Friday, September 29, 2023


Once again, we're told to accept the crumbs that the rulers grant us:

  • The Chicago Police Board voted Tuesday to retain jurisdiction over nearly two dozen disciplinary cases that the Fraternal Order of Police sought to move to arbitration following a nonbonding decision that would allow cops to keep serious misconduct proceedings out of public view. 

    In a 10-page ruling, the police board said it doesn’t currently have the authority to transfer the 22 cases because the decision by independent arbitrator Edwin Benn hasn’t been ratified by City Council. The board also rejected the FOP’s stopgap request to stay the cases.

    John Catanzara, the fiery union chief, has argued that other public workers are already afforded the option of going to an arbitrator, and police are being held to another standard. After learning of the police board ruling, Catanzara insisted “there is absolutely nothing that is going to prevent this from taking place and becoming a reality.”

Also once again, John has been counting chickens before the eggs are hatching. This is an unfortunate reality of police being unable to bring any true pain to the city via job action. Police end up relying on arbitrators and lawsuits to enforce any sort of fairness.

We've often said Police aren't above the law, but neither do they deserve to be under it. That should apply to job requirements and contract protections.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can the police simply refuse to participate in anyway with any of the cases you feel should be transferred to arbitration?

Tell COPA and the Police Board to pound sand?

9/29/2023 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" an unfortunate reality of police being unable to bring any true pain to the city via job action."

Not so, bobby jo.

1. No traffic stops other than for suspicion of violent activities.

2. Ditto plus for parkers.

3. 19paul every fucking bullshit dispatch possible, aka no evidence of violence.

4. Stop sucking up the white shirts' butts.

5. Reduce contact with those not being violent, as close to zero as possible.

6. Save your hook up ambitions for after your off the watch.

7. Accept that, even if you were Sherlock Holmes, the politicals and their bleating sheep, clucking hens and screeching chicken hawks minions would still piss in your face. Fucking Columbo wouldn't touch anything in this fucked up clusterfuck of an environment.

Be the wise dog, not the frisky, retarded puppy poop brained nimrod.

9/29/2023 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Little known fact: a few weeks ago, the union actually signed a tentative agreement on a completed contract with city hall and hasn’t told any of the membership a thing of what’s in it. In our bylaws, the lodge has to put out any tentative agreement to the unit reps for an advisory vote to the board, and John has said openly he’s not going to do that. Why do you think that is?? And there isn’t a special meeting to explain terms. Why do you think that is?

What’s in it?
- A duration extension (July 2017 to June 2027).
- more p days
- baby furlo days are a full tour
- increased raises for 24, 25
- $$ for training certs
- much more

What’s not in it? No one knows... Why don’t we know? Because John has been refusing to discuss it (the excuse he gave was “we’re waiting for snelling to get in the door first because what the city told us to do.” 6 years and 3 months expired, and not a peep except “we can’t say what’s in it yet, but trust us!”


9/29/2023 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuntanzara is a liar and a con who's just trying to milk as much as he can from the members to support his lavish lifestyle.

9/29/2023 01:42:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that J-Pussy is all mouth. Any small accomplishment or “win” that FLOP claims is immediately broadcast ad nauseam as a huge victory.

But what Johnny Boy still fails to realize is that once he danced with the devil, all bets are off. He made backroom deals with the city and now they own him. They’ll allow him small victories of little significance in order to pacify the ignorant masses of coppers who float thru their careers oblivious to all things union unless it’s retro check time.

But they’ll spank him and put him in the corner when he starts feeling strong. And now is one of those times. No doubt it has something to do with the Fifth Floor “somehow” obtaining minutes from General and Board meetings where The Kitten gets out in front of his skis and purrs victory over the city, simultaneously insulting and belittling those he has to negotiate with.

John still has a lot of people fooled. Too many people. But more and more are starting to realize just how full of shit he and many of the other board members are. They buffaloed the impressionable membership into giving them a second term. They then convinced these same FLOP cheerleaders to okay an increase in their term to four years. After which they immediately voted themselves a healthy raise.

The FLOP’s main concern is taking care of themselves. While we the membership are getting those aforementioned crumbs, our elected board members at the FLOP Lodge 7 are expensing trips, meals, golf outings, dry cleaning and such… on top of getting captains pay for their salary. Time to hold them accountable and demand more of them. And if they fail to do so, they need to have their pay reduced.

9/29/2023 02:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So very true; however what exacerbates the problem is our complete inability to achieve solidarity. If the hard chargers would stop charging we’d have way more leverage over a lot of issues.

9/29/2023 04:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just how does one become an independent arbitrator ?

9/29/2023 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fetal policing will become the everyday norm. Do bare minimum at all times. No hurry for any reason. Fill out every bit of paperwork before rolling slowly to next job. Look point and laugh th Jeri e on when witnessing any crime. Give them what they want anarchy. Let it get so bad they beg you to take back the streets by any means possible.

