wait until the Lunatic Left become repeat victims. Things will change then.

7/19/2023 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect timing! Cleaned out my building and left yesterday.

7/19/2023 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them Leftists become victims...


7/19/2023 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gov. Fred Flintstone is a joke. Here's a suggestion. Don't break the law and you don't need to worry about bail. Stop coddling the criminals.

7/19/2023 10:44:00 AM  
Blogger Mario from the barrio said...

I hope the all these stupid voters get what’s they so richly deserve and it now appears coming down the road!! Get out of this pathetic liberal state as soon as you can. The businesses are ahead of you and know it’s here now. What can expect with this communist at the helm? Beetlejuice was bad, but this clown will completely destroy the city. He should soon be deciding on his pick a clear boot licker, merit, do nothing, house mouse, who never paid his dues on the streets, and rode to the top of the department on the coat tails of all the down trodden policemen he met and step on. Be prepared to get thrown under the bus again and again.

7/19/2023 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ligislature needs to consider the law of unintended consequences...EVERYBODY will arm themselves as a means personal prosecutorial resolution. The Wild West

7/19/2023 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pigster and his billions has nothing to worry about and never did. He has armed security protecting him and his family. He’s not concerned about us honest law biding peasants. Guns are only for the political elite and criminals.

7/19/2023 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue States will get "Bluer" and Red States will get "Redder"................

7/19/2023 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great. Now the perp will be out before I clear from my arrest, and ask for a lunch.

7/19/2023 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thought on this matter...for many years, several Dem run cities and even some Dem run states have thumbed their nose at federal laws regarding immigration and instuted "sanctuary" policies. It doesn't much matter what the law is. Various States Attorneys around Illistupid can tell Gov Pork Chop he can have his law while they ignore it and remand perps for cash bail. The Dems set the precedent on deciding which laws matter.

7/19/2023 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The voters are getting what they deserve voting for current politicians.

7/19/2023 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) probably the best video you will see in a long time. Some country stations are refusing to play it because it’s the truth.

7/19/2023 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't commit a crime. Obey all laws. Then you never have to worry about arrest, bail, EM, detention, prosecution, fines, jail time, prison etc. Nothing in your life will be disrupted. This is the message that the political morons out there should be telling people. Quit coddling criminals.

7/19/2023 06:55:00 AM

Most racist statement ever!
Signed, every liberal idiot

7/19/2023 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this coming from the same court that flagrantly ruled against the bruen decision?

7/19/2023 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
(OT) probably the best video you will see in a long time. Some country stations are refusing to play it because it’s the truth.

Turn those stations off. Just like the bud light.

7/19/2023 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) probably the best video you will see in a long time. Some country stations are refusing to play it because it’s the truth

7/19/2023 02:06:00 PM

Good song. Not surprised as a few large media corporations own practically all the radio stations in this country. And we know how they lean.

Back in that day you could only own 2 radio stations in a given market, getting rid of that law helped the large corporations to scoop up a large number of stations. Made the small radio station owners more scarce. I haven't listened to radio in a very long time. Another important long gone was the The Code of Practices for Television Broadcasters, known as the Television Code. This was a set of ethical standards. It also limited the number of commercial minutes a station could run in a given hour. Ethics in the MSM these days is nonexistent.

7/19/2023 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m retired CPD I think that if our progressive liberal politicians and judges want to cancel cash bail there should be a tune up to the law that simply states that if a person out on a no cash bail gets arrested for another crime while on a no cash bail he should immediately be housed in the County jail with no bail till his/her original case is adjudicated. The same goes for any violation of the home monitoring offenders anyone violating the ankle bracelet law should have that permanently revolved with no judicial review.

7/19/2023 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prickwinkle once said”there are too many black and brown men in jail” She didn’t say too many black and brown men are committing crime. Why do you think the fake news will not publish the race of all of the robberies and shooting/ homicides that occur daily? 85-90 percent of these crimes are committed by black and brown men. Check it out.

7/19/2023 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pritzker bankrolled Obrien and Rochford, 1 million each. No quid pro quo here, the safety of millions of illinoians out the window, Did people really vote this? So much fraud in illinois, hard to tell when the FBI only investigates MAGA.

7/19/2023 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is about more than just crime. These Stalinists don't even consider victims or criminals no matter how many times they tell fictional stories of "the single mother arrested and jailed for theft of baby formula".

This is 100% class warfare. The middle class is in perpetual obedience to the law to maintain a normal life, and now the middle class can be in constant fear too. The result is a tax paying population that accepts the situation in defeat. Since a judge can hold or free someone now for arbitrary reasons.

Residents have to accept that their neighborhood is no longer a good place to live. Nostalgia cant defend places forever. Violent crime WILL exapand into otherwise "safe" places. And there is only relief when the state decides to jail criminals. Don't expect the state to jail people who commit crimes to others in neighborhoods with the wrong ideology.

Everyone except the rich man loses, and the criminal is the rich man's fodder. He needs the criminal, just not in his neighborhood. Class warfare.

7/19/2023 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank God for no cash bail ... remember all those millionaires getting out on bond for murder? remember that?

and all those poor blacks rotting in County for smoking a joint. Ya, right.

7/20/2023 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the CWB story about the PO's kid that was shot on the southside. The exchange in court is illuminating. There's no doubt to me, that even though they were charged with Att Murder & Armed Robbery, both would not be held if it past Sept when this goofy law takes affect.

7/20/2023 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is one good thing to the no cash bail.
Lawyers who would always, ALWAYS file to have their “clients” bond money returned to them as part of their fee, won’t be able to do that anymore-ha!
Hey counselor, this one’s for you-🖕🏻

Retired 30+

7/20/2023 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep passing Prickster the carb's. It shouldn't take much longer.

7/20/2023 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Between the AWB and now this, Indiana is looking better all the time. What's the point of you guys even arresting most people anymore????

7/20/2023 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance they use this as a positive ? Anything with a gun gets no bail ? Instead of a bs 20k bond which obviously gets a criminal sprung for 2k

7/24/2023 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prickwinkle once said”there are too many black and brown men in jail” She didn’t say too many black and brown men are committing crime. Why do you think the fake news will not publish the race of all of the robberies and shooting/ homicides that occur daily? 85-90 percent of these crimes are committed by black and brown men. Check it out.

7/26/2023 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prickwinkle once said”there are too many black and brown men in jail” She didn’t say too many black and brown men are committing crime. Why do you think the fake news will not publish the race of all of the robberies and shooting/ homicides that occur daily? 85-90 percent of these crimes are committed by black and brown men. Check it out.

8/15/2023 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. "Weather does not effect crime"
2. "Crime is down"

5/20/2024 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Authorities said Bai had abused his position as a holder of various appointments at his firm and accepted bribes involved with project acquisitions and corporate financing.

The court said Bai took "extremely huge" bribes and that the "circumstances of the crime were extremely serious, and the social impact was extremely bad."

It added that the disgraced former manager cooperated with authorities to help expose and solve other "major crimes."

Despite Bai providing what the court said were "great contributions," it said the magnitude of his crimes was so great he would not receive a lighter sentence.

Execution for corruption in China is generally rare, and those who have received such a sentence are usually deemed to have cost the country considerable resources through their crimes. Bai is the second former Huarong executive to be handed the death sentence.

5/30/2024 05:49:00 AM  

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