Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Re-Instatment on Tap?

Interesting news from the CTA regarding persons fired for fighting COVID mandates:

  • Good news! Well, also not-so-good-but-good news. The CTA is offering to bring back the unvaccinated coworkers they brutally threw out on the street. Keep reading…

There are some conditions:

  • No back-pay. 
  • You keep your seniority.
  • You will have 7 days to respond to the CTA after receiving the letter. 

This was 01 January 24.

Now we go back to the FOP TGIF YouTube post from 15 December 23:

You only have to watch the first 1:50 for the mandate stuff. Essentially, the Labor Board ruling affirms the Administrative Law Judge finding that yes, the City has to abide by Contractual Rules and Police actually do have rights under the Law. This is in direct opposition to some lawyer / part-time nazi at City Hall claiming that, "Police Officers have to follow orders." (our grandfathers used to hang people like this....if they weren't lining them up against the wall....hopefully, we'll be returning to those days in the near future.)

In any event, Catanzara says there's a lawsuit (?) ongoing and it may be decided in 2024. In light of the near-1,000 retirements on tap, it might be a good idea to get these people back in uniform and trained up before the DNC. 

Who's got a good update?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the fine print. Show up, collect your back pay and benefits. Work as long as you are required to qualify for all the benefits plus few extra days or weeks, just to be sure.

Then return to the better lifestyle you are living today.

I bet any decent boss you have today will be happy to grant you a leave of absence for you to collect from Chicago.

Maybe you will get really lucky? Imagine if you encounter a discriminatory and hostile workplace environment that prevents you from continuing your CPD Career?

"I came back to help, but they demeaned me, and made my job a living nightmare!"

1/17/2024 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come back. Take the money. Take any and all benefits that you deserve.

Then show them the same loyalty they showed you. NONE!

1/17/2024 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't wild this radically liberal city still can't end this unfair labor practice(they already lost) they installed yet evenly through all departments yet? It's like the city thinks it can pick and choose who they plan to recoup losses to when they did it to every city department? How strange there isn't a reinstatement process for CPD nor CFD when they lack the numbers? Hmmm...

1/17/2024 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for those guys at CTA. Not being vaccine damaged will be better than the back pay. How about an atta boy for Fr Ralph at St Daniel the Prophet for having the moral fortitude to sign religious exemption forms. That guy is a legend.

1/17/2024 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Cat needs to make it a priority to get our OWN health care insurance so we aren’t held captive until 55.
Self-insured is done other places, and would be a Godsend for many officer stuck hanging around who have the time- and want to go.

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.
Every jurisdiction who has filed a lawsuit regarding residency have had the courts find it unconstitutional.
What is the hold-up. No negotiation. File the lawsuit and let us go.

1/17/2024 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The update is that the smart cops will be on the medical for the DNC. For what the city has done to them during the mandate.

1/17/2024 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone been to the training at McCormick ??? It’s freezing in there ! No heat & when you tell the instructor this is not human they tell you “we gotta prepare” ……. Why isn’t the union stepping in ??? Watch for lots of coppers getting sick due to the freezing conditions inside that building …..

1/17/2024 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m waiting for legal action for all the cops and city workers that were forced to get the vaccine against their will or be fired. It’s not voluntary if a threat is hanging over your head. To choose between a long career you love which provides for your family, or getting a shot you don’t want, is not an easy choice and is in no way voluntary! Lightfoot and Supt. Brown were on live TV threatening cops. I believe in one press conference Lightfoot stated while standing next to the Supt. “You must get vaccinated or you will be terminated. Don’t destroy your career for Cantanzara.” I may be off on the exact wording but we took that as a serious threat. This forced me into an earlier retirement than I planned and didn’t make it to age 55.

1/17/2024 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
J-Cat needs to make it a priority to get our OWN health care insurance so we aren’t held captive until 55.
Self-insured is done other places, and would be a Godsend for many officer stuck hanging around who have the time- and want to go.

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.
Every jurisdiction who has filed a lawsuit regarding residency have had the courts find it unconstitutional.
What is the hold-up. No negotiation. File the lawsuit and let us go.