9/29/2023 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh John. Have you done anything for us besides piss everyone off at the police? News flash: we don't need help with that.

9/29/2023 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dump the fop or organize a mass walkout. These are the only 2 real options or nothing changes. WTF can the city do, fire all the guys who walked, doubt it

9/29/2023 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Also once again, John has been counting chickens before the eggs are hatching.“

Because John is a narcissistic, bloviating asshole. The smartest guy in the room who more often than not resorts to getting loud to try and talk over anyone who dares question him. You can see this ghetto defense mechanism on full display at meetings when someone takes the microphone and calls him on his bullshit. Escalating dialogue peppered with “we’re not gonna go into this right now”, “we’re not obligated to answer that” and similar deflections when cornered. The Cantanza Experiment is proving to be an epic failure.

9/29/2023 08:10:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

The Chuckleheads that the Great Unwashed Democrat Welfare Voters put in office do not like the police?

9/29/2023 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Catanzaara is a goof and a liar. All he does is engage in outrageous social media posts and yell at politicians. He pissed off five alderman that are pro police by telling them he was going to have opposing candidates run against them. John is an expert at burning bridges and inflating his own ego. What has he accomplished?

9/29/2023 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off TOPIC. Congrats to Sgt Liakopoulos and Officer Reynoso on your first victory. Next victory is to get back on the street with a CLEAR record. Kudos also to Tim Grace and Brian Sexton for the defense.

9/29/2023 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still not sure why you guys don't go out on strike. Is it against the law? Sure, but why does that matter in 2023 Chicago? Breaking the law brings no consequences here. Push the envelope and get what you guys need out of the city.

9/29/2023 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Jimmy9fingers said... an unfortunate reality of police being unable to bring any true pain to the city via job action."

Perhaps the department has tried this one before but I would like to pass it along.

We did this in Indy on a few occasions and the brass and city lost their minds. We definitely made some points. You have rules that they give you to follow. Pull out the book and dust it off. If you were to follow all the rules they expect of you at all times so as not to be in violation, the system would crash. So....... follow the rules all at once starting on a Friday evening at say, 1900. You won't get 100% of the street officers to play, but just 50% really hurts the system and people take notice. It is not a slowdown but a follow the rules exactly.

At the appointed hour, those that want to follow rules will:

Mark out on some activity and investigate completely.
Stay out of service to write your report about the investigation
Need to tow a vehicle parked incorrectly, follow all rules and complete all reports
before marking back in service.
Have some found property that needs a report and must be taken to property section? By
all means, do all of that and don't skip any steps. This may take a few hours.
Talking to a business owner about security and lighting? Mark out of service for that
community police interaction.


Let your imagination run but always follow the rules. The bosses can yell and scream but ask them to put in writing that they don't want you to follow all the rules. They can't and won't. We pulled it for two nights for about 2 hours each and by the second night, they had deputy Chiefs in the dispatch area monitoring and the mayor lost his shit wanting to know what was happening. Not much they can do however as we were just following the rules. It's worth a discussion and adjust to your AO. Stay safe up there.

9/29/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will get moved to arbitration.

The city is just attempting to be punitive, and making us just through the hoops as with everything else.

This will go to the courts and the right thing will be done.
The city enjoys making things as difficult as possible and wasting time and money.

9/29/2023 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous LigmaBalls said...

I’ve said all along that he’s been the ideal fighter against Lori’s tyrant ass and I’d still rather have him, Mette, Gorman, McGuire etc than fucking Graham, Aguilar, Dougherty, Bella, Bartlett and especially Pat Murray. If we had Murray we’d be super fucked. But, John isn’t perfect either

9/29/2023 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC and his board members would like to thank you for their bloated pay raises, and trips on your dime.

JC would also like to thank you all for his free health insurance he receives, as well as his other retired board members, while you all continue to pay for yours after 55 & out.

9/29/2023 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Cuntanzara is a liar and a con who's just trying to milk as much as he can from the members to support his lavish lifestyle.

9/29/2023 01:42:00 AM

John’s done more for us than you Marxists ever will.

9/29/2023 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Retired 2021 said...

9/29/2023 08:10:00 AM

So well said. At his core John is little more than a bully. And being in the position he is, his ass kissing minions afraid to disagree, only emboldens him. I’ll never wish bad on fellow officers (yeah I know he’s retired), but seeing John handed defeats makes me smile. Your covid Vax battle. His run for national veep and now this. Now queue him spinning this latest kick in the dick as “strategy” in 3…2…1. Bullies need to be beat up sometimes so they learn a lesson. Seems your president needs a few more lessons

9/29/2023 01:46:00 PM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

There can be no official job action. There is, however, the blue flew. The problem is too many officers are spending be on their means, and fear what happens to their finances if they hit the medical. There are two kinds of pain: the pain of discipline, or the egg, and the other regret. The agony of regret is fast approaching as the city of Chicago just like many of the other liberal liberal hellholes is heading for bankruptcy. I don’t know what happens when that occurs, but it will be painful for everybody and those who do not have their finances in order will suffer much more.

