Wednesday, July 05, 2023

What About the Exempts?

This article appeared in Crain's Chicago Business. You can only see the first paragraph unless you have an account and we aren't ready to start paying for news yet. Here's the preview paragraph:

  • A candidate in the 46th Ward aldermanic runoff has filed a revised statement of economic interest with the Chicago Board of Ethics after Crain's asked why she apparently failed to disclose nearly $42,000 in federal Payroll Protection Program loans to a hair-products firm she owned. 

Candidate Angela Clay is now aldercreature Clay and we don't know if she paid back the PPP loan Crain's cited. 

During the heyday of the "pandemic," the government was handing out PPP loans to anyone who had a company impacted by the shutdowns. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands of "companies" sprouted up overnight, claiming hardships and were granted loans to pay employees.

Shockingly, billions of taxpayer dollars were scammed by companies that only had a single employee who got the entire $42,000 "loan" and there was no real method to pay back the "loans" when the company went under. 

We used to have the government list of companies that successfully applied for PPP "loans" and we were amazed at the number of single owner/operator security companies that shared a name and/or address with exempt members of the Chicago Police Department. (media trolls - this is what police call a CLUE.)

It was truly a tragedy that so many companies just starting out at the beginning of the "pandemic" never fully got off the ground and those $42,000 PPP "loans" were initially thought to be uncollectable.

We have heard that certain government agencies are investigating the possibility of some minor fraudulent claims being among the tens of billions of dollars out there and efforts are underway to collect in "if you resign and pay back X% of the loan, we won't throw you in prison with that Commander Johnson who was stealing his dead relative's social security money for years" type deal.

We shall see.



Blogger Retired-On-Duty said...

She sure as hell didn't use any of that $42,000 on her hair.
What a funky-azz mess.

7/05/2023 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, a grand majority of these loans come back to the South side where the are NO BUSINESSES.

The loans taken out on the Northside/River north are just a fraction of the scammers.

7/05/2023 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She gots her hair did. She didn't do nuffin wrong.

7/05/2023 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous No one finna check on 42 stacks said...

I heard Yolanda Talley got one. Used the loot to get the fledgling pharmaceutical bidnizz of her niece's Boo off da ground.

7/05/2023 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the Exempt members whose names I’ve seen posted share what society references as common names. The one Exempt member who’s female family member was proven to have operated solely was exonerated. Names like Anthony Riccio, Phillip Cline and Fred Waller are all in the PPP database and I’m sure neither of them were given a loan. We have enough that we are dealing with. I want to see how my Tact Sergeant made more than the Chief of Patrol already.

7/05/2023 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for annual mandated ethics training. Its funny how many private sectors information collection companies have dossiers (fbi collusion dog whistle word) on each and every American citizen. And file for a business license, a name is attached to the license along with tax identification information all of which is rolled into that information collected about you in the form of business intelligence for sale by the private information companies. Are you telling me that these government entities could not perform a simple tax business license confirmation check or date of incorporation for these fly by night businesses? After all, the largest consumer and purchaser of data collected by these information companies is government institutions. I guess its government money or just another free entitlement.

And these fly by night businesses would make a good talking point by lying, cheating and thieving politicians on how many new businesses were created during the pandemic whether real or fraudulent. Guess thats why we need 86,000 new IRS agents. Problem created by government and solved by the the expansion of anotherunelected government bureaucracy, namely the irs.

7/05/2023 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that charlatan Jamal Green got about $47k in PPP loans as well as helping numerous folks in the hood secure loans as well. I think his tag was if you have a social we’ll get you a loan. I thought something about him and those POP loans came up early in the ejection cycle but I don’t think it went anywhere.

7/05/2023 06:56:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

A candidate in the 46th Ward aldermanic runoff has filed a revised statement of economic interest with the Chicago Board of Ethics after Crain's asked why she apparently failed to disclose nearly $42,000 in federal Payroll Protection Program loans to a hair-products firm she owned.

In a letter yesterday to Ethics Board Chairman Steve Berlin, candidate Angela Clay said she inadvertently disclosed financials on one newly formed company that she said paid her $9,000 as president, Saij, when she should have listed another that was formed earlier in 2014, Pink Ribbon Hair.