1/17/2024 03:13:00 AM

100% agree. As our union, you need to come up with a reasonable health insurance option to get us off this without being held hostage by the city until 55. At the very least we should be eligible when we max out. It’s not fair that I have to work 33 years to get the medical insurance benefit that a guy in my academy class that came on the job later in life is already enjoying after only 20 years. You have to admit, somethings not right there.
Also, I liked the idea of phasing out residency restrictions with time on the job. Once you hit 20 years, you should be able to move out of here.

1/17/2024 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Good for those guys at CTA. Not being vaccine damaged will be better than the back pay. How about an atta boy for Fr Ralph at St Daniel the Prophet for having the moral fortitude to sign religious exemption forms. That guy is a legend.

1/17/2024 02:10:00 AM

Another reason FOP should be suing the hell out of Lightfoot. State law DOES NOT require a signature from anyone on your religious exemption. No one can attest to an individual’s faith except the individual. FOP has several ways to sue. Cops got the vaccine under threat and duress. It’s not voluntary if you can lose your job. Especially a police job. Making people get a religious persons signature makes it even harder to get an exemption. SUE HER! Anyone that got the shot needs to be compensated

1/17/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
J-Cat needs to make it a priority to get our OWN health care insurance so we aren’t held captive until 55.
Self-insured is done other places, and would be a Godsend for many officer stuck hanging around who have the time- and want to go.

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.
Every jurisdiction who has filed a lawsuit regarding residency have had the courts find it unconstitutional.
What is the hold-up. No negotiation. File the lawsuit and let us go.

1/17/2024 03:13:00 AM

It can be negotiated. Residency is entirely up to the city. State law does not force any city/town to have residency. State law only grants the authority to Chicago to have residency if they so choose. BJ and the city council could remove it if they wanted

1/17/2024 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like more tax eater quarreling over how to thief more $'s from the productive serf class. We don't need more LEO for the DNC convention, give them the lawlessness they desire.

1/17/2024 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

File the lawsuit for residency!!!

1/17/2024 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust me you guys don’t want residency lifted. Think long and hard about it. Right now your Edison Park beat down bungalow is worth 500,000 or 550,000. They lift residency it’s worth half and your new neighbors will double the crime rate. I say keep the residency requirement.

1/17/2024 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the post about the FOP putting together the medical for our membership. I think they do that in Philadelphia but I’m not 100 percent sure? If anyone out there knows please post how it works. Let this settle in guys an officer who works 20 years but is 55 years old he gets the insurance. An Officer works 30 years but is 51, 52, 53 or 54 doesn’t get the insurance. How is this even possible? We have to figure out a fair way to correct this wrong.

1/17/2024 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city spent a lot of money building the new police/ fire and no one wants to go over there because it’s in the ghetto, and yet we’re having training inside of the freezing McCormick Place. It feels like outside in there. Where is our union?

1/17/2024 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone been to the training at McCormick ??? It’s freezing in there ! No heat & when you tell the instructor this is not human they tell you “we gotta prepare” ……. Why isn’t the union stepping in ??? Watch for lots of coppers getting sick due to the freezing conditions inside that building …..

1/17/2024 07:16:00 AM

Wow, that's incredibly soft.

1/17/2024 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
J-Cat needs to make it a priority to get our OWN health care insurance so we aren’t held captive until 55.
Self-insured is done other places, and would be a Godsend for many officer stuck hanging around who have the time- and want to go.

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.
Every jurisdiction who has filed a lawsuit regarding residency have had the courts find it unconstitutional.
What is the hold-up. No negotiation. File the lawsuit and let us go.

1/17/2024 03:13:00 AM

How much do you think that'll cost? You can always get your own insurance, unless you mean you want it paid for. If that's the case, who do you expect will pick up the tab?

1/17/2024 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That and then we have this I wonder how many threats President Trump has?

Assassination attempts are on the rise worldwide — is the US next?

May Almighty God bless Trump, and have him win even with all the cheating because this country is going downhill so fast Democrats are sinking absolutely everything that was good! They’re all about abortion, transgender criminal favor. Nothing is for the people.

1/17/2024 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.) has called for Fauci to be criminally prosecuted for lying to Congress about NIH's funding of gain-of-function research

Did you ever wonder what science the six-foot social distancing rule was based on? Astonishingly, Dr. Fauci is wondering the same thing.

