Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Good Idea....Squandered?

It's no secret that the Department is shorthanded - criminally shorthanded we might argue.

There are solutions to be had. In fact, this site and its readers suggested dozens over the years - they're still posted in the archives if you want to dig around. One of the ideas that made the most sense was to hire back retirees. Not for the street  (what idiot would volunteer for that?), but for administrative tasks to free up sworn officers for street duty. 

So imagine our surprise when the Department actually started hiring retirees as role players for scenario training. We were shocked that someone in a position to make this obvious change actually made the change. We were less shocked to hear that this seems to be falling by the wayside. 

PLET, a company with ties to previous Supernintendo David Brown, got millions of dollars to teach those Consent Decree required courses. Numerous members of the company worked with and for Brown at different times. Bunches of the instructors in the classes we attended had connections to the Dallas PD at some point in their careers. It was a typical Chicago-style business arrangement, so we weren't surprised in the least. We were mildly amazed at their pay scale and per diem that the instructors got for essentially reading slides to classes of uninterested and un-engaged cops, but again, a typical Chicago-style contract with assorted cutouts and connections - Chicago was doing it long before the Bidens.

But now, we heard the Academy is "shorthanded" again, and they're taking cops off the street to fill the roles that retirees were more than willing to do. 

This might be a temporary arrangement though as there is supposedly a company run by a couple of high ranking retirees already incorporated and set to begin reading slides to uninterested and un-engaged coppers very shortly, thereby keeping the millions in Consent Decree dollars closer to home and enriching a bunch of people already collecting six-figure gold braid pensions.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lift residency!!!!

At the very least, have a member give you 10 years and then give them the option to move. Most don’t want this job since we’re stuck here. I would’ve given up my last retro to get my family out of this city and I think others would have too. For those crying, “Chicago will become Detroit.” Well that’s their problem now isn’t it? If the city council worked like it should, instead of circle jerking eachother with back door deals, the city would actually function as it should.

7/04/2023 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC…. Thoughts on the PAC fund?

John’s success rate of picking a winner is comparable to Crimesha’s prosecution rate.

7/04/2023 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be amazing if the Department (and the Consent Decree) would just leave me the Eff alone. PS - please stop with these Implicit Bias courses! How many years in a row can you sit us down and tell us the exact same thing?! Stop it already!

Sincerely - Officer Limping to 20

7/04/2023 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Artificial intelligence will be the new desk dolly.no more clerks with guns.hit the streets police officer.

7/04/2023 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a guy to work the streets for ya. It's meritorious fake Sgt JK , days in 014. He never was a patrolman, so he should have fresh legs. Can anybody loan him a pair of testicles, just to be on the safe side? Sincerely, the ghost of Jean Pierre, Hanson Park Gatekeeper.

7/04/2023 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gen Z copper here! Will u be making a Tik Tok for me and my fellow gen Z police to follow?

7/04/2023 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News flash. The dozen or two cops who retired or resigned in good standing all applied a few months ago to get back on the job…..Went thru the entire process to get rehired under the FOP and CPD labor affairs management agreement , as long as they left less than 3 years ago , and qualified to do power test , drug test and medical and psych. Most all passed and ready to return Immediately . Guess what ? None of them rehired or called to report. It’s all smoke and mirrors to pretend they have such a manpower shortage and want experienced officers to return , but they never rehired and never allowed them to do a couple week refresher in academy as retread as stated in the media and news press release. It’s all typical Chicago smoke and mirrors to pretend as if they are hiring back all these countless officers who applied , and approved and passed all the necessary tests, but then just passed up for the new generation of officers who fail out with drug tests , past convictions, and other psych and violence issues. The city is all full of b.s. and the retired cops under 50 or resigned ones with a couple years on the job who did want to come back, are played with and dismissed as they will never be rehired. It’s all a publicity ploy. They did not want a certain monkey wrench in their business as usual plan and that’s not what they wanted despite said and agreed upon between labor affairs and FOP. Nothing changes. For all the cops who quit or retired and had intentions of returning and applied and wasted all their time on tests and exams and fingerprints and drug tests, hate to brake your bubbles but you’ll never be hired back despite the city making a big production that they will take you back. They won’t. And they will continue to waste your time and belief you’ll come back. It ain’t happening folks. Mayor Johnson wants his 23 minority robots recruited from
South side and that’s it. Let’s be honest, whites need not apply. New department. Be the change ! Good luck

7/04/2023 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part about this contract, he still got 2 mil two weeks after it was ended. Only in Chicago.