New super PAC backing Vallas could allow dark money into mayoral runoff
Labor is split in mayoral runoff support
Clay shows up in federal records as having received two loans, each for $20,833, in March and April 2021 from the PPP program, a widely used COVID-relief program in which businesses received loans that eventually were forgiven if they kept workers on the payroll.

Clay is listed only as the "sole proprietor" of an unlisted firm in the "packaging and labeling services" business, but records indicate the loans ultimately were forgiven.

Clay declined to be interviewed. But a spokeswoman for her, Emily Isaacson, confirmed that it was Pink Ribbon that actually got the $42,000. Clay made "an honest mistake" in referencing Saij, which is in the child care business, rather than Pink Ribbon Hair, but Clay did disclose receiving at least $7,500 from Pink Ribbon on a separate candidate disclosure filed with Cook County, Isaacson said.

That disclosure is available for those who file a Freedom of Information Act request. But it made no reference to the PPP loan or its size.

"Like many Black small business owners, Angela faced many obstacles in getting her enterprises off the ground and then in staying afloat during the pandemic," Isaacson said in an email. "She followed all accounting and legal advice given to her at the time, applied for and received government assistance, corrected her efforts and made the hard decision to walk away when she no longer could make ends meet."

Isaacson said the firm, which had gross revenues of roughly $90,000 in 2019, gradually expanded its line of hair care products and over time developed "a growing focus on product distribution."

Isaacson also confirmed that Clay, a progressive who is facing off against Walgreens government-affairs executive Kim Walz in the North Side lakefront ward, made one other accounting error.

As a sole proprietorship, Pink Ribbon should have registered with the county but did not, Isaacson said. By the time she discovered the error, she had decided to fold the company and was advised by her lawyers not to file retroactively, Isaacson said.

Clay's campaign website makes no mention of the companies she ran or what income she derived from them, terming her a "community leader" who was the youngest president ever of nonprofit Voice of the People in Uptown.

Clay has the support of the Chicago Teachers Union and other progressive groups. Walz's backers include U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, and U.S. Reps. Mike Quigley, for whom Walz once worked, and Jan Schakowsky. The contest is considered one of the hotter runoff races in the city and is occurring in a ward that traditionally has seen narrow races between progressives and political centrists.

7/05/2023 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s many familiar CPD names on the list, but it does not mean that it has any validity. You can incorporate a LLC in any state. Look up John Garrido PPP. His name is right on there and I don’t believe for a second that he got a loan. People’s names are common. Ellen Schmitz got almost a million dollars. Is that the retired one from CPD who’s married to a Cook County Chief? I doubt it.

7/05/2023 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use website to get past paywalls for news articles.

7/05/2023 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe that’s why we didn’t see any GOLD STARS at HQ Roll Call, busy spending that money.
Highest ranking was LT x3 . What a kick in the balls that is.
When you lead from the front you earn respect but what do I know.

7/05/2023 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

Typical work the system low life bottom feeding low life. A real Ghetto hero!

7/05/2023 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

L et's
G et
B random
T o
Q uit

7/05/2023 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Gorilla gourmet supplies the food for the ‘Soros Migrants’ also supply CPS Hmm BJ didn’t take long.
A side note to those who left for CFD you can now were your uniforms round the clock at Jewel Costco Home Depot JK be safe all

7/05/2023 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI you can use to read most paywall "newspaper" and "magazine" site articles.

7/05/2023 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous My Nuts Hurt said...

Just keep the envelopes coming for those meritorious promotions

7/05/2023 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The website "" can be used to bypass a paywall. Copy the URL for the article, and follow the directions on the homepage for "".

7/05/2023 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Talley's protege, meritorious J.D tact Lt. In 11 wrapped tact car around tree. It used to be tact lieutenants had some experience.

7/05/2023 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sting Operation. Federal Indictments comin soon

7/05/2023 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politicians are crooks!

7/05/2023 03:17:00 PM  
Blogger Lars Pilsen said...

From an article from the Sun Times dated 1/27/23:"At least 36 people used address from Salvation Army in Humboldt Park to obtain PPP loans. One said he was a farmer. A least a dozen others said they operated barber shops or beauty salons".
I could be wrong but I believe one person recieved a loan while in prison.
They come out like sharks when they smell blood in the water.

7/05/2023 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I'm stunned.