The six-foot rule "just sort of appeared," according to a summary of Fauci's testimony released by the select committee's chairman, Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R–Ohio).

Fauci also grudgingly acknowledged that the lab-leak theory was "not a conspiracy theory," but he continuously claimed he "didn't recall" certain information or "didn't recollect" it.

Too, LIBERTY CONSEL has a TON of information and has FOUGHT AGAINST MANDATES.

I'm retired, never LEO, nor ILLINOIS.
Never had a jab and know of others (read: IDIOTS) who have have 6, 8 booster shots and have had Covid!

FAUCI should rot in Hell. "I am science!" said he.

1/17/2024 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" (our grandfathers used to hang people like this....if they weren't lining them up against the wall....hopefully, we'll be returning to those days in the near future.)

We just may see that. Didn’t President Trump expand Gitmo during his term? Hopefully it was preparatory to military tribunals and executions of those found guilty of treason.

1/17/2024 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I know it can’t be negotiated." Why not, having a statute that contrevens a public bargining right is now against the Illinois Consitution.

1/17/2024 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The COVID mandate and portal requirement order given by the brass and refused by those still stripped highlights the field trip to the Holocaust Museum previously posted a couple days ago. I, too had to attend that trip to the museum years ago and questioned the entire day, WTF am I going here and WTF does this have to do with my job? It wasn’t til the end when the survivors spoke and told their stories did you understand what it was about. It was about not following unlawful orders given to you by Nazi superiors, just because they tell you “follow the order.” It was about having a moral compass and the courage to stand up to those in command and tell them “No” when the order is clearly unlawful and wrong. Our brass, everyone of them who gave the order and cowered to the City’s demands, failed in their leadership and lacked the courage to standby those brave members who said “No”.

1/17/2024 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funding your own health care as a union is an awesome idea, good luck on convincing the young to help the old, unless you have the smart folks to figure out a way that works for everyone working and soon to be retired. I am a suburb guy who pays 100% of my family premium $2500 a month. Put money in my 401 to cover it during 26 years. Kicks my pension payments in the ass but I do not have to work in this profession, which I did love, anymore. Even better, never have to work again. Never be rich, never be poor. Always rooting for CPD.

1/17/2024 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.
Every jurisdiction who has filed a lawsuit regarding residency have had the courts find it unconstitutional.

Just give it up already. They will NEVER get rid of residency. If you think it is a guaranteed win just go a head and pay for the lawyers and the lawsuit yourself.

1/17/2024 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.
Every jurisdiction who has filed a lawsuit regarding residency have had the courts find it unconstitutional.
What is the hold-up. No negotiation. File the lawsuit and let us go.

1/17/2024 03:13:00 AM

STFU with residency, you should of joined a suburban dept. Oh that's right if you joined a suburban dept you'd have to be clean shaven, proper uniform, follow dept guidelines and no 365 days of medical.

1/17/2024 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone been to the training at McCormick ??? It’s freezing in there ! No heat & when you tell the instructor this is not human they tell you “we gotta prepare” ……. Why isn’t the union stepping in ??? Watch for lots of coppers getting sick due to the freezing conditions inside that building …..

Hey cupcake, what’s your excuse for braving the elements in August??? Will you demand the city buy you your own migrant with a hand fan??? You accepted a job where you’ll be exposed to the elements, get used to it. If you think it will be cold, bring extra clothes. If you think it will be warm, bring fluids.

1/17/2024 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn’t the union stepping in ???

1/17/2024 07:16:00 AM

What time did you call the FOP and who did you talk to? Or were you expecting someone else to do it for you?

1/17/2024 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anyone been to the training at McCormick ??? It’s freezing in there ! No heat & when you tell the instructor this is not human they tell you “we gotta prepare” ……. Why isn’t the union stepping in ??? Watch for lots of coppers getting sick due to the freezing conditions inside that building …..

1/17/2024 07:16:00 AM

Bet you they turn the heat on for the exhibitors for trade shows and conference meetings. They probably don’t know you are there. In any case call 312 791-7000 and ask for the chief building engineer’s office and tell them to turn on the heat.

