Thursday, November 02, 2023

Legal Victory

The "fake exoneration" movement suffered a major setback two weeks ago and the lame-stream media didn't say a word about it. The Contrarian picks up the ball and scores:

  • A crucial legal battle may be coming together in Illinois that could determine whether Chicago’s judicial system will continue to be illegally undermined by a radicalized legislature.

    Two weeks ago, a Will County judge dashed the hopes of exoneration attorneys attempting to secure the release of two convicted killers based on the claims that the men were falsely convicted as a result of misconduct by a former Chicago Police Department detective.

    Twelfth Circuit Judge David Carlson rejected a ruling by the controversial Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission (TIRC) and determined TIRC’s support of misconduct claims against retired Detective Kriston Kato were “insufficient” to release two convicted killers, Devon Daniels and Kevin Murray.

    Carlson’s judgment throws a wrench in a campaign by exoneration attorneys asserting Kato, who has denied the allegations, was corrupt and coerced false confessions from both men. The path to exoneration for Daniels and Murray and then the inevitable multimillion dollar lawsuits in federal court is now far more arduous for the attorneys representing the men.

Not only did the judge toss the finding by the TIRC, he called into question the actual Constitutionality of the entire endeavor. Most people can figure out that this illegitimate commission exists solely to generate multi-million dollar lawsuits for attorneys, who then make campaign contributions to the same politicians who passed the law, with the usual anti-police narrative attached as an added bonus for pro-crime democrats.



Blogger Slick Nick said...

I know Judge Carlson, great Judge. Very knowledgeable and has common sense.

11/02/2023 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago Reader published a piece about Kato in 1991.

11/02/2023 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

11/02/2023 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martin Preib is a good writer.
Too bad he’s such a crybaby over losing his spot in the FOP.

11/02/2023 12:39:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Off topic…

J-Kitty proves once again that he’s a hypocritical piece of shit.

When BOFA Snelling was stripping coppers for Covid vax portal non-compliance, he was on FLOP’s radar along with every other gold star Bosshole who participated in that farce.

Yet here’s FLOP Prez Cantanzara gargling BOFA’s knob and working his balls, a Man Crush on steroids on full display. Let’s see what he has to say when he comes up for air after BOFA shows his true colors.

Spoiler alert!!!… J-Kitty tacitly acknowledges what BOFA’s true colors are at the 13:23 mark. It’s very telling coming from a guy who cut his teeth battling upper management.

11/02/2023 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s always been “play then pay (donate) with some. Look them up on the Il Bd of Elections (contributions). Some are by name, business or home address, employment or family member.

11/02/2023 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy! It just keeps getting more messed up for Officer’s working. I’m glad the judge seen through it.

11/02/2023 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission (TIRC). How positively Stalinesque!?!

11/02/2023 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them all go Free!

11/02/2023 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone is going to be pissed off! They were counting on the millions of dollars in contingency fees for their law firm. Now they will need to back out of their purchase of their Caribbean Mansion.

11/02/2023 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can the city get all those millions of dollars back now???

11/02/2023 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Classic Marty: great perspective, brilliant writing, way way way too long of an article. Somebody hire him an editor!

11/02/2023 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the Anthony Porter case and Northwestern's Innocent Project and all the illegal things they did with no consequences. That case is why I'd never buy into any innocent projects.

11/02/2023 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

11/02/2023 12:32:00 AM

M/2s are the biggest cry babies. Luke Connolly, Michael Campbell, Paul Zogg, Marc Vanek are all M/2’s that were merit sergeants and now all of a sudden they were top 50 give or take in the LTs test. GTFOH. I’m sure I’m missing some names.

11/02/2023 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Martin Preib is a good writer.
Too bad he’s such a crybaby over losing his spot in the FOP.

11/02/2023 12:39:00 AM

Terrible comment. Marty’s been nothing but a loyal ally to police, and god bless him for founding the Contrarian website.