7/05/2023 03:21:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Kenny Johnson wasn't a bad guy. His thievery really surprised me.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/05/2023 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such bullshit. They should show her the door. Still a criminal act.

7/05/2023 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats are like crackheads who can’t control their spending, they sell off their assets for a fraction of the true value to feed their spending addiction.

7/05/2023 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why dont you investigate and fire half the city workers that took ppp loans out too?!

7/05/2023 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s with the 10th district fto that banged out an underage migrant?

7/05/2023 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous GGG-Gorgeous Google God said...


Some of the Guys commenting in this thread must be merit promotees or firemen.

Am I the only one here who knows how to utilize google?

Here's a useful online tool to find individual PPP loans.

Three Eric Carters come up in Illinois.

This one is VERRRRRRRRY INTERESTING. When you search for it notice the lack of an address except for "4114. also notice the business type.


4114, Chicago, IL
(0.00) 20,923.93
(July 20, 2021) 1 Security Guards and Patrol Services (Sole Proprietorship) Itria Ventures LLC Feb. 1, 2021

Now anyone know what the maiden name of his lovely DJ'ing wife was? I'd like to search that in the PPP listing.

I saw Phil "Old Country Buffet" Cline mentioned in earlier comment.No record of him getting a direct loan at that site.

However, the CPD Memorial Foundation got two that added up to over 200K.Good for Phil.He needs the money. Grocery prices are up.

Here's one.There's another for slightly more.Phil going back for a second helping. Who would have thought it.


10343 S PULASKI RD, Chicago, IL
(0.00) 99,795.02
(Nov. 17, 2020) 6 Civic and Social Organizations (Non-Profit Organization) Old Plank Trail Community Bank, National Association April 14, 2020

I went over to the Uptown Update blog to see if they had anything more on the Clay PPP loans.
This came up in a comment:

Former Alder Helen Shiller's granddaughter got a ppp loan in the same amount as Angela Clay in the same month from the same lender.

She is registered to vote at Helen's Uptown address. However, she used the address of a house Helen owns on the south side for her covid loan.

This is where it gets weird. Alderman Roderick Sawyer's daughter got a PPP loan using Helen's Uptown address. She is registered to vote at her father's address.

The Sun Times mentioned Sawyer's son getting a covid loan, but missed the daughter's loans which would be easy enough to do because they were taken out at a different address. The Shiller Carmen ave property is a small multi unit building so it is possible Sawyer lived there even though she is not currently registered to vote there. The building is infamous for being ill maintained and having the FUCK THE POLICE sign in the window.

I suggest people start using the PPP database link above and start searching for links to favorite exempts. Earlier comment about common names was spot on though.I found 19 Brandon Johnsons who got PPP loans in Illinois. Sadly none link to the mayors Austin house or I'd be drinking for free on Halsted in Greektown forever.

Get searching. If you have time to read the comments here you have time to search around. Perhaps you will find nothing and you will be called Sgt Schutlz.

7/05/2023 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget about light duty SGT in forensic RF who made 320,000 in one year. He sleeps at work and works all his days off doing squat. He watches YouTube and takes naps. What a scam.

7/05/2023 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now anyone know what the maiden name of his lovely DJ'ing wife was? I'd like to search that in the PPP listing.

Ask and you shall receive: GRIFFIN, Saadia

7/05/2023 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I could be wrong but I believe one person recieved a loan while in prison."

7/05/2023 03:18:00 PM

Only one? You sweet summer child.

7/05/2023 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

STATS on the 4day holiday weekend?

7/05/2023 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at how many Vallas loans as in Paul Vallas were paid and Vallas LLC’s. in the federal PPP System. Run his name. I wonder how many belong directly to him and his family members. Things that make you scratch your head. The same would be politician that paid $700,000.00 to one person in 1 month. I wonder was that PPP money.

7/05/2023 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Fat fingered the bookmark and hit this old one instead. Very surprised to see SCC back up! Let's GO!

7/05/2023 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Foot started early

7/05/2023 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the topic of gluttonous beasts, let’s not forget to mention a stew of them over in 003. A.P getting off the medical only to average 300+ hours of OT a period. And right behind him a line up of embezzling sgts all trying to get a piece or shall we say an entire cake to themselves. And whom may you ask is behind all the approvals??? Everyone’s favorite auntie Y.I. Who is not only giving out OT like candy, but making sure her #1 placed sgt was fully prepared with a whole balanced breakfast and answer queue to wash all down with. Must be nice to have play cousins who are fully involved with the city’s promotional exam vendor.