1/17/2024 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is really expected to protest at the Demented National Convention? The Proud Boys from Jan 6?

1/17/2024 03:46:00 PM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Anonymous said...
Anyone been to the training at McCormick ??? It’s freezing in there ! No heat & when you tell the instructor this is not human they tell you “we gotta prepare” ……. Why isn’t the union stepping in ??? Watch for lots of coppers getting sick due to the freezing conditions inside that building …..

1/17/2024 07:16:00 AM

Hahahaha prepare for what?????? Hit the medical or IOD and let the city burn! I will be floating in the pool drinking old fashions using some much earned IOD time.

1/17/2024 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JCat is a pud has been bought, and now owned by the city. Hold the line? How about hood deez nutz.

1/17/2024 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know of many, if any who are stripped because of covid anymore. If you’re talking about people who left the job… well, it’s exactly that.. they left. Nobody forced them to leave or retire early etc etc. if they were “afraid” they would lose their job, well.. that’s why they have a union to protect them. There is a process that they elected to not take which is the grievance procedure and unfair labor practice. The rest of us stayed and fought the city.. we didn’t quit and run home with our ball. Those of us who went all the way and stayed through this whole fight will be made whole. Those who retired or quit early to go do another job.. well, that was purely their choice. I know the city never once told me get the shot or retire. It was get the shot or face the disciplinary process which *could* include termination.. again, there is a process for that which we chose and we won. Sorry, those who fled, we don’t need you. Hope the grass is greener…

1/17/2024 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That dude and K9 has all the ammunition you need for the religious exemption argument for court. We were the redheaded stepchildren while every other city agency got theirs approved at a rate close to 70%. I guess none of the people who reviewed religious exemptions, had any kind of formal training or backgrounds which would make them qualified to make the decisions. They followed a simple made up BS template, which was shown to be completely arbitrary. I know he helped out several hundred people with this and I’m sure he would share whatever he’s got effort ever sees a court room.

1/17/2024 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The age to get free medical upon retirement was 60, for as long as I can remember. Be grateful it's 55.

The bigger problem is that the city took away the healthcare insurance for retirees. It was never free, we still had to pay $600 per month or more. But it was better than paying $1500 per month or more.

1/17/2024 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch for lots of coppers getting sick due to the freezing conditions inside that building …..

1/17/2024 07:16:00 AM

You don't get sick from being cold. You get sick from viruses and bacteria. Stop being low iq.

1/17/2024 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That dude and K9 has all the ammunition you need for the religious exemption argument for court. We were the redheaded stepchildren while every other city agency got theirs approved at a rate close to 70%. I guess none of the people who reviewed religious exemptions, had any kind of formal training or backgrounds which would make them qualified to make the decisions. They followed a simple made up BS template, which was shown to be completely arbitrary. I know he helped out several hundred people with this and I’m sure he would share whatever he’s got effort ever sees a court room.

1/17/2024 04:58:00 PM

Lightfoot disregarded state law making workers have a religious leader sign their exemptions. There is no signature required from anyone on the form. Absolute madness what that devil did to cops. She needs to be sued

1/17/2024 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
J-Cat needs to make it a priority to get our OWN health care insurance so we aren’t held captive until 55.
Self-insured is done other places, and would be a Godsend for many officer stuck hanging around who have the time- and want to go.

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.
Every jurisdiction who has filed a lawsuit regarding residency have had the courts find it unconstitutional.
What is the hold-up. No negotiation. File the lawsuit and let us go.

1/17/2024 03:13:00 AM

How much do you think that'll cost? You can always get your own insurance, unless you mean you want it paid for. If that's the case, who do you expect will pick up the tab?

1/17/2024 10:49:00 AM

Just say you’re illegally here from Venezuela and you’ll get everything for free.

1/17/2024 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.
Every jurisdiction who has filed a lawsuit regarding residency have had the courts find it unconstitutional.
What is the hold-up. No negotiation. File the lawsuit and let us go.

1/17/2024 03:13:00 AM

STFU with residency, you should of joined a suburban dept. Oh that's right if you joined a suburban dept you'd have to be clean shaven, proper uniform, follow dept guidelines and no 365 days of medical.

