Friday, November 17, 2023

Chickens Coming Home to Roost

We're going to steal a few stories from CWB tonight, but we'll only quote a little bit. Head over to the links and give them the clicks they deserve.

First up, someone got arrested for Armed Robbery:

  • Chicago police were able to quickly track down an armed robber because his victim noticed that he was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet, officials said. Working quickly with the Cook County sheriff’s office, Chicago cops followed the ankle monitor’s GPS signal to locate him in Evanston.

    James Potts, 23, was on electronic monitoring while awaiting trial for Class X felony armed habitual criminal and related gun charges, prosecutors said. Class X felonies are the most serious crimes in Illinois, short of murder.

Gee, we remember when a Class X charge meant a long wait for someone to mortgage a house or something to get bail money. Now, thanks to Crimesha, you just walk around and rob more people. And after an initial court appearance where Violation of Bail bond no longer exists, he'll probably be walking around on THIS charge, too.

And the other day, some non-demonized yutes stuck up a mother and child, knocked her husband over when he came out of the house and stole their car. A few days later, they returned for the other car since they had those keys, too.

Guess what???

  • Two men, one on bond for a felon gun case and the other on parole for two carjackings, have been charged with robbing and carjacking a woman in the Beverly neighborhood, Chicago police said. The November 2 crime gained widespread attention when surveillance video of the hijacking went viral.

    Calling the hijacking “appalling” and “brazen,” CPD said 20-year-old Damarri Conner and Kenneth Merritt, 25, have each been charged with one count of aggravated vehicular hijacking with a firearm and two counts of armed robbery with a firearm. Conner is also charged with three counts of misdemeanor resisting.

Yup, both were out on felonies thanks to Crimesha, Evans, Prickwrinkle and Fatass.

You'd think that morons who vote democrat might notice that the policies advocated for democrat politicians seem to result in them being victims of violent crime.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work by 024 rbt Sgt Quadri and his officers...job well done, per the usual fellas!

11/17/2023 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residential doorbell and store security cameras have shown everyone that Chicago is an unsafe city. The mayor, police chief, county prosecutor and the members of the county board and their president barely comment on street killings. The city council occasionally provides routine platitudes about fighting rising crime. Talk about investing in this city causes Wall Street to roll their eyes. Someone should ask the mayor how his Consent Decree is making people feel safe.

11/17/2023 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is what it is. How long will the public put up with all these changes. A lot of the people stood by and thought a lot of these changes were a good thing. Now the ones who stood by and said nothing, and the ones supporting the new laws and policies are being victimized.

11/17/2023 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new norm better get used to it

11/17/2023 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Place the blame right at the feet of those responsible, jabba the hut in springfield and crimesha.

11/17/2023 07:02:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

They can't see that. They are not that bright.

11/17/2023 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I’m sure the Beverly crime victim has white guilt and even voted for all the ass🤡 u mentioned

11/17/2023 07:28:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

Remember, liberals are conservatives that haven't been mugged yet. With the Republican party so feckless in this state, the Democrats have no competition. That's why people here don't vote differently, they just leave.

11/17/2023 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Beverly always did have that better than everyone else air
about them. In fact they were welcoming the BLM crews into
their neighborhood not that long ago, I remember all those
liberal white folks standing with their signs on western ave.
And looking down their noses at us racist mt Greenwood
hillbilly’s .

11/17/2023 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous J. Backstabvich@541 said...

Did someone say chicken? Coming home to roost??!!!!

Is this code that they’re on to me at work? That they figured out that I scooped up just shy of 40 pieces of yard bird leftover from Wednesdays Dineen sausage fest? I also grabbed a half gallon of gravy. Heated just right, I can suck it thru a silly straw while still reclined in the BarcaLounger in my bedroom basement at Moms.

11/17/2023 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The better option would be both the thugs a dirt nap which would fully cure them of their problems!

11/17/2023 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a pretty simple equation to come up with. The Dems think if they make it bad enough by letting loose gun toting morons that the country will do away with 2A. It's a pretty stupid idea, I doubt it will work, but they sure are trying...

11/17/2023 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s probably just me, but every time I hear or see the word “democrat” I think of it as a medical term. Something unexplainedly wrong with a person’s thought processes. Something that should be turned over to the CDC for evaluation.

11/17/2023 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one from CWB made me laugh out loud the other day:

11/17/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you live in Beverly and think it's a nice neighborhood, you're as naive as the morons that live in Mt Greenwood.

11/17/2023 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they have a "Proud union home" sign on their lawn? Never forget, the 19th ward delivered more votes for Crimeisha than O'Brien last election.

11/17/2023 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Fuck the FBI said...

Things just aren't bad enough yet.
But we are on the precipice.
Even nut bag actor Michael Rappaport said he's voting for "pig dick" Trump over "smokin" Joe Biden.
Pay attention Frens.
Things are about to get weird.

11/17/2023 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Elections have consequences” said the worst president in the history of this country. Barack Hussein Obama.

11/17/2023 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Too old for this shit said...

Gotta give the commies credit. They took over the justice system.
So now white conservatives are terrorists and self defense is illegal.

11/17/2023 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahhahhahaha , Sgt Quadry is a self promoting idiot

11/17/2023 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw that there was a triple homicide in broad daylight on 8300 S Pulaski. Not a peep in the news on this.

11/17/2023 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of Cook County is now just a stolen Kia ride away from the hood.