7/05/2023 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone hear the other day. Beat 0600 tell a responding 006th District car to disregard going to a 10-1 in an adjoining District. 0600 said offenders fleeing from a vehicle on foot with weapons were no longer a threat and no need to assist the requesting officers.

7/05/2023 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about LawDog security (located next to the credit union in the 60655 zip) owned and operated by a CPD LT. Who received $600,000 in PPP loans. Hmmmm, that’s a lot of “full time” employees that didn’t have other full time employment…

Btw, search by zip code. You’d be shocked at the number of businesses you didn’t know existed in your own neighborhood

7/05/2023 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back SCC. I sure hope this does not turn into the circus that it was. Coppers using this platform for personal vendettas. We’ve seen all of this same information. We’ve got a new mayor and new people in city hall and in important places on CPD. The community seems to be more on our side also. Lets not give them mud to talk more stuff about us for no reason. We’ve seen these names before and none of them were anyone from CPD. The IG had a whole unit investigating CPD personnel and nothing had come up in the last few years and if it has not by now, it’s not existent.

Why are we bringing up our retired? Can we talk about officer wellness and let the good we do find surface so I don’t have to work 99 every night. We talk about helping each other and some of this sure does not look like help and as a new officer, I would stay far away if I saw the crap I’m already starting to see. If you have a vendetta, put it on your personal page and stand up to what you say.

7/05/2023 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That isn't even the best rumor out of the north side. Supposedly on election day some drug task force was working undercover and was approached and paid cash to vote for a alderman candidate.

As the story was told to me he was pretending to be homeless and some worker for one of the campaigns paid him good cash money. This is supposed to be all on video.

I tend not to believe most of what I hear but this one is crazy enough that it might be true.
If so would that explain any federal interest on the north side? Maybe. Partly????????

I wouldn't expect CPD to investigate as CCSAO would likely just ignore it anyway.

Likely one of the Uptown or Edgewater wards. 46 or 47 as the description would link to the homeless camps on the lakefront. I don't know if this is true. Could be complete BS but I can hope.

Task force investigating drug sales around there does make sense. Even with all the yuppies moving in there are still bangers street dealing in spots. Feebs work slow though.

7/06/2023 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/06/2023 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not shocking all the corrupt professionals, politicians and law enforcement taking these loans, dumb asses for thinking they could get away with it. But what surprised me was how many
people in the hood, without any formal education were able to illegally get the loans. Seems like it must have been really easy to scam the government. hmmmmmm I have more questions than is Chicago worried about another city taking the number 1 spot for corruption? Come on Chicago no one is even close. Stay proud, stay corrupt, the Chicago way.

7/06/2023 06:32:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I once got a pp loan, but those were different days.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/06/2023 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the story was told to me he was pretending to be homeless and some worker for one of the campaigns paid him good cash money.

7/06/2023 01:51:00 AM

Lol ... This has been going on for decades.

7/06/2023 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there’s a loop hole, you can bet your bottom dollar certain citizens of Chicago will find it.

7/06/2023 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Look at how many Vallas loans as in Paul Vallas were paid and Vallas LLC’s. in the federal PPP System. Run his name. I wonder how many belong directly to him and his family members. Things that make you scratch your head. The same would be politician that paid $700,000.00 to one person in 1 month. I wonder was that PPP money.

7/05/2023 08:52:00 PM

I did just run his name and nothing came up for anyone named "Vallas"

Try harder next time asshole. Vallas isn't perfect but he isn't a thief.

7/07/2023 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Look at how many Vallas loans as in Paul Vallas were paid and Vallas LLC’s. in the federal PPP System. Run his name. I wonder how many belong directly to him and his family members. Things that make you scratch your head. The same would be politician that paid $700,000.00 to one person in 1 month. I wonder was that PPP money.

7/05/2023 08:52:00 PM

I did just run his name and nothing came up for anyone named "Vallas"

Try harder next time asshole. Vallas isn't perfect but he isn't a thief.

