Thursday, November 02, 2023

National Dems Threatened

This is how far the democrats have fallen:

  • The National Muslim Democratic Council, a nationwide group of Democratic leaders and activists, threatened President Joe Biden that if he does not force Israel to reach a ceasefire with Hamas, a U.S. State Department-designated foreign terrorist organization, by 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday, they will work to mobilize against him in the 2024 presidential election.

    "It has become evident that our voices are being ignored, but our votes will not be. Simply put, as Gaza turns red, so could crucial battleground states," the council said in a letter Monday to the White House and Democratic Party.

Actual party members of what democrats hope is a core constituency, are openly threatening the national party to force the only democratic state in the Middle East - to submit to a known terror organization. 

And if they don't....they'll vote Republican?

Not seeing it.

They'll turn "battleground states" red?

Okay, we can see that. 

No word on the shade of red though. Like rusty red? Or are we talking bloody?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden, finally accomplishing what every president has tried to do since Carter. Bringing the Jews and Arabs together . . . in their mutual hatred and disgust of him.

11/02/2023 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total BS threat. There is no way any Muslim would vote for any Republican.

11/02/2023 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently, this is all that islam has, threats of dire consequences, if they don't get all others to submit to their ways.

11/02/2023 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering we've let who knows how many thousand legit terrorists just waltz into our country I'd say blood red is far more likely.

Not only did we let them in but our Department of Homeland Security ( yeah, I laughed pretty hard at that one too ) went so far as to REMOVE barriers put up by the Texas National Guard so they could cross the border easier.

When the worst happens, and the question is not whether but how soon it will happen, we can't say we didn't see it coming.

11/02/2023 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the bastards feel so strongly about it why don't they vote with their feet and go over there.

11/02/2023 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True DemocRAT voters don’t pay attention to anything until the media tells them who the front runners are. Then they vote on their party lines. DemocRAT!

11/02/2023 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know it will be bloody. I hope to be out of here before the Democrat Convention.

11/02/2023 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Republican, may I say I don't want them. They literally bring nothing but strife and ruin wherever they go. Do you really Want to know why no Arab Government wants anything to do with the Palestinians?

Jordan: Google Black September 1970.
Lebanon: Lebanese Civil War 1975
Kuwait: Iraqi Invasion 1991

How about all those Gaza Greenhouses given intact and for free to the Gazans when the Israelis pulled out of Gaza in 2005? A multimillion dollar business given to the Palestinian Authority?

11/02/2023 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not making much news here, but in this interview with the Hamas spokesperson, he makes it pretty clear that they're going to keep attacking. Over and over again. Doesn't sound like he wants a cease fire at all.

11/02/2023 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance!

11/02/2023 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The loose coalition of the democrats is in trouble.
Jews vs Muslims, gays vs Muslims, hipsters vs ghetto criminals, female white suburbanites vs inflation, recent college graduates vs a horrible economy and everyone starting to wake up to the lies and manipulation.

11/02/2023 02:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do all the "groups" belong to the Dem party? Is it a rule or something?

11/02/2023 05:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turn the battleground states red?
First they will have to overcome election fraud.
Remember GA, AZ, WI, PA, MI, and probably NV in 2020.

11/02/2023 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them Jews and Muslims fight their own war!

Same goes for Ukraine and Russia.


11/02/2023 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone who loves terrorists should go live with them. It's sickening to see how many people cheer and support the horrific attacks in Israel. It's really easy to support when you're stupid and nowhere near the front lines fighting these savages who take joy in beheading babies, repeatedly raping women (feminists, where's your outrage?) and torture hostages. Everyone who supports the wrong side should educate themselves because Israel is our only ally in the Middle East and they're not the bad guy. And when it happens here, hopefully those cheering for the terrorists are the first to encounter them.

11/02/2023 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The second American Revolution is only one major event away. Closer everyday. That is why the politicians are so afraid of the Second Amendment. At all his point are 300 million guns and Billions of rounds of ammo in US. The first Revolution was over taxes without representation, well what do we have today. Taxes and very questionable representation. Worse yet those taxes are collected from the working class and given to the non working class. People are getting fed up with that Democratic tactic.

11/02/2023 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

President Kamala? President Pumpkin Head? Vice President Brandon Johnson (only if Stacy Gates and Preckwinkle says its okay)? Yikes!

11/02/2023 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel doesn't give a fuck what Biden wants...They will do whats needed to protect their people...Go Israel..fuck Biden!!! He cant even protect our own country let alone Israel!

11/02/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These goofs can't see past their nose. If they weren't killing Jews in Israel they'd be killing us. What Biden should do is carpet bomb the Gaza strip with B52s.

11/02/2023 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Millions of got aways, terrorists from urban to everything in the middle are here just waiting to hurt/kill as many as they can while the borders are wide open,and chiraq just lets them all in, giving them a bundle of cash its the democrats that are totally insane all about the votes!
If you have not seen the great new speaker of the house on video going around where he takes the democrats to task about all the illegal criminals and they admit it is all about getting more votes as they sell out the country to terrorists!

11/02/2023 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coalition of black mayor in Washington

Los Angles mayor - black
Houston mayor - black
NYC mayor - black
Chicago mayor - black

all in washington pleading for illegal immigrant aid funded by black and white taxpayers and work permits so the illegals can vote . Biden has the black uncle Tom mayors back in chains working against their own black voters

11/02/2023 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois man serving life for drug conviction under 'three-strikes' law is granted clemency, arrives in Chicago

Michael Lightfoot walked free for the first time in two decades this week after Gov. J.B. Pritzker granted him clemency, undoing his life sentence and ordering his release.

11/02/2023 12:36:00 PM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

Nobody likes Bad Touch Joe.

11/02/2023 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank God im smart enough to not be a democrat

11/02/2023 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total BS threat. There is no way any Muslim would vote for any Republican.

And there’s No Way this Republican will vote for a muslim.
Trump that!

11/02/2023 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the religion of peace and respect for women and gays and Jews and Christians. The leftist college students should live in a muslim country for a year or so.

11/03/2023 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Earlier I read that China, Russia and Iran are backing the Hamas terrorists in Gaza. They forgot to list that most Democrats, college students, and their professors also support Hamas. So Biden is trying to appease a very large base of Communists, authoritarians and terrorists.

11/03/2023 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats DemonRats keeping FJB on ticket until convention. Then commie progressive democrat puppet masters will appoint newsome ,fatman prickster from IL as the democrat presidential candidate. It’s communism, voters will have no choice. No debates attacking each other . 🐪 A is out , czar of the border . Mmmmjob she can cackle all the way to the bank .

11/09/2023 09:15:00 AM  

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