Friday, December 08, 2023

Where's This Report?

We made a crack about Riccio the other day, and some people pointed out how the "relatives and more relatives promotional program" was really abused under his supervision. And then we saw this comment:

  • Everyone he promoted was a walking cr #. I loved it when IAD labeled him "the worst judge of character in the history of the police department". 

Where is this report? Was this an official finding?

Looking back though, this is pretty accurate, not just for Tony but across the Department. The number of meri-clout-orious promotions who ended up on the wrong end of CR investigations (not to mention indictments) makes you wonder exactly what the qualifications were for any "merit" promotion.

And those unqualified/undeserving are making the picks now. 

The Department death spiral accelerates....along with the city's.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riccio promoted people that neverrrrr worked the street. Not even of one month. His crybabies are still on the inside.

12/08/2023 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you expect when someone doesn't have enough job knowledge to pass a freaking test?

12/08/2023 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riccio is too short to be the police.
He is bad news.
Bobby Rush popcorn drama showed that he shouln’t have ever been called by cpd background investigators for the profession in the first place.

12/08/2023 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you SCC. The whole merit system was like playing a card game where they deal from the bottom of the deck. Whole system is rigged. The regular working stiffs has become the idiot in the job. Whole thing is unfair and wrong.

12/08/2023 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit promotions is all about the $$$ or sexual favors not anything to do with Merit. Always has been always will be as long as the CPD allows Merit promotions. But without merit there would be almost zero promotions because not enough are smart enough to pass an honest test. Key word there is honesty given test.

12/08/2023 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s statistically impossible for the Chewzewski sisters and their husbands to make it in the first Sgt and LT class. Unless, of course, they were given the test. Their dad was a kiss ass boss so probably owed favors.
I worked for one of them and they are the absolute worst and I hear their Schnor is a terrible boss too.
They’re no different from noble elites.

12/08/2023 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe a post is in order of all the Riccio sponsored people?????

12/08/2023 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than his porn stash one can never tell if he was coming or going, due to his front butt. Tiny man with tiny hands and massive ego.

12/08/2023 09:22:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

No keeses for any of them.

12/08/2023 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s statistically impossible for the Chewzewski sisters and their husbands to make it in the first Sgt and LT class. Unless, of course, they were given the test. Their dad was a kiss ass boss so probably owed favors.
I worked for one of them and they are the absolute worst and I hear their Schnor is a terrible boss too.
They’re no different from noble elites.

12/08/2023 05:39:00 AM

Where’s professor Patty when we need her? The schnoor’s ranked back to back on the lts ranking. If you look them up on the roster of 9173’s they are ranked right next to each other. Both were in the 1st Lt class off this current test. After being in the class each SCHNOOR was assigned right back to their Unit after “training”. Most people being promoted have to do some time in patrol. It makes sense if you want or desire a promotion. But not the SCHNOORS. the husband and wife are the smartest of the smart. They can’t be bothered to be assigned to a district. Too good for that. Another pair who owe “Auntie Patty Casey” their bars.

12/08/2023 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst is Riccio’s niece , Lt Jan Ashley Dylan De Jesus. She has been on the medical for over a year because she couldn’t do a TRR. She is trying to get disability. She is scum of the earth and would be stealing from our pension fund! She is an embarrassment to the profession. Her sister Lt Jamie Falardau hides behind planter boxes and lets an offender run off. That family is joke. Dylan and Chiczewski family have never had bad spots. Look who the new forensic Lt is. This whole department is a joke.

12/08/2023 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie Chiczewski couldn’t handle 011. She cried and cried and had phone calls made until she got moved to BIA and now Forensics. Must be nice to have never had to work in patrol. Her sister and brother in law all have the same luck as she has. Must be nice.

12/08/2023 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The schnoors are a fucking joke. Two Complete morons. Pension thievery is a crime.

12/08/2023 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We made a crack about Riccio the other day, and some people pointed out how the "relatives and more relatives promotional program" was really abused under his supervision. And then we saw this comment:

Statistically Sicilian dwarfs are inherently short tempered...ooohh

12/08/2023 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nepotism and patronage live in the CPD. Your either in the clan at the moment or not. MERIT has nothing to do with merit! Glad I'm retiring soon..................

12/08/2023 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original Ralph Chiczewski retired from the CPD AS AN EXEMPT with a large pension. He then took a high ranking job with the University of Chicago Police where he lasted about a year. Still ambitious, he went to work for the city’s water department for a six figure income. His wife Debby stayed with the CPD landing a six figure exempt position, pretty good considering that she had been a stay at home mom when she started her employment and promotional rise. The roots of the family tree have spread to the CFD.

12/09/2023 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Riccio is too short to be the police.
He is bad news.
Bobby Rush popcorn drama showed that he shouln’t have ever been called by cpd background investigators for the profession in the first place.

12/08/2023 01:43:00 AM

OK I'll chime in.

When Lori became the mayor she IMMEDIATELY - IMMEDIATELY started cancelling days off for events (and non-events).

I always wondered how in the fuck Lori would know to cancel days off when she first became mayor. Then it dawned on me RICCIO was the boss at the time - I think he was 1st Dep. no way Lori or any new mayor could have made that decision on her own.

12/09/2023 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll never forget him crying on channel 7 when he retired. Give me a break

12/13/2023 09:13:00 AM  

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