7/07/2023 12:23:00 AM

The link is above. Run the last name Vallas. It’s 11 people named Vallas in the system with LLC’s all over. I know you didn’t get your promised destruction of the CPD, CPS and your promotion. Tiss Tiss The one for $98,000 really looks suspect. And where did he get that $700K and why did that story disappear. I don’t like Brandon and I use to like Vallas until I found out all of the dirt he did after the election. I wish that I could take my vote back. And he wants us to live in this city but he didn’t. I was not trying to say anything about him other than that, I was just making an example.

7/07/2023 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link is above. Run the last name Vallas. It’s 11 people named Vallas in the system with LLC’s all over. I know you didn’t get your promised destruction of the CPD, CPS and your promotion. Tiss Tiss The one for $98,000 really looks suspect. And where did he get that $700K and why did that story disappear. I don’t like Brandon and I use to like Vallas until I found out all of the dirt he did after the election. I wish that I could take my vote back. And he wants us to live in this city but he didn’t. I was not trying to say anything about him other than that, I was just making an example.

7/07/2023 10:15:00 AM

Don’t get baited by this one. Not one of us.

7/07/2023 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check security contractors license at ILDPR check license look up & see if ANY of these “security companies” actually have a license. If they don’t you can beef them to the ILDPR & they will be investigated. In Illinois you can’t run security or PI’s W/O BOTH an individual & agency license ($1000.00 for both) plus a pretty tough testing before you even get to a license!!!! So how come so many “bosses” who were working 7 days a week run a company also? So many questions & yet so little will be done. Parents in nursing homes when they pass my butt will be kissing this state bye bye have gun will travel

7/07/2023 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw this comment

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Most of the Exempt members whose names I’ve seen posted share what society references as common names. The one Exempt member who’s female family member was proven to have operated solely was exonerated. Names like Anthony Riccio, Phillip Cline and Fred Waller are all in the PPP database and I’m sure neither of them were given a loan. We have enough that we are dealing with. I want to see how my Tact Sergeant made more than the Chief of Patrol already.

7/05/2023 02:02:00 AM

If you look up the programs website at the web address given in the comments section you will see those names never received a loan or the names were in the list of loans. The loans were listed by state and those names were not there. They may have been listed in the NATIONAL data base but not in Illinois

7/07/2023 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean don’t get bated by the truth. Vallas career is over. He’s history.

7/07/2023 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link is above. Run the last name Vallas. It’s 11 people named Vallas in the system with LLC’s all over. I know you didn’t get your promised destruction of the CPD, CPS and your promotion. Tiss Tiss The one for $98,000 really looks suspect. And where did he get that $700K and why did that story disappear. I don’t like Brandon and I use to like Vallas until I found out all of the dirt he did after the election. I wish that I could take my vote back. And he wants us to live in this city but he didn’t. I was not trying to say anything about him other than that, I was just making an example.

7/07/2023 10:15 AM

Gee you think Vallas with 11 names is a lot? The fact that the Greeks are prolific restauranteurs, and restaurants were particularly vulnerable during the pandemic, so it would make sense.

I haven’t run the name Johnson, but I’m pretty sure you will find magnitudes more than the 11 for the entire country that you found for Vallas.

You sound like these Twitter Trolls from CTU with the long, stupid Twitter names that started appearing about a year ago. Nobody thinks you are real people, sorry.

7/08/2023 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link is above. Run the last name Vallas. It’s 11 people named Vallas in the system with LLC’s all over. I know you didn’t get your promised destruction of the CPD, CPS and your promotion. Tiss Tiss The one for $98,000 really looks suspect. And where did he get that $700K and why did that story disappear. I don’t like Brandon and I use to like Vallas until I found out all of the dirt he did after the election. I wish that I could take my vote back. And he wants us to live in this city but he didn’t. I was not trying to say anything about him other than that, I was just making an example.

7/07/2023 10:15 AM

You mean don’t get bated by the truth. Vallas career is over. He’s history.

7/07/2023 10:17:00 PM

I have a sneaky suspicion you are a hateful CPS/CTU member. Your improper grammar and poor spelling is a dead giveaway.

7/08/2023 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every single Cook County employee that was caught has been (gracefully} given the option to resign or be fired. All have resigned to my knowledge. The city should follow suit.

7/09/2023 09:57:00 PM  

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