11/02/2023 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And where is waldo?
Local News
Mayor Brandon Johnson in D.C. in push for federal funding amid Chicago migrant crisis

Him and the other stooges instead of being there telling the biden crew we will not accept anymore of these criminals nope just asking for more taxpayers cash some to line their pockets and some for distribution! How about telling them to close the dam borders especially with all the terrorism the fbi is saying can happen here and will with these policies? brandon you want more cash to stuff more of them here, the will of the people are no we do not want them but being a democrat you and the rest don't care what the people want! This is dictatorship at its highest levels! Brandon call out jb sanctuary state hmm guess not Chicago dumping grounds!

11/02/2023 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean someone finally gets it?

11/02/2023 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

11/02/2023 12:32:00 AM

Agree 100%

Now would it surprise you to learn that the very same “union” that you (used to) belong to, the ones who are supposed to be advocates for legit promotional testing, gave their blessing to HR and signed off on promotions to bomb dog handler for several people who either didn’t take the test and/or make rank order on the list. When discovered, several POs filed grievances and J-Cat had the board kill them. He was even dumb enough to discuss on record at a board meeting how Loughran came to them with this plan because the city feared losing the spots when the Feds called up more classes to go to Texas for training. Meanwhile, people who actually took the test weren’t allowed this same opportunity. I know this first hand as I was one of the people f %#^ ed by this and I’ve seen the evidence. Ironically it was K9 officer (GP) who uncovered all this and did all the legwork to try and make it right.
This is 100% true and is documented by FOIAs, the K9 rank order lists, AMC messages, grievances and the minutes from the fop board meeting. It’s disgusting when people cheat on promo tests, but it’s even worse when your own union participates in it. Makes you wonder what they got in return behind closed doors.

11/02/2023 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Anonymous said
Tom Parham? Merit sgt gets two duis and never gets bounced out of his bs D unit spot. Biggest overtime thief ever.

TP is always working on something at the Area unlike his Lt KA. She she's up at 9 or 10 leaves at 2 or 230 without putting in a slip. Sometimes she doesn't show up at all. Who's her clout? That's what someone showed be looking at.

11/02/2023 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspector Clouseau would have no chance against the likes of this Kato...

11/02/2023 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous CrookCountyJustice said...

POS Lovey Loafy the elder was the police union lawyer for Evanston at one point. Then he decided blood money was preferable. Imagine how many psycopath scumbags have gleefully counted the money due to this maggot's interference.

11/02/2023 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop crying about FOP just because you lost an election or just like to bitch. You have no idea about shit. So shut the f up.

11/02/2023 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/02/2023 12:27:00 AM

WTF, why even post a link to this bullshit?!

11/02/2023 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

You got that right JC from 18 and KF from Hq are both too stupid to make it high in their own. Both Patty Casey scholars

11/02/2023 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

11/02/2023 12:32:00 AM

And here’s the wild part. They get 30% merit for every promotional class. Now that’s not good enough so they take the test/ answer and claw for more. Now if you take a publicly accessible study group ( Bernie etc) you are literally fighting for maybe 5 out of every 10 spots open with the merit and other study groups ( Roberts brothers study group or the PATTIE CASEY group).

And lastly the part I cannot understand is the same people who “study” the test / answers actually believe they studied hard and deserve the promotion. SMFH. Take this last LT test. Look up the first class promoted from it. How many MERIT sergeants scored / ranked in the 1st or 2nd class? More than I could ever imagine. It’s a shame. Husband / wife, sisters, family members…..give me a break. Can’t break 300 on a sergeants test but land top 20 on a harder Lts test?! GFY’s.

11/02/2023 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TP is always working on something at the Area unlike his Lt KA. She she's up at 9 or 10 leaves at 2 or 230 without putting in a slip. Sometimes she doesn't show up at all. Who's her clout? That's what someone showed be looking at.

How do I get connected with her clout? I would love to have her schedule. It must be nice.