1/17/2024 02:31:00 PM
Your exactly correct, i know a copper who went to Naples Florida, gave the old "f88k this city," now is begging to come back on CPD! He said pay was less, accountability every minute your movements are watched, you have to actually work, lunch and break are on time, none of the "boss my kids playing baseball could I drive over and watch." 10 medical days a year, right to work state! If you want to leave stop crying like a little girl gtfo, goodbye your constant moaning is making people nauseous! Oh and residency is not going anywhere you took the job knowing this. Now get back to mom's warm basement, get those star war jammies on, mom is making hot chocolate,and you can watch superman before bed!

1/17/2024 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did someone really say it’s been 60 years old for the insurance as long as they can remember? Man you must be a dinosaur because it’s been 55 for like 15 or 20 years. If anyone knows the year they changed it please chime in. Come on man, to make it reasonable it should be 55 years old or if you’re maxed out with 29 years on. Sounds reasonable to me. If anyone disagrees please say why. I know everyone thinks differently on the subject and I’d like to hear more about the topic.

1/17/2024 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don’t know of many, if any who are stripped because of covid anymore. If you’re talking about people who left the job… well, it’s exactly that.. they left. Nobody forced them to leave or retire early etc etc. if they were “afraid” they would lose their job, well.. that’s why they have a union to protect them. There is a process that they elected to not take which is the grievance procedure and unfair labor practice. The rest of us stayed and fought the city.. we didn’t quit and run home with our ball. Those of us who went all the way and stayed through this whole fight will be made whole. Those who retired or quit early to go do another job.. well, that was purely their choice. I know the city never once told me get the shot or retire. It was get the shot or face the disciplinary process which *could* include termination.. again, there is a process for that which we chose and we won. Sorry, those who fled, we don’t need you. Hope the grass is greener…

1/17/2024 04:56:00 PM

Officers like you are a POS and why we don’t buy your 10-1 benefit ticket when the city pulls a fast one on you. The same officer who only gives a shit about themselves when THIS shit is relevant to them and they have to make life changing decisions will start singing a different tune. No one is made whole yet you inbred sandwich, do you even ask questions or attend meetings? Just like you, everyone didn’t give a shit once the camera and spotlight left COVID. So do us a favor, retire and die alone because you sound like a officer who doesn’t give nor have given a shit to begin with if it wasn’t concerning to you.

1/17/2024 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I heard the five-year wonder instructors make you wear the helmet for eight hours so many people are going to have jacked up discs in their neck that they're all gonna hit the medical in August.

1/17/2024 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fop couldn't even run the yearly bbq without people stealing from it. But you think they can run a healthcare system? It would go bankrupt from all of catanzra fake injuries. Had more time on medical then on the street

1/17/2024 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My medical exemptipn was denied. They never ruled on my religious exemption. I had to retire or lose my pension. From CDOT. All those AME and southern Baptist exemptions from the 8th and 34th wards went through tho.

1/17/2024 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust me you guys don’t want residency lifted. Think long and hard about it. Right now your Edison Park beat down bungalow is worth 500,000 or 550,000. They lift residency it’s worth half and your new neighbors will double the crime rate. I say keep the residency requirement.


That's just not true and literally an FOP/ City position to state that since it's clear neither the fop or the city want us to leave since the city for obvious reasons but more so the fop since they think it's a "bargaining chip" they can play when they want to pretend to get their way. First off the price of your homes out there are going to stay the same if not go higher since supply and demand issues regardless of residency here or not have never been so high on demand. Secondly there are tons of people living in condos that work downtown that I'm sure would buy up NWS property the moment it was available so don't give me the "ohh no the scary ghetto guys are you're new neighbors" bs. Thirdly I think it is time that we do sue to get this precednet set since BJ and his CTU clowns can have the city - but we don't need to live here to put our families through the show as well.

A major stressor for POs (Cost of living expenses, public schools cost / reward, and safety) all would be relieved if given the opportunity to move out and find a piece of the American dream (if it still exists in Illinois).