7/04/2023 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That'll be the day I put that uniform back on....for anything. Fucking blow me.

Signed "disgruntled retiree".

7/04/2023 04:13:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Staying happily retired is the way to go.

7/04/2023 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also if you have ever worked in the academy ( even if it was years ago) , you can work your day off for overtime pay being a role player. Sign me up!

7/04/2023 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They hired many retired coppers great company but the lie is Brown truth is they have been here since Eddie Johnson started the program now they will be pulling more coppers from the streets to train Obama plan constitutional policing

7/04/2023 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drop the standards even lower. Hire felons who can then legally carry. In return…..3rd pension tier. Pension contributions non-refundable/accessible til mandatory retirement at age 63. That is all.

7/04/2023 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if this isn't what whats-her-face was blowing the whistle over that got her fired.

7/04/2023 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m guess VENEKO & DALEY Police Training LLC

7/04/2023 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie Johnson brought in PLET. Papers did a hit piece saying it was Brown but once again they were wrong.

7/04/2023 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for Terry and Gene

7/04/2023 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My lady friend in CAPS doesn't think we're short handed. She says watch officers should stop complaining and just do their jobs, it's that simple, really. She also mentioned being assigned to CAPS is "rad".

Britannica Dictionary definition of RAD. [also more rad; most rad] US slang. : very appealing or good. The party was totally rad. [=awesome, cool]

7/04/2023 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we under 7k??

7/04/2023 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gen Z copper here! Will u be making a Tik Tok for me and my fellow gen Z police to follow?

7/04/2023 01:53:00 AM

Tik Tok is owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. It is a propaganda and data miner tool for them. Once you create a Tik Tok account or even view "one" video that device is infected with spyware.

7/04/2023 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waller retired and went on Monterrey payroll. Waller cans a firm. Now watch another be created and all those retired bosses cash in. Along with MS.

7/04/2023 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm there is a girl former deputy chief recently retired who will be getting the program running it guess who?

7/04/2023 05:07:00 PM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

Buy gold, silver, and some defense stocks. You are likely to do well in the next year or two, and perhaps make enough to retire.
BTY, if you really want the police, Dyer, Indiana is taking lateral transfers.

7/04/2023 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not taking cops off the streets to do scenarios. It's an overtime initiative.

7/04/2023 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"News flash. The dozen or two cops who retired or resigned in good standing all applied a few months ago to get back on the job…..Went thru the entire process to get rehired under the FOP and CPD labor affairs management agreement , as long as they left less than 3 years ago , and qualified to do power test , drug test and medical and psych. Most all passed and ready to return Immediately . Guess what ? None of them rehired or called to report. It’s all smoke and mirrors to pretend they have such a manpower shortage and want experienced officers to return , but they never rehired and never allowed them to do a couple..."

Guess What? Wrong!!! About 30 of us were hired and starting working from day 1. Waiting for summer to be over before uof goes full swing again.

7/04/2023 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gen Z copper here! Will u be making a Tik Tok for me and my fellow gen Z police to followM
No Francis!

7/04/2023 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell that to the 3 year wonder dollys at the 5555, applied for desk spots notmot as the police.

7/04/2023 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gen Z copper here! Will u be making a Tik Tok for me and my fellow gen Z police to follow?

7/04/2023 01:53:00 AM

Tik Tok is owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. It is a propaganda and data miner tool for them. Once you create a Tik Tok account or even view "one" video that device is infected with spyware.

7/04/2023 03:51:00 PM

03:51- If you want to participate with SCC, learn how to identify sarcasm.

7/04/2023 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
They hired many retired coppers great company but the lie is Brown truth is they have been here since Eddie Johnson started the program now they will be pulling more coppers from the streets to train Obama plan constitutional policing

7/04/2023 07:52:00 AM"

English mother-fucker, do you speak it?

7/05/2023 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gen Z copper here! Will u be making a Tik Tok for me and my fellow gen Z police to follow?