11/02/2023 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

You got that right JC from 18 and KF from Hq are both too stupid to make it high in their own. Both Patty Casey scholars

11/02/2023 02:13:00 PM

You must be referring to bubble heads merit SGT pick from the old 012. Hrs a whiner. Made LT and was sent to 018 on 3rd watch’s. Cried so hard his phone call was finally answered and now he’s at an area far south. He Definitely was apart of the pattie Casey study group. Very closely linked to the Dillon circus. All formerly assigned to the old 012.

11/02/2023 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Granny just bamboozled herself back into another chief spot at NOLA. Good luck with that. Worst

11/02/2023 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous PBPA said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
11/02/2023 12:27:00 AM

WTF, why even post a link to this bullshit?!

11/02/2023 02:11:00 PM

Why, you ask? Because coppers have short memories, and they need to be regularly reminded of reality. “BOFA” Snelling signed off on coppers losing their income. He participated in making several people choose between paying their mortgages and their kids tuition. He made good people miss rent payments and vehicle payments and struggle to provide the same type of quality home life for their children that they had when they were collecting checks on the 1st and 16th. He put people with special needs children in fear of losing their healthcare coverage. he did all this because he is a fucking coward who was afraid of doing the right thing and telling Lightfoot to go pound sand up her ass all to keep his gold star while walking on the backs of people who chose to exercise their religious and moral beliefs. What he did was completely unforgivable and doing away with tiered deployment doesn’t amount to a spit in the ocean in terms of making things right for the people who suffered because of what he and the other asshole gold stars did

Jcat and the rest of the FOP crew obviously faked their outrage when they promised they would never forget what Lori Lightfoot and her Kool-Aid drinking gold stars did to the membership. But here we have J. cat doing a complete 180, sucking off Supe BOFA. Ask yourself why that is. Ask yourself how somebody who fucked with the very livelihood of the people Jcat was elected to represent is now suddenly the best thing since sliced bread. The more I hear and see, the more I’m convinced that this FOP regime is just as compromised and crooked as any before them.

So THIS is why videos like that need to be made available for all to see….you need to be reminded on just what a hypocritical, lying piece of shit you guys elected to Fop president to represent you.

11/02/2023 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got that right JC from 18 and KF from Hq are both too stupid to make it high in their own. Both Patty Casey scholars

Unfortunately not the only ones….Consedine has always had nice gigs. His older brother is a decent guy but the “LT” is an egomaniac. As usual he complained about being assigned to 018 for almost the entire year he spent there. Good riddance and good luck to area South who got this goof.

11/02/2023 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

11/02/2023 12:32:00 AM

And here’s the wild part. They get 30% merit for every promotional class. Now that’s not good enough so they take the test/ answer and claw for more. Now if you take a publicly accessible study group ( Bernie etc) you are literally fighting for maybe 5 out of every 10 spots open with the merit and other study groups ( Roberts brothers study group or the PATTIE CASEY group).

And lastly the part I cannot understand is the same people who “study” the test / answers actually believe they studied hard and deserve the promotion. SMFH. Take this last LT test. Look up the first class promoted from it. How many MERIT sergeants scored / ranked in the 1st or 2nd class? More than I could ever imagine. It’s a shame. Husband / wife, sisters, family members…..give me a break. Can’t break 300 on a sergeants test but land top 20 on a harder Lts test?! GFY’s.

11/02/2023 03:24:00 PM
It just keeps getting worse if you're not in the chosen group. I put in for leadership schools for 8 years with what I consider a very competitive resume and record. I knew the FBI Academy was out of the question for a M/2 who made it off the lists, so I tried for Northwestern, Boston and UOfC. After 8 packages going nowhere, imagine my surprise when a Lt of 3 months gets the Northwestern Staff and Command course. She couldn't even spell it without help, but is now ready for a command spot. I hate to say it, but good luck to my co-workers. I'm out of here.

11/02/2023 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

11/02/2023 12:32:00 AM

This is 100% true . This is why when you say someone made it on score the 9161’s who think for themselves know that mean’s absolutely nothing at face value . It’s why we have the leadership we do . THERE IS 0 reason for subject matter experts .. except for cheating . At the very least 1 retired boss can serve as that but there is still no need for that . The fucking test is subjective for Christ sakes .. the orders are there … read them test on them simple .