1/17/2024 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know of many, if any who are stripped because of covid anymore. If you’re talking about people who left the job… well, it’s exactly that.. they left. Nobody forced them to leave or retire early etc etc. if they were “afraid” they would lose their job, well.. that’s why they have a union to protect them. There is a process that they elected to not take which is the grievance procedure and unfair labor practice. The rest of us stayed and fought the city.. we didn’t quit and run home with our ball. Those of us who went all the way and stayed through this whole fight will be made whole. Those who retired or quit early to go do another job.. well, that was purely their choice. I know the city never once told me get the shot or retire. It was get the shot or face the disciplinary process which *could* include termination.. again, there is a process for that which we chose and we won. Sorry, those who fled, we don’t need you. Hope the grass is greener…

Then you’ve never actually stepped foot inside Lexington.
There are 20 officers currently still stripped at callback, stripped going on 2+ years now.

1/17/2024 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Cat needs to make it a priority to get our OWN health care insurance so we aren’t held captive until 55.

Also, file the lawsuit for residency.
I know it can’t be negotiated.

About 20 years ago the FOP floated the idea of getting our own health care insurance. Said the idea scared the city. I imagine that health care is a cash cow for the city.But FOP folded.

Suing for residency is a waste of time and money. It was an openly publicized pre-existing condition of employment that you agreed to. It being ruled unconstitutional in other states doesn't mean anything in Illinois.

1/17/2024 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a union. ? Where. ?

1/18/2024 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I’m waiting for legal action for all the cops and city workers that were forced to get the vaccine against their will or be fired. It’s not voluntary if a threat is hanging over your head. To choose between a long career you love which provides for your family, or getting a shot you don’t want, is not an easy choice and is in no way voluntary! Lightfoot and Supt. Brown were on live TV threatening cops. I believe in one press conference Lightfoot stated while standing next to the Supt. “You must get vaccinated or you will be terminated. Don’t destroy your career for Cantanzara.” I may be off on the exact wording but we took that as a serious threat. This forced me into an earlier retirement than I planned and didn’t make it to age 55.

1/17/2024 08:55:00 AM"

And you didn't file for a religious exemption? If you did and it was denied that is against the law and a lawsuit should have been filed. If you didn't file for one then shame on you for leaving without fighting.

1/18/2024 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"100% agree. As our union, you need to come up with a reasonable health insurance option to get us off this without being held hostage by the city until 55. At the very least we should be eligible when we max out. It’s not fair that I have to work 33 years to get the medical insurance benefit that a guy in my academy class that came on the job later in life is already enjoying after only 20 years. You have to admit, somethings not right there.
Also, I liked the idea of phasing out residency restrictions with time on the job. Once you hit 20 years, you should be able to move out of here.

1/17/2024 08:55:00 AM"

There's that "fair" word again. Listen Buttercup, life isn't fair. You chose to come on the job at age 22, that was your decision. Now chin up and do your time!

1/18/2024 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Another reason FOP should be suing the hell out of Lightfoot. State law DOES NOT require a signature from anyone on your religious exemption. No one can attest to an individual’s faith except the individual. FOP has several ways to sue. Cops got the vaccine under threat and duress. It’s not voluntary if you can lose your job. Especially a police job. Making people get a religious persons signature makes it even harder to get an exemption. SUE HER! Anyone that got the shot needs to be compensated

1/17/2024 09:01:00 AM"

Lawsuits would be filed by an affected individual and then joined by others via a "class action" lawsuit. Fairly certain the FOP isn't going to be filing that on behalf of individual officers.

And by the way, there is nothing stopping an affected officer from filing that lawsuit. To date I haven't heard of one.

1/18/2024 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You worry about residency? How many live in the city and can’t get to work on time now?

1/18/2024 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I just read the post about the FOP putting together the medical for our membership. I think they do that in Philadelphia but I’m not 100 percent sure? If anyone out there knows please post how it works. Let this settle in guys an officer who works 20 years but is 55 years old he gets the insurance. An Officer works 30 years but is 51, 52, 53 or 54 doesn’t get the insurance. How is this even possible? We have to figure out a fair way to correct this wrong.

1/17/2024 10:23:00 AM"

I'll say this, you are persistent with this. By the time this "issue" is even addressed, if it is at all, you'll be 55. Only 4 more years to go for you.

Better hope the city and FOP don't agree to change it to 57 by the time you get there! Who knows, the city may decide to rescind the existing offer by then.