7/04/2023 01:53:00 AM

Tik Tok is owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. It is a propaganda and data miner tool for them. Once you create a Tik Tok account or even view "one" video that device is infected with spyware.

7/04/2023 03:51:00 PM"

Tikker Tokker is the CCP version of FartBook, Twatter, Instagram. They're all the alphabet agencies off the books companies. They ALL spy on you, compliments of the Patriot Act. Does anyone with 2 working brain cells REALLY believe Mark Cuckenberg thought of FartBook (previously DARPA program called LifeLog) while playing with himself at Haaaarvaaaaaaad?

7/05/2023 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Capt. Onvious said...

I’d like to squash the ridiculous rumor that Brown has any ties to PLET: the only connection is Byron, the owner of PLET, and Brown are from Dallas Police Dept. that’s it! They didn’t work together, Brown has no ownership or involvement with PLET, and PLET was working for CPD narcotics division long before Brown was appointed.

It was a great opportunity to bring back years of talent and experience to help train the next generation of Officers. Ego and ignorance drove it out of Chicago. Now they think they can just throw anybody in the classroom and satisfy the monitors. That’s what got us in this problem (consent decree) in the first place.

Meet the new boss, it’s the same as the old boss…

P.S. Welcome back SCC!!!

7/05/2023 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous TeenMILF said...

One of those fucking ex-cops turned power point masters was some meat head from VBPD who literally, LITERALLY, used class time to sell his awfully written book. Talking about not eating his gun like its some kind of Hemingway-esque drivel.


I do have to say that there's a commentor up above me who is wrong about the new hire back program. There's <20 in the academy right now waiting for a date to hit the street again.

7/05/2023 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capt. Onvious said...
I’d like to squash the ridiculous rumor that Brown has any ties to PLET: the only connection is Byron, the owner of PLET, and Brown are from Dallas Police Dept. that’s it! They didn’t work together, Brown has no ownership or involvement with PLET, and PLET was working for CPD narcotics division long before Brown was appointed.

It was a great opportunity to bring back years of talent and experience to help train the next generation of Officers. Ego and ignorance drove it out of Chicago. Now they think they can just throw anybody in the classroom and satisfy the monitors. That’s what got us in this problem (consent decree) in the first place.

Meet the new boss, it’s the same as the old boss…

P.S. Welcome back SCC!!!

7/05/2023 01:33:00 PM

If that's the case why did Brown push so hard for Byron to the point he totally ignored other companies that made bids, went over the head of the chief of dets, and forced the D unit to use him for training and get a no bid contract?

7/05/2023 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capt. Onvious said...
I’d like to squash the ridiculous rumor that Brown has any ties to PLET: the only connection is Byron, the owner of PLET, and Brown are from Dallas Police Dept. that’s it! They didn’t work together, Brown has no ownership or involvement with PLET, and PLET was working for CPD narcotics division long before Brown was appointed.

It was a great opportunity to bring back years of talent and experience to help train the next generation of Officers. Ego and ignorance drove it out of Chicago. Now they think they can just throw anybody in the classroom and satisfy the monitors. That’s what got us in this problem (consent decree) in the first place.

Meet the new boss, it’s the same as the old boss…

P.S. Welcome back SCC!!!

7/05/2023 01:33:00 PM
Byron didn't know shit about Chicago, narcotics in Chicago, politics or gangs here. He talked down on our officers & the best thing that happened was sending that grifter packing!!!

7/05/2023 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLET and the Chicago and cook county retiree role players are not connected. There are several dozen retiree role players who are still in “training” and will be used at the academy for scenarios. There are already about a dozen retirees currently doing scenarios. PLET was a connected firm who did inservice educational classroom training and didn’t do in service scanarionbased training. The retirees will also be actors for recruits. It’s a great idea.

7/05/2023 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Dixon Cox said...

The future CPD scenario based training program

7/05/2023 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/05/2023 05:32:00 PM
I’m a retired CPD role player worked for PLET along with many others we were all terminated on last day of may thanks to Waller who obviously will be giving the federally paid contract to some gold star friends and they will hire their connected cronies with the old you give an envelope back.

7/05/2023 09:41:00 PM  

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