11/02/2023 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) wtf

11/02/2023 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canine test compromised you say? Ha!!!! Yep, from the very start. This is referencing the 2015 K9 test: Trainers as SME’s who pass test content to family and friends. Questions thrown out immediately after the written portion (I mean RIGHT AFTER results were posted on site because some that had the answers weren't smart enough to memorize them). To two small F/4s failing part of the physical (witnessed this personally) and still making first and second class of bomb dog handlers (can you say “Linda Flores”?). To fixed oral interview where those in the know had the ‘phrase that pays’. To a supervisor (PB) who sat on that interview board confessing they (the board) were given their marching orders as to which people were to be ranked high enough to be in the first 2 classes. Oh, and don’t forget to add in the “management” picks. So as if all that Corruption in the testing process wasn’t enough, you’ve got the FOP ALLOWING THE DEPARTMENT TO PROMOTE PEOPLE WHO DIDNT TAKE THE TEST OR RANK ON THE ELIGIBILITY LIST. Remember all you knuckleheads who think things are legit when it comes to promotions on this job: “Earned, not Given”…NOT.

11/02/2023 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really the whole black command staff is merit. Given everything they got on the job not earned. Sgt. R Richardson from PTS daddy called in every favor he could to get his daughter a merit spot. All her previous Commanders laughed him off. Then before the Lt. test she asked the Commander to put her in for Merit Lt. before she even took the test.

11/02/2023 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Illinois the judicial system does work but not in Crook County. In Crook County however, we do have the best judges that money can buy.

11/02/2023 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got that right JC from 18 and KF from Hq are both too stupid to make it high in their own. Both Patty Casey scholars

Unfortunately not the only ones….Consedine has always had nice gigs. His older brother is a decent guy but the “LT” is an egomaniac. As usual he complained about being assigned to 018 for almost the entire year he spent there. Good riddance and good luck to area South who got this goof.

Never worked hard in 12 either. Always taken care of. Couldn’t make Sgt. on his own had to be made merit. Merit for what is anyone’s guess.

11/02/2023 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got that right JC from 18 and KF from Hq are both too stupid to make it high in their own. Both Patty Casey scholars

11/02/2023 02:13:00 PM

You must be referring to bubble heads merit SGT pick from the old 012. Hrs a whiner. Made LT and was sent to 018 on 3rd watch’s. Cried so hard his phone call was finally answered and now he’s at an area far south. He Definitely was apart of the pattie Casey study group. Very closely linked to the Dillon circus. All formerly assigned to the old 012.

Your exactly right. Ass kisser and cry baby. He’s a one brain celled bubble head pick.

11/02/2023 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know everyone at roll call keeps talking about the insurance for this new contract. I think we should give a little to get a little. I say move the age to 57 instead of 55 or 29 and day to get insurance when you retire. Sounds fair to me and the membership.

11/02/2023 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TP is always working on something at the Area unlike his Lt KA. She she's up at 9 or 10 leaves at 2 or 230 without putting in a slip. Sometimes she doesn't show up at all. Who's her clout? That's what someone showed be looking at.

How do I get connected with her clout? I would love to have her schedule. It must be nice.

WTF! Working 5.5 hrs a day? I feel like an asshole for working my entire tour! SCC you have to tell us who's her fucken clout. This is bullshit!

11/02/2023 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: canine promotions. everything said is true. hard evidence to show INELIGIBLE people were promoted after Elf on the Shelf Loughran facilitated it all. on 3 - THREE - diff occasions. and the assholes at fop said okay. Bob Landowski and Carla Johnson at HR also complicit. IAD still investigating after formal statement given along with all documentation. they were caught dirty, dead bang and the cover up continues. Elf bailed for glencoe while under investigation and kept credentials, guess the clouted can do that while the blue shirts can not.

11/02/2023 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop crying about FOP just because you lost an election or just like to bitch. You have no idea about shit. So shut the f up.