9/29/2023 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s a brain exercise:

What if the city violated nearly every rule of our contract? What would honestly be the consequence? Arbitration? Lawsuit? Those seem to be our only recourse for any abuse that the city hands out. Also, both courses of action would take years to actually come to a conclusion. Most likely there would be a monetary penalty and a “I’m sorry” note from the city. In the meantime, the rank and file would have to deal with an unsafe, unsanitary, and, most importantly, unfair working environment in the meantime.

The point of a union is to collectively bargain with the city. In order to bargain, you need leverage. We have none. We can’t strike. We can’t organize any job action. No matter what president or what union organization you have in place, without having fundamental leverage, you have nothing. We’re stuck with flimsy arbitration and a kangaroo court that doesn’t quite look fondly at law enforcement these days. Considering that we’re playing a game where the rules are made up and there’s nothing we can do about it, the next best thing to do is to just stop caring. Leave if you can. If you can’t, stick it out as long as you need to, but put this place where it belongs in your mind: just a dumb toxic job.

9/29/2023 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And where is John right now? While he's traveling on our dime again. The word on the street is he had to apologize to the National FOP for threatening to "take his members" and leave the FOP. Now if John doesn't kiss their ass, our Lodge will be removed from the FOP. So now, because of John's greed and ego, we might lose our union representation. Hey Johnny, you think the city is going to talk to you just because you have a big mouth. The city won't have to talk to you because we would not be a part of a recognized labor party. Good god, for someone who thinks they're the smartest person in the room, you sure are a dumbass.

9/29/2023 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Cuntanzara is a liar and a con who's just trying to milk as much as he can from the members to support his lavish lifestyle.

9/29/2023 01:42:00 AM

John’s done more for us than you Marxists ever will.

9/29/2023 12:07:00 PM

Cite examples…

9/29/2023 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Job Action: Drive the speed limit everywhere except 10-1's. Everything else - obey all traffic control devices and limits. Get there when ya get there.

Look.Laugh.Drop some paper. Leave.

When it hurts the libtards enough, they repeal all this criminal-coddling garbage and start treating cops well, then maybe the speed can pick up.

But you don't have to go on "strike" to fuck things up...

9/29/2023 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The comments on the subject of this article have, expectedly, swiftly become a boner brawl.

Can the Keesing Bandit not be waiting for the effacacious moment to offer the brawlers some spritzers.....

9/29/2023 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Cuntanzara is a liar and a con who's just trying to milk as much as he can from the members to support his lavish lifestyle.

9/29/2023 01:42:00 AM

John’s done more for us than you Marxists ever will

And yet we STILL don't have a finished contract. I don't need to pay John Commanders pay to burn bridges for me; I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own.

John is the biggest Marxists there is. He makes his living by leaching off the hardworking men and women of this Department. John just go away, you're useless and a complete drain on our resources.

9/29/2023 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We’d be super fucked if Pat Murray was there ? Who do you think brought in new attorneys and got rid of Dan “1.6 “ Million dollar man ? Explain to me what has this Cat rat done ? Cantazara - 1.) No contract , 2.) No Cola , 3.) No Political Allies , 4.) talked numerous cops into violating direct orders and then washed his hands and finally obtained CR number and kicked the past President out of his Union . Get off his nuts meathead !

9/29/2023 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many people are aware of how much our union dues are now. Take a look. We’d be better off with a team of professional litigators working out pay and benefits, a team for legal issues facing officers and that’s it. We’d get better results, no greedy big mouths, expensive union thievery, and the FOP can go to hell where they belong. Cops aren’t capable of running their own union representation

9/30/2023 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City did the right thing in getting rid of JC's we the members will do the same next election, bye JC!!!!

9/30/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

If all of you cannot behave, you will be spanked by SpankDaddy.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

9/30/2023 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John’s done more for us than you Marxists ever will.

Ahhh. Ok then. Such as?? I’ll wait. John claimed many things he did but then they didn’t happen. Also, MANY of the arbitration wins we have gotten were from the prior administration that have been pending for many years. We use to have a lot of political Allies on both sides of the aisle. Now, NOBODY on any side of the aisle will touch John with a 10 foot pole except for a few north side aldermen who use to be police or fire.. that’s about it. Otherwise we have let JCAT put us on an island that nobody wants to side with. We do not have adults running out u ion and you idiots keep voting for him. JCAT and Jackstavich. Two of the dumbest and unprofessional people we have on this department now run our union. Lord help us.

9/30/2023 03:21:00 PM  

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