1/18/2024 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We just may see that. Didn’t President Trump expand Gitmo during his term? Hopefully it was preparatory to military tribunals and executions of those found guilty of treason.

1/17/2024 11:40:00 AM"

Yes, yes he did. BIGLY!

1/18/2024 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The COVID mandate and portal requirement order given by the brass and refused by those still stripped highlights the field trip to the Holocaust Museum previously posted a couple days ago. I, too had to attend that trip to the museum years ago and questioned the entire day, WTF am I going here and WTF does this have to do with my job? It wasn’t til the end when the survivors spoke and told their stories did you understand what it was about. It was about not following unlawful orders given to you by Nazi superiors, just because they tell you “follow the order.” It was about having a moral compass and the courage to stand up to those in command and tell them “No” when the order is clearly unlawful and wrong. Our brass, everyone of them who gave the order and cowered to the City’s demands, failed in their leadership and lacked the courage to standby those brave members who said “No”.

1/17/2024 12:22:00 PM

Moral compass??? The Holocaust Museum was requiring people to show their (vaccination) papers for entry!

Look up Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav, and see what she has to say about her experiences and today's world.

1/18/2024 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the guys saying “give it up already on the residency”
“Wisconsin Supreme Court Holds that Milwaukee Cannot Enforce City Employee Residency Requirements”

“ PA Supreme Court Rules Pittsburgh Police Can Live Outside The City”

All you goofballs screaming “BuT mY oVeRpRiCeD bUnGaLoW wIlL bE wOrThLeSs” need to take a deep breath, think rationally, and try to understand why every single case involving residency that goes through the courts finds it unconstitutional.

It’s not rocket science, the playbook is already out there.
FOP needs to file the suit and get it over with.
The “but we’ve always done it this way” excuse is played out.

1/18/2024 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s tenth one officers who followed the advice of the Fop leaders aka the “Police Board regulars !” What a joke they advise people to “ hold the line “ and lose everything and then state “ hey it was your choice !” What a joke ! Can u imagine telling cops to purposely disobey direct orders . Take advice from guys who can’t stay aaay from the Police Board . Good luck !

1/18/2024 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP Lodge #5 in Philadelphia has the L.E.H.B. program.
Law Enforcement Health Benefit

Maybe Lodge #7 here can talk to Lodge #5 in Philly and figure out how to care for the members without waiting for the city.
As if the city has our best interest in mind regarding health care.

And while they have Philly on the horn, maybe they can ask about that RESIDENCY case that made its way through to the PA Supreme Court- who did the right thing. ; )

1/18/2024 03:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the “MORONS “ who believed JRat we can’t help you . They wanted your information and to agree to testing that’s it ! There was never any talk about being ordered to get a shot ! The FopCon crew made a bad situation worse , encouraging cops to leave , to disobey orders and ultimately put these cops in line to get fired . Your Union is supposed to protect you and give you sound legal advice . The “ Voice Team “ has numerous members who went to the Police Board and should have been fired ! Why are they giving anyone advice on anything ? Just remember Hitler had his followers also !

1/18/2024 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of reinstatement, if the dispatchers who are about to get fired pay the loans back, then will they get reinstated or not terminated? I am asking for a friend.

1/18/2024 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the only reasons that the dispatchers who are about to get fired are being kept on the job because there is not enough manpower, then does that make the dispatchers complete tools since they will get canned as soon as there is enough coverage?

I am asking for a friend.

1/18/2024 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did someone really say it’s been 60 years old for the insurance as long as they can remember? Man you must be a dinosaur because it’s been 55 for like 15 or 20 years. If anyone knows the year they changed it please chime in. Come on man, to make it reasonable it should be 55 years old or if you’re maxed out with 29 years on. Sounds reasonable to me. If anyone disagrees please say why. I know everyone thinks differently on the subject and I’d like to hear more about the topic.

We know it's been 55 and out for free healthcare since 2010. Prior to that it was always 60. Which is why officers retired with 35-40 years on. And very low pensions.

Yea yea yea I know times are different today. God bless you get more than us old dinosaurs. Just give us a break and be appreciative for what you do have.