11/02/2023 01:47:00 PM

another of Jcats loyal meathead flock. how many times you been stripped?

11/03/2023 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martin Preib is a good writer.
Too bad he’s such a crybaby over losing his spot in the FOP.

11/02/2023 12:39:00 AM

Terrible comment. Marty’s been nothing but a loyal ally to police, and god bless him for founding the Contrarian website.

Marty, I said you were a good writer, but a crybaby about losing your nice FOP spot.
You don’t have to post self praise.

11/03/2023 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Martin Preib is a good writer.
Too bad he’s such a crybaby over losing his spot in the FOP.
11/02/2023 12:39:00 AM
Yes he is a grood writer and p!zzed about the FOP spot to the point of obsession.
He also is obsessed with the Anthony Porter case to the point that I stopped reading anything he wrote because whatever the story was about it always turned to the A. Porter case.

11/03/2023 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really the whole black command staff is merit. Given everything they got on the job not earned. Sgt. R Richardson from PTS daddy called in every favor he could to get his daughter a merit spot. All her previous Commanders laughed him off. Then before the Lt. test she asked the Commander to put her in for Merit Lt. before she even took the test.

11/02/2023 08:26:00 PM

Wasn’t she one of the clouted invite only Patty Casey class?

11/03/2023 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donations or bribes to make rank. Been this way forever. Some of these fools I worked with and saw how they operated and as the old adage goes, I wouldn’t vote them in as a dog catcher. My apologies to dog catchers.

11/03/2023 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aguilar has been taken care of all her career. All she did at the academy was bitch and moan. You want her schedule go find yourself the dumbest exempt on the department and have a close door meeting with him. When you come out of that meeting you will either get her schedule or sent to a unit.

11/03/2023 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

11/02/2023 12:32:00 AM

This is 100% true . This is why when you say someone made it on score the 9161’s who think for themselves know that mean’s absolutely nothing at face value . It’s why we have the leadership we do . THERE IS 0 reason for subject matter experts .. except for cheating . At the very least 1 retired boss can serve as that but there is still no need for that . The fucking test is subjective for Christ sakes .. the orders are there … read them test on them simple .

11/02/2023 06:26:00 PM


I know some pretty dumb MFer who scored bizarrely high on the Sgt. test so I have my suspicions. Of course I'll never know for sure but this is a character who would have a hard time spelling his first name correctly.

11/04/2023 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I’m a M/2 who made rank legit by score. But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that there’s rampant cheating going on with these tests. It all comes down to the subject matter experts who get copies of the ACTUAL TEST to look over and make sure it looks good. These are the upper level exempts that get these then use that to get whoever they want promoted. It’s been happening forever and that needs to stop. Both white and black are abusing the hell out of it.

11/02/2023 12:32:00 AM

I’m an M/4 who made rank by score three separate times. I empathize just a tiny bit with you. As much as I despise the cronyism, nepotism and cheating, I don’t feel sorry for you one tiny bit. I ate shit under clouted, elitist white asshole bosses, and made to pick up the slack of incompetent and lazy peers by con artist black bosses. I worked my ass off for decades for no one but myself, but watched the Irish mafia connected kids get all the perks. Early car, 06, tact, early ducks, merit selections, answers for promotional tests (Cline, Devine, etc), watch, choice units and on and on and on. I spent years in felony brach court and 26 and Cal putting felons in prison. I’d put my numbers up against anyone. All that matters very little now. Funny thing is, I can count on one hand, shit maybe a couple fingers, how many of the current command staff i remember seeing in a courtroom all those years. I’ve been listening to hardworking and dogass M/2’s my entire career crying about how they’re getting passed over for one thing or another…over 20 years ago when the Irish ran the department and to this day with the fratern-a-bros running the show. You’ll be ok homie. Me, I’m this >< close to saying goodbye to this cesspool. I still love being a copper but what this department has become on top of all the legal and political changes that have engulfed this city and country…no thanks.

11/05/2023 04:16:00 AM  

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