11/17/2023 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you live in Beverly and think it's a nice neighborhood, you're as naive as the morons that live in Mt Greenwood.

11/17/2023 09:09:00 AM

I’ll take Beverly and Mt Greenwood over your pos neighborhood anytime. I get it, you live up north and pay more in rent to your mother. But look at how high her mortgage and taxes are! I’ll laugh when she decides to raise your rent to stay in line with inflation. In meantime, get back to mom’s basement! Meatloaf is still edible and sweet potato pie too as long as you take out the garbage.

11/17/2023 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you live in Beverly and think it's a nice neighborhood, you're as naive as the morons that live in Mt Greenwood.

11/17/2023 09:09:00 AM

It's not even nice in Edison Park anymore either.

11/17/2023 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) things are getting bad everywhere look at this

11/17/2023 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a pretty simple equation to come up with. The Dems think if they make it bad enough by letting loose gun toting morons that the country will do away with 2A. It's a pretty stupid idea, I doubt it will work, but they sure are trying...

11/17/2023 08:36:00 AM

The equation of Nature is: fuck with me and I kill you.

As it is still being impeded in it's execution by laws, human concocted, that are enforced reliably enough to impede, both by law enforcers and civilian compliances, civilized as they may be, the predators will continue to prey upon the civilized.

With all the reported volumes of firearm purchases these past few years, one wonders just how much more abuse the civilized will submit to.

When 'try that in a small town' becomes 'try that, any fucking time and place, and you'll know, predator, that YOU are in the wrong place at the wrong time', then, and only then, will civilized return to being actual.

Think: the chickens decide that enough is enough and that fucking fox belongs to us.

Until then, pay attention, always, all times and in all ways. Nature defines this precisely.

11/17/2023 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
All of Cook County is now just a stolen Kia ride away from the hood.

11/17/2023 10:59:00 AM

two months ago a stolen Kia was found in my complex in Palos Heights. It was abandoned by a few male blacks who then got into another car and left. This happened in the middle of the night and was seen by someone. No where is safe from these young black and well armed thugs. It seems to be a game with them to roam around and stick a gun in unsuspecting people's faces.

11/17/2023 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asshats back, here’s its latest:

“ 11/17/2023 09:09:00 AM

I’ll take Beverly and Mt Greenwood over your pos neighborhood anytime. I get it, you live up north and pay more in rent to your mother. But look at how high her mortgage and taxes are! I’ll laugh when she decides to raise your rent to stay in line with inflation. In meantime, get back to mom’s basement! Meatloaf is still edible and sweet potato pie too as long as you take out the garbage.”

11/17/2023 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll take Beverly and Mt Greenwood over your pos neighborhood anytime. I get it, you live up north and pay more in rent to your mother. But look at how high her mortgage and taxes are! I’ll laugh when she decides to raise your rent to stay in line with inflation. In meantime, get back to mom’s basement! Meatloaf is still edible and sweet potato pie too as long as you take out the garbage.”

Nothing better than living in Edison your heart out

11/18/2023 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course you’ll take beverly and Mt. Greesewood … your wife is your third cousin removed. You had your wedding at Gaelic Park. Your family pisses in the alleys on the Southside St. Patrick’s Parade, including the women whom are bigger than a cow. You live to drive around with that SR sticker on the back window … Glory Day’s !!!! You can’t afford to live up North with the laced curtain Irish.
back to the fields peasant!!!!! Go sell crazy somewhere else … getting jacked twice in Beverly… priceless … cue in the GIF of Gene Wilder from Willy Wonka … Idiot

11/18/2023 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
of course you’ll take beverly and Mt. Greesewood … your wife is your third cousin removed. You had your wedding at Gaelic Park. Your family pisses in the alleys on the Southside St. Patrick’s Parade, including the women whom are bigger than a cow. You live to drive around with that SR sticker on the back window … Glory Day’s !!!! You can’t afford to live up North with the laced curtain Irish.
back to the fields peasant!!!!! Go sell crazy somewhere else … getting jacked twice in Beverly… priceless … cue in the GIF of Gene Wilder from Willy Wonka … Idiot

11/18/2023 09:48:00 AM

Let’s see, you hide inside mom’s house as you wait for the coast to be clear of catalytic converter thugs. She makes sure that you ate your fruit loops as she once again lectures you about how her basement is not an amusement park and you are not to allow anyone to stay over past midnight. You put on your Cubs jersey and baseball cap on backwards and head out and run mommy’s errands. With mom’s leftover change you decide to treat yourself. A Perrier in one hand and a Monster in the other. You have to get your game face on before your 3rd watch roll call where you can tell war stories of all the blue cards you got the night before and all of the tickets you didn’t write because you are a bad ass. Mom texts you that the meatloaf is in the oven and this is the last time she unclogs her basement toilet because she has a hot date with an Uber driver. You think to yourself how portage park is not the same as it used to be. Now go back to your mother’s basement. The meatloaf is old but still yummy. Just remember to give a courtesy flush once in a while. Mom is getting tired of your crap.

11/18/2023 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can’t afford to live up North with the laced curtain Irish.

Who would want to live with the lace curtain Irish, they wear orange on St. Patrick’s day.

11/19/2023 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

........Mom is getting tired of your crap.

11/18/2023 08:34:00 PM

You had me at Hello......


11/19/2023 03:10:00 PM  

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