1/18/2024 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Anonymous said...
To the “MORONS “ who believed JRat we can’t help you . They wanted your information and to agree to testing that’s it ! There was never any talk about being ordered to get a shot ! The FopCon crew made a bad situation worse , encouraging cops to leave , to disobey orders and ultimately put these cops in line to get fired . Your Union is supposed to protect you and give you sound legal advice . The “ Voice Team “ has numerous members who went to the Police Board and should have been fired ! Why are they giving anyone advice on anything ? Just remember Hitler had his followers also !

1/18/2024 04:17:00 AM”

Half truths in that post. The FOP took the stance that disobeying the portal issue was the preliminary step that could take the whole matter to Chancery Court, and it did. Once the case was assigned to court the FOP advised all those who disobeyed the portal order to go back to work.

A small handful of members were insistent and flat out defiant at that point of the departments and city’s mandate and refused to go back to work. The FOP did not advise them to stay out, but said it ultimately was each members choice.

How do I know that? Because I was one of the officers stripped and participated in numerous Zoom meetings where this was discussed by Cantazara and those in the group who were stripped. Anyone who stayed out did so of their own accord. Anyone who didn’t take that window of time to file for a religious exemption also did so by choice.

So enough of the half truths already. We get it, you have an axe to grind with Cantazara and the FOP.

1/18/2024 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone been to the training at McCormick ??? It’s freezing in there ! No heat & when you tell the instructor this is not human they tell you “we gotta prepare” ……. Why isn’t the union stepping in ??? Watch for lots of coppers getting sick due to the freezing conditions inside that building …..
It was discussed at the FOP meeting yesterday. Ask you Rep.

1/18/2024 09:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

To all the guys saying “give it up already on the residency”
“Wisconsin Supreme Court Holds that Milwaukee Cannot Enforce City Employee Residency Requirements”

“ PA Supreme Court Rules Pittsburgh Police Can Live Outside The City”

All you goofballs screaming “BuT mY oVeRpRiCeD bUnGaLoW wIlL bE wOrThLeSs” need to take a deep breath, think rationally, and try to understand why every single case involving residency that goes through the courts finds it unconstitutional.

It’s not rocket science, the playbook is already out there.
FOP needs to file the suit and get it over with.
The “but we’ve always done it this way” excuse is played out.

1/18/2024 03:07:00 AM
Not a single jurisdiction that has had residency removed has maintained a medical or leave system that compares to ours. Take a look at the 10-1 benefit for the suburban officer tonight. He gets 12 days a year plus elective time. That's your trade off.

1/19/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you were given a direct order and you refused you were made to give all your credentials up and then sent to an exempt rank member who directed you once again to enter the info into the portal . Once you did that a CR number was initiated for “ failure to comply with a direct order !” I all they wanted was the information if you had the shot or were willing to go for testing . Catanzara did a video and “ said I don’t care if Superintendent Brown tells give you a direct order do not comply ! You’re allowing field reps who themselves are not forced to comply to tell you what to do . Think about it who is advising you ? These guys were regulars at the Police Board . President ( 4 times ), 1st Vp (2) , and 3rd Vp (1) . Cops have been sitting at callback for two years losing pay and not able to work overtime . Like the one who listened to John , I can’t help stupid it thanks for holding the line !

1/19/2024 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/18/2024 03:07:00 AM
Not a single jurisdiction that has had residency removed has maintained a medical or leave system that compares to ours. Take a look at the 10-1 benefit for the suburban officer tonight. He gets 12 days a year plus elective time. That's your trade off.

Not sure if you’re aware of this- but residency and medical aren’t a package deal lol
A lawsuit for residency (which would win in court), would be about the issue of residency. Period.
You think the residency lawsuit goes to trial and the judge says “naaaaaah, nevermind the issue at hand. You guys have a good medical policy. Dismissed”
If the city wants to come after the medical, let them come after it.
But guys like you who take that cheese in exchange for something else are a part of the problem.

And not to be a dick, I hope the guy is ok.
But as for the suburban copper- aren’t you guys saying “if you want to live wherever, go work for the suburbs”.
Seems the shoe is on the other foot. If that guy wanted medical he should’ve came on CPD. Or is that argument only a 1-way street in your opinion?


1/20/2024 12:55:00 AM  

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